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Earning money from paid consultations. Paid consultations as a way to make money via the Internet Earn money from online consultations

A very interesting way to make money via the Internet is paid consultations. Clients in need of the services of paid consultants can be ordinary citizens, as well as enterprises and firms. And the scope of consultations ranges from accounting and legal services to choosing the color of a pillow for a sofa. But you should not advise on little-studied areas of science that currently differ from the “generally accepted” dogmas. There is a risk of losing your reputation and the possibility of earning income in this area. The virtual sphere, no matter how otherworldly it may seem, is actually closer to reality than it might seem at first glance. Legal advice is the most popular one on the Internet and you can start with it if you have basic knowledge in this field.

To start making money as a consultant, you need to constantly search for customers. This can be done on forums dedicated to your topic or on your own website. It is necessary to create a reputation for yourself; all comments must be logical, concise, and contain a maximum of easily digestible information. But don't overdo it, or you risk alienating people.

If the forum is located on a personal website, then it is necessary to promote not only the forum, but also the site itself. Then potential consumers of your services will come to the site themselves through search engines.

However, not everyone can afford to create a website, and there is no free time. In this case, there is an option like an exchange. Here you need to register, create your account and offer your services. It is necessary to decide and indicate on the exchange the cost of the consultant’s services. It is imperative to indicate the methods of contact, that is, how the consultation will take place: via the Internet or in a personal meeting.

The main methods of communication with the customer can be divided into three groups.

1. Consultations via the Internet. Programs such as ICQ and Skype significantly simplify the work of a consultant.

2. Consultations via e-mail are characterized by the absence of live communication with the client. But this can both play against the consultant and play into the hands, for example, of beginners who are still learning the basics.

3. Paid consultations on various forums. There is an obvious significant disadvantage of such consultations, because the result can be read by all forum participants, and, therefore, they will pay for it only once.

There is another way to sell consulting services. If you collect all the best practices and solutions, you can compile an e-book and make it available for paid download.

Starting your own business takes money and time, but with the right approach, all this can take relatively few resources. Opening your own legal clinic is very attractive for a person with a higher legal education. First of all, because it takes a little time. In addition, legal advice can be not only real, but also virtual. The demand for a lawyer on the Internet is very high, and all because people do not always have enough time to go for consultations.

Opening your own legal practice from scratch is not that difficult. First of all, you need to have a legal education and register as an individual entrepreneur. It is important here that in the future you can expand the range of services that your consultation will provide.

A huge advantage of organizing legal advice is the relatively small start-up capital. A lawyer does not have to provide consultations in a huge room. A small office for two specialists is quite enough. It is better to open a consultation together with another lawyer. First of all, because all costs will be halved. True, and profit too.

The main costs will be for:

  1. rental of premises;
  2. purchase of office equipment;
  3. payment for communication services;
  4. registration as a legal entity;
  5. business plan for legal advice.

It is worth noting that in the absence of hiring employees (companions do not count), it is more advisable to open an individual entrepreneur. In terms of taxation, it turns out to be cheaper, especially since at the initial stage there are no guarantees that the business will immediately pay off. However, an LLC inspires more trust among clients.

To immediately establish yourself as a good specialist, you can create your own website for legal services and provide consultations online. The more and better you answer, the more clients you will attract to your company.

24/7 online consultation

Who said that online consultations should be free? Practice shows that many lawyers successfully make money from answers on the Internet. You can make your legal consultation on the Internet 24 hours a day and free of charge. For example, you invite lawyers from all over the country to your website, who will gain experience and experience and provide consultations for a fee. The first questions should be free.

Why is this beneficial? Because the person who decided to get a consultation will first ask a free question. Having received a general answer to it, he will be happy to pay for details and a complete discussion of the topic. You can hire lawyers through special websites and freelance exchanges on the Internet.

