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Professional Medical Association of Traditional Medicine. Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine

"Academy of Traditional traditional medicine» formed by the Act on the opening of the "Academy of Folk Medicine". “September 24, 1992 at 13:40, with a favorable arrangement of stars and planets on this moment In the city of Yekaterinburg, the "ACADEMY OF FOLK MEDICINE" opens. The purpose of the Academy of Traditional Medicine To revive the almost lost secrets traditional healers and return them to service for the healing of people. Using the achievements of science and technology, hand in hand with official medicine, to strive for effective assistance to patients in the fight against their suffering. Bring the light of knowledge of traditional medicine to people. The act was signed by the Mayor of Yekaterinburg, the Head of the Main Department of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Head of the Department of Yekaterinburg, the Director of the MP Culture "Mercury", the President of the Academy of Traditional Medicine M.M. Obydennov. The act is kept by the President of the Academy.

On December 5, 1996, by the Decision of the Meeting of Founding Scientists, Protocol No. 1, the Charter of the Academy of Traditional Folk
Medicine", which was registered on January 27, 1997 by the Department of Justice of the Sverdlovsk Region under No. 1743.
The same Protocol was approved by the President of the Academy Anatoly Aleksandrovich Trubitsyn, doctor, organizer of healthcare of the highest category, graduate of the Ural State Medical Academy, bioenergy therapist, parapsychologist - consultant, psychic, candidate of medical sciences, Master of Traditional Medicine, chief physician of the sanatorium "White Sobol" of the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical factory.
Today, the "Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine" is the only institution in Russia that comprehensively works with specialists in folk methods of diagnosing and correcting the state of human health, social and natural environment.

  • The president: Trubitsyn Anatoly Aleksandrovich, professor, academician of the International and Russian Academies; Master of Traditional Medicine, Oriental Medicine, enioengineering; doctor of the highest category in the organization of health care, reflexology, physiotherapy, dietology; bioenergy therapist, psychoenergy suggestologist, radiesthesist (biolocation), proscopist, international-class enioengineer (energy information exchange engineer), parapsychologist - psychic consultant; Master - teacher of the International class; Master of dowsing; Healer of the World; Honored Healer of the 1st degree of Russia and the CIS; Honored Engineer; Elite of Russia; Doctor of Energy Information Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Head of the Higher School of Energy Engineers of Russia; President of the Academy of Enioengineers of Russia; President of the Ural Interregional Branch of the Russian and International Academy of Proscopic Sciences named after M. Nostradamus;
    President of the Professional Medical Association of Folk Healers of Russia; member of the European Professional League of Psychotherapists; author 116 scientific articles, books, manuals for doctors and traditional medicine specialists; Best of the best Healer of Russia; He was awarded the Honorary Gold Medal "For Humanism and Help to People" of the "International Fund" and the Honorary Gold Medal "For Practical Contribution to Strengthening the Health of the Nation" of the World Association of Earth Civilization, healers, healers, enioengineers of the Public United Nations.
  • Goals and objectives; 1. Creation of a System aimed at reviving the natural abilities of a person, making it possible
    survive and improve in the most extreme conditions. 2. Association of Persons with knowledge of traditional medicine. 3. The direction of the forces of specialists to improve the health of the population. 4. Carrying out diagnostics, correction, treatment and prevention of diseases of the population and animals by methods and means of traditional medicine, extraordinary methods. 5. Research study of the impact of folk and extraordinary methods on humans and animals. 6. Determining the possibilities of traditional medicine in creating a system aimed at improving the health of the population, preserving the gene pool, and self-regulating the health of the nation. 7. Further development of the scientific basis traditional methods treatment and the introduction of scientific achievements in the practice of healing. 8. Integration of folk and classical (official) medicine. 9. Decision of personnel policy in healing. 10. Training of healers, their expert evaluation. 11. Promotion of knowledge of traditional medicine and a healthy lifestyle. 12. Training in methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. 13. Pharmaceutical activity. 14. Editorial and publishing activities. 15. Advanced training of specialists, organization of practice by them, exchange of experience. 16. Creation of enterprises and organizations to achieve the goals of their activities. 17. Social, material, moral, psychological and other support and protection of specialists. 18. Attraction of resources and implementation of unrealized operations. 19. Carrying out other activities not prohibited by law, aimed at achieving the statutory goals. 20. Training of healers, enioengineers, their expert assessment. 21. Training of teachers of primary education of the population in enioengineering, masters - teachers.
  • Activity: Conducting and participation in events: Congresses, Forums, scientific and practical conferences, training seminars; courses of primary training, advanced training, improvement. Forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time. Election as full members of the Academy. Expert - qualification assessment. Expertise. Lectures.
  • Structure: President, leading teachers, teachers of primary training, Academic Council, expert qualification Council, Senate of Academicians.
  • Encouragement measures: Gratitude, Certificate of Honor, Diplomas, etc.
  • Graduate attributes: Academic badge, personal seal of a specialist, badge of Academician.
  • Publishing activity: manuals, books, brochures, magazines, newspaper.
  • Symbolism: A green cross with a medical bowl, a royal crown, the letter "A", the branches of a plant.

Honorary Member of the Academy of Traditional Medicine.

