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Voice modulator for voice messages. Five best applications for changing android voice

Good applications To change the voice, very little. The irony lies in the fact that the smartphone is the perfect tool for creating and storing this kind of audio, but the audience is extremely small. There are some developers who have released quite worthy applications that can change your voice in an unexpected way. Here are the best apps for changing the voice on Android!

Best Voice Changer
version: 1.4.7 (Dropping: 27843)
Best Voice Changer, perhaps not the most original name, but it is still one of best applications To change the voice in the market. It comes with a variety of voice filters that include all the most popular options. Unlike most other applications, Best Voice Changer also makes it possible to apply a filter for pre-recorded audio, you can also create new recordIf you prefer. The interface, without unnecessary words, remains quite old against the background of most modern applications, but it is quite effective. It is also an absolutely free application.

version: 1.8.4 Pro (Dropping: 10825)
Robovox Voice Changer Pro is one of the few programs for changing a paid basis, but still deserves purchases. The application includes 32 effects that can different ways Change your voice, including popular filters "Burunduk", "Helium", "Darth Vader" and others. There are also several solutions for fans of science fiction. You can change the tone and modulation height if you want, each filter comes with a variety of different modes. This is one of the best applications in the store. Google Play.And it's not too expensive.

Voice Changer from Androbaby
version: 1.8. (Dropping: 8591)
Voice Changer from Androbaby is one of the oldest apps for changing the voice, but it's still a good choice. The application uses the FMOD sound engine and works quite well in general. There is a little less than two dozen effects, including popular "chipmunk", "helium" and others. Its more unique and fun effects include "backwards", which significantly changes the meaning of the said, as well as the effect of an old radio receiving, which changes your voice according to the name, deserves attention.

Voice Changer from E3Games
version: 1.4. (Dropping: 6183)
Voice Changer from E3Games is another of the multitude of applications for changing the voice that uses the FMOD sound engine. Thus, you will find many similar effects with what you find in other FMOD applications. In fact, there is not much difference between this app and analogue from Androbaby. The only reason to try this app if you didn't like an analogue from Androbaby, and you love yellow. Voice Changer from E3Games works well, so it all depends on your taste.

Voice Changer for Kids
version: 3.2.8. (Dropping: 7538)
Voice Changer for Kids, based on the name, focuses on a children's audience, but in fact anyone can use this application. The application for changing the voice contains almost three dozen voice Effects, including all the most popular you find in other applications. Voice Changer for Kids remains easy to use, and most controls are presented with large buttons, which is simply impossible. It is also one of the few applications for changing the voice built on Material Design. He has a very similar application clone, but it does all the same.

Many copies are broken due to gender inequality in IT: Men programmers are much larger than women. This fact is confirmed by stereotypical perceptions, and numerous studies, and.

Salary of women programmers, on average, less than men. Why is this happening? Standard response - due to gender discrimination. Like, programming is considered a "nezhenskaya" profession, therefore, at the stage of interviewing, women are biased. It is believed that in the workplace to them also relate otherwise: the requirements are less, the salary is lower.

InterViewing.IO has conducted an interesting experiment with the masking of sex at the interview - and checked how it will affect the results.

Photo on the left: Leading programmer Margaret Hamilton next to a stack Prints of the code of the control computer of the Space Actuate "Apollo"

According to the statistics of Glassdoor, the difference in salaries of men and women exists in all professions, but it is worst it is in IT. The difference between salaries of men and women averages 28.3%.

Inside IT, the largest salary is observed in the development of scientific software and programming for mainframes. Someone can say that in the latter case, the presence of beard increases the salary - and such a correlation is really there!

There is a very large gender difference in other areas IT, which are traditionally considered "boys clubs". In developing computer games Women pay 15.8% less, in information security - by 14.7%.

So what is the reason?

Margaret Hamilton (Margaret Hamilton), a leading programmer of the on-board control computer of the Apollo spacecraft experience

The InterViewing.IO project users are anonymously practiced in the passage of technical interviews - something like Chatroulette for programmers. The site even promises to find a job based on the results of virtual interviews. So far, free access is closed, registration goes in turn.

