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Miss Traumeel. Lena Miro's blogs on LJ - the most interesting things in blogs

Lena Miro is the last person on LiveJournal with whom I would like to quarrel. Because - tell me whatever comes to your mind - but by and large she is doing absolutely correctly oriented work. That is why Miro has the right to make mistakes too.
For example, with Anna Netrebko, Lena... somehow didn’t work out very well. Now I will explain why.
I once took part in a talk show, where for some reason the upcoming weight loss of Teona Kontridze was discussed. Do you know such a singer? She sang in musicals and now continues to sing, but I suspect that this singer is clearly not for 86% of the population. What can I say? Better watch it once!

But now she is so bright and cheerful. And then, seven or eight years ago, on the show, there was an unhappy woman in front of us. Her eyes full of pleading said everything about her inescapable grief. What then happened to Theona?

And she gave birth to two children in a row. And she recovered. And she fell into the hands of dietitians, who told her: “Now we’ll make you thin, otherwise you’re like a cow and therefore unhappy!” and dragged to the show. You have to be so self-confident!
In the studio, on a large screen, they showed filming in her apartment: a ruthless “doctor” was throwing cheeses, breads, good dairy products, meat and, it seems, even walnuts out of the refrigerator and out of the life of a normal Georgian woman. I left her a limp sprig of lettuce and said “this is how you will eat now.”
And here sits an upset, unhappy, literally heartbroken young woman who talks about how she fell in love, how she gave birth to children, but there was no wedding! And now her man is quite ready to get married, but she doesn’t want to be a “fat bride”, she wants to regain the figure that she had at 17 years old - they say, that figure is much better suited for wearing a wedding dress. And only then is she ready to “get married.”
Well, they said a lot of things there. Do you know what these talk shows are? Everyone is in a hurry to show their face on TV, and to do this you need to open your mouth and say something, or even better, interrupt others.
Finally it was my turn. I understood that I was going to speak without money, the authors of the program would still cut out my speech or distort it beyond recognition. But I said:
- What happened, Theona? Have you recovered? What a surprise! Here are women sitting in the studio, many of them having probably given birth. Ask them: did you get better after giving birth? Everyone gets better, this is the law of nature! And you did the most important thing in your life - gave birth to two children. So what now that you have become fuller than you were? Look at you! You still have thin wrists and ankles, you probably move as easily as before, the fire burns in you, you are still the same Teona Kontridze! Live in peace! You are a very pretty, bright woman! If the weight goes away, good, but if not, then so what? And fat women are just as happy as thin women are unhappy!
I also wanted to tell her that, for example, my wife, when she gave birth to our two older children at the age of 21-23, very quickly got back into shape after giving birth. And when she gave birth to her youngest daughter in her fourth decade, she remained plump for quite a long time. So what? Now everything is in perfect order and without any self-torture. It’s just that when a woman is over thirty, the processes of returning to her previous weight occur more slowly than when a woman is in her twenties.
But they didn’t let me speak any longer, because the main character of that program, the “doctor”-nutritionist, intervened in the dispute. I put the word doctor in quotation marks because in Russia there is not a single medical university that would train specialists in this field. Therefore, all these nutritionists are essentially amateur performances, often illiterate and irresponsible.
But to hell with them, with nutritionists. Do you know what Theona told me at the end of the program? She didn’t even know my name, but she addressed me through the microphone:
- Man, over there... yes, you! And thank you very much.
Now I think, did she really listen to me right then? She listened and lives, sings, dances and feels (I sincerely hope) a happy woman? Happy, beautiful, desirable?
Teona, if you are reading this text now, then listen. Now it’s my turn to tell you again. You are one of the most desirable. You are a welcome guest in my home, I want my palms to burn with applause after your songs. They’ll say to me: “Stalik, the beauty contest in full force wants to meet you!”, and I’ll answer them: “I choose Teona!” Because Theon is much more interesting to me than two dozen pairs of long legs and skinny asses.
Now, Theona, don't be offended by what I say next. Your colleague Anna Netrebko is the woman for whom I and millions of other men are willing to pay thousands of euros for the joy of seeing and hearing. That's how much they pay - tickets to her concerts are extremely expensive.
And now Lena Miro - listen. It’s great that if Anna met nutritionists and fitness trainers on her life’s journey, she brushed them aside the way one brushes away flies in the summer heat in Kuban. Yes, we probably met! But she laughed and continues to live and work, live and sing on! And he lives a great life, God grant everyone such a happy creative life! I am sure that a good mood is much more important for her creativity than a well-shaped ass - after all, she is a singer, for her the soul and vocal cords are the most important parts of the body. I also know for sure that many men will agree with me - even today she is damn, just excessively pretty!
By the way, about the photographs with which you illustrated your post. One was taken just before she gave birth to her son, and the other after the birth. And I was at her concert when she was already quite heavily pregnant. Do you know what happened during the concert? She kicked off her shoes and danced! And it was a wonderful sight, honestly.
Not long ago I was at another concert of hers. Here's a video. A funny episode happened there when Yusif Eyvazov - her husband - gives an opera singing lesson to Nikolai Baskov.