By the decision of the Academic Council of the Academy of Traditional Medicine dated November 29, 2008, protocol No. 009, the following were elected as Honorary Members of the Academy:

1. Anisimova Smertina Konstantinovna, Russia, Yakutsk

2. Galperin Yakov Grigorievich, Moscow

3. Grabar Yuri Nikolaevich, Moscow

4. Goskova Galina Stepanovna, Russia, Barnaul

5. Zhelannaya Galina Efremovna, Russia, Moscow

6. Zhukova Ganna Mikhailovna, Russia, Moscow

7. Ignatenko Albert Venediktovich, Kyiv

8. Kocherganov Pavel Nikolaevich, Russia, Penza

9. Krishnev Valery Kuzmich, Belarus, Minsk

10. Klerikov Nikolay Vladimirovich, Russia, Samara

11. Nosacheva Natalia Grigorievna, Russia, Moscow

12. Novikov Ippolit Grigorievich, Russia, Perm

13. Ozerov Nikolai Dmitrievich, Belarus, Myadel

14. Polubotonov Alexander Petrovich, Russia, Moscow

The association was registered on 21.08.2008. is in the TOP10 rating of the leading associations in the field of traditional medicine. President of the Association Egorov Vladimir Vladimirovich. specialists of traditional and traditional medicine are conducted by the Russian Research Innovation Center "Eurasia". entered in the UNIFIED REGISTER of registered systems of voluntary certification ( ROSSTANDART) dated February 4, 2014, reg. No. ROSS RU.31163.04ZHMFO in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated October 10, 2012 No. No. 1440 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology public service on maintaining a unified register of registered systems of voluntary certification” (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 11, 2013, reg. No. 27594). Voluntary certification is carried out in accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002. "On technical regulation". In addition, the resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology No. 26 dated May 10, 2000 approved the rules for certification in the territory Russian Federation . The documentation of the System was prepared with amendments, additions and Regulations on the registration of the voluntary certification system (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 23, 2004 No. 32).

Certification in the System of voluntary certification of services of psychologists, healers, practitioners of alternative medicine and esotericists is an independent and qualified assessment of the quality of services provided, establishes the compliance of objects of certification with the characteristics of the services of the group All-Russian classifiers included in National Standardization System of the Russian Federation by codes: OK, OKZ, OKVED. Thus, the services provided by specialists, experts, centers and schools certified in the System are allowed to be used in the Russian Federation. Certification establishes compliance with and conduct of activities for the provision of services in accordance with the Federal Law "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ, the Federal Law "On the protection of rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs when exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control” of December 26, 2008 N 294, Federal Law “On Advertising” (clause 7 of article 7) and Clarification of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of September 30, 2011 No. AK / 37027, Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights" dated 07.02.1992. No. 2300-1, Federal Law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ.

  • Application for certification
  • Events:
  • Registered inFederal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (ROSSTANDARD) dated February 4, 2014, reg. No. ROSS RU.31163.04ZHMFO

Astrakhan regional branch All-Russian public organization

Bashkir Republican Branch Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Belgorod regional branch of the All-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Bryansk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Buryat Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Vladimir Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Volgograd regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences, RANM

Voronezh regional branchAll-Russian public organization

Irkutsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Kaliningrad regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Kirov regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Kostroma regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Krasnodar Regional BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Krasnoyarsk Regional BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Kurgan regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Lipetsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Mari-El Republican BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Moscow City BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Moscow regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Nizhny Novgorod Regional BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Novgorod regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Novosibirsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Omsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Penza regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Perm regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Primorsky Regional BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Rostov regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Samara regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

St. Petersburg City BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Saratov regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Sakha (Yakutia) republican branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Sakhalin regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Sverdlovsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Stavropol regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Tatar republican branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Tver regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Tomsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Tula regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Tyumen regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Ulyanovsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Khabarovsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Khakass Republican BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Chelyabinsk regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Chuvash Republican BranchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Yaroslavl regional branchAll-Russian public organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Central Expert and Qualification Commission of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Traditional and Traditional Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Central Inspectorate for Quality Control of Services of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists, RAS,

Committee for Professional Training of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Traditional and Traditional Medicine, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Traditional and Traditional Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Members of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Traditional and Folk Medicine, RAS,

Council for Professional Awards of the All-Russian Public Organization

(Award Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences) of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Traditional and Folk Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Treatment of diseases with folk remedies

  • Longevity. Traditional medicine recipes
  • Serpent bite. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Radiation sickness. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Self-massage. Traditional medicine recipes
  • Body cleansing. Folk remedies
  • Liver cleansing. Folk remedies
  • Kidney cleansing. Folk remedies
  • Vessel cleansing. Folk remedies
  • Joint cleansing. Folk remedies
  • Thorn (osteochondrosis). Treatment with folk remedies
  • Spurs. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Neuralgia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Osteochondrosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Radiculitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Arthritis, salt deposits, articular rheumatism. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Legs. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Burns. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Edema. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Salt deposits. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Fractures. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Polyarthritis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Stretching of ligaments, joints. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rheumatism. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Thrombophlebitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Tuberculosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prostate adenoma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Allergy. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Belmo. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Insomnia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Diabetes diabetes. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Diathesis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Nettle in traditional medicine recipes
  • Anemia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Meningitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Myoma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Mint (and lemon balm) in traditional medicine recipes
  • Collection of herbs medicinal raw materials
  • Garlic. Traditional medicine recipes
  • Celandine. Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for the treatment of respiratory organs

