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Association of Folk Medicine Official. Professional Medical Association of People's Healers of Russia

"Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine" Formed act on the opening of the Academy of Folk Medicine. "On September 24, 1992, at 13 o'clock 40 minutes, with a favorable arrangement of stars and planets, the" Academy of Folk Medicine "opens in Yekaterinburg. The goal of the Academy of Folk Medicine will revive the almost lost secrets of people's healers and return them to a system for the healing of people. Using the achievements of science and technology, hand in hand with official medicine, strive for effective assistance to patients in the fight against their suffering. Carry the light of knowledge of traditional medicine to people. " The act was signed by the mayor of the city of K.kratlin, the head of the General Health Department of the Sverdlovsk Region, Head of the Office of Ekaterinburg, Director of MP Culture of Mercury, President of the Academy of Medicine M. M.Odenovnov. The act is kept by the President of the Academy.

On December 5, 1996, by a meeting of scientists - founders, Protocol No. 1 approved the Charter of the Academy of Traditional People's
medicine, "which January 27, 1997 is registered by the Office of Justice of the Sverdlovsk Region for # 1743.
The same protocol was approved by the President of the Academy of Trubitsyn Anatoly Alexandrovich, doctor, organizer of the Higher Category, graduate of the Ural State medical Academy, bioenergotherapist, parapsychologist - consultant, psychic, candidate of medical sciences, Master of Folk Medicine, Chief Physician Sanatorium "White Sable" of the Vest Iset Metallurgical Plant.
Today, the "Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine" is the only institution in Russia, comprehensively leading work with specialists of folk diagnostic methods and correction of human health, social and natural environments.

  • The president: Trubitsyn Anatoly Alexandrovich, Professor, Academician of International and Russian Academies; Master of Folk Medicine, Medicine of the East, Eniogengery; doctor of the Higher Category for Health, Reflexotherapy, Physiotherapy, Dietology; bioenergotherapist, psychoenergosughestologist, radi-displeased (biolocation), storage, eniogenger of an international class (engineer of energy information exchange), parapsychologist - psychic consultant; Master - Teacher of the International Class; Master of biolocation; Healer of the world; Honored Healer of the I degree of Russia and the CIS; Honored Eniogenner; Elite of Russia; Doctor of Energy Information Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Head of the Higher School of Enzymers of Russia; President of the Academy of Eniogenners of Russia; President of the Ural Interregional Department of the Russian and International Academy of Strocopical Sciences IM.NTRDAMUSA;
    President of the Professional Medical Association of People's Healers of Russia; Member of the European Professional League of Psychotherapists; Author 116. scientific articles, books, benefits for doctors and specialists of traditional medicine; Best of the best healer of Russia; He was awarded an honorary gold medal "For humanism and assistance to people of the International Foundation and the Honorary Gold Medal" For a Practical Contribution to Strengthening the Health of Nation "of the World Association of Earth Civilization, Snaggers, Healers, Eniogenners of the Public Association of Nations.
  • Goals and objectives; 1. Creating a system aimed at the revival of human natural abilities giving the opportunity
    survive and self-improvement in the most estimal conditions. 2. Association of persons who own the knowledge of traditional medicine. 3. The direction of the forces of specialists to improving the population. 4. Conducting diagnostics, correction, treatment and prevention of diseases and animals by methods and means of traditional medicine, extraordinary methods. 5. Research study of the impact of folk and extraordinary methods on humans and animals. 6. Determination of the possibilities of traditional medicine in creating a system aimed at improving the health of the population, preservation of the gene pool, self-regulation of the health of the nation. 7. Further development of the scientific basis traditional methods treatment and implementation of scientific advances in the practice of healing. 8. Integration of folk and classical (official) medicine. 9. Solution of personnel policy in healing. 10. Preparation of cadres of healers, their expert assessment. 11. Promoting knowledge of traditional medicine and a healthy lifestyle. 12. Education to the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. 13. Pharmaceutical activity. 14. Editorial - publishing. 15. Improving the qualifications of specialists, the organization of their practices, exchange of experience. 16. Creation of enterprises and organizations to implement the goals of their activities. 17. Social, material, moral, psychological and other support and protection of specialists. 18. Attracting resources and the introduction of non-operational operations. 19. Implementation of other activities not prohibited by law aimed at achieving statutory goals. 20. Preparation of the personnel of Snagraine, Eniogenners, their expert assessment. 21. Preparation of primary training teachers in Eniogenian, masters - teachers.
  • Events: Conducting and participation in events: Congresses, Forums, Scientific and Practical Conferences, Training Seminars; Primary training courses, advanced training, improvements. Forms of study: full-time, part-time, correspondence. Election by valid members of the Academy. Expert - Qualification Evaluation. Expertise. Lecture.
  • Structure: President, leading teachers, primary training teachers, Scientific Council, Expert Qualification Council, Senate Academicians.
  • Promotion measures: Gratitude, honorary diploma, diplomas, etc.
  • Graduate Attribution: Academic badge, personal seal of a specialist, breastgenest sign academician.
  • Publishing: manuals, books, brochures, magazines, newspaper.
  • Symbolism: The cross is green with a medical bowl, the royal crown, the letter "A", the branches of the plant.

