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Error connecting to Viber service. Why Viber is not working Why they can disable the viber service

Among all services for free voice and video calls and messaging, Viber takes the most worthy place (Viber's main competitor is WhatsApp). Fast connection, high-quality communication, unpretentiousness to the hardware platform - all these "advantages" have firmly won a place of honor in the hearts of users around the world thanks to a reliable infrastructure and ease of use of the service. In Viber, there is no need to even start a contact database - the application automatically scans the list of phones from your address book and determines which of the owners already have the Viber program installed on their smartphone. After a quick registration, all that remains for you is to call the desired subscriber and start communicating with him. Today we will discuss in detail how to use viber’om and what settings that allow you to adapt the program to your requirements are hidden in the bowels of the service.

As we already wrote, registration is fast and efficient. All you need to do is enter a phone number and answer an automatic phone call to verify your number. After that, you indicate your first and last name and optionally add a photo as an avatar. This completes the registration, now the fun begins.

How to use Viber?

The main working form of Viber are three central tabs - Chats, Contacts and Calls. On the first one, you can see who you've been talking to lately. The Chats tab concentrates all the conversations that you had through Viber.

Similarly, the Calls tab contains a list of voice and video calls dialed from the program. It is worth noting that the quality of video communication with a fairly stable Wi-Fi connection is very decent, if you have a good HD camera, you will get a clear, crystal-clear picture without artifacts and color flares, and this already indicates that the application is focused on the business segment .

On the middle tab "Contacts" you can see the full list of contacts from the address book. If the user has installed Viber on their phone and signed up, you can contact them by making an audio call or sending a text message. Those subscribers from the base who already have Viber are marked with a special icon. You certainly won't miss it.

The developers have remained true to the fashionable trend in our time to equip their services with a mass of additional chips. One of these bonuses is the section with games. To go to it, click on the button with the gamepad at the top of the working form.

All games are incredibly simple and unpretentious. Among the varieties, there are mainly card games (like poker, blackjack and solitaire), all kinds of farms and casual games like Bejeweled and match-three. However, there are also strategies with monetization and donations based on the “free-to-play” principle. It is worth saying that you have to download games from the same Play Market, so the principle of their distribution is based on the same model, and you have to run them not from Viber, but from the official Google store (or Apple, if you use Viber on iPhone). However, the range of games is quite large, and everyone will find something for themselves here.

Public chats are also provided as an additional functionality in the system. These are open platforms for communication on a selected topic, for updates of which you can subscribe and join the discussion at any convenient time.

To go to the public chat management section, click on the corresponding button at the top of the main working form.

The subscription form for public chats opens. Of course, when you first log in, there is nothing here, since we have not subscribed to anything yet. Click the "Find other public chats" button.

A form with subscriptions to channels opens. Here we select the channels that we would like to see in our feed. We find the desired channel and click the "Subscribe" button under the description.

A mini-form opens with a confirmation of the terms of the subscription and with the agreement of the contract for the provision of services. Click the "Accept and Continue" button.

That's it, you are now subscribed!

There is also a search field on the channel selection form, which is very convenient to use in order to find the content or topic you need before subscribing. We enter keywords in this field, and a list of thematic channels appears on the screen that are relevant in accordance with the topic you specified.

The last third button on the main form is "Search".

Enter the desired name of the contact, and you will see those contacts from the address book that fall under the specified search criteria. In fact, it will filter on the keyword you specified, and you will see a slightly modified list of contacts. Well, we figured out how to use Viber, now let's move on.

Now let's take a closer look at the Viber settings. To go to the settings, use the menu called by pressing the specified button.

Select "Settings" from the main menu.

Let's go to the first section of the menu - "Privacy". What is in store for us here?

The first option, Online, allows you to set the appropriate status while connected to Wi-Fi. This parameter can be changed once a day, so do not rush to remove it or set it if you are not sure that this is what you want.

The next setting is "Uses Application". It will help your friends to see when you launch a game or a system program in Viber.

Another important parameter is "Viewed". If you received a message and read it, your interlocutor will immediately receive a notification that his message has been read. If you uncheck this box, your friends will not receive such messages.