  • Breath. Traditional medicine recipes
  • Cough. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Aeroionization in the treatment of respiratory diseases
  • Hydroaeroionization in the treatment of respiratory diseases
  • Bronchitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for bronchitis
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchial asthma
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Asthma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for asthma
  • Inhalations in the treatment of respiratory diseases
  • Steam inhalation
  • Dry inhalations
  • Oil inhalations

Folk recipes for colds

  • Kalina with honey, a recipe for colds
  • Folk remedies for colds
  • Cold. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Runny nose. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the common cold
  • Treatment of acute rhinitis with folk remedies
  • Treatment of chronic rhinitis with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for cough
  • How to measure body temperature in a child
  • How to lower body temperature
  • Seizures in a child with a high temperature (febrile convulsions)
  • Behavior of parents at the onset of seizures in a child
  • Cough treatment with folk remedies
  • Cough (Avicenna treatment)
  • Folk remedies for perspiration with fever
  • Remedies for thirst (according to Avicenna)
  • Remedies for chills (according to Avicenna)
  • Flu. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Treatment of influenza with folk remedies
  • flu tea recipe
  • Treatment of adenovirus infections with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for fever and fever

Folk recipes for the treatment of throat

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of throat
  • Angina. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of angina
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis
  • Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies
  • Treatment of angina folk remedies
  • Treatment of chronic tonsillitis with folk remedies
  • Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies
  • Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies
  • Treatment of tracheitis with folk remedies
  • Croup treatment at home
  • Treatment of the larynx with folk remedies after the operation of removing papillomas
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of laryngeal cancer

Folk recipes for the treatment of diseases of the nose

  • Nasal lavage
  • Treatment of nasal polyps with folk remedies
  • How to cure nasal polyps without surgery
  • Treatment of nosebleeds folk remedies
  • Treatment of vasomotor and allergic rhinitis with folk remedies
  • Sinusitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedy for sinusitis
  • Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies
  • Tips for treating sinusitis
  • Tips for treating sinusitis
  • Treatment of a furuncle of the nose with folk remedies
  • Avicenna on damage to the sense of smell

Folk recipes for the treatment of ears

  • Treatment of an ear boil with folk remedies
  • Treatment of otitis with folk remedies
  • Treatment of Meniere's disease with folk remedies
  • Treatment of hearing loss and neuritis of the auditory nerves with folk remedies
  • Vestibular training
  • Improving Your Hearing Through Exercise
  • Avicenna on maintaining health and treating ear diseases

Folk recipes for skin diseases

  • Folk remedies for corns
  • Corns. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Warts. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of warts
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus
  • Fungus. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Candidomycosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedy for psoriasis
  • Psoriasis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for hair loss
  • Hair loss. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Ingrown nails. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Baldness treatment for dry skin
  • Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies
  • Treatment of eczema with folk remedies
  • Eczema. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for frostbite
  • How to treat bed sores with folk remedies
  • Vitiligo. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Lichen. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rash, acne, skin inflammation. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Furuncles, acne, abscesses. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Ulcers and wounds. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes for metabolic disorders

  • Folk remedies for metabolic disorders
  • Folk remedies for diabetes
  • Folk remedies for diabetes
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of non-toxic goiter
  • Folk remedy for gout
  • Folk remedies for gout
  • Folk remedies for Itsenko-Cushing's disease
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of joints
  • Folk remedies for seizures
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of sciatica
  • Swelling feet, traditional medicine
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of obesity

Folk recipes for diseases of the urinary system

  • Kidneys. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Cystitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of pyelonephritis
  • Folk remedies for kidney stones
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of urolithiasis
  • URINARY INCONTINENCE. Treatment with folk remedies
  • What is prostate adenoma
  • Herbs for the treatment of prostate adenoma
  • Prostate stimulation with legs
  • Treatment of prostate adenoma with zinc and linseed oil

Folk recipes for gastrointestinal diseases

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis
  • Gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of peptic ulcer
  • Cancer of the stomach, intestines, polyps. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Liver. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of cholecystitis
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of gallstone disease
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatitis
  • Pancreas. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of colitis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for diarrhea
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence
  • Folk remedies for constipation
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids
  • Haemorrhoids. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Colon cancer and polyps. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes for gynecological diseases

  • Folk remedies for the prevention of miscarriage
  • Treatment of thrush with folk remedies
  • Treatment of trichomoniasis in folk medicine
  • Treatment of gonorrhea at home
  • Traditional medicine for injuries of the genital organs
  • Folk remedies for bending the uterus
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of vulvovaginitis
  • Folk remedies for endometritis
  • Treatment of appendages with folk remedies
  • Traditional medicine for tuberculosis of the genital organs
  • Traditional medicine for menopause
  • Home remedies for menopause
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome
  • Folk remedies to stimulate menstruation
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches before menstruation
  • Internal bleeding (uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal). Treatment with folk remedies
  • Mastopathy. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for headaches

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches with vegetovascular dystonia
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and associated headaches
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches with hypertension
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches with brain disorders
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches after injuries
  • Treatment of migraine folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of migraine
  • Traditional medicine for migraine
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of headaches in nervous diseases
  • Folk remedies for headaches of nervous origin
  • Headache Treatment Tips
  • Headache. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of the circulatory system

