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Computer freezes from time to time. Why does the computer freeze and what to do

Computer freezes from overheating

Sometimes we are faced with a situation where normal, quiet work at the computer suddenly stops, and the computer starts to freeze periodically. For not very experienced users, this can cause a rather strong panic: "I need to call somewhere, call someone for help! What if I completely broke it?!" Professionals, on the other hand, have the usual "annoyance about wasted time": "Damn! We need to check for viruses, rearrange the drivers or the system"

When did your computer freeze- there are many reasons why this happens: infection and damage to system files by a virus (violations remain even after treatment), unstable operation of the driver of one of the components, unstable operation of some auxiliary program, violation of the logical or physical integrity of disks, incompatibility of some programs with each other with a friend, just a physical malfunction of the hardware, for example, memory chips, video cards, and so on.

If computer freezes up, radical actions may be required, for example, reinstalling the operating system, conducting diagnostics in the workshop, etc. But first, you can try to get by with "little blood" - since a common cause computer freezes- this is a banal overheating of internal components.

Pay attention to when the computer freezes to understand if overheating may be the cause. Suppose the room has become hotter than usual (summer has come or the radiators are turned on, next to the computer); You are running a resource-intensive application, such as a "cool" video game; you run many programs at the same time, and without leaving them, you try, for example, to watch a video; you convert movies on your computer; you have many tabs open in your Internet browser (in Opera, Firefox, etc.), and you are also typing a document in Microsoft Word or Excel at the same time (especially in the latest versions of Microsoft Office). Or maybe your computer works after turning on for a while, and then hangs tight, regardless of what exactly you are doing.

If any of the situations is similar to yours, then the reason that the computer began to freeze may be overheating. What can you do to solve the problem yourself?

Try to clean the computer from dust inside the case. Sometimes there accumulates "such" that you will simply be horrified. This may be like the contents of a vacuum cleaner dust bag after a general cleaning. But pay attention to some details.

Before cleaning from the computer, you must be sure to unplug the power cords. It is to pull out, and not just turn off the computer. Do not forget, further, to unscrew a couple of bolts from behind to remove one or both side walls of the case. If you are of the weaker sex, ask a man in your house, or, in extreme cases, an alcoholic neighbor about it. Joke.

Do not wipe the inside of the computer with a damp cloth, wet cloth, or the like. No water, moisture, liquids, etc. You can remove large debris or accumulations of dust with your hands, dust can be pulled out of the slots of the radiator (which is on the processor and video card) with an old toothbrush. Be careful not to even slightly mechanically bend protruding components.

After removing large "pieces" of dust and debris, the computer must be blown out with a jet of air. You can use a vacuum cleaner or a pump from an air mattress, a compressor for inflating a rubber boat, and so on. Again, note: the air must blow out and not be absorbed inside!. If your vacuum cleaner does not have an air blowing mode, it is better not to use it.

Take the computer with the covers removed to the open air or a balcony, and direct the air stream into the case. Direct the jet at all parts of the computer, but do not touch the bell, from which the air comes out, directly to the parts. Keep him at some distance. Pay attention to the computer's power supply, carefully blow it out as well.

When dust stops blowing out of the computer, the process is over. There is a good chance that your computer will stop freezing.

Cleaning a laptop is much more difficult, I strongly do not recommend opening the laptop case on your own. It is possible to blow out accessible openings, for example, a fan opening, with a weak jet. But, I repeat, without fanaticism, and precisely with a not very strong air stream. You may be surprised when you see what kind of dust cloud flies out of your little friend.

If cleaning the computer did not help, or it helped, but the computer sometimes continues to freeze, monitor the number of simultaneously running programs. You may just be rebooting your computer. Or identify the program that crashes most often when launched.

For example, my computer sometimes freezes when launching certain programs, such as a movie converter program. I converted movies to watch them on my mobile phone. The conversion took a long time, so I wanted to do something else on the computer at that time. But as soon as I began to work intensively in 1C, simultaneously with the conversion running, my computer would freeze tightly.

