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Buying goods on Aliexpress without payment: how to arrange? How to place an order for Aliexpress and not pay for it immediately? How to buy on AliExpress: the most complete guide How to order goods on aliexpress without payment.

Sometimes buyers on Aliexpress need to place an order without paying, so that the seller can either adjust the cost of the order or shipping (by agreement), or the buyer wants to ask for a discount on this product. The seller can make all adjustments to the cost of the order at the stage when you have already placed an order, but have not paid for it. Now we will tell you how you can place an order, but not pay for it on the Aliexpress website and in the Aliexpress mobile application.

How to place an order without payment in the Aliexpress mobile application?

On the standard version of the Aliexpress website with ordering without payment, everything is easy and intuitive. In the mobile application, the actions will be almost the same, only different at the last stage:

  1. Go to the right product
  2. Select the desired product parameters (color, size, etc.)
  3. Then click "Place an order"

After that, you will be redirected to the order payment page. In the upper left corner will be the inscription "payment".

Click on the word "payment" and a window will appear asking if you want to cancel the payment or not. Click on cancel payment.

As a result, your order will be processed but not paid. You can find it in the section "My profile" ---> "My orders"

How to place an order without payment on the Aliexpress website?

  1. Go to the order page
  2. Click the "Buy Now" button
  3. Select the desired product parameters (color, size, equipment, etc.)
  4. Click the "Place an order" button

If you purchased gift certificates, the ordering procedure without payment will look different.

In the column of payment methods, select "Other Payment Methods" and click on "Confirm and pay".

After that, we get to the order payment page. At this stage, it is not necessary to produce it. Your item is already in the order list and has a number. Now you can write a message to the seller in the comments to the order. He will see what kind of product it is.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

sellers give buyers additional discounts on their products, but they must be asked for. Of course, there are coupons that are distributed to everyone, but at the same time you need to place an order for a certain amount. But if you ask for a discount, then there is no minimum order amount.

After you contact the seller and agree on a discount, you will need to start placing an order so that he knows what specific item to reduce the price of. In this case, the order must be made in such a way as to leave it without payment and it was displayed in "My orders". Let's see how to do it.

How to place an order in the Aliexpress mobile application without payment?

To place an order in the app Aliexpress, but don't pay for it right away:

  • Find the button on the product page "Buy now" and click on it
  • On the next page, set the desired product characteristics. Choose color, set, size, depending on what you buy
  • Next click "Checkout" and you will find yourself on the page for checking the parameters and choosing a payment method
  • Select "Adding a card" and further left in the upper corner, click
  • Next, a small window will appear with a question - "Shall I cancel the payment?"
  • Confirm your decision by clicking on the button "Yes"

  • As a result, you will receive a completed but not paid order.

How to place an order for Aliexpress from a computer without payment?

On the computer version Aliexpress ordering a product and leaving it without payment is somewhat easier than using a phone. To do this, do the following:

  • Discover the item you want
  • Set all the necessary parameters for the product
  • Click "Buy now"
  • On the next page select "Checkout"

  • You will be taken to a page where you need to select a payment method, specify the details and, accordingly, pay for the purchase, but you do not need to do this
  • At this stage, you can simply close the tab and write to the seller that your order has been placed.
  • After receiving a discount to pay for the order, you can go to "My orders" and select tab "Payment Pending"

Now, after payment, the seller will send you the order and it can be tracked.

Video: How to place and pay for an order on Aliexpress Aliexpress?

I'm Michael, and now I'll tell you in detail

How to place an order for aliexpress step by step?

Let's break it down into specific steps:

  • Registration on aliexpress.
  • Choice of goods and seller.
  • Ordering: write the address, pay.
  • And the magical moment of receiving the order.

I made a video where I tell you in detail, my friends, how the theoretical part goes

Ready? Then let's go!

STEP 1. REGISTRATION We go to the Aliexpress website.

To help "Registration for aliexpress video clip":

Where is the idea to click on the word login/registration at the top right

And fill out the form correctly:

  1. Your email (e-mail).
  2. Your name in Latin (Mihail).
  3. Surname similarly in Latin letters (Familia).
  4. We invent and remember the password or write it down, it is best to write it down in a notebook.
  5. Enter the password again.
  6. And captcha (the picture below). Check mark.
  7. We create a profile.

We go to the email box and confirm the registration by clicking on the link

Congratulations! Registration completed successfully!


We enter the desired product in the search bar on aliexpress, for example, “dog collar”.

And we choose the seller we like the most. There are quite a few methods, it is better to see once than hear 100 times.

So dealt with the seller.

STEP 3. PLACING THE ORDER. Of course, read more here.

Choose the product you want to buy at the moment.

An address entry window will open. Let's fill in all the fields. You need to enter it carefully, otherwise the parcel will go to the village to Brunhilda Kuzmineshna Zhmykh.

