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Stop application Google Play Services: Solving the problem. Why a mistake of Google Play services appears and how to fix it constantly pops up Google Play

With errors of system applications, almost every user of devices on android faces early or later. And one of the most common and hardests - an error in the Google Play service. Most often it arises after any actions of the user, but sometimes - spontaneously and unexpected, as if from nowhere.

Today we will talk about the causes of the Google Play service application errors and what to do to eliminate it.

What is Google Play Services

Methods of elimination of the error: from simple to complex

Decisions are given in order of ease of implementation. If one does not help, go to the next one. Either immediately do what you consider most suitable in your situation.

Setting up dates and time

Incorrect dates and time settings on the device lead to the failures of the launch of many applications, not only Google Play services. Also, often arise problems with access to Internet resources.

To correct the error, run "Settings" on Android, open the "System" section and subsection "Date and Time". Set the desired indicators manually or synchronize the time over the network.

Clearing Cache and Google Play Services and Data Related Applications

Run "Settings", go to the "Device" and "Applications" section. Find among them:

  • Google Play services.
  • Play shop market.
  • Google Services Framework.

Alternately, open their properties, click "Stop", then "Clear Cache" and "Erase Data". If the problem arose after updating these applications, delete updates. Restart the gadget.

Transferring Google Play Services with an SD card to the device (root)

If on your phone or tablet part of the applications is posted on a memory card, it is possible that the services also got there. If so, transfer them back to the device's memory - to the system or user programs folder. Use for this any utility that has a program transfer function between drives, such as Link2SD, Files to SD Card, move to SDCard or analogues.

Delete the latest installed applications

If the failure occurred after you installed one or more new applications, try alternately uninstall them. After each removal, restart the device.

Check for viruses and cleaning of the HOSTS file

The unexpected, spontaneously arising error of Google Play services and other system applications may be a sign of a virus infection of the device. Especially if it is accompanied by such characteristic symptoms as:

  • too fast battery discharge;
  • inexplicable disabling functions, most often related to security, as well as the inability to change the system settings;
  • unavailability of some resources on the Internet (for example, mail, social networks), advertising banners on web pages, redirection to other sites;
  • advertising on the desktop device not related to applications;
  • spontaneous installation of unnecessary programs and the impossibility of removing them;
  • hidden calls and SMS messages to unknown numbers;
  • disappearance of funds from the balance of the phone and electronic wallets;
  • sudden removal or violation of antivirus.

Our site has already told. But sometimes only the removal of malicious program is not enough, especially when the device is rutged. If the virus has made changes to system files and settings, then they are usually preserved and act even in the absence of root causes.

Some malicious programs make entries to the Hosts file, where, as well as on the computer, IP addresses are stored and the names of websites are stored. These recordings can also cause Google Play service error, so after scanning for viruses, regardless of whether they were found or not, you should check HOSTS.

User access to HOSTS file is possible only on devices where root is received. In addition, you will need an application conductor with access to system directories, like Root Explorer or Total Commander. The desired file is in the folder / etc and does not have extension. To open and enter it, the editors will need any text editor.

The hosts file consists of a comments block, the lines of which begin with the sign #, and the record block. Comments do not affect anything - it's just reference information, and records indicate the device, by which IP address to search on the Internet one or another site.

Initially, the second hosts contains the only entry - Localhost, which means that this IP belongs to the device itself. And all sites associated with, he will look at itself.

If you see something, in addition to " Localhost" in the recorder, delete it.

After saving the file and restart the device, Google Play service error often disappears.

Delete and re-create a Google account

Described in detail in another article on the site, so we will not repeat. After deletion, create a new account on the device, and then Clean the cache and these services and the associated applications as described above.

Reinstalling services (root)

Reinstalling helps to correct the error that occurred after updating the Gogle Play services or installing an inappropriate version after manual removal. You're better downloading a suitable file from here, as the link is collected old, knowingly stable versions (how to identify your own, look in the section on the causes of the error).

