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Association of traditional and traditional medicine professionals. Domains

"Professional Medical Association folk healers Russia "was organized on 08.08.2006. On the basis of the Urals Association in the city of Yekaterinburg, in the center of Russia, on the border of Europe - Asia, in one of the vertices of the Triangle of Jesus.

  • The president: Trubitsyn Anatoly Alexandrovich, Professor, Academician of International and Russian Academies; Master of Folk Medicine, Medicine of the East, Eniogengery; doctor of the Higher Category for Health, Reflexotherapy, Physiotherapy, Dietology; bioenergotherapist, psychoenergosughestologist, radiysthesist, storage; Master - Teacher of the International Class; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Energy Information Sciences; Elite of Russia; President of the Academy of Traditional Folk Medicine of the Urals; President of the Ural branch of the International and Russian Academy of Stocked Sciences. M.Nostdamus; President of the Academy of Eniogenners of Russia; Head of the High School of Eniogenners; Professional of Russia; Healer of the world; Honored Healer of Russia and the CIS; Honored Eniogenner.
  • Vice President: Konovalova A.V., Professor, Academician; Honored Healer of Russia; Honored Eniogenner, Elite of Russia, Master of Folk Medicine, a professional of Russia.
  • Executive Director: Purgin Yu.V., Hypnologist, Eniogenner, Master of Folk Medicine, a professional of Russia.
  • Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department, Secretary of the Competitive Award Commission: Smirnova A.V., Provisor, healer, Valeologist.Tel.: 8-902-2618-012, 8-919-6570-805.
  • Goals and objectives: Coordination across the country's efforts of specialists professionally working in the field of people's healing, medicines, signs, shamanism, bioenergo information and eniogenousinery and union on the federal basics of professionally close public organizations. Formation of a single federal register of specialists. Creating favorable conditions for uniting specialists. Participation in solving topical problems of improving the population. Providing specialists in organizing both private practices and participation in propaganda knowledge. Establishing partnerships with specialists from other regions of the Russian Federation. Organization for specialists of the training system and advanced training. Publishing. Conducting attestation, qualification, control activities, accreditation. Contribute to certification, certification, licensing, assignment of categories, titles and degrees, accreditation. Organize forums, congresses, conferences, seminars, lectures. Organization of educational units of the Association for primary training and advanced training. Conducting competitions and reviews of specialists and centers. Awarding and encouraging members of the Association. Attracting voluntary deposits, investments and donations to support and develop the Association, achievement of statutory goals and tasks.
  • Events: Conducting and participation in events: Congresses, Forums, Conferences. Creating an incentive and premium fund, conducting cultural events for members of the Association.
  • Structure: President, Presidency, Vice-Presidents, Executive Director, Organizational and Methodological Division, Director of regional centers in the cities and regions of the Russian Federation, Expert Qualification Council, Premium and Competition Committee, Accreditation Committee, Charity Promotional and Premium Fund.
  • Promotion measures: Gratitude, grades, honorary diploma, diploma for active work in the association, honorary sign (chest) "for success in folk medicine" III, II, I degree, the title "Honored Healer of Russia" (Leak, Narchar, Eniogenner), certificate "Best Healer of Russia "," Best of the best healer of Russia "," Best Snowstar "," Star of Snow Knotence "(medicines, healing, eniogenous, traditional medicine).
  • Membership: Membership card, annual fee - 1700 rubles. Financing: membership fees, donations.
  • Symbolism: Shield with three crosses (green, red, blue) on the background of the sun with the rays, the word "Pmanzr", the shield is bordered on both sides by the laurel branches and a tape with the inscription "Russian Fedraction".
  • Publishing: Monthly newspaper Specialist "Einio Enzymener - Healer", Booklet "Stars".
  • Attributes: Personal seal "People's Healer", pennants, bad badges, chevrons on overalls.

Association was registered on 21.08.2008. It is included in the top10 rating of leading associations in the field of traditional medicine. President of the Association of Egorov Vladimir Vladimirovich. Traditional and traditional medicine specialists conduct Russian Research Innovation Center "Eurasia". listed in a single register of registered voluntary certification systems ( Rosstandard.) of February 4, 2014. Reg.№ ROSS RU.31163.04ZMFO in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Industry and Commission of Russia of October 10, 2012. №1440 "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision by federal agencies on technical regulation and metrology state services Upon maintaining a single register of registered voluntary certification systems "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia March 11, 2013, Reg. No. 27594). Voluntary certification is carried out in accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002. "On technical regulation." In addition, in the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology No. 26 of May 10, 2000, rules for certification on the territory were approved Russian Federation . The documentation of the system was prepared with changes, additions and regulations on the registration of a voluntary certification system (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 23, 2004 No. 32).

Certification In the voluntary certification system of psychologists, healers, practitioners of non-traditional medicine and esotericists is an independent and qualified assessment of the quality of the services, establishes the compliance of objects of certification of the characteristics of the Group All-Russian classifiersincoming B. National System of Standardization of the Russian Federation By codes: OK, OKS, OKVED. Thus, services certified in the system specialists, experts, centers and schools are allowed for use in the Russian Federation. Certification establishes compliance and maintenance of services for the provision of services in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation" of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ, FZ "On the Protection of Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control ( Supervision) and municipal control "dated December 26, 2008 N 294, FZ" On advertising "(paragraph 7 of Article 7) and clarification of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of September 30, 2011 No. AK / 37027, the Law of the Russian Federation" On Protection of Consumer Rights "Dated 07.02.1992 №2300-1, FZ "On the basis of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation" of 11/21/2011 No. 323-FZ.