Honorary member of the Academy of Medicine.

By the decision of the academic Council of the Academy of Folk Medicine dated November 29, 2008, the minutes of the Academy were elected by an honorary member of the Academy:

1. Anisimova Define Konstantinovna, Russia, Yakutsk

2. Galperin Yakov Grigorievich, Moscow

3. Grabar Yuri Nikolaevich, Moscow

4. Goskov Galina Stepanovna, Russia, Barnaul

5. Related Galina Efremovna, Russia, Moscow

6. Zhukova Ganna Mikhailovna, Russia, Moscow

7. Ignatenko Albert Venediktovich, Kiev

8. Kocherganov Pavel Nikolaevich, Russia, Penza

9. Krishnev Valery Kuzmich, Belarus, Minsk

10. Clericikov Nikolai Vladimirovich, Russia, Samara

11. Nosacheva Natalia Grigorievna, Russia, Moscow

12. Novikov Ippolit Grigorievich, Russia, Perm

13. Ozers Nikolai Dmitrievich, Belarus, Myadel

14. Halfotonov Alexander Petrovich, Russia, Moscow

Behind the sites, as behind colors and cars - need care. If the site launched and no one cares about him, then sooner or later it will stop working. But the site is not just text and pictures, this is the face of the company on the Internet, the sales channel. And when the site ceases to work at first glance, nothing happens, but with time calls and customers becomes less. Those who go to your site will think that the firm closed - after all, its site no longer works. Those who searched for your company on the Internet will not be able to find it - again the site does not work. Only competitors will be delighted.

"We ordered a website in our local web studio, everyone paid, and now our site has disappeared. Web studio phones do not take, I don't answer the letters, we arrived in the office - it turns out to be a long time ago." Unfortunately - typical situation. It happens "Our site was engaged in a programmer, he resigned with all passwords", "The company passed reorganization, while they were dealt with the affairs lost the site" and of course "I do not understand anything in these of your online, help repair our site."

"My company, YugpodazMunication LLC engaged in laying and servicing outdoor pipelines, the site made local Krasnodar developers in the distant 2008 and everything was fine - they watched him, updated, it was easy to find in Yandex. But I don't know what happened - Whether the crisis, whether the matter is tired of doing - the employee comes to me and says - Andrei Yuryevich, our website does not work, for today the second client has already told about it. I call programmers - and there "phone is not available." Site address on business cards Everywhere, on service machines. What to do something. I called familiar - they gave contact of St. Petersburg guys, I fixed the site to me and lead it. Thank! With respect, A.Yu. Bridgeov. " - client site

Steps to restore the site:

Call us by phone 8-800-333-16-58 or write to e-mail [Email Protected] To clarify the cost and timing of work. Restore the domain and the site is expensive, but reputational losses of the company and the cost of creating a new site are much higher than the cost of restoration work. The basic period of the renewal of the domain is 3 business days, the restoration of the site is 5 working days.

