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It's all about turning on the speakers. Distributing power between speakers Connecting two speakers to one channel

Many car owners without technical education do not know how to connect an amplifier to a car radio - for them it seems like too much of a time-consuming task. In fact, you shouldn’t rush to contact a car service center, since installing a car amplifier is not so difficult.

Maintenance by specialists will be expensive, so in order to save money, it is worth trying to understand the connection procedure, which this article will help with.

For high-quality operation of the amplifier you need:

  1. Give him good food;
  2. Give a signal from the radio. We looked at how to properly connect the radio;
  3. Connect speakers or subwoofer.

More details on how to connect the amplifier can be found below.

Good nutrition is the key to success

The amplifier connection procedure begins with the power wires. Wiring is the most important element of a car audio system; the volume and sound quality depend on it. Amplifiers need a stable power supply, otherwise the power will not be enough and the sound will become distorted. To understand why you need to pay attention to the quality of wiring and how it affects the sound reproduced by a loudspeaker, you need to know what a music signal is.

Some suggest that it represents a sine wave, however, the musical sinhala is characterized by a large difference between the normal and peak value. If sharp signal bursts are not important for car speakers, then in the case of an amplifier the situation is completely different. If the signal exceeds the permissible power for even a second (or even a millisecond), then these “anomalies” will be audible even to those who cannot boast of a good ear for music.

If the car amplifier is connected properly, the signal will flow through the wires undistorted. Carelessly done work or incorrectly selected wire cross-section will result in the sound being more compressed, rough and sluggish. In some cases, wheezing may also be clearly audible.

How to choose a wire cross-section?

Wire is the most common metal with a certain level of resistance. The thicker the wire, the lower the resistance of the wire. To avoid sound distortion during large voltage fluctuations (for example, when playing powerful bass), you must install the correct gauge wire.

It is worth noting that the cross-section of the positive cable should not be larger than the negative one (the length does not matter).

An amplifier is considered to be a rather electrically intensive device. For its effective operation, high-quality grounding is necessary so that it is possible to receive the necessary energy from the battery.
To choose the correct wire cross-section, you need to make some calculations. First, look at the instructions for the amplifier (or directly at the box from the manufacturer, if there is no documentation, use the Internet) and find the rated power value (RMS) there. Rated power is the signal power an amplifier can deliver over an extended period of time to one channel of 4 ohms.

If we consider four-channel amplifiers, they usually have a power of 40 to 150 watts per channel. Let's say that the amplifier you purchased produces 80 watts of power. As a result of simple mathematical operations, we find out that the total power of the amplifier is 320 W. Those. How did we calculate this? It’s very simple to multiply the rated power by the number of channels. If we have a two-channel amplifier with a rated power (RMS) of 60 W, then the total will be 120 W.

After you calculate the power, it is advisable to also determine the length of the wire from the battery to your amplifier and you can safely use the table to select the required wire cross-section. How to use the table? On the left side the power of your amplifier is indicated, on the right you select the length of the wire, go up and find out what cross-section you need.

The table shows the cross-sections of copper wires, remember that a large number of sold wires are made of aluminum coated with copper, these wires are not durable and have more resistance, we recommend using current copper wires.

Fuse selection

In order to secure the connection of the car amplifier, it is necessary to protect the power supply from the battery to the amplifier using a fuse. Fuses should be placed as close to the battery as possible. It is important to distinguish between a fuse that protects the device itself (whether it is an amplifier or a radio) and a fuse installed on the power wire.

The latter is needed in order to protect the cable itself, since a considerable current flows through it.
Make sure that the fuse ratings match, since if the wiring fuse rating is too large, the wire may burn out as a result of a short circuit. If the rating, on the contrary, is less, then the fuse can easily burn out at the time of peak loads and then there will be no other choice but to buy a new one. The table below shows the wire cross-section and the required fuse rating.

Connecting interconnect wires and control (REM)

To lay the cable, you need to find the linear output on the radio. The linear output can be recognized by the characteristic “bells” that are located on the rear panel of the radio. The number of linear outputs differs in different radio models. Usually there are from one to three pairs. Basically they are distributed as follows: 1 pair - you can connect a subwoofer or 2 speakers (labeled as SW\F) If there are 2 pairs of them, you can connect 4 speakers or a subwoofer and 2 speakers (outputs are labeled F and SW), and when there are 3 pairs of linear ones on the radio wires you can connect 4 speakers and a subwoofer (F, R, SW) F This is Front i.e. front speakers, R Read rear speakers, and SW Sabwoorer I think, and so everyone understands what.

