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How to create and register a Twitter account for a company. Maintaining a group on Twitter Which twitter account to choose

Or, in other words, “set up export to Twitter”?

After setting up export new messages from the wall will be automatically sent to Twitter. That. You will receive a self-signing account.

There is one necessary condition - the group must be transferred to microblog mode.

It is also important to know that only those messages from the wall that are marked as "on behalf of the group."

I recommend you do it separate Twitter account specifically for your group.

So, a simple step-by-step plan:

Step 1. Go to “group management”

Step 2. Switch the group to microblog mode

Step 3. On the “Export to Twitter” line, add your Twitter account.

Now every time “on behalf of the group” you will add some text inscription, it will instantly appear on Twitter without your participation.

When you add picture or video on the wall, write a few words to them. Otherwise, this entry will not appear on the microblog on Twitter.

Example of my group and Twitter account:

That's all for now, good luck and see you!

P.S. Invitation to the first educational Instagram game.

Trend of 2019 - InstaGame (InstaGame). By clicking on the picture, go to the game website, register and join the game on my team!

More details in the article:

Many people, as well as entire companies, use the popular Twitter network today to expand and improve the efficiency of their business. Using Twitter, you can popularize your brand and achieve tangible results.

We increase sales

On Twitter, it is very convenient to create a group that matches the topic of your business. By creating such a community, you will attract your target audience, and you will also be able to find clients in communities of competitors, or simply similar to your topic. In order to find those on Twitter who are already interested in your topic, you just need to enter keywords, and the search itself will return those who wrote something about a particular topic or were interested in it on their page.

Let's exchange experiences

The Twitter service allows you to quickly and conveniently inform people about upcoming events. This way, you can reach a wide audience and recruit participants for courses, seminars and other free events. Many people are happy to visit them for general development due to the fact that they do not need to pay. And among them you can safely look for future clients. You can also promote your videos on Twitter; just post links to them.

Educational materials are another type of popularization on social networks. For example, you are engaged in legal support, post videos on your blog or in a group about how to pull yourself out of a credit hole, what pitfalls banks prepare for clients, etc. After looking at a couple of free tips, people will understand that they are dealing with a professional and will definitely contact your lawyers for a full-fledged paid consultation.

Creating a USP on Twitter

USP or otherwise a unique offer, it’s worth highlighting one for yourself so that people will respect you and take an interest in you. On Twitter you can post short news, the length of which does not exceed 140 characters. With such a short headline you can notify people about the appearance of a new product on the market or the provision of a particular service. In this way, the popularity of your business increases. Thanks to important news, you can reach the top of search engines and the audience will find your important news first, ignoring your competitors.

Be first on Twitter

First of all, to be the first on Twitter you need to get readers, subscribers and also get retweets. You can do this manually, but it takes too long and is not always effective. It is better to use a competent service that will help you optimize the process. Our recommendation is the Twitter boost from It is characterized by easy navigation and very low prices. If you hired employees who would search for subscribers or do retweets around the clock, it would cost several full salaries, but the service will do everything for you for ridiculous money.

You can also use Twitter to direct traffic to your company’s website. It is very important that news is updated on the site, otherwise it may be considered abandoned and dead. It is Twitter that will help inform people about all the hot new products and, of course, ensure that users from the social network will come to your promoted resource.

We keep in touch with company employees

There is a joke about how the director gathered employees not through the intercom, but through messages on social networks, since they only sat there and all read the latest news. Jokes aside, Twitter is really convenient for keeping in touch with your subordinates. This way you don’t have to write emails or make calls, just send a battle cry on Twitter.

What else can Twitter do?

In addition to instantly organizing meetings, this microblog can do a lot. For example, you need to find out what your customers think about a new product or service. You want to understand what needs to be improved, what needs to be changed, what can be improved. Perhaps you have used paid social survey services at some point. And then you probably know how much a full-fledged company costs. Firstly, it's a lot of money. After all, you need to pay for the work of the interviewers, then enter the data into an electronic report, and also provide all sorts of goodies to those who will be interviewed on the street, but if the interview takes place over the phone, this also means money for communication. Next, you need to generate a report and provide the result to the customer. For all these actions, polling companies charge enormous amounts of money. So why pay so much and wait a couple of weeks for the running process to complete, if you can get the result absolutely free and in a short time? And our microblogging service Twitter allows you to do all this. In it, on the promoted page of our brand, you can easily create a survey, people can participate in the answers themselves. And you can get the information you need, their opinion, free of charge and, as already mentioned, quickly. Thank goodness for Twitter!