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of hypertension
  • Folk remedy for hypertension
  • Hypertension. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of hypertension
  • Stroke. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Atherosclerosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of coronary artery disease
  • Traditional medicine for pain in the heart
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of angina pectoris
  • Angina. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of arrhythmias
  • Tachycardia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Traditional medicine for varicose veins
  • Phlebeurysm. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of anemia
  • Iron to treat anemia
  • What plant foods contain iron
  • When to see a doctor for anemia
  • Treatment of anemia without drugs, alternative treatment
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of rheumatism

Alternative treatment for allergies

  • Treatment of allergies without drugs
  • When to See a Doctor for Allergies
  • Food for allergies
  • Water treatment for allergies
  • Herbal Allergy Treatment
  • Massage for allergies

Other folk recipes

  • Toothache. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for toothache
  • Treatment of gum inflammation with medicinal herbs
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of glaucoma
  • Folk remedies for neurocirculatory dystonia
  • Folk sedatives
  • Folk remedies for insomnia
  • Traditional medicine for hysteria
  • Folk vitamin remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of alcoholism
  • Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning
  • Therapeutic compresses
  • Hygienic baths
  • Therapeutic baths
  • Medicinal baths
  • How to put mustard plasters
  • The use of mustard plasters in ancient medicine
  • How to put banks
  • The healing properties of roses
  • Folk remedies for sweating
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of panaritium
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of boils
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of hernia
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of burns

Alternative Medicine in Neurology

  • Bioresonance methods of treatment of diseases of the nervous system
  • Health and condition of the chakras
  • The role of light in maintaining health

Chronic alcoholism

  • Chronic alcoholism
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Alcoholism
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Alcoholism. Treatment with folk remedies

Alzheimer's disease

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Bioenergy Therapy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Natural remedies for dementia, Alzheimer's disease
  • When to See a Doctor for Alzheimer's Disease

Amnesia (memory disorder)

  • Amnesia (memory disorder)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Amnesia
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of amnesia
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Amnesia
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Amnesia


  • Arachnoiditis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Bioenergy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of arachnoiditis


  • Asthenia
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of asthenia
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • AROMATHERAPY in the treatment of asthenia
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of asthenia
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Asthenia
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of asthenia

  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels (cerebrosclerosis)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis


  • Insomnia
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of insomnia
  • Yoga therapy for insomnia
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of insomnia
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Insomnia
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of insomnia

Vegetative neurosis

  • Vegetative neurosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of autonomic neurosis
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of autonomic neurosis


  • Headache
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of headaches
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of headaches
  • Traditional Chinese medicine for headaches
  • Yoga therapy for headaches
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Aromatherapy for headaches
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of headache
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Headaches
  • Bioenergy Therapy and Reiki Therapy for Headache Treatment
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Headaches


  • Depression
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of depression
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of depression
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of depression
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Depression
  • Yoga therapy for depression
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of depression
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of depression
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of depression
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of depression
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Depression
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Depression
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Depression

Cerebral palsy

  • Cerebral palsy

diencephalic syndrome

  • diencephalic syndrome
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of cerebral palsy


  • Stroke
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of stroke
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of stroke
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine for Stroke Treatment
  • Yoga therapy for stroke
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of stroke
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Stroke
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy for Stroke Treatment
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in Stroke Treatment


  • Meningitis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Meningitis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of meningitis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Bioenergy Therapy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Meningitis
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of meningitis

Induced Information Pathologies

  • Induced Information Pathologies (NIP)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • FRD and FRT in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of induced informational pathologies
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of induced informational pathologies

Neuralgia and neuritis (plexitis)

  • Neuralgia and neuritis (plexitis)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis


  • Neurosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of neurosis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of neurosis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of neurosis

brain tumors

  • brain tumors
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • HOMEOPATHY in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Brain Tumors
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Brain Tumors
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of brain tumors

parkinson's disease

  • parkinson's disease
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease


  • Psychopathy
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Psychopathy
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Bioenergy Therapy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Psychopathy
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Psychopathy


  • Radiculitis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of sciatica
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of sciatica
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of sciatica
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of sciatica

Multiple sclerosis

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Reactive States

  • Reactive States
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Psychogenic Reactions
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Bioenergy therapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Chakratherapy and meditation in the treatment of psychogenic reactions

  • hyperactive behavior syndrome
  • EDT and naturopathy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Hyperactive Behavior
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • AROMATHERAPY in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Color Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Hyperactive Behavior
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Hyperactive Behavior
  • Chakra Therapy and Meditation in the Treatment of Hyperactive Behavior

chronic fatigue syndrome

  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

traumatic brain injury

  • traumatic brain injury
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of traumatic brain injury

Mental retardation in children

  • Mental retardation in children
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Mental Retardation in Children
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Bioenergy and reiki therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of mental retardation in children


  • Epilepsy
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Epilepsy
  • Yoga therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Mineral therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • PRD and PRT in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Color resonance therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Bioenergy and Reiki Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy
  • Chakra therapy and meditation in the treatment of epilepsy

Tips and recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Continued in section -Alternative treatment . All about folk treatment of various diseases. Recipes for treatment with herbs and natural products.