Interview takes place on the site. The applicant and the employer are found in a joint working environment for programming, with voice and textual chat and the similarity of the marker board. The executing role of the employer sees on the screen all that the virtual applicant is dialing in the editor. Two sides communicate. After each interview, the employer issues a rating for several parameters:

  • Would you take this candidate for work? Well no
  • Evaluation technical level: from 1 to 4
  • Evaluation of the ability to solve problems: from 1 to 4
  • Communication abilities: from 1 to 4
  • Separate graph to send comment applicant
The service is only a few months, but more than a thousand interviews have already been held. You can see the expected patterns. Women show on interlocutions result worse than men. Men take place in the next round of the interview by 40% more often. In the technical assessment, their average result is 3 points against 2.5 points in women.


Perhaps the fact is that interviewers give preference to men, and women programmers are not perceived seriously? To check this assumption on, the voice modulator is to "change the candidate" during the interview.

In total, 234 candidates took part in the experiment, of which about one third of women and two thirds of men. To comply with the maximum cleanliness of the experiment, all participants warned that during the interviewing their voice could be changed, and asked not to issue their real sex. Each participant was defined in one of three categories:

  1. Voice has not changed (control group)
  2. Modulation without changing the height
  3. Modification with a change in height ("Floor Change")
The second group is necessary for the purity of the experiment, because the operation of the modulator is not so perfect as I would like. In the voice chat heard, if a person has a real or "synthetic" voice. If there were no second group, the employer was notified of the experiment could understand that every synthetic male voice is actually a woman, and vice versa. And if you modulate the voices of the male / female frequency with a chance of 50 to 50, then the fact of the modulation itself does not say anything.

How changed the results of the interview after masking gender?

The result was the opposite of what expected experimenters. It turned out that the masking of the floor in no way affects the results of the interview. Even after disguise, the voice of the woman continued to show the result of worse, and the men were still easier to go to the next stage of the interview.

On the contrary, the reverse trend appeared. Men with a modulated voice of women were slightly better than men without modulation. Women with the voices of men were slightly worse than women without modulation.

Researchers cannot explain this strange phenomenon. They only indicated that women more often men tend to give up, refusing repeated interviews after failure. But this statistic does not fully explain to the fullest, why, even with a male voice, women put assessments for technical abilities worse. And even more so it is not clear why men improve the indicators after changing the voice to a higher-frequency female.

It can be assumed that people are so well recognized by the floor vote that no modulator is able to create 100% disguise. It is possible to use certain vocabulary, in building proposals, at a tempo of speech and pauses. And this, by the way, explains the effect when men with a modulated voice receive more advantages - the interviewer feels the trick and subconsciously oversleep (guided by the same stereotypes) the result of a man who was forced to look like a woman.

Failures much more quickly wear out the factories of women than men. And how many such difficulties have to have a programmer throughout the career, starting with learning in the university and ending with a series of unsuccessful interviews?

It seems that the difference in the results of the interview and, because in the levels of wages, it is not explained at all by biased by employers, but something else. Perhaps gender discrimination and does not exist at all? There are still many studies in this area.

More women in IT

Despite the controversial results of different studies, the largest IT companies in the world set a goal of hiring more programmers from minorities, including women. The ideal is the situation when women in the company are exactly as much as men. Such a goal comes from the assumption that if you eliminate bias during the interview, then the percentage of men and women should be about 50 to 50. Without questioning this thesis, some companies diligently increases the feminine presence - and periodically report on successes.

In May 2014, Google became one of the first companies in a silicon valley, which dared to publish honest numbers on the equality of floors. According to Google statistics, women amounted to 30% of the state. This result is above average, for all computer specialties in the US, this figure is only 18%.

As of January 2015, the percentage of Zhinchin in Google not changed But the company reported on other successes. For example, among the visitors to the conference for Google I / O developers, the number of women in 2013 was 8%, in 2014-20% and in 2015-23%.

In the project, ASANA project management projects generally changed the standard interview procedure. Now during tests on the marker board, when the candidate girl writes the code, the ASANA interviewers go out of the room not to confuse her.

Change the voice when talking on the phone can be in different ways. With the help of vote (applications for voice change), a woman can change the voice to the male, a man can change the voice to female. You can also change the voices to the robot, the chipmunk, monster, cyborg, with the effect of helium, echo, caves, etc.