Twitter also allows you to listen. You will receive opinions, feedback and criticism, and you will be able to take this into account in your future work. Twitter is also a collection of minds; why go to meetings and conferences if you can communicate with colleagues online? What if you are offered a joint project and a new interesting idea? And then why not? A new joint product line may see the light of day thanks to a casual meeting on a social network.

You can also set up automatic cross-posting on Twitter. That is, if you have already become popular on Facebook or VKontakte, you can gather another part of the audience in this microblog. At the same time, it is not necessary to start over, spend a long time coming up with and posting fresh posts. You can share all your achievements and news by simply setting up cross-posting from other networks to your Twitter.

Change status often if you want to establish yourself as an active team that is constantly and tirelessly working. Let people see how your business is moving, how it is growing. Active people are always drawn to the same active individuals. And if someone’s group or blog hangs for six months without updates, as if abandoned, then your Twitter should squeak and shout with messages like: “Here we are - working and laboring for your benefit.”

Well, as we see, the possibilities of Twitter for business are very wide, the main thing is your desire and activity in using this service, and of course a few skills, which, I believe, I have added to you through this article.

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Twitter account- this is your personal page on, in other words, this is your micro-blog, i.e. a diary in which you can express your thoughts, emotions and more. Twitter was designed for the purpose of sharing information between friends. This is one that is gaining momentum faster and faster.

Savvy users have long realized that it can be used not only as a personal diary, but also as a tool for an Internet entrepreneur.

So guys, let's get down to business!

Before you create a new Twitter account, you need to decide what type of account you will have. I think how to create Twitter accounts for you, perhaps you knew this before, but you yourself understand that without registering on the resource ( we will not be able to work in it.

Today I want to confirm my words spoken in the free audio course “9 Real Ways to Increase Traffic from Twitter” and show you different types of twitter accounts.

I divide tweet accounts into three types: thematic account, personality account and mixed account. There are also narrowly targeted accounts – these are organizational accounts and “spam” accounts..

Which twitter account should I choose?

I want to say right away that you may not have to choose which account to create. You might find it useful or have all types of accounts. For example, there are different types of accounts. Well, that's why it's not surprising.

Before we decide, let's look at examples.

Thematic accounts

What do I mean when I say a themed twitter account?! These are accounts that represent a brand and/or reveal a topic or area of ​​life. Blogging, making money online, fashion, cooking and more.

Let's look at examples:

@ wpnew - account of Peter Alexandrov:

Thematic-brand account. Peter's topics are the blogosphere, WordPress, SEO, SMO and promotion. As you already understood, his account is not just thematic, but branded, such accounts are formed over time. As you can see, the number of readers/readers here has a big gap towards “Readers” - this is an indicator of the authority of the blogger.

@ virtual_ profit – account of Marina Lazareva (my cow):

This thematic twitter account. It is dedicated to making money on the Internet. Here I cover topics such as making money, blogging and money.

Defining thematic accounts: description of the topic in bio, presence of a resource link, thematic content.

Personal accounts

This is a personal blog of a person who uses twitter for his personal purposes to communicate, to find new interesting people, and so on. Here, as you already understood, the personality is introduced. There is a lot of communication here. There is no particular brand or theme that stands out here. As you know, there are blogs (resources) “Everything about everything,” and here is a personal diary, a micro-blog.

Let's look at examples:

@27_wrm — Alexander’s account:

As you can see, Alexander is a very interesting person, he loves humor, laughter, poetry and travel. His twitter account is very interesting to read, because he writes very interestingly - each of his tweets has a rhyme. Even a short personal correspondence was enough for me to understand that he is a kind-hearted person. I love such people.

@5vg7 — Vadim’s account:

The bio description does not specify any specific topic; the person communicates a lot; judging by the number of tweets, it is clear that the person is actively “staying up” on Twitter.

