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When we come across a person, whose behavior does not correspond to the generally accepted human rules, as we call it? That's right, a psychopath. Who are psychopaths and what are they dangerous for society as a whole and every person separately? Is it possible to cure psychopathy and is it worth doing this? Why do psychopaths of action in a particular situation differ from the actions of ordinary people? Attempts to answer these questions are set out in this article.

Definition of psychopathy

Psychopathy is called patology of character, and persistent, which is not peculiar to healthy people. Psychopathies appear from birth or in the early years of life and refers to mental personality disorders. Psychopathy accompanies the personality all his life and is characterized by excessively pronounced features of the nature on the one hand and underdevelopment of other traits. For example, a person is extremely irritable and excited, but his behavior control is weakened. Or, the personality has overestimated attractions and egocentrism, while there is no adequate assessment of their capabilities. Psychopathy is not mental illness, but do not act as an option of the norm of mental health, that is, this state refers to border states.

In society, there are often similar features of nature and in healthy people, but they are balanced, and behavior within the framework of public norms.

A distinctive feature of the psychopathy of character is the lack of dynamics throughout life, that is, the state of the psychopath does not deteriorate, but does not improve over time.

According to statistics, psychopathy are found in 1 - 2% in all people, and its occurrence increases to 25% in criminal circles. Despite the fact that almost all criminals (maniacs, killers) are essentially psychopaths, it does not mean that all psychopaths without exception is criminals.

Character accentuation

Often, psychopathy takes an accentuation of character, although accentuations and psychopathy are completely different things.

If psychopathy refers to the border states of the psyche, then the accentuation is only an option of the norm, characterized in that some personality traits of a person are too pronounced, while the overall warehouse of a person is within the normal range, which looks like a disharmony. The character accentuation is quite capable of provoking various mental pathology (psychosis, neurosis), despite the fact that this condition in itself is not pathology.

For the occurrence of accentuation, certain conditions are needed, for example, defects of education, a specific social environment or mental injury.

Causes of psychopathy

To date, psychopathy is not sufficiently studied, therefore it is impossible to single out the main factor that contributes to its appearance. In fact, this condition is a multifactorial, but there is always a start-up factor that affects the warehouse of the character to a greater extent.

Certain character traits or their pathology are programmed genetically, as well as external features a person (eye and hair color, the form of ears and nose and so on). And although each of us throughout life varies somewhat, develops, trying to coexist in a particular group of people, many of the qualities of our character are already laid on the stage of intrauterine existence.

So, mostly the causes of psychopathies are congenital, that is, a person appears already with a certain warehouse of the nature or its anomaly. But also in the occurrence of these states, various adverse situations play a role in which abnormal behavior is enshrined, which aggravates deadaptation. For example, a child grew up in an orphanage or later a person got into a terry conclusion, captivity.

Provice a pathological change in nature may also have severe somatic diseases, such as brain lesions. This contributes to:

  • bad ecology;
  • brain infections (encephalitis, meningitis);
  • head injuries;
  • brain tumors;
  • acute and chronic intoxication (poisoning poisons, nicotine, alcohol, drugs);
  • high ionizing irradiation.

Due to the action of the listed factors, there are painful and practically irreversible changes in the brain, the nervous system as a whole, which causes severe mental changes.

It is not excluded, as already indicated, and the hereditary transfer of psychopathies (if parents have a pathological warehouse of character, it is possible that their children will be the same).

Predisposing factors in childhood

The development of psychopathies in children contributes to the following factors:

  • "Pulling out a child from the family (long stay in a sanatorium, for example, tuberculosis or passing it in boarding school);
  • superfluid, promoting the development of painful self-cultivation;
  • insufficient attention to your own children or its complete absence;
  • "Shifting" of the adopted child aside when the "Cinderella's own or syndrome" appears;
  • the emergence of a child of an inferiority complex as a result of increased parental attention to another child;
  • brutal education of the child / children;
  • the phenomenon of "idol" - when a child painfully perceives care of other children in the family, as he considers himself "the most - the most."

Classification of psychopathy

There are several status data classifications. The following types of psychopathy are distinguished:

  • nuclear psychopathy, which are determined by the constitutional type of man and are laid genetically;
  • regional psychopathy, are determined by the environment where a child is growing and formed (play a role social reasons: Drinking parents, orphanage, etc.);
  • organic psychopathy, due to the lesion of the brain, for example, injuries and infections of the brain, including intrauterine and generic.

According to another classification in which the predominance of the processes of excitation or braking in the core of the brain is served, the following types of psychopathies are distinguished:

  1. Excientable psychopathy:
    • exposive;
    • epileptoid;
    • paranoid;
    • hysterical;
    • unstable;
    • hypertension.
  2. Brake psychopathy
    • psychiatric;
    • pineapple;
    • asthenic;
    • sensitive schizoide;
    • geboid or emotionally stupid personality.

A separate graph is mosaic psychopathy, which is characterized by signs of several types of these states, differently - mixed psychopathy.

In clinical practice, doctors enjoy the classification of psychopathies on major clinical manifestations - forms, which include sexual psychopathy (sexual perversions and violations).

Also, psychopathies are divided into severity:

  • moderate or 1 degree characterizing pronounced compensation, and breakies occur only in certain situations;
  • pronounced or 2 degree, sufficiently slight reason for breakdown, the compensation is unstable, psychopaths are in a constant conflict with others;
  • a heavy or 3 degree, for a breakdown, no longer needed the slightest reason, psychopaths are fully deedapted, they are not able to make a family, self-criticism is completely absent.

Clinical picture

This condition is characterized by a variety of features that are divided into groups depending on the form of psychopathy. Characteristic features of psychopaths are:

Manipulating others

One of the leading symptoms of psychopathies is the manipulation of loved ones. In order to achieve their psychopaths use the full range of possible exposure (screaming, poor mood or well-being, blackmail and threats to end or deprive inheritance).

No epitia

Empathy is called human ability to empathize with a close, animal or plant. Psychopaths completely absent compassion and empathy, they are heartless, although they can understand someone else's pain. There are hardly sympathy from such personalities in any situation (death or disease of loved ones, street children or homeless animals).


