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How to remove problematic Windows updates. How to remove problematic Windows updates I can’t remove windows 10 updates

Downloaded, suspended and installed updates are stored in the computer's memory. Over time, they take up a large amount of memory and cause system failures. Windows removes one part of the updates automatically, and the second half will have to be cleaned manually.

Cleaning the computer: ways and methods

Removing installed updates

Already installed updates can be removed, thereby rolling back the version of the operating system to the moment when these updates were not yet received. To completely remove a specific update, as well as to install it, the computer must be restarted at the end of the process. Removing some updates will cause the system to install the previous version of the update, the one that was used before the installation of the update being removed.

There are several built-in methods to get rid of installed versions. Removal options through additional programs will be discussed in a separate paragraph, so if standard methods do not suit you, you can use a third-party application. So, let's look at internal removal tools.

Using the update center

  1. Expand your computer settings. Open computer settings
  2. Select the Update & Security tab.
    Go to the “Update and Security” section
  3. Go to the update history, which contains all information about installed updates.
    Open the update log
  4. Click on the “Uninstall updates” button.
    Click the “Uninstall updates” button
  5. The control panel will open. A list of installed updates will appear on the screen; you can sort it by one of the columns. To erase an update, select it and use the Remove button.
    Select the update and click on the “Delete” button
  6. You will be asked to confirm the action, do this by clicking the “Yes” button. After removing all unnecessary updates, restart your computer. Click the “Yes” button

Video: Uninstall updates using Update Center

Using the control panel

In the previous paragraph, we got to the desired section of the control panel through the computer settings, now let’s look at how to do this directly:

Video: Uninstall updates using Control Panel

Using the command line

  1. Find and open the line using administrator rights. Open command prompt as administrator
  2. Please note that in order to remove updates using a command, you must find out the unique number of this update in advance. It always starts with KB, you can find it in the update log, when viewing the list of installed updates, on the official Microsoft website, or using the wmic qfe list brief /format:table command, which calls up a table with dates and update numbers.
    Run the command wmic qfe list brief /format:table
  3. Once you know the numbers you need, use the command wusa /uninstall /kb:unique_code to begin uninstalling a specific update.
    Run the command wusa /uninstall /kb:unique_code
  4. You may be asked to confirm the deletion, do so by clicking the "Yes" button. Select the “Yes” option
  5. To complete the procedure, you must restart your computer. This can be done immediately or later. Choose whether to restart the computer now or later

Clearing the folder with old updates and copies

Restore points and versions of previous updates are stored in the computer's memory so that in case a new update causes an error or any other problem, the system can be rolled back. Under no circumstances should you delete the WinSxS folder, as this may cause Windows to stop starting, and it will not be possible to roll back or restore it without this folder. It is recommended to empty the folder only when its weight exceeds 8 GB.

Clearing downloaded updates and cache

Updates that have been downloaded but for some reason not yet installed or installed recently are also stored in the computer’s memory. Some downloaded updates freeze and cannot be installed because of this. All such updates are located in the Primary_disk folder:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download. By going to this folder, you will find subfolders with long names; you can delete all of them or only certain ones, focusing on the code in the name and the date of creation. Removal is carried out by simply moving to the trash, that is, right-click on them and use the “Delete” function.

We delete the contents of the folder in the Main_disk:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download

It is worth clearing the DeliveryOptimization subfolder, located in the same SoftwareDistribution folder; it stores the update cache. You cannot delete the folder itself, only its contents.

Clear the folder in the Main_disk:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DeliveryOptimization

Cleaning up from a previous build

After installing the anniversary update, the system build version changes. In order for the user to have the opportunity to cancel the transition to a new global version of the operating system, a Windows.old folder is created containing all the necessary files for 30 days. After this period expires, the folder will self-destruct, but if you don't want to wait, follow these steps:

  1. Run a disk cleanup program.
    Open the Disk Cleanup program
  2. Select drive C and wait for it to be scanned. Selecting a disk to clean
  3. Proceed to clean up system files, this will require administrator rights. Windows will ask you again to select the drive you want to scan. Click the “Clean up system files” button
  4. Check the boxes for “Previous Windows installations” and “Temporary installation files”. Check the boxes for “Previous Windows installations” and “Temporary installation files”
  5. Begin the uninstallation process and agree to all warnings that appear on the screen.
    We indicate that we still want to delete the files

Cancel automatic update

By default, all available updates are downloaded and installed automatically, notifying you only that the system is updated. The negative aspects of this action are that a load on the Internet may appear at any time. The traffic spent on downloading updates is not controlled. There are several ways to deactivate automatic system updates, the easiest and fastest is to close the update center:

Third-party software for managing updates

There are several third-party programs that help you manage updates, one of them is Windows Update MiniTool. In it you can select updates to download and install, delete installed and downloaded versions, and block certain updates. The application has the Russian language installed, almost all actions are performed in the main menu using the list and action icons on the left side of the window. It is recommended to download the program, which is distributed free of charge, from the official website of the developer.