  • Certification application
  • Events:
  • Registered by B.Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandard.) of February 4, 2014. Reg.№ ROSS RU.31163.04ZMFO

Astrakhan Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organization

Bashkir Republican branchRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Belgorod Regional Department of the All-Russian Public OrganizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Bryansk Regional Department of the All-Russian Public OrganizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Buryat Republican Department of the All-Russian Public OrganizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Vladimir Regional Department of the All-Russian Public OrganizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Volgograd Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm, Ranm

Voronezh Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organization

Irkutsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Kaliningrad Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Kirov Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Kostroma Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Krasnodar Regional DepartmentAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Krasnoyarsk Regional DepartmentAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Kurgan Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Lipetsk regional officeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Marie EL Republican branchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Moscow City BranchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Moscow Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Nizhny Novgorod Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Novgorod Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Novosibirsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Omsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Penza Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Perm Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Seaside edge officeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Rostov Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Samara Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

St. Petersburg City BranchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Saratov Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Sakha (Yakutia) Republican branchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Sakhalin Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Sverdlovsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Stavropol Regional DepartmentAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Tatar Republican branchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Tver Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Tomsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Tula Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Tyumen Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Ulyanovsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Khabarovsk Regional DepartmentAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Khakassian Republican branchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Chelyabinsk Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Chuvash Republican branchAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Yaroslavl Regional OfficeAll-Russian public organizationRussian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Central Expert Qualification Commission Ranm of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists,

Central Inspectorate of Quality Control Services of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists,

Committee on Professional Training Rams of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists,

Scientific Council of the Ranm of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists,

Personal Composition of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists,

Council on Professional Awards of the All-Russian Public Organization RANM.ORG

(Premium Council Ranm) of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and People's Medicine Specialists, Ranm,

Treatment of diseases by folk remedies

  • Longevity. Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Snake bite. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Radiation sickness. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Self-massage. Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Cleansing the body. Folk remedies
  • Cleaning the liver. Folk remedies
  • Cleaning the kidneys. Folk remedies
  • Cleansing vessels. Folk remedies
  • Cleansing joints. Folk remedies
  • Schip (osteochondrous). Treatment with folk remedies
  • Spurs. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Neuralgia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Osteochondrosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Radiculitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Arthritis, deposition of salts, articular rheumatism. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Legs. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Burns. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Edema. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Salt deposits. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Fractures. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Polyarthritis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Stretching of ligaments, joints. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rheumatism. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Thrombophlebitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Tuberculosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prostate adenoma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Allergy. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Belmo. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Insomnia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Diabetes sugar. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Diathesis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Neprug in recipes of traditional medicine
  • Anemia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Meningitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Myoma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Mint (and Melissa) in the recipes of traditional medicine
  • Harvest medicinal raw materials
  • Garlic. Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Celandine. Recipes of traditional medicine

Folk remedies treatment

  • Breath. Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Cough. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Aeroionization in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory
  • Hydroaeroionization in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs
  • Bronchitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for bronchitis
  • Folk remedies for bronchial asthma
  • Folk treatments for pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Asthma. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk Treatments of Asthma
  • Inhalation in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs
  • Steam inhalation
  • Dry inhalation
  • Oil inhalations

Folk recipes for colds

  • Kalina with honey, recipe from cold
  • Folk remedies for colds
  • Cold. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rubble. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies
  • Treatment of acute runny nose folk remedies
  • Treatment of chronic non-nose folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for cough
  • How to measure the body temperature in a child
  • How to reduce body temperature
  • Savages in a child at high temperature (febrile cramps)
  • Behavior of parents with a beginning seizure of a child
  • Treatment of cough folk remedies
  • Cough (Avichene Treatment)
  • Folk remedies from Spains during fever
  • Funds from thirst (in Avicenna)
  • Funds from chills (in Avicenna)
  • Flu. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Flu treatment by folk remedies
  • Recipe for anti-happose tea
  • Treatment of adenoviral infections by folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for fever and high temperature

Folk recipes for throat treatment

  • Folk Treatment Treatments
  • Angina. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk Treatments of Hornina
  • Folk treatments for pharyngitis
  • Treatment of adenoids by folk remedies
  • Angina Treatment by folk remedies
  • Treatment of chronic tonsillitis by folk remedies
  • Treatment of pharyngitis by folk remedies
  • Treatment of laryngitis by folk remedies
  • Treatment of tracheite by folk remedies
  • Treatment of cereals at home
  • Treatment of larynx by folk remedies after a papillomal removal operation
  • Folk remedies in the treatment of larynx cancer

Folk recipes for the treatment of diseases of the nose

  • Nose washing
  • Treatment of nasal polyps by folk remedies
  • How to cure nose polyps without surgery
  • Treatment of nasal bleeding by folk remedies
  • Treatment of vasomotor and allergic rhinitis by folk remedies
  • Schimorite. Treatment with folk remedies
  • People's Medium Treatment
  • People's behavior treatment
  • Tips in the treatment of hymoritis
  • Tips for the treatment of hymorite
  • Treatment of a furuncle of the nose of folk remedies
  • Avicenna on damage to smell

