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How to play Bloodborne with two players. Bloodborne guide: how multiplayer works

Became Bloodborne- a universally recognized masterpiece from the studio From Software, released exclusively on consoles from Sony. He belongs to the family Souls only indirectly, offering some fresh ideas and an updated setting in the setting of the Gothic era.

Beginners will have a hard time here, at least for the first few hours until you master the basic mechanics. There is no map, there are many paths, it’s easy to get confused... Here are a few tips that can make life easier.

Rolls, dodges and parries are the secret of survival, use them more often;
It is best to take an ax as your first weapon, since it is much easier to use. On the other hand, a stick with a whip function allows you to hit opponents from a medium distance without taking damage;
The optimal character for a beginner - biography "Cruel Past", which gives a good increase in strength and endurance characteristics. Appearance does not matter, choose at your discretion;
Found blood clots are cured by pressing “triangle”, but it’s better to save precious jars for the battle with the boss. With various exploding things, the situation is even more complicated, since you never know where exactly the next impenetrable creature will come across;
Each boss is unique and requires the use of appropriate tactics;
In the first vast location there is only one saving lantern, so our task is to open all the paths around so that there are no closed gates and we can get to "Hunter's Dream";
In the “sleep” we pump up all the skills, focus on strength, vitality and endurance;
Enemies respawn when returning from safe dreams, allowing you to effectively farm blood clots in the same locations. Sometimes this is the only thing that will help you level up and cope with the next boss.

-Mom, where did daddy go? - Lisa whined, holding tightly to her mother’s hand.
-Lisa, everything will be fine. Everything will be fine,” the mother gently wiped away her daughter’s tears: “Please, Lisa, listen: you have to hide.” Hide somewhere in a closet so that no one finds you...
A wild scream, accompanied by a noisy muffled bark, came from the street into the room. Lisa grabbed her mother’s hand tighter:
-Mom, don’t go, mom, please don’t go...
-LIZA, calm down! Hide and wait for us!
Mom left.

It would seem that just yesterday the sun was shining gently in Yharnam, accompanying a child playing on the street or a busy man running to work. In the light of the sun, lovers declared their love for each other, and bakers gave free hot pastries to random passers-by. The city lived its own good life.

Since ancient times, Yharnam has been famous for its healers who can cure any ailment. Therefore, a lot of people came to the city in search of miraculous treatment. Most of the settlers were pilgrims carrying old ancient cultures.

So Yharnam became infected with a terrible epidemic, which the clerics called Shadow or Demonic. Dogs were the first to be infected - the animals became possessed. A little later, people accepted the disease - the disease quietly crept up from behind: good people became evil, evil people turned into real monsters, child killers and cannibals. Photographs on the walls were replaced with hanging bloody chains and sickles, and treatment tables were transformed into instruments of torture. Thus Yharnam forever lost its former glory.

Lisa did everything her mother said: she hid in the closet, covering herself with a pile of clothes. But all the fur coats and cloaks did not hide all the horror happening behind the door of the house - the girl heard everything. At first I heard an inhuman howl and a heavy dog ​​barking. Then Lisa heard a man's cry, then a woman's. I heard someone begging for mercy.

Lisa heard footsteps.

The news of the fall of Yharnam spread throughout the world. Pilgrims began to leave the city, replaced by marauders, bandits and monster hunters. All of them tried to profit from someone else's misfortune: the first raided museums and shops, the second killed passers-by and robbed their pockets, the third took the last pennies from families.

The hero of the new part about dark souls is an ordinary monster hunter. But he came to Yharnam for answers to some questions. And to get answers, he will have to work hard.

Bloodborne- new game from From Software, exclusive to Playstation 4, which preserved and adopted the traditions (and not only) of the previous parts. Therefore, it is considered the most anticipated and best-selling exclusive for the new generation console.

For From Software Bloodborne- new experience, new platform, big risk. For players - something like a continuation of Dark Souls, a new dark story with its own dark corners and secrets. The game is expected by many, including people who do not have a console - everyone is interested in what it will be and how it will be presented.

