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Free registration VKontakte. Register VKontakte a new page

Vkontakte is the largest social network on the Russian Internet, where many people from all over the world are registered and communicate. Here you can search and make friends, write messages to friends and classmates and just have fun and enjoy your free time. But in order to get started chatting, you need to create your own account. And for this you need to visit the start section of the Vkontakte site - welcome (my page) and go through a short registration procedure. This process does not contain any difficulties and requires a minimum of effort and time. The user will only need a little attention and a phone to which an SMS message will come.

To log in to the site and find friends, you need to create your own profile. Registration does not take much time and will require the following steps:

This completes the registration process and the user will have to look for friends, subscribe to news, join groups and lead an active social life.

Login to VK welcome through a computer: by login and password

If an account has already been created, then getting to the full version of the site will not be difficult. To do this, you need to perform only two actions:

  1. first you need to go to the start page of the social network;
  2. then you will have to enter your username and password and confirm the actions.

If both combinations are entered correctly, the user will see a news feed and a menu for moving to various sections. This menu can be customized by the page owner and contains a lot of different items. To add a new section or delete an existing one, just enter the settings and make the necessary changes. There is also a function to change the old and unreliable password.

Login Vkontakte welcome: without login and code

Those who do not want to spend time constantly entering code combinations should save the necessary data in the browser. Then the authorization process will take place in 2-3 clicks: the user will have to click the nickname field and select the appropriate one from the proposed options. After that, it remains to click "login".

There is no way to get to the site without a login and a code at all. Without them, even registration is impossible.

mobile version

It has a social network and a mobile version. Here, the start page of - welcome to Vkontakte (my page) practically does not differ from the full version of the site. To log in, registered users will have to enter already familiar and familiar combinations.

It will be possible to open your own profile only through a number and password, the developers did not provide other options.

Not inferior to the usual, computer version and the interface of the mobile application. Here users are also able to join groups, write messages, view and comment on news. The only requirement necessary to perform the above actions is the presence of the Internet.

Password recovery

Despite the importance of secret combinations, many people forget the correct codes and have difficulty accessing the social network. Especially for them, on the main page there is a link "forgot your password?", which allows you to go to a special access recovery section.

To regain lost control over your page and get back to the Russian version of the site, you will need:

  1. follow the link to restore access;
  2. enter the username and phone number to which the page is linked;
  3. follow the instructions of the system.

Important: if the required phone is not available, you will have to use another one. But you need to make sure that it is not associated with someone else's page.

Create an account in VK

Modern social networks have long ceased to be just a place to meet and communicate. They have become universal portals where you can watch movies, listen to music, learn news and receive important information. Therefore, almost every person has his own Vkontakte page.

To get into VK through a computer, you must go through a short registration procedure. It will require a phone and time.

When all the required information is entered, and the account is created, it will remain to log in using the previously selected password.

But it is important to avoid scammers who create their sites similar to VKontakte. Before entering secret combinations, it is worth checking the name of the portal in the address bar of the browser.

VKontakte is one of the world's largest social networks that allows you to exchange text, video and audio messages, post information and even make phone calls. You can start using VK services completely free of charge and right now - just register. How to create a VKontakte account - let's try to figure it out.

How to register VKontakte for free?

Registration in VK is carried out via the Internet. All the user needs is a laptop or smartphone, a stable connection and a valid number of any mobile operator. In the future, in order to verify the account, you will need to present a passport or other identity document; At the initial stage, there is no need for paperwork.

Advice: before you start registering, it is recommended to prepare everything you need in advance - then it will take no more than 5-10 minutes to create an account. The user will be able to start working on the social network immediately after registration - there are no time limits for VKontakte.

To register a profile in VK, you need:

  • Go to the main page of the site using the link -, find the "Instant registration" box at the bottom right and enter your last name, first name and date of birth in it. As before, it will be possible to create a VKontakte account without providing real data; for security purposes, it is even recommended - unless the user plans to start a verified page. Next - use the green button "Continue registration".
  • On the next page, select the code of your mobile operator in the upper drop-down list (usually it is set by default depending on the location), in the field below - enter the phone number already without the code and by checking the box confirming that the VK user who intends to register is familiar with the rules and site's privacy policy, click on the "Get Code" button.

