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Tera contribution to the guild. How to create a guild in TERA - guide from A to Z

I’ll start by saying that every person faced with the problem of loneliness in the world of TERA can join a ready-made guild or create their own and recruit people there, the server on which I play has 3,336 guilds (Accurate information from the guild list), you can join both English and Russian-speaking guild, you can apply to the guild using: Social menu/Guilds/Guilds on server/Apply to guild.

Guild List

After reviewing your application, you may be accepted into the guild, also if you want to join the guild, look in the chat, they very often recruit for various guilds.

Creating your guild

Creating your own guild in TERA is as easy as shelling pears, and I’ll tell you how to do it now, inside and out. If you do not want to play in a team, you can create a guild to farm alliance territories and warehouses. To create a guild you will need:

  • The minimum character level is 8.
  • 30 silver coins.
  • 2 players in the party, you + one more.

Guild Manager

Guild manager on Velika map

After which you communicate with him, come up with the name of the guild and actually create the guild, after which you can join it to the alliance, but more on that later.

Congratulations, you have created your own guild and want to make a beautiful emblem for it, but you don’t know how, everything is extremely simple, to the left of the NPC from whom you created the guild there is an NPC who is in charge of the emblems.

But during a dialogue with him, you suddenly find out that he doesn’t have any emblems, everything is simple here, to create an emblem you need to download any picture from the Internet in BMP format and size 64x64 and place it in the game folder, for example: E: TERA/Client/S1Game/GuildLogoUpload. Then talk again with the guy in charge of the emblems.

My warehouse logo

NIP does not charge money for installing the emblem. That's all for me about creation and guilds in general. Further more interesting.


After creating a guild, you can join it to an alliance; I will now tell you how to do this and why alliances are needed in TERA in general. In total, we have 3 alliances to choose from, each of the alliances owns one of the capitals:

  • Iron Order - Capital of Kaiator.
  • Free Traders Collective - Capital Velika.
  • Enlightened Union - Capital of Allemantheia.

Also, each of the alliances offers us its own bonuses for joining it:

  • Iron Order - 5% resistance to stuns and teleport to alliance territory.
  • Free Traders Collective - 1% increase in money drops from mobs and teleport to alliance territory.
  • Enlightened Union - 5% increase in receipt of rep credits and teleport to alliance territory.

In general, the choice of alliance is entirely yours; in order to join the alliance you will need:

  • 2 or more people in the guild.
  • 1000 gold.

Only the current guild leader has the right to join the alliance. After joining the alliance, all guild members will receive a letter by mail containing 2 alliance skills, one of which is teleport, the second is passive, which actually gives the bonus offered by the selected alliance.

Alliance territories and quests on them

Each of the alliances has its own territory, which you can get to using the teleport skill, on the territory of each alliance there are NIPs who will give you daily tasks, daily tasks issued by the alliance are used to gain CPs points and raise both your own and the guild’s alliance in the rating. The more people in your guild and the more often people complete daily tasks, the higher the guild occupies in the rankings.

NIPs giving out quests

Quests given out by NIPs are of the following types: Collective, for killing mobs, for killing elite mobs, for going to dungeons and stealing keys.

  • Collect ore.
  • Collect essences.
  • Collect flowers.
  • Kill mobs on the territory of your alliance.
  • Kill mobs on the territory of Free traders Collective.
  • Kill mobs in Enlightened Union territory.
  • Kill the elites on the territory of your alliance.
  • Kill the elites on the territory of the Free traders Collective.
  • Kill the Elites in the Enlightened Union territory.
  • Go to the dungeons (Optional) Argon corpus, Manaya Core (Normal and Hard) and kill the final boss in them.
  • Go to the Alliance Vault and kill Elite in it (There are 2 types of Alliance Vault in total, one is designed for solo playthroughs, the other for playthroughs in a group of 5 people)
  • Steal keys to noctenium extractors on the territory of your opponent’s alliance (You can steal keys no more than 5 times a day on the territory of each alliance).

Key theft

Unlike other quests, it is completed with quite a bit of hassle, because you have to steal keys in enemy territories and being caught stealing is tantamount to failing the quest, so I prefer to steal keys in my free time from pvp. In order to steal the key to the extractor, first of all you need to find the extractor itself; often there are many extractors scattered throughout alliance territories, but most of them are located near cities.