Does the radio have no line outputs? Read the article "".

The connection will require an interconnect wire, which should never be skimped on. It is prohibited to lay the interconnect cable near the power wires, as various types of noise will be heard when the engine is running. You can run the wires both under the floor mats and under the ceiling. The latter option is especially relevant for modern cars, in the interior of which there are electronic accessories that create interference.

You also need to connect the control wire (REM). As a rule, it comes with interblock wires, but it happens that it is not there, purchase it separately; it does not need to be of a large cross-section - 1 mm2 is quite enough. This wire serves as a control for turning on the amplifier, i.e. when you turn off the radio, it automatically turns on your amplifier or subwoofer. As a rule, this wire on the radio is blue with a white stripe; if it is not there, use a blue wire. It is connected to the amplifier to a terminal called REM.

Amplifier connection diagram

Connecting a two-channel and four-channel amplifier

We have combined this section because these amplifiers have a very similar connection diagram, one might even say more simply, a four-channel amplifier is two two-channel ones. We will not consider connecting a two-channel amplifier, but if you figure out how to connect a four-channel amplifier, then you will not have any problems connecting a two-channel amplifier. Most car enthusiasts choose this option for their installations, since this amplifier can connect 4 speakers, or 2 speakers and a subwoofer. Let's look at connecting a four-channel amplifier using the first and second options.

Connecting a 4-channel amplifier to a battery is recommended using a thick cable. How to choose the right power wires and connect the interconnects, we discussed all this above. Amplifier connections are usually indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. When an amplifier is connected to an acoustic system, it operates in stereo mode; in this mode, this type of amplifier can operate under a load of 4 to 2 ohms. Below is a diagram of connecting a four-channel amplifier to speakers.

Now let's look at the second option, when speakers and a subwoofer are connected to a four-channel amplifier. In this case, the amplifier operates in mono mode, it takes voltage from two channels at once, so try to select a subwoofer with a resistance of 4 ohms, this will save the amplifier from overheating and going into protection. Connecting a subwoofer will not be a problem; as a rule, the manufacturer indicates on the amplifier where to get the plus to connect the subwoofer, and where to get the minus. Take a look at the diagram of how to bridge a 4-channel amplifier.

Connecting a monoblock (Single channel amplifier)

Single-channel amplifiers are used for only one purpose - connecting to a subwoofer. A notable characteristic of amplifiers of this type is increased power. Monoblocks are also capable of operating with resistances below 4 ohms, which is called a low-impedance load. Monoblocks are classified as class D amplifiers, and they have a special filter for cutting frequencies.

Installing a single-channel amplifier will not require much effort, since its connection diagrams are very simple. There are only two outputs - “plus” and “minus”, and if the speaker has only one coil, then you just need to connect it to it. If we are talking about connecting two speakers, then they can be connected either in parallel or in series. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to just two speakers, but before you connect the amplifier and subwoofer to the radio, will the latter cope with a high level of resistance?

Video on how to properly connect a four-channel and single-channel amplifier

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Daisy chaining of speakers

With a daisy chain connection (Figure 1), the speakers are connected in series, one after the other. It is very important to phase the speakers correctly, connecting the plus of one speaker to the minus of the other. When connected in series, the total resistance increases and the output power decreases. This method can be used to reduce the output power of a channel that is supporting the sound of others, such as the rear or center channels. It is better to connect no more than two speakers in series, since more speakers will greatly reduce the output power. You cannot connect speakers with different impedances, for example, four- and eight-ohm, since in this case each of them will have a different volume. Only exactly identical speakers can be connected in series, because different speakers can also have different resistances in the 0.5 Ohm range.

When connected in series, the speaker impedance is calculated using the formula:

R = R1 + R2 ,

where R is the resistance that we get as a result of such a connection, and R1 and R2 are the resistance of speakers 1 and 2. The resistance of more speakers is calculated in the same way: R = R1 + R2 + R3 + … + Rn , i.e. resistances are summed up.