  • Wait until an SMS with a one-time code is sent to the specified number, and correctly enter the sequence of numbers in the confirmation field that appears on the same page, and then click on the "Send code" button.

  • If the code has not arrived, which happens quite rarely, you can request a resend from VKontakte by clicking on the "I did not receive the code" link. In this case, the system will send the same set of five digits to the user who wants to register the page.

  • At the same time, the visitor will be offered to use another convenient VKontakte option - the ability to order a call to the previously specified phone number. The signal will be reset, and the future account holder will need to enter the last four digits of the incoming number in the new field. The service is absolutely free; to agree to it, just click on the "Yes, make a call" button.

  • After receiving a one-time code, it remains to come up with a password (if possible long and complex), enter it in the new field that opens and click the "Enter the site" button. The VK system itself allows the use of the Latin alphabet, numbers and some special characters; in addition, the resistance of the combination to breaking is estimated.

  • If everything is done correctly, the user will see a message about successful registration. Now he can either continue the process by filling in a few more fields, or go straight to his page.

  • In order not to waste time in the future, it is recommended that the account owner, by clicking on the "Continue" button, indicate the country and city of residence.

  • Next - the place of study, specialization and year of graduation.

  • Finally, to provide additional security for your account, it does not hurt to attach an email address to the page.

  • So, registering in VK is easy. The new VKontakte page will be completely empty: how long it will take to design it depends only on the owner's imagination.

Important: it is no longer possible to register a profile in VK via Facebook - but the user can import his list of friends from this social network, as well as from Odnoklassniki and Twitter, simply by clicking on the button.

How to register VKontakte without a phone number?

It will not work to register a VKontakte page without a phone at all: in any case, the system will require a number to which it will either send a message or call. A user seeking maximum anonymity can use one of the Internet servers that allows you to temporarily or permanently use a "third-party" number.

The best online service of its kind today is Textfree from the developer Pinger. It's easy to use, reliable, and, unlike most of its peers, it's free. Interruptions in work, however, are not excluded, but after several attempts, the user will be able to register in any case: you just need to show a little patience and not give up at the first failure.

To create a VK account using the Textfree service instead of a real phone number, you need to:

  • Go to the main page of the site using the link and call the pop-up side menu by clicking on the button located at the top right.

  • Find the item "Textfree" in the list and select it with a mouse click.

  • If it is not possible to log into the system through the indicated social networks, you should put up with the need for registration. The future owner of the account needs to come up with a username and password (the latter is entered twice), indicate the email address, age, gender, and at the end - go through "protection from robots" by solving a simple rebus. Next, click on the “Sign In” button.

  • The next step is to select a dialing code. Textfree offers the US and Canadian numbers to the user, which means that the first three digits must comply with the standards adopted in these countries.

  • The visitor will be offered a choice of several free rooms. By clicking on any of them, and then on the button at the bottom of the page, a person who wants to start a VKontakte page will proceed to the final stage of creating an account.

  • Now you need to confirm the entrance to your personal account using one of the methods offered by the system: by entering a cell number, logging in through Google or Facebook.

  • In the upper right corner of the new page, the user will see their current phone number. It can be copied and pasted in the VK registration window.

  • To access the settings of your personal account, you should call the pop-up menu next to the number.

  • In the window that opens, the profile owner can link an email address, specify their first and last name, and perform a number of additional manipulations.

  • To update the number, you need to reload the page. To register VKontakte, just paste the copied phone in the appropriate field and act according to the previously given algorithm.

  • If at first the VK system will offer a phone call to the visitor who wants to register the page, you should wait until it becomes possible to request an SMS and select this option.