Noctenium Extractor

So you have found extractors, your task is to clean them and dump them without getting caught by members of another alliance, but here a problem arises: if you sit on a mount or use a teleport to the world zone, all the keys you stole will drop and the task will fail. Therefore, you will have to run only on your own two feet, from the extractor to the one who gave you the task of stealing. To successfully complete tasks related to stealing keys, there is an invisibility potion that is valid only in alliance territories, use the potion and start stealing. But this is also not without problems, any of the players walking around the alliance territory has a detector that takes you out of the state of invisibility, the detector has a dedicated range, so only a super stupid person would manage to get caught in it. Invisibility is also removed when trying to mount a mount or use a skill.

Character under an invisibility potion

Totem detector coverage area

Noctenium extractor`s are a very important part of the alliance, the more extractors the alliance controls, the more influential it seems, so members of enemy alliances will do their best to prevent the theft of keys from their territories. Be careful.

Alliance Vaults

Dungeons intended for visiting by alliance members open at a certain time and after completion have a cooldown of 3 hours. You can take the quest to visit the Alliance Vault from a NPC located in the territory attached to your alliance (For me this is Iron order Hall). The goal of the quest is to kill the elite in it and receive a reward.

The actual target elite

And a short video of the fight with her

The elite drops alliance jewelry, vault noctenium infusion`s, as well as vault tickets`s, which are used to enter the alliance dungeon intended for 5 people.

Noctenium infusion`s

I call this item alliance banks; when used, these banks add an additional property to some of the skills used, which in turn gives us additional damage highlighted in yellow. To craft 25 of these cans we will need:

  • Noctenium tissue x3 - drops from mobs in alliance territories.
  • Pure Noctenium Powder x1 - given as a reward for completing alliance quests.
  • Affinity Catalyst x1 - sold from the Quartermaster merchant located in the territory adjacent to the alliance (For example, Iron Order Hall).

When attacked with certain skills that have an effect, the character’s hand begins to glow green, and additional damage is indicated by yellow numbers.

That's all for now, in the following posts I will tell you about the system of government within the alliance, how to become an exarch and get into the elite of alliances called echelons and much more. Please PM me for any comments and corrections.

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and we continue to talk about the online game Tera. A few days ago we discussed, and now we are making a logical continuation and will talk about how to create a guild in TERA.

Playing in the company of friends and acquaintances, who will always support and help, and, on occasion, troll a little more, makes the gameplay even more interesting. In Tera, as in other online projects, it is possible to found a guild, gather your friends and acquaintances under one flag and have fun in dungeons or in Alliance locations.

Today you will learn which NPC to contact, what conditions you need to meet, how to make a logo, how to join and leave a guild, and what system guilds are. Take pens and a notepad, or immediately bookmark the page - the guide is worth it.

From this article you will learn:


For those who want to feel like a leader, there is the opportunity to found their own guild. To do this, you need at least one person in the group with you, 30 silver coins in your pocket and a character level of at least 8.

Basically, a gi can be created by any player who has spent a few hours in TERA.

If all of the above points have been completed, fly to Velika and find the NPC “Guild Manager”, which is located in the southeast of the map in a small branch.

Talk to him, click “Create a guild” in the window that opens and enter a name. Then confirm creation and your community will be registered.


It's easy to install the icon. Near the “Manager” there is another NPC named “Guild Emblems”. Contact him, and he will give information on the format and size of the picture, and also advise how to correctly load this picture into the game.

If after a few days you decide to change the name and icon, you can do this for free from the same NPC.

What can a leader do?

If you followed our advice, then the guild should be registered. Congratulations - you have become the head of a small corporation, and now you have the following rights and responsibilities:

  • Accept or reject applications for membership.
  • Expel participants.
  • Buy upgrades.
  • Manage finances (community treasury).
  • Promote community members and give ranks.
  • Regulate individual player access permissions to guild management.
  • Motivate people to go on hikes, communicate with them, gather groups and organize interesting events for fellow guild members.
  • Make a decision about participation (or non-participation) in the seasonal Battle.
  • Advertise and title your gi.


At the very beginning, you need to decide whether to manage the community alone, or get someone to help you. Members of the gi do not have access to management, so for large associations it is recommended to attract assistants so as not to sit in the game for days.

  1. Press G to open the gi control window.
  2. In the “list of participants” in the lower right corner, click on “Change ranks”.
  3. In the table that appears, enter the name of the title, tick the privileges, click “Add” and “Ok”.
  4. Next, in the “list of participants”, look for the nickname of your future assistant, click on the “Change Rank” icon.
  5. Choose from the list what you came up with.