Such personalities are distinguished by the pathological lies, the stories of "merchant" stories, and if they are repaired, they are categorically refused of everything told earlier.

Insection in intimate links

Proposed for such people and sexual licenses. They easily change, while not feeling remorse.

No deep feelings

Psychopaths cannot feel deep feelings: deep fear, anxiety, affection. Such people are absolutely not able to love anyone (man, animal).

No repentance

Psychopath Even with the evidence of his own guilt, they will shift it on another person. They do not repent, does not feel shame, never apologize and are not tormented by remorse.

Alcoholism / drug addiction

Such people are often distinguished by excessive or become drug addicts.

Men - Psychopaths

Manifestations of psychopathy in men are noted much more often than that of the opposite sex. Men - psychopaths are incomparable pretenders and are distinguished by hypocrisy. All those visible with the eyes of other people feeling from men - psychopaths and are just visible, since such people do not really feel them, they simply "play" in them. In addition, men with psychopathy are excellent manipulators, close and colleagues suffer from communicating with them. Especially family and close women. Marriage with a man - a psychopath - it is almost always a huge psychotrauma for a woman. With regard to weak gender, such men are prone to physical and moral violence, they often change to women and humiliate them. Also, such men are characterized by immorality and coldness, in view of which the personal life of male psychopaths is in emotional chaos.

Often, psychopathic men cannot take place in an education, nor in a professional plan, although this is not a mandatory rule. With severe control (parents), men - psychopaths perfectly adapt in a career plan. These are successful entrepreneurs, competent leaders, talented organizers.

Women - Psychopaths

Psychopathy in women meets much less often than in male people, whatever we tried to push the "advanced" personality. According to statistics for the 1997, the signs of psychopathy in women who stay in the fields of imprisonment were found only in 15% of prisoners, while the percentage of male prisoners - psychopaths are significantly higher and amounts to 25 - 30. Women with psychopathy are characterized by less aggressiveness and cruelty compared to persons strong floor. Based on the above statistical data, they are much less likely to make unlawful acts in affective state. However, women are psychopaths prone to kleptomania, alcoholism and dependence on psychotropic drugs, often vagrants and distinguish between sexual leshes. In family life, such women are scandalous, uncontrollable and "explosive". The life of women - psychopaths is distinguished by disharmonia, they are easily "ignited" and or with difficulty or do not control their emotional bursts at all, which ultimately may end the depression. Also, such women are distinguished by the tendency to melancholy and love for "sink - twist."

Women are psychopaths in essence of their egocentricists, they only live by their own desires, indifferently belonging to the public rules of behavior and to their relatives.

But apathetic, closed female psychopaths are found. In this case, representatives of the fine floor have significant complexes or a strong, even painful dependence. The behavior of such women - mothers is adversely affected by their children, which leads to the formation of various border or pathological mental states.

Children - Psychopaths

The initial manifestations of psychopathy in children appear in a two-year-old age. But, as a rule, signs of psychopathy often arise among adolescents. It is possible to suspect the pathology of the child's pathology in the absence of an ability to empathize and sympathize, the child does not repent of the inappropriate behavior, but the leading sign is cruelty (with respect to other children or animals). In adolescence there is no "not fit" into the standards of society, the desire to perform immoral actions, to use alcohol or to take drugs, crime the law (theft, hooliganism). Such adolescents are often registered in the Children's Police Room.

Distinctive signs of a child - psychopath:

  • the child constantly fights, steals or spoils someone else's property;
  • violates parental prohibitions;
  • does not feel guilty for negative actions;
  • indifferent to the feelings of surrounding people;
  • well learns and indifferent to study and estimated;
  • irresponsible, does not want to respond for anything;
  • do not react to the threat of punishment;
  • fearless, risky;
  • egocentric.

Symptomatics of various forms of psychopathy


People with this form of the nature disorder are closed, their inner life prefers, prefer loneliness, and instead active communication Prefer to read, contemplate nature, consider works of art. Such personalities are devoid of spontaneity and impulsivity. In addition, schizoids have either excessive sensitivity (hyperesthesia) or emotional coldness (anesthesia). Depending on the prevalence of one or another type of schizoid sensitivity, it is divided into 2 types: sensitive (hyperstattic) and expansive (cold, emotionally stupid).

Sensitive schizoids include excessively sensitive and mimopod-like personalities. They are still worried about negative comments on their occasion, any, even small insults and rudeness. Such personalities are wary of the world around the world, affection is limited. They are modest, dreamy and easily depleting, but are not inclined to show emotions of violently and proud to soreness. In the work in-depth, but only one-sided, conscientious and thorough. The effect of traumatic schizoids of factors leads to the loss of soul equilibrium, depression and lethargy.

Expansive schizoid distinguishes the determination, the lack of doubts and oscillations, disregard the views of other people, dryness and officialness in relations. Despite the demanding principality of such personalities completely indifferent to the fate of others. Their character is called difficult or even bad, they are arrogant, cold and unable to empathize, heartless and cruel. In the same time this type Schizoids are easy to vulnerable, but masterfully hides dissatisfaction and their own uncertainty. It is possible that they have angry outbreaks and impulsive actions in response to life difficulties.

Externally schizoids are deprived of emotionality, facial expressions and flexibility of the psyche, which makes them similar to robots. Between schizoids and the surrounding constantly invisible barrier, which does not allow them to be mixed with the crowd.


Psychopaths - asthenics are easily depleting and irritable, timid, shy and extremely impressionable personalities are prone to self-obstinate. In the self-consciousness of asthenics, dissatisfaction is dominated by itself, a sense of own inferiority, inconsistency, disbelief, understated self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, the feet of the upcoming difficulties. They are afraid of responsibility, the initiative of passive, submissive and subordinate, and all resentments are demolished without Ropot.

Part of the psychopaths - the asthenics are sluggish and indecisive individuals, very mnitious and apathetic or stay in a constantly oppressed mood. Carefully listen to the slightest sensations of their body, which often leads to the development of "neurosis of organs" (cardioneurosis). Asthenics do not tolerate blood type and sharp temperature differences, very painfully react to rudeness / tactlessness, meteolabile. In case of discontent, they are either contemptuously silent or grieved.