The following helped me here. My laptop has a dual core processor and I have set the conversion program to use only one core. This practically did not reduce the conversion speed, but the computer stopped freezing. And for other resource-intensive programs, in which the computer hung tightly, I began to do the same. And everything began to work normally.

To assign the use of one core for a program, you need to run this program, then enter the task manager, go to the list of processes (on the [Processes] tab), find the process of the desired program (or in the first [Applications] tab, right-click click on "Go to processes...", and call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button on the process. In the context menu, select the "Set match ..." item, and in the window that appears, uncheck all cores (CPU0, CPU1, etc.) - leave the "checkmark" for only one core, for example, "CPU1"

In this case, the system will allow the resource-intensive program to load the processor only partially, and it will stop overheating. In fact, the mechanism of what is happening is more complicated, but I try to describe it in simple terms. The fact remains that it really helps if computer started to freeze.

It must be remembered that the correspondence is set and is valid only while the program is running. It is not remembered. And the next time you start it, you need to install it again. A bit inconvenient, but alas... :)

PS. If you still called an alcoholic neighbor to help blow the computer - do not forget - the shops close at 23-00.

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There are situations when the computer freezes tightly. The operating system is not responding to commands. There are difficulties when opening the task manager. Of course, the data happens quite rarely. This is influenced by several factors, which will be discussed in the article.


The most common reason why a computer freezes is the presence of viruses in the system. They are usually good at camouflage. Viruses are an open threat to the security of the system, and also significantly load computer resources. This causes the device to freeze. To solve this problem, it is enough to install any antivirus program. If such a utility already exists, you need to update its databases to more up-to-date ones and run a full computer scan.

If this does not help, you should go to the "Task Manager" and check the processes for suspicious objects. You can also look into startup by entering the name of the utility "msconfig" in the "Run" window. If the system freezes tightly immediately after startup, it is recommended to install new software. In this situation, any antivirus distribution kit that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD is used.


Overheating is often the cause of a computer freezing. As you know, new models of the device are constantly being released, each of which is “more fancy” than the previous one. Of course, new models require more power, which leads to increased heat dissipation. For a certain period of time, the cooling system does its job quite well. Then its effectiveness decreases. Thus, the computer freezes tightly.

During operation, dust clogs into radiators, preventing air circulation. It settles on the cooler, slowing down the speed of the propeller. Not so long ago, such problems could lead to the fact that the device failed. Today, this disaster can be avoided. Modern computers allow you to exchange information with the motherboard, which controls the temperature.

When its values ​​reach a peak, the controller first tries to spin the cooler screw. If this does not help, the system slows down, which is facilitated by a decrease in voltage. Then the computer may freeze tightly.

You should periodically purge the cooling system of the system unit with compressed air or a vacuum cleaner;
it is necessary to regularly check the operation of coolers, for which there are many special programs;
thermal paste needs to be replaced periodically, as it tends to dry out;
the dust filters on the common fan need to be cleaned.

Often, these problems lead to the fact that the computer freezes tightly in games or various applications. In order to check how much the computer components heat up, it is worth downloading any of the programs that are freely available on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is an important element of a computer. Its work is directly related to the performance of the device. The stability of the RAM depends on whether there is compatibility with the motherboard, BIOS, and other installed brackets. Even the slightest failure can lead to a computer freeze. When it becomes necessary to replace the RAM, you should carefully study its characteristics, visit the website of its manufacturer and the motherboard manufacturer.

It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the speeds that are supported, with the results of ongoing testing, and compatibility with other devices. It is also advisable to check. To do this, go to "Start", type in the search box "memory checker". As a result, all errors will be displayed on the screen if they were noticed. In this case, the RAM needs to be replaced.

Unstable HDD operation

A hard drive is a device that stores absolutely any information. It can be both user and system data. Thus, the operating system is constantly accessing the hard disk. As a result, reading and writing data does not stop even for a second. This means that the performance of the system is related to the speed of the device.

Over time, “broken” clusters appear on it, as well as unreadable sections. These are the reasons why the computer crashes. Very often, the device freezes tightly on the Internet, because in the process of surfing the browser continuously writes and deletes all kinds of small files.