1. Folk recipes for beet treatment. Recipes for the treatment of beetroot and beetroot juice for various diseases. The use of beets for cleaning and general strengthening of the body.
2. Treatment with beetroot juice
. Recipes for the use of beetroot juice in the treatment of various diseases. Therapeutic use of beetroot.
3. Treatment of angina folk remedies
. Simple, harmless and effective recipes for the treatment of angina with folk remedies.
4. Diet for gastritis
. Dairy diet is indicated for gastritis with high acidity. Diet for gastritis can be used for other diseases of the stomach. Compliance with a dairy diet contributes to weight loss. The diet is balanced and scheduled for every day of the week.
5. medicinal carrot
. The use of carrots for medicinal purposes. Treatment with carrots for almost all diseases. It is useful for the eyes, growing children's body. In terms of vitamin content, it has no equal.
6. Folk remedies for insomnia
. If you are tormented by insomnia, how can you help your body without medication? Recipes for folk remedies for insomnia.
7. Cleansing the body
. On the need for regular preventive cleansing of the body from toxins. Recipes for cleansing the body, in particular the liver and intestines, folk remedies.
8. Psammotherapy
. Psammotherapy is a method of treating diseases such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia, consequences of injuries and other diseases with heated sand. Description of the method of treatment and prescriptions for the use of psammotherapy.
9. Folk treatment with juices of leg diseases
. Folk treatment with juices of diseases of the legs. Detailed recipes.
10. Alternative treatment with honey for leg diseases
. Recipes for folk treatment of leg diseases with honey. Treatment with honey, both internal and external. Diseases such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities are successfully treated.
11. Recipes for external treatment of foot diseases
. Recipes for foot baths and rubbing for external treatment of leg diseases: thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
12. Folk recipes for the treatment of cabbage juice
. Truly folk, simple and effective recipes for the treatment of various diseases with cabbage juice.
13.Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol
. Excess cholesterol is known to be harmful to health. Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol. Simple recipes.
14. Alternative treatment of angina without antibiotics
. Treatment of angina with folk remedies is possible only in the early stages of the disease. Basic principles of alternative treatment of angina without antibiotics.
15. Herbal treatment for diabetes
. Plants used in diabetes mellitus cannot replace insulin or its synthetic analogues. They are an additional adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes. Recipes for folk treatment of diabetes with herbs.
16. Cedar - medicine from God's pharmacy
. Herbs grow in God's pharmacy to cure any disease. Cedar in God's pharmacy is an exceptionally valuable medicine that knows no equal.
17. Alternative treatment of anosmia
. A disease in which the sense of smell is lost is called anosmia. Recipes for folk treatment of anosmia.
18. Alternative treatment of epilepsy
. What herbs can be used to treat epilepsy. Recipes for folk treatment of epilepsy. Healer recommendations.
19. Removal of stones from the gallbladder
. The most effective and proven recipes for removing stones from the gallbladder.
20. Shevchenko method in cancer treatment
. Description of the Shevchenko method in the treatment of cancer. Do's and don'ts during treatment. Contraindications to treatment by the Shevchenko method.
21. Treatment of a cold with folk remedies
. Recipes for the treatment of colds with folk remedies: diaphoretic folk remedies, anti-cold folk remedies, anti-inflammatory folk remedies
22. Alternative treatment for insomnia and depression
. Recipes for folk treatment of insomnia and depression. Alternative treatment of neurasthenia and nervous excitability. Folk recipe for trembling paralysis.
23. Alternative treatment of allergies
. Recipes and recommendations for folk treatment of allergies. Antiallergic drugs (medicinal plants) for folk treatment of allergies.
24. Treatment of skin diseases with folk remedies
. Treatment of folk remedies for scabies, eczema and lichen.
25. Alternative treatment of dysentery
. Dysentery is an infectious disease. Recipes for the treatment of dysentery folk remedies.
26. Traditional medicine did not disappoint
. Recipe for the treatment of cataracts with propolis. Recommendations for the treatment of burdock. The use of burdock for baldness and dandruff
27. Folk recipes: honey - from dandelions, kvass - from beets
. Simple folk recipes for making honey from dandelions, tincture and kvass from beets.
28. Joint diseases. Alternative treatment
. Recipes for folk treatment of diseases of the joints.
29. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
. Recipes for the treatment of lumbago folk remedies.
30. Ginger tea
. Perfectly tones and restores strength, is used in the treatment of many diseases.
31. prostate cleansing
. Prostate cleansing is indicated for prostatitis, prostate adenoma and problems with potency. Recipes for cleansing the prostate gland.
32. Folk treatment for heel spurs
. Recipes for folk treatment of heel spurs.
33. Kerosene to get rid of bed bugs
. Recipes for getting rid of bedbugs and other insects with kerosene and affordable folk remedies.
34. Gastric and duodenal ulcer
. Causes and symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Recipes for folk treatment of stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers
35. Alternative treatment of herpes and cough
. Folk recipes for the treatment of cough and herpes.
36.Alternative treatment of atherosclerosis
. Folk recipes for the treatment of atherosclerosis and to maintain cholesterol levels.
In harmony with nature . Man should be as close to nature as possible. Stonecrop large, motherwort tea, Bogorodskaya grass and alder bark will help in the treatment of diseases.
Folk cold treatment . Recipes for folk treatment of colds with onions, garlic, radish with honey, linden tea with honey and other folk remedies.
Folk remedies for toothache . How to get rid of a toothache at home with the help of folk remedies.
Phlebeurysm. Alternative treatment . Recipes for folk treatment of varicose veins with herbs, onions and garlic.
Folk recipes from Joseph Zakharenko
. Bee "vaccinations" for the treatment of bedwetting. Alternative treatment of periodontal disease and vitilgo.
. Folk recipes for the treatment of allergies
Treatment of leukemia folk remedies
. Recipes for the treatment of leukemia folk remedies. Means for increasing leukocytes.
Alternative treatment of boils and eczema
. Folk (grandmother's) recipes for the treatment of eczema and boils.
Alternative treatment of arrhythmia, hypertension and hypotension
. Folk recipes for the treatment of arrhythmia, hypertension and hypotension.
Alternative treatment of angina pectoris and heart failure
. Folk recipes for the treatment of angina pectoris and heart failure.
Folk health recipes
. Folk recipes for the treatment of Gledichia. Folk recipe - how to remove a splinter. Folk recipe for sunbathing for the ears.
Herbal tea for the family . If you want "family tea" to become a tradition, by all means involve children in its creation. Children over one year old love to work with herbs, inhale their various aromas, help pick, chop and pack.
Alternative treatment of pneumonia and cough . With pneumonia, folk remedies to speed up the cure should be used in parallel with the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Folk treatment for cough.

