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Which companies are suitable for outbound telemarketing. Inbound and outbound telemarketing - what is it? Why it is worth ordering a telemarketing service in the outsourcing call center "Live Voice"

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At its core, both sales and marketing are based on communication. They should talk about that great product or service that your company's R&D and manufacturing departments have created.

Doug Hall

To understand telemarketing - what it is, you need to remember about doing business over the phone. Currently, it is considered one of the most convenient and profitable ways to organize a business.

Practice shows that selling by phone is ten times cheaper than a salesperson visiting a client. Such significant cost reduction gives companies additional resources for their development.

There are two types of telemarketing - inbound and outbound. The first is related to collecting feedback from customers and processing orders. In the process of outbound telemarketing, managers conduct telephone surveys and questionnaires, as well as make sales.

Features of outbound telemarketing

The phone is an indispensable tool for market research. After all, it is thanks to him that the operator receives up-to-date information about customer requests and the current situation on the market, which he then enters into the database.

Subsequently, the information obtained is used to establish relationships with new customers and conduct various marketing campaigns.

Managers who practice outbound telemarketing call current and potential customers. Such work resembles the work of hotline operators. This type of telemarketing is aimed at obtaining information that helps to offer a potential client an interesting product or service.

Types of outbound telemarketing

To understand what telemarketing means, you need to analyze all its areas, one of which is the study of the needs of potential customers. The requirements and demands of consumers are constantly changing and it is very important to be informed about this in a timely manner in order to properly respond to changing market conditions.

Also, the availability of information allows us to provide an individual approach to each client and, as a result, to fully satisfy his needs. To obtain the necessary data, a questionnaire or survey is conducted, during which the operator finds out the name and surname of a potential client, and also determines his needs for a particular product or service.

Polls and questionnaires

Polls or questionnaires show the company's interest in an individual approach to the client. After processing the data obtained in the process of marketing research, it is desirable to acquaint the client with the results obtained. This reinforces his confidence in the seriousness of the company's approach and at the same time serves as an excellent reason for a repeat call.

Sales by phone

Selling by phone takes place in several stages, the first of which is a cold call. Such a call implies the first contact with a potential client, during which the operator receives personal data about the contact person, and also determines his interest in certain goods or services. If the client reveals interest, then additional information is sent to him in a letter, or a meeting is scheduled.

Moreover, to determine "telemarketing - what is it", the presentation is considered the most important stage. In telemarketing, only speech is used to convince the client, so the manager must be fluent in the technique of conducting a conversation, which will help him establish a trusting relationship with the client and correctly identify his needs. To make a successful sale, you need to offer the client the product he needs. At the same time, it is very important to correctly determine the moment when the client is ready for a deal.

After-sales service and customer information

After the sale, the manager should not forget about the client. It is necessary to congratulate him on the holidays, his birthday, so that he constantly feels the attention of the company.

Moreover, you won’t surprise anyone with congratulatory SMS, so it’s best for the manager to personally call the client. And as a gift, offer an individual discount on the next purchase. In addition, they often practice calls to customers with the aim of informing them about ongoing promotions.

In the process of "calling" a wide variety of information can be collected - from personal data of the company's management to determining the needs of potential customers. Sometimes telephone calls are used to remind the client of an outstanding debt.

Often clients are found by calling a list of cold contacts. It is conducted by marketing specialists, who pass the resulting list of warm contacts to managers from the sales department.

The latter, using the information received, conduct a study of the needs of the client in order to make an offer that will surely interest him. In addition, when communicating with a client, it is very important to take into account changes in the market situation.

Features of inbound telemarketing

Inbound telemarketing is built on the work of managers with incoming applications and requests from active and potential customers. This type of telemarketing serves as a good way to advertise a product and also helps build a customer base.

After all, when an interested consumer calls the company, the operator must enter his coordinates into the database. The manager also answers all the questions of the client and, if he is ready to buy, connects him with the sales department.

In the process of inbound telemarketing, customers receive answers to their questions or their requests are processed. Orders or certain questions about the product, as a rule, arise from the client as a result of an advertising campaign.

Telephone marketing (telemarketing) is one of the most effective business strategies.

There are two types of telephone marketing: incoming (hot line) and outgoing (surveys, questionnaires, sales of goods and services).

Outbound telemarketing involves calling the operator to the customer base for the presentation and sale of goods over the phone. By choosing telephone sales, you save on the rent of retail space and the number of employees.

