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Where is the screen rotation on an iPhone? What to do if the iPhone or iPad screen does not rotate

If you want to view pictures on your iPhone in a horizontal position, you will need to use the “flip” screen function. Let’s imagine a situation where the owner of an iPhone is a beginner who doesn’t know how to do/enable auto-rotate on an iPhone. This article is to help you understand the settings of the functions of a “smart” device. Let's look at how to set up screen rotation on iPhone, and also turn it off depending on the gadget model.

Device owners need to press the Home button twice. The multitasking panel will appear. Scroll to the right until a curved arrow icon appears. She is responsible for turning the screen over. If the button is activated, you need to “tap” on it to disable it. And, conversely, if it is inactive, turn it on.

Latest iPhone models

An iPhone equipped with the latest versions of the operating system requires a different approach. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. The “Control Center” appears - the place where the main settings and functionality of the iPhone are concentrated.

The upper part of the “TsU” contains buttons, among which there is an icon with a round arrow and a lock. This button is a switch/switch for auto-rotating the screen. When the color is red, the function is deactivated and the display cannot be rotated.

Turn auto-rotate on or off


Now every iPhone user knows what the lock icon with the arrow around it means and how to rotate the screen if necessary. Apple developers provide auto-rotation by default, carried out through the settings. When you move the phone to a horizontal position, the image also rotates along with the body of the device. This is certainly a convenient option for viewing pictures, films, and videos.

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Why doesn't the screen flip on the iPad and how to enable auto-rotate?

Users are accustomed to the fact that if you turn the iPad itself over, its screen also turns over. It is very comfortable and allows you to use the device from any position. But often the screen rotation function stops working normally, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

From this material you will learn the reasons for similar problems with the iPad, as well as methods for configuring the screen orientation on Apple tablets.

The main reasons why the iPad screen does not turn over.

This function is disabled in the device settings. It doesn’t matter, by chance it was made or specially, but the coup will stop working. Therefore, when difficulties arise, you must first look at the options menu. And to do this you need to swipe, starting from the bottom border of the monitor to the very top.

The switch on the panel was turned off. If you are the owner of an iPad generation 3 or 4, there will certainly be a switch on the body of your accessory. It is located on the side, on the right side of the device, a little above the sound volume control buttons. Depending on how the switch is set, it may prevent the monitor from rotating or mute the sound. Therefore, if you have problems with screen rotation on your iPad, try changing the position of this element. To do this, you just need to turn it the other way. Flipping the element will allow you to activate the monitor flip function.

The device is frozen or faulty. If you have painstakingly done everything described above, and the iPad screen still does not rotate, some software may have frozen. To solve a similar problem, you need to reboot the device. To do this, click on the power button and do not release it until the iPad power button appears. Once done, turn off the device and turn it on again. From time to time, such a simple operation solves all problems.

After this action, a control center will appear. Here you will see the most important functions and you can activate or disable any of them. Including, here you will find a button to deactivate the monitor rotation. It is depicted in the form of a lock with a round arrow. If the feature has been disabled, the button will glow reddish. To activate the function, simply click on this button. Its image will turn grayish, and the rotation of the monitor will work as usual.

Note also that the device control section consists of 2 screens, indicated by dots. The options we need are placed in the first one. The included tablet must be configured specifically in this section.

If you do not want the named element to interfere with the rotation of the monitor on the iPad, reconfigure it to mute the sound. To do this, go to the main settings of the device and find the switch block on the side of the panel. Here you can deactivate the sound options.

But if none of the methods presented above helped, and the rotation does not work, there may be a serious breakdown of the iPad itself. Only a call to a repair shop will help here. An experienced craftsman must first carry out diagnostics, completely disassembling the case, and then decide on repairs or complete replacement of some element.

It is not recommended to disassemble the accessory at home. Exclusively in exceptional cases, when the breakdown is frivolous, and you have experience in such matters. Remember that all parts of the device are very fragile, and any careless action can lead to their breakage. Then you will not only not solve the problem, but you may break the iPad, which will require expensive repairs.