Folk recipes for the treatment of ears

  • Treatment of furuncule ear folk remedies
  • Treatment otitis by folk remedies
  • Treatment of Meniery disease by folk remedies
  • Treatment of hearing loss and neuritis of auditory nerves by folk remedies
  • Training vestibular apparatus
  • Improving hearing with exercises
  • Avicenna on the preservation of health and treatment of ear diseases

Folk recipes for skin diseases

  • Folk remedies
  • Corn. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Warts. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for warts
  • Folk remedies for fungus
  • Fungus. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Candidomykosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • People's Treatment Treatment Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for hair loss
  • Hair loss. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Nail rustling. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Treatment of baldness with dry skin
  • Treatment of corporate inflammation by folk remedies
  • Treatment of eczema by folk remedies
  • Eczema. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk Medium Field Treatments
  • How to treat leggings to folk remedies
  • Vitiligo. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Lishe. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rash, acne, skin inflammation. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Furunkula, acne, Naryvy. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Ulcers and wounds. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes in violation of metabolism

  • Folk remedies in violation of metabolism
  • Folk treatments for diabetes
  • Folk remedies for diabetes
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of non-toxic goiter
  • Folk remedy
  • Folk treatments for gout
  • Folk remedies for Incenko Cushing
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of joints
  • Folk remedies for cramps
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of radiculitis
  • Feet swell, traditional medicine
  • Folk Researment Treatments

Folk recipes for diseases of the urinary system organs

  • Kidney. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Cystitis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for cystitis
  • Folk treatments for pyelonephritis
  • Folk remedies from kidney stones
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of urolithiasis
  • URINARY INCONTINENCE. Treatment with folk remedies
  • What is prostatic adenoma
  • Herbs for the treatment of prostate adenoma
  • Prostate stimulation with legs
  • Treatment of prostate gland adenoma with zinc and linen oil

Folk recipes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Folk treatments for gastritis
  • Gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of ulcerative disease
  • Cancer stomach, intestines, polyps. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Liver. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies for cholecystitis
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of gallstone disease
  • Folk treatments for pancreatitis
  • Pancreas. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments colitis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for diarrhea
  • Folk treatments for meteorism
  • Folk remedies for constipation
  • Folk treatments Hemorrhoids
  • Hemorrhoids. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Rak rectum and polyps. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes for gynecological diseases

  • Folk remedies for the prevention of miscarriage
  • Treatment of thrush by folk remedies
  • Treatment of trichomonosis in traditional medicine
  • Treatment of gonorrhea at home
  • Folk medicine in injuries of genital organs
  • Folk remedies when passaging uterus
  • Folk Medicine in the Treatment of Vulvovaginite
  • Folk remedies for endometritis
  • Treatment of appendages by folk remedies
  • Folk Medicine with Tuberculosis of the genital organs
  • Folk Medicine during Klimaks
  • Homemade Tools at Climax
  • Folk treatments for premenstrual syndrome
  • Folk remedies for stimulation of menstruation
  • Folk remedies for headaches before menstruation
  • Internal bleeding (uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal). Treatment with folk remedies
  • Mastopathy. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for headaches

  • Folk Headache Treatments for Vegeta Dystonia
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and associated headaches
  • Folk treatments for headaches for hypertension
  • Folk treatments for headaches with brain violations
  • Folk treatments for headaches after injury
  • Migraine treatment by folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for migraine
  • People's Medicine for Migraine
  • Folk remedies for headaches for nervous diseases
  • Folk remedies for headache of nervous
  • Headache treatment tips
  • Headache. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of the circulatory system

  • Folk remedies in the treatment of hypertension
  • People's Treatment Treatment Hypertension
  • Hypertension. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for hypertensive disease
  • Stroke. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Atherosclerosis. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments
  • Popular Medicine with pain in the heart
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of angina
  • Angina. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments for arrhythmia
  • Tachycardia. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk Medicine in Varicose
  • Phlebeurysm. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk treatments of anemia
  • Iron for treating anemia
  • What vegetable products contain iron
  • When to contact a doctor with anemia
  • Treatment of anemia without drugs, alternative treatment
  • Folk remedies for rheumatism

Alternative treatment of allergies

  • Allergy treatment without drugs
  • When to contact the doctor with allergies
  • Food with allergies
  • Water treatment with allergies
  • Treatment of allergy herbs
  • Massage with allergies

Other folk recipes

  • Toothache. Treatment with folk remedies
  • Folk remedies from dental pain
  • Treatment of gum inflammation medicinal herbs
  • Funds of traditional medicine in the treatment of glaucoma
  • Folk remedies for neurocirculatory dystonia
  • Folk sedatives
  • Folk remedies under insomnia
  • Folk Medicine during hysteria
  • Folk vitamin means
  • Folk treatments for alcoholism
  • Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning
  • Medical compresses
  • Hygienic baths
  • Medical baths
  • Medicinal baths
  • How to put mustard pieces
  • The use of mustard pieces in ancient medicine
  • How to put banks
  • Therapeutic properties of roses
  • Folk remedies
  • Folk Treatments Treatment Panaritis
  • Foluncular Folk Treatments
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of hernia
  • Folk remedies for burns

Alternative medicine in neurology

  • Bioresonance methods of treatment of diseases of the nervous system
  • Health and Condition Chakras
  • The role of light in maintaining health

Alcoholism chronic

  • Alcoholism chronic
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • MineralTherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Alcoholism. Treatment with folk remedies

