Internet Windows Android

Play market waiting for wifi network reasons and solution to the problem. Downloading the Russian Russia package, how to remove Play market waiting for wifi network, how to disable

The process of downloading programs, books and games becomes much easier if you use the capabilities of the Play Market, which is available for users of smartphones running on the Android system. Internet access is required to open the resource. The simplest and most accessible way to connect is Wi-Fi.

Sometimes situations arise when the Play Market does not work via Wi-Fi. As a result, it becomes impossible to download the necessary information and programs, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Why does this happen and is it possible to solve the problem yourself, without involving specialists? This will be discussed in our article.

Why doesn't Play Market work over Wi-Fi?

  • Incorrect setting of date and time on the smartphone;
  • Violations in the operation of the OS, including its incorrect configuration, which is responsible for access to the network;
  • Failures in the functioning of the installed service;
  • The router is inoperable and there is no traffic if the connection to the phone is via a modem;
  • Errors in the operation of the store for which Google itself is responsible.

Ways to solve problems

If you don’t know exactly what the reason is, then it is advisable to first try the simplest and easiest solutions to the problem:

Incorrect synchronization with the modem

If the Play Market does not function only via Wi-Fi, then the reason should be looked for in the router settings:

When methods for correcting software errors do not produce results, then the likely reason for the product’s inoperability lies in its failure. Wires break, antenna breaks, modules burn out—what exactly is broken can only be answered by a repair shop specialist when disassembling the device.

Problems with Google Market

Another reason for incorrect operation is software failures that occurred in the operating system. How to eliminate them?

There are several ways:

  • Create or log into another Google account, because the login may be blocked from your account;
  • Installing updates. It is advisable to make a backup in advance;
  • If you have already created a backup, you can try to restore the application using it. Programs like Titanium Backup are great for this;
  • Comprehensive OS recovery provided that you have used the capabilities of TWRP Recovery for Xiaomi in advance. You should reset all partitions (with the exception of the memory card) and restore the last stable copy;
  • Clearing cache. To do this, go to “Applications” and select “All applications”. Your task is to clear the cache of Google Play and its services. You need to re-enter the service after rebooting the device;
  • It is recommended to use official versions of MIUI shells, since custom firmware often contains bugs.

Difficulties with access settings

If they are performed incorrectly, then it is necessary to correct possible errors, including.

The Android operating system gives the user the opportunity to run applications on a smartphone that are necessary for work, entertainment, and in general for everyday life. Google has developed and implemented a very convenient service in firmware, which contains a huge catalog of games, applications, books and music for every taste. Access to the application repository is one of the most important functions of an Android smartphone.

When the Play Market does not work via WiFi, the phone becomes almost a useless device, because new applications will not be installed and old applications will not be updated. The problem is quite common, it has many sources, but we will try to find a solution for each of them in this article.

Possible reasons

First you need to understand the reasons for this problem. Let's start, of course, with platitudes.

  1. Problems starting the app store can be caused by a random glitch in the operating system itself;
  2. The wrong time and date are set on the phone;
  3. The phone can be connected to the router, but it does not distribute the Internet due to its absence or due to other problems;
  4. Problems may be on Google's side. A very rare phenomenon, however, it does occur;
  5. The functionality of the store itself on a Xiaomi smartphone or on any other model (specifically applications) may be impaired;
  6. A third-party application interfered with the store;
  7. The operating system has broken settings that are responsible for uninterrupted Internet access.

Analysis and problem solving

We will try to separately analyze each reason why it occurs and how to solve it yourself. First, let's look at simple solutions; it is quite possible that this is the problem.

Simple solutions

  1. Spontaneous errors are the motto of Android. Arising out of nowhere, they can significantly affect the performance of both the operating system itself and individual modules and applications. Reboot your phone, most often this will immediately fix the error connecting the Store via Wi-Fi.
  2. When you connect to the app store, Google's servers check the time and date set on your phone. A slight deviation will not matter, but it may happen that the time changes by several days, months, or even years. Sometimes a corresponding notification about a problem appears, but most often the phone leaves the user in the dark. If you see that the date and time really differ from the current ones, then go to the phone settings, correct the parameters, and to be sure, reboot the phone.

Problem with the router

The problem regarding connecting to a router is quite extensive, so there are many reasons why the Play Market does not work through a WiFi point.