Defining personality accounts: lack of a specified topic in the bio, lack of links to the promoted resource, a lot of communication.

Mixed accounts

This combines thematic content and personal account content. Such twitter accounts are quite common on Twitter.

Let's look at examples:

@smlazarevi - account of Marina Lazareva:

As you can see, this account of mine can be called mixed, because it is both my personal account and a thematic account. Topics of this account: blogging, awareness, children.

@frilkacom — Freelancer's Piggy Bank account:

I also classify this (main) account as a mixed account, because here I cover topics: blogging, SMM, SMO, WordPress and at the same time maintain it as a personal account. In the future, I will write more thematic content and less personality content here.

Defining mixed accounts: the specified topic in the bio, the presence of a link to the resource being promoted, the content has thematic tweets and communication.

Why is it important to understand what kind of twitter account you read or create?

Because the audience depends on the type of account! Those. if you discuss a certain topic, then the readers will gather people who are interested in this particular topic. If you maintain a personal account, then people who have sympathy for you personally will be added to your readers. Mixed accounts contain both.

I believe that at the first stages of forming a brand (personal specialist), you need to create a mixed account, where people who sympathize with you as a specialist, people who like you as a person and people who are interested in the topics of your micro-blogs will gather.

Organizational accounts

Many people view Twitter as a tool for commerce and brand representation; accordingly, on Twitter, as in life, there are accounts that “gather” readers and accounts around which readers “gather.” The division into those who collect and those around whom they gather is arbitrary, here I mean that twitter accounts are created by an individual, an entrepreneur or an organization.

Let's look at examples:

@ free_ lanceru - resource accountFree lance. ru:

If you remember, in the course “9 real ways to increase traffic from Twitter,” I said that there are even accounts on Twitter where the readers are only freelancers and “hang out.” I talked about accounts like

is one of the leading services on the Internet where you can find performers (freelancers) in any field of activity. In the Twitter account of this resource you can read the news of the resource, and find performers among the readers.

@ukrtweet - BarCamp UkrTweet event account:

BarCamp UkrTweet is an annual Ukrainian barcamp for Twitterers (Twitter users). At the event, reports are presented: on effective work on Twitter, SMM promotion, etc. Here you can act either as a speaker or as a simple participant.

This is my first time planning a trip to this event! It’s very interesting to visit there, learn a lot of new things, meet Twitterers in the real world and, perhaps, give a talk (if I still have some free time, otherwise I submitted my application late).

Defining organization accounts: in the bio description of the company/event/service, the presence of a resource link (address is possible), relevant content - news, communication (organizational issues).

Spammer accounts

And another group of Twitter users that I cannot help but mention are “spammer” accounts.

Let's look at an example:

@ ane4 ka_ kir – Anna Kirillova’s account:

As you can see here, there is no bio (account description), the number of tweets far exceeds the number of readers. Avatar is standard. Content is monotonous communication in the form of addressing someone. The tweet must include a link, since such accounts are created for the purpose of promoting certain services or resources.

As you can see, in virtual life, as in real life, people are different. Everyone has their own goals and everyone strives for them differently. By the way, I would like to note that in this article I didn’t talk about goals! Everytwitter account has its own purposes, but I can only guess about them. And this will be so, regardless of my professional opinion. In addition, this information may be classified, so I’ll leave defining the goal for later. Perhaps soon I will review some accounts (with the consent of the authors) and present their goals.

Here's a little tour of Twitter users. I think you, like me, liked this review of Twitter accounts. Well, at least I hope so!

01/29/2015 | 01:01 Economics

Twitter is addressing user requests by adding private group messaging and a "mobile video camera" to the platform.

Twitter has taken another step into the enterprise market with one of its new offerings announced this week.

The microblogging site has announced two features that it has added to its platform. He introduced a “mobile video camera” that allows you to shoot up to 30 seconds of native Twitter video and include it in a tweet.

This means you don't have to use Vine to make six videos, or upload your video to YouTube and tweet the link.

The iPhone and Android app lets you record, drag-and-drop editing, and group clips before sharing them. The addition of native video provides Twitter with analytics capabilities for users and brands.

