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AliExpress seller gave the wrong track number Aliexpress. Aliexpress was given the wrong, someone else's track number: what to do in this situation? Fake tracks on aliexpress

Currently, orders in online stores around the world are very popular. In this regard, there is a need to track your orders by track numbers on special services, Internet resources, as well as using special programs.

But there are also cases when you need to check the track number for correctness, or in other words, check the checksum of the track number. Such a need arises if the seller has provided you with an order tracking number, and it has not been tracked on any resources for a long time.

This situation may occur in the following cases:

  • the seller mistakenly gave the wrong track to the buyer;
  • the seller specifically provided the wrong track number;
  • the dispatch service delayed entering information about the parcel into the database.

How to check if the track number is correct

A track number is a unique combination of letters and numbers, which consists of 13 characters. For example, RK012823058CN.

The first two letters are the type of parcel, the first eight digits are the unique code of the parcel, and the ninth digit is the checksum, it will need to be calculated, and the last two letters are the code of the country from which the shipment was made, or the code of the postal service itself.

In order to check the checksum of the track number, there is a simple mathematical way:

  • each of the first eight digits of the number must be multiplied by 8, 6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 9, 7, respectively;
  • the resulting numbers are added together;
  • the result of the addition is divided by 11 to get the remainder;
  • the remainder is subtracted from 11;
  • the result that turned out is the verification code.

The calculation result (checksum) must match the ninth digit of the track number, such a track is correct.

If during the calculation an incorrect checksum of the track number is obtained, then the shipment with such a number cannot be tracked.

In this case, there are the following options:

  • the seller can send a low-cost product by a parcel without tracking (since track numbers cost extra money). In this case, you will have to wait for a mail notification from the post office, and do not miss the expiration date for the protection of your order in order to open a dispute with the seller if necessary;
  • there are times when the seller does not have the product you ordered at the moment, and he is waiting for it to arrive. In this regard, the seller gave the buyer an incorrect track number with a checksum calculation error in order to gain time;
  • the seller is a scammer and most likely did not send you the package at all. Then you need to open a dispute for a full refund and indicate the reason - the wrong track number.

In any of the above cases, you must first contact the sender and try to find out the reason why you got an incorrect track number checksum. The seller, for example, accidentally or through inattention could give the wrong track. In this case, he will provide you with the correct number, and the problem will be solved.

You should also take into account the fact that track numbers are not instantly added to a single database and the information itself in tracking systems is updated at different time intervals. For some sending services, updates occur 2 times a day, and for some, for example, 5-6 times a day. Therefore, it is worth being patient and waiting a couple of days.

There are several resources on the web that allow sellers to generate false tracking numbers and, most importantly, the buyer can track them on the site of such a fake service. That is, an illusion is created that your package is on the way. These tracks, like real ones, begin to be read after a few days, then you see the status of the package (only they are also generated automatically and have nothing to do with your package).

Why does the seller send you a false tracking number?

It is a common practice that sellers on Aliexpress earn themselves high status and good reviews by selling very cheap goods. Moreover, the price of this product can be much less than the cost of sending a parcel with a track number. Therefore, in order to keep the price as low as possible and reduce postage, they send the package without the ability to track it. But the Aliexpress system necessarily requires a track number from the seller.
Therefore, they are forced to dodge as best they can, filling in the required field with the track number with fake information. But the buyer, in turn, hopes that this track is real and he will be able to control the path of the package. Therefore, it quickly cracks the deception if the seller gives the track number completely from the ceiling. Let's check it for validity.
But false services rush to the rescue of the seller, for which the track number will be valid for all checks and will even create the appearance of tracking (though only on their official website). And the buyer, if he does not go into too much detail, will be calm, because he sees how his package is going to him.
As a result, the seller saved money, and the goods are sold at a bargain price, and the buyer calmly waits for his parcel, without panic and opening disputes.
This is the first reason why the seller can give you a false track number. And the second one is a scam. Here, the advice is standard - choose a seller with a good rating and reviews and follow the protection timer.