Recovery of a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, it is necessary to check it with special programs. They will be able to search for bad sectors and mark them as non-working. Thus, the operating system stops using "bads" and stops freezing. To start checking, you should start the command line. To do this, enter the name of the utility - "cmd" in the "Run" window.

Here you will need to run the command "chkdsk [drive letter]: / f / r" for each of the partitions. As you know, experienced users freely determine the state of the HDD literally by the sound of its operation. When clicks or whistles appear, it becomes clear that the equipment is faulty. It is worth realizing that recovering data from a damaged hard drive is quite difficult. If the computer freezes tightly immediately after starting, there is a high probability that the media has worn out.

Incorrect BIOS setting

The reason for the dead hang of the device may also be an incorrect BIOS setting. Of course, it is better in this case to seek help from professionals. It seems that it makes no sense for an ordinary user to try to fix the situation. However, it is not always possible to call a specialist. It is worth noting that even a beginner can perform such an operation if he approaches the issue with full responsibility. You must carefully study all the information about your own computer.

It is especially worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the motherboard. As a rule, these data can be easily found on the official website of the manufacturer. You should find out which parameters are of particular importance, as well as what they are responsible for. In the process of working with the program, you do not need to change many parameters at the same time. It is recommended that you first change a few values, reboot, and then check the operation of the computer.

The next step is to continue editing. We should separately mention the item that exists in each BIOS - "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". Thanks to him, you can bring all the parameters to the optimum. On the official website of the motherboard developer, it is proposed to download and install a new version of the BIOS into the computer. You should not refuse this procedure. As a rule, updates fix critical bugs and improve stability. Perhaps after installing the new version, the computer will stop freezing. Before performing this procedure, you must study the instructions.

Windows Services

The operating system is filled with a large number of services that work almost without interruption. They can be enabled by default or added at run time. The system is able to work normally without many of them. When one of the services does not respond or takes a lot of CPU time, the computer may freeze tightly. In order to see which of them exist in the system and which are active, you need to open the administration window. You need to go to the "Start" menu, click "Control Panel", then click "Administrative Tools". After that, it is worth double-clicking on the "Services" label.

To obtain comprehensive information about a particular service, you need to double-click on its name. First, you should pay attention to those that differ in automatic start. The boot option can be seen in the "Startup type" column. There is a single editing rule. It lies in the fact that if the description is not clear, it is not recommended to disable the component. It is better to find out the details of his work on the Internet. You should try to check the stability of the system after the next manipulation.

Using Task Manager to Solve Problems

It is easy to get acquainted with the list of running processes in the task manager window. It is necessary to press the key combination "CTRL + ALT + DEL" on the keyboard. If there is confidence that a certain program is useless, but takes a lot of CPU time, it can be terminated. To do this, you need to press "DEL" on the keyboard or call the context menu.

In addition, from here you can make a transition to get to the storage location of the utility. This is very useful when the user does not understand exactly what he is interrupting. It is worth noting that checking processes is not necessarily the best solution, but this process often helps if the computer freezes tightly.

Some programs are able to load the processor completely, and in the most active phases of their own work. But a hung program will not stop using the maximum number of resources. The utility that works without failures will enter the passive mode after a certain time. You should also not end the process called "System Idle".

Good day, dear reader!

The computer periodically freezes tightly, which is accompanied by a stuck sound, only a reboot with the hard reset button pressed helps.

This kind of malfunction is interesting because the behavior of the computer with the same error is completely different, and in addition there are different ways to solve it.

Computer behavior:

  1. The computer freezes completely randomly (on the Internet, during the game, at rest).
  2. The computer freezes only during games.
  3. Computer freezes while downloading a torrent.
  4. The computer freezes when opening an application (such as Skype).
  5. The computer freezes after installing a new video card.

At the moment, I have not seen other cases of a malfunction, all new manifestations of this error will certainly fall into this list.