The reduction in power due to increased load is calculated using the formula:

P = Preal (Rreal/Rcurrent),

where P is the power at a changed load, Preal is the rated power of the amplifier at standard resistance, Rreal is the load resistance at which the real power of the amplifier was measured (rated load resistance), Rcurrent is the total resistance of the speakers that we obtained. This formula can be used for any of the three types of connection described, and with its help it is easy to calculate the increase or decrease in amplifier power due to non-standard load.

Parallel connection of speakers

When speakers are connected in parallel (Fig. 2), the output power increases and the resistance decreases. When connecting two four-ohm speakers in this way, their combined impedance will be 2 ohms, and you need to know whether the amplifier can handle such a low load. Much more often you come across amplifiers that can operate normally with a resistance of 2 ohms than with 1 or 0.5 ohms - the latter are already very rare.

Connecting a load impedance lower than its rated value to the amplifier may damage the device. But if the amplifier previously operated with a resistance of four ohms, and can operate at two ohms, now it will produce much more power for such a load and may need a more powerful power supply! For example, if previously the amplifier needed four amperes for power supply, now to double the power it will need about eight amperes (i.e. twice as much).

You can calculate the resistance that will be after connecting the speakers in parallel using the formula:

R = (R1 R2) / (R1 + R2),

where R is the load resistance for the parallel connection we are looking for, and R1 and R2 are the resistances of the speakers that are connected in this way. For example, the resistance of two eight-ohm speakers connected in parallel would be 4 ohms [(88)/(8+8) = 4 ohms]. When two speakers are connected in parallel, the output power of the amplifier for such a load will be twice as large.

Speaker combo connection

This connection diagram (Fig. 3) is used to obtain the required resistance for the amplifier. For example, in order to connect four speakers with a total impedance of 4 ohms. To calculate the load resistance using this connection method, use the formula:

R = (R1+2 R3+4) / (R1+2 + R3+4),

where R12 is the total resistance of speakers 1 and 2, which are connected in series, and R34 is the same for speakers 3 and 4. If you have four 30-watt 4-ohm speakers, then with this wiring diagram the total power will be 120 watts and the resistance will be still the same 4 ohms. And the power supplied from the amplifier will be equally divided among the four speakers.

For more speakers we use the formula

1/Rpar=1/ R1+1/R2+1/R3+1/R4+1/R5 ....... for parallel connection of speakers with the same resistance can be calculated using f.

Rpar = Rnom./ n, where n is the number of speakers

Calculation example: You need to connect 2 speakers with two coils of 2 ohms

Option 1, (the best) we connect both coils of one speaker in parallel, we get 2/2 = 1 Ohm, we connect in series with the second speaker, which also has coils connected in parallel and we get 2 Ohms. 2/2+2/2= 2Ohm

Option 2: connect all coils and speakers in series 2+2+2+2=8 Ohm,

Option 3: we connect the coils in series and the speakers themselves in parallel, (2+2)/2= 2 Ohm.

Option 4: all the coils of both speakers are parallel, 2/4 = 0.5 Ohm, think for yourself, to connect this way, you need a very good power supply to the amplifier.

do not use different speakers in such connections, especially with different impedances!

Dual voice coil speakers
These are all the same heads of the electrodynamic type, and in appearance they are not much different from their analogues with one voice coil. They can only be “calculated” using an additional pair of terminals for connecting a power amplifier. However, this pair of terminals is already a consequence of technology, and the reason is the presence of an independent additional wire, which is wound onto the voice coil frame on top of the standard winding. Typically, both of these conductors are made of the same material and have an identical number of turns with similar electrical characteristics.

It is clear that the introduction of additional winding increases the cost of the subwoofer design. But, paradoxically, this does not lead to a clear gain, and according to criteria such as characteristic sensitivity, efficiency, etc., such subwoofers may well lose to traditional ones.

So why are dual voice coil designs, or more accurately dual winding, so popular?

Connection methods

A two-coil subwoofer, as well as two, three or more subwoofers, can be connected in four ways:

Each coil separately

Parallel connection of coils



What each of these subwoofer switching options gives is, first of all, versatility, different capabilities.

Let's consider each option separately. But first of all, you need to understand what happens when the coils are connected in parallel or in series. When the coils are connected in parallel, the total resistance, roughly speaking, becomes half as much. For example: if we connect two 4 Ohm coils in parallel, we get a total resistance of 2 Ohms, if we connect two 2 Ohm coils, we get a total resistance of 1 Ohm. The opposite effect occurs with a series connection. When connecting two 4 Ohm coils in series, we get a resistance of 8 Ohms, when connecting two 2 Ohm coils, we get 4 Ohms. etc.