List of services with fake track numbers.

If the seller sends you the following track numbers and links to sites for tracking them, which are listed, then this means that your package is not being tracked.

Hongkong Express Post
Track number: RT….FI (RT123456789FI)

17 Post Service
Track number consists of 12 digits: 123456789012

WeDo Logistics
Track number: WD….CN (WD123456789CN)

Track number: RS….CN (RS123456789CN)

The seller sent a false tracking number. Should I be worried?

If the seller sent you a fake track number, but your purchase costs less than $ 10 and the seller has a good rating and reviews, then it is more likely that he saved money and sent it by standard mail without a track number. Such a package usually reaches the addressee, it is useless to track it. You just need to keep an eye on the timer and wait a reasonable amount of time (30-60 days) while checking your inbox for notification.
It is also worth once again carefully checking the recent reviews, whether the product really reaches the buyer. If it turns out that you have contacted a clearly conscientious seller who has not been sending parcels lately, then it is better to open a dispute right away. Since if he didn’t send the goods to other buyers, then most likely he didn’t send you either.
If you ordered a product more than $10 and the seller gave a fake track number, then this is a very serious reason to think about it, since usually they don’t save on expensive goods and always pay for the track so that they can track the package. Therefore, there is a high probability that your seller is a scammer.

Over the past few years, the number of sites on the World Wide Web has been actively growing, allowing sellers from Chinese trading platforms, including Aliexpress, to generate so-called fake (synonyms: false, fake, fake) track numbers. Having made and paid for the order, the buyer can receive from the seller a certain track number and a link to the site for tracking it.

Periodically visiting a fake service and making requests for his order, the buyer will receive some new shipment statuses, and he will get the impression that his package is on the way.

The scheme for generating false statuses for moving items is very similar to the real one. The first 3-5 days there will be no statuses, and then the appearance of movement will be generated with a graph similar to a plausible one. Alas, the generated data will not have any connection with the real route of your package (if it exists at all).


See an example of a fake site in the picture:

If you change the numbers at the end of the number RT104589516FI to RT104589534FI , the result will be similar, but after all, the second number does not exist in principle, we came up with it:

You can test for yourself:

Why would the seller provide the buyer with a false track number?

The main, but not the only, reason for this behavior of sellers is the desire to save on shipping. Most often, on Aliexpress, people buy fairly cheap goods. Since there are an order of magnitude more such sales than expensive goods, it is easier to earn a rating on them, and only then, having a high rating, you can sell and earn on more expensive things.

Earnings from the sale of cheap goods do not cover the cost of sending them with a normal tracked track, and sometimes the price of the goods itself is less than the cost of sending. We, as buyers, want shipping to be free for us. Therefore, sellers, in order to earn at least something or not to trade at a loss, have to use the services of cheap carriers that do not provide the ability to track shipments.

The functionality of the Aliexpress trading platform is built in such a way that the seller must indicate the tracking number of the shipment without fail, so that later he can receive money for the ordered goods. So the "poor" sellers have to indicate a fake tracking number when filling out a required field in the order card. Previously, sellers provided such numbers "from the ceiling", but now this practice no longer works, as buyers have become more demanding and want to be able to control the route of the ordered goods. A completely implausible track number can be identified by buyers themselves.

Thus, favorable circumstances have developed for the development of fake parcel tracking services. They are great for helping out sellers in a situation where it is inappropriate for them to send with tracking.

By and large, there is nothing wrong with the fact that sellers, if they are, of course, decent, use such services, no. After all, they also remain in the black, not overpaying for the real tracking service, and buyers receive goods cheaper. Although it would be much more honest to indicate that the parcel will not be tracked due to its cost, and the user himself would decide whether to contact the seller or not, using information based on reviews and ratings (including using our service).

Worse, when you run into a scammer using the services of sites with fake number tracking. But this situation is not terrible, if you do not leave the process to chance after payment.

