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How to create tests in VK: tips, recommendations, instructions. Community applications: review and test VK tests without registration

The Mega Test application will allow you to take a test of any choice. megatest has both regular tests and VIP tests. There are coins in the application with which you can pass the test and earn money on certain tasks.

In the Megatest application there are many tests on topics that are not available in similar applications. Tests at can be taken by people of any age category. You can find the application by entering the name Mega Test in the search on Apps.

How to use Mega Test

  • Add the application to your page.
  • Let's launch the application. Everything will be clear later.
  • We select the test that suits your choice and take it.
  • By clicking take the test, the cost in coins will be shown. When you add an application, some of the coins will be credited to you.

And then you will need to top up by first selecting a task. Gold coins or dollars can be purchased with votes. You can save all test results for yourself. It is possible to activate access to all tests using voices.

There are a lot of tests that can be passed without topping up existing coins. VIP tests differ in their subject matter and are very interesting and useful. After completing at least one of them you will feel the difference. Invite your friends, and taking tests together will be more interesting. You will receive bonuses for this.

Best tests

  • In the megatest application there are tests that are passed most often. They became the most popular. Try the "What's in Your Soul" test. With its help you will find out what kind of person you are. About emotions and state of mind.
  • Girls who are about to get married are presented with the “Your Wedding Dress” test; the test will help you choose what suits you best.
  • People with their own fears can take the “What are you afraid of” test and learn new things about yourself; those fears that you know may not be entirely real.
  • Be sure to take the “What does mom mean to you” test, because everyone’s concept is different.
  • For those who want to purchase a tablet, we also have a “Which tablet is right for you” test.
  • Guys and men can find out what caliber of football players they really are. There is a very interesting application. There are people who can't stand games. So, by passing the Megatest test you will be able to choose the best game for yourself. Very interesting tests for animal lovers and for those who want to purchase them.

“Which breed of dog suits you”, a test in which you will find out which breed is better to buy for yourself. You can also find out which animal is more suitable. Maybe this is not the animal you want at all. Remember to answer as correctly as possible and not think about the answer for a long time.

Then the result will show a result that suits your character. There are tests to make children laugh and entertain themselves. And of course, serious tests. Megatest has taken care for each category of users, so that it would be interesting to everyone. In the megatest application, tests will only be replenished.

Sometimes each of us cannot make a decision. Why not take the test, and maybe it will help you. Starting from the simplest for entertainment, games, ending with the essence of life and choice of profession. Our application will also be interesting for men, since we have also prepared categories for them. Come visit us more often, and we will delight you and bring entertainment into your life.

There are different tests: psychological, intellectual, personality, entertainment. And if the first three types are primarily result-oriented, then the last ones are process-oriented, so they must be original and exciting.

Why are fun tests needed?

To understand how to create an interesting, entertaining test, you first need to figure out the purpose of taking it. Tests give you the opportunity to feel your uniqueness, look at yourself from a different perspective, and learn something new and unusual about yourself. For example, in the test results “Is it pleasant to communicate with you?” you can read that you are a sociable person, “the life of the party,” or that you are not very sociable, but an attentive listener, and even if you knew this, it is still nice to remind yourself once again of your merits.

How to create a mega test

Application "Mega Test" in Contact - allows you to test the full program. To do this, just launch it in your account and open the catalog. And to create your own mega test, you need:

  1. Open the “Text Editor” tab.
  2. Enter the code word GOD and activate the editor.
  3. Click the “Add Test” button.
  4. Set the main test parameters:
    • in the “Who can take the test” field, click “Everyone” if your test is intended for all users, or “Only girls/guys”;
    • in the “Name” field, enter the full name of the test, for example “Who will you become in the future?”;
    • In the “Description” field, briefly describe the essence of the test. You should explain what can be learned from passing it: “If you are ready to look into the future, take this test and see what kind of profession you will become”;
    • In the “Icon” field, upload an image that most closely matches the topic of the test. This picture will be reflected in the catalogue;
    • In the “Cover” field, insert a similar thematic picture previously saved on your computer.
  5. Fill out the list of test questions:
    • in the “Question” field, enter the first question, for example, “What do you dream of becoming?”, and below fill in the possible answers: “designer,” “pilot,” “teacher,” and so on. To move on to the next question, you need to close the window and click “Add a question” in the “List of test questions” line;
    • In the “Picture” field you can insert a picture corresponding to the question.
  6. Fill out the test results. After the survey, you need to write a text for the main combinations of answers. To do this, check the different answer options one by one and describe what this or that combination may mean. Each result must be accompanied by a picture.
  7. After all fields are filled in, the “Run Test” button will appear in the menu. You need to click it, and the test will be published and sent to the moderator for review.

What to ask

Select the topic of the test based on what may be interesting to you and others: films, books, fairy tales, games, hobbies, recreation, knowledge of a particular subject. Playful and funny tests are very popular: “Who are you from the series?”, “Do you have manic tendencies?”, “Does your boss love you?”, “Which one of you will be the president?”, etc. The results of such tests, like the questions, should not be serious, but rather amuse and lift your spirits.

Come up with some guiding questions about the topic. So, if it sounds: “What kind of cat are you?”, ask “where would you walk if you were a cat?”, “where would you sleep?”, “what color would you prefer?” Think about what conclusions can be drawn based on the answers received. If a cat likes to walk on rooftops, sleep on trees, and prefers a fiery red coloration, then we are dealing with a very brave tiger, but if he liked to walk on rooftops and sleep on the sofa, then this is more likely a domestic tiger cub. Do the same with other combinations of answers.