Bonuses for teammates

Now let's see what advantages such associations give to players:

If you don’t want to bother creating your own guild, but bonuses won’t hurt you, then there is the option of joining an existing union. To do this you need:

  1. Find the “Guilds and Unions” icon on the control panel.
  2. Click on “List of Guilds”.
  3. Enter the name of the guild in the line at the top right (write exactly, down to capital letters).
  4. Click “Join” next to the name, and in the window that opens, come up with a message to the chapter.
  5. Click “Submit”.

Your application will be reviewed by the head, and if the decision is positive, you will be accepted. In the same way, you can join system alliance guilds. They are indicated in green in the list.

Send your application to those that have less than 100 people.

How to leave if you are not satisfied with something?

  1. Use the G button to open a window with a list of participants.
  2. Find yourself.
  3. Right-click on your nickname and select “Leave guild.”

You should choose a community based on its combat power and victories in Battles. If you have already been a member of such a gi for a long time, then you should think several times whether to leave or not - finding a replacement for your comrades in arms will not be easy.

Most high level characters quickly become members of various communities in TERA. This trend can be seen in all online games - when a character reaches a certain peak, playing alone becomes uninteresting and often difficult.

For skeptics - will you try to go through the dungeon alone? Can you fight off several pkshniks? Can you find a rare ingredient? The way out in this case is to become a member of a group of people, participate in all guild events, develop a hero, communicate and play for fun.

That's all for today. Visit us again and you will definitely find something useful and entertaining. Leave your opinion in the comments and share the link to this article with your friends and guildmates. Bye everyone.

I know that there is a guide to guilds on the Internet and on the forum itself, but maybe I can add something new, since I myself learned something new compared to what was in the guide on the forum. So...

On Photo we can see the list of guild members. I hope there are no questions about the meaning of the columns, so let’s immediately move on to discussing the last one - "Contribution today".

"Contribution today" summed up by personal contribution to the guild and guild dungeon attempts.
First, let's take a closer look at personal contributions to the guild.

There are three types of contribution - Regular, Superior and Royal . They are underlined orange, the same color underlines in the announcement above which participant made which contribution. The contribution (preferably) should be made daily, and every day can be made ONLY ONE of three types (i.e. if you made Superior, then you cannot upgrade it to Royal). When choosing a deposit, be sure to check where the checkbox is.

Red experience points for contributions are circled and underlined. The higher the contribution, the more points are added. When points are accumulated from the contributions of ALL participants, everyone receives gifts - for 30, 60, 90 and 120 points, so don't forget to come in, check and claim your rewards, especially when activating each gift, the “Contributions” tab will have a red exclamation mark.

Green Guild experience is highlighted. Just like with points - the better the contribution, the more experience points. The more experience points a guild has, the higher the level of the guild in the guild ranking.

Purple Guild coins are highlighted. Again, the higher the deposit, the more coins. They are needed so that the Head of the guild can upgrade additional skills for guild members
*I express my gratitude to the Head of our guild for providing a screenshot* The maximum level of pumping of any skill = the maximum level of the guild, if of course there are enough coins.

Blue The Seal of a Brave Man is highlighted, as everyone understood, the better the contribution, the more Seals of the Brave Man. The seal of a brave man undoubtedly “falls” into your “pocket” personally. They can be used for purchases in the guild store (on the main page there is a "Guild" button).

Well yellow what is included in the “Contribution Today” rating is emphasized. The list of participants and their contributions is available in the " tab Info", however, you should carefully monitor the date if you maintain daily deposits

Again, this is one part of what is included in this number. Next, let's look at what else is included in "Contribution today"

“Contribution today” also summarizes attempts guild dungeon .

Per day is given 5 attempts to attack in the guild dungeon, but they can buy more (quantity shopping add. attempts depends from your VIP level ). Each attempt gives 100 contribution points, i.e. all 5 standard attempts will give you +500 Contribution Today points. Each additional attempt also brings +100 contribution points.

Thus, every day the player contributes contribution points to his guild. In top guilds, a maximum (Royal) contribution is usually required, that is, for “today” there must be a minimum of 3000 contribution points. Therefore, I think that this guide will bring something useful to those who monitor the integrity of players.