Another option is "Hidden Chats". Hidden chat is a secure connection with your chat partner or group that cannot be accessed from the main chat window. To connect to such a chat, you must enter a secret PIN, and it will not be visible in the chat list.

A little lower you can see the option "Show your photo". If this checkbox is checked, any users on the network (even those who are not in your contacts) will be able to see your photo. You can uncheck this box for security reasons.

The last option in this category, "Deactivate Account", will tell you how to delete your Viber account if you no longer plan to use it. Deleted information is non-refundable, so be careful with this item. How to use Viber without messing up, you ask? Of course, everything is learned through trial and error. We dare to assure you that any message can be deleted in advance even before it is read by the interlocutor. Still, you should not write in the chat about what you have any doubts about.

The second category under Settings is Notifications. There are a lot of behavioral factors for your phone (such as whether the display will be unlocked when a pop-up window appears, or whether a sound effect or vibration will be played if you receive an incoming chat message). By default, all these settings are set very effectively, so it is advisable to leave everything here as it is, and change it only in case of special need.

The next section is Calls and Messages. Here are the settings that control your voice and video calls, as well as text messages.

The first item "Viber-in calls" provides the ability to receive internal incoming calls through Viber. If you uncheck this box, then no one will be able to call you in the program.

The next option "Email Log" allows you to create a backup copy of all your chats and send it to the selected recipient via email, via Bluetooth or via Viber itself.

The adjacent setting "Clear message log" will delete your entire history of correspondence with all users. Use only as a last resort!

The next option "Video Calls" is responsible for the video calling feature in Viber. If you remove it, the very possibility of video calling in the application will not be available.

The penultimate parameter "Proximity sensor" works as follows: if the checkbox is checked, when you bring the device to your ear during a Viber call, the screen will remain on. If this parameter is disabled, the screen will be deactivated accordingly.

The final option in this category "Enter Key" is responsible for which button will be used to send a text message in the chat: "Enter" or "Send". If the checkbox is checked, the Send button is used for sending, and vice versa.

Another important section is Media Gallery. The first two options “Auto-download photos / videos on mobile networks” and, accordingly, via Wi-Fi, ensure that photos and videos are downloaded during an established network connection. If you pay extra for network traffic when connecting to the mobile Internet, it would be wise to leave the option to automatically download media content only over Wi-Fi enabled.

The last setting "Disable background loading of public chat content" is responsible for whether, when opening a public chat, the contents of the previous correspondence with the selected user or several people will be loaded. We talked about the function of public chats a little earlier in our article, in the “How to use Viber” section.

The next two categories "Chat background" and "Computer and tablets" carry almost no semantic load. The first of them is responsible for changing the background pattern of the chat window, which is available by default, and the second allows you to synchronize Viber with the version of the application for a PC or tablet. If you are considering whether to install Viber on a computer, we dare to assure you that it is not possible to use Viber on a computer without a valid phone number, and you still need a smartphone to register. If you want to communicate on a computer, we advise you to choose Skype or Google Talk, but Viber is, in our opinion, the soil for smartphones, and only for them.

The penultimate essential category of settings for today is “General”. Here are collected options such as displaying the Viber status icon (if the checkbox is enabled, you can see an icon with the messenger activity status in the notification panel), synchronizing contacts with the address book of your device, switching the interface language to English, as well as Wi-Fi standby policy (whether to keep Viber always on, or follow the state of the smartphone).

If you were in a hurry to change the settings and cannot return the messenger to a working state, you can use the "Reset Viber settings" item, and all parameters will return to their original default form.

The final section in the list of categories is "Backup". By connecting Viber to the Google Drive cloud service, you can back up text messages to the cloud if you are afraid for their safety due to frequent changes in settings or automatic periodic cleaning of history.

That's the whole instruction on how to use Viber and what settings this unique program has. We wish you pleasant and easy communication both online and offline.

When working in Viber, you can sometimes see a service message "Error connecting to Viber service". It is not so often seen, but still there are times when it is so inopportune, do not despair in most cases it can be solved on your own.

