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Choosing a wot card. How to choose your own map before a battle in World of Tanks

To study maps in WoT, you need to go into the game, log into your account, wait for people to create a training room, and after that you can go to study this or that new map. The mod solves this problem by allowing the tanker, even without a network connection, to fly on any battlefield and carefully inspect it.


  • Absolutely all the functions of a standard camera in replays.
  • Disable and enable the combat interface.
  • The new version has added a map selection interface; now you don’t need to delve into the settings of the configuration file.
  • Possibility to choose the model of any tank.

Changes in the new version

  • Optimization of work and fix of many glitches.
  • Added effects of shooting and destroying cars.
  • Activated physical model.
  • Window for selecting vehicles before loading the map.
  • The configuration file has been expanded for fans of fine-tuning (it’s called observer.xml, you need to open it using Notepad++).

Now let's talk about how to manage the mod. Install a free camera, launch the game and wait for the end of the introductory video with the game logo. Then press Ctrl+N and select the desired tank. After that, press Ctrl+B and select the card. The loading will begin, after which you can fly freely around the map using the standard tank movement keys.

Do not confuse this mod with, this is not a cheat, because you won’t be able to fly freely in battle.

Today, millions of people play various computer games. The World of Tanks application is very popular among gamers. To select a card before the battle, you need to use special accounts that contain the corresponding functionality. If a novice gamer does not know how to do this, then he needs to seek help from professionals, or study thematic videos posted on various web portals on the Internet.

How can I download a feature with map selection?

On various forums you can find messages in which gamers indicate that they find photos on Arti25’s stream, depicting the process of selecting cards. It is worth noting that such features are issued via press accounts and in order to receive them, people need to use one proven method. We are talking about promoting your own information resource, for example:

Attention! Gamers need to promote their resource until they have a large audience of subscribers or readers numbering over 100k. As soon as they manage to fulfill this condition, they can immediately get into the VG section, which deals with public relations.

Process of receiving cards

After VG representatives check the created resource and see great prospects for attracting players, they will issue the owner a card in . It is worth noting that it will contain all the tanks that appear at all stages of the game, as well as features designed for selecting maps.

Owners of promoted sites should be aware that the press acc received will not be permanent. It can last no more than a year, after which it is removed. In the event that the project is also popular among gamers, the owner of the resource will be given a new press account. If the project has no prospects, the owner will not receive an account.

Attention! Players should be extremely wary of offers to purchase world of tanks cards. They should not make such an acquisition, even if in fact the proposed press account turns out to be real and not fake.

In this situation, gamers will soon lose interest in the game

Why is there no functionality available to all gamers?

Many gamers do not understand why application developers do not provide accessible functionality for selecting maps for world of tanks for all project participants. This decision is due to the fact that if the functionality is available, each player will be able to select a map for world of tanks that suits their style and tank. As a result, a stalemate may arise, for example:

  1. On maps intended for Medium Tanks, only such vehicles will fight.
  2. Only heavy tanks and tank destroyers will fight on urban maps.
  3. On open maps there will be the following layout: each team will have ten self-propelled guns.

In this situation, gamers will soon lose interest in the game. If no diversity is introduced, many participants will leave the project, and it will be doomed to closure.

Creating training rooms

Each person, using the instructions, can create a training room for himself. After this, he will be asked to choose a card, attract other participants and begin the battle. In this case, all the assembled players will have to split into two teams. It is worth noting that the gamer will be able to select a card in the training room. He will also be able to disable one or more unloved cards.

Thanks to the created training room, a person will be able to carefully study maps for world of tanks as follows:

  1. You can watch a video that describes in detail all the nuances and features of a particular map for world of tanks.
  2. You can invite friends and create a team to ride the LT on all the maps existing in the training room.
  3. You can ride an LT on your own, while simultaneously highlighting your opponents, looking for good ambush spots and loopholes. To do this, you need to use a special program, through which you can simultaneously run two accounts on one computer.
  4. Some gamers study maps for world of tanks while fighting.

Before choosing a map in world of tanks, each person must create a training room. Thanks to this, he will be able to test this or that account, as well as disable a card that is of no interest. A gamer can also promote his Internet resource so that the creators of the application can evaluate its prospects. In this case, he can count on receiving new maps for world of tanks, thanks to which he will increase and retain subscribers and readers on the portal.


If you need to explore the map, then the “Offline Map Viewing” mod for World of Tanks 0.9.13 will help you. This mod will allow you to launch any map or hangar of the game offline at any time and calmly move around them and get to know the area down to the smallest detail. This is like an alternative to the "Free Camera" mod, only it does not require replays to run.