The advantage of such consultations is that work will be provided around the clock, without days off or breaks. The main thing is to organize the site correctly and introduce as many payment methods as possible. You, as the organizer of the system, can earn profit not only from visiting the site and placing advertisements on it, but also from users (that is, lawyers). At the same time, when organizing your individual entrepreneur, you need to indicate as OKVED codes not only those that regulate legal activities, but also activities on the Internet.

Keep in mind that you can organize your online legal consultation directly from home, without creating an office. Or you can combine work on the Internet and in reality. It is high-quality work on the Internet, a properly designed website, and the presence of good content on it that allows you to attract clients to the office.

Online consultation with a car lawyer

If you are a narrow specialist in law, for example, a car lawyer, then it is advisable to open an online consultation specifically for this profile. Start-up costs:

  • webmaster services (turnkey website creation);
  • services of copywriters-lawyers (for filling the site with articles);
  • renting online hosting for a website (it is advisable that the domain name reflects the essence of your activity).

Moreover, these clients may not even be from your city, but from the region. Therefore, it is important to organize your online activities correctly and give only legally correct advice in accessible language.

On the website you can indicate not only the office number and its address, but also your personal telephone number for communication. It is also better to place the price list immediately on the website. The first free consultation in the office can be your “trick”, which will help you beat your competitors a little.

How to go on a business trip and not exceed your travel allowance:

Online consultation with a lawyer for free

In order to organize your activities as an online lawyer, you need to have completed higher education in this field, register as a legal entity and create your own website on the Internet. It could even be a one-page site, the maintenance of which is much cheaper.

Hello, my dear readers and visitors, sometimes each of us needs advice, or some kind of consultation, for which we turn to our loved ones and acquaintances.

Help, of course, comes to us at the first request, but sometimes it is not high-quality advice that does not help at all, or is based not on your principles, but on the principles of the person giving the advice.

What to do if none of the free advice from an ordinary person you know helps? look for a paid consultant who will give a high-quality and effective answer.

Today we will talk to you about paid consultations on the Internet and discuss making money from it.

Paid consulting

Paid consulting on the Internet is a person’s ability to suggest solutions to certain problems for money.

To give high-quality advice, you need not just to know something and rely on your own experience, but to know at the professional level the topic in which you will help solve people’s questions.

Where to start

First, you just need to decide in what area you could give competent and life-saving advice to people. Then you need to practice further in order to give top-class recommendations, for which you will receive more money, because this is why you will be engaged in consultations.

In order to become a good specialist you need several things:

  • It is very good to understand the topic so as not to get stunned when you are asked a question to which you do not know the exact answer. And if you try to get out, then you shouldn’t hope that the client will recommend you to his friends.
  • To be able to give people information in human language is necessary so as not to waste your personal time explaining all the terms that you will mention in a conversation, and not every person will be able to understand abstruse speeches the way you would like to explain it to them.
  • Love your job - because you won’t be able to do something you don’t love for long. If you are going to consult only for the sake of money, but you do not like to explain something to people who may not understand you, then it is better not to engage in this type of income.
  • You should not be shy - you will need this not only in order to communicate with people as if you were family, but also in order to advertise yourself, and this requires interesting articles about yourself, activities and explanations of why you are better than anyone else .

Solo path

Why did I call it a solo path? Because this part of the article does not force you to use any services, but you will have to work twice as hard, because you will attract people using your own blog on the Internet.

It seems to me that this is the best option to show people what you know, what you can do and what you can suggest for an additional fee.

People can be attracted by various articles that do not contain the most important thing - a detailed explanation, and of course, you must make it clear to people that you can additionally, for money, explain the meaning of any blog article and explain everything in detail step by step.

Here is an offer for you to start a solo journey, independent and highly profitable.

Total, after that. Once you start a blog and fill it with content, you can earn income from 4 sources, these are the ones that are slightly higher and your main one is consulting.