Error connecting to Viber service

First, let's try to figure out why this problem occurs. The application is trying to establish a connection with a remote server and as a result of not receiving a response from it, a corresponding notification appears on the smartphone screen.
  1. The most common reason is a connection problem. There may be a temporary lack of cellular coverage and no Internet. You need to wait a bit to restore the signal strength or check the presence of the Internet on other applications.
  2. Another factor is the unavailability of information transmission channels or failures on the Viber server. I note that such cases are rare in the entire history of the creation and use of the application, but still took place.
  3. A failure in the Android OS itself, many processes are running, and it happens that some may be abnormally stopped or work incorrectly.
  4. Installing third-party programs greatly increases the risk of catching a virus, as a result of which the performance of some applications is disrupted.
  5. Invalid version of the program. Often people do not update their applications, as a result of which, with the release of new versions, the old ones lose their relevance and are not supported by the system.

Troubleshooting Methods

The last method can be a complete reinstallation of the program itself. In this case, you do not need to disable your account, it is enough to make backup copies of the correspondence and copy the folder with photos. Only after that we remove Viber from the gadget and clear the system cache. Read the article "How to remove Viber".

If the problem persists and the error appears very often, we advise you to contact technical support directly. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form.

Viber is a very popular messenger designed to facilitate communication between people all over the planet. The audience of the Viber application is constantly growing, the program is being installed on an increasing number of mobile devices and gadgets.

Each user of the messenger at least once during the operation of the application wondered why Viber stopped working on the phone. Consider the main reasons for the failure of the application and possible solutions to problems with the Viber messenger.

Error 495: file not found

The situation when error number 495 appears when it happens happens quite often. This error means that the Viber installation file was not found on the developer's server. Why is this happening?

Most likely, the user started downloading the installation file of the application at the moment when the version of the program was being updated on the server, that is, the new installation file had not yet been uploaded for download, and the old version had already been deleted. There is no need to panic, it is better to just wait a while and try again to download the Viber application.

No internet connection

As trivial as it may sound, but the most common reason why Viber does not work and gives a connection error may be the lack of an Internet connection. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the network operation in other applications, for example, in a browser. If the pages of sites open quickly and without errors, then the connection to the network is functioning correctly, and the reason is not in it.

If the browser does not display pages, you need to deal with the connection. Let's say your smartphone is connected to the network via Wi-Fi. You should try switching from Wi-Fi to a 3G or 4G mobile network and recheck the Internet. If the connection problem persists, you need to deal with the phone's APN access point settings or contact your mobile operator company. Cell phone companies must have the knowledge necessary to set up virtually any telephone.

Alternatively, you can check the balance, perhaps the Internet was blocked due to insufficient funds in the account. In this case, replenishing the balance will solve the problem.

Viber out of date

There are less obvious reasons for the situation when Viber does not work. What to do with the Viber application if it does not work? You need to check which version of the program is being used. Possibly shot.

To solve the problem, you need to update the messenger and re-check its performance.

Consequences of an incorrect update

The Viber application is constantly being improved, new functions and features are added to the messenger. Unfortunately, sometimes after installing a new version, the operation of the program may be disrupted. Often this is due to errors in the update package itself, with incompatibility between versions of Viber and the Android operating system. As a rule, if such problems occur, they are fixed in the next program update packages. And before the release of the corrected modification of the application, you will have to use the old version of the messenger, after downloading it on the network.

In any case, you need to report the situation to the support service so that the developer can start working on the problem. The more requests from users, the faster the release of a correctly working program update will be carried out.

Block messages by another user

If the Viber application works, but messages are not sent to all contacts, it means that receiving messages from this account was blocked by another user. Why on the phone and what to do in this particular case? Technically, the program functions, it's just that messages are not sent to all contacts. If such a situation occurs, you need to find out the reason for blocking from inaccessible contacts in some alternative way.

The application is unstable, some actions are performed incorrectly

So, Viber is not working, what to do and how to fix it? The following manifestations of the incorrect functioning of the messenger are possible:

  1. Sending messages does not work, but the reception occurs without complications.
  2. The application stops and unexpectedly resets when performing standard actions in it.
  3. The application gives a message about the missing Internet connection, although in fact everything is in order with the connection.