Recently, for the entertainment of users, unusual mini-tests have appeared on VK. We'll tell you which of them will help you spend your leisure time more fun and how to take the test if you already have your own community. To access tests:

  1. Go to the game section, which is located in the menu on the left side.
  2. Enter the request for tests in VK.
  3. Choose the ones you like best.

The application offers a lot of different options . Here you will find tests by popularity categories: per day, month and all time. Comic surveys will help determine the degree of your attractiveness and tell you which animal or car suits you. If you need something more serious, pay attention to the “Tests for Smart People” community. You can find it in the search or directly by following the link: .

When you launch it, you are awarded 150 coins, which you can spend on any tests you like. They are also divided into categories, among which you will find psychological, intellectual, group, erotic, funny and tough tests. Next to the cover of each test is its rating and cost. To start testing, click once on the cover and follow the instructions. Once completed, the application will prompt you to post on your wall that you passed the test. This is not necessary. Tap the “cancel” button and you will see the test results.

The best mega tests on VKontakte

Which tests are the best and which ones are not very determined by VK users themselves through voting. Depending on the number of views, likes and clicks, VK compiles a list of the best tests and posts them in the search, starting with those who collected the most votes.

Among the best, you will find tests called “Mego Test”, personality psychology, tests for IQ, intelligence, political views. You can connect an unlimited number of applications and go through them every day. Some offer unlimited access to all surveys for 1 month, others give you votes when you join which you can spend. A list of all your connected tests is located in the “Games” section.

VKontakte tests for free

In addition to special applications, many communities began to release free tests for their subscribers. For example, the cooking group “Eat Easy” periodically releases interesting tests. In them, the developers offer to test their knowledge in the field of proper nutrition and guess which foods are healthier. If you have your own group and want to diversify it and attract the attention of more people, create a test yourself. Let's figure out how to do this.

  1. Under the community profile, open the management section. Click on the three dots icon and select the first option.
  2. In the area on the right, open the application category. Select "Tests" from the options provided.
  3. In the field that opens, you will be asked to select the name of the button, adjust the visibility, and the snippet.

Save the settings and go to the application management field. Here you will be asked to create your first test. In the creation area, you will be offered 5 options for answers: tests with correct/incorrect buttons, surveys with points or text. Select the required option. Click “continue” to enter questions and answers.

Use Cases

  • you can organize the sale of tickets for a concert of your musical group;
  • make an appointment at your beauty salon or process restaurant reservations;
  • conduct surveys or collect feedback using questionnaires among subscribers;
  • organize an online chat for your audience to communicate with each other;
  • conduct interactive games with subscribers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages.

Everything happens on the VKontakte platform. No need to go to external sites. Thus, VKontakte is one step closer to a universal state. Everything you need is inside the eco-system familiar to the user.
+The ability to write your own application and integrate it into your group with a simple target action (button) to log in.
+In some applications, it is possible to send personalized responses to the person who filled out the questionnaire.
+ Applications are available, including through mobile versions.
- You cannot add multiple applications to one community.

Selecting Applications

The site offers us a choice of 4 standard applications.

  • Tickets for TimePad. Sale of tickets and registration for events.
  • YCLIENTS - online registration. Online registration for your services.
  • VKontakte profiles. Complex questionnaires and surveys in your community.
  • Tests. Interactive tests in your community.

How to connect?

In order to connect the "Community Applications" service, click on "Community Management" under the avatar, select the "Applications" tab

2. YCLIENTS - online registration

Integrated paid CRM system of the partner company. The application allows you to sign up for your services through the VKontakte group. Allows you to keep a log of pre-registration, send SMS notifications to clients, automatically form a client base and keep a history of visits for each client. The program is able to identify the most important and loyal customers, which allows you to retain key visitors more effectively.

Setting up the application

After registration, we will be asked to go to the partner’s website - , where we enter all the necessary information about our company. Essentially, this is an integrated CRM system on VKontakte, which still needs to be understood by everyone who wants to keep track of clients.

3. VKontakte profiles

With the VKontakte Questionnaires application, you can not only conduct surveys of your users, collect mail and feedback, but also create a list of guests for the event and conduct a test game.

The results of the questionnaire can be uploaded to .csv format, taking into account the time range, gender and age of users.

We are offered the following options for questions (from left to right).

  • Single selection from the list. Possibility to choose 1 answer option from the proposed ones
  • Multiple choice from a list. Possibility to select several answer options from the proposed ones
  • Detailed response. Allows the respondent to fill out a multi-line answer
  • Short answer. Allows the respondent to fill out a 1-line answer
  • Scale. Allows you to set a quantitative characteristic from 0 to 10. For example, suitable for questions where it is important to know the quality of service on a 10-point scale
  • Net. Same as scale, but in tabular form
  • Time. Allows the user to select a time. It will be useful for those niches in which the client writes the desired delivery time, for example.
  • Date of. Allows the user to select a date. It will be useful for those areas of business where the client writes on what day it will be convenient for him to receive the product/service. Or the desired date of visiting the fitness club
  • Text. Possibility to enter your own text.
  • Buttons. Essentially the same as single selection. But the answer options are presented in buttons.

Each question has a "Required" attribute. That is, without filling out this question, it will be impossible to send the questionnaire. Each question can be made higher or lower than the previous one by dragging the slider

After you save the profile, pay attention to the following options

  • Include questionnaire. It's simple: on-off
  • Response statistics. Allows you to export (download) statistics for a certain period of time, specifying the settings necessary for uploading.
  • Edit the profile.