Twitter also announced that it has enabled private group messaging for its users. This feature allows users to send direct messages (DMS) to a group of up to 20 people. Users do not have to follow each other to use this feature.

To enable the group chat feature, all you need to do is create a group on Twitter. Group members receive a notification that they have been added to the group. Once a group is created, you can send direct private messages to that group.
You can send pictures, links and emoji in your messages. You can invite any follower to join the group. They can also add their followers to a conversation, even if they don't follow everyone in the group.

Users who have been blocked by any user in the group cannot join the group messaging session.

The feature will roll out to all users over the coming weeks and will be available on or through the app on iPhone or Android. Group private messages will also be available on Tweetdeck.

Users do not need to be connected to an enterprise instant messaging system such as Microsoft Lync, Yammer, or Cisco WebEx, but they can access group messages from the Twitter platform.

Google Plus allows you to send messages to members of circles, ensuring that these messages cannot be directed outside the original circle.

The move gives Twitter similar functionality.

Now users who cannot access information due to a corporate firewall can exchange secure private messages with their followers.
Twitter continues to develop enterprise features in its privacy management platform.

Today we invite you to look at the interesting service RoundTeam, which makes automatic retweets based on a variety of criteria and rules. In fact, it is a universal tool for online marketing and internal communications within communities of interest.

Here are the main models for using the service.

1. Create communities on Twitter

On Twitter there are no options for creating groups, communities, discussions, or comment feeds. RoundTeam complements the functionality of Twitter with the opportunities for full communication that are so in demand today. For example, you study/work at a university. Your educational institution can be said to be a closed community with a lot of daily news. The news can be about anything - an upcoming party, a Miss University contest, a scientific conference, a change in the class schedule, etc. You, like your colleagues, use Twitter and want to receive tweets with news and be able to discuss it. Mutually following everyone is not the best way out of the situation, because then you will receive not only information about the university, but also all the other tweets of your colleagues and acquaintances. The Twitter feed will turn into a stream of unnecessary information. In addition, this approach extremely complicates the process of connecting new community members - mutually following 2,000 people in a short time is almost impossible. RoundTeam very simply solves the problem of forming a community. In the case of a university, you need to create a separate Twitter account for the new community (or take an existing one). Connect it to RoundTeam and set the following retweet parameters: retweet all tweets from your followers with a specific #hashtag. The more unique the #hashtag, the easier it is. For example, #university_name or #faculty_name, etc. The last step is to invite all community members to follow this Twitter account and ask them to add the above-mentioned #hashtag to their tweets about a particular university event. This way, when someone in the community tweets something with the #hashtag in question, RoundTeam will automatically retweet it and everyone will see it, regardless of whether they follow each other directly or not! The convenience of this method is that you can receive instant notifications about a new tweet via SMS, and you can respond again via SMS, even without access to the Internet.

2. Information aggregator

Automatic retweets allow you to accumulate information from any number of Twitter accounts into one Twitter feed. For example, you are interested in some current world event. People all over the world are tweeting about it. Of course, you can search Twitter using keywords every time. But this is not always convenient and there is a risk of missing out on something interesting. RoundTeam offers a simple solution to get the latest tweets as they happen. As an option to solve this problem, you can follow with your account people who write interesting things about this event (or create a new account for this purpose), and set the settings in RoundTeam: retweet everything from those whom I follow using these keywords or #hashtag . Then you will automatically retweet news about an event that interests you to your Twitter feed.

3. Promotion of a personal or business Twitter account

Another option for using RoundTeam in the context of promotion is to fill the company's Twitter feed with information relevant to your business. Retweet from specific people, from followers, or from all of Twitter using specified keywords or #hashtags. If we talk about the example of the cosmetics business, you can add retweets about make-up trends, techniques, etc. to your feed. This approach is applicable to any area of ​​business and has two significant advantages: firstly, your tweet feed is interesting (and the more interesting it is, the more attractive it is for new readers), secondly, those people whom you automatically retweeted will certainly turn to you their attention and, from experience, will be followed. RoundTeam does this work automatically, saves your time and reserves the right for you to “moderate” the retweet process at any time - set up a spam filter, block unwanted authors and never retweet them again, unretweet any message.