Possible candidates for the cause of the error, as well as ways to solve them:

  1. Problems with device drivers, such as sound and network card. As a rule, it was solved by updating drivers or installing new discrete devices.
  2. Problems with the operating system. The solution was to increase the power through the BIOS.
  3. The problem is in the network cable that goes into the PSU, namely, its loose contact with the PSU. The problem was solved by replacing the cable.
  4. Processor problems. The solution in this case is to replace it with a new one. In some cases, a little overclocking of the processor helps.
  5. The problem with Windows 7. I read on the Internet that after installing XP, freezes disappear, so I suggest experimenting with operating systems.
  6. HDD problems. As a rule, running the HDD with the Victoria program or replacing it with a new one helped.
  7. Failed SSD. The solution was to update the firmware of the SSD drive.
  8. Faulty power supply. In some cases, the problem was solved by replacing the power supply. By the way, it helped me at the time.
  9. Faulty motherboard. Someone helped disable Turbo Mode in the BIOS. Turbo Mode - enable / disable Turbo Boost technology for Intel processors (increase the frequency of cores with increasing load). Personally, when I encountered a computer freezing tightly, about this a little lower, the replacement of the motherboard helped.

I have come across all these solutions on various forums, so I cannot personally confirm all the points, but I confirm the second, third and last two. Twice I encountered deadlocks, in the first case item #9 helped, in the second #8, and items #2, #3 and #4 were the solution for visitors to this blog, so thank you very much for sharing your experience, with which can now be found in the comments to the article.

I encountered such a problem twice and I can say right away that the problem is not simple, and as far as I understand, it is corrected by long and persistent dances with a tambourine. In the first case, the error occurred randomly (#1 on our list), in the second, in games mainly in Battlefield.

Computer freezes randomly.

The first time I encountered this kind of malfunction was at work. At some point, one of the computers of our employees broke down, a complaint was received about the computer freezing.

Computer specifications:

  • Mat. board.: Asus P8H61-M LX3 R2.0
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2310 2.9GHz
  • Power supply: FSP460-60HCN
  • RAM: 2x2gb

Once in close proximity to the source of dissatisfaction, I found a computer hung tightly that did not respond to any manipulations, only a reboot with the on / off button helped, after rebooting the computer continued to work in normal mode, but not for long.

I realized that the problem was hardware and the first thing I decided to pay attention to was the video card. Having removed the discrete video, I connected the VGA connector to the video card built into the motherboard. Turned on the computer. Everything started up and worked as expected for several days, then the freezes continued again, and in search of a solution, I went to surf the Internet. There were plenty of various spare parts and I continued my dance around the computer hanging tightly.

What I did:

  1. Swapped RAM. I tried to put the memory on one bar, installed the memory in other slots, changed the memory to another.
  2. I changed the power supply. I flashed the BIOS.
  3. Turned off the sound card.
  4. Changed the processor to the same.
  5. Changed HDD.
  6. Reinstalled Windows. The version being used is Windows 7. (I haven't tested the computer with other versions of Windows).
  7. Replaced the motherboard with a similar one. At this stage, my dance was over, the computer no longer freezes tightly, the source of dissatisfaction was eliminated.

Later, a new mat was installed in the computer. The board is a little newer than the one that was before.

Based on the results of the work carried out, I thought that I had found a way to solve this problem, which consisted in actually replacing the motherboard, but on some forums I met people who changed the mat. The board is usually exactly the same, but the problem remained.

Computer freezes in games.

The second time I experienced this problem, it was my home computer that was affected. The problem appeared after installing a new 120Gb SSD and installing Windows 7 on it. The difference from the previous case was that the computer only hung tightly in games, and specifically in Battlefield. I played different Battlefields (Heroes, 1941,3,online) and each of them crashed after a while. Freezes have not yet been observed in games such as Dota 2 and Far Сry 3.

