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How to turn on vibration on your iPhone. Doesn't vibrate work on your iPhone? Let's try to fix it! Where and how vibration is turned on and off

Once our site already talked about how on Android devices. In principle, this instruction could be used for iOS, but there is a difference between the two operating systems. That's why we decided to write a separate article.

First, find the Settings app on your desktop and open it.

Then select the "Sounds" section.

A small menu will open in front of you. At the top of it you will see two items: “During a call” and “In silent mode”. Move both toggle switches to the Off position. In this case, vibration will no longer be used both during calls and when the smartphone is in silent mode.

iOS has a so-called silent mode, which uses vibration by default. We described above how to disable it. The silent mode itself can be turned off with a separate switch, which is located on the case next to the sound control buttons.

After moving the switch to the Off position, calls will ring a melody rather than vibrate. However, this can be changed using the settings if you use the instructions above.

What should you do in cases where you can’t unmute your phone, but you can’t miss an important call? A vibration alert comes to the rescue. We are talking about silent mode, which is simply irreplaceable at important meetings, negotiations, sessions, in the theater, cinema, etc. There are a variety of situations in life when people are busy. In order not to turn off the phone at all, you can turn on a low volume or (even better) turn on vibration instead of sound. This allows you to be aware that there are incoming calls, without the need to alarm or disturb strangers.

Many people are interested in how to adjust or remove some vibration effect. Let's consider the main cases when expert advice may be required. This is especially true if we are talking about using vibration on the iPhone.

When receiving text notifications or incoming calls, vibration in the iPhone may not suit users. Therefore, information on how to change vibration on iPhone 4, 5s will not be superfluous.

Let's say your smartphone is lying on some hard surface (on a table, for example). When a call comes in or a message arrives, it vibrates, creating thunderous sounds. It’s hard not to hear them, and therefore both you and the people around you can be distracted by them. Fortunately, Apple developers included a function to turn vibration on/off in the gadget; they placed a parameter in the smartphone settings that is responsible for vibration. All that's left for you to do is use it.

What to do with vibration on iPhone?

Different life situations require a different approach to controlling such a gadget as the iPhone 5. There are quite specific settings that are responsible for vibration. Not everyone can figure them out on their own, which is why users often enter the query “how to remove vibration” into search engines. Let's look at different cases in which it makes sense to turn vibration on or off:

  1. During calls and messages (SMS). Turning off the vibration mode is done as follows: open “Settings”, click on “Sounds” and by clicking “During a call” you get rid of any sounds. That's it: your “disabled” iPhone 4 or 5 will no longer shake when making a call. To configure this option for messages, you will first have to put the gadget on silent mode, and then open “Settings”, find “Sounds” there and click on the “In silent mode” button. This is how your incoming SMS will stop annoying you with vibration. It is important to emphasize that the presented parameter is controlled only by these 2 parameters. By manipulating them, you can easily and quickly adjust the desired volume and re-enable the vibration mode.
  2. On the alarm clock. Sometimes one sound notification is not enough for a cheerful rise. Therefore, many people want to supplement it with vibration (that is, let’s say an alarm goes off, and you want to not only hear the melody, but also feel the vibration). But on iPhones there is no such function in the settings. So all you have to do is experiment with sound. Or, as an option, you can download a “blank” ringtone to your phone and set it as an alarm clock. When you decide to remove vibration completely, use the advice presented in point No. 1 (dig into silent mode).
  3. In VK (Vkontakte) on iPhone. As soon as you log onto this social network, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances/strangers begin endlessly writing different messages. This happens all the time. Voice-over of incoming messages can wake up those sleeping nearby. It is unlikely that you will look attractive if you disturb a person’s long, uninterrupted sleep. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to make sure that the vibration is turned off in the evening. Go to the VK application, look for “Notifications” in the left menu and select “Vibration”. Such manipulations allow you to deactivate the sound when you are on the site, but as soon as you exit the application, notifications will again remind you of your arrival by vibrating. In this case, it is better to use another method: when the “Sounds” option is selected in “Phone Settings”, and “Silent mode” is already selected in it. It's simple. Just remember that both your SMS and calls will sound without vibration.
  4. In Viber. To turn off rattling in this application, we suggest using the general advice on turning off vibration, voiced in the paragraph about VK, because Viber does not have a separate parameter in the settings that allows you to make a change - turn off vibration.

Don't like that your iPhone vibrates every time there's a new message in your email? Frankly speaking, few people like this. Most users disable this feature almost immediately after purchasing a new smartphone. If you also want to do this, but don’t know how, then this instruction is for you.

There are two ways to turn off vibration. If you have several accounts, then you can turn off vibration for each one separately (or leave it for one of them), or in one action prevent the phone from vibrating, regardless of which account the letter was sent to. If you only use one account, then both methods will also work.

How to completely turn off vibration

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select a tab Sounds, tactile signals.
  3. Scroll down a little and click on New mail.
  4. Select an item Vibration.
  5. Not selected.

Thanks to this method, your iPhone will no longer vibrate when you receive incoming emails, regardless of your account.