First, you can try to reboot your mobile device. To do this, hold down the device's power button until the menu appears. In the window that appears, select the "Reboot" item and wait for the phone to turn on.

If, after the reboot, the work of "Viber" has not returned to normal, you will have to reinstall the application. To do this, you must first uninstall the program. To erase "Viber", you need to enter the list of installed applications, find the desired item with the name of the program, select it and click the "Delete" button in the window that appears. Now you can install the messenger again. To do this, you need to download and install the Viber application from the Google Market or from the developer's website.

Spam blocking by Viber administration

The network described cases of blocking messenger users by the developer himself. Why does Viber not work on the phone in this case? If mass messages are sent from one account to any group of contacts, then the Viber administration perceives this as an attempt to send spam. Outgoing messages are being blocked. Incoming messages come to the user as usual.

To resume normal work with Viber, the user needs to contact the developer and explain the reason for the mass mailing of messages. In this case, perhaps, the administration will decide to remove the blocking with a warning to the user to prevent such a situation in the future. But other cases are also known when the administration of the messenger permanently blocked the accounts of certain users. In such a situation, there is only one way out: create a new account with a link to another phone number that has not previously been registered in the Viber system.

Technical work on Viber servers

If the various possible options for the failure of the messenger are analyzed, and it is still not clear on the phone, you must in any case contact the support service. It is possible that the application does not function due to temporary technical work on the servers responsible for communication via Viber. The support service will provide assistance in any case, even if the failure is not related to the messenger servers.


The Viber messenger, like any other program, can sometimes work incorrectly. The article listed the main problems that arise during the operation of the application, and answered the question of why Viber does not work on an Android phone.

Even an unprepared user can return the program to working capacity, however, there are failures in the operation of the application, which only Viber support specialists can deal with.

This cross-platform messenger is used all over the world: it is installed on computers, tablets, smartphones with various operating systems. Problems with it, however, sometimes arise: Viber may not start on all devices. How to solve them?

Doesn't work on computer

Viber is installed and runs on the Windows platform. Errors of a different nature may occur while using the program on a PC. Why might the utility not work?

Depending on the cause, a number of measures are taken. In fact, it is quite difficult to find out what caused the problem, so there is a certain list of methods that each user can use.

Where to begin?

  1. Make sure that the device has the latest version of the messenger. If not, update.
  2. Check if the antivirus or Firewall is blocking the work of Viber. If blocking occurs, add the application to the exclusion list.
  3. Scan your device for viruses.
  4. To restart a computer. In most cases, this method solves the problem.
  5. Clean the registry using CCleaner or another program.

If all of the above methods did not help, and the PC is connected to the network, you need to resort to a cardinal measure: reinstalling the program.

First, you need to uninstall it through the "Programs and Features" window. To open it, simply enter its name in the search box in Start. Next, find the program in the list and remove it.

PC application stops working

During operation, Viber may stop working - a window appears on the computer screen with a notification: "The Viber program has stopped working."

As a rule, restarting or reinstalling the program does not solve the problem. However, this may be an isolated case - then you just need to restart the PC.

If even after restarting the device, the program continues to freeze, you must use the following method.

1. Right click on the icon to display the context menu.

2. Select the last section "Properties", and then in the window that appears (in its left part) click on "Device Manager".

3. Find the line with the name "Sound, game and video devices." The name of your sound card will be listed here. For example, it could be "High Definition Audio capable device".

4. Turn off the device by clicking on the rightmost icon in the top panel of the window.

Doesn't work on phone

The messenger installed on the phone may also fail. There are the following popular types of failure:

  • does not send messages;
  • refuses to connect;
  • does not call;
  • stops work suddenly;
  • does not start.

What should be the user's next steps if the client fails to start?

1. First you need to restart your smartphone.

2.Next, check your internet connection. Often the problem lies precisely in the absence of a network. Check if pages are loading through the browser. If not, you need to restart the 3G connection or router to rule out the cause. If everything still does not connect to the network, restart the device again. The problem may remain - then you should contact the operator for help. Before doing this, check the balance so that it does not turn out to be zero.