Some have already tried it Bloodborne before the official release - sponsors, press and developers. Everyone (especially the press) loudly praises the next From Software project, emphasizing the same atmosphere and complexity. “The game is not forgiving,” they said when it came out, and they still say it now.

The developers have already shown gameplay videos Bloodborne, as well as story trailers. From them it is clear that the game is almost no different from its predecessors. The only things that stand out are the new plot, some gameplay aspects and graphics. The latter, by the way, fascinated and shocked the players. The blood especially stands out - the developers devoted a lot of time and effort to it. “Continuous pools of blood, but it seemed like I only killed a couple of enemies.”

One of the journalists highlighted some details:
  • in 40 hours it did not reach the finale, which means the plot is quite long (and maybe even drawn out);
  • the tense atmosphere echoes the player: “there’s danger around every corner” or “don’t go there, did you hear him laugh?” The musical accompaniment, all the creaks and screams in the background add their lion's share of the creepiness;
  • the game was given action by replacing passivity with shields with pistols (Bloodborne has shields, but they don’t really help - dodges save the day);
  • The combat mechanics are no different from DS2, but there is a certain aspect that players will be happy about (it is not mentioned).

    This was in the special 278th edition of Edge.

    The character editor, which is also not much different from the DS2 editor, was not left without attention: a couple of new hairstyles, shades - and that's it. Nothing new.

    But the upcoming game pleases not only with beautiful bloody puddles and a new story - the game has co-op and PVP mode . Looking ahead, I will say that the players will again have to perform dances with a tambourine in order to connect to each other. Everything is in tradition, so to speak.

    Cooperative will support up to three players: one host and two guests. To play in co-op, the host must have a Bell and the guests must have Small Bells. It works like this: the host rings his bell and invites players to the lobby, and the guests respond with Small Bells to connect. But this whole procedure can be bypassed if you have a Cry - an item that can create a lobby and set a password for it. Players who know the password simply connect to the lobby and play - no hassles. We'll soon find out whether the Cry will be a rare item.

    PvP mode works almost the same. To invade alien worlds, players will need the Ominous Bell. also in Bloodborne There are messages from players, now they are called “Memories”. The blood stains were replaced with tombstones.

    That's not all. You can also highlight recent news: Bloodborne went to “gold”, i.e. The game discs are already being prepared and delivered to warehouses. In addition, the developers promised players a significant patch immediately after release, which will slightly correct the system code.

    Bloodborne will come out March 25 on Playstation 4 in Russia and the CIS countries. The game will be translated and localized for us by 1C-SoftClub. Nothing is known about the PC version.

  • Just recently, Bloodborne: Bloodborne became available to PlayStation Plus subscribers for free, and many new hunters have appeared on the streets of Yharnam. Now is the best time to hunt together! Do you want help dealing with a specific boss or are you just looking for company? We've put together a quick guide to playing co-op in Bloodborne: Bloodborne.


    The insight at the heart of Bloodborne's gameplay captures the spirit of Lovecraft's works perfectly. This characteristic reflects the level of superhuman knowledge the hero gains by traveling the world and destroying bosses. As you accumulate insight points, you gradually uncover terrible secrets, begin to see unspeakable horrors, and more.

    In addition, Insight is the main currency in co-op mode. By spending one insight point, you can summon players to your world to help you in your hunt. Online play will not be available until you have earned at least one insight point.

    And you can earn them in different ways. The easiest way to gain insight early in the game is to encounter a boss for the first time or use the Madman's Knowledge item, which can be found on the streets of Yharnam or dropped from certain enemies.

    How to call other players for help (Calling Bell)

    If you get the first insight point, then it's (almost) done. All that remains is to find the item without which co-op play in Bloodborne is impossible - the Calling Bell.

    After you earn your first insight point, you need to obtain the Calling Bell from the messengers in the Hunter's Dream.

    By ringing this bell during an online game, you will summon other hunters to your world.