After downloading, APK-file application should be placed in the / System / App (/ System / Priv-App) or / Data / App directory using the same root explorer or Total Commander. Next, do not forget to give it permission to read and write (it is done on Root Explorer to touch the button circled on the screenshot, so that it switches with R / O to R / W) and start the installation.

After rebooting the device, most likely, the error will no longer disturb you.

By the way, if the problem arose after updating services, it may repeat how only the device drives a new version from the Play Market. Therefore, you may have to disable the installation of its updates. In any case, until the true culprit of the situation finds out.

Reset to factory settings and flashing

If all your attempts to eliminate the error turned out to be unsuccessful, the last tools remain - android reset to the factory settings and flashing. Reset is a fairly effective solution for all sorts of problems with the system, but it will not have the desired effect on phones and tablets with root. In addition, you will lose personal files and settings. Surge it only on unwanted gadgets and only if you have tried more and more simple ways.

The reset function is available through the "Settings" application - section "System" - "Recovery and Reset", as well as through the Recovery menu, the opening methodology is usually given on the websites of mobile devices of various brands.

Refracting the device on android is equivalent to reinstalling the operating system on the computer, that is, this is the most radical solution from all that is. It doesn't matter for it, it was on the root device or not. After flashing, you will get a nine clean system, the errors will remain in the past, but you will have to tune and sore it.

Like any other application, Google Play is not protected from crashing. It may not open, do not upload content, hang or fly with an error. Everything happens infrequently, but if it happened, then you need to know how to quickly eliminate the problem. Depending on the situation, solutions may be different. Let's start with the simplest.

1. Make sure the problem is on the user side

The first thing to do with problems with Google Play is to check the operation of the service on other devices. You can start the store in the browser on the PC or ask to ask someone from your loved ones to open the application on your smartphone.

If the problem is observed not only on your gadget, you should not do anything. Most likely, there was some kind of failure on the side, and soon it will be eliminated. If the store does not open or work incorrectly only you have, you need to perform one or more actions from the list below.

2. Close Google Play forcibly

In many cases, it helps the usual restart of the application. You can close it in the list of active processes or through the application settings section. There is a search for "Google Play Market" and click "Stop" or "Close".

3. Restart Wi-Fi

It is possible that the problem lies in the network connection. To exclude this option, it is worth trying to restart on the smartphone, as well as check the availability of a problem when connecting to a mobile operator network.

If the smartphone does not enter the network at all, but it shows a stable connection via Wi-Fi, it is worth reloading home.

4. Turn on the flight mode

Often, send Google Play to the right track allows a simple transition to flight mode and output from it in a few minutes. It's amazing, but it really helps, especially if the application store hung during some kind of loading.

You can start the flight mode or "on the aircraft" from system or settings in the Wireless Networks section.

5. Restart the smartphone

In the event of problems in the work of Android applications, a simple reboot of the smartphone will never be extended. Complexity with Google Play is no exception.

6. Delete the cache and Google Play data

Quite often, the problem lies in the accumulation of irrelevant and temporary data of the Google Play application. To get rid of them. You need to open "applications" in the smartphone settings, go to Google Play and there in the "Memory" section to choose a reset and cleaning.

It is worth considering that when you delete the application data, you will need to be updated to log in. If it does not help, perform the identical cleaning of the Google Play Services application.

7. Check the date and time settings.

The cause of failures in the application store can be problems with the synchronization of the date and time. You can check the effect of this factor by simply turning on or disabling the use of the network time. You can do this through the system settings in the Date and Time section.

8. Delete Google Play updates

To delete the Google Play application itself with a standard way, but it is possible to get rid of the updates downloaded for it. This will roll back to the old version of the program that may be more efficient.

You can delete updates through the Application Settings section, where you need to select "Google Play Market" and click "Delete Updates". Depending on the system, this button can be in view and hide in an additional menu in the upper right corner.

9. Update Google Play manually

If all of the above methods did not allow to reanimate the application store, then you should try to install a more recent or even the same version of Google Play manually. In both cases, the application will simply update the current version.