If you have any questions, ask. Don't judge strictly - I made the guide again and again. Prepared by STRANGER (S1: Teresa)

Guild- a large association of players with a goal greater than just getting together and having fun together and playing. Being in a guild means not only easily communicating with your friends, always maintaining contacts with the people you need, but also having your own responsibilities and tasks.
How to create a guild?
Creating a Guild- the matter is very simple. Minimum requirements: two people in the group, the guild leader must be at least level eight and have at least 30 silver. The Guild Leader must talk to the Guild Manager, an NPC in Velika, which is located in the southeastern part Plaza of the Huntress. The guild leader must choose a guild name and become the first guild master.
The Guild Leader can work with the guild settings ( /gapply *guild name* in chat), remove players from the roster, upgrade the guild so that it can participate in higher level events, and the leader can also manage the guild bank.
There is an advanced guild management guide that we will be releasing soon.
Guild logo
The Guild Leader can download .BMP image ( 64x64 pixels), which will become the coat of arms of the guild and will represent it throughout the world. This logo will be displayed next to the name and title of the character in the game, and you can change it from the same NPCs in Velika.
Ranks in the Guild
A leader can also create and designate multiple ranks within their guild through the guild management interface ( /g). These ranks provide various benefits and powers within the guild, such as access to the guild bank, the ability to invite other players to the guild ( /ginvite in chat) or the ability to change the daily message to all guild players.
Guild Bank
As soon as you join a guild, you will have access to not only a list of all your friends in it, but also the internal bank of the guild. It works exactly like your personal bank, all guild members can contribute to it. You can place all items that are not tied to the player (crafting materials, crystals, equipment, etc.) into the bank. The Guild Master can personally indicate who can make transactions with the bank and who cannot.
Guild Quests
By reading news boards in cities and towns, guild members can take on special quests intended only for guilds. Winning these quests will not give you experience, but you will receive one to four special rewards - Catharnach Awards. All these quests are created for competitive purposes, they should not affect the zone itself and historical quests in the same area. As the location opens, more and more guild quests will become available to you. They all also depend on the level: if you have a player on your team with a clearly higher level, some guild quests may not be available to you.
Guild levels
In TERA, each guild can have 3 levels.
  • Level 1: standard for any guild.
  • Level 2: to get this level, the guild must pay 20 Catharnach Awards.
  • Level 3: To reach this level, the guild must already be level 2 and spend another 50 rewards.
Every two weeks, high-level guilds must either renew their guild level or improve it. Otherwise, the guild will be demoted to level 1 again. It is also spent on extending the validity period of the level Catharnach Awards.
Why should I join a guild?
Guild is not just a gathering of players, it is an association with shared resources that can make your life easier and diversify your gameplay. Here players with high social and trading skills, as well as excellent travelers who can get good rewards for their guild, will be able to realize themselves.
Privileges for Guild members
Guild members of levels 2 and 3 can spend Catharnach Awards to purchase special items from merchants. These items will be very useful to you, both in PvE, and in PvP situations.
Also, guild members can participate in the alliance system TERA, some may become Echelons. Also, the Guildmaster can apply to take one of the commanding positions in the alliance.

Also, any guild can participate in a guild battle. After war is declared, for 24 hours, warring guilds can kill each other's members in PvP mode anywhere and anytime. The guild itself can simultaneously declare three guilds its enemies.

Alliances and what the average player needs to know about them.

This guide will try to bring you up to date as much as possible.

What are alliances?
Alliance- This "union" which all interested guilds on the server can join. There are three such alliances in the game:

Free Traders from Velika
Iron Order from Kaytor
Union of the Enlightened from the city of Allemanthea

Each of them gives its own bonuses and has its own "Headquarters"(usually it is located near the capital of its province):

Free Traders- bonus to gold received from mobs increased by 1%
Union of the Enlightened- bonus to gained reputation (and credits) increased by 5%
Iron Order- bonus to stun resistance increased by 5%
All bonuses begin to apply while you are in one of the alliances.

As soon as your guild joins one of the alliances, all guild members receive a letter with two skills: A passive skill according to your alliance and a teleport skill to "Headquarters" Alliance (Recharge thirty minutes)

How to join the Alliance and whether it is possible to change it.

To join an alliance, the guild leader must approach the Herald at the “Headquarters” of the selected alliance, pay a fee of one thousand gold and have at least two people in the guild. (Guild level is not important)
The guild can change alliance once every six hours and pay the joining fee again.
In order for a player to leave the alliance, he must leave the guild or be expelled from it.
A player who leaves the alliance during the current season retains reputation points with the Noctium community, but loses all contribution to the alliance in the current season and rank.