This option allows you to connect a powerful two-coil subwoofer to a less powerful four-channel amplifier if it is not possible or not possible to purchase a powerful monoblock. Naturally, the resistance of the coils must correspond to the operating load of the amplifier in a bridge connection and the GAIN controls must be at the same level.

Parallel connection of coils

As described above, when connected in parallel, the resistance is halved, allowing the amplifier, operating at a lower load, to deliver more power. But as they say, “if it leaves somewhere, it will definitely arrive somewhere.” In this case, this is true, only on the contrary, the power has increased, and the amplifier’s control over the subwoofer has decreased, as a result of which the bass becomes smeared.

Series connection of coils.

If the amplifier is powerful, why not, increase the impedance (resistance) and get a more developed bass. I would also like to add that if the resistance of the connected coils exceeds the permissible load of the amplifier, this is not at all scary, it’s just that the output power of the amplifier will be less. Let's say an amplifier with a declared operation for a load of 4 ohms produces 500 watts, and with a load of 8 ohms, for example, it will produce 350 watts.

Combined connection.

Subwoofers are coils that are simultaneously connected in serial and parallel connections for switching to a specific load. There are a great many connection options, it all depends on the number of subwoofer speakers, the resistance of the subwoofer voice coils and the capabilities of the amplifier.

Typically, the basic configuration of a speaker system without any quirks can satisfy all the needs of the average user. After all, the system is, as a rule, selected immediately for specific needs - for example, so that the power is enough to listen to music in a specific room. However, in some cases it may happen that the characteristics of the existing acoustics are no longer sufficient for the given operating conditions. Then the user begins to look for ways to upgrade the system at minimal cost.

Of course, the best option is progressive improvement - for example, replacing an old stereo pair with a modern multi-channel system. If financial capabilities do not allow you to buy a new expensive set of acoustic devices, it becomes interesting how to increase the number of speakers in the existing system. And here the question may arise: “Is it possible to connect another pair of speakers to the one already in use?” Answer: no, the speakers are not directly connected to each other. But with some reservations. In what situations can connecting speakers to speakers become possible?

Methods for assembling a speaker system

Strictly speaking, the speakers are connected to each other in any case - otherwise the integrity of the system, necessary to create uniformity and unity of the sound environment, would not be ensured.

Connection details depend on the type of speaker system. It happens:

  • stereo – has two front speakers that receive a common signal from the two front channels;
  • multichannel – receiving a separate signal, one for each speaker.

In the first case, connecting the speakers to each other is either not required if different speakers are located in a common housing - for example, in the case of a tape recorder or radio, although this also occurs in conventional stereo pairs for a computer, or the speakers are connected by simply connecting the secondary device to the main one using a regular cable with 3.5 mm plug. Remember: the main column is the one on which the main outputs, controls and indicator lights are located. From the second there is only one wire coming off - the same one with which it is connected to the main one.

A multi-channel system can involve both direct and indirect connection of speakers. In the second case, the speakers are combined only through the receiver or the sound card of the sound source itself - a device that divides the common signal into separate channels. This scheme is used, as a rule, when using active-type columns. If the speakers are passive and an external audio amplifier must be used, the circuit becomes more complicated. Typically, in this case, special speaker cables with terminals are used, which, unlike plugs, are not connected to connectors, but to two separate terminals.

Just like on a battery, the terminals have different poles - plus and minus, which should not be confused so as not to break electrical devices the first time they are plugged into the network. Any person should remember this from physics lessons. From there, you need to remember that electronic devices can be connected in two ways: serial or parallel. When connecting speakers to each other in this way, it is important to remember the need to match the electrical parameters - basically, the resistance indicator of all devices. The speakers must have the same impedance, and their sum should not exceed the impedance of the sound amplifier.

Series connection of speakers

As is known, when electrical devices are connected in series, their resistances are summed up. This property can be used to reduce output characteristics - for example, when connecting auxiliary speakers (rear or side), which do not require high power. As for the maximum number of speakers connected in series, this parameter should be calculated based on their own resistance. When summed up, the indicator should not exceed the maximum permissible resistance of the amplifier - most often it is 16 Ohms, a higher number is practically impossible to meet.