For manual update, you will need to download the Google Play APK file to set it from the memory of the smartphone. In the settings you will need to allow the installation of unknown applications, what the system will ask you automatically.

10. Delete Google Account and re-log in

Sometimes it allows you to restore the operation of Google applications to the smartphone. To implement it, you need to open the "Users and Accounts" section in the smartphone settings, select Google Account and delete it from the device.

We often receive questions from users who collided on their smartphones and tablets with the problem of a sudden stopping of applications, in particular Google services. About how to fix an annoyed error "Google Play service is stopped" on Sony Xperia We will tell. By the way, the problem of stopping other applications on the device is solved.

This is what usually appears on the screen:

If you have such an error, you need to delete the data of this application itself. To do this, go to the main "settings" - "applications" - the "All" tab - find the Google Play Services list and tap it. In the menu that appears, you need to select "Delete Updates" and "Delete all data" (may be in the "Place Management" submenu).

If Suddenly, the "Delete all data" button is not active, then you will need to press the button "Turn off" to get to the "Device Administrators" item (you can use the "Security" menu in the main settings) and remove the checkbox with "Remote Android Control".

After all manipulations for cleaning data, restart your smartphone. The problem should disappear! All the necessary updates will be installed through Play Market automatically or you can do it manually.

It is also useful to know.

Google Play services are needed in order to update Google applications or install new applications.

Provide the functioning of important applications, among which you can select such as.

You can also configure privacy, access to the necessary applications that are responsible for energy saving.

Thanks to the application services, a wide variety of games will be more convenient, you can speed up the search without access to the network (offline), and the cards installed on the gadget will look more realistic.

What are the Google Play Services

Google Play is pre-installed software by almost all-devices.

The main task is to ensure the normal functioning of the most important applications of your device.

Among them, you can select the following: Authentication in those or other Google Services, Channel Channels on your apparatus with other gadgets, access to power saving and confidentiality settings.

Google Play services: how to update

Application developers are tirelessly working on updated versions in which they try to remove errors found by users in previously released versions.

Usually updates are downloaded automatically if your device is connected to.

How to update applications if the device has no connection to the Internet for a long time? To do this, it is necessary:

  1. Connect the device to the Internet. It is recommended to use unlimited Wi-Fi link, as some applications are "pull" a lot of traffic.
  2. Open, in the search to dial "Google Play" services.
  3. A window will open with applications, under each of which two options for "update" and "Delete" will be proposed. When you click on the first and update your applications.

Google Play Services: Errors Most often

What if your gadget shows "An error occurred in the Google Play application"?

It all depends on what this error. Consider the most typical of them and the methods of their solution.

Most often arises as a result of bad. Restart the gadget and.

If the problem does not disappear after restarting the device, try to visit the store through your mobile Internet. You can also try to clean the Play MARKET data.

Most likely your Google account is either removed, or "banned."

You need to delete the set account, after which you first create, then add a new one.

The path to delete the following: First select the settings, then the General Options tab, the next step - account, select Google.

Most often occurs if the application and directly Google services are simultaneously updated.

The optimal solution option is to wait until the Google Play is updated, after putting the application itself.

With this error it is impossible to download something, or another application, or refresh it.

It may occur when using multiple accounts on a gadget, or when trying to purchase the same applications for two or more accounts.

First, delete the application on one of your accounts.

If this step does not help - you need to clean the Google Play search history (the following path: Select the Play Market Setup item, then click Clear Search Store).

Such errors may indicate that something, or another application fails to download due to the problems with the account itself.

How to solve the problem: you need to make a new account, removing the old one before it.

Removal path Next: Settings - Accounts - Delete account (non-working). After that, you need to restart the gadget, then go to accounts. Now go to the newly created account.

After you go into the settings, select accounts, then Google, find, press everything, after - delete old data.

One of the most common errors. Indicates a lack of space where the application is downloaded and where the application is installed.

At first, it is necessary to free the place by removing those applications that you no longer need or multimedia.


An error may occur during an attempt to purchase an application.