And watch another episode when Anna walks between the rows and sings. I was sitting just so well that she passed thirty centimeters from me. Here it is - the queen is coming. This very beautiful and talented woman excites me simply by simply passing by. And tens, hundreds of owners of skinny asses and silicone tits will pass by - who will care? Yes, only fools and cretins. Because if nothing is attached to a skinny ass - no intelligence, no talent, not even a kind heart - then it is just a commodity. And you can always buy the goods - if you wish! That's why you pass by such women as if you pass by a jewelry store window - but who, by and large, needs these trinkets?

In order for men to pass by a woman with a beautiful figure with at least the same excitement as they would pass by a sports car or a powerful motorcycle, it is very desirable that beauty by fictitious standards be accompanied by something else. And Anna Netrebko has this “something” in abundance. And Teona Kontridze has enough. But there are women who lack intelligence, talent - oh well, talent, oh well, the spark of God - at least a sparkle in their eyes.

In general, girls, listen to me - I’m already 55 years old, I understand you women. Does a figure walk into a stencil drawn by someone? Congratulations! It doesn’t go away, but you feel good, you are loved and you have someone to love? Congratulations twice! And if you are talented, if you attract men not only with secondary sexual characteristics, then congratulations three times.

And only in one case should obesity be a concern - if you also feel unwell and doctors confirm that this is a consequence of obesity. That's all! Remember that real men love real women, not 90/60/90!

Yes, and finally. Tell me, in your opinion, who lives a full life - Anna Netrebko or those unfortunate women who are permanently “losing weight”?

It's no secret that there is a paid and promoted blogger page on the Internet - a certain Lena Miro. The girl has little to show for herself in real life, greasy hair, a Tatar stocky and sometimes lean appearance, crooked inflated legs, fragile arms in the veins, a small ass, there is even an invisible abs with a waist and a stupid, very stupid looking face with bug-eyed Chaldean eyes. Such girls usually work as street cleaners in the capital's streets or as waitresses in Yaposhka. An ordinary guest of the capital region for the first time found herself in the thick of sad events at the Patriarch's. However, Lenna builds her entire blog on her attractive and even athletic appearance, talking about fitness exercises and her beauty, thereby psychologically struggling with her complexes as an ordinary gray mouse.

She seems to be an ordinary girl, but she has one significant drawback, unlike her sisters, waitresses and janitors - she runs her own blog, she is a blogger. She still writes some articles, but mostly she uses little blood - attracting her virtual friends to the posts, who are ready for mere crumbs of PR for the sake of writing posts for Lena about life similar to the secular one, about politics, about psychology, about the United Russia faction, and even about Putin.

The girl likes to keep her blog and be popular on the Internet, because in life, as I have already noticed, this is a pitiful spectacle of a waitress. If a waitress is presented beautifully in society, few will distinguish her from the service staff. For this reason, Lena is also rarely invited to places. Therefore, the girl sits at home and if she goes out into the world, she is an inconspicuous gray mouse, afraid and awkward.
One of my not so comrades, but still a colleague in the once literary and journalistic world, recently told me the story about Lena Miro’s abortions and their cohabitation for his modest profits. The girl really wants to have children - she is afraid and doubts the choice of this or that man, performing truly acrobatic somersaults in the form of abortions. During the year of communicating with my friend, Lena managed to stay in the clinic a couple of times and almost end up as a single mother.

He was introduced to Lena by their mutual friend named Lyalya in a circle of friends in a regular restaurant. Lyalya introduced my friend as almost Putin’s personal secretary, a person influencing political life in the country. Lena was introduced to him as a lonely girl who wanted to meet a man of Tatar appearance. Of all those present at the table, my friend was the oldest, most wealthy and respected. And Lena chose him. Sex happened on the next date. It was some kind of hotel. In the morning he ran off to work at the editorial office.

What else does a single man with a good job and large bribes need in this life? There are children, a wife too, everything is fine financially. Lena became his mistress and he gave her hope - for a divorce from his ex. The hope lasted about a year, even a little more, until Lena was sent strong and far away after another drunken hysteria called “when will you quit your lakhudra.” Lena got her pussy and was fired with the explanation that a man would not exchange his wife and children for a drunken slut and blogger.