See sections - Alternative medicine
And Modern and traditional medicine

The section contains traditional medicine recipes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Recipes for cleansing the body. Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases.
Latest articles:Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies. If we talk about folk recipes, then various natural elements will help cure epilepsy. For example, you can periodically take a bath with a decoction of forest hay.

Features of the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with folk remedies. The action of folk remedies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes is primarily aimed at the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or fatty hepatosis.

Treatment of gout with folk remedies. Despite the sonorous popular name "The Disease of Kings", there is nothing aristocratic in gout. The following folk recipes will help to cope with gout: Pour 0.5 kg of iodized salt into a saucepan ...

Treatment of inguinal hernia with folk remedies. How to cure an inguinal hernia in women using traditional medicine recipes. The best recipes. Before using this or that remedy, you will need to consult a doctor.

Diabetes mellitus - treatment with folk remedies. Diabetes is a diagnosis that can scare anyone. Folk remedies, whose action is aimed at reducing blood sugar, will help speed up the healing process.

Folk remedies for the rapid fusion of bones in case of a fracture. In case of fractures, the doctor first sets the bone fragments, and then applies a splint or plaster cast. The use of traditional medicine will help the speedy fusion of bones.

Treatment of binge with folk remedies. At home, binge drinking can be easily cured with folk remedies. Recipes for the treatment of hard drinking folk remedies.

Microscopy treatment. Folk remedies. Microsporia is a very common fungal disease that affects human skin and hair.

Folk remedies for the treatment of bumps on the toes. There are many effective traditional medicine recipes aimed at treating bumps on the toes.

Headache treatment with folk remedies . Headache is the most common type of pain, but its severity can vary greatly. For example, chamomile decoction demonstrates high efficiency against headaches.
Avitaminosis. Treatment with folk remedies . Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of beriberi. Recipes for the treatment of beriberi folk remedies
Treatment of migraine folk remedies . If for some reason it is impossible to seek medical help when a migraine begins, then you can try to alleviate the condition with folk, long-tried remedies.
Treatment of allergies with folk remedies . Anything can be an allergen, but most often it is plant pollen, animal dander, house dust, some kind of food product.

Hemlock cancer treatment . The method of treating cancer with hemlock is certainly not a 100% panacea, but there is numerous evidence of its positive effect on the disease, up to a complete cure or the transition of the disease into long-term remission.
1. Liver cleanse
. Liver cleanse recipes at home.
2. Removal of salts from the body. Folk recipes for removing salts from the body.
3. Cleansing the body with folk remedies . The best recipes for cleansing the body with folk remedies. Recipes for cleansing from toxins, toxins and poisons, from microbes, cleansing the kidneys from mucus, sand and stones, cleansing the lymphatic system and other recipes for cleansing the body
4. Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies . Recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis folk remedies. Salt cleansing recipes.
5. Obliterating endarteritis . Recipes for the treatment of obliterating endarteritis with folk remedies.
7. Alternative treatment of hemophilia and hemoptysis . Recipes for folk treatment of hemophilia (bleeding) and hemoptysis. Folk hemostatic agents.
8. Gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies . Symptoms of gastritis depending on the type. Recipes for the treatment of gastritis folk remedies.
9. Treatment of colitis with folk remedies . Recipes and recommendations for the treatment of colitis with folk remedies.
10. Alternative treatment of hyperthyroidism . Recommendations and recipes for alternative treatment of hyperthyroidism
11. Alternative treatment of cataracts. Recommendations and recipes for folk treatment of cataracts.
12. Folk treatment of glaucoma. Recipes for folk treatment of glaucoma.
13.Alternative treatment of eye diseases . Recipes for folk treatment of eye diseases. Treatment with folk remedies: walleye, conjunctivitis, myopia, night blindness. Recommendations for visual impairment and to improve vision.
14. Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies . Recipes for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with folk remedies.
15. Treatment of chronic enteritis . Recipes for the treatment of chronic enteritis folk remedies
16. Women's diseases. Folk recipes . Recipes for folk treatment of adnexitis. Treatment with folk remedies delay and absence of menstruation. Folk remedies to preserve the fetus, to alleviate labor pains, causing miscarriage of the fetus. Folk contraceptives.
17. Alternative treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, flatulence . Recommendations and recipes for the treatment of enteritis, flatulence (bloating), dysentery and diarrhea with folk remedies.
18. Treatment of thyroid diseases
. Recipes for folk treatment of thyroid diseases. Homeopathic treatment of thyroid diseases.
19. Alternative treatment for constipation
. Constipation poisons our body. Recipes and recommendations for folk treatment of constipation.
20. Alternative treatment of hemorrhoids
. Recipes and recommendations for folk treatment of hemorrhoids.
Alternative treatment of bradycardia . When treating bradycardia, you need to switch to a vegetarian diet, reduce physical activity and cold water treatments. Recipes for the treatment of bradycardia folk remedies.
22. Folk recipes for abrasions, bruises, scratches and bruises . What to do with abrasions, bruises, scratches and bruises. Folk recipes
23. Folk treatment of worms. Recipes for folk treatment of worms with medicinal herbs and natural medicinal products.
24. Folk treatment for insomnia . Recipes for folk treatment of insomnia with onions, garlic and other medicinal herbs.

