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Quick money without investment. How to earn more money: methods and tips

To earn a lot of money, it is not necessary to have a highly paid job; it is more important to find an original approach to the current needs of people, and for this it is not even necessary to have a higher education. To unlock your potential, listen to the tips below on how to get money in your pockets quickly. In addition to somewhat well-known methods, here you will also find financial advice and even some ideas on how to earn money for your child.


About how to make money

Second life of things

    Buy used books or new ones at discounts. Using special applications for smartphones, by scanning the ISBN number of a book, you can find out how much this book costs in online stores. Whenever you find a significant difference between prices in a store and online, buy this book and resell it online. The likelihood of such successful purchases is small, but given that the process is quick and does not take much time, it is worth a try.

    Attend auctions. Research information on everything you can collect. Pick an area (eg Mexican silver, figurines, National Geographics) and start visiting private auctions to find good deals.

    Judicial auctions. It happens that things that have been confiscated are put up for sale at auctions. Of course, you shouldn't buy a car that was involved in a serious crime, but you can look for jewelry here, the cost of which will be really small.

    Updating old furniture. If you have varnish, sandpaper, satin and some crafting skills, you can buy old furniture and sell the updated ones for a much higher price.

    Solid wood furniture. You can find material for work for free - on beaches where tree trunks wash up with water, or on construction sites that have recently finished and left behind “garbage”. These finds are dried in the home oven to reveal them in all their glory. After this, the wood can be varnished and sold as is, or turned into beautiful furniture. Make sure you emphasize that it is handcrafted and original, then people will be willing to pay a lot more.

    Remodel houses. If you are a person with a good sense of style and know what plays a role in creating a cozy home, then consider buying, remodeling and reselling real estate. This requires significant costs at the first stage, but the profit from the sale will be impressive.

    Participate in research

    Look for pearls of art

    Participation in marketing research

    Realize your hobby

    Daily ways to earn money

    1. Pet sitting. Taking care of a dog or two is a great way to have fun, get outdoors, meet new people and, of course, earn a little extra money in your free time.

      Flowerbed care. Look for work cutting grass and caring for trees, which may later bring you regular clients. There are some tricks and subtleties here. For example, if you are hired to remove fallen pine needles from a property, the collected needles can be used to fertilize the roses you are caring for for another client. If your task is to clear the area of ​​fallen branches, then they can be used as fuel to heat your home in winter.

      Help older people. Contact your local senior support center and connect with people who need help buying and delivering groceries, cleaning, or delivering mail. Again, you may develop warm friendships with new people.

      Casual earnings on the Internet. Search freelance exchanges for jobs that you can do.

    Use smartphone apps

    Selling things you found on the street

      If you have weeds on your property: collect and dry them and sell them online. Believe it or not, people often use them in craft projects. In fact, what seems ordinary to you is not so to others. Like weeds in the garden for people who live in the city and rarely spend time in nature.

      Grass: collect, wash and sell online. Florists need completely different vegetation to add accents to the bouquet.

      If you have pine: sell the pine cones that fill your yard every fall. Small or large cones are a beautiful decoration for the New Year, especially if they are tied with a silk ribbon.

      If you live on the coast: sell driftwood washed up on the beach, which can be used for crafts or, if the wood is nice and dense, as aquarium decoration.

      If you have a pond: collect and dry reeds. They can be sold as decorations for bouquets (or even as bouquets on their own). The same goes for water lilies, moss, or any other plant that grows in your pond.

      If you have a tree full of mistletoe, cut the mistletoe and use it for holiday decorations.

      If you don't have any of the above (plot, pond and weeds): buy from other people. Many people are willing to pay to clear a site of weeds, a pond of reeds, and the coastline of garbage. Here you can earn money from all sides - get money for the service performed, and then also from the sale of finds.

    Earn passively

      Rent out premises. If you have a spare room or an unused parking space, rent it out and enjoy an extra monthly salary.

    Earn money quickly

    Secrets of financial wisdom for life

      Use the law of supply and demand to your advantage. Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand - the more a product, the cheaper it becomes, and vice versa, the rarer a product or service, the more expensive it is. However, when we arrive at the toy store before sunrise in order to buy a new model of toy that your child cannot live without, we seem to forget about this law. If you want to do what many other people want to do (and for free, as a hobby), then it will be much more difficult for you and will not bring you money. On the other hand, if you do something that most people don't want to do, and you're good at it, then you can make a lot of money. In other words, choose to work as a pharmacist rather than as a photographer.

      If your career is going nowhere, quit and retrain. Research occupations to find out how much workers are paid and what their future prospects are (you can find this information on government labor statistics sites or just online). Find a profession that pays well and start studying so you can be qualified to work in that field. Look for employers that offer competitive salaries and ample opportunities for growth.

      If your goal is to earn enough money to retire early, then prioritize income over the satisfaction of doing interesting work. Consider jobs that pay well but require hard work, no psychological satisfaction, and a demanding, fast-paced lifestyle, such as investing, banking, sales, or engineering. If you can keep your expenses to a minimum for the next 10 years, then this job can help you build savings for a modest but very early retirement. Or, as an option, continue to work, but not for money, but for your own pleasure, doing what you really like. But keep in mind that limiting everyday expenses is very difficult and requires very strong endurance and motivation.

      Remember that time is money. This famous aphorism is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who was a recognized American inventor, journalist, publicist, diplomat and statesman all rolled into one. Your ability to manage your time is the most important component in making money. Whether you are employed or have your own business, always be aware of how you spend your time. Ask yourself: "Which of these activities make me money? And which are a waste of time?" Do more of the former and less of the latter. Focusing on priority tasks means getting the job done efficiently and quickly. Thus, by working efficiently, you give your employers and clients more time, which they will definitely appreciate. Remember that time is a limited resource and you need to choose what is worth spending it on.