Alzheimer's disease

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of alzheimer's disease
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Natural agents from dementia, Alzheimer's disease
  • When to contact the doctor with Alzheimer's disease

Amnesia (memory disorder)

  • Amnesia (memory disorder)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of amnesia
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of amnesia
  • Flowering therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Bioenergotherapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of amnesia
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of amnesia


  • Arachnoiditis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of arachnoiditis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of arachnoiditis


  • Asthenia
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of asthenia
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of asthenia
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of asthenia
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of asthenia

  • Atherosclerosis of brain vessels (cerebralosis)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of brain vessels atherosclerosis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of brain vessels atherosclerosis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain vessels
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain vessels
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of brain vessels atherosclerosis


  • Insomnia
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of insomnia
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of insomnia
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of insomnia
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of insomnia

Vegetative neurosis

  • Vegetative neurosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of vegetative neurosis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of vegetative neurosis


  • Headache
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of headaches
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of headaches
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of headaches
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of headaches
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of headaches
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of headaches


  • Depression
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of depression
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of depression
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of depression
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of depression
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of depression
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of depression
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of depression
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of depression
  • PSD and CHR in the treatment of depression
  • Flowering therapy in the treatment of depression
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of depression
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of depression

Cerebral palsy

  • Cerebral palsy

Diancefal syndrome

  • Diancefal syndrome
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of cerebral paralysis
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis


  • Stroke
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of stroke
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of stroke
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of stroke
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of stroke
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Bioenergotherapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of stroke
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of stroke


  • Meningitis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of meningitis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of meningitis
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of meningitis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of meningitis

Induced information pathology

  • Induced information pathology (NIP)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of induced information pathologies
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of induced information pathologies

Neuralgia and neuritis (plexitis)

  • Neuralgia and neuritis (plexitis)
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Flowering therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis
  • Chakrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis


  • Neurosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of neurosis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of neurosis
  • Color-season therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of neurosis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of neurosis

Brain tumors

  • Brain tumors
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of brain tumors
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of brain tumors

Parkinson's disease

  • Parkinson's disease
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • Chacrotherapy and meditation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease


  • Psychopathy
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in psychopathy treatment
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • PSD and CHR in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of psychopathy
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of psychopathy


  • Radiculitis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of radiculitis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of radiculitis

Multiple sclerosis

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • PSD and CHD in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Reactive states

  • Reactive states
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Fitotherapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of psychogenic reactions
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of psychogenic reactions

  • Hyperactive behavior syndrome
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • PSD and CGT in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Flowering therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of hyperactive behavior
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of hyperactive behavior

Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome


  • Brain-brain
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of cranopy injuries
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Bioenergotherapy and Reiki therapy in the treatment of brain injuries
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of brain injuries

Mental backwardness in children

  • Mental backwardness in children
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • PSD and CHR in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Color seasonal therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of mental retardation in children
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of mental backwardness in children


  • Epilepsy
  • RDT and naturopathy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Phytotherapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Yogotherapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Minender therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Aromatherapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Magnetic therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • PSD and CRT in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Flowerian therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Bioenergotherapy and rack therapy in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Chartherapy and meditation in the treatment of epilepsy

Tips and recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Continued in the section -Popular treatment . All about the folk treatment of various diseases. Recipes for treating herbs and natural products.