Camera features:

  • Free flight on any map
  • Smooth flight (inert for camera)
  • Rotate the camera relative to the horizon
  • Zooming the camera in and out
  • Linking the camera parallel to the ground
  • Snap the camera to a point in the center of the screen
  • Resetting the camera position to zero coordinates
  • Combat interface (including minimap*)




  • WASD - forward/left/backward/right respectively
  • Q/E and mouse wheel - vertical up/down
  • From 1 to 0 - speed control (1 - very slow, 0 - very fast)
  • C - snap the camera to a point in the center of the screen
  • X - snap the camera parallel to the ground
  • P - inclusion of inertia (smooth flight)
  • Num 2/Num 3 - rotate the camera relative to the horizon (return R to normal position)
  • Insert/Delete - zoom in/out (F return to normal position)
  • V - enable/disable the interface
  • M - turn on/off the minimap (independent of the rest of the interface)
  • Hold Ctrl - activate the cursor
  • Ctrl + N - reset camera
  • Esc - game menu, "Exit to hangar" closes the client

How to activate the mod:

Launch the game and press the key combination " CTRL+B".

Changing the map to view:


  • Place the gui and scripts folders in World of Tanks/res_mods/0.9.13/


Selecting a battle mode

In addition to choosing the type of battle, why not introduce an even more flexible function of choosing, or rather canceling a standard battle, for example, if I don’t want to sit in the bushes on Malinovka or Prokhorovka for 15 minutes in a standard battle, why are you (the developers) depriving players of the opportunity to refuse a standard battle ? How can it be fundamental for me after many thousands of fights, or do I still need to master the basics? Maybe I’m quite happy with the “Encounter Battle” or the “Assault” mode and that’s what I want to play. And there are quite a few battle modes themselves, but I would like more, for example, historical battles.

Figure 1. “Battle mode selection” is not yet pleasing with its variety

Card selection

Well, okay with the battle modes, they are not so unpleasant when we are talking about maps for which these battle modes are comfortable. This leads to the next question: when will we be allowed to choose cards ourselves? I understand that there is such a thing as searching for battles and limiting the number of cards will slow down the search, but you can, for example, make it mandatory to select at least 5 cards out of 20, but the choice must be free, those cards should not be forced on players , which they do not want to play.

For example, a city map like Himmelsdorf (2-3 pieces to choose from), an open map to choose from like “Robin” and a mixed map to choose from like “Steppes” or “Westfield”. This kind of “set” can be provided to the players, I think no one will be against it, except maybe ideological conservatives who don’t want to change anything at all. However, the function of selecting all cards should be left to those who like to play on all cards in a row.

Why is this topic so important? Yes, because there are almost no players who would like absolutely all the cards in the game, there are very, very few of them, but there are a lot of people who fiercely hate one or two certain cards. Also, many players do not like, to one degree or another, half of the maps and this is normal, these are ordinary statistics, but what is strange is that such a developed game as “World of Tanks” has not yet provided players with this choice. The question is: what are they afraid of or what is stopping them? After all, this won’t particularly disrupt the battle search system; moreover, already now players are constantly thrown into a maximum of 5-6 cards, and this is with a fairly large selection of them (cards). So nothing much will change, but players will finally get greater freedom of choice, and it is freedom of choice and variety that World of Tanks lacks.

Think for yourself, will the GW Tiger player be very delighted if he is sent to Himmelsdorf? Okay, there’s all sorts of compact and nimble art like “Hummel” or even “M40/M43”, but where is the clumsy and huge GVT for such a map? “Malinovka” or “Prokhorovka” is another matter, there is room to turn around. On the other hand, the owner of the “Mouse” is unlikely to be delighted when he gets to “Malinovka”, or even better to “Prokhorovka”; on these maps he is just fodder for artillery; it’s another matter if he can fight on “Highway” or even in the “Steppes”, there are much more shelters from ART-SAU fire. Firefly will be delighted with “Steppes” and “Robin”, and tank destroyers will obviously not mind fighting on maps like “Murovanka”. So the free choice of cards should appeal to very, very many players.

Prices for camouflage and symbols

Why not reconsider the pricing policy for camouflages? Not only is the price absurd, since painting a tank costs a third of the cost of the tank and only ideological donations will actually take it, and a 5% bonus to camouflage is unlikely to be a big incentive for others. In general, prices for all camos should be permanently reduced by 30%, since they are incredibly expensive.
Just think, a complete set of all types of camouflages, plus symbols and inscriptions for tanks above level 7 will cost the player more than one million silver. I don’t think it’s worth saying how exaggerated these numbers are. It turns out that for banal painting we are paying a third of the cost of the tank. Either the paint is mixed with valuable metals, or nanotechnology is mixed in, but the prices are definitely a reflection of nanotechnology - large and vulgarly high. Is the game really lacking “nerdiness” and does it need to make such prices for camouflage, inscriptions and symbols so that players either donate “real” to the camo or sit for days and farm silver for this glamor?