  • Wi-Fi and the Internet are not the same thing. The phone may be connected to the router, but the Internet itself may not be available for distribution. Check the availability of the Internet in general by examining the indicators of the modem itself, or by trying to access any website from the same phone through a browser (you can even use another phone or computer for these purposes, having first connected to the same network). If there is no Internet, then no application will work. Contact your provider's technical support to restore network functionality.
  • Is the Internet speed sufficient? Play Market is harmful, give it a stable connection with good speed. A typical symptom is a white screen, a transparent curtain, an ever-spinning loading indicator, the message “Waiting for network,” and finally a crash with the error “Connection timed out.” If the Internet has recently started to slow down on all devices where it is used, you should go back to your provider.
  • The router settings may prohibit Internet access for a specific connected device. Find the instructions for your modem, go to the settings and view the list of MAC addresses for which Internet access is prohibited. Find out your MAC in the settings of Xiaomi (or a phone of another model), in the “About phone” section, look for it in the above list, if you find it, delete it. Restart your router.

  • Make sure you enter the correct password when connecting to a wireless network. Sometimes the wi-fi icon hangs active in the curtain, but the smartphone does not download anything due to an incorrectly entered password.
  • You may need to update the router firmware; you can download it from the manufacturer’s official website.
  • As a last resort, reset the router to factory settings, after saving its configuration as a separate file.
  • The modem may be technically faulty - check the condition of the wires going to the modem, whether the antenna is broken, and whether it works at all. Contact a service center for diagnosis and repair, or replace it under warranty.

Problem with the Play Market application

Google Market has a certain set of files and parameters that it needs for stable operation. In the event of serious failures in the operating system, these files and settings could become damaged, resulting in disruption of the Play Market. There are several ways:

  • First, try connecting a different Google account. What if everything will work with him? This may help if you need quick access to the repository, but still read the following points.
  • Check the updates for your operating system, in case the developers have already promptly fixed this problem. Don't forget about backup, in case it gets worse!
  • For users of MIUI 8 and other versions, there is a tricky moment when, in order to download individual applications, you need to increase the limit on the downloaded file size in the system settings. The market works, but most often it does not download applications.
  • Restore the application from a backup if it was previously made, for example, using Titanium Backup.
  • Completely restore your entire operating system from a backup. This can be conveniently done if the copy was generated in TWRP extended recovery. “Wipe” all partitions except the memory card, and use “Restore” to restore the last stable copy.
  • Go to your phone settings, select “Applications”, select the “All applications” tab. Find two entries - “Google Play” itself and “Google Play Services”, in each of them clear the application cache and delete data. Restart your phone and try connecting again.

  • Check to see if the magazine is disabled (frozen) in the system itself?
  • If a non-official Market is installed (sometimes found on custom builds of MIUI on Xiaomi), then, like any build or repack, it can stop showing signs of life at any time. Study the author’s comments on the build on this matter, but it is still recommended to use the original Store, if only for reasons of safety of purchases and the device itself.
  • Reset your Xiaomi (or other smartphone) after saving all important data.

Problem with access settings

The Internet connection may be disrupted by the access settings that were set inside the device itself. There are several of them:

  • The most important file through which the device connects to the network is located at “/etc/hosts”. You can find it using a special explorer or the “Hosts Editor” application (it’s useless to look for it in the Market now, so Google it). For both cases you need . Changes to the host file may have occurred if you installed an ad blocker or manually edited it to block access to certain resources. It is possible that a malicious application was also at work. In any case, open this file and delete absolutely everything that is written there, except for the most important system phrase “0.0.1 localhost”. Save the file and reboot your device.

  • If Google Play does not work only over a wireless network, but is launched via the mobile Internet, then check the proxy settings for the selected network. In your phone settings, open the parameters of the connected point and look at the field where proxies are usually entered. Most likely, it is definitely not needed there, feel free to delete it and restart the phone. Perhaps the proxy was installed by someone who was using your phone, or a program with its own regulations intervened. Check the latest installed applications for lice.

  • In your network settings, enable automatic DNS selection. The reasons why the entry could appear are listed above.

Bottom line

So, this article presented almost all the problems that can cause the Play Market not to work on Xiaomi phones and not only. The most radical way to fix the problem is to completely reinstall the operating system on your smartphone using a different firmware.

Recently, many Xiaomi smartphone owners suddenly encountered a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the words “Downloading” and a “slider” showing the progress of this download, but on the right there is a message: “Waiting for Wi-Fi network.” In fact, the download does not occur, and the “waiting” can last as long as desired. Interestingly, the problem occurs both when Wi-Fi is working normally and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card over a mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend on the firmware version or the Xiaomi device model.

It is clear that the cause of the error is not the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have determined that Google Play Store version 7.6 is to blame. To date, we have found several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of Google Play Store file

To resolve the error " Waiting for Wi-Fi network"Try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

  • Disconnect the Internet, clear data and remove updates to the current version of Google Play Store through the application menu;

  • Download version Google Play Store 7.3.07;
  • Next, follow the path system/priv-app/Phonesky (Root rights are required);

  • Copy the downloaded Google Play Store file to the folder Phonesky(with replacement);
  • Set the rights as shown in the figure;

  • Restart your smartphone.

Applications from the Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” error appearing.