Fill out the questionnaire for a domain for an individual (download a questionnaire) or send the details of your legal entity. For work, the cost of which is from 7,000 rubles. It is possible to conclude a contract (download contract). Pay work.

What is a domain:

The domain is the site address on the Internet, a set of letters and numbers, as a phone number. Address of our site -, address of VKontakte -, address Yandex - Domains are registered and serviced by domain registrars. Each site on the Internet has its own domain. Your site also, only now the domain does not work and need to restore it.

To whom the domain is issued:

On an individual or on entity At your request. If you - individual entrepreneur, From the point of view of the legal status of domains, the domain is drawn up on you as an individual. For some domain registrars, it is possible to design and non-residents Russian Federation (Foreign individuals and companies).

Who owns the domain:

The domain is not an object of property law (as an apartment or car), therefore he has no owner from a legal point of view. Domain - recording in the registry of the domain registrar, who has an administrator who is in essence and is the owner (manages the domain, extends, can pass the domain to another administrator). You can check who is the domain administrator through the WHOIS service from the registrar, for example, in the axelname - if in the ORG field: written by Kreobits or Creobits - it means a domain with us if Private Person means a domain from a private person (in accordance with FZ-152 on personal Data, the recorder does not have the right to specify the name in public data and therefore the "Private Person" is written for all individuals).

We create on your profile of individuals or the requisites of Jurlitsa Account (Treaty) at the accredited domain registrar and carry out the domain registration for you. Create under the site new hosting and rebuild site pages with text and pictures on modern system Management of MODX sites. As a result, we get a fully working site that looks and filled in the same way as the site that you have had before. We pass to you passwords on the domain, site editor and hosting.

What is hosting:

In order for the site to be available via the Internet, it must be placed on the Internet server (specialized computer). This service is called " hosting"(from English. hosting.). Technically - the site is a set of files, it is posted on the hosting and becomes available from any device connected to the Internet. If hosting is good, then the site is always available, it works quickly and does not break. If hosting is bad - the site will work slowly and with interruptions. We place recovered sites on the equipment in the selektel data center (Moscow), this is one of the best hosting providers in the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is MODX:

MODX is a site management system from English. CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS). It is needed that the site worked, conducting an analogy - as Windows is a system for managing a computer, and Android is for a smartphone and tablet and MODX - this is the same, only for the site. But unlike Windows and Android, for sites there are hundreds of different intended and complexity of sites management systems, the most common of which 1C-Bitrix, UMI.cms, WordPress, Joomla and MODX. The main task of MODX, like any other CMS - ensure the work of the site and convenient tools for editing it with a programmer and editor (for example, your organization manager). CMS are paid and free, MODX is free, all management in Russian.

What we will restore:

All that can restore, including the design of your site, its filling (texts, pictures), functionality - structure, menu, search, catalog, form feedback. It is like data recovery from a broken computer ( hard disk) If a specialist is good - will restore all the files as were.


We are a small company, we work since 2007, appreciate each client and crucial reputation. Our warranties:

  • our company is not "one-day", we have been already 9 years old, it is easy to check, make an online extract to the register for LLC "Corobitts" (INN 7840363309). You can also see the arbitral practice ("Courts in Court") in our organization, for 9 years of their work only two, one of which we won, and the second in the process.
  • works in the amount of 7000 rubles. Performed under the contract
  • DRA is a registered trademark -.
  • gratitude to our organization from the authority -. With the Environmental Management Committee, we have been working for 7 years, serve and develop their website.
Better than any words:

We ask you to show vigilance, because our name work fraudsters who are not shy to submit to Breobitts / staff and promise help in restoring sites and domains for a modest (or very indispensable) fee. Remember, we write only from addresses @, for example, from addresses [Email Protected], [Email Protected] And if you received a letter from some other address, for example, [Email Protected], then these are fraudsters. Just call us at 8-800-333-16-58 and specify all questions about the restoration of the site. Our site