      Set your own pricing rules. If you have skills and knowledge or produce a product that is in great demand, but has little supply in the market, then this is a sure sign of making money. Unfortunately, most people are too modest or afraid to ask to be paid adequately. It's essentially agreeing to be used and exploited, so stop pleasing everyone. If you work for someone, then ask for a raise or promotion, and if the employer does not respond, then maybe it’s time to change him? If you work for yourself, then the first thing you need to do is make sure that your clients pay on time - this in itself can significantly improve your income. Compare your prices with those of your competitors. Are your prices lower? Think about why. If you provide a quality product or service, then you should receive for it at least not lower than the average price prevailing in the market. It’s another matter if you have large-scale wholesale production or sales, where slightly different laws apply, but in this case, you apparently already earn a lot and it’s strange why you’re reading this article!

      Be prudent. Remember Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." When making a plan, always make every possible calculation, taking into account everything that can go wrong. Then make backup plans in case something goes wrong. Don't leave anything to luck. For example, if you are writing a business plan, then calculate how long it will take you to reach your break-even point, and then you can safely multiply this time frame by three to get a more realistic date, and after you have determined the planned expenses, do not forget to add to them 20% are unplanned. Remember Murphy's Law and prepare for the worst. It makes sense to think about the costs of business insurance. Remember the advice of Louis Pasteur, the French chemist who made some amazing discoveries in the field of disease prevention: “Fortune favors the prepared mind.”

      Reconsider the value of everyday goods. In reality, millionaires are not doctors, lawyers and corporate executives with big houses and expensive cars, but people who live by an idea and invest all their income in this idea. For them, making a profit does not necessarily mean improving the material component of life. Most people who flaunt their wealth don't actually have much when you consider their asset-to-debt ratio—they typically owe a lot more money than they actually have. So, all the above money making strategies will never work if you have a hole in your pocket.

      As they say, a penny saves a ruble. In fact, when it comes to taxes on every penny you earn, you actually save money by reducing your income, especially if the additional income increases your tax rate. For example, let's say you have a choice between saving thousands of rubles on taxes or earning an extra thousand rubles. If the tax rate for you is 15%, then from the thousand you earn, you will receive only 850 rubles. But when you save a thousand in taxes, you save a thousand. In addition, if you put money in a bank at a savings interest rate, then over time you will begin to earn money from the money invested. At first it will be pennies, but the amount will change exponentially.

      Look for advantages in tax laws for those who work for themselves. Money saved on taxes is the same money saved as in any other case. If you work for yourself, then you have the right to show the state many of your expenses as business expenses - the use of your home, car, office supplies, etc. When preparing financial statements, you also have the right to claim tax breaks, such as the deduction of medical premiums insurance. Tax laws are designed to encourage trade and business growth, so don't neglect the benefits that are available to you under the law.

      If you are employed, ask your employer about pension benefits. If you're lucky, your employer is already making matching contributions for you. Pension contributions are the same as money kept in a bank account. The longer you keep your money (and earn interest on it), the better. It's never too early to start planning for retirement.

      Distinguish between assets and liabilities. The difference here is whether you put the money in your pocket or take it out. For example, a house will be a liability rather than an asset if you invest more money in improving it than you have from it (unless you rent it out). Invest in assets - stocks, mutual funds, patents, copyrights - anything that pays interest or royalties. Eventually, you may get to the point where your assets work for you, and then you can do nothing and get paid!

      Monitor inflation to preserve assets. We all constantly hear complaints from older people about rising prices day by day. To win the race against time and inflation, learn to invest your money wisely and correctly. A savings account at a bank will help you keep up with inflation, but to stay ahead of it, invest in bonds, stocks or other investments that pay a higher rate of return than the average inflation rate (currently 3%-4%).

    How to make money as a teenager

      Ask your parents if they are willing to pay you to do your homework. Your responsibilities probably already include cleaning the house and helping your family for free. However, ask your parents if there is anything else you can do for a small fee. For example, maybe your mom really hates going to the store for milk and would be willing to pay if someone else did it for her. Either way, let your parents know that you are willing to take on more work for some compensation.

      Make sure you can do the job you're asked to do. If you know that your parents clean the floor thoroughly and in every corner, don't cut corners - clean it well, and then you might even get a higher reward rate for the future!

      Sell ​​lemonade, compote or something similar. During the hot summer months, you can sell refreshing drinks on the street near your home. Or sell something appropriate for the weather. Cold drinks or popsicles will sell better on a hot day than on a rainy day.

Today I will tell you about 10 surefire ways to make money. These methods are very simple and accessible to everyone. Many of them have been tested in practice and have given good results.

Hello, dear readers! The founder of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov, is with you.

We will look at the most proven and reliable methods of making money. I’ll say right away that most of these methods allow you to earn money from the first day after their implementation, so I wish you good luck and good income!

Ready? Then let's go!

1. The truth about making money that is rarely spoken out loud

Friends, as paradoxical as it may seem, the truth about making money is that there are no freebies or quick ways to get rich.

If you are offered to participate in a dubious project with the investment of a certain amount of money, and they promise that in just a few days you will become rich - run away from such people with their offers!

If you look closely at the contents of the article, you will not see headings like “We earn a million in 3 hours on the project “Horns and Hooves””.

The whole secret of making money is what you need work hard , and not wait for manna from heaven, thinking about “high matters” and constantly postponing decisive actions.

It is no coincidence that in this article I do not present ways to make money by investing money, much less large amounts of money, which would probably scare you away and make you wary. This is understandable, because the thought immediately creeps in: isn’t this just another scam they’re offering us?!

Wherever you invest something, especially large amounts, there is always a risk of losing money.

2. A simple formula for making money

It looks like this:

You are doing what you love (1) which is in demand by the market (2) , do it professionally (3) over a long period of time (4)

Let's take a closer look at why this formula works.