1. Folk recipes Treatment of beets. Recipes for treating beet and beet juice of various diseases. The use of beets for cleaning and general strengthening the body.
2. Treatment of beetroot juice
. Recipes for the use of beet juice in the treatment of various diseases. Therapeutic use of beet tops.
3. Angina Treatment by folk remedies
. Simple, harmless and effective recipes for the treatment of Angina by folk remedies.
4. Diet with gastritis
. Dairy diet is shown in gastritis with increased acidity. The gastritis diet can be applied under other stomach diseases. Compliance with dairy diet promotes weight loss. Diet is balanced and painted on every day of the week.
5. Therapeutic carrots
. Applying carrots for medicinal purposes. Treatment with carrots of almost all diseases. It is useful for an eye growing child organism. There is no equal in the content of vitamins.
6. Folk remedies from insomnia
. If insomnia suffered you - how to help your body can be without medication treatment? Recipes of folk remedies from insomnia.
7. Cleansing the body
. On the need for regular prophylactic cleaning of the body from slags. Recipes for cleaning the body, in particular liver and intestines, folk remedies.
8. Psammotherapy
. Psammotherapy is a method of treating such diseases with heated sand as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, Malgia, consequences of injuries and other diseases. Description of the method of treatment and recipes for use of psammotherapy.
9. Popular treatment of feet diseases
. People's treatment of feet diseases. Detailed recipes.
10. Popular treatment with honey diseases
. Recipes of folk treatment with honey diseases. Honey treatment both internal and outdoor. Diseases are successfully treated as: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
11. Recipes for outdoor treatment of diseases
. Recipes of foot baths and rubbing for outdoor treatment of feet diseases: thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
12. Folk Recipes Capil Juice
. True folk, simple and effective recipes for the treatment of cabbage juice of various diseases.
13. Folk remedies for cholesterol
. It is known that excess cholesterol is harmful to health. Folk remedies for cholesterol. Simple recipes.
14. People's Treatment of Angina without antibiotics
. Treatment of Angina by folk remedies is possible only in the early stages of the disease. The basic principles of the national treatment of an angina without antibiotics.
15. Popular treatment of diabetes herbs
. Plants used in diabetes mellitus cannot replace insulin or synthetic analogues. They are an additional auxiliary treatment with diabetes. Recipes of folk treatment of diabetes herbs.
16. Cedar - Medicine from the Pharmacy
. In God's pharmacy grows herbs treated with any disease. Cedar in God's pharmacy is an exceptionally valuable medicine that does not know equal.
17. People's Treatment of Alosmia
. The disease in which the smell is lost is called an almight. Recipes of folk treatment of anosmia.
18. People's Treatment of Epilepsy
. What herbs can be used to treat epilepsy. Recipes of folk treatment of epilepsy. Recommendations of healers.
19. Gallbladder stones
. The most efficient and proven recipes for the removal of the gallbladder stones.
20. Shevchenko method in cancer treatment
. Description of the Shevchenko method in the treatment of cancer. What can and what is impossible during the treatment period. Contraindications for the treatment of Shevchenko.
21. Treatment of colds by folk remedies
. Recipes for treatment of colds by folk remedies: Pollogular folk remedies, anti-infinite folk agents, anti-inflammatory folk remedies
22. National treatment of insomnia and depression
. Recipes of the folk treatment of insomnia and depression. Popular treatment of neurasthenia and nervous excitability. Folk recipe for paralysis shake.
23. People's treatment of allergies
. Recipes and recommendations for folk treatment of allergies. Antiallergic agents (medicinal plants) for folk treatment of allergies.
24. Treatment of skin diseases by folk remedies
. Treatment by folk remedies for scabies, eczema and licray.
25. National treatment of dysentery
. Dieseneria - infectious disease. Recipes for treating dysentery by folk remedies.
26. Folk Medicine did not let
. Recipe treatment with propolis cataracts. Recommendations for the treatment of repaint. The use of burdocks from baldness and dandruff
27. Folk recipes: honey - from dandelions, kvass - from beet
. Simple folk recipes for cooking honey from dandelions, tincture and kvass from beets.
28. Diseases of the joints. Popular treatment
. Recipes of the folk treatment of diseases of the joints.
29. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
. Recipes for the treatment of Lyumbago folk remedies.
30. Ginger tea
. Perfectly tones and restores forces, is used in the treatment of many diseases
31. Purification of the prostate gland
. Purification of the prostate gland is shown in diseases by prostatitis, prostate adenoma and potency problems. Recipes for cleansing the prostate gland.
32. Folk treatment of heel spurs
. Recipes of folk treatment of heel spurs.
33. Kerosene to get rid of bedbugs
. Recipes of getting rinds and other insect kerosene and affordable folk remedies.
34. Gastric ulcer and 12-rosis
. Causes of the occurrence and symptoms of the ulcer of the stomach and the 12-rosician. Recipes of folk treatment of the ulcer of the stomach and the 12thist
35. Petrol treatment herpes and cough
. Folk recipes for coughing and herpes treatments.
36. Popular treatment atherosclerosis
. Folk recipes for atherosclerosis treatment and to maintain cholesterol levels.
In harmony with nature . A person should be as wide as possible towards nature. Suffers big, dying tea, Bogorodskaya grass and bark Alder will help in the treatment of diseases.
Popular treatment of colds . Recipes of folk treatment of colds onions, garlic, radish with honey, lime tea with honey and other folk remedies.
Folk remedies from dental pain . How to get rid of dental pain at home with the help of folk agents.
Phlebeurysm. Popular treatment . Recipes of the folk treatment of varicose veins with medicinal herbs, onions and garlic.
Folk recipes from Joseph Zakharenko
. Bees "Vaccinations" for the treatment of night incontinence of urine. People's Treatment of Parodontosis and Vitalgo.
. Folk recipes for allergy treatment
Treatment of leukemia by folk remedies
. Recipes for the treatment of leukemia by folk remedies. Tools for increasing leukocytes.
Foluncular folk treatment and eczema
. Folk (grandmother) Recipes for the treatment of eczema and furuncule.
Popular treatment of arrhythmias, hypertension and hypotension
. Folk recipes Treatment of arrhythmias, hypertension and hypotension.
People's treatment of angina and heart failure
. Folk recipes for the treatment of angina and heart failure.
People Recipes Health
. Folk recipes for GLUTICH treatment. Popular recipe - how to extract the off-beland. People's recipe for sunbathing for ears.
Medicinal herbs tea for family . If you want "Family Tea" to become a tradition, certainly attract to its creation and children. Guys older than one year love to engage in herbs, inhale their a variety of flavors, help break, grind and packaging.
Popular treatment of pneumonia and cough . With pneumonia, folk remedies for acceleration should be used in parallel with the prescribed physician drugs. Popular treatment of cough.

See sections - Alternative medicine
and Modern and traditional medicine

The section contains recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Recipes for cleansing the body. Folk remedies for disease treatment.
Latest articles:Treatment of epilepsy by folk remedies. If we talk about folk recipes, various natural elements will help to cure epilepsy. For example, you can periodically take a bath with a decoction of the forest hay.

Features of the treatment of diabetes mellitus 2 by folk remedies. The action of folk treatments for type 2 diabetes mellitus, primarily aimed at the treatment of non-alcoholic steatogeatite or fatty hepatosis.

Power treatment with folk remedies. Despite the sonorous peopling name "Disease of the Kings" in the gout there is nothing aristocratic. The following folk recipes will help to cope with the gout: Pour 0.5 kg of iodized salt into the pan ...