I'm not trying to offend anyone now, but the prices for camouflage and various decorations for a tank are extremely expensive, even a simple reduction in cost by 30% will make them more affordable and acceptable. Of course, various promotions are held for these purposes, but it seems to me that a permanent reduction in prices for camo by 15-20% would not hurt.

In general, the prices are too high, especially when the player has more than 5 serious tanks in the hangar, and I think that they need to be reconsidered, but whether the developers will do this is another question.

Resale of premium tanks

Have you ever wanted to return a previously purchased premium tank or buy another? Even if you pay a 10% penalty for the exchange? I wouldn’t be against it, both because sooner or later the previously beloved premium car gets boring, and because sometimes you don’t buy exactly what you expected. And note, these reasons are quite weighty, but the developers are somehow in no hurry to introduce something like this, there are not even any special conversations on this topic.

Let's take, for example, the situation with the popular Super Pershing tank. Due to its high level 8 and relative cheapness - 7200 gold per piece - a lot of players bought it. They bought something, but what they bought, they didn’t know in detail, they knew the fairly fast M26 Pershing and expected something similar, but they got a slow tank, albeit with fairly strong frontal armor. As a result, this caused a lot of dissatisfaction; on the one hand, some players simply didn’t figure out how to fight with it, and some simply didn’t want to figure it out, because they expected certain dynamics from the tank, but never got it. There is even a topic on the forum about this, something like a “community of deceived buyers”, in general, the meaning is simple - we bought one thing, and you sold us Mr., well, you understand. The players are partly right, because at the time of its appearance the SP was oh so difficult to hit in the forehead, then it was nerfed and made the already not very strong tank even weaker. This caused a storm of indignation among the owners and a certain touch of senselessness in purchasing this tank settled on the olive-colored armor of the vehicle, which was supposed to replace the legendary KV-5. Actually, in a certain sense, I agree with the players who believe that they were “dumped”, since it seems to me that it was already much easier to destroy the joint venture at the beginning of its appearance than the KV-5 at all stages of its existence in the game and why I needed an additional nerf and it’s completely unclear to me. The situation is only corrected by the fact that “golden” shells have become available for silver and the joint venture can at least somehow survive in random situations, especially when encountering such monsters as “E-75” and “M103”, which are simply magnificent from all sides and they don’t even need to take special aim to literally penetrate us into the frontal armor (although previously even the Object 704 couldn’t really penetrate us).

Whatever one may say, the tank is still expensive - it costs approximately $30 US dollars and this is not bad money, considering that the disc with the cult game of our time “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2” costs the same. Therefore, the players’ anger is quite understandable and justifying themselves with phrases like “what stopped you from checking everything on the test server before purchasing” does not suit a company like Wargaming. In fact, it even seems to me that the company has grown so quickly that it has not yet understood what role it plays and that Soviet approaches and excuses are inappropriate here. It’s time for the guys from BR to adopt the manners of EA or Activision and treat the opinions and aspirations of players with care, no matter what happens with “Mass Effect 3” from a well-known company.

Since the game has an already formed and quite large community, it follows that it is necessary to interact with it, and on an equal basis, without pride and hypocrisy. Based on this, we have already found a simple way to resolve this contradiction, in addition, the company will even be able to earn a little money by exchanging tanks, after all, there is a penalty, and there is also the factor of striving for better. That is, if a player previously drove a “Supershing”, then he will exchange it, most likely for a “Lion” or something similar - more expensive and prestigious. And in the end, the player is happy and the company received a benefit in the amount of the penalty for the exchange plus the difference in the cost of the tanks. No matter how you look at it, it's a mutually beneficial thing. Probably, the only problem is that no one wants to take on this and rework the trading system in the game, but in vain, it’s time, the game has long outgrown its clothes and needs to expand and become more complex.