1) You are doing what you love

Obviously, if you try to make money by doing something you don’t like, then you simply won’t be able to achieve great results in it and will quit at the first difficulties.

Read articles about the most profitable types of business on our partner website - only verified, relevant and expert information.

2) Which is in demand by the market

Why do I say that this business should be in demand by the market?

Imagine that you love to lie on the couch or cross stitch. But it is obvious that such favorite things most likely will not bring in a lot of money. At least, if you can theoretically earn something from cross-stitching, I have not met specialists like “professional couch potato”. I think you will too.

3) Do it professionally

Do your favorite thing that is in demand in the market professionally- perhaps the main problem of most people. After all, many, for example, love to sing or draw, but what percentage of these people gives out such a product for which exactly YOU ready to pay?

Obviously, the percentage of such specialists is extremely small. There are very few real professionals in any business and almost all of them earn decent money.

4) Over a long period of time

The final element of the simple formula for making money is amount of time, which you devote to this activity.

Your child is already 5 years old and does not yet work part-time as a cotton candy seller? Your grandmother is only 87 and doesn't sell knitted items on etsy? Then you should read this article.

This is perhaps the most complete collection of different options for part-time work in RuNet. Primarily for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. And also for housewives and adult parasites. And of course for everyone who wants to find additional sources of income. I made this collection for my relatives and friends. Now I decided to publish it to the general public.

The ideologists of communism once dreamed of building a bright future where “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” The Internet has provided this opportunity. A bright future (with different shades) has arrived. It doesn't matter what hole you live in or who your parents are. If you have a laptop with unlimited Internet, you can become anyone. From homeless to president - depending on ambitions and abilities.

The commodity-money relations of the past are gradually turning into exclusively informational exchange of knowledge and values ​​between people. Labor productivity has increased so much that one working farmer can feed 100+ drones, who can spend their entire lives doing nothing and posting cats on social networks, without fear of starving to death.

But let's get back to the topic. So, here are lists of different activity options depending on age.

Work for children 5-12 years old

Spend 1-3 hours a day, earning 100-200 rubles per hour or about 500 rubles. per day or about 10 thousand rubles per month

  • Mow lawns. Water the flowers
  • Walk the dogs.
  • Feed fish and cats when their owners are away or on vacation. Clean aquariums.
  • Distribute flyers.
  • Selling lemonade.
  • Wash cars
  • Deliver mail
  • Clean the house, clean carpets, etc.

How and where to find a job:

  • Leaflets in the area and in pass-through places (grocery stores) in the style of “Hi, I’m Yura, I’m 7 years old, I’m putting together a new bike. I can clean your house and walk your dogs. My mother agrees for me to earn extra money. Phone +7 916...”

simple skills are taught by parents or elders in 1-2 weeks

My first part-time job as a child was collecting bottles. I handed them over and bought ice cream with the change. Plus, adults gave a little for weeding the garden and other small tasks around the house.

One of my nephews drove carts to the supermarket after school for 10 rubles. (coins that pay there to unlock the cart). It came out to about 300 rubles. per day, about 10 thousand per month. This is at 7 years old, in Krasnodar, where the average salary of an adult with higher education is 20 thousand rubles.

Work for high school students 12-18 years old

Spend 2 - 4 hours a day, earning 200-400 rubles per hour or about 1000 rubles. per day or about 20 thousand rubles per month

  • Work part-time in a cafe (bartender) or in fast food (crumbs, McDonalds)
  • Tutoring. If you know a subject very well (English, mathematics or Russian), you can teach someone from the lower class.
  • Learn to play the guitar
  • Make something with your own hands and sell it on ( , and so on.)
  • Assemble furniture.
  • At the sports club there is an administrator and a cleaner.
  • Lead excursions. Learn well about a museum or park and take excursions.
  • Make simple websites on WordPress
  • Process photos in Photoshop
  • Translator from English.
  • Selling tickets in cinemas
  • Keep an eye on other children
  • Look after the elderly - buy milk/food, etc.
  • Prepare cupcakes and take them to the nearest cafe
  • Make soap or candles, make jewelry and hand them over to stores (after agreeing with them in advance)
  • Repair something
  • Lead groups on VK, promote groups, write posts, sell advertising through, etc. and so on.
  • Work as a salesperson in a store or market
  • Rent out your bike or camera
  • Take orders in online stores by phone

How and where to find a job:

  • Leaflets in the entrances of houses in the style “Hello, I’m Yura, I’m 14 years old, I’m assembling a new bicycle. I can fix your computer and take out the trash.”
  • Advertisements on and other bulletin boards
  • Simple tasks on
  • Websites for freelancers -
  • Websites where they sell handicrafts:,,,
  • Announcements and groups on VK
  • Through friends - just ask if they have work for you, I’m willing to work for free.
  • At every opportunity, help people do something for free. Over time, people will offer jobs themselves.

How to learn if you don’t know how:

  • video tutorials on youtube, vk,most can be found for free.
  • find someone to teach and mentor. Work for him for free for 2-3 months, just to teach him.

Any such simple skill can be mastered in 3-6 months of daily practice.

At this age I actively played the accordion. There were cash prizes at competitions. At my aunt’s wedding, drunken guests covered my accordion with large bills, so I had enough to buy a new one. In the summer I helped my relatives a little at construction sites and in the garden, and the rest of the time I studied.

Work for students aged 18-23 and everyone else

Spend 3-5 hours a day, earning 300-500 rubles per hour or about 1500 rubles. per day or about 30 thousand rubles per month

Everything is the same as for high school students.