3. Clear the program cache. To do this, go to Settings - Application Manager. Find the program in the list, click on it and click on "Clear Cache". It would also be useful to stop work.

4.Scan with antivirus. After that, try to start again. In some cases, the antivirus may block the client.

The last resort would again be to reinstall the application. Go back to the messenger menu through Settings and click on "Delete". Then download and install the client through the Play Market on Android or AppStore on iPhone.

Sometimes the following happens: debugging work takes place on the company's servers (developers add new functions and features, as well as fix problems and errors) and, accordingly, Viber may become unavailable for a while. In this regard, it makes sense to wait a bit.

Issues after latest update

Viber developers offer new versions to users. It is recommended to update regularly, as upgrades not only bring new features, but also solve problems with failures. The update takes place automatically.

However, there may be issues after the update. Viber stops working. This is due to a conflict between the drivers or OS of the smartphone and the program. The first ones may be too old for the updated application to work properly.

The solution is to install all system updates. After that, you need to test the program.

As an alternative - reinstall Viber. How to do this was described above. Given the fact that updates come automatically, in some cases it will take several reinstallations until the error disappears.

Contacting the official support service

If all the methods listed above are not successful, you need to contact the Viber user support service. Go to:

The feedback form for describing the problem is available in Russian (required fields must be filled in).

Describe your issue in detail, remembering to include the latest messenger version, operating system type, and other details.

Before sending a notification, check that all lines are filled in correctly. As a rule, the answer comes quickly by e-mail.

Problems with Viber are most often solved by restarting the program and connecting to the Internet. Also, it may not be superfluous to clear the program cache on the phone and the registry on the computer.

Viber is a great application that allows you to communicate with friends and family for free if you have access to the Internet. Sometimes some users want to disable the account in order to stop using the program.

A few simple steps

Before you learn how to disable Viber permanently, it is worth saying that in this case you will not have access to correspondence with other users, including calls, video messages, stickers and other files. Therefore, if you really want to know how to turn off the application and really disable the account, but at the same time save user data, be sure to back up the files before deactivating the account.

5 easy deactivation steps:

  1. Go to the program menu.
  2. Press the button " Options».
  3. Select the tab " Settings».
  4. Next, click on " Confidentiality».
  5. Then select " Disable account».

The program is disabled quite simply, but it is worth remembering that after deleting it, your account will still remain active.

Account disabled

Some users are faced with the fact that the Viber service, for some unknown reason, turns itself off. What to do if the service is disabled? Why was the app disabled? The answers to these questions are of interest to many users who are faced with a similar problem.

In this case, you can advise to completely remove the messenger, and then reinstall it and. And the best way out of the situation will be to create an appeal to the official technical support of the service, where the program developers themselves will consider your specific case and help you solve the problem. But remember that technical support works in English.

  1. Anna (09/08/2018 at 10:09)

    Hello. Tell me, please: I changed my phone number, it is already blocked by the operator, the account has not been disabled. When you try to enter Viber from a new SIM card, the old phone number appears. If I click change, will the old contacts not be sent out to change the number? Reply ↓

  2. Albina (03/26/2017 at 17:54)

    Hello. I had a tablet on which a SIM card was connected and a viber with this number was installed. The tablet was stolen, I restored the SIM card, it is active. But on viber with my number some other person. How can this be? Reply ↓

    1. Natalia (07/08/2018 at 12:15)

      Hello .. such a question .. I deactivated the account on the old phone number that is already blocked by the telecom operator .. why when you completely delete both the viber and disable the account .. the correspondence remains with another user and I have no chance of recovery? (did not create a backup copy) Reply ↓

  3. Catherine (12/17/2016 at 07:59)

    Hello, my viber has crashed. It says that the service is disabled. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it several times...nothing helps. Maybe in the source codes somewhere he has not completely deleted .. and the phone does not see the new viber ... ((Answer ↓

    1. Follo (12/18/2016 at 10:51 am)

      Yes, it happens. Try cleaning your phone with CCleaner. If it does not help, then contact Reply ↓

  4. Anna (28.08.2016 at 11:17)

    Hello. I need to send my phone in for repair. Is it possible to somehow disable Viber there, but at the same time so that it works on the tablet. Thanks Reply ↓