Important: other, very good, but already paid services are and domestic The cost of using the services - from a few rubles to several tens of euros. If all the user needs is to register a VKontakte page, the cheapest option offered by the second site will suffice.

How to register VKontakte via email?

Until the end of 2011, it was possible to register in VK without a phone number, using your virtual postal address. This option, which was certainly useful and made life easier for new users, was removed as creating a security risk for accounts. It is no longer possible to create a page this way- a beginner will either have to indicate a real cell number, or use one of the services listed above, or take care of acquiring a new SIM card in an unofficial way. Any option will do.

Summing up

You can register in VK by going to the main page of the social network, indicating the name, surname and cell number. The last one will receive an SMS with a one-time code - without it, the creation of the page will not be completed. A user who does not feel like telling the system his real phone number can use one of the special online services; registration by e-mail address is currently not possible.


How to register on the VKontakte website

Registration on VKontakte is free and is located on the main page -

When registering a new page, you must specify a phone number. It is important to keep in mind that the number cannot be linked to two pages at once, so to create a new account you need to find a completely new and free phone number.

VKontakte (VK) - Registration:

Step 1. Instant registration VKontakte

Fill out the registration form on the main page:
- indicate in the form - your name, your surname; Date of birth - Day / Month / Year;

“Filled date of birth VKontakte” will make it easier for friends to find you, as well as select interesting materials for you. You can always set the visibility of your date of birth in the profile edit.

Click the "Continue registration" button.

Step-2. Vkontakte registration confirmation

To protect your page, you must specify your mobile phone (a free message with a code will be sent to it).
- select country: Russia (+7)
- enter your mobile phone number: (example for Russia: +7 921 0000000)

Your number is not displayed anywhere and is used only to enter the site. The whole procedure is free!

Confirm that you have read the rules, privacy policy and accept their terms.
- click the "Get code" button.

Step-3. Completion of registration VKontakte

Enter the code on the page (received in sms to the specified number) and follow the simple step-by-step instructions;

Think up and enter a password to enter your new page, save it in a safe place and click on the "Login to the site" button.

All is ready! You are registered on VKontakte!

You can also register using your Google or Facebook account:
- on the mobile version of the site, click on the "Login with Google" or "Login with Facebook" button and follow the simple step-by-step instructions (the google and facebook account must be linked to a mobile phone number);
- go to the VK profile settings and enter reliable personal information. How to register in VK without a phone number? - Read (login required)

How to find out the registration date of a VKontakte profile?

Especially for such cases, craftsmen have created an application that will help you find out how many days you are on VKontakte.

You can register a new Vkontakte page at:

We enter our data: First name, Last name and click on “Register”.

Step 1. Here you can enter the school you attended. We select the country, city, school number, year of graduation and indicate the class. A little lower you can add your classmates as friends, when friends are added, click on the “Go to the next step” button.

Step 2. Search for classmates. We indicate the name of your university, year of graduation, other data and proceed to the final step of registration.

Step 3. Page creation. Without specifying a mobile phone number, registration on VKontakte is not possible. Enter the phone number data in the form and click on the “Get code” button. After a while, a five-digit confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Which you need to enter in the form and click on the "Submit Code" button.


If you don't want to provide school and university details, use the "Skip this step" link.

If you cannot come up with a strong password, when registering, pay attention to the hint “Password example”.

With the help of this instruction, you will learn all the stages of registration in the social network

Registering a mailbox

To register VKontakte, we need an e-mail, there are many services where you can register a postal address on the Internet for free. The most famous postal services in Russia are:

After registering a mailbox in one of the above Internet services, we proceed directly to the very registration of an account on

Vkontakte registration

To register a new account, you need to go to the main page of

The very first page of VKontakte entrance And registration produced on it.


Next, click “register”, enter the code from the picture that appears, and fill in our profile with data, upload your photo. After successful registration, a message will appear stating that an email has been sent to the specified e-mail to confirm registration.