Creating and selling your own products

  • Register as a webmaster in,,, and earn money from affiliate CPA programs, generate leads in niches: tourism, business, health, etc.
  • Record a simple video course “How to create a website on WordPress” and sell it on
  • Make a plugin or theme for WordPress and sell through
  • Sell ​​photos and video footage through photo stocks, such as
  • Make, publish and sell e-books through Amazon Kindle, ordering everything you need on
  • Sell ​​music on iTunes through or
  • Work as a taxi driver at Uber or as a cleaner at
  • Buy goods from wholesalers or in China using a white label and resell under your own brand. Amazon FBA
  • Launch your products through crowdfunding -,,
  • Prepare various delicious things at home: chocolate/muffins/cheesecakes/croissants/sauces and sell them to a nearby cafe. Ethnic cuisine - khash, etc.
  • You can create and sell recipes. Make video reviews of popular games or blog and earn money from advertising. You can publish your own e-book of recipes - a fairly popular niche.
  • Handmade (sell via etsy, instagram, livemasters, avito, ebay)
    • Make candles or soap
    • Making toys like Tilda
    • Sewing clothes and toys for dogs
    • Making bags
    • Make your own jewelry
    • Draw portraits of people/pictures
    • Print custom designs on a 3D printer

Selling your used goods

  • Sell ​​what I have and what I don’t use (phone, speakers, guitar, microphones). On
  • Sell ​​gift cards or a trip to the fitness center.
  • Sell ​​paintings on
  • Sell ​​records, books, xbox games.
  • Unnecessary furniture
  • Old children's things

Renting out your used goods(

  • Bike
  • Camera
  • Apartment via airbnb
  • car
  • Expensive dress/suit

Learn simple skills and sell your services:

  • Learn to program in Ruby, Python, Swift
  • Write articles - freelance exchange like
  • Make video reviews
  • Quickly develop websites to order
  • Teach fitness/yoga/martial arts/how to lose weight
  • Tutoring. English teaching. Guitar/vocal/dance training -
  • Graphics/Web design
  • Home renovation / Interior design
  • Research Searching for people, doing marketing analysis, etc.
  • House cleaning
  • Sitting with babies
  • Walking the dogs
  • Feed the fish and cats
  • Mow lawns
  • Clean up trash
  • Bring food from the store
  • Shopping assistant
  • Translation from English, etc.
  • Moderator of VKontakte groups or forums
  • Eyelash/nail extensions
  • Hairdresser, etc.
  • Masseur
  • Do various jobs on

Some interesting and simple niches:

  • Animals (cats/dogs).
    • Special food for cats
    • Walking or caring for them
    • Taking photos with your pets
  • Food
    • You can bake croissants and take them to the nearest cafe
    • You can publish recipes and put them into a book or make money from advertising
    • Make reviews on youtube
  • Jewelry/Handmade/Cosmetics
    • Make and sell them on or livemasters
    • Online store
  • Books
    • Write reviews or notes on books. Earn money from advertising and leads.
    • You need to focus on a specific genre: business literature
    • Sell ​​used books on avito, etc.
  • Find a niche on avito with marginal and rare goods, for example, “tube amplifiers” or “vintage cameras” - buy them cheaply and urgently, and sell them not urgently and with a good margin, while listening to tube sound and enjoying black and white photos.

Selling other people's goods/services

  • Realtor – help buy/sell apartments
  • Auto – help buy/sell cars
  • Selling credit cards
  • Lead generation for foreign universities and English schools

Where to look for work (see for high school students)

  • The key and most difficult thing is to learn how to sell yourself and your services before you master them perfectly. Everything is made to order.
  • The best way is to start helping people for free: “teach English for free,” “work part-time in a bank for free,” “work with children for free.” Over time, people will start paying + reviews will appear + you will understand what your soul is about.
  • Ideally, work immediately on the English-speaking market. Freelancer sites,, etc.

How to learn if you don't know how

  • Let's start by helping people for free.
  • Find a mentor. Watch video tutorials and do.
  • Learn to sell yourself/service/product before you have a skill or product or service.

During this period I tried many different jobs. The most developing one was the collection of public opinion questionnaires. It was necessary to walk around unfamiliar apartments and ask various awkward questions to people. Someone tried to let the dogs loose, someone fed them pancakes. This is the best for introverts.

Working as a bartender in a strip club turned out to be no less developing. I didn’t like working as an outdoor advertising electrician and didn’t last more than 2 weeks.

And of course, unloading/loading wagons. I remember there was one carriage of expensive tobacco from Cuba. We unloaded the carriage for almost a day and then realized that the money we received would not be enough for even a pinch of this tobacco. I have never met a stronger and more obvious motivator to work with my head and not with my hands since then.

Work for pensioners (60 years +)

  • Knit, sew
  • Sitting with children and giving advice on care and education
  • Teach children literacy and simple skills
  • Sell ​​on the market
  • Read fairy tales. Record audiobooks.
  • Write memoirs and stories for the newspaper
  • Teach
  • Do simple housework
  • Cook and sell food
  • Agriculture

Personally, after 70 I am going to teach, keep an apiary of bees and write, maybe even write this blog) And of course study and work all my life to the best of my ability. No retirement or “well-deserved rest.”

What could stop you from earning an extra $300 per month?

The book “Family Wealth” provides an excellent study of the wealth of various families. Brief conclusion: “The 4th generation is poor in the vast majority of families.” History repeats itself over and over and goes something like this:

  1. The first generation, let's call them “parents,” were born poor, but worked very hard and eventually saved up the initial capital to give their children a better life. These are the kind of entrepreneurs who rose from the bottom from scratch and made themselves.
  2. The second generation, let’s call them “children,” were already born into a wealthy family. Their parents tried to give them a good education, business, and the opportunity to travel and enjoy life. Naturally, they are not accustomed to work, because their parents wished them a better life. Some children already at this stage manage to squander all their parental capital, so that their grandchildren end up with debts and poverty; some have enough capital for another generation.
  3. The third generation, let’s call them “grandchildren,” does not remember at all what work is. Usually they live beyond their means, on credit, but on a grand scale. They consider work to be the lot of second-class people. A kind of aristocracy. Usually they completely squander and leave their great-grandchildren with nothing at best.
  4. The fourth generation, let's call them “great-grandchildren,” the children of bankrupt “grandchildren,” find themselves in complete poverty and start from scratch.