    Immediately after the bell rings, the bell will open your world and connect you with players who have expressed a desire to help. At the same time, their level will be comparable to yours, and they will be nearby in the game. If you want to find good helpers, we recommend using the bell at the very beginning of the level or before the boss location.

    You can summon no more than 2 guests to your world at the same time. When you play online with other hunters, your enemies will gain more health, but co-op mode opens up a lot of useful options. For example, other players can distract the boss's attention so that you can strike more often.

    Just keep in mind: by opening your world to online helpers, you risk attracting the attention of bloodthirsty hunters... The game will notify you of an enemy invasion so that you have time to prepare for battle (or hide).

    How to help other players (Small ringing bell)

    If you want to help other players, you will need a Small Ringing Bell. This item can be purchased in the Hunter's Dream from the top Envoy of Insight, who will appear after you receive the first point of Insight.

    To provide assistance, ring the Small Ringing Bell and the game will connect you with the player using the Ringing Bell in their world. We repeat the advice: it is best to use this item at the very beginning of the level or before the boss location. By playing with other hunters and helping them destroy bosses, you receive insight points, with which you can then call for help in your world!

    Game with friends

    If you want to go hunting with a friend, both players - the owner of the Calling Bell and the owner of the Small Ringing Bell - must set the same password in the game's online settings. Make sure you are in the same area and stand as close to each other in your worlds as possible.

    Ending a co-op session (Silence Form)

    If for some reason you decide to end a co-op hunt session, use the Silence Form. This item is given by the same messenger from whom you received the Calling Bell. Shoot to end your multiplayer session and return to your world or send your assistants to their worlds.

    Summoning the Old Hunters

    After receiving your first insight point, you can find the Old Hunting Bell on the steps leading to the Workshop in the Hunter's Dream. This special bell is capable of summoning the spirits of legendary hunters from all over Yharnam and even from the Underground Bowl.

    Small glowing wells will appear on the map, emitting a high-pitched resonating sound. Stand at such a point and press the “cross” to ring the Old Hunting Bell. You'll spend one insight point to summon a computer-controlled hunter to help you progress through the level and provide support against particularly difficult bosses.

    Share Play feature

    If Calling Bell, Insight, and co-op play aren't what you're looking for, if you just want to hand the controller over to a friend so they can show you a secret or give you a trick to defeat a difficult opponent, then why not use the Share Play feature?

    This unique PlayStation 4 feature lets you hand over control of the action to your PlayStation Network friend, no matter where they are. He will be able to do whatever he wants, as if he were sitting next to you.


    Now you know how Bloodborne co-op works, it's time to take to social media and find your teammates using the hashtag #HelpingHandBloodborne. Are you a veteran looking to give newcomers a tour of Yharnam's darkest corners? Offer your help to the world. Just getting started with the game and can't handle the boss? Turn to the world and find comrades among those who are much more experienced.

    Remember, you don’t have to suffer alone!

    Bloodborne uses the traditions of Demon Spirits and Dark Souls to offer some unconventional multiplayer options.

    Bloodborne guide: how multiplayer works

    Bloodborne will offer competitive (PvP) and cooperative (co-op) multiplayer, as well as asynchronous online features.

    For those new to the series, this can be a little more complicated, and for veterans there are some subtle differences to how the Demon Games and Dark Souls Games work. So let's take it out.

    What do I need to use Bloodborne's multiplayer features?

    To access Bloodborne's online features, you will need to install the latest update. According to, there will be a one-day update.

    Co-op, PvP, asynchronous online features and chalice dungeon data downloads require an active PlayStation Plus subscription. However, you do not need a subscription to download Chalice dungeon data.

    You will need to select "play online" to use any multiplayer features.

    Cooperative play

    The goal of the co-op is to defeat the level boss. One player, the host, can invite two guests to help them overcome the boss and the many challenges between the boss and a nearby checkpoint.

    To initiate a collaboration session, the host uses the element Bekoning Bell, which costs one Insight point. This item is given to you in Hunter's Dream after you have gained one Insight point.

    You cannot summon a co-op in an area where you have already defeated the boss.