Earning money is not available to everyone

In terms of accessibility, it seems to me that this is the most inaccessible way to work on the network, because not every person has the knowledge in his head to help people with this or that problem, but more than half of people can embark on the path of a talented “solver” » human problems.

What industries might require a consultant:

  • Automotive theme
  • Construction
  • Medicine
  • Computer literacy
  • Blogging
  • Earning money on the Internet
  • Psychology

And much more, almost every topic has the right to a paid consultant, because there are people for whom it is easier to pay money and be told what and how, than to look for any information on their own and practice.

Bottom line

Well, that's probably all for today. Of course, it didn’t turn out to be a big text, but I don’t know what else to write, it seems like there’s nothing more to add, and if you write around the bush, then you won’t learn any meaningful content.

That’s all I have for today, repost, subscribe to article updates so as not to miss the release of new entries, and of course, I ask you to write a comment, and the best option would be if you tell us about your experience in this service sector, or on the Internet in general.

Thank you all for your attention, come visit us, see you soon, bye bye.

Best regards, Sergey Vasiliev

Finally, a short video, short but interesting.

Information technologies provide the ability to accept payment for services over the phone.

The service is relevant for reference and information bureaus of manufacturing and trading enterprises, service and entertainment companies, media, banks, insurance, medical, tourism, transport, legal and consulting companies, doctors, psychologists, distributors and many other highly qualified specialists.

How is a paid service provided by phone?

The consultant places his phone number in the most visible and visited places and provides information on his website. This phone has a federal number and must begin with 8-809-xxx-xx-xx. The phone number can be short, for example: 07xxx, 08xxx. Here the “x” symbol hides the specific digits of the number.

The client dials the phone number of a paid service... He hears a notification that further conversation will be for a fee. From the moment you connect with a consultant, the telephone company automatically counts the minutes of the call, calculates the fee at the Consultant's rate and deducts the fee from the caller's Cellular Company account. The countdown ends from the moment the connection is disconnected and the conversation ends.

Any information and consultations can be provided over the phone for a fee. The consultant spends his personal time for the benefit of the caller. The consultant has the right to offer the caller to also transfer his personal time in the form of money.

Which phone company should you choose?

There are many intermediaries who are ready to provide a service for a small fee. But all intermediaries represent the same company and enter into contracts with it on behalf of the customer. Go to the source!

The only company in Russia that guarantees the operation of a pay phone is Interregional TransitTelecom OJSC (MTT), a long-distance and international (LD/I) communications operator that has been successfully operating on the market for more than 15 years.

Only legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can enter into an agreement to provide a telephone number for paid consultations of the form 8-809-xxx-xx-xx. The number can be long or short.

The cost of connection and subscription fee must be discussed with MTT in person by phone or e-mail. I can add on my own behalf that the cost of connection does not exceed 10 thousand rubles and 1500 rubles monthly subscription fee.

I was very pleased that several consultants can work on one number from MTT. Consultants must have a Megafon mobile phone. It is advisable to use this Megafon number only for paid calls.

As an example of a comprehensive organization of providing services by phone, via SMS, chat, email and in personal meetings using the telephone number 8-809-xxx-xx-xx, I can name the company “Kolizeo” /

How to connect a paid service to the site by phone?

This is a very simple action that every consultant can do. You just need to give your phone number on the website. However, you must remember to indicate that this is a phone for paid services, so as not to mislead site visitors.

You also need to protect yourself and place the rules for the provision of services (offer) on the website. Be sure to show your lawyer the draft contract for the provision of public services (offer). There will probably be dissatisfied people who will complain. The court and other law enforcement agencies will definitely take into account your offer and that you acted strictly according to Russian law and in accordance with the offer.

Everything else on the site, including the appearance, is an attractive design for visitors and does not affect the process of providing a paid service over the phone. We need to clarify here. They greet you by their clothes. If your website is on a free third-level domain on or on Yukoz or other website builders, then your chances are reduced.