Method 2: Google Play Store firmware via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need unlocked bootloader and recovery menu. The steps to correct the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

  • Download .zip file Google Play Store(Android 5.0+) to the device’s own memory;

  • Reboot into Recovery;

  • Click on " Install" and select the previously downloaded .zip file.

After this, applications from the Market should load normally.

Method 3: Turn off the download accelerator

1 . Click on the shortcut " Downloads" - at the top right you will see three vertical dots;

Smartphones on the Android platform are the most common today all over the world due to their ease of use and the large number of free applications available on the Play Market. After all, without modern applications, regardless of what smartphone you have: Xiaomi Mi 4C, Xiaomi Mi 5 or even Xiaomi Mi Max, your list of functions and possibilities for using the gadget is sharply reduced. But what to do if your smartphone flatly refuses to download from Google Play?! And this is exactly the problem that devices from the Xiaomi company encountered.

Reasons for the problem

Waiting for a Wi-Fi network in the Play Market on Xiaomi can be caused by a fairly large list of reasons, such as:

  1. Problems with the operating system (in our case Android);
  2. The smartphone is connected to a router that does not provide Wi-Fi (there may be no Internet if the router is connected);
  3. Google service problem (rare, but solvable problem);
  4. Poor compatibility of the Play Store with a specific brand (Xiaomi);
  5. Interference from other installed applications on the smartphone (use of independent ad blockers, etc.);
  6. Settings mismatch (manual setting of changes).

Accordingly, there are many solutions to such problems, depending on the complexity and reasons for their occurrence. Let's consider each of the reasons separately.

Banal (simple)

As for simple solutions to this problem, we should highlight:

  • Reboot your phone. Used in case of unexpected connection problems in the Android operating system itself;
  • Update time and date. This may cause a malfunction in the Play Store and only after correction will it establish access to Wi-Fi;
  • Wait. Sometimes, due to the huge amount of data in the market, there may be problems. In this case, you should wait a little. If everything does not improve within 2 hours, then the problem is something else;
  • Removing program settings that may affect the operation of the service (for example, Freedom).

More complex

If you can cope with simple tasks without having much experience in using Xiaomi smartphones, then you will have to tinker with the rest. Connecting to a router and everything connected with it is a rather deep topic, let’s highlight the main ones:

  • Checking the availability of the Internet. The device may be connected to the router, but there is no Internet;
  • Availability of optimal speed. The provider must provide uninterrupted and good Wi-Fi connection speed;
  • Fix device connection ban. There are cases where the connection of a specific device is prohibited;
  • Correct entry of authorization data (login and password);
  • Updating the router firmware;
  • Reset settings to factory settings;
  • There is a possibility that the router is simply faulty.

Give gifts

Problems with the Play Market application

It’s rare, since Google monitors its products, but it still happens that you download an application that does not load due to problems in the play market service itself on your smartphone. Solutions that will correct the situation are:

  • Connecting another Google account;
  • Check and install, if necessary, an update for the OS;
  • Regarding Miui 8 users, the option of waiting for Wi-Fi is possible if the system settings increase the file size limits for downloading;
  • Restore from a backup copy of the application or, if necessary, the entire operating system;
  • Clear the cache of this application on your smartphone (we remove clutter from your smartphone);
  • In the case of “authored” firmware, the option of unofficial sources for downloading the application is possible, so it is necessary to clarify the details with the author of the firmware;
  • Reset settings (with the condition that all data is saved).

Problems with settings

Access settings are one of the key points in creating a reliable and working connection. The solution to this problem is:

  • Correct changes in the Host file (leave only the base file “0.1 localhost” untouched; remove everything else);
  • Checking proxy settings (if not connected only via Wi-Fi).

Waiting for a Wi-Fi network in the Play Market service on Xiaomi smartphones has become a fairly common and discussed problem for users of the brand. Does not download applications and writes about waiting for Wi-Fi - the most common requests regarding Xiaomi today. But don’t be discouraged, because following a simple algorithm of actions, you can easily fix the problem based on your situation.

Recently, many Xiaomi smartphone owners suddenly encountered a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the words “Downloading” and a “slider” showing the progress of this download, but on the right there is a message: “ Waiting for Wi-Fi network". In fact, downloading does not occur, and the “waiting” can last as long as desired. Interestingly, the problem occurs both when Wi-Fi is working normally and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card via a mobile network. Moreover, its occurrence does not depend on neither the firmware version nor the Xiaomi device model.

It is clear that the cause of the error is not the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have determined that this version is to blame Google Play Store 7.6. To date, we have found several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of Google Play Store file

To resolve the “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” error, try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

Applications from the Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” error appearing.

Method 2: Google Play Store firmware via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need an unlocked bootloader and the TWPR recovery menu. The steps to correct the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

After this, applications from the Market should load normally.

Method 3: Turn off the download accelerator