Regardless of whether the package was lost (delayed) on the way or the scammer didn’t send anything at all, you need to not miss the Buyer Protection warranty term on Aliexpress and on time. At the same time, if the seller used a fake track number and you did not receive the parcel on time, the money paid for the goods will be fully returned to you.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular services among sellers on Aliexpress with fake track numbers:

  • 17 Post Service

Track type: ***********, instead of * any 12 digits.

Track type: *******, instead of * any 7 digits.

  • Hongkong Express Post

Track type: RT*********FI, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • World-Shippingpost

Track type: WS*********CN, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • Faspeed

Track type: RS*********CN, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • WeDo Logistics

Track type: WD*********CN, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • EMPS
  • Post Air Mail

Track type: *********, *********, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • Post-e-tracking

Track type: *********, instead of * any 9 digits.

  • Mty Tracking

Track type: NP *********, instead of * any 9 digits; or ***********, instead of * any 11 digits.

Tracking numbers from the above list will not be validated on the official websites of postal services, both the country of the sender and the country of the recipient. But they will be regularly "tracked" on the corresponding resources that generated them.

What to do if the seller gave you a fake tracking number?

If you received a false tracking number from a seller with a good rating and a lot of reviews, and at the same time your purchase costs no more than $10, you should not worry. With a high degree of probability, the seller sent your order by cheap mail without tracking the parcel (this method is also called unregistered mail).

Most often, such items reach the addressee. Just remember to keep an eye on your mailbox near the house for a notification from the post office, and also check your email so as not to miss notifications from AliExpress about the approach of the border term of buyer protection for such an order.

Did not receive the parcel in a reasonable time (a month and a half of waiting) - feel free to open a dispute. In addition, if, despite the high rating, recently, after your order, a lot of feedback began to come in about the non-receipt of goods from your seller, then this is also a signal for you to open a dispute. This option is possible when a fraudster hacked into the account of a respectable store and turned his dark business.

Most importantly: if you are not sure that the site for tracking the parcel, "issued" to you by the seller, is real, just use other, "universal" services to find out the status of the parcel. We suggest you use the appropriate tool on our website.


Now let's summarize why sellers on Aliexpress provide fake track numbers:

  • The seller decided to save on shipping and sent the order as an unregistered shipment. At the same time, for the peace of mind of the buyer, and in accordance with the rules of the Aliexpress system, he indicated a fake track number.
  • The seller's account has been hacked by scammers who sell "air" on behalf of a respectable store with a high rating on Aliexpress.
  • The seller is a scammer and is trying to take advantage of the inexperience of some buyers who make a purchase and do not take action to return their own funds in time.

Have you come across fake parcel tracking websites? Share your story with us in the comments. And if you have something to add to our article, be sure to let us know about other fake resources.

When shopping through the World Wide Web, we really want to get a quality thing, and most importantly, so that we are not "thrown" for money. In order for you to sleep peacefully, the sellers send you a track number by which you can track your precious package. But, there are cases when the seller knowingly gives an incorrect track number, or simply could make a trite mistake (we are all human and this can happen). In this article we will try to help you find answers to some questions.


How to find out the track number of the parcel Aliexpress

Many of us are used to the fact that when ordering from, you need to wait for a notification from the mail. Sometimes time passes, but there is still no notification, we start to get nervous, run to the post office and find out if the package has arrived. You don't have to do this at all. Sellers, after they send the parcel, give us a track number by which you can calculate without getting up from the couch where your parcel is located. Please note that the track number is not given to you immediately after payment, it is given only after the seller sends your order, and it may take up to 7 days to process the order.

Where can I find the track number? To do this, you need to go to your personal account on. After you have logged in, you need to go to the My Orders tab.

After you have entered your orders, you will see everything that you have already ordered, and you can view the details of each. If you carefully review the proposed screenshot, and in your order click on the button: Check tracking, you will be given the location of your package.