    Guests may volunteer to cooperate with Small Resonant Bell. This item can be purchased for one Insight point from the Insight store in Dream Hunter; this is a bird bath on the upper level, different from the Bath Messenger store below. To use this store you must have at least ten Insight points.

    You cannot volunteer to participate in co-op in a cleared boss arena. You can continue playing as normal while the bell rings, similar to placing a challenge marker in Sould games. However, the bell will continue to move as you move between areas - with the exception of cleared boss arenas.

    Co-matching is automatic and random, but players can set a password of up to eight letters and will be predominantly matched. Go to Settings - Network - Password to enter the password; it makes for a neat little clan if that's what you fancy, and also for private sessions.

    If you're having trouble getting a shared session with a specific friend, even with a password, try this:

    • Both players exit the game and restart their PS4, keeping the PSN connected before downloading the Bloodborne app
    • Set a password on both ends before starting the game
    • Both players go to the same place in the game
    • Guest player calls Small Resonant Bell
    • The player's owner calls Beckoning bell second

    Matchmaking is also affected by Faction and is limited by level. You can cooperate with players within ten levels and 10% of your level, rounded to the nearest whole number. Here's the formula:

    • Maximum level of cooperative partner:
      [your level] + 10 + [your level x 0.1]
    • Minimum level of cooperative partner:
      [your level] - 10 - [your level x 0.1]

    For example, at level 30 you can only play with others whose level ranges from 17 to 43. At level 37 you can only play with others whose level ranges from 23 to 51.

    The consequence of this is that if you significantly exceed the level, you less chance of finding suitable cooperation partners, since higher level characters tend to gather at higher levels.

    If the boss is defeated, guests return to their world and are rewarded for their efforts with one Insight point.

    Guests can leave at any time using the Silencing Blank. They will also return to their game if they or the owner is killed. In any of these cases no reward will be provided.

    In some areas, you cannot summon or volunteer until you complete certain tasks. Additionally, in some places you can summon NPCs instead of human co-ops; look for the Messenger, hinting that this is possible, then stand in the Messenger to summon an NPC.

    Using Beckoning Bell leaves you vulnerable to the appearance of the Sinister Bell Woman. It opens your region to invasion by other players. See below for details.

    Competitive game versus game

    PvP is initiated by the guest, not the host, in an act known as an invasion. In some areas of the game, it is possible that hosts can be captured by two guests at the same time.

    Invasions can only occur in areas where a female belfry appears, which occurs when potential PvP players use Sinister Resonant Bell, the host attempts to initiate a co-op session, or sometimes as a result of events in the game world.

    The guests use the Sinister Resonant Bell facility to invade. Requires Insight level 30. If the guest defeats the host, they return to their game with a reward.

    If the guest is defeated or uses the Silencing Blank element, or the host manages to escape the invader and defeat the boss, the guest returns to their world without reward.

    You cannot block PvP sessions. Matchmaking is influenced by faction.

    Invaders will not appear in places where the boss is defeated.


    Keep in mind that joining a covenant can affect multiplayer in interesting ways. In particular, Cainhurst Vilebloods and Executioners have an adversarial relationship, and if connected as cooperation partners, they can kill each other. The host may not be aware that their visitor is an invader and not a cooperative challenge, since he is intentionally unmarked.

    Asynchronous network functions

    Notes As in Demon Souls and Dark Souls, you can leave hints, warnings, jokes, and other messages for other players. These messages then become visible in other players' games.

    Messages are found in the game as Messenger creatures on the ground; interact with them to read messages from other players. To leave messages, use the item " Laptop", sent by a messenger upon your first visit to the Hunter's Dream Center.

    You can rate messages as Fine or Foul. Highly rated posts will last longer and be visible to more players.

    Ghost: When a player dies, they leave behind a tombstone that, like Notes, appears in other players' worlds. Interacting with the tombstone will show you ghost data about how that player died.

    Player ghosts. Sometimes you will see ghost data that will solve the level around you, regardless of the tombstones. This shows you close data from other players in the same area as you, and you can often learn something from watching them.