We also remind you that disassembling the iPad case is more difficult than the iPhone. Special equipment will be required, and you will also have to deal with the heating of the device. So it’s better not to risk it and take the accessory to a specialist.

Rotate the screen on iPad: lock.

Let's consider the reverse situation, when the rotation function needs to be disabled and not unlocked. And let's start discussing the situation with outdated iPad models (3 and 4). Many users still intensively use versions of the iPad 3 or 4, which is why this issue is pressing for them. Often such problems appear among owners of mini versions.

Let us immediately note that this process in older devices is a little more complicated than in iPads running on OS 7.

So how block turn screen and turn off the rotation function? What to do in such a situation?

Some users, having purchased a used Apple tablet of an outdated version (2,3,4), try to twist it in different directions so that the screen turns over. But their actions do not achieve results. It turns out that the monitor unlock button for iPad 2 is located on the multitasking panel (in the lower dock). And to access it, you need to double-click on “Home” or use the 4-finger gesture up. After opening the dock, you need to swipe the icons from the left side to the right.

Having completed all of the above, the user will be taken to an additional section, where he will find a button called iPad orientation lock. You need to click on it, after which the picture with the lock will disappear in the dock and on the status bar. The screen will now begin to rotate. As for the reddish button located at the bottom left, this is KillBackground.

If you don’t find a blocking button in the additional section, there should be a mute button instead. In a similar situation, you need to do the following. Firstly, change the state of the switch on the iPad body. An icon will appear on the display and above the volume keys indicating that the orientation is unlocked. And again we have achieved activation of the monitor rotation function on the iPad.

Please note that the switch located on the side can be configured, and this is done in the corresponding menu. You need to go into the main options and select this element. There you can set the value to lock orientation or turn off sound. Depending on your actions, the button for the additional bottom dock will also be exchanged. In no time, you can easily turn on the monitor rotation function and turn off the screen flip function. In the latter case, the screen will stop responding to the position changes of the accessory itself.

Setting up iPad screen rotation in iOS 7.

If the user is planning to update the firmware of his own iPad to OS version 7, the monitor rotation control buttons will be even easier to reach. They are now located in the control section menu. This also applies to the iPad Air tablet model.

And the named panel, in turn, is located at the very bottom of the screen. You need to swipe from bottom to top, and this section will appear. Here you can easily find the rotation lock button for your iPad monitor. In a situation where the screen does not rotate, this element must be activated. The configured accessory will now work perfectly, and the screen will exactly follow the movements of the device itself.

If such an element is not found in the section, carefully read the annotations above again. It tells you how to deal with a similar situation on the iPad and how to enable the screen rotation option.

iPad does not flip the screen: conclusion.

It must be said that the iPhone also has a function for blocking monitor rotation. But, unlike the iPad, owners of mobile devices are even less likely to encounter violations of this function. Although, perhaps, this is due to the fact that tablet users find this function more often useful.

It is unknown for what reason, but often the iPad screen completely refuses to turn over. With all this, the user does everything correctly, finds the appropriate button and activates the flip option. But the screen still doesn't respond. In a similar situation, the only thing left to do is to reboot the system - from time to time this action solves the problem. Others may be advised to reflash the accessory and erase all previous options one hundred percent. Still others can only be helped by a service that brings the device’s accelerometer back to “life.”

In a difficult situation, when nothing helps, you can try using the section “Physiology and Motor Skills” called AssistiveTouch. After opening it, a virtual button will appear on the screen. By clicking on it, you can call up the monitor orientation configuration option. In this way, the user will be able to change the position of the screen forcibly.

Now you understand all the methods on how to enable rotation on iPad screen. We also hope that the article helped you understand the main reasons why the iPad does not flip the display. Setting up the screen rotation function on Apple tablets, as you can see, is not an easy task. But still tune iPad screen, even if it is locked or disabled, is possible. And don't forget that auto-rotate screen– a very useful function.


