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Майнкрафт версія 1.8 forge мод на Лут. AUTOLOOTPLUS - Швидкий збір видобутку

Autolootplus - це дуже маленький аддон який покращує швидкість збору лута з повалених противників і ігрових об'єктів. Після установки аutolootplusавтоматичний збір видобутку з трупа або контейнера відбувається практично миттєво і майже завжди вікно збору навіть відображається.


Цей невеликий аддон WOW допомагає як в голдфарме так і безпосередньо в грі. В даному відео ви зможемо побачити роботу autolootplusна наочному прикладі, де я буду вбивати велика кількість мобів як з включеним autolootplus так і без нього. аддон autolootplusбуде корисний як при чинбарством так і простому фарме мобів, при квестінге щоб дуже довго і нудно не чекати поки закриється стандартне віконце збору видобутку. Зрозуміло, що спочатку обов'язково необхідно в налаштуваннях інтерфейсу поставити автоматичний збір видобутку. З встановленим аддоном autolootplusдобича відразу ж потрапляє до нас в інвентар, віконце пропадає моментально і нам не потрібно чекати поки вона вся збереться - це наші дорогоцінні хвилини які ми можемо витратити на голдфарм. сподіваюся аддон autolootplusбуде вам корисний!

Loot Plus Plus Mod 11.1.2 / 1.10.2 is a mod support for those programming tools for players so that they can be possible to create and add many items, blocks or new craft recipes to the game.

The main features of this mod:

  • Add or remove items from any chest type (including dungeon or fortress ...), crafting recipes, smelting recipes, drops from entities, drops from blocks, ore dictionary entries
  • Add a few types of items (tools, armor, new blocks and records, etc.)
  • Allow items to give you potion effects under certain circumstances
  • Change maximum stack sizes (for example 64x cobblestones will be able to rise to 128x)
  • Add some simple world generation

Manual instruction all is in config file of every function (add new items, adding new recipes, ...). Although this mod requires users to have a little knowledge about the game mod to use skillfully, you absolutely can download and try it.

This mod requires Forge installed and compatible with Minecraft version 1.8.9.

How to Install Loot Plus Plus Mod 11.1.2 / 1.10.2 with Forge:

  1. Download.
  2. Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you've installed Minecraft Forge)
  3. Open Start on desktop\u003e Open Run (Or you can use the Windows + R keyboard shortcut)
  4. Type% appdata% into Run and press enter.
  5. Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
  6. Put the mod you want to install into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!

Download links for Loot Plus Plus Mod 11.1.2 / 1.10.2

\u003e For Minecraft 1.10.2 (Coming soon)

\u003e For Minecraft 1.11.2 (Coming soon)

Loot Plus Plus Mod for Minecraft 11.1.2 / 1.10.2 is an alternation of Mod that players can install into Minecraft which they can have experiences differs from the original Minecraft version
Mostly, people modifying Mod for Minecraft (Modders) code by using Minecraft Coder Pack and Modloader or Minecraft Forge. The list classifying the latest of Minecraft 1.10.2 Mods and. Trust me, and your world will be more exciting with many cool mods.

Loot ++ Mod for Minecraft 1.8.9, 1.7.10

Updated: Oct 5, 2016 | 4,845 views |

Loot ++ Mod is an useful mod which allows you to implement many interesting customization with many things in Minecraft. This mod appears with various features. It has capacity to add and remove many recipes or any drops from entities as well. In addition, you can experience with many new added blocks, ítems and records.

Overall, Loot ++ Mod is a very convenient mod that adds a lot of useful things into the game.

This mod lets you do a few things:

  • Add or remove items from any chest type (including nether fortress chests and any custom chests added by mods or custom chests you add in the config),
  • Add or remove crafting recipes
  • Add or remove smelting recipes
  • Add or remove drops from entities
  • Add or remove drops from blocks
  • Add or remove ore dictionary entries
  • Add a few types of items (tools, armor, etc.)
  • Add a few types of blocks
  • Add new records
  • Allow items and to give you under certain circumstances
  • Change maximum stack sizes


A sample of Custom Records Added

A sample of what kinds of blocks and items you can add

Mod Showcase:

The instructions for each are in the config files:

Select + Show »\u003e Spoiler Inside

The 1.7.10 version also adds a few commands. To see them ingame, type / lpp and hit Tab. They are based on vanilla commands (backported from 1.8), so they are mostly the same as their vanilla counterparts, but also accept string ids for items and blocks in the NBT (so you can use modded items finally).

The lppnbtdump command creates a file with nbt info for the items you are holding, to make it easier to make loot entries from them.

It also generates a set of useful files showing you info about items, blocks, entities, effects, dimensions, foods, and ore dictionary entries.

Those info files and all the config files (except the item, block, and record configs) will only generate once you load a world (any world). This is because some of the item IDs do not load correctly until the game starts.

How to install:

  • Download and install.
  • Download the Loot ++ Mod from link below.
  • Go to .minecraft / mods folder. If the "mods" folder does not exist you can create one.
    • Windows - Open the Start menu and select Run, or press the Windows key + R. Type (without quotes) "% appdata% .minecraftmods" and press Enter.
    • OS X - Open the Go menu in Finder and select "Go to Folder". Type (without quotes) "~ / Library / Application Support / minecraft / mods" and press Return.
  • Copy the downloaded jar (zip) file into the "mods" folder that opens.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Loot ++ Mod 1.8.9 / 1.7.10 lets you customize many things such as chest loot, as well as add custom items and blocks. This is a mod that allows a Player to change many aspects of the game though customizing config files. The mod also generates a set of files showing info on items, blocks, entities, effects, enchantments, dimensions and ore dictionary entries. These files generate with a world creation. Intructions on specific features of the mod are in each config file. There are a few tutorials about Loot ++ and about creating some of the less obvious items like the loot items, command trigger items, customizable spawn eggs, and command trigger blocks.


  • Add or remove items from any chest type (including nether fortress chests and any custom chests added by mods or custom chests you add in the config).
  • Add or remove crafting recipes.
  • Add or remove smelting recipes.
  • Add or remove drops from entities.
  • Add or remove drops from blocks.
  • Add or remove ore dictionary entries.
  • Add a few types of items (tools, armor, etc.).
  • Add a few types of blocks.
  • Add new records.
  • Allow items and armour to give you potion effects under certain circumstances.
  • Change maximum stack sizes.


A sample of Custom Records Added

A sample of what kinds of blocks and items you can add


How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type % Appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.