Everything is quite simple here:



We jump over but a new thing - called

Step 3. 2. Choice of payment:

A. Plastic Card (Visa, Maestro) Attention, Sberbank cards do not always have the ability to pay for purchases via the Internet.

1. Click on Visa.

2. Your Name in Latin. Michael


4. You can find out the type of card in an elementary way - just by looking at it, everything is written there.

5. Long card number (no spaces).

6. The month of expiration is indicated on the front side of the card.

7. The year before which it is active.

8. Security code - if you turn over your plastic card. Then you will see two groups of numbers, you need to enter the data that consists of three numbers.

9. Pay.

10 . You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code (on the phone to which the card is registered).

11. Enter the code - URAAAAA !!! Paid.

B. There are other ways: Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, transfers, and more. Detailed payment information can be found here.

And so we are approaching the closing of the topic: "How to place an order for aliexpress step by step."

If you did everything right - then here it is happiness!

Your item will arrive soon. Cheers comrades)

STEP 4. The final one is tracking and receiving the package.

Going to your personal account in the "Operations" section, and click on the order NUMBER. You will be taken to the order status page.

Everything is quite simple here. And you can find the tracking code (provided that the goods have already been shipped).

All that's left to do is punch our tracking track.

Available on the website of the Russian Post.

You just have to wait, time flies quickly, your package will arrive soon.

It remains to come to the post office and receive the coveted goods.

The main thing to understand is that in practice it is all much easier.

That's all. If you have any questions - write them below - good luck)).

One of the interesting features of Aliexpress, unlike other stores, is the ability to negotiate discounts with the seller. To do this, just find the desired product and write a message to the seller. In this article, we will not focus on how and what to write to the seller, because sometimes buyers have a problem at the next stage - in fact, How to get this discount when the seller already seems to agree. And about this in today's article.

In order to get a discount from the seller, you only need to place an order, write in a note to it that they say we agreed on this order, make a discount, dear friend.

Order at this stage DO NOT PAY!

Since the time during which an unpaid order can hang is limited, after placing the order, it is useful to send the generated order number to the seller in correspondence (where you discussed the discount).

Everything seems to be simple and obvious, but it is surprising that there are not a few people who are faced with a problem ...

How to place an order and not pay

Let's break down the process step by step. For example, let's take this one (the dream of all women, and not only :)). Click on the big Buy button.

In the field Leave a comment for the seller, in English we write what we consider necessary. Select the button Other payment methods and press the yellow button Confirm and pay.

After you get to the next payment page, the order can be considered already placed. You can go to the main page of Aliexpress or close the browser tab - the order will not be lost.

How to find an unpaid order and order number

We go to the list of orders. And among the list of orders we find an order with the status Payment pending.

In the header of this order, the order number will be indicated, which must be sent to the seller in a personal message.

Happy Friday everyone. On this day, there is usually no particular desire to work, there is a great weekend ahead, so many people like to hang out in some online store, see what's interesting there and the like ...

To be honest, I didn’t think that there are no detailed instructions on the Internet for ordering on the website - as a rule, or only registration, they can show you how to order, and then how to track what to do if the seller threw or sent some kind of nastiness - for some reason no one writes. So I decided to write detailed instructions on how to order on Aliexpress

Briefly about

aliexpress- this is not a store, as many people think, if in very simple words - this is a market, and every product that is there is sold by some person, well, or an organization. In turn, the platform is a certain guarantee that they will send you exactly what you are waiting for, and the seller, in turn, will receive your money.

How is payment made and why should you not be afraid to buy here? Surely many are held back by the fear that they will be deceived and nothing will be sent. Based on my experience, I can say that there is a possibility of fraud here, but there are some tricks that will allow you to return your money. (or rather, not even a trick, but simply knowing how everything works). We will talk about all this today!

How to register on

Go to the official site Aliexpress and in the upper right corner we find the button Register (By the way, everything is much simpler now than two years ago, we could only dream of the Russian language, at the moment it is translated by O most of the site)

Here is the registration form (Hello English) that you need to fill out. It must be filled in English! language The Chinese are smart people, but they can't read Russian. In view of the fact that I have a lot of acquaintances who studied German at school, filling in causes such difficulties. To translate a Russian text into transliteration into English, the service will help you. Just type the text in Russian and click the button there "In Transliteration" and get the text in English. For example, if you don’t know how the Surname and First Name are written, then I drive in mine: Vasily Grigoriev, and he will translate this into Vasiliy Grigorev. Everything is simple 🙂

Below is an example of a completed form, I think everything is clearly signed what and where to enter. Filled out? Great, click Create an Account (Create Your Account)

This completes the registration, it is highly desirable to confirm your mail. To do this, click on the link in the letter that was sent to you automatically by e-mail

Although you can make your order without confirmation, but then, if I'm not mistaken, after a certain time your account will be deleted, which is not good.