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After updating iPhone firmware to iOS 7 version screen rotation on iPhone; How on. If the image is on the screen of an iPhone, iPad or. Find out what to do if your iOS device screen doesn't rotate. How to lock/unlock screen rotation on iPhone. How to lock screen rotation on iPhone/iPad/iPod in iOS 7; R-sim Air 2 can unlock iPhone 4/4S/5/5S/5C. Here is an article where there is how to turn on or off automatic screen rotation. How to enable or disable turn iPhone screen. Today we will look at how you can disable or enable screen rotation on yours. How to set up, disable and enable screen rotation on iPhone? How ( tune) enable/disable turn screen on iPhone? If you don't want the screen. Adjust brightness on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This article describes how to adjust the display brightness in Control Center. How to disable automatic screen rotation on mobile devices. How to block screen rotation on iPhone/iPad/iPod in iOS 7. How to block screen rotation on iPhone/iPad/iPod in how to block screen rotation on iPhone. How to rotate the screen on iPhone. How to rotate the screen in which you can enable or disable the prohibition on screen rotation.

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If you are used to lying on the couch with your phone, then the auto-rotate function may prevent you from enjoying the process of surfing the Internet or viewing photos.

Therefore, it is important to know how to turn off auto-rotate on an iPhone in order to be able to look at what you need on the mobile screen from a viewing angle that is convenient for you.

How auto-rotate is blocked

The ability to turn off automatic screen rotation appeared in Apple products starting with iOS 4.0.

Users appreciated this innovation, as it allowed them to use their smartphone without any problems, without fear that the image on the monitor would turn upside down again.

To disable automatic rotation:

  • Press the Home button 2 times, then scroll down to the very bottom of the page, where you can see the lock key. The lock icon means that auto-rotate is locked.
  • In older versions of the firmware, it was necessary to jailbreak and use a third-party program to prevent the screen from rotating in different directions.

Instructions for iOS 7

Users of new models may encounter difficulties when working with the iOS 7 operating system. To do this you will need:
  1. Turn on your mobile phone.
  2. Open Control Center.
  3. Disable screen rotation.
After this, check if the images and pages on the Internet stop rotating, then all your actions were performed correctly. Please note that an image of a lock in a circle will appear in the status bar.

If at some point you want to reactivate auto-rotate, then pull the control point widget down and deactivate the lock using the same sign with the image of a lock in a circle.

You should see the message “Portrait Orientation Lock Off.”

Now you can rotate pictures and browser pages to a horizontal or vertical position. Screen rotation will also apply to many applications and the contact list.

The only downside is that in most cases the locking is only for portrait orientation.

A feature common to most Android devices. There are a large number of users who cannot imagine working with a smartphone or tablet without this function, but there are also those who do not like it and immediately turn it off on their gadget.

Be that as it may, it’s worth knowing or preventing Android screen rotation in different ways. Let's take a closer look at how to use this function and weigh the pros and cons of this system tool.

Despite all the advantages of auto-rotating the screen, sometimes this function can interfere with the user

Should I enable auto-rotate screen?

Automatic screen rotation is convenient because you can turn your tablet or phone over at any time, and the picture will immediately take the desired position. This is relevant when watching videos, photos, playing games and typing when you want the keys to be larger.

On the other hand, in some situations it triggers at the wrong moment - for example, if you turn around, and the sensor in your Android device recognizes this as a call to change the display orientation. For those lying down, using the gadget in this position becomes a whole ordeal, because almost always the function does not work when it is needed.

It is not at all possible to use a tablet or smartphone lying on its side with the rotation function turned on, which is why users prefer to turn it off completely.

How to set screen rotation on Android?

You can disable auto-rotate screen if you need it

To find the function control menu, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the device menu, go to the “Settings” section.
  2. Use the “ ” tab.
  3. In the list you will find the line “Auto-rotate screen” - to enable it, check the box, to disable it, remove it.

There are several more ways to configure it. For example, there is a separate key for activation or deactivation in the curtain, which moves away from the top of the display - we are talking about a quick menu where buttons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other modules are located.

There is also a special key in the energy saving widget - this way you can even faster activate or disable Android screen rotation without going into settings.