Free Alliance Guilds

For players who do not want to play in a guild, but want to get an advantage from an alliance. For this purpose, special system guilds have been created in which there is no leader and they are strictly tied to their alliance. Typically the capacity is one hundred people. If there are a hundred people in a guild, another guild is automatically created.

But there are a number of properties that are not available to system guilds:
1)Members of such guilds cannot receive the ranks of Exarchs and Commander.
2)GvG and Guild Bank are not available for system guilds.

What is in the "Headquarters" of the Alliance.

IN "Headquarters" there are various NPC: Trader of special goods, Bank, entrance to the “Alliance Vault” dungeon (As it will be in Russian is still unknown) and teleport to the fort of your alliance.
Fort- this is a high platform on which opponents cannot kill you, but as soon as you descend from it, they can kill you

Alliance Information

This information will contain English words.
All information about the Alliance is available in the interface window (Z button by default)
The window has 4 tabs Overview, My Alliance,Standings And Alliance skills.


In it you can find out: What influence does the alliance hold, who is the Exarch of the Alliance - its leader, how many times he became an Exarch, what taxes are established and whether the “Alliance Vault” is open.

My Alliance

In the tab My Alliance four sections: Policies, Alliance leaders, Hierarchy information And Profile.
Policies- you can find out which guild the Exarch is from, what message he left for the Alliance, whether he activated any Alliance skill and the amount of taxes.
Alliance leaders- You can see all the leaders of the Alliance at the current moment. At the beginning of the list are Defense Commanders, then Attack Commanders, then Supply Commanders. Ranks will be written about later.
Hierarchy information- Here are all the Alliance skills, what they give and what rank can use them.
Profile- this is your profile in the alliance, it contains in detail all the information about your character within the alliance, about your contribution, your KDA in the current season and your history for the remaining seasons.


This tab also has four sections: Alliance Standings,Individual Standings, Extractor competition And Vault Access Hours.
Alliance Standings: Here you can see a graph of alliance activity.
Individual Standings: Allows you to see the nicknames and guilds of the closest seven above you in rank and seven below you in rank.
Extractor competition: Current information on extractors. The number of extractors on the territory of each alliance is shown in blue, and the points received for them in green. Below we will talk about extractors.
Vault Access Hours: Shows the time at which the “Alliance Vault” dungeon is available in each of the alliances. The more points your alliance has, the more hours this dungeon will be available. Below we will talk about the dungeon itself.

Contribution points

Contribution points show your contribution to the Alliance in the current season. The player with the most contribution points can achieve echelon rank or become one of the commanders and exarch. They can be obtained by completing special quests (briefly about them below), killing players of other alliances, breaking other people's extractors, and leveling up your character.

Alliance Quests

Alliance quests are distinguished from others by a purple icon above the heads of NPCs. They are also visible on the global map, like daily quests. There are different types of quests for the alliance: Gathering, solo quests, group quests, killing monsters and BAMs, bosses in dungeons.
The first two quests are taken at the Alliance Headquarters. Both dungeon quests: One for the Alliance Vault, the other for a regular dungeon.

Awards Program(Dungeon quest of your choice)
Reward: Pure Noctenium Powder x1, Alliance Contribution Points x110, Noctenium Society Credits x30
The essence of the task: You need to kill the final boss in one of the level 60 dungeons. Since it can be done in the Temple of Balder (solo option), it is recommended to go through it there, you will save a lot of time.

"Alliance Vault"

Alliance Vault quest:
Reward: Noctenium Infusion x200, Alliance Contribution Points x110, Noctenium Society Credits x30
The essence of the task: Kill a random BAM inside the dungeon.

The Alliance Vault itself does not require any extra abilities from a person or a character in particular to complete, but difficulties may arise. These BAMs love and know how to enter the “Rage” mode and knock over, but for the most part they just stand there for the first 10-15 seconds (Possibly a bug) and don’t bother hitting themselves.

Reward in the "Alliance Vault": Current jewelry (the characteristics of it cannot be changed), gold, tokens for the purchase of underwear, a current belt and a ticket to the group “Alliance Vault”.
Differences from solo dungeons - better and larger rewards and various consumables (mines, cans, grenades, noctenium infusion)

Alliance Conflict or Alliance War.