As a variety of asthenic psychopathy, a psycho-drug type is distinguished, which is characterized by indecisiveness, anxiety and extensive diminity. Psychiatrics are easy to offend, they are shy and timid, but at the same time very proud. They differ in permanent "digging" in themselves, obsessive doubts and fears. Any, even a minor change in life (change of work or residence) enhances their insecurity and anxiety. On the other hand, these are executive and disciplined personality, which sometimes comes to pedantry and annoying. From psychostenics, there are excellent substituents, but as leaders they are not consistent (they cannot independently make decisions and manifest initiative).


These personalities are characterized by an exaggerated demonstration of their emotions and experiences, deep egocentrism, spiritual emptiness, love for external effects. All of the above indicates their mental immaturity and infantilism. They seek to impress the surroundings, they crave confessions. For such psychopaths, Münhgausen syndrome (fiction, fantasy, pseudology) is characterized, and their feelings are superficial and unstable. Hysteria often make extravagant actions, brightly and even shrinkishly dressed are incapable of work that requires adherence and tension. They also prefer to conduct idle life, full entertainment and receive only pleasure from it, bang in society and admire themselves, they are inflicted to "let dust in the eyes". They consider themselves connoisseurs of philosophy and art, although knowledge of their shallow. They seek to be in the center of attention, which makes it impossible to achieve success in creative or scientific activities.


Signs of this form of psychopathy similar to the schizoid type. Paranoids - psychopaths overestimate their "I", suspicious and irritable, prone to the formation of ultra-subject ideas. In the nature of such personalities, irritability and coordination prevails, irritability up to the affectiveness of actions, and the logic and mind are suppressed. However, paranoids are distinguished by accuracy and conscientiousness, intolerance to injustice. They also have a limited horizon and narrowness of interest, rectinence and juggling of judgment. In the random actions of others, the hostility and some secret meaning will always be seen. In addition to extreme egocentrism, they are distinguished by overestimated self and exacerby feeling of self-esteem. But everything that is outside of its own "ego" is absolutely indifferent. Despite the constant opposition of paranoid surrounding, he has a well-disguised inner dissatisfaction. Such personalities are incredulous up to suspicion, they believe that they do not apply due respect, they want to insult and infringe on their rights.

Separately, this type of paranoid psychopathy as expansive paranoid personalities is distinguished. These people are peculiar to the pathological jealousy, a tendency to conflict, sutying, the law and the "reformity". Such personalities are quite pretty, do not confuse in cases of failure, and the fighting "with the enemies" only temper them and charges energy. Such people are often observed in the environment of religious fanatics.



Psychopaths of affective circle are also divided into 2 types: cyclotem and hypothy. Cyclotimics are easily communicated with almost any person, mental, responsive, pleasant, simple and natural in the country. Do not hide their feelings, differ in soft-hearted, friendly, sincerity and warmth. In ordinary life, these are people - realists, fantasies and zaulous constructions they are not peculiar to fantasy and dreams, life is accepted in her by the usual form. Also cyclotimics are distinguished by enterprise, point and diligence. But a positive mood easily changes in the opposite direction (permanent mood oscillations).

Hypotimistic or depressive psychopaths are always in a negative mood (gloom, sadness, displeasure to everyone and poorly accuracy). In the work of hypothimics are characterized as conscientious, neat and executive personalities, but in all and always seek to see failures / complications. Very seriously worrying troubles, capable of empathize, but hide their feelings from other people. They differ in pessimistic attitution and low self-esteem. In conversations, restrained, the opinion does not express. They consider that they can not be by definition, therefore, it is always to blame and untenable.


For such psychopaths, an increased irritability is characterized, constant mental stress and explosive emotional reactivity, which sometimes reaches inadequate angry attacks. They are demanding of others, extremely selfish and selfish, incredulous and suspicious. Often they fall into the dysphory (evil longing). They differ in stubbornness and failure, conflict and power, rudeness in communication and aggressiveness in anger. Tells to apply cruel beatings and even to the murder.


For psychopaths with this form of disorder, many signs are characterized by different types Psychopathy, in mind what they experience pronounced difficulties in existence in society. In other words, mosaic psychopathy there is mixed psychopathy when it is impossible to allocate the leading symptoms of one form or another.


For the diagnosis of psychopathy, a study of brain functions is used - electroencephalography and conduct special tests for psychopathy (they can be conducted independently).

The treatment of character disorder is necessary only when pathological features are so intensively manifested, which constitutes the problem of existence not only for psychopath's loved ones, but also for him. Treatment of psychopathy includes the appointment of psychotropic drugs, conducting explanatory and family psychotherapy, autotrans and hypnosis.

Medical treatment is chosen individually, given the features of the individual and psychopathological reactions (form of psychopathy).

In the case of constant emotional fluctuations, antidepressants are prescribed (Prose, amitriptyline), with alarming states - tranquilizers (phenazepam). Hysterical psychopathy is treated with small doses of neuroleptics (aminazine), and evilness and aggressiveness are suppressed by more "serious" neuroleptic drugs (haloperidol, triftatazine). Under sleep disorders, neuroleptics are recommended with a pronounced sedative effect (chlorprotektexen), and during asocial behavior, "proofreaders of behavior" (undeagonated, Sonapaks) are used.

Psychopaths - buildings need to receive stimulants (sedokarb) or natural (vegetable) drugs that have a stimulating effect (eleutherococcus, ginseng, luncture).

Also, in psychopathy, any form requires reception of polyvitamins, immunomodulators and antioxidants.

It is important to remember that in the treatment of psychotropic drugs it is strictly forbidden to eat alcohol and drugs, since such a combination can lead to the patient's death.

For the entire period of decompensation with the prescription of treatment, the patient is discharged in disability.

Question answer

My son drinks for a very long time (more than 10 years) and firmly. Recently, I became completely unmanaged, "explodes" to the slightest remark, refuses to do something around the house, began to raise my hand on me. Is he a psychopath or has he already some kind of mental illness? What to do?