Benefits of telemarketing

  • 1

    Target audience segmentation. We use our own up-to-date working database "COMUS-Partners", which includes 300,000 contacts throughout Russia ranked by parameters: sources of funding, type of activity, size of the company, etc.

  • 2

    Selectivity by geographical, demographic and social characteristics. Specifically for your product and your project, we will select the most appropriate audience.

  • 3

    100% contact guarantee. Professional operators will get through to your potential client and find a common language with him.

  • 4

    Fast measurable response. Every day at the end of the working day, you will receive a detailed progress report and audio recordings of telephone conversations for deeper analysis.

  • 5

    Fast start. Minimum preparation time (from 1 day in case of emergency) to launch a full-fledged campaign.

  • 6

    Process control. You have full control over all workflows: if necessary, we can immediately curtail all activity at your first request.

  • 7

    Simplify workflows and reduce operating costs. You do not need to hire and train staff, additionally load the accounting department, rent a new room, purchase office furniture, special equipment and software.

Take advantage of the services "telemarketing" contact center "Comus" and your calls will bring you profit.

telephone marketing

Telephone marketing (telemarketing) is one of the most effective business strategies. The versatility of telephone communication makes it possible for direct communication between the manufacturer and the consumer, contributes to a profitable conclusion of a contract, and optimizes the search for new customers. As a result, sales of goods over the phone (telephone sales) increase several times.

There are two types of telephone marketing: incoming (hot lines) and outgoing (surveys, questionnaires, sales of goods and services - telemarketing sales).

Outbound telemarketing involves calling the operator to the customer base for the presentation and sale of goods over the phone. Choosing telemarketing telephone sales, you save on rent of retail space and the number of employees.

Order telemarketing services of the Komus-contact contact center and your calls will bring you profit. We have an excellent technical base and a professional team of 650 operators. Telemarketing Specialist:

  • phone survey,
  • notification of customers about new products you introduce to the market,
  • searching for potential partners and informing them about your activities,
  • formation of a consumer audience,
  • classification of organizations you are interested in and obtaining their contact details,
  • bill payment control.

Inbound telemarketing, in turn, is a whole range of services that allow you to maintain constant contact with the client, find out his preferences and form a favorable opinion about your company among buyers.

The specialist of the telemarketing department of our call-center will deeply study the specifics of your business, receive all incoming calls and provide competent support to each client.

Both inbound and outbound telemarketing is designed to increase telephone sales, which in turn will promote your brand and strengthen your position in the market. However, not every company can afford to maintain an entire telemarketing department. And why spend extra resources when you can just turn to real telemarketers and increase your phone sales?

By ordering telemarketing cold calls, you can get a developed scheme to increase sales without any effort on your part. Contact Center "Komus" will competently and effectively build a whole business development strategy for your company.

With the help of competent work of call center telemarketing, you will be able to conduct a successful promotion, quickly launch a new project, open a hotline for receiving calls at the right time and conduct a complete sociological study of the audience. And the convenient cost of telemarketing services compared to the cost of maintaining a whole staff of specialists will help you save money wisely.

telephone survey

The Komus contact center will help you collect information about your audience using a telephone survey. A telemarketing manager will help you create the best scenario for a conversation with clients, and a telemarketing operator, in turn, will win over each interlocutor and help him answer all questions as accurately and honestly as possible. The telemarketing operator is a professionally trained interviewer guarding your interests.

Sales increase

Increasing sales volumes with the help of call-center telemarketing services is real, fast and efficient. If you are interested in "telemarketing Moscow" - our contact center "Komus" will offer you the best business solutions.

Sales outsourcing

A valuable advantage of sales outsourcing is that it relieves the company of unnecessary burden - both financial and time. Telemarketing: the cost of services varies depending on the type and complexity of the project.

Increasingly, you have to deal with unexpected calls from operators of various companies, whether it is a home knickknacks store or a foreign language course. You are asked to answer a series of questions to improve the quality of communication, you are invited to a trial lesson in a fitness club, you are offered all kinds of promotions, testers, or a gift for some nonsense. What tricks do companies go to to lure and convince you that this particular product was not enough for you to be completely happy.

Telemarketing is the sale of goods and services using the telephone. A hundred years after the invention of the telephone, companies began to realize that it was convenient and practical to use it to sell their goods and services. The telephone will make it possible to connect directly with the buyer, bypassing all possible intermediaries, and to offer goods based on the needs and preferences of the person, while ordinary advertising is aimed at the masses, and not at a specific person.