This story is repeated again and again and is observed in all countries and at all historical periods. The only exception is families that have managed to hold onto capital for many centuries. What's the secret? It's simple - they make each generation work harder than the previous one. It's as if they are starting from scratch. There are many more factors, but this is the main one.

But despite the availability of the Internet, knowledge and a large number of opportunities, a huge number of adults cannot even earn their own food. Even $300 a month, which is affordable for a schoolchild. Here are the main reasons:

  1. Laziness and excessive self-pity. Parents did not teach them to work from childhood, wishing their children a “better life.”
  2. Excessive conceit and pride, which does not allow you to take on work “beneath your dignity.” False nonsense like “working in a bank is cool” and “working as a waiter is not cool.” In our country, many people view their work as “temporary”, without love and enthusiasm, and almost all university students study at least to become directors and investment bankers.
  3. Greed borders on stupidity, which pushes people to “make a million quickly” in casinos, financial pyramids, forex, MLM, stock trading, inflated capitalization of startups, etc.
  4. Alcohol, drugs and other unhealthy habits acquired from the desire to be “happy for free” and which ultimately destroy the personality.
  5. Physical disability or mental impairment.

Bonus track. Classification of types of work by degree of ideality

There are types of work from which you cannot get rich in principle, and those that will allow you to do this. Here are the works, in increasing order of ideality.

    1. Unemployed with loans.Worst case, rock bottom. You spend money on food every day + you have to. And debts grow like a snowball. There are no sources of income. You don't bring any benefit. The meaning is lost. This causes health problems: laziness, alcoholism, apathy. The solution is to get a job somewhere with a fixed salary + try to move to the next level.
    2. An unemployed person on benefits or a pension or a student on a scholarship.You don’t owe anyone much, but you live on “handouts” from relatives or the state. You get used to living like this, but you feel that you are of no use to anyone and you don’t know how to do anything special. This causes health problems, laziness, alcoholism, apathy, and binge drinking. The solution is to get a job somewhere with a fixed salary. Try different types of work.
    3. An employee in a company for a fixed salary per month.You change 30 days a month and all your free time is fixed. salary, for example, 20 thousand. This is the ceiling. You give all the time and under no circumstances will you earn more than 20 thousand. The eternal “rat race”. Money is always short + partial loans. There is only 1 way to break out: free at least 4 hours a day from family and work and start working part-time and studying during this time. Trying to sell yourself more expensive. + Set aside 10% of all money for a deposit, so that there is a “financial cushion” in case of dismissal. Plus try to get to the next level.
    4. An employee in a company for a fixed salary per month +% of sales or bonuses.Here, in principle, you can earn a lot, especially if you know how to sell: yourself/your company/your company’s products. It’s difficult, but it’s possible, some people build their careers this way and feel good about themselves.
    5. Working for yourself. You trade time for money. Freelancer.For example, you get eyelash extensions for 2 thousand rubles. at one o'clock. You can earn more than 100 thousand per month. But the ceiling is 200 thousand rubles. You can make websites. But the key here is sales. If there are clients, good. But if everything is bad with sales, such a freelancer will soon slide down to the “Unemployed with loans” level.
    6. Working for yourself and giving work to other people. You are not selling your time, but goods or the time of other people.Unlike the previous point, there are no time restrictions (if an eyelash extension artist or consultant cannot sell more than 10 hours a day), then there is no “ceiling” in product sales. But there is a risk - costs may be higher than profits or there may be insufficient demand or competition - then bankruptcy. The path of company owners.
    7. Investment.Money works for you. If you have a capital of at least 1 million rubles, you can put it in the bank at 10% and receive 10 thousand rubles a month for nothing. The only negative is inflation is above 10% and then money depreciates over time. An investor must always look for where else to invest money + how to protect it. Basic rules of investing for children and adults:
      1. Always set aside 10% of all income for a rainy day. Keep it on deposit in a bank.
      2. Clearly separate what brings in money (deposits, your business, renting out a store) and what “steals” money (unnecessary purchases, cars, entertainment, etc.)
      3. Until you have accumulated the required amount, invest in your development, sales and business. Spend less on beautiful “candy wrappers”, clothes, food, cars, etc.
      4. If you have accumulated several million rubles. buy commercial real estate (a store in the city center) and rent it out - this is a stable income for all cases.
    8. Creation of exclusive products with the potential for rapid replication.This is writing books, music or programs. It’s hard to be a bestseller here (it’s hard to get promoted). But if you become popular, then a multiple increase in profits is possible. Money and eternal glory).
    9. Creating companies and selling them to even larger companies.The fastest, but also the most risky way to get rich.

Business or self-employment? Is it possible to teach the basics of business to a schoolchild?

What do you think is the difference between business and self-employment? And should you strive to build a business right away or is it better to start with self-employment?

To answer this question, we

In what ways did I personally manage to earn more than 1,000,000 rubles? What do you need to do to get your first money today? What ways to make money quickly are there and how can you get started?

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the authors of the business magazine, is in touch.

To make a lot of money quickly, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how to do it.

In this article we will look at 7 proven methods available to the common person. They have been tested by me personally and have proven their effectiveness in practice.

All you have to do is study them and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Here we will not consider getting a job or clever fraudulent schemes. We will rather talk about business ideas that can bring you profit tomorrow.

Make yourself comfortable! I promise - you will not regret reading this article to the end!