Complicating the game model

Complicating, modernizing and deepening the game is something that game developers avoid like tigers from fire. The developers don’t want this so much that during the entire existence of the game, only one noticeable step was taken in this direction - a few new skills were added and that’s it. Just imagine, and this despite the fact that at the early stage of its development, the project’s management trumpeted to the whole world that it was “an MMO with RPG elements about tanks.” Later they corrected the thesis to the more acceptable “Arcade simulator of tank battles in PvP mode.” Of course, we all understand that there is a huge army of fans, especially older ones, who have absolutely no desire to delve into the thousands of nuances like in real MMOs - potions, armor, weapons, and so on, on the other hand, quite old uncles and aunts have a great understanding of "LA2" and "WoW" - if you wish. So this definitely won’t be a problem for most players who love World of Tanks, in addition, you can make it so that a novice player enters the game in “neophyte” mode and gains access to all the features only after clicking on an item like “I’ve completed the training, so I won’t get lost in the wilds of the game,” or completed the basic tutorial. In general, you can’t understand what’s what and games like “Sacred 2” are more complicated than quantum mechanics for you, okay, play in the basic configuration, that is, the one that is now in the game. If you are an advanced player and “Diablo 3” and “Skyrim” are just a field for you to relax, then go ahead and use all the features of the game.

Figure 4. The choice of modules is quite modest - just over a dozen pieces

Be that as it may, “WoT” has stopped developing in depth, it is only expanding and looks like a fishing village, which, like a hundred years ago, fished with a wicker net, and fishes with it now, only spreading along the embankment. New maps and new tanks, branches - this is all good, but this has already happened many times and the project management must be aware that it left its old fans with nothing, without providing them with anything radically new for a year . It’s okay, as long as the game doesn’t have much competition in the CIS, but it will, soon domestic oligarchs, like giraffes, will realize that they can invest money in games, and not just in alcohol factories and gas stations, and these same computer games will bring a lot more money without ruining anyone's life or polluting the environment. In general, competition will increase, and rapidly, as soon as they get a taste of money.

So for now, the World of Tanks project is in a kind of hibernation - functional processes are going on, but there is no special development, only fat is accumulating, plus all the animals in the forest are also in hibernation and are afraid of no one in particular (competitors). But when the fuss begins, only then will we take from the dusty shelf those ideas that we constantly put off until later (historical battles, for example).

Figure 5. The choice of skills is also not so large - 3 main and 4 auxiliary (but they take a very long time to level up)

In general, the developers must deepen the game and make it more rich. We need new types of equipment, new types of consumables (and only for silver!), new skills, new types of battles, new tactical schemes, and as I said earlier, we need to make sure that the player has the opportunity to play either taking into account the rating - getting only into teams with experienced players, or could play as before, in a random mix with a wide variety of players with different skill levels.

Note. Modern MMO projects, such as "WoW", "PW" and "LA2" have a huge set of elements, providing a large field for experimentation for the player, "WorldofTanks" cannot boast of this yet, although, in fact, it is a typical MMOAn RPG project with elements of leveling up, choosing modules and skills, consumables, and so on. Path and the project is positioned as an arcade tank simulator, but there is very little simulation there, as well as realism, but there are similarities withRPGs are much more substantial.

Tired of looking at the noobs, do you want the team to be stupid less often? – forward to matches based on skill level. Do you want to play in random as usual (even though we are noobs, the enemy also has a lot of noobs and they can be easily destroyed)? – you will still have this opportunity.

Again, it’s like in “StarCraft 2”, before the release of the “Heart of the Hive” update, in battles against AI you could choose a difficulty level that was comfortable for you, and for thrill-seekers there were always rating battles. “Wargaming” can adopt the same scheme and allow players to choose both game modes, which one they like.

Figure 7. Selecting a battle mode in StarCraft 2

Improvement of the income and experience accounting system

Have you often seen a situation when you stopped an enemy tank and it with a precise shot at the caterpillar, and then your allies dismantled it? At the same time, you received crumbs for this important move, and your allies, who received a free frag, on the contrary, received more than they deserved (similarly, when you splash the tracks of a tank on art - despite the fact that you immobilized the target, which was immediately destroyed by the allies, you will only be given for this the damage that went into the tracks, and this is a trifle). What can I say, the system for recording experience is still quite simple - you get the most experience for causing damage and much less for other actions - lighting, causing damage to the enemy, critical damage to modules, active actions such as shooting towards the enemy, and so on. At the same time, we receive indirect experience only for highlighting a target based on half the damage caused by your allies. It couldn’t be simpler, but there are much more combat situations in which you get almost nothing, while bringing noticeable benefit to the team.

Figure 8.Accrual of experience and credits

For example, you broke through on one of the flanks on a TT, received a little experience/money for indirect damage, but after the light was exposed, the enemy ART-SAU was covered by your artillery fire - you will no longer receive anything, since you “went out”, that is, for providing coordinates for fire - zero. Why is everything so primitive? But what about the situation when the LT exposes almost the entire enemy team and, as a result, the allies, based on the coordinates, begin flanking and win the battle? Where is the award for “decisive contribution to reconnaissance in force?” Why are there no awards for receiving medals? - this is the fundamental basis of all MMORPGs - a reward for “achievement” ( achievement - achievement, English.). Call it what you want, but it’s not there.