Treatment of groin hernia by folk remedies. How to cure inguinal hernia in women, using recipes of traditional medicine. The best recipes. Before applying a means, it will be necessary to consult a doctor.

Sugar diabetes - treatment of folk remedies. Sugar diabetes is a diagnosis that can scare any person. Folk remedies will help speed up the recovery process, whose action is aimed at reducing blood sugar.

Folk remedies for rapid steepness of bones at a fracture. When fractures, the doctor first fills bone fragments, and then imposes a bus or gypsum bandage. The use of funds of traditional medicine will help the speedy splicing of bones.

Pop Treatment by folk remedies. At home, you can easily cure folk remedies. Repair recipes by folk remedies.

Microscopy treatment. Folk remedies. Microsporia is a very common fungal disease, affecting the skin and human hair.

Folk treatments for cones on the fingers. There are many effective recipes of traditional medicine, aimed at treating cones on the fingers.

Treatment of headache by folk remedies . Headache is the most common type of pain, but its severity can differ significantly. High efficiency with respect to headaches demonstrates, for example, a decoction of chamomile
Avitaminosis. Treatment with folk remedies . Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of avitaminosis. Recipes for the treatment of avitaminosis by folk remedies
Migraine treatment by folk remedies . If for some reason it is impossible to apply for medical care, with starting migraine, then you can try to facilitate the state of folk, long-tried means.
Allergy treatment by folk remedies . Allergen can be anything, but most often this pollen plants, animal wool, home dust, some food product.

Cancer treatment by Boligol . The method of treating cancer by Boligol is certainly not 100% Panacea, but there are numerous evidence of its positive effect on the disease up to full cure or transition to a long-term remission.
1. Cleaning the liver
. Liver cleansing recipes at home.
2. Removing salts from the body. Folk recipes for removing salts from the body.
3. Cleansing the body by folk remedies . The best recipes for the body cleansing by folk remedies. Recipes for cleansing from toxins, slags and poisons, from microbes, renal cleansing from mucus, sand and stones, cleaning of the lymphosystem and other recipes for cleaning the body
4. Treatment of osteochondrosis by folk remedies . Recipes for treating osteochondrosis by folk remedies. Recipes cleansing salts.
5. Supported endarterite . Recipes for the treatment of refriterating endarterity by folk remedies.
7. Popular treatment of hemophilia and hemoptia . Recipes of the folk treatment of hemophilia (bleeding) and heaming. Folk hemostatic means.
8. Gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies . Gastritis symptoms depending on the type. Recipes for the treatment of gastritis by folk remedies.
9. Treatment of colitis by folk remedies . Recipes and recommendations for the treatment of colitis by folk remedies.
10. Popular treatment hyperthyroidism . Recommendations and recipes of folk treatment of hyperthyroidism
11. Popular treatment of cataracts. Recommendations and recipes of folk treatment of cataracts.
12. Popular treatment of glaucoma. Recipes of the folk treatment of glaucoma.
13. Popular treatment of eye diseases . Recipes of the folk treatment of eye diseases. Treatment with folk remedies: Belma, conjunctivitis, myopia, chicken blindness. Recommendations for violations of vision and to improve vision.
14. Treatment of stomach ulcers by folk remedies . Recipes for the treatment of stomach ulcers and a 12-robes by folk remedies.
15. Treatment of chronic enteriti . Recipes for the treatment of chronic enteritis by folk remedies
16. Female diseases. Folk recipes . Recipes of folk treatment of adnexitis. Treatment with folk remedies delay and lack of menstruation. Folk remedies for the preservation of the fetus, to facilitate generic battle, causing fetal miscarriages. Folk contraceptives.
17. Popular treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, meteorism . Recommendations and recipes for the treatment of enteritis, meteorism (bloating), dysentery and diarrhea by folk remedies.
18. Treatment of thyroid disease
. Recipes of folk treatment of thyroid diseases. Homeopathic treatment of thyroid diseases.
19. Popular treatment of constipation
. Poincomes poison our body. Recipes and recommendations for folk treatment of constipation.
20. People's Treatment Hemorrhogo
. Recipes and recommendations for the peoples of hemorrhoids.
People's Treatment Bradycardia . In the treatment of bradycardia, you need to go to vegetarian food, reduce exercise and cold water procedures. Recipes for bradycardia treatment by folk remedies.
22. Folk recipes with abrasions, bruises, scratches and bruise . What to do with abrasions, bruises, scratches and bruises. Folk recipes
23. Popular treatment of worms. Recipes of folk treatment of worms with medicinal herbs and natural healing products.
24. National treatment of insomnia . Recipes of the folk treatment of insomnia onions, garlic and other medicinal herbs.

  • Medicinal plants
  • Medical techniques
  • Treatment of disease
  • Folk cosmetics
  • Cleansing the body
  • Funds of traditional medicine

Popular topics recipes

Cold, cough, stroke, prevention, arthritis, rheumatism, runny nose, allergy, cystitis, headache, bronchitis, hypertension, body cleaning, insomnia, burns, hair problems, throat pain, colds, pain in joints, diabetes, angina region , Cleansing the body, diseases of the joints, disease disease, atherosclerosis, cataract, strengthening immunity, chronic fatigue, pneumonia, eczema, hemorrhoids, heartburn, migraine, bronchial asthma, corn on legs, decrease in cholesterol, wounds, strengthening of vessels, constipation, angina, and Other ...