1. How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles? in 2 weeks

This is absolutely real, tested from my own experience! However, nothing happens for nothing and you have to work really hard, sometimes with your head, sometimes with your arms and legs, but the result is worth it.

This article will only talk about legal and morally normal ways to make relatively quick money.

Let me immediately give you guidelines on which areas (with the exception of standard work) you should pay attention to in order to quickly earn a lot of money:

  • selling unnecessary things from home;
  • earnings from mediation;
  • creating income using the Internet;
  • turning your hobby into a business;
  • consulting (teaching);
  • provision of paid services.

One way or another, I will tell you about all these areas of earning money in an article with examples and recommendations. During my experiments in making money using the above methods, I managed to make a profit of more than 1,000,000 rubles! I especially want to emphasize that I earned this money not from a classic job, but from doing business.

How did I earn this money:

  1. Opened a business on the Internet. I created my own profitable website on the Internet with a partner -
  2. Provided paid services. I created websites and computer designs to order with my friend Vitaly (if you want to repeat our success, read my article “”)
  3. He was involved in mediation. I sold goods and services through the Avito electronic bulletin board ( and found customers for familiar apartment renovation contractors.

These methods were enough for me to earn decent money by the standards of the provincial city of Stavropol, in which I live.

2. What you need to know to make a lot of money

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Find out which ways to make money work and which don't. In this article I will talk specifically about working methods. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.
  2. Learn from the experience of people who are already making money and repeat what they do. It's always easier to follow the beaten path than to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, we are talking about how to make money in 2 weeks.
  3. Start acting immediately after receiving PRACTICAL knowledge. After all, your financial success depends only on you. If you are not lazy and understand this, then you should prove at least to yourself that you are capable of making money, and not just complain about fate.

That's all. Let's get to practice!

3. How to make money quickly - 7 real ways

The methods described below are suitable for people with absolutely average abilities.

Some of them will be connected to the Internet and some will not. Therefore, computer skills at the level of a confident user will give you great advantages.

Method 1. We sell unnecessary things (ours and others)

Have you ever thought that you can make good money on old things that you no longer need?

If you do a general cleaning of your apartment (house, office), as well as the garage and basement, you will find a lot of “junk”. In your opinion, these things may not have value, but someone really needs them and you can make money quickly from this.

Old tires, broken household appliances, unnecessary furniture, accessories that you are tired of - these are thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of rubles!

Before such things become completely worthless, let's implement them and replenish our budget.

Some will say that he doesn't have many old things to sell. This usually happens because you simply did not audit your property.

Personally, I found more odds and ends at home than in 40,000 rubles.

Among them:

  1. Professional Santa Claus suit, which was made to order. Cost in used condition - 10,000 rubles
  2. The clothes, including very good ones, are almost new. Cost in used condition: approx. 8,000 rubles.
  3. Car tires with rims for VAZ. Cost in used condition: approx. 5,000 rubles.
  4. Unnecessary electronics and household appliances (laptop, camera, juicer, food processor). The cost of everything together in used condition is approximately 15,000 rubles.
  5. Accessories, figurines, old furniture. The cost of used items is approx. 10,000 rubles.

How to quickly sell unnecessary things and earn 30,000 rubles in 2 weeks? - further we will talk about the methods tested by me personally.

Method 1. We hand over old things to a thrift store in your city

In almost every city there are so-called “thrift stores” (thrift stores), where you can bring a lot of things at once and sell them in a fairly short time.

In this case, the store will take a percentage from you for the fact that you earned money with its help. Typically the store commission is 20%.

By the way, there are industry consignment stores, such as computer or furniture stores, that deal only with certain categories of goods. Accordingly, here they will be able to evaluate your things more objectively.

Method 2. We provide free advertisements in local newspapers

Each locality has its own free newspapers like “Everything for You” or “From Hand to Hand”.

You can submit advertisements there in several ways: call, come to the office and fill out an application, place your advertisement in a newspaper via the Internet.

Method 3. Posting advertisements around the area

This is one of the best ways to sell old furniture, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a piano, a bicycle and other relatively large items.

Since a person who saw the ad and became interested in your offer can immediately come to you and look at this thing.

If you have good presentation skills and are pleasant to talk to, you will most likely be able to easily find a buyer and sell your product at a good price.

Method 4. The best way is to sell things through free Internet boards

I single out this method as the best, since it has almost all the advantages of the previous ones, and at the same time has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The site's audience is already looking for your product. Unlike newspapers, where the reader sees all the advertisements in a row, the user of the site (electronic bulletin board) specifically goes there and goes to a certain category, where you place your advertisement.
  • Detailed positioning of your offer. If newspapers often have a limit on the number of characters, and adding photographs is generally a problem, here all these possibilities are fully available to you.
  • Huge audience. Every day more and more people are looking for information on the Internet, and newspapers and magazines are fading into the background, becoming obsolete. By placing your ad on the site, you greatly increase the chances of selling your product.

The best site for selling things is Avito ( This is the most popular electronic free bulletin board in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

I promised to periodically give examples from personal experience.

So, with the help of the Avito website, I managed to earn 10,000 rubles in 1 week.

When they call you based on an ad, you find out the person’s name, find out his needs and say that a specialist (specialist) will call him back and your client will continue working with him.

Remember, perhaps you have familiar entrepreneurs who sell something and agree with them on a percentage of sales if you find them a client.

You can also negotiate with third-party companies whose managers you did not know before. Become their freelance sales manager, and in just a couple of days you will earn your first money.

Method 3. We sell things made with our own hands - “Handmade”

As you know, our people are creative and for some people making crafts, souvenirs, and gifts with their own hands is a hobby from which you can quickly earn quite a lot of money.

You've probably seen ads like:

  • “Making bouquets of sweets and soft toys”
  • “Original gifts to order” and others

This type of income is especially popular among girls. It is possible that you are also interested in making handmade items*.