Now remember “Battlefield 3” and “Black Ops 2” - everywhere there is a reward for support - “assist”. In "Battlefield 3" there are even rewards for highlighting targets with a laser, plus for the damage caused during the illumination by allies, there is a reward for suppression - when yours destroyed an enemy soldier, while you suppressed him with fire, and it is not at all necessary to hit him . Doesn’t a similar situation happen in World of Tanks? Yes, hundreds of times. For example, you on a T-50 with a 37-mm anti-aircraft gun suppress and distract an enemy KV with heavy fire, and at this time your allies destroy it. What will you get? - only a reward for damage caused to your light and that’s it - no bonus for suppression, no reward for distracting the enemy to yourself. Again, everything is quite primitive. Why is it still only the damage flying away from the enemy on the tank’s safety margin scale that is included in the active “references” in battle? Why have these innovations been present in all the leading shooter games for a long time (WoT is also a shooter to a certain extent, albeit on tanks) but we don’t have them in our game? I think that the developers need to sit with “Battlefield 3” and “Black Ops 2” for a couple of weeks and pick up new ideas, although they are not new in general for game developers, but for “World of Tanks” they will definitely be revolutionary.


What is a Wargaming card?

The Wargaming card allows you to receive free in-game gold or doubloons when paying for your usual services: purchases in stores, utilities, mobile communications, etc. You can find out more about the Wargaming card by following the links:

Below we will answer frequently asked questions.

What are the terms and conditions for accruing bonuses?

The starting bonus (30 days of premium account) is not credited immediately after linking the card to the account, but along with the first return of gold or doubloons as part of the monthly bonus. 30 days of premium account is credited one-time to the account with the first card ordered.

To receive bonus gold or doubloons, you must make qualifying transactions (everyday purchases) that do not apply:

  • operations to obtain cash from ATMs, cash points and other places;
  • purchasing lottery tickets and bonds;
  • transactions made in favor of mutual funds and pawnshops;
  • transactions with financial organizations;
  • operations related to the transfer of funds to accounts/cards of Alfa-Bank and other banks;
  • operations related to replenishing the balance of electronic wallets (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc.);
  • operations qualified by Alfa-Bank as operations related to the use of the card for commercial purposes;
  • transactions made in METRO Cash&Carry and SELGROS Cash
  • transactions made on a bank account without using a bank card or its details (for example, through the Alfa-Click Internet bank, Alfa-Mobile service, etc.).

The return of gold or doubloons is calculated based on the amount of monthly non-cash turnover on the card (the amount of qualifying transactions minus canceled ones). Based on the turnover on the card, you can calculate the amount of bonus gold or doubloons in a special monthly bonus calculator. The monthly bonus is credited no later than 15 calendar days after the end of the month, i.e. for purchases in August, the bonus will be credited until September 15.

In addition, if you made purchases (except for purchasing packages as a gift to someone) using the special payment method “Wargaming Card”, along with a monthly bonus you will receive 5% of the cost of each purchase in game currency. World of Tanks, World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz card holders can use this payment method in any section of the Premium store. In this case, a bonus of 5% of the cost of the product will be credited to the project in the section in which you made the purchase.

For example, you have a World of Tanks card, but you want to make a purchase not in the “tank” section, but in the “ship” section of the Premium store. Let's say, buy the cruiser Aurora. You can easily use your World of Tanks card by selecting the “Wargaming Card” payment method, and a bonus 5% will be awarded to you in the form of World of Warships doubloons.

Those users whose qualifying card transactions amount to 30,000 rubles or more will receive a bonus in the form of personal reserves (for World of Tanks card holders) or flag signals and camouflage sets (for World of Warships card holders).

How much bonus gold or doubloons were awarded? Why did I receive less than I expected?

Bonuses are awarded automatically based on the data provided to us by the bank. Accordingly, if the bonus has not arrived or its amount does not meet your expectations, then you need to contact the bank’s Customer Support Center by phone +7-495-78-888-78 (for Moscow), 8-800-2000-000 (for others regions) or to a bank branch.

You can get information about the gold or doubloons actually credited to your account in the Personal Account of the Wargaming card user.

Is the card linked to my account?

The card is automatically linked to the account registered on the site at the time of filling out the form. (If you order a card from the Wargaming website, the login to which the card will automatically be linked is indicated on the online application page.)