After you have clicked on the Details icon, on a new page, you will be provided with information with the track (on the left) and the location of your package, which is automatically displayed on In addition, under the automatic status of your package, you will be indicated the site where you You can track yourself.

Some Chinese, but this is rather an exception to the rule, can send a track to your email inbox, but you should not really hope for this.

Can they send a parcel from Aliexpress without a track number

Several days have already passed since the date of sending, but you don’t have a track number, and no one has provided you with information about the track number, you should not sound the alarm and think that you were simply “thrown”. If the product is too cheap (up to 2 dollars), then the seller could send your order without a track. And all why? The answer is very simple, the track number costs money. Here you see a product at different prices, but the product is the same. There may be a whole snag here, the cost of the track number is simply included in one product. Do not worry, you still have trump cards in your hands, how to return your hard-earned money.

If the track number was given incorrectly, why, possible scenarios

Now the time has passed after sending and you were given a track number, you, like everyone else, decided to quickly check where yours is, but it’s not a pleasant situation here, the sites give you that the track number is not correct, or you see that the package travels to another city. This may happen for several reasons.

  1. The track number costs money and when the package is cheap, the seller can give someone else's track.
  2. The seller is fraud.

If you see that the package is not going to your city, then write to the seller, find out why this happened and ask for your track number. Conscientious sellers quickly respond to messages and immediately clarify the situation. It happens that on holidays, sellers are busy, and they simply make mistakes. If the seller does not give you a track, demand to send you a new package with a new track. If this does not help, and the seller begins to evade - open a dispute, indicate the wrong track number as the reason.

How long after receiving the track number, if it is incorrect, make noise

You can open a dispute within 6 days after sending your parcel. But, as practice shows, for 6 days the picture with the movement of yours is not entirely clear. Wait a few more days, write to the seller, do not hesitate to clarify the situation, because every dispute affects the rating of the seller, and they really value it. It is better to open earlier so that if your order is sent again, it will have time to reach.

How not to miss the time to open a dispute

In each ad, the sellers indicate the time frame for the delivery of the package to your country.

If you are interested in the delivery time of one or another product from your list, you need to go to your personal account on, go to the My Orders tab, and there you will immediately see the time frame for the parcel to be delivered to you.

Delivery times are already running out, but still not? You have two options:

  • write to the seller, ask for an extension of protection
  • open a dispute

The second option is usually used when the seller does not want to make contact at all. You need to open a dispute 5-7 days before the end of consumer protection. Therefore, you should from time to time monitor how many days are left before the end.

Which is better, a dispute with the seller or immediately open a dispute

No one wants to spoil their mood by sorting things out with sellers, but it’s still worth getting into their position, especially when the seller has good ratings, it’s not a fact that he decided to deceive you. It is still worth finding out all the questions in a personal conversation, and if the seller does not want to meet you halfway, or even ignores your messages, apply for a full refund.

How to prove that the wrong track number was issued

In order for the site administration to make a decision in your favor, you naturally need to prove that you are being deceived. To do this, you need to provide screenshots of all available evidence in the dispute itself.

More details about this situation are described in the video clip.

How to return money

Sooner or later, each of us will want to give up and get our money back. The reasons for this can be many. Everyone has their own: someone found the product cheaper, someone accidentally paid for the order, and someone didn’t want to buy this particular product at all.

So, after you paid for yours, but still decided that you don’t need it, you don’t have much time to cancel your purchase. You can cancel the purchase exactly at the time while the order is being processed. That is, after you have paid, 24 hours pass to verify your payment, then the seller is given a certain time to pack and send your goods. It is at this time that you need to cancel. You need to go to the main menu, then go to My orders and opposite the product that you can cancel you will see certain icons, including Cancel order.

The next step - you need to specify the reason for which you canceled. You must select the option that suits you from the list.