Managing updates via Windows Update MiniTool

Another program, IObit Uninstaller, is designed to remove various Windows components, including updates. The application has built-in support for the Russian language. The trial version can be downloaded for free from the official website of the developer. In the Windows Updates section, you can uninstall each update individually or uninstall several of them at once. The application allows you to create restore points that will help you configure the system if failures occur after uninstalling the next update.

Uninstalling updates using IObit Uninstaller

Error uninstalling updates

Updates may not be removed for the following reasons:

  • they are currently being downloaded or installed;
  • the update being removed is involved in some process or application;
  • The update is stuck.

First of all, disable all unnecessary processes, programs and disconnect from the Internet. If this does not help, then boot into safe mode and try to remove the update through it. Try uninstalling updates in different ways, described above in the article: through the control panel, command line, third-party applications and cleaning folders.

To enter Safe Mode, follow these steps:

If all else fails, then there are two options left: roll back the system to the moment when the update was not yet installed, or reinstall the system using an image of the desired version. When you manage to remove the update, do not forget to deactivate its automatic installation, otherwise the update will install again the first time you connect to the Internet.

If Windows updates or lack of memory lead to uncomfortable work, then it is worth removing harmful updates. There are many system methods for this in Windows 10, such as uninstalling using Update, uninstalling using Control Panel and using the command line. Third-party programs are also suitable, the functions of which are not limited to this. Remember, if auto-updates are not disabled, the data will be transferred to your computer again.

System update - necessity or excess? Well-functioning mechanism of a Swiss watch or a chaotic flow of data? Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to remove updates that, in theory, should stabilize the operation of Windows 10 or other systems. The reasons may be different, be it an incorrectly installed upgrade or a reluctance to make changes to save space on the hard drive.

How to remove the latest installed updates on Windows 10

It often happens that a freshly installed OS update harms the performance of your computer. Problems can occur for a number of reasons:

  • the update may have installed with errors;
  • the update does not support the drivers that are installed for the correct operation of your PC;
  • When installing updates, problems occurred that resulted in critical errors and disruption of the operating system;
  • the update is out of date and did not install;
  • the update was installed two or more times;
  • errors occurred when downloading updates;
  • errors occurred on the hard drive on which the update is being installed, etc.

Photo gallery: errors when installing Windows 10 updates

Windows Update database corruption errors Duplicate Windows 10 update in Update History Updates fail due to hard drive failure

Uninstalling updates via Control Panel

  1. Open the “Control Panel”. To do this, right-click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen and select “Control Panel”.

    Right-click on the Start menu and open Control Panel

  2. In the window that opens, among the set of elements for managing your OS, we find the “Programs and Features” item.

    In the "Control Panel" select the "Programs and Features" item

  3. At the top left we find the link “View installed updates”.

    In the left column, select “View installed updates”

  4. Click on the update you need. By default, it is sorted by date, which means that the required update will be among the top if several upgrades were installed at once, or at the top when only one was installed. It needs to be removed if it is because of it that problems arose. Left-click on the element, thereby activating the “Delete” button.

    Select the required update from the list and remove it by clicking on the corresponding button

  5. We confirm the deletion and restart the computer. Some updates may not require a reboot.

Uninstalling updates via Windows Update

  1. Open the Start menu and select the Settings item.

    Select the “Settings” item by opening the “Start” menu

  2. In the window that opens, select the “Update and Security” environment.

    Click on the item “Update and Security”

  3. In the “Windows Update” tab, click on “Update History”.

    In Windows Update, look at the Update History.

  4. Click the “Uninstall updates” button. Select the upgrade you are interested in and remove it by clicking on the appropriate button.

    Click “Remove updates” and remove incorrect upgrades

Uninstalling updates via the command line

Instead of [update number], enter the numbers from the second column of the list displayed by the command line. The first command will remove the update and reboot the computer, the second will do the same, only it will reboot if necessary.

All updates are removed in similar ways. You only need to choose which upgrade will incorrectly affect the operation of the OS.