Computer specifications:

  • Mat. fee.: Asus p5kpl pro
  • Video card: ASUS GeForce GTX 550 Ti
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 duo CPU E8300
  • Power supply: Power man IP-S450AQ2-0
  • RAM: 2x2gb, 2x1gb DDR2

What I did:

  1. Swapped RAM.
  2. Flashed the BIOS.
  3. I turned off the built-in network, with the installation of a network connection via WIFI USB flash drive.
  4. Changed video card. Because in my mat. the board does not have an integrated video changed the external video cards of the GTX 550<->gforce 9600.
  5. Returned the system back to the HDD.
  6. I installed the system from scratch in AHCI mode (Advanced Host Controller Interface - the mechanism used to connect HDD, SSD) to an SSD disk with the creation of a GPT partition. After that, the computer started to freeze randomly (as in the first case).
  7. Replaced the power supply. At this hangups stopped. Victory!

The culprit turned out to be a faulty power supply.

Computer freezes after installing new graphics card

I encountered another manifestation of the problem described in the article, namely, the computer starts to freeze or freeze after installing a new video card.

In this case, there are two options for solving the problem:

  1. Make sure your existing power supply matches the power recommended by the graphics card manufacturer. If not, replace the power supply.
  2. Update bios to latest version.

Following the steps above should fix the issue with your computer.


The malfunction remained mysterious, with an unknown solution. If you think logically, then at the moment when the computer freezes tightly, the hard drive (sata ports) is abruptly turned off, so it stops responding to any manipulations. It is not clear that almost any computer device can be the cause of the shutdown.

As I already wrote, the problem is not an easy one, and if your tightly freezing computer is still under warranty, and you do not want to waste your time and nerves. then take it to a service center.

If the warranty has already ended, then this article will help you, be patient, it will still come in handy.

A big request, leave comments if you do not understand something or need some additional information on the topic. Also, if you have encountered a similar problem before, write how you dealt with this situation, how you won.

Why does the computer freeze? There are many reasons that cause such a problem. Any equipment can fail, which can cause temporary or permanent freezes. The software part cannot be ruled out - it can also greatly reduce system performance up to a complete freeze of the computer. Therefore, this problem requires a detailed analysis. Let's try to figure out why the computer freezes and what to do about it.

Viruses and Trojans

Viruses and trojans not only pose a threat to data security, but also heavily load the computer, which may well lead to a complete system shutdown - freezing. If the system does not have an antivirus with an updated database, then it is impossible to guarantee its purity.

In this case, you will need to install an antivirus program and complete a system scan. Often, in advanced cases, several thousand malware can be detected, including Trojans and infected files. After their removal, subsequent treatment or quarantine (usually antiviruses offer a choice), the computer literally comes to life.

Startup programs

If the user has installed many programs at startup, then the antivirus will not be able to help, because these programs may not be viruses. However, they also place a heavy load on the system. Most users have Skype, uTorrent, some messengers, etc. at startup. If the torrent client is at startup and the computer is constantly connected to the Internet, then you should not be surprised at freezes. This program is designed to distribute previously downloaded files. That is, users can download a movie from your computer, which, for example, you downloaded via torrent a week ago. Of course, the constant distribution of files can lead to a system hang due to excessive load on the processor and hard drive.

First of all, you need to see what programs are loaded with the operating system. In the settings, there is definitely an option to disable booting along with Windows. It needs to be used. Of course, there is a small chance that this will help solve the problem, but in combination with virus removal, this method can be effective.

So, viruses, startup programs, and even a littered registry can be the reasons why the computer freezes. And if everything is very running, then in some cases it is appropriate to simply reinstall the operating system, and not try to "cure" it. This will make it easier and more efficient.

Of course, a problem with the operating system is not the only reason for a possible computer freeze. Sometimes this happens due to a hardware failure.

Banal program incompatibility

It happens that the system works stably, but when you start some program, the computer freezes and does not respond. Why is this happening? The reason may be the incompatibility of the program. If it was originally created for another operating system, for example, for Windows XP, then when you run it on Windows 10, a failure is possible, manifested in the form of a system freeze. Nothing wrong with that. You just need to restart your computer and uninstall this program.

CPU overheating

Processors process a huge amount of information, and at the same time a large amount of heat is released. That is why a radiator is installed on it, and then a cooler that drives heat away from it. Some chips are so powerful that conventional fans can't handle it, and then water cooling is implemented.

An inefficient cooling system is the reason why the computer freezes, however, you can also experience intermittent operation or weak "brakes" of the system.