You yourself answered your question. According to the description, yes, your son is a psychopath and an alcoholic (another diagnosis is impossible in absentia). Of course, he needs treatment, and most likely in the hospital. But the alcoholic is unlikely to voluntarily agree to hospitalization, as well as an outpatient treatment (after all, it will have to abandon alcohol). In your case, there is an appeal to the law enforcement agencies, the court and the decision on forced treatment. The former person will not become already, since alcohol extremely quickly destroys the nervous system, but for some time compensation for the state after the treatment is guaranteed.

My husband has a completely official diagnosis of "excitable psychopathy", periodically he passes the courses of treatment, trying to hold back in life, there is no aggressiveness. Isn't it dangerous to give birth from such a person a child? Is psychopathy transmitted inheritance?

If your husband gives a report in its own diagnosis and trying to deal with it, then give birth and do not doubt. Psychopathy as such by inheritance is not transferred, but it is possible that the child will have a violation of the functions of the nervous system, which is not necessarily accompanied by an anomaly of character.

I am a "chronic dreamer" - so they say my close and even work colleagues. How to cure it, because constant dreaminess is one of the signs of psychopathy?

Absolutely no. Tablets from the dreamability have not yet come up, and whether it is necessary to get rid of it? If your dreams prevent you in real life, then you should reconsider them, put real goals and try to achieve them. Your dreaminess speaks of a good imagination - direct energy into a creative bed, try to engage in painting, photography, other types of creative activities and you will achieve real success.

O. V. Kebricov (1968) shared psychopathy on: - nuclear (constitutional) - edges (huzzled)

Constitutional, genuine, nuclear psychopathy is unfavorable heredity. They are detected even with the most favorable cultivation conditions. There are few of them - about 5-10% of all psychopaths. Kreyevaya psychopathy, Patoocterological development of the individual (PCL), "htched" psychopathy are more plastic; With favorable situations, their compensation is possible. They are softer.

In the formation of PCRL, the main role is played by improper education. Wagner-Yauregg: "Parents allocate children not only by their heredity, but also by their upbringing." Phenomenon: Late Depsychopathization. It occurs in 50-55 years, when the vascular changes smooth psychopathic changes. In the arts we can only compensate. About recovery of speech can not be ...

O. V. Kebricov (1968) Types of education: - hypoems or neglect - excitable

Hyperopka - brake (psychospace, anxious imperative, he is not used to make decisions and responsible for them). The desire to protect the child from a cruel world can lead to a psychoshetical psychopathus .- "Cummy family": a hysterical person. Late child, very desirable. He gets used to that any of his need is immediately satisfied. "Cinderella: More often a boy - stepfather in the family. When there is still a common child. Steph is starting to force this child to get out, make a "black" job. Let's go to the zoo, and they did not take it ... She feels a kind of outcast. Psychopathy of an unstable circle.

Regional psychopathy include: - Organic psychopathy (some harm act on a child up to 3 years, but there is no delay in intelligence, personality features appear) - psychopath-like disorders on the soil of the residual organic lesion of GM - factor is valid after 3 years

V. A. Gilyarovsky - "Psychopaths are more often made than born."

53. Psychopathy of an unstable type. Signs: neglect of the boring of others, lack of empathy, irresponsibility and ignoring social norms, ease of aggressive outbreaks, including cruelty; No feeling of guilt. The main feature is the permanent thirst for lung entertainment and pleasures, a celebrating lifestyle with evading all difficulty. loneliness tolerate badly.

54.Fast psychopathy.(exposive). The main manifestations are excessive excitability, impulsiveness, conflict, up to evilness and aggressiveness. At work, they act in open conflicts because of which slowly or do not progress at all. Mood is changeable. Exposive reactions are intense, but usually short .. Sustainable friendships are established with difficulty. Speech and movement are very fast. In neurological examination, signs of early cerebral-organic failure are often detected.

55.Eepileptoid psychopathy. In addition to exposability, there are a dysphoria states - a gloomy-evil mood, during which patients are looking for, what would be forging the accumulated evil. Dysphoria lasts from several hours to several days. In Affect, during the Drak benner, they are able to apply grievous damage. Get pleasure, torment, mocking weak. Can get pleasure, causing pain cuts, burns. Suicidal attempts of MB as demonstrative with the purpose of blackmail and during the diphority with the actual intention to end. The tendency to exploration reactions and dysphorids in epileptoid psychopaths is often combined with general mental rigidity, specific manifestations of which are the circumstance of thinking, accuracy.

56.Sihasthenic psychopathy. (oreankastic) is characterized by indecisiveness, permanent doubts, excessive foresight in relation to the eventfulness of events. Perfectionism (the desire to always achieve the highest results, to do everything in the best way regardless of the unavailability of the case); The amount of breeding is made. The initiative thoughts, movements, rituals, fears appear almost constantly, then intensifying, then weakening. Pedanthism, the desire to foresee everything in advance to eat in the slightest details, the petty compliance with the rules serve as hypercompension with constantly fear for the future. This type of psychopathy usually manifests itself from school years, but it becomes intensifying when they begin to live independently.

57. Schizoid psychopathy. Features: Inability to worry pleasure (AGEDONI), emotional coldness, inability to express warm and hostile feelings to others; a weak reaction to praise and censure; Small interest in sexual communication with other% tendency to fantasize oneself and to introspection; disadvantage of close trust contacts with others. Closedness and unimustitality. Often live with their unusual interests and hobbies, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich onimogut achieve success. Hobbies and fantasies fill in the inner world. Tell to nonconformism - do not like to do as everything.

58. Paranoral psychopathy. Excessive sensitivity to dissatisfaction of their claims; Calloon not allowing to forgive insults, insults and damage. suspicion and desire to distort the neutral or friendly actions of others; a tendency to pathological jealousy; Excessive self-confidence. The conviction in its superiority over the surrounding, always claim to exclusive position, to ensure that everything is done as they consider fit. They begin sophisticated and even severely pursue their imaginary enemies and deleted opponents, believing that those pursue them.