How to delete Windows 10 updates folder

The magic folder is named WinSxS; all updates are downloaded to it. After a long service life of the operating system, this directory becomes increasingly overgrown with data that is in no hurry to be deleted. No wonder experienced people say: Windows takes up exactly as much space as it is given.

Do not delude yourself into thinking that the problem can be solved with one click on the Delete key. A simple, rough deletion of the folder with updates in any version of Windows can lead to deterioration of the OS, slowdown, freezing, refusal of other updates and other “joys”. This directory should be cleaned using operating system tools. This safe operation will free up as much memory as possible.

There are several ways to optimize the updates folder:

  • Disk Cleanup utility;
  • using the command line.

Let's consider both methods in order.

The second method is even faster, but it does not clean the entire system or other disk and deals exclusively with OS updates.

How to cancel a Windows 10 update

Unfortunately or fortunately, canceling Windows 10 OS updates is not so easy. In the simple settings you will not find an option to refuse to receive new upgrades. A similar function is not included in the “Ten”, because the developers promise lifelong support for this system, which means they guarantee its stability. However, threats, new viruses and similar “surprises” appear every day - accordingly, your OS must be updated in parallel with them. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable system updates, although this can be done in a workaround.

  1. Right-click on the “This PC” icon on the desktop and select “Manage.”

    Using the context menu of the “This PC” icon, go to “Management”

  2. Select the “Services and Applications” tab. In it we enter “Services”.

    Open the “Services” of the computer through the “Services and Applications” tab

  3. Scroll down the list to the required Windows Update service and launch it by double-clicking.

    Open Windows Update properties by double-clicking

  4. In the window that opens, change the filter in the “Startup type” column to “Disabled”, confirm the changes with the OK button and restart the computer.

    Change the “Startup type” of the service to “Disabled”, save the changes and restart the computer

Video: How to cancel Windows 10 update

How to delete Windows 10 update cache

Another option for cleaning and optimizing your system is to clear cached information files. A full update cache can affect system performance, cause it to constantly search for new updates, etc.

Video: How to clear Windows 10 update cache

Programs to remove Windows 10 updates

Windows Update MiniTool is a free and easy-to-manage program that helps you customize the Windows 10 update environment to your liking.

Windows Update MiniTool - a program for working with Windows updates

This utility looks for the latest updates, can remove old ones, reinstall upgrades, and much more. This software product also allows you to refuse updates.

Revo Uninstaller is a powerful program similar to the Windows Add or Remove Programs service.

Revo Uninstaller - a program for working with software and OS updates

This is a functional application manager that allows you to track how and when the operating system or any individual application was updated. Among the advantages is the ability to remove updates and applications in a list, rather than one at a time, which significantly reduces the time it takes to clean your device. The disadvantages include the complex interface and the general list for programs and updates, which is divided in the Windows service.

Why is the update not uninstalled?

An update cannot be uninstalled only because of an error or a series of errors that occurred during installation or operation of the patch update. The Windows system is not ideal: every now and then problems arise due to the load on the OS, inaccuracies in the network, viruses, and hardware failures. Thus, critical errors when installing an update may be located in the registry in which the update data is recorded, or in the hard drive sector where the update files are stored.

How to remove uninstallable updates

There are no standard methods for removing the “unremovable”. The occurrence of such a situation means that your device has critical errors that interfere with the correct operation of the operating system. It is necessary to take a whole range of measures to solve this problem:

  • check your computer for viruses with several defender programs;
  • carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the hard drive using specialized programs;
  • run the registry cleaning utility;
  • defragment hard drives;
  • run the Windows repair service from the installation disc.

If all these measures do not lead to the desired result, contact a specialist or reinstall the operating system. The last measure, albeit drastic, will definitely solve the problem.

Updating the system is not scary. However, to maintain your computer's performance, you must ensure that all updates are installed promptly and correctly.

Sometimes Windows 10 can be very persistent when it comes to updating. For some, updating becomes a frustrating problem due to compatibility of old programs and other situations. While most Windows updates work great and are designed to improve system and usability, there are times when an update can do more harm than good and mistakenly break some of your computer's functions. Windows 7 was more lenient with updates and gave you more control over which ones you could install or ignore. However, this results in critical maintenance and security updates being ignored and the security of systems at risk. Therefore, now in Windows 10, for better or worse, these updates are installed automatically. If a recent update is causing you problems, we'll show you how to remove the update to return your system to the latest stable version.