It represents massive PvP content for full-fledged members of the Alliance (more on this later), where the strongest guilds of their Alliance defend honor and glory, power and status.
Only third-tier players can participate in the Battle of Alliances- that is, this Exarch, Attack commanders, Defense commanders, Supply commanders, First, Second And Third Echelons. Therefore, if you want to participate in this massacre, complete alliance quests every day!

Player ranks in the Alliance

"Alliance Cadet"

When a character first joins the Alliance, he automatically becomes a Cadet, and if he scores less than 1000 contribution points, he remains one.

"Member of the Alliance"- the number of these characters is unlimited.

When a player gains from 1000 to 1999 contribution points, he becomes a member of the Alliance. This rank remains with the player and does not fall with the change of season. Alliance members can visit the group "Alliance Vault" for which a ticket is required. He can also use the “Golden Blacksmith,” which increases the chance of sharpening equipment. (More about them below)

"Fourth Echelon"- the number of these characters is unlimited.

When a character gains more than 2000 contribution points, he becomes Fourth Echelon. Starting from this rank, the character appears an icon that indicates belonging to a certain rank. Starting with Echelons, this is the number of their Echelon. In addition, all Echelons receive special face mask(costume).
They also have the ability to summon a standard that increases resistance by 50% for 10 minutes

"Third Echelon"- 40 players (top 81 - 120)

Beginning with Third Echelon Each subsequent rank can only be obtained by a limited number of players who have accumulated the most contribution points than the rest. Only the best 120 players of your Alliance I can take part in the Battle of Alliances. Starting from the Third Echelon - all players receive by mail mount(290 speed).
They also have the ability to summon a standard that increases running speed by 50 for 10 minutes.

"Second Echelon"- 30 players (top 51 - 80)

Members of the Second Echelon can summon a standard of defense, increasing defense by 30% for 10 minutes.

"First Echelon"- 30 players (top 21 - 50)

Members of the First Echelon can summon a standard of power, increasing their strength by 30% for 10 minutes.

"Supply Commander"- 10 players (top 11 - 20)

Starting from this rank, players do not receive active skills. Each Commander has his own aura, which automatically works in the territories of the Alliance and gives a certain effect to all nearby allies.
Supply Commander- receives the title "Supply Commander" And aura which increases the speed of recovery of vigor.
Among other things, commanders receive special face mask(costume)

"Defense Commander"- 5 players (top 6 - 10)

Defense Commanders- receive a title "Defense Commander" And aura which increases the defense of all nearby allies.

"Assault Commander"- 4 players (top 2 - 5)

Attack Commanders- receive the title "Attack Commander" And aura which gives complete invulnerability to stun and control.

"Exarch"- top 1

The player with the most contribution points among all players becomes - "Exarch".
First time player Exarch- receives the Title of his Alliance: "Commander Arun"(Free Traders), "Commander of the Southern Shara"(Union of the Enlightened), "Commander of the Northern Shara"(Iron Order)

Privileges of the Exarch

The main Privileges and capabilities of the exarch will be listed here.

1)Set a tax on your Continent.
2) Opportunity to stage "Golden Blacksmith"
3)Buffs for PvP (defense and attack), for an increase in all main indicators (Strength, Defense, Resistance, Balance) and for the experience gained.

The Exarch has a unique active skill - he can set a teleport point for the rest of the Alliance members (To use it, the rest need a teleport scroll to this point)

Additional Exarch Skills

1) Summon Alliance Defender- increases the defensive capabilities of the Fortress
2) Summon Barricades- blocking narrow passages to the Fortress (Can be destroyed)
3) Summon Mobile Tank-But he is considered useless due to the aura of "Assault Commander"


The Alliance system is a great experience and an exciting PvP component of the game. Each active player must participate in the Battle of Alliances and receive for this reward:

Rank: award for 1st place / award for 2nd place.

Exarch: 70,000 gold / 32,000 gold

Attack Commander: 35,000 gold / 15,000 gold
Commander of Defense: 30,000 gold / 13,000 gold
Supply Commander: 25,000 gold / 7,000 gold

First Echelon: 10,000 gold / 4,000 gold
Second Echelon: 7,000 gold / 3,000 gold
Third Echelon: 5,000 gold / 2,000 gold

Good luck to you in conquering the Alliance and achieving high ranks in it!

The guide was created using material from the website
For all site visitors the site from Ras