59. Psychopathy affective circle. Psychopathy of an affective circle. The cycloid psychopathy of E. Krechmer contrasted schizoid, noting the naturalness of affects and all mental life, "roundness" of the character of the cycloid, in contrast to the schizoid schematics. E. Blair (1922) identified the feature of cycloids by the term "synthony". These people are easy to communicate with everyone, they are mentally responsive, pleasant, simple and natural in the severity, freely show their feelings; They are characterized by soft-hearted, friendly, good nature, warmth and sincerity. In the daily life of the cyclotoids, they are not prone to fantasies and dusty buildings, taking the life of what it is. The psychopathic personality of the affective circle of enterprise, exposure, hardworking. Their main features are emotional lability, the instability of the mood. Joy, "Solar Mood" is easily replaced by sadness, sadness, sentimentality is their usual property. Psychogenic and autochothton phase disorders may occur quite often. Such affective instability begins to be found in similar persons at school age. G.E. Sukhareva notes that in children affective lability has frequency, but the phases are short for time (two to three days), sadness can be replaced by motor anxiety. Throughout life, it is possible to periodically change one states by others, but they are also short-lived. When considering the dynamics of affective psychopathy, the question arises on the relationship of such cases with cyclotimia as an endogenous disease. A number of studies of the katamnestic nature indicate the independence of the psychopathy of affective type (K. Leongard, 1968, etc.). Depending on the prevailing affect in this group, hypothymins and hypertimics are distinguished. Hypothimics - inborn pessimists, they do not understand how people can have fun and rejoice at something, even any luck does not instill hope in them. They talk about themselves: "I do not know how to rejoice, I am always hard." Therefore, they notice only the dark and unsightly sides of life, most of the time they are in the gloomy arrangement of the Spirit, but they can mask it, hide the despondency to be wizzy. Any misfortune react heavier than others, with failures blame themselves.

60. Mosaic psychopathy.In the "pure" form of psychopathy, they do not always perform, more often are the so-called "mosaic psychopathy" when the personality carries the radicals of various forms of psychopathy.

62. Schizophrenia - a mental illness, characterized by disharmonic and loss of the unity of mental functions (thinking, motility, emotions), long continuous or bred flow and different severity of productive (positive) and negative disorders leading to an identity change in the form of autism, reducing energy potential and emotional depletion ( Tiganov A. S., 1999) disharmony and loss of unity - this is skizis (splitting) - Founded characteristic of schizophrenia. Dementia Praecox (early dementia)

E. Fastener, 1896 - 1899Divided all mental illness on the principle of flow and forecast.

In the dedicated nosological unit, E. Mutnified combined the observed to it:

1) "Early dementia" (M. Morel, 1852) 2) Gebafritations (E. Gecker, 1871) 3) Katotonia (K. Calbaum, 1874)

4) Chronic delusional psychosis (V. Manyan, 1891) Diagnostic criteria: PRECOS Dementia is a disease that starts at an early age, a continuous flow and ending with an unfavorable outcome in dementia. The disputes began, whether dementia began. In case of schizophrenia, intelligence does not suffer, emotions and will suffer. The concept of a personality defect has been formed.

Primary signs of schizophrenia (4 "a) by E. Bleiler (1911)The term "schizophrenia" belongs to Blater. This term comes from the word "sizis". For a long time It sounded not "schizophrenia", "schizophrenia". The splitting of the psyche. Well, he referred to: nonsense, hallucinations, sensenestopathy, etc.

Primary signs (4 "A")1. Autism - Loss of patient social contacts

2. Violation Associations (or thinking pathology) - resonance, torn, squaling, paralohy, symbolism3. Defend Affects - Deletion of emotionality up to apathy.

4. Ambivalence - Schizis - dissociation, splitting between different mental manifestations. And the basis of schizophrenia is negative disorders. These disorders can occur only in schizophrenia patients. If negative disorders appeared, we can say that in schizophrenia patient.

Schizophrenia, clinical forms:- simple- paranoid - catatonic - Gebafrenic + Youth Malignant Schizophrenia (Lucid Catatonia, Gebifrenic, Easy)

Types of schizophrenia flow:- continuously accurate-progressive (supuable)

Recurrent (sharp attacks, in remission - a fairly benign state)

The forecast depends on the flow type: how fast will the defective state comes (or will not come at all ...)

Characterized seizures (acute state) and remission (intergreacy state).

Schizotypic disorder (sluggish schizophrenia) can be added to the clinical forms of schizophrenia. - Non-factant (for example, selenepato-ipochondriac syndrome)

Psychopathoid (Goeboid Syndrome), this is a disorder of personality or psychopathy arising within schizophrenia

40% of schizophrenia is sluggish schizophrenia 4. 1. Continuous type of flow . There are no remissions. Powerfulness: from malignant juvenile schizophrenia to sluggish negros-like schizophrenia. Intermediate position occupies paranoid schizophrenia. A defective state is quickly formed. 4. 2. Episodic with increasing defect (paroxy-progressional type) . Characterized by remissions of various quality. Acute attack (fur coats): hallucinatory-paranoid, affective-delusional, onairoid-catatonic symptoms. In the intergreacarial period, there is a stepped increase in the identity defect. The final stage of the course of the disease is a continuous current. 4. 3. Recurrent (Periodic) Type of flow (MKB-10 F 25 - Schizoaffective psychosis). Remission is enough high Quality (up to the intermission).

The most acute psychopathological syndromes are characteristic: onairoid-catatonic and affective. The defect of the personality is expressed weakly. Examples of diagnoses: - Schizophrenia sluggish negros-like; continuous type of flow; Senextepato-hypochondriac syndrome; - schizophrenia; Gebafrenic shape; continuous type of flow; defective state; - schizophrenia; paranoid shape; episodic type of flow; Hallucinatorium-paranoid syndrome.