  • Hypotension
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Skin fungus
  • Gryzhi
  • Desynchronoz
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Diathesis
  • Discinesia.
  • Diphtheria
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Diseases of the pancreas
  • PTA cavity diseases
  • Constipation
  • Golden Customs Healing Recipes
  • Heartburn
  • Ikota
  • Immunity
  • Stroke
  • Infectious diseases
  • Cataract
  • Cough
  • Cyst kidney
  • Climax
  • Colitis
  • Konurykivit
  • Laryngitis
  • Treatment of lymph nodes
  • Treatment of Synyakov
  • Treatment of ears
  • Treatment of purestulus
  • Lichen
  • Lamblia
  • Makeup with Grokes
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Meningitis
  • Mycosis
  • Thrush
  • Neuralgia
  • Neuritis
  • Nephrosis
  • Fainting
  • Obesity
  • Burning
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Poisoning
  • Belching
  • Felon
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Psoriasis
  • Radiculitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Recipes from Vangu
  • Rhinitis
  • Sepsis
  • Sclerosis
  • Angina
  • Causes
  • tibetan medicine
  • Nausea
  • Herbal medicinal plants
  • Tuberculosis
  • Hair care
  • Facial care
  • Body care
  • Furuncle
  • Cholecystitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Cystitis
  • Thyroid
  • eczema
  • Enuresis
  • Epilepsy
  • Cervical erosion
  • Barley
  • Recipes of traditional medicine if:
    Diseases of the ears;
    Varicose veins, skin ulcers, hemorrhoids;
    Violation of metabolism, obesity;
    Diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes;
    Diseases of the spleen;
    Wounds, ulcers, inflammation;
    Frostbite, burns, breakdown;
    Herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia;
    Bite, population;
    Hernia, molding;
    Harmful habits: smoking, alcoholism;
    For lungs: pneumonia, bitter inflammation, pleurisy.

    Folk remedies for hair:
    Savings, seborrhea, dandruff, useful tips.

    Eye recipes:
    General recipes, Belmo, glaucoma, cataract;
    Barley, conjunctivitis, trachoma.

    Dental treatment:
    Caries, Stomatitis, periodontal disease;
    Recipes from dental pain.

    Folk remedies for diseases of the respiratory system:
    Cough, tonsillitis;
    Bronchial asthma;
    Cocklush, cold, flu;
    Rubber, sinusitis.

    Recipes from cardiovascular diseases:
    Atherosclerosis, sclerosis of vessels, arrhythmia;
    Angina, hypertension;
    Hypotension, cardiac asthma, myocardial infarction.

    Means from the diseases of the nervous system:
    Insomnia, headache, neuralgia;
    Neuritis, neurosis, paralysis, Parkinsonism, facial nerve paralysis;
    Radiculitis, cramps, epilepsy.

    Folk recipes from blood diseases:
    Anemia, leukemia - blond;

    Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:
    Diseases of the esophagus, heartburn, stomach disease;
    Gastritis, ulcer of the stomach;
    Pancreatitis, duodenitis, colitis, gastroenterocolitis, constipation;
    Diarrhea, meteorism.

    Recipes from liver diseases and gallbladder:
    Liver disease, cholecystitis;
    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Folk medicine in urinary system diseases:
    Urination disorders, blood with urine - hematuria, diuretic agents;
    Inflammation of the kidneys, jade, pyelonephritis;
    Inflammation of the bladder.

    Means from stones:
    Stones in the kidneys, urinary or bustling bubble;
    Coliki of various origin.

    Treatment of male diseases:
    Prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
    Impotence, sexually excitability, inflammation of eggs.

    Recipes from female diseases:
    Bali, infertility, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus;
    Erosion of the cervix, uterine bleeding;
    Useful tips for women;
    Amenorrhea, mastitis, mastopathy.

    Means from diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
    Muscle diseases, myopathy;
    Osteomyelitis, spurs;
    Osteoporosis, fractures;
    Stretching, dislocations.

    Treatment of skin diseases:
    Warts, vitiligo, herpes;
    Deprive hazing, deprive a ringworm, deprive scaly - psoriasis;
    Corn, face, eels;
    Furuncul, scabies, eczema;
    Cleaning, face skin care;
    Caring for the skin and legs;
    Care of body skin.

    Recipes for cancer:
    Stomach cancer, blood - blond;
    Other funds.

    Infectious diseases:
    Malaria, encephalitis, meningitis;
    Viral hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Recipes of traditional medicine for children:
    Illness of the eyes, ears, throats and lungs, gums and oral cavity, runny nose, asthma;
    Gastrointestinal, skin diseases, diathesis, metabolic disorders;
    Helmintoses, restless sleep, night incontinence of urine;
    Hernia, rickets, rheumatism.

    If we did not find a remedy for a certain problem, then it may have A.L. Sementsova - "2000 conspiracies and recipes of traditional medicine" or Vangi.

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    Behind the sites, as behind colors and cars - need care. If the site launched and no one cares about him, then sooner or later it will stop working. But the site is not just text and pictures, this is the face of the company on the Internet, the sales channel. And when the site ceases to work at first glance, nothing happens, but with time calls and customers becomes less. Those who go to your site will think that the firm closed - after all, its site no longer works. Those who searched for your company on the Internet will not be able to find it - again the site does not work. Only competitors will be delighted.