  • medicinal plants
  • Therapeutic techniques
  • Treatment of diseases
  • Folk cosmetics
  • Cleansing the body
  • Traditional medicine

Popular Recipe Topics

Common cold, Cough, Stroke, Prevention, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Runny nose, Allergy, Cystitis, Headache, Bronchitis, Hypertension, Body cleanse, Insomnia, Burns, Hair problems, Sore throat, Colds, Joint pain, Diabetes, Angina pectoris , Cleansing the body, Diseases of the joints, Diseases of the legs, Atherosclerosis, Cataracts, Strengthening the immune system, Chronic fatigue, Pneumonia, Eczema, Hemorrhoids, Heartburn, Migraine, Bronchial asthma, Corns on the legs, Lowering cholesterol, Wounds, Strengthening blood vessels, Constipation, Angina, and other…

  • Hypotension
  • Headache
  • dizziness
  • Skin fungus
  • Hernias
  • Desynchronosis
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Diathesis
  • Dyskinesia
  • Diphtheria
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Diseases of the pancreas
  • Oral diseases
  • Constipation
  • Golden mustache healing recipes
  • Heartburn
  • hiccup
  • Immunity
  • Stroke
  • Infectious diseases
  • Cataract
  • Cough
  • kidney cyst
  • Climax
  • Colitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Treatment of lymph nodes
  • Bruise Treatment
  • Ear treatment
  • Celandine treatment
  • Lichen
  • lamblia
  • Makeup from the garden
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Meningitis
  • Mycosis
  • Thrush
  • Neuralgia
  • Neuritis
  • Nephrosis
  • Fainting
  • Obesity
  • burns
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • poisoning
  • Belching
  • Felon
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Psoriasis
  • Radiculitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Recipes from Vanga
  • Rhinitis
  • Sepsis
  • Sclerosis
  • angina pectoris
  • convulsions
  • Tibetan medicine
  • Nausea
  • Herbalist medicinal plants
  • Tuberculosis
  • Hair care
  • Facial care
  • Body care
  • Furuncle
  • Cholecystitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Cystitis
  • Thyroid
  • eczema
  • Enuresis
  • Epilepsy
  • Cervical erosion
  • Barley
  • Traditional medicine recipes if:
    Ear diseases;
    Varicose veins, skin ulcers, hemorrhoids;
    Metabolic disorders, obesity;
    Thyroid disease, diabetes;
    Diseases of the spleen;
    Wounds, ulcers, inflammation;
    Frostbite, burns, bedsores;
    Herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia;
    Bite, sting;
    Abscess, gangrene;
    Hernia, dropsy;
    Bad habits: Smoking, alcoholism;
    For the lungs: Pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, pleurisy.

    Folk remedies for hair:
    Hair growth, seborrhea, dandruff, useful tips.

    Eye Recipes:
    General prescriptions, walleye, glaucoma, cataracts;
    Barley, conjunctivitis, trachoma.

    Dental treatment:
    Caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
    Recipes for toothache.

    Folk remedies for diseases of the respiratory system:
    Cough, tonsillitis;
    Bronchial asthma;
    whooping cough, cold, flu;
    Runny nose, sinusitis.

    Recipes for cardiovascular diseases:
    Atherosclerosis, vascular sclerosis, arrhythmia;
    Angina pectoris, hypertension;
    Hypotension, cardiac asthma, myocardial infarction.

    Remedies for diseases of the nervous system:
    Insomnia, headache, neuralgia;
    Neuritis, neuroses, paralysis, parkinsonism, paralysis of the facial nerve;
    Radiculitis, convulsions, epilepsy.

    Folk recipes for blood diseases:
    Anemia, leukemia - leukemia;

    Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:
    Diseases of the esophagus, heartburn, stomach diseases;
    Gastritis, stomach ulcer;
    Pancreatitis, duodenitis, colitis, gastroenterocolitis, constipation;
    Diarrhea, flatulence.

    Recipes for diseases of the liver and gallbladder:
    Liver disease, cholecystitis;
    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Traditional medicine for diseases of the urinary system:
    Urination disorders, blood in the urine - hematuria, diuretics;
    Inflammation of the kidneys, nephritis, pyelonephritis;

    Remedies for stones:
    Stones in the kidneys, bladder or gallbladder;
    Colic of various origins.