Voice change

There is nothing complicated in the program. After opening the program "Voice Change" on the main screen, there is an icon with a microphone, after clicking on which your voice will be recorded, after which it will be prompted to listen or save one of the effects. Change the voice when the call does not work out, unfortunately.

23 voice effects available: Normal, Lazy, Echo, Monster, Helium, Chipmunk, Stakkato, Choir, Old Radio, Robot, Aliens, Hexafluoride, Death, Bathroom, Bee, Dwarf, Child, Quick, Back, Underwater, Telephone, Space, Wolf, Battery Digit .

IO Voice Voter (Change Yo Voice)

If you want to think, have fun and raise yourself, the application is created for you. Ask you how to change your voice when talking on the phone? Voice charter works very simple! You need to choose one of the well-known characters whose voice you want to call, then choose telephone number The person you want to play (or enter the number manually, if it is not saved in the phonebook), and make a call. In this case, a transformer (change) of voice from the first second will occur telephone conversation. Here you do not need to record speech and save it!

Before the call, it is possible to listen to the sound of voice. You just need to click on the icon of each of the characters and listen as they will roughly sound on the other end of the wire.

This is a very fun application that changes the voice, with the help of which you can swing over anyone. You can call any unfamiliar number and play any person. You can call the sister, brother, aunt, classmate, employee. Yes, anyone.

Since in most countries, anonymous calls are prohibited and to make friends above friends, you need to wait on April 1st. April first - no one believes! Only on this day, you can call anonymously as much as you like and jokes, using a voice simulator.

This voter is a very cool and fun program on android to change the voice when calling. In addition, you can still write a video clip with congratulations or joke and send through social networks or by email.

Usually, this kind of program is organized so that you must first include the microphone and write down your speech, then further actions. Here, the developers have tried in such a way that there is a change in voice during a conversation. It is really cool!

It is worth noting that the program for changing the voice of Change Yo Voice works with a sustainable Internet connection 3G / 4G / LTE / Wi-Fi.

Please friends, acquaintances and relatives friendly joke, draw or unusual congratulations! Comedy to the public with an impressive voice filled with different effects. Laughter prolongs life!

P.S. Unfortunately, at the moment, the application is not available :(

Voice Converter (Voice Changer)

The application is pretty simple. On the main screen we touch the microphone and the entry begins where you need to stop. After recording, you can listen to audio, you can cut the unnecessary and apply the effect.

In addition, you can create an image with sound, import previously recorded audio recording, create speech from text, set audio as ringtone.

More than 40 voice effects are available: Singing chips, Robot Small and large, helium, hexafluoride, cave, baby, Deep timbre, Chulis, Small Being, Space Mutant, Cathedral, Skull Mask, Android, Devil, Drunk, Back Forward, Dragon, Optimus, Telephone, Duck, Underwater , evil doll, extraterrestrial, giant, squirrel, cyborg, gloomy cyborg, fly, battery discharged, fan, zombie, megaphone, ghost, villain, sheep, lord, poltergeist, alien and so on.

Voice modulator with 50 effects

More than 50 effects are available thanks to a combination of several: Robot, chipmuncture, child, old man, Martian, 6 species of choir, drunk, valley, church, telephone, underwater, broken tongue, bee, alien, nervous, duck, horror, devil, big robot, little robot, aliens 1 and 2 , Giant, fan, big alien, hoarse, voice Women, helium, hexafluoride, monster, tunnel, low battery charge, accelerate, robot + chipmunk, robot + broken tongue, robot + duck, Martian + chipmunk, Martian + duck and others.

Other ways to change voice when calling by phone

  • breathe air from the helium ball, the voice will look like a children's
  • purchase a special device that will change the timbre of speech or give an additional effect
  • hold the nose with your fingers and talk
  • present to mouth tube and talk
  • put your hand or handkerchief on your mouth during a conversation
  • muttering, when mutting the voice is made softer, sounds are obtained different
  • acting talent that allows you to imitate the voices of other people
  • speak monotonously or vice versa, with greater expressiveness
  • light a new accent, the voice will seem other
  • try to find similar program For PC

For reading 3 min.

Hello everyone, happy owners of a smartphone or tablet computer on the base operating system Android. In today's material, I decided to make a selection of programs with which you can change your voice, turning it into the voice of a child, old man, men, women, or even Martian.