    "We ordered a website in our local web studio, everyone paid, and now our site has disappeared. Web studio phones do not take, I don't answer the letters, we arrived in the office - it turns out to be a long time ago." Unfortunately - typical situation. It happens "Our site was engaged in a programmer, he resigned with all passwords", "The company passed reorganization, while they were dealt with the affairs lost the site" and of course "I do not understand anything in these of your online, help repair our site."

    "My company, YugpodazMunication LLC engaged in laying and servicing outdoor pipelines, the site made local Krasnodar developers in the distant 2008 and everything was fine - they watched him, updated, it was easy to find in Yandex. But I don't know what happened - Whether the crisis, whether the matter is tired of doing - the employee comes to me and says - Andrei Yuryevich, our website does not work, for today the second client has already told about it. I call programmers - and there "phone is not available." Site address on business cards Everywhere, on service machines. What to do something. I called familiar - they gave contact of St. Petersburg guys, I fixed the site to me and lead it. Thank! With respect, A.Yu. Bridgeov. " - client site

    Steps to restore the site:

    Call us by phone 8-800-333-16-58 or write to e-mail [Email Protected] To clarify the cost and timing of work. Restore the domain and the site is expensive, but reputational losses of the company and the cost of creating a new site are much higher than the cost of restoration work. The basic period of the renewal of the domain is 3 business days, the restoration of the site is 5 working days.

    Fill out the questionnaire for a domain for an individual (download a questionnaire) or send the details of your legal entity. For work, the cost of which is from 7,000 rubles. It is possible to conclude a contract (download contract). Pay work.

    What is a domain:

    The domain is the site address on the Internet, a set of letters and numbers, as a phone number. Address of our site -, address of VKontakte -, address Yandex - Domains are registered and serviced by domain registrars. Each site on the Internet has its own domain. Your site also, only now the domain does not work and need to restore it.

    To whom the domain is issued:

    On an individual or on entity At your request. If you - individual entrepreneur, From the point of view of the legal status of domains, the domain is drawn up on you as an individual. For some domain registrars, it is possible to design and on non-residents of the Russian Federation (foreign individuals and companies).

    Who owns the domain:

    The domain is not an object of property law (as an apartment or car), therefore he has no owner from a legal point of view. Domain - recording in the registry of the domain registrar, who has an administrator who is in essence and is the owner (manages the domain, extends, can pass the domain to another administrator). You can check who is the domain administrator through the WHOIS service from the registrar, for example, in the axelname - if in the ORG field: written by Kreobits or Creobits - it means a domain with us if Private Person means a domain from a private person (in accordance with FZ-152 on personal Data, the recorder does not have the right to specify the name in public data and therefore the "Private Person" is written for all individuals).

    We create on your profile of individuals or the requisites of Jurlitsa Account (Treaty) at the accredited domain registrar and carry out the domain registration for you. Create under the site new hosting and rebuild site pages with text and pictures on modern system Management of MODX sites. As a result, we get a fully working site that looks and filled in the same way as the site that you have had before. We pass to you passwords on the domain, site editor and hosting.

    What is hosting:

    In order for the site to be available via the Internet, it must be placed on the Internet server (specialized computer). This service is called " hosting"(from English. hosting.). Technically - the site is a set of files, it is posted on the hosting and becomes available from any device connected to the Internet. If hosting is good, then the site is always available, it works quickly and does not break. If hosting is bad - the site will work slowly and with interruptions. We place recovered sites on the equipment in the selektel data center (Moscow), this is one of the best hosting providers in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    What is MODX:

    MODX is a site management system from English. CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS). It is needed that the site worked, conducting an analogy - as Windows is a system for managing a computer, and Android is for a smartphone and tablet and MODX - this is the same, only for the site. But unlike Windows and Android, for sites there are hundreds of different intended and complexity of sites management systems, the most common of which 1C-Bitrix, UMI.cms, WordPress, Joomla and MODX. The main task of MODX, like any other CMS - ensure the work of the site and convenient tools for editing it with a programmer and editor (for example, your organization manager). CMS are paid and free, MODX is free, all management in Russian.

    What we will restore:

    All that can restore, including the design of your site, its filling (texts, pictures), functionality - structure, menu, search, catalog, form feedback. It is like data recovery from a broken computer ( hard disk) If a specialist is good - will restore all the files as were.


    We are a small company, we work since 2007, appreciate each client and crucial reputation. Our warranties:

    • our company is not "one-day", we have been already 9 years old, it is easy to check, make an online extract to the register for LLC "Corobitts" (INN 7840363309). You can also see the arbitral practice ("Courts in Court") in our organization, for 9 years of their work only two, one of which we won, and the second in the process.
    • works in the amount of 7000 rubles. Performed under the contract
    • DRA is a registered trademark -.
    • gratitude to our organization from the authority -. With the Environmental Management Committee, we have been working for 7 years, serve and develop their website.
    Better than any words:

    We ask you to show vigilance, because our name work fraudsters who are not shy to submit to Breobitts / staff and promise help in restoring sites and domains for a modest (or very indispensable) fee. Remember, we write only from addresses @, for example, from addresses [Email Protected], [Email Protected] And if you received a letter from some other address, for example, [Email Protected], then these are fraudsters. Just call us at 8-800-333-16-58 and specify all questions about the restoration of the site. Our site