After that, the seller approves your cancellation of the order, and your money will be returned to your account as soon as possible. But, there are a few catches. Such refusals are very unprofitable for sellers, especially since the goods have already been paid for, he can simply unsubscribe to you that yours is already on the way, and not approve the cancellation. Do not be upset, ask the seller for a scanned copy of the declaration, or any documents that can confirm the shipment. And here it is already worth looking at the behavior of the seller, if he wants to deceive you, then there will be no evidence.

There is one more nuance, you need to know that if your seller does not send the package within the time specified by him, then penalties are imposed on him, so each seller does not strive to send the package as quickly as possible.

If the seller is a scammer, where to go

The first thing you should do when you suspect something is wrong is to open a dispute (dispute), after opening it, sellers very often begin to write you private messages, asking you to close the dispute, thereby offering a bunch of gingerbread, in the form of coupons, discounts, money transfer, or sending a new product. Don't get fooled! After you close the dispute, you won’t be able to reopen it, and your hard-earned people cried.

Trackchecker program to help the customer

The TrackChecker program is very popular with customers. This program makes life easier for buyers of the Chinese giant, and allows you to find out how the goods move. You need to download the program from the World Wide Web and install it on your computer. During installation, agree with all the points, and click on the button: Next. The program is in Russian, so it will be very easy for you to deal with it.

Searching for information takes only a few seconds. After entering your track number, you will be given full information about the movement of your long-awaited

In any incomprehensible situation, you should contact the seller, but before you go on about the sellers, it is better to double-check all the information once again.

Question: The seller in the order indicated a track number that was not tracked. A few days later he sent in private messages another track number, which is tracked. Do I need to insist that he put the correct track on the order? Why does the seller first give one track number, and then change it to another What can it threaten if the order contains a track that was not tracked?

Why does the seller indicate the wrong track number?

The seller may indicate the wrong track number if he does not have time to send you the goods on time. Therefore, so that the order is not canceled due to its delay, he pretends that the package has already been sent and writes a false track, which, of course, will not be tracked.

Later, the seller will either change the track to a readable one, or send a new track simply in private messages, or will not report the new track at all.

At the same time, if he held out with sending the goods and sent the parcel later, he will say that your goods were supposedly lost on the way or the mail returned them, so he sent them again and here is the new track number.

What threatens if the track number does not match what was in the order?

At first glance, no tricks are visible in the fact that the seller was late in sending the goods and indicated the wrong track number in the order.

And, indeed, if the second track number shows that the package is coming to you, then you should not worry.

And there will be no problems if the product arrives in good condition. But there is one pitfall that can cost the buyer money. A small loophole that allows dishonest sellers to win disputes even if there are big problems with the product.

This fraudulent scheme is used by sellers, sending expensive goods and equipment. Let's say phones or tablets. The buyer receives the parcel, and there is either a broken product or another product that is cheaper. Suppose, instead of a smartphone, the seller sent a cheap push-button phone. The buyer opens a dispute. And loses it!

But how is this possible? After all, the buyer has a video of unpacking and all the evidence.

The secret is that the cunning seller rejects your dispute by writing that the track number on the package does not match the track in the order and this is not his package and product. He writes that he doesn’t even have this product in the store, so the package has nothing to do with it. He wrote the new track number in private messages, not comments on the order. Therefore, for mediators, screenshots of personal messages are not strong evidence.

Additionally, the seller accuses you of fraud.

The mediators look that there is a different track number on the parcel. And they take the side of the seller, lying the dispute in his favor. And the buyer loses all the money. Yes, and can be banned for trying to cheat.

An unpleasant situation, isn't it?

What if the seller changed the track number?

1) If an expensive item suits you, then be sure to insist that he change the track number in the order details.

2) If the seller does not want to change the track, then you can try to open a dispute for the reason "". This will force the seller to change the track information.

3) If you received the package, and it does not contain the product that you ordered, then in this situation it will be safer for you to open a dispute on the first track number, that it is not tracked. In case of an open dispute, this will force the seller to change the track in the order to the correct one, and you will be able to edit the dispute already due to problems with the product. And he will not be able to blame you for the fact that the package did not come from him.

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