Making the first order on Aliexpress

How to choose goods on Aliexpress can be told forever, and everyone probably has their own schemes and secrets. I want to tell you how everything happens. There are main differences on the site: this is paid / free delivery, its type ... and a single sale or lot, and there is also often a minimum order amount.

With paid delivery, I think everything is clear, you will have to pay for delivery, its price depends on what you ordered and the delivery option. But with a lot and a single one, you need to be more careful here. There are enough positions on the site that are sold only by lot. What does it mean? for example, you found an interesting T-shirt for yourself, and there is a lot (5 piece) ... this means that the minimum order is 5 T-shirts. You can not order 7,8 or 12, only 5 pieces the right number of times. I think this is also clear.

The minimum amount is often found for very cheap goods, sellers usually mention this either in the name of the product or in the name of the trading platform.

So I found the item I like (Traditionally, the first order with Ali is a watch)… let's look at what we see on the product page and what we should pay attention to. The most important thing is seller rating and product rating in particular. The seller rating is on the right (I highlighted it with a red border) and at the moment it shows that it has 200 sales in the last 6 months and 97.1% positive reviews.

I highlighted the rating of the product with a green frame (quite often, a seller with a good rating can find frankly unsuccessful positions, so carefully look at both the rating of a particular product or seller), it indicates how many people were satisfied and the number of sales in the last 6 months.

There are reviews at the very end of the description, look carefully, some very cunning sellers can attach a picture with reviews instead of real reviews - do not be fooled by this! Only those who have placed an order for this product can write here. (See only conscious reviews, if you don’t get along with English, then use the chrome browser or online translator from google), however, there is a nuance, if the person who received the goods did not leave a review here, then it is automatically set as positive after a certain time, so I repeat - pay attention only to meaningful comments!

Everything suits us here and we press "Buy Now". If you are ordering for the first time, as for example now in my instructions, then Aliexpress requires us to fill in the shipping address. Please note that in the Contact Name field you need to specify full surname first name patronymic, otherwise the parcel can be sent back to China (As was the case with several of mine at the time of the adoption of this interesting law)

Choose a country, in the line street address we write the street and the house (and who has an apartment), City- This is your city State/Provice/Region is our area and Zip/Postal Code- this is our usual addressee index

The next window is an order confirmation, carefully review what you are ordering, and if there are no errors, then click "Place Order". From that moment on, the order has been placed and it cannot be canceled. (I will write about this a little later) the next step is payment.

With payment, everything is elementary, I think the picture below will tell better than any description ... The only caveat, if you do not have a plastic card, then you can use the Qiwi wallet, there you can create both a virtual and a real card, I wrote about this in detail.

What if I placed an order but then changed my mind? As many have noticed, we cannot mark the order placed by us. To do this, we need to write to the seller. How to do this, as well as how to view order statuses, go to "My orders"

In the picture, I specifically used the English version, as it often happens that you jump from the English to the Russian version and vice versa.

Let's look at the "My Orders" menu ... all your purchases for aliexpress are collected here, to contact the seller you just need to click Contact with an envelope icon, pay attention to 3 buttons

Confirm Offer Received- You confirm receipt of the goods
view detail— Show order details
Open Dispute- Open dispute

So, let's figure out how the process of buying and selling and delivering goods to the end consumer looks like. When you pay for the goods, the money remains on the Aliexpress site, the seller will receive it only when you click Confirm Order Received ( Important note! If you have received the goods or the delivery time has expired, then the order status is automatically transferred to Completed and you will not be able to return the money!). If the seller did not send the goods or the mail received something completely different, then click Open Dispute and describe our claims (very preferably with a photo), but this must be done MANDATORY before the time for ordering has ended and before you confirm receipt. After all this, you will no longer be able to open a dispute and you will not return your money in case of a problem!

Click view detail and see the detailed description of the order. Here is the time to complete the order and you can immediately open a dispute. also in this window you are given a track code for tracking, we will now consider how to use it.

If you have questions about a specific order, please click Contact Now!

Tracking our package

To find out where our package is, you need to go to the site Russian Post. Of course, there are many more convenient services, but the most up-to-date information is always only here.

Enter your Postal ID and the code from the picture, you will find out where your parcel is now. You should not check the departure code immediately, as soon as the Chinese sent it to you, with a 99% chance that it is not yet in the system, it takes time for it to be displayed on the Russian Post website. Once the status is "Came to the place of delivery", then you can stomp to the post office for your order without waiting for a notification 😉

What to do if there are problems

Unfortunately, it also happens that the seller did not send the goods, gave the left track code, sent something completely different from what you ordered. In this case, you should first write to the seller. If he ignores you or uses vague replies, then feel free to open a dispute. Keep in mind that if you closed the dispute, you will not be able to open it again, so be careful!!!

Well, that's all Enjoy the shopping! Maybe someone ordered from other stores? Unsubscribe 😉

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