To correct, you need to go on the next path: we go into the settings, select the applications, then the All button, the next step, select Google Services Framework, then clean the application that cannot be installed.

Error 941/927 / 504/495/413/406/110 / RH01 / RPC: AEC: 0

Such errors may occur when you are trying to download applications from Google Play. Causes of errors may be different, the method of overcoming universal.

First, you need to proceed to remove all data of the set Google Play application.

To do this, go to the settings, then select the applications, go to the All tab, after selecting Google Play, click Clear data I..

If this method was invalid and the errors still remain, try to completely remove your account with the gadget, then reboot your device and try to enter your own.

When this error appears to worry about your gadget or software, it is not worthwhile - the problem lies in Google's servers, which, for some reason, reasons, have become unavailable for a while.

The only method of solving the resulting problem is to wait some time while the server work is restored.

Google Play does not work: how can you run

In Google Play, as in any other applications, those or other errors are possible.

You can find a way to solve the problem in different ways. Below is more about the most effective.

Check the Internet connection. First of all, you need to check whether your device is connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi or).

If you are connected to Wi-Fi, and there is no network, then the router can help.

Restart Your Device. An effective way that can help in almost any situation occurs both in the Android system itself and in Google Play in particular.

First clean the cache, then you need to delete the data in the Google Play application.

We find the Settings section.

In the submenu that opens, you need to select "Application Manager" ("Applications"), then you are on the "All" tab

In the window that opens, stop your choice in the following options "Erase the data" and "Clear Cache"

Cleaning the Google Play Services can also help. Find it, select "About the Application", then click "Clear Cache".

In the first step, turn on the previously turned off Google applications. If "Google's Accounts", "Google+", "Google Services Framework", "Google Services Framework" are turned off on the gadget, it can also be the cause of possible problems with the market.

You can check whether these applications are included on the following paths: settings, following - applications, choose - disconnected.

Check the correctness of the date. The reason may be in the wrong date on the device. Change the date, and better synchronize it with time on the Internet.

All this can be done in the settings, the section is the date and time.

We hope you have decided all Google Play services.

Probably the most common mistake of Android users is a failure in applications from Google. Today we will tell about one of them: "Play Market is stopped." This notification constantly pops up when trying to download or update any application. You will learn what should be done first with this error and what options will be useful to you.

What is this mistake?

Application store failure can appear for a variety of reasons: an outdated version of on the phone, scored data cache, synchronization errors with a connected account on the phone. In rare cases, all the fault of third-party programs and even viruses that can block some system options.

An error in android - Play Market is stopped

How to fix the error in Samsung devices

This problem is very common on SAMSUNG smartphones and tablets (Galaxy Tab, Grand Prime, etc.), which have their own branded version of OS Android. Next, we describe a list of priority instructions, which, by the way, will suit the rest of the Android devices. I will not write about standard - restart the device, wait a little, write in support, etc.

Check availability

System updates are definitely important part of the stability of your android. They contain corrections and improvements of many functions. Be sure to check their relevance on your device.

Dumping all Google services

The second step will be reset and erasing all temporary data in "Google Play Services" and "Play Market". This is done standard:

Do not forget to perform a complex cleaning of the device. For example, Samsung has a SMART Manager system cliner. With it, you can optimize battery consumption, freeing up memory, RAM and check security settings. Also mono use third-party utilities, such as Master Cleaner.

Account synchronization

After all cleaning, you need to check whether there is no failure in synchronization of Google Account and reconnect the account itself. Go along the way "Settings""Accounts""Google". Click on active account, after that you will fall in the sync menu. At the top there will be three points (menu), there is a deletion account. Entries. Erase all data, after rebooting, activate the account in the smartphone again. Such a re-connection will help to carry out complete synchronization with cloud data. Try to use the store.

Use analogs

If you have nothing and the error "Plaque Market is stopped" will remain, the last option will be a "reset settings", which will erase everything from the device. The extreme case will be a new firmware. If you have once to do this in this moment, then you can safely use similar shops.

  • Amazon AppStore is a good service with many applications, however, the only minus is oriented to the Western User.