Handmade(from the English “Handmade”) - made by hand. Crafts and other handmade arts and crafts.

I have a friend, his name is Yura, who makes custom designer watches, bracelets and other popular accessories.

Another friend of mine, Anna Belan, teaches handicrafts to children and makes custom-made crafts. I even took it from her and posted it on the website.

So Anya turned her hobby into a good business. Our local Stavropol television even filmed several stories about this girl.

Here is one of these videos about Anya:

Therefore, guys, if you have a craving for creativity and a desire to create something with your own hands, feel free to start making money this way.

You can also become an intermediary, selling handmade crafts from familiar craftsmen. These people can be found on the Internet, because here on “handmade” forums a huge number of “handy” creators hang out.

Offer them to sell their crafts for a percentage, I’m sure they won’t refuse.

Let's move on to the review of the next method for making money quickly.

Method 4. We train (consult) people for money

If you are professionally versed in something and can teach it to others, then why not make money this way?

You can organize your own paid courses, advise people individually, or become a private tutor, like my friend Alexey, who helped me learn English. This young man teaches languages ​​via Skype with his wife; they teach adults and children.

That is, you can earn money without leaving home and you can start quickly - new technologies will only help you.

So, think about it, maybe your knowledge can be “monetized”.

By starting small and learning how to make your first money from your talents, you can make the World Wide Web your main source of high income. If you are interested in this topic, then read our article about it. This is the dream of many people and a modern trend especially among young people.

Method 5. Borrow money (against your income or property)

If you need money very urgently, and you know that you can pay it back in the near future, then you can borrow it. And even though this is not a way to earn money, but rather a way to get money, it still solves the problem of their absence. You can also read our article on the topic “”, it describes the most popular methods.

A loan is one of the opportunities to quickly get money. But how to do that?

There are several ways to do this:

Method 1. Take out a consumer loan

Typically, such a loan is issued without problems to people with a permanent job for 6 months or more. Loan interest rates range from 15% before 30% in different banks.

Here, your salary income will be the guarantor of loan payments. By the way, if you have some passive income, it will also be taken into account by the bank and will positively influence the decision to issue you a loan.

Method 2. Take advantage of quick loans

This is the same loan, only it is issued much faster and often with one document - a passport, and you do not need to confirm income from your place of work.

Unlike banks, quick loans are issued by so-called microfinance companies.

However, this method of receiving money has its own small drawback - an inflated interest rate, which usually amounts to tens of percent per year.

Such loans are specifically designed for citizens who are about to receive a salary or sell something.

Method 3. Borrow money against property

If you have any property: an apartment, a car, a garage, retail space or equipment, then most banks will be willing to give you a loan against it.

To do this, you must have documents confirming ownership of such property.

Naturally, in any case, the property against which you want to take out a loan should not itself be encumbered with a loan.


Try to repay the money you borrowed from the bank on time, because if you do not repay it or are late in repaying the loan, you will face legal proceedings and financial penalties from your creditors.

In addition, you will have a bad credit history, which means that your chance of getting a loan in the future will be much less.

Method 6. Find a part-time job on the Internet

Making money on the Internet is suitable for people who are good at computers, since some methods of earning money here will require special technical knowledge.

Just like in real life, there are many ways to make money on the Internet:

  • Provide paid services. If you are a designer, programmer or writer (), register on remote work sites such as Freelancing ( and Workzilla (, take orders, complete them and receive your honestly earned money for completing them.
  • Start your business online. In this case, you will not make a profit the very next day, but in the long run your income will be large and stable.
  • Engage in the resale of advertising, websites and information on the Internet. By becoming an intermediary on the global web, you can earn money from anywhere in the world if you have a computer and the Internet. Again, I tested this method of earning money myself. My personal result: 28,000 rubles per month. I earned this money from affiliate programs. By the way, for most ways to make money through online mediation, you don’t even need to have your own website.

Ways to make money online through mediation:

Method 1. Selling links

This is a whole market in which you can become an intermediary. Sell ​​links on large sites for a percentage. To do this, write to the owners of such sites a proposal for cooperation. By selling several links a day, you can make money quickly. Moreover, the cost of one link on good sites starts from 30 00 rubles .

It is quite possible to agree on your commission in 20% and more. So from the sale of one link you can earn from 600 rubles.

Method 2. Selling banners

The same situation is with the sale of banners. There are sites whose banner prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month.

That is, for 1 transaction you can earn from several hundred rubles before several tens of thousands!

Imagine, it’s like realtors (intermediaries in the real estate industry). We rented out some real estate or sold it and made good money from it. Only the realtor needs to move around the city all the time, and this is a big expense.

You can engage in mediation in the field of Internet advertising even from home, and your income can be comparable to intermediaries in the real estate sector.

Method 3. Intermediation in the sale of websites

Relatively recently, a market for the purchase and sale of websites as a ready-made business began to form. A good website can bring its owner no less money than a large store in a city with a population of over a million.

And as you know, where there is money, over time people appear who want to get it.

In the previous method, I already compared a person in Internet mediation with a realtor. The situation here is exactly the same.

Bring together sellers and buyers of sites and get your percentage. On average it is 10% from the cost of the site. If you think that this is mere pennies, then I assure you that it is not so.

If the site brings its owner an income of 30,000 rubles, then it can already be sold for 750,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. Calculate how much you will earn from this if you find a buyer for such a site with your commission of 10%.

This method is suitable for you if you are fairly well versed in websites and can correctly calculate their cost based on the average monthly income of the project and other important indicators that affect the cost of the site.

Method 4. Participation in affiliate programs

Nowadays, many products and services online have their own affiliate program. This is an opportunity for you to make good money.

And you can do it like this. You register in the affiliate program and receive a special link.