Invest in your website 99 rubles for a domain for a year, 1512 rubles for a year for hosting and 3,250 rubles for website creation and you will be ahead of everyone. I promise! You will return these 4,861 rubles after 70-100 minutes of consultations, translated into hours for 1-2 hours of work on a phone with paid access. Good return on investment, what do you think? Then you will receive website in 12 hours.

Step-by-step plan for connecting a phone to provide paid services

1. Contact MTT by email and receive exact connection instructions and tariffs.
2. Buy one or more Megafon phones for a company or individual entrepreneur.
3. Contact MTT with a request to conclude an agreement, pay for the connection and get a telephone number for paid services 8-809-xxx-xx-xx
4. MTT will connect your Megafon phones.
5. On your website, which you will receive in 12 hours, you publish in a visible place information about paid services and a phone number to call.
6. You also publish an agreement for the provision of paid services (offer) on your website.
7. You recruit consultants, attract people to consultations and rake in money with a shovel.

Wish you luck!

Vasily Senchenko

P.S. I can do this work for you for a small fee, and you will be able to provide your information for a fee.

Many sellers have to sell services rather than goods. This area is in demand. Such services are provided in medical and educational institutions, beauty salons, and taxis. They are provided not only by companies, but also by individuals performing certain work. But not everyone knows how to properly organize a business so that it brings a stable and high income. How to sell services will be discussed in the article.

Why is this necessary?

Entrepreneurs are often called upon to sell services with goods. Many companies pay more for this. But not all sellers understand why this is necessary. Is it possible to sell services if the business has just opened? This must be done. You just need to use proven methods.

It all comes down to the fact that the service is considered, that is, the profit from it is higher than from goods. For example, the markup on an air conditioner may not be noticeable; during the season, the sale of this equipment often brings a small profit. But if the installation of equipment is ordered, the company will receive a high income, which will pay for everything.

Principles of selling goods

All people have different methods of receiving information: a person can be visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Some remember everything visually, others by hearing, and still others by touching the object. For a full-fledged person, all 3 methods work, but there is always a more comfortable one.

Selling something to visual and kinesthetic learners is difficult. The seller can talk a lot about the product, but if the buyer does not see or touch it, then it will not be easy to sell it. Many customers search for products on their own, so they focus on their senses. So it is important to use sales methods that suit the majority of people.

Features of service delivery

The service is considered a more delicate thing. For the client to like it, you need to learn how to present it correctly. How to sell services? You should rely on proven principles:

  • services must be of high quality, otherwise they will not be popular with clients;
  • training of sellers plays an important role, since the success of trade largely depends on them;
  • it is important to create visualization of services: brochures, leaflets, posters, folders, presentations - this is how buyers perceive information better;
  • clients must be assured of safety and receiving an individual approach.

If you take these rules into account, you can correctly sell goods and services. This will help attract customers who may become regular ones. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the work of your company, improve the quality of service and find new methods of attracting customers.

Step-by-step instruction

What services can you sell? Any, the main thing is to use proven methods:

  • it is necessary to choose an implementation method taking into account the needs of clients;
  • it is necessary to introduce unique features into the activity that are unlike competitive ones;
  • it is important to clearly position the company;
  • it is necessary to use flexible pricing;
  • you need to create a convenient purchasing process;
  • it is necessary to advertise services;
  • An individual approach is important for each client.

With such principles, you can promote any services, making them in demand. It is important to choose an appropriate distribution method, for example, by telephone, via the Internet or other media.


Consumers need to see the work, so they need to be shown a video or photo. You can provide consultations and conduct trainings. If this is information work, then you can submit reports on electronic media, for example, screenshots, presentations.

Consumers need to evaluate performance results, so they should be shown. Facts about the work done are of great importance. If the consumer is satisfied with everything, he will definitely seek help.