Next, go to your mailbox, find a letter from “VKontakte”, open it and activate your account using the link provided. This link will automatically redirect you to your profile In contact with

All registration is over, now you can start filling in personal data.

Registration on is free. If your account receives various messages, supposedly from the administration, with offers to pay for registration, you should know that these are scammers.

Alas, “VKontakte” has been subjected to the dominance of scammers who strive to extract a penny from gullible citizens by offering them paid registration in this social network.

It is important to know that such a procedure has always been and remains free.

Until 2012, it was possible to register on VKontakte for free and without an invitation by specifying your e-mail. Now you can not do without a phone number.

Of course, there is a way not to indicate the real mobile phone number, but we will talk about this later.

7 steps to register on VKontakte with a mobile phone

1) Go to the official website

Rice. 1 Official site VKontakte

2) To the right of the block for entering registered users there is a section “Instant Registration” with two input fields:

  • Your name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Your last name (2 in Fig. 2).

Enter your data in them and click on the blue button “Register” (3 in Fig. 1).

3) On the opened page “Registration Confirmation” in the “Country” field (if you have such a field), select your country from the list.

Enter the numbers of your number in the “Mobile phone” field (1 in Fig. 2, there is no “Country” field):

Rice. 2 Registration VKontakte for free with a mobile phone, without an invitation

4) Within no more than 5 minutes (with rare exceptions), an SMS with a five-digit code will be sent to the specified phone number (1 in Fig. 2), which must be entered in the “Confirmation Code” column that appears.

5) Now, under the specified field, another field should appear with the inscription “Password”. In it, enter the desired password for subsequent login to the social network. It is worth abandoning standard passwords (passwords) like your date of birth or your name. For your own safety, it is better if it is a combination of letters and numbers.

When the characters you entered make up a strong password, a green line and the “Login to the site” button will appear under the corresponding field, and press it.

It is advisable to write down the password and login to enter the site in a notebook or somewhere else: everything that is not written down is forgotten and often no longer remembered.

6) After entering the social network, you will be prompted to enter additional. information about yourself:

7) After filling in the indicated pages, click the “Go to my page” rectangle.

Registration is over, feel free to add, fill out a questionnaire about hobbies and preferences - and chat with friends and acquaintances. An avatar is added and the questionnaire is filled out if desired, in order to have “your own face” in the social network.

Please note: if you don’t have time to immediately fill in the fields of the questionnaire about the school, university and other accounts, then just click “Go to the next step”, and you will return to entering data in the indicated columns next time.

Registration without a phone number

Now about how to register a new VKontakte page for yourself without specifying a real mobile phone number and without sms. There are three effective ways.

1 landline telephone

This method is suitable for anyone who has a landline phone at home.

  • When registering, at the step of specifying the mobile in the field, enter the numbers of the city number in the eleven-digit format.
  • Click the "Let the robot call" button.
  • Within a minute, your home phone will receive a call.
  • And the robot will pronounce the code in a clear voice, and you enter it in the appropriate column on the website.

Please note that this method is perfect for those who need to have several accounts on the blue social network at once, since an unlimited number of users can be registered on one landline phone.

2 Virtual mobile number

For this method, you will need a free email address in order to register on the website (or any other resource that provides virtual mobile number services for receiving SMS).

1) Go to and click “Textfree web” at the top right (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 site - virtual mobile number services

2) On the opened page, click “SIGN UP”. A window will open (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Register on to get a virtual mobile number

3) Complete the registration procedure by entering standard data:

if you have accounts in these services.

4) In the window that opens, you will be asked to select a virtual mobile number, after which you should click “Confirm”.

7) Paste the number (using the Ctrl + V keys) into the appropriate field on the VKontakte registration page (Fig. 2).

8) Return to the tab in which the pinger site is open and wait for SMS online in this window.

3 For overseas users

This option is suitable for those who have a Facebook account. But it is available only for those who are not in the CIS country. Therefore, first you should install an IP anonymizer on your computer and run it so that VKontakte thinks that you are from another country (USA, for example).