    1. Elena (08/29/2016 at 09:39)

      just log out of the account on the phone, and when they fix it, log in. Reply ↓

  5. Michael (05/28/2016 at 23:46)

    how to change account from mine to another thanks in advance Reply ↓

    1. efa (05/29/2016 at 15:16)

      What do you have in mind? If you want another account, then you need to deactivate your account, and then create a new one. Reply ↓

  6. Catherine (05/06/2016 at 13:08)

    The number of a completely different person, a fraudster, is registered to the number of my relative. what to do? Reply ↓

    1. Verunya (05/06/2016 at 16:42)

      Sign in to Viber and deactivate your account. Settings-privacy-deactivate account. Reply ↓

  7. Olga (04/07/2016 at 19:00)

    Hello, I received a message that my dad connected to the viber, but this is not possible, he has a wooden phone, an ordinary clamshell, and the Internet is not even connected, how can this be. How to check and disable it? Reply ↓

    1. Zurem (04/08/2016 at 12:02)

      Try logging into Viber using his phone number on a more modern gadget. At the same time, a confirmation code will be sent to the phone, which will need to be entered. If you log into an empty account, then everything is fine, you can delete it, if there are any correspondence, then you need to deactivate the account. (Settings-privacy-delete account). Reply ↓

      1. Eugene (02/22/2017 at 21:23)

        Good day. I received an SMS from Viber with an activation code, but I didn’t ask for it, and I didn’t install the program (button phone). This code has not been shared or forwarded to anyone. I learned from friends that I am registered with Viber, as they are users of this program, and that I am active on the network. I repeatedly tried to log into my account, through a code-sms, the program does not send SMS, through a voice call - it says that the code is not correct Reply ↓

  8. Stanislav (03/16/2016 at 00:15)

    I have an interesting story! Viber flew off, and worked on three devices, flew off everywhere! now., I can not connect it to any of them! confirmation code is coming. , but it is not correct (writes the device), they call, I write down the code, (it is not correct!) What I just didn’t do! nothing helps! demolished, installed, installed factory settings on the phone! then installed it under a different number! Nooooooo, it doesn't want to work on three devices, only two! those. one main and one additional! Here, I also think! Maybe on that first issue, it still works like that? why can't I connect it? Reply ↓

  9. Olga (02/10/2016 at 22:02)

    I lost my phone, viber was installed on it, messages are sent from it, how can I delete my account without a phone? Reply ↓

    1. Jenek (02/12/2016 at 17:26)

      Contact your carrier to block your SIM card. Then issue a new card for the same number. This way you can sign in to your old account, "Sign out on all devices" (you can then sign in again on your new phone), or delete it completely. Reply ↓

  10. Natasha (23.01.2016 at 14:31)

    Please tell me. If I delete Viber, will other users find out about it and won't send me messages? Reply ↓

    1. Jacques (01/24/2016 at 17:22)

      If you deactivate your account, then yes, you will simply disappear from their contact list in Viber. But if you just delete Viber from your phone without deactivating, then the contact will remain. Reply ↓

  11. Evgeniya (03.12.2015 at 02:15)

    My Viber is read by strangers on another device! How can I disable my account on other devices? And how can I find out how many other devices besides my phone are reading my Viber? Thank you. Reply ↓

    1. Kruglov (04.12.2015 at 17:04)

      If you initially registered your Viber on your device, then it is enough to delete the account on it, so that it is deleted on all other devices, since they are only synchronized with the phone..html Reply ↓

    2. Levon (05/18/2016 at 12:42)

      xochu udalit viber potomushto est moi viber u kavota Reply ↓

      1. Verligius (05/20/2016 at 15:56)

        Deactivate your account. Go to settings - privacy - disable account. Reply ↓

  12. Oleg (10/27/2015 at 06:30)

    I received an SMS with a paid service on Viber. I didn’t have time to read it and accidentally connected it. Reply ↓

  13. Mariana (04/15/2015 at 09:53)

    I can't delete the main photo... I delete it on my phone, but all contacts still see my old photo. How can I delete a photo so that no one else can see it? Reply ↓