For example, the operator of an online store "everything for the house" called you and instead of telling you about the entire range of dishes, he starts asking questions and finding out your preferences. What style is your interior? Glass or ceramic? Neutral tones or bright? Do you often invite guests?

Thus, he involves you in the decision-making process and offers exactly what you are interested in. This is the main feature that distinguishes telemarketing from other sales channels. Properly constructed, non-intrusive telemarketing is the best sales channel, as it involves the consumer as much as possible in the decision-making process. But at the same time, it is also the most expensive, since this is not mass advertising, but individual, piece work. The cost of telemarketing services in Moscow is determined solely by the skills and abilities of the manager. Really good callers are highly valued, and sometimes you have to set a very high motivation to get them.

2. Types of telemarketing

Telemarketing is divided into two types: inbound and outbound.

Inbound telemarketing is a hotline where the client can call and get a detailed answer to his questions regarding goods and services, and ideally, make a purchase.
For example, you go to an online store selling spare parts for your car, but you don’t find anything suitable, contact the specified number and the specialist will explain to you what other models the spare parts are suitable for, answer all questions and even place your order. In essence, inbound telephone marketing is when the customer goes to the salesperson and initiates the call, usually as a result of a successful advertising campaign.

Regarding outbound telemarketing, then everything is somewhat more complicated and interesting at the same time. The thing is that there is a "hot" and "cold" database. Making cold calls is much more difficult, since the client is completely unprepared for it and was not even interested in your product. As for hot calls, these are either existing customers, or those who at one time showed interest in your products.

3. Targets of telemarketing

  • 1. Determining the needs of potential customers. For example, if you are in the international shipping business, you should find out if the company even exports its goods before you offer your services. Which is not so difficult, fortunately, the information is now in the public domain.
  • 2. Collection and updating of customer data. Calls are made to customers using the old database to understand who else is working and to whom you can offer your product or services.
  • 3. Conducting surveys, surveys. They can be carried out, for example, in order to launch a new product. This shows the seriousness of the company's approach to each client, the importance of his opinion, plus the message of the survey results is a good reason for a second call.
  • 4. Sales of goods and services over the phone. Communication with the client, identifying preferences and leading to a purchase decision.
  • 5. Communication of the company manager with the client. After making a decision, the telemarketing manager makes an appointment with the client directly with the sales manager.
  • 6. After-sales service. After the transaction, the manager should not forget about the client. For example, on a holiday or birthday, personally call and congratulate, as well as offer a discount on the next purchase or gift.
  • 4. Advantages and disadvantages of telemarketing

    The benefits of telephone marketing include:

    • Telemarketing provides direct contact with the client, which allows real-time answers to all consumer questions, to recognize needs, to interest him, to offer an alternative option.
    • The ability to select potential customers before making a call, which saves a significant amount of time. Does it make sense to call a law office and offer them to buy cement from you in bulk? Another thing is if it is a construction company that does not have its own production.
    • Save time when working with a large number of potential customers.
    • With the help of the software, you control the sales process, having access to all records of telephone conversations.
    • With direct contact, you can find out what specifically does not suit the client and, based on the answers, improve your product.

    As for the shortcomings of telemarketing, this is mainly due to the lack of professional skills of employees and their lack of motivation. Yes, and, you see, hanging up is much easier than leaving a person. Frequent rejections, dissatisfied customers, and small purchases also have a negative effect on the working mood of telemarketers, so you should carefully select and identify potential customers.

    5. Principles of telemarketing

    1. Scenario or sales script. Prepare a conversation script in advance. A brief welcome, a presentation of your wonderful company, and a list of questions to ask the client. Naturally, no one will listen to a dry read text, so the script should be used as a cheat sheet.

    2. Confidence. A trembling voice on the other end of the wire will obviously not cause a desire to acquire something. But if a specialist in the telemarketing department is 100% sure that the product being sold is simply necessary for life, if he knows it to every bolt and can talk about it as a masterpiece, he will be able to convince the client even with a cold call.

    3. The sale should not look like a sale. Conduct a dialogue so that the client talks about himself beloved. Make him think that it's not you who needs to sell something, but that you are a sign from above for him to solve his problem.

    4. "No" to templates. Starting a dialogue with the typical phrases “I want to offer you ...”, “Who is purchasing from you ...?”, “I am a representative of the company ...” you doom him to failure. Almost every person, hearing something like that, immediately hangs up. To prevent this from happening, the script should be close to you, and compiled by you, and you can read how to do this in the article “Cold Calling Scripts”

    5. Appreciate other people's time. Especially if you communicate with the head (and he is a very busy person). If you are told that there is no time for your empty talk, this does not mean that there will be no cooperation. Ask when the person will have time to talk to you.