The use of such a glad program can be completely different, starting from the drawing of friends, before creating musical compositions. In this matter, it all depends on your imagination.

So let's not pull the time to attack the selection itself. All applications from the selection, I recommend downloaded by the submitted links, i.e. From the official source - Google Play.

Very popular, almost one million installations, app for Android, allowing you to change your voice, practically, beyond recognition. Of additional features and pluses this applicationI will note the following:

  1. Tens of different variants of votes, which include such as: dragon, robot, aliens and others;
  2. There is a built-in speech synthesizer from text;
  3. Adding the received record to all popular social networks, literally, by pressing the button.

Very good and functional android tool with the speaking name. Of the functions, in addition to the main - changes in the voice, I will note the following, in my opinion, the most interesting and crediting attention:

  1. Big library of various voice effects;
  2. Ability to save the recorded voice to the mobile device library.

Another, deserving your attention, android tool for converting and changing your voice. In fact, the application is very similar to the previous ones. Severe some features:

  1. There is an opportunity not only to apply the effects in one way, but also combine them, thereby creating interesting effects;
  2. Additional effects, such as: Echo, Milena and others.
  1. Ability to apply sound effects and change the voice in real time;
  2. An intuitive and simple application interface.

The application is deleted from Google Play.

I will complete today's selection of another very worthy representative of voice change programs.. This program can:

  1. Built-in voice recorder that can be used as a regular tool for writing voice or sound;
  2. A large number of Various effects of embedded in the program.

Today I have everything. I hope you have found for yourself useful android The tool is a program for transforming a voice. See you.

Project description

This project creates two special effects: vibrato and robot voice. The vibrato effect is generated by changing the frequency of the input signal up and down at 8 Hz. The second effect is created by converting the input vote to the voice of the robot. Both effects can be selected depending on which input is triggered, Rob or Vib. To offset the frequency level at the output of the chip has seven steps, which are selected using the SW0, SW1 and SW2 push buttons for direct choice electronically, which are connected to the entrances of the Rob, TGD, TGU and VIB chip.

The HT8950 microcircuit includes a built-in shifting amplifier for a microphone, an 8-bit ADC, built-in SRAM memory, as well as an 8-bit current output DAC. 8-bit ADCs and DACs provide an 8 kHz sampler frequency, guaranteeing high quality and high signal / noise noise ratio. Microcircuit manages lED indicatorwhich flashes in accordance with the level of input vote.


Entrance - 6 in DC @ 300 mA
Sound output - speaker, 8 Ω / 0.5 W
7 steps to offset the frequency level (volume adjustment) SW3 (TGU) and SW4 (TGD)
SW2 - Vibrato mode, SW5 - robot mode
LED to display the input level
Slider switch ON / OFF for power supply
Audio amplifier LM386 with volume level presets
PBT (terminal block power supply) Connectors for supplying voltage and connecting output speakers
LED power supply indicator
The size pCB 63 mm x 68 mm

CN1 - Power Supply 6 in DC
MIC1 - Electre Condenser Microphone
LS1 - Speaker

Electrical circuit

PCB (overlooking the bottom)

List of radio elements

Designation A type Nominal number NoteScoreMy notebook
CN1. ModulatorHT8950A.1 In notebook
C1. 4.7 MKF 63V.1 In notebook
C2, C4, C6, C7, C9, C12 Capacitor0.1 MKF.6 In notebook
C3, C8. Electrolytic condenser100 μF 25V.2 In notebook
C5. Electrolytic condenser10 μF / 50V or 63B1 In notebook
C10 Electrolytic condenser22 μF / 50V1 In notebook
C11. Capacitor0.22 MKF.1 In notebook
PR1. Potentiometer200 Ohm / 250 ohms1 In notebook
R1 Resistor

100 com

1 In notebook
R2. Resistor

47 com

1 In notebook
R3, R5 Resistor

330 Oh.

2 In notebook
R4. Resistor

560 Oh.

1 In notebook
R6. Resistor

33 com

1 In notebook
R7 Resistor

2.2 com

1 In notebook
R8, R11 Resistor

4.7 com

2 In notebook
R9 Resistor

470 Oh.

1 In notebook
R10 Resistor

2.2 Oh.

1 In notebook
SW1 Striped switch 1