63. Simple schizophrenia form (F 20.6).There are no productive disorders, or their very little. Incidentally in adolescent or youthful age (13-17 years). Continuous, underrececess current. Clinical manifestations - negative symptoms. "Simplex syndrome" (autocylation, emotional depletion, rap, schizis, "metaphysical intoxication", negativism towards the native (mother). And when he is visiting, talking about the mother well. With it communicates Bad. Polymorphic, rudimentary productive symptoms. Voices, Derivation, Depersonalization. Sentestate, Hypochondriatic disorders. But they are blurred and neuropric.

64. Paranoid form of schizophrenia (F 20.0)"Chronic delusional psychosis" V. Magyan (1891) . The most common form of schizophrenia (about 30-40%) . Favorable forecast (in terms of defect formation) . The age of the beginning of the disease - 25 - 30 years . Syndromotaxis paranoid schizophrenia: the nerity-like syndrome - paranoid syndrome - paranoid (hallucinatory-paranoid) syndrome - paraplex syndrome - defect of the personality (apato-abulic syndrome).

65. Fleeph shape of schizophrenia (F 20.1)."Gebafritations" (E. Gecker, 1871) .dsm-IV is a disorganized form. The most malignant form of schizophrenia. The age of the beginning of the disease is 13-15 years old. The underrececess flow (2-4 years - defect). Popropfshizophrenia - the beginning of schizophrenia in early childhood leads to a defect of intelligence similar to the manifestations of oligophrenia. It is necessary to retardant. Gelaffinations - a combination of motor and speech excitement with foolishness, labile affect, negativism, regression of behavior. Against this background, the personality changes are rapidly increasing.

66. Cattonic shape of schizophrenia (F 20.2)"Katatonia" by K. Kalbuum, 1874 . Currently diagnosed rarely (4-8% of the whole SCH) . Clinical picture: Motor disorders: catatonic stupor-catatonic excitation. Catathonia + hebeth . Catatonia + Oneroid (most favorable form) . Lucid catatonia (the most malignant). Against the background of clear consciousness. Often, specially exacerbate the patient's condition to make it easier to treat. Chronic, protracted, with small manifestations is treated worse.

67. TIR- an endogenous disease that proceeds in the form of attacks or phases with affective disorders, light gaps between the attacks. MDP, in contrast to early dementia, according to fastening, is characterized by a later age, a phase flow and a favorable outcome. In the present, the concept of TIR is applied To indicate a group of mental disorders characterized by: 1) the frequency of the occurrence of autochonic endogenous affective disorders in the form of manic or depressive phases) full of their reversibility and development of intermissions with the restoration of PF . Classification of depressions in the ICD-10 Mooding Mooding (F 30 - 39) F 30 Manic Episodf 31 Bipolar Affective Disorder (i.e. TIR). The average age of the beginning is 30 years. Men and women Porovnu.F 32 Depressive episodef 33 Recurrent affective disorder (only depression). The average age of the beginning is 40 years. On one man - three womenF 34 chronic affective disordersF 34.0 - cyclotimiaF 34.1 - Distimi-duration of the depressive phase - 4-9 months. The average duration of the manic phase is 5-6 months. 1. Prevalence of depression. Less than 1% - treatment in psychiatric hospital3% - outpatient treatment with a psychiatrist10% - visits to an international doctor about somatic complaints (masked depression) 30% - representative surveys of the population (regarding depression) 2. Etiology2.1. Rodance (genetic): bar, monopolar

68. Cyclotymia- This is an analogue of TIR, but a softer level. And therefore, for the characteristics of the phases, its names are created: subdepress and hypologia. Patients in subdepress will go to the Somatologist's doctor (they have bad well-being), the patient with the hypocania will not go anywhere. All the first bismemen were with hypologia ... There is one bad nuance: a third of patients with cyclotimia will be patients with TIR. Their hypologia will be Mania, and subdepression - depression. Cyclotimia is a mental affective disorder in which the patient experiences fluctuations in the mood between non-flowing (close to the distil) depression, and hyperthythmia (sometimes even occur episodes of hypologia). Pathological changes in mood proceed in the form of individual or dual episodes (phases) separated by mental health (intermissions), or alternating continuously. The word "cyclotimia" used to be used to describe bipolar disorders, and in the traditional classification it is considered as its light, unprehelated option relating to the general class cyclophrenia. In addition, cyclotimia also includes cycloid personal disorders. In German psychiatry from deontological considerations, cyclotimia is called any diseases of a manic-depressive nature, regardless of the specific form and the severity of disorders. Symptoms of cyclotimia are similar to symptoms of bipolar disorder, but are less strong. The patient is experiencing the phases of the depression (depression), which are replaced by raised mood periods (hyperthythmia or hypocania). Episodes of Mania or clinical depression exclude a diagnosis of cyclotimia. Symptoms of light depression are: reduced interest in communication with people, difficulties in making decisions, violation of the concentration of attention, memory problems, apathy, hopelessness; helplessness, irritability, lack of motivation, feeling of guilt, reduced self-confidence (low self-esteem), self-destruction ideas, decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in appetite, a decrease in libido, fatigue, sleep disorders: nonconition or drowsiness.

70. Senil Dementia.(senile dementia). Usually develops aged 65-85 years. The beginning of the disease of the dreams is slow, low-odds. The end shifts are distinguished by severity, exaggeration, faster progression. Patients become characterically similar to friend on a friend. They are characterized by caricature egocentrism, worn, stamina, gathering old unnecessary things. At the same time, elementary biological needs are disseminated. There is a proper hypersexuality in the form of an increased interest in young faces of the flood. There are signs of multi-intellectual insufficiency, which is steadily growing. First of all, mechanical memory is guarded, then fixing amnesia is revealed, leading first to disorientation in time, and then to the surrounding calcination. Spaces in memory are often accompanied by false memories (feedback). Disorders of thinking begin with difficulties in abstracting and generalization, establishing causal relations. meaningless chatty. At night, the episodes of confused consciousness often arise with false orientation, harvesting on the road. A part of the patients is tumored to senile marasm. The course of seenile dementia is continuously or wave-like trust.