In different affiliate programs they range from 10% before 90% .

All payments and calculations are carried out automatically. That is, you can even sleep at the moment when someone orders something using your affiliate link, and wake up in the morning and receive a letter that you have received a commission in a certain amount.

I recently wrote a very detailed article, which contains all the technology for making money on affiliate programs, be sure to study it “”.

How to find affiliate programs - there are 2 ways:

  1. Use search engines by entering “affiliate programs for earning money” or “affiliate program aggregators” into the search bar.
  2. Take advantage of well-known and proven affiliate programs from the service (affiliate programs of information goods and services) or the largest Internet megamarket in the RuNet,

Method 7. Pawn valuables (jewelry, electronics, car)

Another way to quickly get money is to urgently sell valuables at a pawnshop. Getting money here for jewelry, digital and household appliances, and even a car is now not a problem.

If some time ago a pawnshop meant organizations that bought gold, silver and precious stones, now industry-specific pawnshops are becoming increasingly popular: car pawnshops, pawnshops of household appliances and electronics. Here you can literally get money for your iPhone, computer or LCD TV in just 10 minutes.

At your discretion, you can either get a loan secured by your valuables, or simply sell the item. At the same time, you must understand that the pawnshop will value your item below its real market value. But you will get your money quickly. To do this, it will be enough to present your passport. This is how the pawnshop insures itself against transactions with stolen items.

This concludes the review of the main ways to earn quick money. Below I will talk about how to avoid falling into the hands of scammers, and then I will summarize the entire article.

4. Scams and scammers - how exactly you won’t be able to make money

In search of an answer to the question “How to quickly make a lot of money,” people unwittingly become victims of scammers who play on our greed and naivety.

Earn “quickly and a lot” - under this motto, dishonest people are trying to get money out of us.

Be careful! Especially where you are asked to invest something, promising quick and big earnings.

The saddest thing is that in almost all scams it is not the richest people who end up in it, who need money so badly that they are ready to give their last savings to the scammers.

Especially often our citizens end up in the so-called. And if the times of their mass distribution in real life occurred in the 90s, now they are increasingly appearing on the Internet.

You've probably heard about various MMMs and other similar projects.

It is known that only the organizers and the lucky ones who managed to withdraw their money before the collapse of the pyramid make money from them.

Now the matter is complicated by the fact that financial pyramids have begun to skillfully disguise themselves as network marketing companies and it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish a decent network company from a disguised scam.


  • Before you invest your money somewhere, study this project very carefully.
  • Understand where the profit promised in it will come from and only then make an informed decision.
  • Remember that risks are always proportional to profitability; the higher the potential dividends, the higher the chance of losing your investment!

Do not gamble or purchase techniques for beating casinos. Often these “magic pills” are distributed by the organizers of sweepstakes and other fraudulent projects themselves.

5. Conclusion

In this article, I reviewed the most accessible ways to make money in all respects.

I am sure that the most ordinary person can earn at least half of the methods described.

You just have to work through the most common ones.

The reasons for this urgency may vary. Each of us has our own life, our own problems and concerns.
You may urgently need money for medicine, surgery, loan repayment, buying a home, or simply for food. Every step we take in this world has its own price.

There are many options for making quick money. You can put a decent amount of money in your pocket after just one day of hard work. The following list will look at legal and quick ways to get rich.

1. Trade at the market or get a job as a salesperson in a small store. Grandma's method, but very effective. You need to get a job as a seller in the market. Payment every day per shift depends on the amount of revenue. The work is difficult, for people with good endurance and the ability to count money. But you shouldn’t trade illegally on the market; they can take you to the police. It is also important to know that sellers of some products must have a valid medical card.

2. Distribution of flyers and leaflets. Students and people with no work experience and zero education often earn extra money this way. You need to stand in a place with a large crowd of people (near the metro, bazaars, bus stops) and hand out advertising papers. Pay per shift. And don’t even try to mess around. You may be watched.

3. Courier services. In big cities, couriers are very necessary. There's always something to deliver. No work experience is usually required. You need decency, the ability to quickly navigate the city and good health. There are different shifts, some are 12 hours long. The pay is not bad, they can pay in shifts.
4. Collect metal or glass and hand it over to a collection point. Difficult part-time job. Many people are ashamed to go through trash cans and collect cans and beer bottles. But when it’s ready, I’m happy with this kind of income. By the way, people often throw away valuables along with the trash. They can also be handed in.

5. Buy a lottery ticket. The method is the most unreliable, but why not try? There were cases when beggars bought their lucky ticket, and then became rich. The main thing is to preserve your wealth later.

6. Go to a pawnshop and pawn something valuable.. You can receive money instantly. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy the item back later. But the method is good for those who desperately need money. They pawn gold, silver, expensive cutlery, household appliances, and gadgets.

7. Sell something you don't need. There is probably unnecessary junk lying around the house that no one will ever use again. Through special websites you can sell furniture, clothes, jewelry, books, dishes, and appliances. Items must be in good condition. And don’t go too high on prices, otherwise you’ll never sell your rags.

Before you sell anything you don't need, you need to buy something you don't need.

8. Earn money online. To do this you need a computer and access to the World Wide Web. You can write reviews and articles for money, and participate in surveys. There are a lot of options, but articles pay the best.

9. Small services for money. For example, walk your dogs, do your nails at home if you have good equipment. Also, people sit in queues for money so that the client can quickly get to the officer or official. There are so many services we don’t have in our country!

10. Participation in experiments. You will be tested for new medications, cosmetics and perfume products. Earnings depend on how long you can be a test subject. But such research is often harmful to health.

These 10 types of income will help you survive in difficult times. This kind of work is not the most prestigious, but it will help you not die of hunger and pay off your debts. The main thing is not to shun labor and work conscientiously.