Windows 10 updates come in two different types: patches And assemblies. Patches, as a rule, are small in size and quickly installed; you may not even notice this process. Assemblies in turn, they are large in size and are installed like reinstalling windows with a system reboot. When installing the main build, Windows will save the files necessary to revert the system to the previous build. The catch here is that these files will only remain on your computer for 10 days, after this period of time they will be automatically deleted. If you are within this 10 day period, you can follow the instructions below to rollback your installation, which should resolve your issue.

How to remove an update build for Windows 10 and roll back

If you encounter errors after updating Large Assemblies, then rolling back the system to its original state will help you.

Step 1. Open " Options" > "Update and Security" > "Recovery" > and click on the " button Begin" in the column "Restore the computer to its original state". If you do not see the section " Return to previous build", then you do not have the necessary files to go back to the previous version. You will need to reinstall Windows 10 from a full system backup.

How to remove a specific Windows 10 Update Patch

If errors occur after installation patcha, then it can be deleted.

Step 1. Open " Options" > "Update and Security" > "Windows Update" > on the right select " View your activity log".

Step 2. Press " Uninstall updates" and in a new window you will be presented with a list of the latest updates, sorted by installation date. Remove update patches that cause errors or that you consider necessary.

Hello again to our dear readers!

We continue to explore the possibilities (and especially get used to the new design!!) Microsoft Windows 10. Recently, the corporation especially often pleases us with regular updates to its product. The latest “anniversary” update is a clear confirmation of this. But not all people like new things. Maybe because of their penchant for constancy. Maybe due to bad internet. Or maybe for some other reasons.

Therefore, the topic of today’s article is...

I already wrote in the article why you shouldn’t completely disable the Windows Update service. Let us remind you once again that updates include not only “patches” that increase your security, but also anti-virus databases, drivers, applications and, in fact, the operating system itself.

The developers of Windows 10 in their “Privacy Statement” ( directly say that the Windows 10 operating system consists of software modules, some of which are installed on your computer, and others part of it is on Microsoft servers. And that these parts must interact effectively with each other.

But what if we want to turn this whole thing off? If you have a weak computer (on which the home version of Windows 7 or 10 is installed), then after receiving updates it may happen that it will work slower than before, because now the program consumes more resources.

In this article I will also show how received Windows 10 updates can be removed. It happens that motherboard drivers written for your outdated computer do not work well on a new operating system. I want to play old games. Poor or expensive Internet (the volume of “patches” received is large!).

In short, from words to action - turn it off!

How to disable Windows 10 updates and drivers (all editions)

The first of the noticeable and pleasant differences of the new interface Windows 10 (for example, from Windows 7) are changes to the Start button. Firstly, she appeared in her place again :). And many useful functions of the “Control Panel” (no need to search for it for a long time!) can now be called right click on this Start button:

Second difference- to disable receiving updates and drivers - do not go to the “Control Panel” as before. There is no more update equipment there. She now lives in another place, here:

By clicking on the gear, we get into the window, select “Updates and Security”...

Go to “Advanced options”...

And we choose when and how to receive updates.

Click " Off". Another new feature from Windows 10– updates can now be received not only from the Internet, but also from one of the computers on your local network. For example, you have a network of Windows 10 devices at home. If at least one computer in your network has already been updated, the rest can receive the update through it. At the same time, the Internet is consumed more modestly, the network is not clogged, the Internet slows down less...

Isn't that interesting? Looks like they turned it off, hurray!!

No, that's not all. If we click the “Check for updates” button with the mouse, the system will again search for and install them. Simply put, so far we have only achieved that the search for updates is now launched only manually. To turn off the search permanently, go to the “Control Panel” (right-click on the “Start” menu)….

Open "System and Security"

then “Administration”...

And then "Services"

Scroll to the very bottom of the list and see “Windows Update Service”. It needs to be stopped and disabled.

Click on the line with the name of the service with the mouse, and the Update Center will open:

...switch to the “Disabled” mode, and then click the “Stop” button. Don't forget to click the "Apply" button.

Let's try to get updates again. If such a window appears, then congratulations, now you have done it.

An alternative way to disable Windows 10 updates and drivers (via Wi-Fi) for all editions of Windows 10

A less “cruel” method can be used by users connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. As you may have already noticed (while you were opening and closing the settings windows), the transfer of updates does not occur if the Internet connection is set as metered, that is, when the user pays for the amount of gigabytes received and transferred.