    6. Don't tell everything at once. When they start asking you a lot of questions, for example about prices, offer to meet and discuss everything in detail. This also applies to such words as “promotion” or “free of charge”, tell us briefly, the details at the meeting.

    6. Professional skills of a telemarketing specialist

    Firstly, this is work “for slaughter”, few people can make about a hundred calls a day, and at the same time hear a lot of “good” things about themselves and their company. If we consider the operators of incoming calls, then the effectiveness of each can differ by one and a half to two times. But in the case of outgoing calls, things are different, here the performance can differ by 10 and 100 times. One telemarketer makes one sale out of a hundred calls, and another fifty. The duties of a specialist in the telemarketing department are quite diverse, he must be able to profitably present and convince the client to purchase products, while not being intrusive, have a good vocabulary and feel the client. And also to have the ability to get out of the most unexpected and impasse situations.

    In conclusion, I want to say that telemarketing is a rather complicated sales channel, but if everything is done correctly and unobtrusively, if specialists are well trained, if they do not just sell goods, but establish trusting contact with the client, then telephone sales will have a positive effect on your business and take it to a new, higher level.

    We have described the basic principles and technologies of telemarketing above, we really hope that our information will help you turn your phone into one of the most effective sales tools. If you need help organizing telephone sales, or have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help you!

Telemarketing is a reliable way to increase sales, which involves the sale of goods and services by the operator during a telephone conversation. Distinguish between outbound and inbound telemarketing. In the first case, a commercial offer is voiced to a potential or existing client, in the second, an incoming request is processed. Traditionally, marketing is understood as active telephone sales.

Who is the service for?

Outsourcing telemarketing is an effective way to quickly increase sales conversions and an essential marketing tool for companies with a high volume of calls. It helps businesses:

  • form a potential buyer's idea of ​​the product;
  • create, increase and optimize the client base;
  • increase brand awareness;
  • maintain direct interaction with customers;
  • define the target audience more accurately and work more efficiently with the conversion segment of the market;
  • constantly monitor sales.

When ordering a telemarketing service, you receive an up-to-date client base and statistical data in the most accessible form for perception and analysis, reflecting the interest of potential customers in a trade offer. At the same time, you do not have huge costs in connection with the training and remuneration of narrow specialists, with equipping workplaces with expensive equipment. Outsourcing telemarketing is much cheaper than running an in-house call center.

telemarketing technology

During a telephone conversation, the operator convinces the interlocutor of the need to purchase a product or service, and in case of refusal, reveals the reason for such a decision. Based on the information received, adjustments are made to the method of product implementation. A small improvement can make a big difference in performance. This becomes possible due to the prompt response of the consumer and reliable data about his preferences and objections. Sales by phone are carried out in several stages:

  • study of your organization and its sales offer by operators;
  • identifying features of a product or service that are attractive to the consumer;
  • study of the market situation and competitors of your company;
  • preparation of an optimal scenario for a telephone conversation, which takes into account the expediency of each word uttered by the operator during communication with the client;
  • clarification of the client base intended for outgoing calls, which can be provided by you or developed by our specialists;
  • direct outgoing call.

What to do next?

Leave a request There is a form at the bottom of the site.
callback order

We will call back Our specialist will call you back
you during the working day

We listen carefully Find out the goals of your project

We conclude an agreement We discuss the scope of work. All
suits - we conclude a contract

Preparing the base
data Developing a conversation script

Testing Finalizing the script and
work with objections

We work We make targeted calls.
We provide reporting

you get new

Results of telemarketing service for business

Telemarketing will help you increase sales conversions efficiently and quickly. Thanks to this service, you will receive reliable information about your potential buyers, about the market segment you are interested in. Turning to us, you will be convinced of the high effectiveness of "selling telephony", which largely depends on the professional presentation of the trade proposal by the operator, its timely and adequate response to the comments and questions of the buyer. Our specialists are effective salesmen, they are resistant to stress and have rich experience in telephone communication.


7 years of successful experience

implementation of projects of any complexity

Flexible pricing system

taking into account the specifics of our clients' business

Industry specific knowledge

activities of our customers

Optimal timing
project launch

Management experience in the largest companies and Call-centers

work principles