As the name of the method suggests, the devices must be connected one after another, forming a closed circuit. The wire from the positive terminal of the amplifier goes to the plus of the first speaker, the wire from the minus of the first column goes to the plus of the second, and the minus of the second is connected to the minus of the amplifier. Everything is extremely simple.

If more than two columns are connected, the circuit is exactly the same, only it has more steps. The main thing is to go from the plus of the amplifier to its minus, combining only opposite poles, with the exception of the beginning and end of the circuit.

In some cases, a serial connection is the only possible option. For example, you have two passive subwoofers with a resistance of 4 ohms and an amplifier with two channels of 100 W each. Such an amplifier, as a rule, cannot function if the signal supplied to it has a resistance of less than 2 ohms - this is exactly what it will be if the speakers are connected in parallel. However, when connected in series, the resistances of both subwoofers will add up, and as a result, a signal with a resistance of 8 ohms will be sent to each channel of the audio amplifier. This is an almost ideal indicator - the limit of 16 ohms is still far away, and there is no fear of device failure due to lack of resistance.

It is worth considering that when connecting several speakers to one amplifier channel, the maximum power of the amplifier is divided equally among all devices, taking into account the resistance. So, an amplifier with a power of 100 W and a minimum resistance of 2 Ohms will deliver 100:2:2 = 25 W to each of the two speakers.

When the speakers are connected in parallel, all manipulations with physical parameters occur in a mirror order: the resistance drops and the power increases. But the columns in this case are not directly connected to each other, so this point will be discussed in another article.

Knowing the intricacies of all the ways to connect speakers to each other and other participants in the speaker system, it is easy to accurately calculate all the real parameters of the devices used.

If you are building a loud front with a large number of speakers, then you will have to connect them together in order to connect two or more speakers to one amplifier channel. Of course, no one puts one din per channel, it’s just expensive.

If, for example, you install 4 pairs of speakers, of course it is better to connect them in pairs, it will be more reasonable, and the power will be higher, and you will need one 4-channel amplifier. As long as the total resistance of the dins connected in parallel to one channel is not less than the tolerance (for example, 2 Ohms or 1 Ohm), everything is fine. But when they want more speakers, people start combining switching methods. For example, four 4-ohm speakers are switched in series in pairs and the pairs are connected in parallel. The total resistance is 4 Ohms, 4 speakers are connected per channel. Everything seems to be fine. And to make things really good, another 4-ohm speaker is switched in parallel, then the total resistance is 2 ohms and 5 speakers are connected to each channel.
There are also more witty combinations. For example, three speakers are placed on a channel. One 8 ohm, and two 4 ohm. The four-ohm ones are connected in series and an eight-ohm one is connected to them in parallel. The sum is again 4 Ohms, from a mathematical point of view everything is fine.

But there are nuances. The trouble is that the power between the speakers is not distributed evenly. Some are overloaded, others are resting.
To figure out what's what here, you need a little math.
Let's say that we have two speakers with resistance R 1 and R 2 and they are both connected to the same amplifier channel in series or parallel. The amplifier power P will be distributed between the speakers:

P=P 1 +P 2

where P 1 and P 2 are the powers that “arrive” on the dynes.
What is the ratio of these powers? How different can they be?

Serial connection

If the speakers are connected in series, then a total current flows through them. The power dissipated by them will be I 2 R 1 and I 2 R 2, respectively

P=I 2 R 1 +I 2 R 2

where I is the total current flowing through both speakers.

From the last equation it is clearly clear that the power will be dissipated more on the dyne that has greater resistance. That is, if we connect an 8-ohm and a 4-ohm speaker in series, the 8-ohm speaker will be loaded more. This sounds strange to many, but it is true. Therefore, I would categorically not recommend connecting speakers with different resistances in series. In fact, only one will work.