However, modern motherboards monitor the temperature of the processor (reports about this are always in the BIOS system). This is why a Windows computer freezes due to overheating:

  1. A lot of dust has accumulated on the processor heatsink, which is why the efficiency of heat dispersal drops dramatically.
  2. The cooler stopped spinning at all. This may be caused by an open circuit in the voltage supply.
  3. The bearing has worn out, causing the fan to rotate unevenly, causing the airflow direction to be disturbed. This is extremely rare, and a strange and uncharacteristic noise will certainly come from the system unit.

Note that the processor itself is quite serviceable, there is only a problem with its cooling. First of all, it is necessary to clean the radiator from dust. To do this, you need to very carefully clean the dust between the radiator fins with a brush. In some cases, you can use a vacuum cleaner. If all else fails, you can try replacing the thermal paste, which is responsible for the efficiency of heat transfer from the processor to the heatsink. It cannot be excluded that the problem may be in it.

If there is no more dust, new thermal paste is installed, the cooler spins normally, and the PC still freezes, then the problem most likely lies not in the processor. Let's further understand why a Windows computer freezes.


If the system uses several strips of RAM and at least one of them turns out to be inoperative, then the computer will constantly freeze. At the same time, after rebooting, the PC will work for a while, but soon it will start to slow down again. Sometimes the computer freezes when turned on. Why is this happening? Yes, everything is tritely simple: some memory cells may be non-working, and when the system tries to use them, nothing works, and then the computer freezes.

It is very easy to identify the problem if several brackets are installed on the motherboard at once. It is enough to take out one of them and watch the computer work. If everything is fine for two to three hours, then the problem was clearly in the RAM stick that you took out. If the freezes have not stopped, then you can try to get the second bar, and put the first one back.

By the way, if the problem is RAM, then after the system freezes, users can often see the so-called blue screen of death for a few seconds. During this time, you can make out the lines on the screen, which may end with the words physical memory. If so, then with a 90% probability the problem lies precisely in one of the bars (or in two at once). They can overheat, suffer physical damage, or simply not fit snugly on the motherboard.

What to do in this case?

The simplest thing is to get both RAM sticks, wipe their contacts with alcohol (degrease them) and insert them back. If there was a weak connection, then this will solve the problem. If not, then the freezes will continue (most likely). Alternatively, you can test the RAM for errors. There are special free programs Memtest or Memtest86. After a quick installation and launch, they check the RAM strips, and if errors are found, they show the corresponding messages in the form of red lines. You can see what they look like in the example below.

Such errors indicate defects in the RAM modules. If they are, then they are not even repaired. Devices are simply thrown into the trash and new ones are installed. However, if they are under warranty, the seller is obliged to replace them free of charge.

Overheating of RAM

Sometimes users do not understand why the computer freezes during the game, although everything works stably outside the game. The problem with the RAM in this case can also take place. If this is cheap memory, then it can overheat during operation (during heavy data exchange with the processor) due to the low temperature range. Therefore, freezes are possible. Checking if the chips are overheating is quite simple. It is necessary during the game to open the cover of the system unit and just touch the bar with your finger. If it turns out to be too hot, then this clearly indicates overheating. It may be warm, but it should not be hot. Some manufacturers of RAM equip the brackets with special aluminum plates - heatsinks that absorb heat from the memory modules and then dissipate it. But even with them, the memory can overheat. In this case, you need to buy a new powerful cooler for the system unit, which will drive fresh air inside and remove hot air.

video card

Why does my computer freeze while playing? Another cause of this problem is the video card. With it, the same breakdowns can occur as with the processor or RAM. The most common malfunction is the failure of the cooler. Note that the video card itself can work without a cooler at all in normal mode at low loads. That is, when watching a movie in normal HD quality, the graphics processor is not heavily loaded and does not heat up. It also does not get particularly hot when surfing the Internet, but as soon as you start the game, a large amount of data is assigned to the video card for processing, therefore, the graphics processor starts to heat up. And if the fan does not rotate at this moment, then freezes and even a complete stop of the computer are possible.