All this time, when Lena was dating my friend, all her posts were edited and corrected by him. Topics for some posts were also provided by my friend. Thanks to this, Lena began to appear in the top and became a popular blogger.

After breaking up with my friend, Miro was left without loud revealing posts; I publish my wretched body on my blog, trimming it, as it turned out, in Photoshop. My friend remembers Lena with an undisguised feeling of awe and shame. Only when he is lavishly drunk can he allow himself to remember his strange relationship with the unlucky Lena.

Now none of the more or less decent men need Lena. It’s low and it’s disgusting to take away a stranger, even a man who has stumbled, from his family, perform abortions on him, and terrorize him with your presence.

So it goes

Maxim Novikovsky
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Her motto: “Beautiful people read me”. Some people read her books and notes, others hate her. One thing is certain - Lena Miro is known as the scandalous blogger of LiveJournal.

Lena Miro is a creative pseudonym, her real name is Elena Mironenko. Elena was born in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, and studied well at school. After graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of Translation of Voronezh State University and successfully graduated.

In the 2000s, Lena studied at Cambridge College and made money by organizing discos for her compatriots in London. After returning to Russia, she worked as a simultaneous interpreter in Moscow. Now she lives in the capital.


The scandalous blogger is often invited to appear on television, which she willingly takes advantage of. Often, on live broadcasts or on recorded programs, Lena provokes other participants into conflicts. Lena Miro is also promoting herself on other platforms. On Instagram, tens of thousands of fans follow the writer’s account.

Personal life

Lena Miro does not like to talk about her personal life. In her notes, the woman avoids this topic. However, the media found out that at the end of 2017, the ceremony of 36-year-old Lena Miro and her chosen one Richard took place in Colorado. Richard's mother, Mary, states that the future husband and wife met in Thailand two years ago.

The writer's mother-in-law shared with the press photographs from Lena Miro's wedding. In these photos, the newlyweds are dressed in non-standard, but still wedding attire. Lena Miro's white bridesmaid dress is combined with massive black boots. And the groom is dressed in a dark suit and a hat with a scarlet rose. Miro herself refused to comment on this information.

In rare interviews about herself, Miro says that she is a well-mannered and educated girl, the Internet environment is not her element, but her work. She writes what readers demand.

Lena Miro now

In 2018, the main topics of Lena Miro's blog were the US election announcement, the Oscars and other hot news topics.

An Olympic champion in the absence of patriotism for going to give birth in Monaco against the backdrop of what the world community did to Russian athletes, depriving them of the right to compete under the Russian flag.

The blogger also covered the situation with the discussion of Russian interference in and the subsequent scandal with the Belarusian model, who said that she overheard a conversation between Russian politicians and businessmen discussing plans to influence the elections. In the post, Miro did not skimp on insults and even profanity, and also expressed a rather pro-Trump position.

The Oscar ceremony became an occasion for the writer to once again talk about beauty and slender figures. Lena Miro complained that beautiful beauties no longer walked the red carpet, speaking harshly about the appearance of actresses, and subsequently started a discussion among readers about their attitude to this trend.

At the same time, in other topics, the blogger is indignant that various professions are not entered by professionals or talents, but by people taken for irrelevant merits, but in relation to the acting profession she does not show such a position.


  • 2010 – book “Malvina and the Cattle”
  • 2010 – book “School. Marla's Diary"
  • 2010-present – ​​miss_tramell blog on LiveJournal
  • 2012 – book “Rusty Water”
  • 2012 – book “Two Mojitos in the Rain”
  • 2012 – book “LJ...oops! beach uniform one-two-three with a fitness blogger"
  • 2018 – book “I’ll lose weight”

Popular blogger Lena Miro (real name Elena Mironenko) was born in 1981 in the small town of Stary Oskol. After graduating from school, she moved to Voronezh and entered the local university, where she received a diploma in translation. After this, Lena moved to England. The girl made her living by organizing parties. A few years later, Miro returned to Russia and began to take her first steps towards fame.

Path to glory

In February 2010, Elena created a notorious blog with the nickname miss_tramell on LiveJournal. The number of her subscribers was actively growing: within a couple of years, thousands of comments were collected under posts on Miro’s blog.

The format of her online diary leaves no one indifferent. “Goddess LiveJournal” writes on topical topics, but does so in a cynical and caustic manner. Some people admire this approach, but most people consider Lena a provocateur and brawler who is constantly trying to attract attention to herself.