Additional features

There is also a separate program for rotating the Android screen - Smart Rotator. What is it for? The application was created to fine-tune this tool. The bottom line is that it scans the system and compiles a list of installed services. Next, you simply mark all applications where automatic rotation is required, and in other cases it will be disabled.

It turns out that this is a kind of golden mean between the fact that the function is not turned on when it is not needed, but is activated in certain applications where it cannot be done without it.

Let us note only one thing - it is not for nothing that it is in the energy saving widget, because using auto-rotate requires a certain amount of energy, which is why it was placed in this menu. If you're looking to stretch the battery life of your Android device, you'd better not use this feature, and certainly don't need it - it will only increase battery consumption.

We can conclude that using automatic rotation on Android is an individual choice for each user, because it is convenient for many, but for some it only brings discomfort. Be that as it may, now you know more about this display feature, you can quickly enable or disable it in several ways.

People often ask questions about such a necessary iPhone feature as screen rotation. How to enable screen rotation? On different versions of the iPhone, this button works differently.

It's very convenient to watch videos in wide format, but to do this you need to flip the screen so that the video takes a horizontal position on the long side of the screen. Some text is also easier to type on a smartphone if you rotate the display to the larger side of the display. It happens that the image on the window itself has turned in the other direction and to return it back, you need to know how to do it, where to find it and how to turn on screen rotation on iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5S, 6 by pressing the desired key.

There are concepts - the function of automatic rotation adjustment and the function of disabling display rotation on a smartphone. Let's look at how they work on the iPhone.

If you are the owner of an iPhone with iOS version from 4.0 to 6.0, then you can find the auto-rotate display button as follows. Click on the “Home” button and the application menu will open in front of you. Scrolling to the end, you will find a button with a round arrow, by clicking on which you will start auto-rotating the screen or lock the rotation, while your menu will display a display lock icon, allowing you to use the device only in a vertical position.

If you need to remove the lock from the vertical position, allowing the display to change direction depending on the position of the device, then find the lock button (circle with arrow) at the bottom of the smartphone menu and press it, deactivating it, to flip the display.

If you are the owner of an iPhone with iOS 7 or higher version, then on the main menu, drag the control point located below and click on the screen rotation icon on the iPhone lock with an arrow on the iPhone and the entry “Block” will appear in the iPhone display in the control point. portrait orientation: off.”

If you need to permanently block this option, you must swipe to call the “Control Center” function and activate it by pressing the corresponding upper round key, indicating the display lock.

What should I do if the auto-rotate function does not work?

You can always check the presence or absence of auto-locking the screen by going to the “calculator” application and rotating the iPhone, waiting until the menu view takes the form of a landscape sheet. If this does not happen, then your display is locked or the device software may not support the automatic display rotation function.

If the auto-rotate function does not work on your iPhone, try restarting your smartphone by pressing the reset button on the outer side of the case. The auto-rotate feature should appear when your iPhone boots up.

If the auto-rotate icon on your iPhone is locked and you cannot unlock this sign using the specified method, then try restarting your smartphone. After downloading, the auto-rotate feature should be enabled. If this does not happen, then Apple support will help you.

The automatic display rotation mode will help you expand a photo or video widely, although other applications, such as VKontakte or Skype, will not rotate to landscape view, but will remain only in portrait view.

The peculiarity is that you can only lock the screen in portrait view, but you cannot lock it horizontally in landscape view. Therefore, no matter how much you want to use your iPhone in a horizontal position while viewing email or browsing the Internet, you won’t be able to.

If the display does not turn over after all the manipulations, then the last thing left to do is to copy all the data from the iPhone via backup and restore the device again. After reinstalling the data, the turned on display on the iPhone will turn over when it is moved to a horizontal position.

In the iPad, the locking of this rotary function differs from the described activation procedure in smartphones. To enable auto-rotate display on your iPad, just go to the “Settings” menu, go to the “General” section and in the “Side Panel Switch” subsection, activate the “Orientation Lock” option. Unlike the iPhone, a tablet device can open applications and social networks in a horizontal position.