Checking this is easy enough. It is necessary to remove the cover of the system unit and see if the video card cooler rotates. If it stands still, then this means that the problem is in it. However, it is advisable to check the rotation of the fan after starting the game, since some controllers activate the coolers only when the temperature of the chip reaches a certain value. This is one of the reasons why the computer often freezes.

It is unlikely that you will be able to repair the video card on your own. There is a hope that one of the contacts on the connector is simply dirty. You can take out the video card, wipe its contacts with alcohol and insert it back. In rare cases, this helps. If not, then the PC will have to be given to a service center. Let them figure out why the computer constantly freezes.


The hard drive is one of the weakest components in the system, as there are moving parts inside it. Hard drive failures can be different: software, hardware, electronic, logical.

The reasons why the computer freezes and does not respond can be banal physical damage to the hard drive and its aging. This is indicated by the following "symptoms":

  1. Slow disk access speed.
  2. A large number of bad sectors (you can find out using the Scandisk diagnostic program).
  3. Failures in the process of loading the operating system.
  4. Sudden appearance of the blue screen of death.
  5. Strange sounds coming from the hard drive.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to identify malfunctions in the operation of this component, since the symptoms may be subtle. However, experienced craftsmen can even recognize unwanted changes in the operation of the drive by sound.

If there are a large number of bad blocks (usually there are a lot of bad blocks on old hard drives), the write process will take a long time, since the system will need a lot of time to find working (undamaged) sections. You may also receive a "Delayed Write Error" on Windows computers. In case of such malfunctions or strange sounds coming from the HDD, you need to install the Scandisk program and analyze the hard drive for possible failures. If bad sectors are found on the disk, it is advisable to make a backup copy of important data and save it on a memory card. Of course, you can continue to use such a disk, but you should not be surprised why your Windows 10 computer freezes. The presence of bad sectors is the final stage of disk "death". You can already look after a new hard drive, since the old one does not last long.

Problem with drivers

Another common reason why a computer freezes during operation is drivers. This problem most often manifests itself when starting games, however, it sometimes occurs during system operation. A driver is a program that allows the operating system to access a component. If it does not work correctly, then errors in the operation of any device are quite possible, which will lead to a freeze or even shutdown of the computer.

Most often, the video card driver crashes. Nothing wrong with that. It is enough just to remove the old one and install a new driver, after which the system will be restored. It's not just that video card developers consistently release new versions of software that improves the performance of components and eliminates the occurrence of various errors, including freezes.

Problems with the power supply

The power supply is also an important device - it supplies voltage to the components. If you use a cheap Chinese block, then you should not wonder why the computer freezes tightly. The components in the system are very demanding on DC and low voltage (usually 12 or 24 V). And if the power supply overheats, for example (this often happens with Chinese cheap models), then its unstable operation is possible. As a result, the voltage supplied to the components (processor, motherboard, video card, hard drive) may decrease or increase, which will cause the device to freeze or even break. Often cheap power supplies literally "burn" video cards, and computer freezes are just symptoms of the imminent "death" of the video chip. But not only he can suffer. The processor, motherboard, hard drive are also powered directly from the unit, and they are also at risk.


This component is the link for all other hardware devices. There are also capacitors (may swell), heatsinks (may become covered with dust and poorly remove heat) and tracks that can simply melt as a result of a heavy load or improper voltage supply.

It is almost impossible to immediately determine why the computer freezes at startup. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the motherboard. What can be done in this case? At a minimum, you can inspect it for swollen or melted capacitors, look for burnt spots or a characteristic smell. If a visual inspection did not give any results, then the computer will have to be carried to a service center. They'll be able to pinpoint the damage.


Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to independently determine why a Windows 7 computer freezes, since there can be a lot of reasons. If the problem lies in the software part, then it is solved quite simply. The most radical solution is to reinstall the operating system, which will take an average of 2-3 hours, taking into account the installation of the necessary drivers, programs, creating copies of important files, etc. However, to reinstall it, you must have an operating system installation and be able to configure it yourself.

As for the hardware, in most cases it will not be possible to repair it yourself. There are two options here: either take the components or the PC itself to a service center, or replace it yourself.