    Treatment of male diseases:
    Prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
    Impotence, sexual excitability, testicular inflammation.

    Recipes for women's diseases:
    Leucorrhea, infertility, inflammation of the uterine appendages;
    Erosion of the cervix, uterine bleeding;
    Useful advice for women;
    Amenorrhea, mastitis, mastopathy.

    Remedies for diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
    Muscle disease, myopathy;
    Osteomyelitis, spurs;
    Osteoporosis, fractures;
    Stretching, dislocation.

    Treatment of skin diseases:
    Warts, vitiligo, herpes;
    Ringworm, ringworm, ringworm - psoriasis;
    Corn, erysipelas, acne;
    Furuncle, scabies, eczema;
    Cleaning, facial skin care;
    Skin care for hands and feet;
    Body skin care.

    Recipes for cancer:
    Cancer of the stomach, blood - leukemia;
    Other means.

    infectious diseases:
    Malaria, encephalitis, meningitis;
    Viral hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Traditional medicine recipes for children:
    Diseases of the eyes, ears, throat and lungs, gums and oral cavity, runny nose, asthma;
    Gastrointestinal, skin diseases, diathesis, metabolic disorders;
    Helminthiases, restless sleep, bedwetting;
    Hernia, rickets, rheumatism.

    If you have not found a remedy for a certain problem, then perhaps A.L. Sementsov - "2000 conspiracies and recipes of traditional medicine" or Vanga.

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    "Professional Medical Association of Folk Healers of Russia" was organized on 08.08.2006. on the basis of the Association of the Urals in the city of Yekaterinburg, in the center of Russia, on the border of Europe - Asia, at one of the vertices of the triangle of Jesus.

    • The president: Trubitsyn Anatoly Aleksandrovich, professor, academician of the International and Russian Academies; Master of Traditional Medicine, Oriental Medicine, enioengineering; doctor of the highest category in the organization of health care, reflexology, physiotherapy, dietology; bioenergy therapist, psychoenergy suggestologist, radioesthetist, proscopist; Master - teacher of the International class; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Energy Information Sciences; Elite of Russia; President of the Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine of the Urals; President of the Ural Branch of the International and Russian Academy of Proscopic Sciences. M. Nostradamus; President of the Academy of Enioengineers of Russia; Head of the Higher School of enioengineers; Russian professional; Healer of the World; Honored Healer of Russia and the CIS; Honored Engineer.
    • Vice President: Konovalova A.V., professor, academician; Honored Healer of Russia; Honored enioengineer, Elite of Russia, Master of Traditional Medicine, Professional of Russia.
    • Executive Director: Purgin Yu.V., hypnologist, enioengineer, Master of Traditional Medicine, Professional of Russia.
    • Head of the organizational and methodological department, secretary of the competitive award commission: Smirnova A.V., pharmacist, healer, valeologist. Tel.: 8-902-2618-012, 8-919-6570-805.
    • Goals and objectives: Coordination across the country of the efforts of specialists professionally working in the field of folk healing, medicine, quackery, shamanism, bioenergy informatics and enioengineering and association of professionally related public organizations on a federal basis. Formation of a unified Federal Register specialists. Creation of favorable conditions for the unification of specialists. Participation in solving urgent problems of improving the health of the population. Providing assistance to professionals in organizing both private practice and participation in the promotion of knowledge. Establishing partnerships with specialists from other regions of the Russian Federation. Organization for specialists of the system of vocational training and advanced training. Carry out publishing activities. Carrying out attestation, qualification, control activities, accreditation. To promote certification, certification, licensing, assignment of categories, titles and degrees, accreditation. Organize Forums, Congresses, conferences, seminars, lectures. Organization of educational divisions of the Association for primary education and advanced training. Conducting competitions and reviews of the work of specialists and centers. Rewarding and encouraging members of the Association. Attracting voluntary contributions, investments and donations to support and develop the Association, achieve the statutory goals and objectives.
    • Activity: Carrying out and participation in events: Congresses, Forums, conferences. Creation of an incentive and award Fund, holding cultural events for members of the Association.
    • Structure: President, Presidium, Vice-Presidents, Executive Director, Organizational and Methodological Department, Directors of Regional Centers in cities and regions of the Russian Federation, Expert Qualification Council, Award and Competition Committee, Accreditation Committee, Charitable Incentive and Award Fund.
    • Encouragement measures: Gratitude, Diploma, Honorary Diploma, Diploma for active work in the Association, Honorary Badge (breastplate) "For success in folk medicine" III, II, I degree, Title "Honored Healer of Russia" (healer, healer, enioengineer), Certificate "Best healer of Russia", "Best of the best healer of Russia", "Best healer", "Healer star" (medicine, healing, enioengineering, traditional medicine).
    • Membership: Membership card, annual fee - 1700 rubles. Funding: Membership fees, donations.
    • Symbolism: A shield with three crosses (green, red, blue) against the background of the Sun with rays, the word "PMANCR", the shield is bordered on both sides with laurel branches and a ribbon with the inscription "Russian Federation".
    • Publishing activity: monthly newspaper of the specialist "Enioengineer - healer", booklet "Stars".
    • Attributes: personal seal "People's Healer", pennants, badges, chevrons for overalls.