What happens if the speakers have the same impedance? In theory, the power should be distributed evenly. But there is one thing that is almost never written about - the reactive component of the total resistance. The impedance is not constant, it depends on the frequency of the signal supplied to the speaker coil. As the frequency increases, the impedance increases, and the inductance of the voice coil is to blame. Everyone knows this.
But there is another component of impedance that is very important and never mentioned. The fact is that a speaker is not just a coil with inductance, it also moves in a magnetic field. Essentially, any speaker of a popular design is a reciprocating electrical machine. Electric motor. Like almost all electric machines, it is reversible. This means that during operation the speaker generates some EMF which is expressed in an increase in impedance - total resistance. The greater the amplitude of the oscillations, the greater the total resistance will be. The increase in impedance is not large over almost the entire audio range and does not have a noticeable effect. Apparently that's why they don't remember her. But near the speaker's natural resonant frequency, the magnitude of the back-EMF is so large that the associated increase in impedance can be 10-20 times greater than all other components of the impedance.

Look at the picture. It shows the real impedance characteristic of the Oris GR-654 speaker. At the resonant frequency its total impedance is 48 ohms. This is simply a colossal amount. It is more than 10 times the total resistance over the operating range.

Why did we talk about this phenomenon at all?
The fact is that when you buy a pair of speakers, they are the same only formally. In fact, the speakers, even taken out of the same box, are slightly different. In some places the coils are a couple of turns larger, in others the movement is a little harder or softer, etc. In any case, the dynamics will oscillate with different amplitudes. Then one will have more resistance than the other. The power will not be distributed evenly. And if the speakers operate near resonance, and this is almost always the case, the situation will not be pleasant at all. The speaker with more resistance will be loaded more. A little. The vibration amplitude of its diffuser will be slightly larger. Accordingly, the resistance will increase even more, which will further increase the imbalance in power, which will increase the resistance even more, and so on. But we remember that near resonance the resistance can increase 10 times. One of the speakers will take care of everything. This results in a classic version of a system with positive feedback. One of the speakers will quickly overload, while the other will rest. There can be no talk of normal sound. You will have to “cut” the dynes at frequencies significantly higher than the resonance frequency.
In general, I would not recommend connecting speakers in series. With midrange drivers and tweeters this still works out somehow, but with subwoofers it’s a problem. They always operate in an area of ​​strong impedance unevenness. Therefore, if two speakers are connected in series (namely speakers, not coils of one speaker, this is important), only one works and is quickly overloaded, and the second dangles like a passive radiator. I have never seen a normally working subwoofer with two speakers connected in series. Even by eye it is clear that their diffusers do not vibrate in phase. This is often attributed to the wrong case, although it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The attached video clearly shows how two Oris LW-D2.12 speakers connected in series work completely at odds. Not in antiphase, as it might seem at first glance, but out of tune. This is due to the fact that with large oscillation amplitudes, a large imbalance in the load between the speakers develops.

Parallel connection.

If the speakers are connected in parallel, the currents flow through them are different, but the signal across them is exactly the same. Therefore, the power distribution equation can be written in another form:

P=U 2 /R 1 +U 2 /R 2

where U is the signal supplied to the speakers.

This equation shows that the lower the speaker impedance, the more power it dissipates. If you connect an 8-ohm and a 4-ohm speaker in parallel, the 4-ohm speaker will be loaded mostly. The other will be in a relaxed state.

If we connect speakers with the same impedance, the power distribution between them will be completely different. Here there will be a classical system with negative feedback. That is, the greater the resistance of the speaker, the less power will be dissipated on it. The system will operate absolutely stably, the power will be distributed almost equally. You can even turn on speakers of different sizes from different manufacturers, and there will be no imbalance.
In general, parallel connection is the best option for any speakers. The only one for subs.

Should I combine parallel and serial connections?

I would not recommend it, especially if speakers with different resistances are connected. For example, if you connect two 4-ohm speakers in series and another 8-ohm speaker connected to them, the power will be distributed extremely unevenly across them. At best, 50% for 8-ohm, and 25% for 4-ohm.

In principle, it is possible to connect speakers in series/parallel with the same resistance, but it is worth remembering that there can be a large imbalance in power between those connected in series.

How to connect speakers?

Definitely parallel, and everything will be fine. Speakers of any type and in any quantity should be connected in parallel, if of course it makes sense. Of course, the total resistance must be within the tolerance of the amplifier. It is worth connecting more than two speakers per channel only in this case. if you have a really powerful amplifier, 500 or more watts per channel. No matter how you connect the speakers, the amplifier's power will be distributed across them. And if your amplifier has 100-150 W, you shouldn’t expect much output. Two dynes in parallel - that's all it will be. And the output will be noticeably higher, and you will get everything out of the amplifier.