Unfortunately, practice shows that if the computer often freezes, then the problem most likely lies precisely in the hardware, which is associated with a breakdown or malfunction of a device. In rare cases, the cause of "brakes" is really software or software incompatibility.

Good afternoon friends. Today I decided to continue the previous article “Why does the computer hang?” and tell in more detail what to actually do when the computer freezes. If you have not read my last article, it is advisable to read it. Although some of my recommendations will be a repetition of the past. But I want to arrange them, as it were, so that it becomes clear to the user if the computer freezes, what should I do? From start to finish.

Computer freezes what to do action plan

Task Manager

The first step is to call the task manager. It is called by the hot key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Then select "Start Task Manager"

followed by "Applications" and view which applications are currently working for you.

If the inscription is visible above some program: “Not responding”, select this sentence and click “End task”. Also, carefully review all the programs that you have running and think about whether you need them to work at the moment or not?

If you don’t need them now in a working state, also select them and remove the task. Do not overload your operating system once again.

A little patience

But, for example, this combination of hot keys did not help you (that is, there are no changes, the mouse is in place), then I would advise you to be patient and wait a bit. Wait a few minutes. Sometimes it can take even half an hour until the computer solves its newly created problems and temporarily fixes the situation. After the hang has passed, follow step 1.

Restarting the computer

If you did not have the patience to wait, or the computer did not get out of the freezing state, in this case, you just need to restart the computer. You won't be able to do this through the Start button. Therefore, click on the hard reset button and boot the system again. After that, it is advisable to start the dispatcher and follow step 1. Maybe you have some program that is constantly loading and because of it there is a problem.

Recovery of bad sectors

It may be that the system will take a very long time to boot after a reboot. This means that there was some kind of failure in it. In this case, you must wait until it is fully loaded, and perform the function of recovering bad sectors of the system.

This action is performed thanks to the Chkdsk command. That is, you need to analyze the system disk for errors, then check and repair bad sectors. There is nothing to be afraid of, the computer will do everything for you. How exactly to carry out this analysis, I told in the article: "?".

Virus check

After eliminating errors in the system, you need to check your computer for viruses. Quite often, a computer freeze occurs directly precisely because of the effects of various pests. Turn on your favorite antivirus and scan. At the same time, you need to scan not only the C drive, but the entire computer.

So, you scanned, but the question is: “The computer freezes, what should I do?” remained relevant, i.e. hovering continued. Then let's continue.

Cleaning the registry

If you do not have any such program at the moment, it does not matter. You can clean the OS system method. You will learn about this from the article: Urgent Windows Cleanup". Pretty good method, can be used even when you have registry cleaners.


You need to defragment. We often install new programs on the computer and remove old ones. Such programs and applications are not installed evenly across hard disk partitions. They are scattered across its various sectors.

I advise, if you are a beginner, to study this article, but then still call the master and see everything in practice. In the future, you can easily reinstall the system yourself.

Service center

But lastly, if even after reinstalling the system you continue to have problems with the computer freezing, it is advisable for you to call the wizard or take the computer to a service center. There can be quite a few reasons why a computer hangs, from breakdowns of various PC components, to failures in the operating board, overheating of the hard drive and other problems.

Computer freezes video 15 solutions to problems

Now you can imagine if the computer freezes what to do? I have tried to explain the whole process to you in more detail. I hope your computer will work like a good Swiss watch! Good luck!

Friends, so that your computer freezes less, I suggest you install an SSD solid state drive on it, as I did. Buy it you can on aliexpress. Disks on the page from 120 to 960 GB, i.e., actually 1TB. Judging by the description, the disc is suitable for both Computers and (laptops).

From the screenshot you can see the volumes of the disks. If you need to install the system exactly, it is enough to purchase a disk with a capacity of 120 GB. If, however, as a full-fledged hard drive, then, at your discretion, from 480 to 960 GB. Why do I recommend installing Windows on a solid state hard drive? Your system will boot in seconds! If you purchase a 1TB disk, all your programs will fly!

Sincerely, Andrey Zimin 08/15/2015