How to turn off vibration for individual accounts

Follow this method if you want to selectively turn off vibration for incoming mail on one or more accounts. Thanks to this, you can, for example, turn off vibration on your personal email, but leave it on for your work account, so as not to miss an important email.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Press Notifications.
  3. Scroll down and select an application Mail.
  4. From the list of accounts, select the one for which you want to turn off vibration.
  5. Click on the tab Sounds at the very top.
  6. Scroll up and tap on the item Vibration.
  7. Scroll down and click on Not selected.

The described steps can be repeated for the number of accounts you need. For all other accounts, the vibration selected in the settings item will be used Sounds, tactile signals.

Hi all! I won’t start the article by describing how important a vibration alert is and that any iPhone owner can’t live without it. Although it would be possible - after all, this is a fairly common practice on these Internets of yours. For example, to a simple question “why did the vibration alarm break?”, some authors begin the answer almost with the history of the emergence and appearance of the vibration motor. I've seen such informative instructions...

I didn’t mean to, but I got distracted anyway. Okay, let's move on to the main problem - what to do if vibration in the iPhone does not work and is it possible to fix all this yourself without resorting to the services of a service center? Looking ahead, I’ll note that in some cases it’s still possible. This is what we will talk about today. Let's go!

So, there are three reasons why your iPhone does not vibrate:

  1. Software glitches and settings.
  2. “Sticking” of the vibration motor.
  3. Vibration failure

Vibration does not work - check iOS settings

Yes, yes, yes, you have almost certainly already checked everything and decided to skip this point. But in vain. For example, if vibration does not work only during a call and in silent mode (everything is “OK” for other actions), then you should go to “Settings - Sounds” and:

Also, in order to eliminate all iOS software glitches, it would be a good idea to do the following:

  1. Remember if you have installed any programs directly or indirectly related to sound and ringtones. If yes, then remove them for a while.
  2. I came across advice on many sites -. In my opinion, you should only do this when you have a jailbreak installed. Some of its tweaks may not work correctly and create problems with vibration at the software level.

Have you done all the steps and found no signs of vibration - has it completely disappeared? Most likely, the vibration motor itself is to blame.

iPhone does not vibrate due to stuck motor

No matter how strange the title may sound, this is also possible. Moreover, this is the simplest “breakdown” (if you can even call it that) and, in some cases, can be fixed very simply.

Reasons for this behavior:

  1. Moisture ingress.
  2. Falls and blows.
  3. Poor quality repairs and components. Often (but not always!) the display replacement is to blame.
  4. Inexplicable is when they say “I didn’t do anything with the iPhone, but its vibration stopped working.”

How to deal with this?

Tap the back cover in the area of ​​the vibration motor. I'm serious. I myself would never have believed that this works if I had not observed such a “repair” with my own eyes. This was probably the fastest troubleshooting I've ever seen.

Naturally, you need to knock carefully—throwing your iPhone at the wall is not recommended. Well, it’s clear that this will only help if the vibration motor is really “stuck” and stops working on its own.

If this does not help, then you will have to disassemble the device - check the connection of the vibration motor and see what prevents it from rattling.

No vibration - motor is broken

The most unpleasant situation is getting stuck for repairs and replacement of spare parts. Here, no matter how you knock, check the connection, or flash your iPhone, the vibration will not work until you replace the motor itself.

Why might it break or burn out? Yes, all for the same reasons stated above - falling or moisture. Although, one should not rule out a defective part - especially if this part was not originally of the highest quality.

The only joy in all this is that the vibration motor for the iPhone is inexpensive and, with the proper skill, you can replace it yourself “at home” (no soldering required). However, if you do not have the necessary skills, it is better to contact a service center. There they will carry out diagnostics for free (in most cases) and quickly (if this is a normal workshop) correct the lack of vibration.

P.S. True, as usual, I hope that in your case it won’t come to a visit to the SC and that everything will be corrected in other, simpler ways.

P.S.S. Give us a “like” so that everything goes smoothly without major repairs! Plus, be sure to ask questions and tell your stories in the comments. I will help with all I can!

If you need to remove the vibration effect that accompanies incoming calls and messages on your iPhone, then this is very easy to implement. To do this, you just need to take a few simple steps.

In contact with

The so-called vibration alert is not convenient for all users. For example, if the communicator is lying on a hard surface, then when the vibration effect is triggered, it makes loud, nerve-wracking sounds. Apple engineers have included in their gadgets the ability to turn off the vibration alert.

How to turn off vibration effect for incoming calls, notifications and messages on iPhone

1 . First of all, we go to Settings devices;

2 . Then select the menu item “ Sounds»;

3 . In chapter " Vibration"there will be toggle switches (" During a call" And " In silent mode"), which should be set to " off».

4 . Immediately after this, the vibration alert will be disabled. In this case, it does not matter at all what mode the smartphone is in at this moment - normal or silent.

How to turn off vibration in iPhone alarm clock

Agree that the vibration sound on an alarm clock is sometimes very inappropriate, especially together with a smooth, relaxing melody. We devoted a whole separate article to how to turn off vibration on an iPhone alarm clock.

How to remove (turn off) vibration on iPhone for a certain time

Why is there no sound when I receive an incoming call on my iPhone, but only vibration?

The answer is simple: there is a switch on the iPhone smartphone that puts the device into silent mode. It is with its help that you can turn on and off the voice acting of incoming calls, messages and notifications. In the photo below, silent mode is turned on.