71.Bolel Alzheimer.Begins with a deterioration in memory. There is a hereditary predisposition. Also - untreated hypertensive disease, a sedentary lifestyle. GM grade grade. This leads to progressive memory loss, first suffers memory for recent events. Developed by dementia, the patient needs extraneous assistance. From the first signs of forgetfulness to the death of the patient passes 5-10 years. The pace of progression is slow. Possible suspension of the course of the disease. The diagnosis puts a neurologist or psychiatrist. Methods of therapy slow down the development of the disease. Bab value. Repetition of the same question2. Multiple repetition of the same story, word in word3. The loss of everyday skills, such as cooking or cleaning the apartment4. Inability to keep financial affairs, for example, pay on accounts5. Failure to navigate in a familiar place or expose the usual household objects to their familiar places6. Neggrerying personal hygiene, approval of the type "I and so clean" 7. Instructions to someone making a decision in life situations with which he used to cope on their own . Early dementia - Reducing memory, violation of other cognitive abilities. Man can not find the road. It starts from 60 years, and before the symptom in BA belongs to the syndromological row of depression. All begins with depressive complaints: the mood is bad, inhibited, it is difficult to focus. A woman ceases to understand how to fill out receipts. Doctors often refer it to the depression, and when the disorders of memory and intellect flourish, it is already too terrible. - Brain areas controlling speech, intelligence. Symptoms: Progressive memory loss and general confusion. Difficulties of multi-step tasks (dressing), problems of learning of loved ones, etc. P.-Tightly dementia - Cannot communicate and fully dependent on assistance. Most of the time the patient spends in bed. Heavy dementia includes the inability to recognize themselves and relatives, a decrease in body weight, convulsions, skin infections, moans, crying, inability to control pelvic functions. Atrophy - dark-temporal fractions in Alzheimer's disease. In the disease of the peak - frontal shares. Denation: - Alzheimer's lacunar-tanyatalprins first lacunar first, then total. In the disease of the peak - immediately total. Therefore, their behavior is very different. Associal: We will teach wavely (worse - better), atrophic immediately flow with increasing. Loss of memory and intelligence - with atrophic, with vascular - symptoms can be reversible until the crisis (stroke type) occurs. From the first symptoms characteristic of Alzheimer's disease - finger agnosia (cease to recognize and call fingers). Aprate-agnostic syndrome (aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia and gnosis). It is typical for ba. Appearance: Apache. Aspontantitality, amomy, speaks by a monotonous voice.

72. Peak disease.It begins gradually aged 40-6 years. At the initial stage, emotional-volitional violations are dominated, and not the disorder of the intellectually epistemic sphere. The aspontaneity is especially characteristic: indifference, passivity, lack of insecting motivations to activities. The predominance of increasing intellectual insufficiency (weakening the ability to summarize and asbating, building adequate judgments and conclusions) over memory disorders. Pronounced memory violations occur late, amnesian disorientation is absent. In the disease of the peak among the manifestations of total dementia, the leading place occupies a speech disorder. It begins with difficulty understanding someone else's speech, depletion of his own speech, over time they go into speech helplessly. Speech is saturated with peases, echolalia. Part of the patients develops insanity. Dying as a result of secondary infections after -6 years from the beginning of a relaxing cerebral atrophic process.

73. Mental disorders in cranial injuries.Mental disorders in the cranial injuries are customary to correlate with the relevant stages of the development of a traumatic disease:

mental impairment of the initial period, manifested mainly by the disorders of consciousness (stunning, copor, coma) and subsequent asthenia; Acute traumatic psychosis arising immediately after the brain injury into the initial and acute periods; Subacute or protracted traumatic psychosis, which are a continuation of sharp psychosis or for the first time several months after injury; Mental disorders of the remote period of cranial trauma (remote, or residual consequences) appearing for the first time several years or arising from earlier mental disorders. Symptoms and current: mental disorders arising during injury or immediately after it, usually manifest themselves to one or another degree of shutdown of consciousness (stunning, copor, coma), which corresponds to the severity of the cranial injury. The loss of consciousness is usually observed by shaking and injury brain. Upon returning consciousness in the patient, there is a fallout from the memory of a certain period of time - following injury, and of the previously preceding injury. The duration of this period is different - from a few minutes to several months. Memories of events are not restored immediately and not fully, but in some cases - only as a result of treatment. After each injury with a violation of consciousness, post-traumatic asthenia is noted with a predominance of either irritability or fatigue. At the first embodiment, patients become easily excited, sensitive to various stimuli, with complaints about surface sleep with nightmarish dreams. The second option is characterized by a decrease in desires, activity, performance, lethargy. Often there are complaints of headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, gait rod, as well as hesitation hell, heartbeat, sweating, saliva, focal neurological disorders.

74. Mental disorders in GM tumors. In the initial stages, neurasthenic or hypochondriatic symptoms are most often observed. Increased irritability, sharp fatigue, headaches, dismissal disorders. In the weight gain of the state, there may be stupid, hallucinatory, delusional phenomena arise, the affects of fear, longing, drowsiness appear. At the same time, focal symptoms may occur in accordance with the presence of a certain area of \u200b\u200blesion: paralysis, epileptiform seizures, hypercines. Typically, mental disorders in cases of brain tumors are divided into persistent, having a tendency to increase, and transient transient. Persistent mental disorders: These include productive and negative manifestations, which for a long time remain unchanged, and in the future tend to rise. Sleeping is expressed in violation of the rhythm of sleep - wakefulness, developing during the day of drowsiness and the appearance of nightmarish dreams Repeat. Memorials are manifested by the development of signs of Korsakovsky syndrome with a different degree of severity of all its structural components. Such phenomena are more often found in cases of tumor development of the third ventricle, the rear departments of the right hemisphere. The manifestations of fixation amnesia, paramnezia, amnesia disorientation are distinctly expressed. Against the background of the development of Korsakov's syndrome, many patients have euphoria, anosognosia. Prior to the left hemispheres tumors, long-term alarming depression develops with loss of emotional response. Euphoria is an almost bonded symptom with neoplasms in the field of the third ventricular bottom, while patients are recorded by the manifestations of anosognosia.