Selling services by phone

This type of sales is considered one of the most difficult. Nowadays, various companies work this way: banking services, Forex. Investments, installation of meters, Internet connection. How to sell a service over the phone? You must adhere to the following rules:

  • due to high competition, good sales scripts are needed to help with clients;
  • sellers must use sales techniques and also know everything about the services they offer;
  • it is important to be able to work with objections and close transactions correctly;
  • telephone sales should be carried out using paraverbal communication - intonation, voice;
  • It is important to make the required number of calls in a specific period of time.

It should be borne in mind that whatever service is offered, if it is in demand, it is necessary to find a client. This is often done with the help of It is necessary to monitor the work of competitors.

Internet using

How to sell legal services, as well as medical and transport services? You need to have your own website designed according to modern requirements. What services can you sell using it? Perfect for booking tickets, making translations, and consulting in various areas of life.

The site should contain informative, optimized articles. There should be feedback, a function for accepting payments, and a section with reviews. It is necessary to take advantage of the power of social media that can be used to build community. This will allow you to come into contact with customers. You can create advertising on the Internet in other ways.

How to lure clients?

Business requires strong people. And if there are a lot of clients, you should not relax. Competitors can lure them to their side at any time. How to sell services so that there are always people willing to buy them? Poaching methods must be used. Now this is practically the only option to increase sales.

Competitors have pros and cons. Marketing policy should be based on shortcomings. It is important to offer more favorable conditions than other companies. For example, Internet providers offer free connection and setup. Such techniques will help you find many new customers.


How to sell services so that it brings high profits? You can use dumping - reducing the cost (below the market price). This tactic is needed to force small firms out of the market. Dumping is great for promoting a company.

Just keep in mind that those customers who came for the price can quickly disappear. They will not be permanent, because they are attracted by more profitable options that may appear in other companies.

Competitors' mistakes

How to properly sell services in other ways? You can take advantage of your competitors' mistakes. We need to take advantage of this. For example, if a provider has a communication outage, competitors whip up panic using the media. At this time, it is important to offer more favorable conditions.

Secrets of successful selling

You need to focus on the client, not the service. This is the key to success in business. For a client, you need to become a friend who is attentive to his interests. Every little detail is important to service users. You should quickly respond to requests, phone calls, and greet politely. The first impression is important.

The company must be honest with consumers. Therefore, you need to keep your promises. Only quality services will be sought. If discounts and promotions are offered, then all this should be realistic for the client.

Correct positioning of services is necessary. Consumers evaluate this based on personal experience. This is how people’s opinion about the work of the company develops. If one consumer likes the company’s activities, he will offer to use its services to other people. Each person is unique, therefore, with the help of an individual approach, you can form a positive attitude towards the work of the company.

Services in demand

Currently the best selling services are:

  • household;
  • informational;
  • advertising;
  • transport;
  • specialized.

Home services will always be in demand as people constantly need help in their daily lives. This could be home renovation, cosmetology work, or a hairdresser. Ateliers, clothing repairs, and dry cleaning are in demand. It’s no wonder that many such companies are opening now.

Household services include caring for the sick and children. Some use such help due to lack of time, others - due to lack of skills. Opening a company providing household services does not require large investments compared to other types of business.

You can sell household services using advertising, publications on the Internet, distributing brochures and booklets. It is necessary to regularly arrange discounts and promotions for customers, and then they will become permanent.

Information services are in demand. They allow you to receive advice from specialists in various fields: recruiting, searching for clients, auditing, consulting on special issues, collecting information, training courses.

Information services can be advertised through radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet. Each client should be provided with a business card and a brochure with types of activities. An individual approach to each person helps to attract buyers of services.

Advertising services, which are necessary for every company, are popular. You can create banners, organize events, place advertisements. The services of animators and promoters are in demand. Companies need help creating websites and promoting them.

Popular in Russia This can be the transportation of goods, passengers, courier delivery. All types of effective advertising are in demand for this activity. Specialized services include medical, legal, technical, and construction. Each of these areas is promoted through proper sales management.