The main topics of miss_tramell's records are gossip, intrigue and other people's “dirty laundry”. Lena dares to criticize A-list stars and give advice on how to live. At the same time, there are many articles on the topic of sports training and healthy lifestyle.

Writing career

It is important to note that initially Lena positioned herself as a writer, and used the livejournal blog only to popularize her books. However, very quickly the “rage” set in and she realized that the online diary brought her much more fame. At the moment, Lena has published about 20 books, including several dedicated to proper nutrition, training and creating an ideal body. The rest are ordinary women's novels.

Personal life

After the celebrity’s stories stopped featuring her billionaire boyfriend, who turned out to be a fiction, she began to position herself as a loner. However, information about the novels of the “goddess of LJ” constantly appears in the press. Moreover, her lovers are far from the image of the ideal man that Lena paints in her LJ. It is reliably known that at one time Miro lived in New York with a 45-year-old photographer.

Interesting fact

At the beginning of her journey, Lena portrayed herself as a native Muscovite who bathed in luxury. The real information about her was found by ill-wishers and published on the Internet.

Brief dossier:

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 49 kg
  • Instagram -
  • LJ –
  • VKontakte -

The blog of Lena Miro (real name Elena Mironenko) is extremely popular, with up to one and a half thousand readers commenting on some topics. There are many rumors about the author himself, but no one knows anything concrete. The writer’s messages make a strong impression on everyone who accidentally visits her page. The fascination with a photo of a pretty brunette in most cases goes away after reading her posts. She writes on any topic, and writes very cynically, actively using obscene language. The blogger likes to touch on topics that relate to the figure of middle-aged women.

The author writes very rarely about himself and does not delve into the details of his personal life. In her posts she only said that she regularly goes in for fitness, and that her affair with a millionaire, who is a thing of the past, provided her financially. In 2010, Lena Miro wrote an autobiography, and then two fictionalizations. According to the opinion, her page on LiveJournal is, the existence of which is supported by marketers, since after its creation the girl regularly left more than a thousand comments.

In one of her interviews, Miro said that she considers herself primarily a writer, and writes a blog in order to become popular. She pursues the only main goal in her life - to become famous, and it does not matter to her how to achieve this. To promote her blog, Lena spent all her time online and commented on topics that were top in LiveJournal, regardless of their content, she says. To ensure traffic to her page, the author tried to touch the heartstrings of readers. The best way she could do this was by using profanity and rude expressions.

Another scandal involving Lena

In 2011, a blogger wrote that she almost ran over an elderly woman in the center of Moscow. Popular indignation was caused by her message about the proposal to introduce a certain fee for the right to enter the center of the capital in order to avoid similar situations in the future. In her opinion, in this way, in the center of Moscow there will be exceptionally beautiful and rich people who are pleasant to look at. The bloggers' indignation was especially violent also because she was a member of the United Russia party. She did not hide her membership, and among the photographs that she regularly posted was a photo with a party card.

Later, the writer said that she did not know whether she was still a member of the party she joined in 2006, since she did not pay dues. After a loud scandal with the published message, representatives of “” filed a complaint against her that she did not deregister when moving to the capital, thereby violating party discipline. It was also announced that Elena Mironenko was expelled from its ranks. The party's executive committee reported that this issue was considered even before the publication of the scandalous post, since it did not take any part in the life of United Russia and discredited it.

Mironenko was very surprised by this development of events and the reaction of her colleagues, which she reported in her posts. She also wrote that, despite the current situation, she will support the party, because she considers it the strongest in the Russian Federation. United Russia reported that nowadays there is a check for future party members, which was not the case in 2006. Now, in order to join the ranks of United Russia, you must undergo a probationary period, which lasts six months. In this way, it is possible to ensure that everyone respects the party and is proud to be a member of it.

Blogosphere opinion

Experts came to the conclusion that Lena Miro’s posts are aimed mainly at a middle-aged female paying audience. She selects her topics so that this particular audience is interested. The main difference from the authors of similar topics is the writing style. Lena Miro presents all the material in a catchy, unusual way, using folk swearing. Thus, she tries to keep the addressee on the blog. For the same purpose, it encourages readers to feel involved in what is written: asks for opinions, asks for advice, posts photographs.

In March 2013, the writer decided to close her page, explaining that she was tired of the imperfections of the world and constant unfounded slander. With such actions, she caused heated discussions in the blogosphere. Despite the satisfaction of many LJ readers, a large group of people wrote that now life in LJ would become much more monotonous and boring, asking her to reconsider her decision and return. According to the latter, it was Elena Mironova who was the best at motivating those around her. Already on March 18, the writer returned to the magazine and continued to fill it with extraordinary messages and comments.