Tileous depression in brain tumors is combined with motor insertion and inadequate attitude towards its disease. Often, such a twisted depression is accompanied by the development of olfactory hallucinations, depersonalization, derautiation, violation of the "body scheme". Such depression can be replaced by euphoria when the tumor is propagated on the frontal area of \u200b\u200bthe right hemisphere.

Hallucinations (olfactory, tactile, taste, auditory) are found in tumors of temporal brain shares. They are often combined with vegetable desiral manifestations, such as heartbeat, rumbling in the stomach, hyperemia or face pallor, hyperhydrosis. Essential hallucinations are quite diverse, patients say about the smell of gary, rotten eggs, unbearable, etc. The smells of patients are localized in different ways, They feel them directly near the nose, then outgoing from mouth, some say that the body itself smells. The attacks of olfactory hallucinations are sometimes the first symptom of the tumor of the temporal area or the bottom of the third ventricle. Tube hallucinations usually occur later than the olfactory, they appear by the feeling of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, which patients cannot be identified immediately. acoazms, excerpts of some melodies, most often sad, tweet birds, etc. D.Slukhovy hallucinations of verbal nature are noted with leaf-haired tumors; Sicks hear how someone repeats their name, surname; "Voices", as a rule, is monotonous, heard from the outside, sometimes from somewhere from afar; "Hearing dialogues", imperative hallucinations are not marked.

Affective disorders. In tumors of the robust localization, the attacks, fear, horror can develop. This is accompanied by a change in facial expressions, a person hyperemia, the expansion of pupils. Affective manifestations can often be accompanied by paroxysmal development of depersonalization, delayalization, olfactory hallucinations. Promotional richetic disorders in the type of motor aphasia may develop (the inability to utterate certain words against the background of normal speech). Indexed in a number of cases of the temporal localization of the tumor. A verbal deafness ", or sensory aphasia, which resembles the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, when patients do not understand the speech facing them and at the same time speak with pressure, pronouncing individual syllables or short words. A feature of symptoms is the transient character of sensory aphasia. Then the transient disorders of consciousness appear in the form of transient stuns or light reassembly, in some cases, short-term pareidolia are noted in some cases. With an increase in intracranial pressure, a developing stun can deepen and move into a comporant or even comatose state. If you are stunned, the patient's attention can be attracted only to a very strong stimulus, patients become sluggish, indifferent to everything that is happening, their mental life becomes depleted, extremely slow. The delicious state in such patients can develop after a stunning, or it is replaced by the twilight permanent of consciousness. Such fluctuation of symptoms makes it difficult to diagnose, requiring the exclusion of a dynamic violation of the cerebral circulation.

75.Shic disorders in infectious diseases. These disorders include psychopathological changes in encephalitis, which occur both in the primary damage to the infection of the brain (epidemic, mite, mosquito and other encephalitis) and as a result of complications for general infections (typhoid infections, infections, etc.). Under the acute stage Against the background of the feverish state, pathological drowsiness appears (lethargy). Hence the name - "lethargic encephalitis." Patients are sleeping day and night, you can hardly wake up for meals. In addition, delicious disorders and oneroids may be observed. Delia is manifested by visual and auditory hallucinations, more often in the form of photociations and achesives; Sometimes the verbal illusions arise to which the fragmentary delusional ideas of persecution can join. With a severe course of the disease with severe neurological symptoms, when PTOS develops, the paresis of eye-viscosity and discharge nerves, diplopia, violations of coordination of movements, convulsions, myoclonic twitching, etc., have a spectacular and professional delirium.

During the period of development of the acute stage, many patients (about a third) die, some as a result of treatment are completely recovered. But most often a sharp period of the disease passes into a chronic stage, which is called Parkinsonic. In the chronic stage, along with mental changes in the form of a apatalabulic state, post-ancephalic parquinsonism develops. He is a leading sign of the disease. In addition, depressive disorders with suicidal trends are possible, occasionally - euphoria, indifference, petty pedanthide, episodically - hallucinatory-paranoid inclusions, sometimes with elements of Kandinsky-Clerambo syndrome. Okul-boilers are often arising: the violent leads of the eyeballs up, less often - to the sides within a few seconds, minutes or even hours. Okulo-boilers are accompanied by an onoeiroid disorder of consciousness with fantastic experiences: patients see another planet, space, dungeon, etc.

76.Inctic psychosis. Inxication psychoses arise as a result of acute or chronic poisoning by industrial or food poisons, chemicals used in everyday life, drugs, drugs. Inxication psychoses can be sharp and protracted. Acute psychoses usually occur in acute poisoning and manifest themselves most often disorders of consciousness, the structure and depth of which depend on the nature of the toxic agent, the constitution and the acquired features of the body. Stunning, copor, coma - the most frequent forms of disorder of consciousness in poisoning, stunning and copor can be accompanied by chaotic motion excitation. Often, intoxication psychosis is manifested by the delicious permanent of consciousness and hallucinatory disorders (with atropine poisoning, arsenic hydrogen, gasoline, derivatives of Lizerginic acid, tetraethylswin). In severe cases, the disorder of consciousness acquires the form of aimization. Psychoorganic disorders may be limited to asthenonevrotic phenomena; In more severe cases, an intellectual-enemic decline is observed, psychopath-like personality changes. Finally, psychoorganic disorders can reach the degree of dementia with rude memory disorders (Korsakovsky syndrome), complacent-raised mood and foolish behavior (pseudo-paralytic syndrome). These disorders may be accompanied by epileptic seizures and combined with neurological and somatic disorders characteristic of the specific toxic substance. Acute intoxication psychoses occur or immediately after entering the poison to the body (carbon monoxide; gasoline), or after a latent period, which lasts from several hours to several days (tetraethylswin, antifreeze). The outcome in abutient forms of sharp psychosis is usually favorable. Psycho-organic disorders of different gravity and structure can remain on the minimization of acute psychosis. In chronic poisoning, mental disorders grow slowly and manifest mainly by psycho-organic syndrome. Upon termination of contact with a poisonous substance, it is possible both the regulations of mental disorders and further increasing them.