Now we will indicate your Wi-Fi connection as “limited” and our “deceived” Windows will “think” that it is “expensive” for it to receive updates. Click on the gear again, again in “Settings”, but select “Networks and Internet”, go to “Wi-Fi”, then to “Advanced settings”.

Move the “Set as metered connection” switch to the “On” position. That's all. The search for updates via the Wi-Fi network has stopped.

How to remove Windows 10 updates?

The Windows 10 system now allows you not only to remove individual “patches” one at a time, as before, but also to carry out a complete “rollback” to the previous build. Let's look at everything in order. Go again to “Settings” - then “Updates and Security” - “Update Log”.

Click “Uninstall updates”. We get into the “Uninstall programs” snap-in...

...and we see, for example, that there is no update we are interested in. And somehow they became few... What is there to delete? This means that a new build of Windows 10 has been installed. And if your system still starts to work poorly, you can try rolling back to the previous build. To do this, we again return to the “Update Log” but open the “Recovery Options”:

In the window, select the item we need and try what happens. True, the rollback is limited in time. In six months it will no longer be possible to implement it. The decision needs to be made in the first days. In addition, a copy of the old Windows takes up additional disk space.

That's basically all.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Our brief review showed that, despite the profound external changes and the equally profound reworking of the update service, the user can still easily refuse to receive them. Although, we still receive a mild reproach for the refusal - now we need to manually disable the update service ourselves. And if anything happens - “It’s your own fault!”

At the same time, the Windows 10 update service itself has become more flexible, and its capabilities have significantly expanded compared to previous releases. It's up to you to decide whether to turn it off or not.

On this pleasant note I end the article.

They will definitely answer you.

Until next time!

After switching to the latest version of the Microsoft operating system, many users encountered a problem associated with the constant downloading of system files. This process puts a lot of stress on weak laptops and computers, preventing normal operation. For this reason, questions on the Internet increasingly began to be asked: “How to disable automatic updates of Windows 10?”
The fact is that Windows Update is always enabled by default, and deactivating it will confuse an inexperienced user. The article provides detailed instructions for getting rid of annoying updates.

How to completely disable updates in Windows 10

Despite the efforts of OS developers who strive to automate all processes, make the system safe and easy to learn, arbitrary downloading of new drivers or improvement of installed programs causes dissatisfaction among the majority of users. For this reason, we were able to find “loopholes” that allow you to disable Windows 10 updates forever.
There are several working ways to fix this problem. Let's take a closer look at them.

Deactivating the standard Windows Update service

Using this method makes it possible to permanently disable the downloading and installation of new software. To use this method, you must go through the following procedure:

  • Open the window of all OS services. To do this, open the “Run” window using the Win+R key combination. In the field that appears, enter the command services.msc and press the “Enter” key.
  • In the large list that appears, you need to find the only service that is responsible for the update. It is recommended to sort the column alphabetically. The command you are looking for is at the very bottom - “Windows Update”.

  • By double-clicking on it with the left mouse button, “Properties” will open. In the “General” tab, the startup type is changed. To completely disable the Windows 10 update, select the “Disabled” line.
  • To save the changes, click the “Apply” button, then “OK”.

Now the system will not be able to check for updates, constantly giving an error.

Using the ability to edit group policies

This method is not suitable for all versions of Windows 10, namely Home. If another version of the operating system (Enterprise, Pro) is installed on a computer/laptop, it is recommended to use this shutdown method, since it is the most advanced.
To understand how to disable Windows 10 updating by using the Group Policy Editor, you need to go through a certain sequence of steps:

  • Open the Run window by pressing the Win+R key combination.
  • In the input field, write the line gpedit.msc. Press “Ok” or “Enter”.
  • A window appears with a tree on the left side. Select “Computer Configuration” from the list provided.

  • The “Administrative Templates” subsection opens in the central part.

  • Next, you need to find the “Windows Components” folder.

  • The desired directory is located at the bottom of the list that opens. To disable Windows 10 updates permanently, go to Windows Update.

  • From a large list, select the line “Setting automatic updates”. Right-click on it and select the “Edit” option.

  • Another window pops up. Now you need to set the radio button to the “Disabled” position.

  • Saving changes is carried out by clicking “Apply” and then “OK”.

After completing the entry of user settings into the operating system registry, all open windows are closed. Now you can manually check for new system files. If they are found, it's okay. New settings may take 10-20 minutes to apply. Despite this, the automatic search for updates was disabled immediately after clicking “Apply”.
Now each user has the opportunity to independently configure the Windows 10 update mode for themselves.

Cancel automatic Windows 10 updates: Video