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Amateur boxers removed their helmets and the scoring changed. At the Olympic Games, boxers can compete without helmets. How old is a helmet in boxing?

The International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) has asked the IOC to hold a boxing tournament in accordance with its rules adopted three years ago.

According to association rules, fighters competed without protective helmets at two world championships, as well as at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

As evidence, the AIBA medical commission presented a scientific analysis that after the abolition of helmets, the number of concussions among boxers decreased.

“AIBA provided medical and technical data showing lower concussion rates following the removal of helmets. They have done a lot of research over the past three years. The rule will apply in Rio,” commented IOC representative Mark Adams.

Note that Olympic boxers have used a protective helmet since the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.

Let us remind you that earlier SPORT bigmir)net reported that professional boxers will participate in the Olympics.

3 reasons why you should use a boxing helmet

Boxing is a very difficult and exhausting sport that requires a lot of effort and time. Of course, people who practice boxing are very resilient and strong, but as a result of boxing there is a high probability of receiving numerical blows that will lead to deterioration in health and well-being.

The most traumatic blows are blows to the head, which can lead to poor health, poor health, and even numerous illnesses later. Of course, fighters in the world boxing ring do not use helmets, but during training, every athlete is required to have one.

If you practice boxing, whether at home or in a professional gym, but are still not sure whether you need it or not, let's talk about three reasons why you need to use a boxing helmet.

1. Great motivation

Before we consider a number of positive aspects of a boxing helmet, we will consider all its varieties, as well as where each one is used.

The first boxing helmet is an open combat helmet. This helmet is used in training, as well as in amateur competitions. This helmet has maximum visibility, but the level of protection is low. Only the head area is protected, but the chin and cheeks remain open, which can lead to a painful blow to the jaw. Such helmets are produced only in two colors - red and blue, so that the athlete has a special distinction at amateur competitions.

The second boxing helmet is a “Mexican” style helmet. This helmet is more protective, and its characteristic feature is large cheek pads that fit almost under the eyes. Due to the fact that the pads perfectly fix the nose, in addition to protecting the cheeks, chin and jaw, this helmet copes with the load on the nose and eyes, thus preventing injuries.

Third type boxing helmet– This is full face protection. This helmet is designed for training and fighting in harsh conditions, where you need to cover and protect your face as much as possible. The main feature of this protective helmet is shock absorption, which softens the bruise and provides protection against bruises.

The fourth and final type of boxing helmet is the bumper helmet. What does it mean? Unlike previous helmets, this one does not simply fasten to the chin while securing it, it is specifically designed to fully protect the jaw, chin and teeth from direct impacts, as well as from falls. Due to the fact that all parts of the helmet are pushed forward, the face is, as it were, inside the structure, and it is difficult for the enemy’s hand to reach the convex parts of the face; at most, all blows fall on the helmet. Of course, the view in such a helmet is very limited, but when practicing boxing it is important to see the upper part of the opponent and the movements of his hands.

We have already talked about the types of boxing helmets, now let’s move on to three reasons why a boxing helmet is so important when practicing boxing. Our first point is the motivational part for boxing.

You may often hear the phrase that a person who has purchased sports equipment and equipment is already serious about going to the gym. This is true, because when a person has spent a lot of money on sports equipment, he can no longer afford not to engage in one or another sport, or at least try.

As soon as a person decides to take up boxing, the helmet becomes the first condition of the trainers that you must fulfill. Firstly, all classes begin with a helmet for the reason that you simply get used to it. Training with a helmet is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Your movements are immediately limited, your visibility and dexterity are reduced, as well as your endurance, because at first the helmet causes great discomfort and creates a greenhouse effect inside, which incapacitates you.

Buying a helmet is the first step towards your productive training and excellent physical fitness.

2. Protect head, jaw, cheeks and eyes

Head protection is the main function of any helmet, be it a martial arts helmet or a boxing helmet.

The first function that this helmet performs is to protect the head and parietal area. This protection is designed for both blows and attacks that occur as a result of a strong blow or knockout. Most helmets for beginners do not have very strong protection, but protect the head from severe concussions and fractures, fix all protruding parts, but in the big ring they use the most protected helmets to minimize injuries and reduce abrasions.

But as you understand, you can’t go anywhere without a helmet, and so, as soon as you decide to enroll in the boxing section, be sure to ask the coach or your sparring partners about which helmet is best for you to choose.

If you think that you don’t need a helmet, then think about the consequences that could result from a careless blow or fall. You are confident in your partner and that there will be no consequences after the fight, but when you start boxing, you and your partner get excited and can no longer control the force of your punches. In such training fights, most often, you can get a concussion, a broken jaw, lose teeth, be covered with many bruises, and more. Your presentable appearance is how well you protect yourself during training.

A protective helmet is an important attribute of a boxer, especially during training, since during competitions you are maximally focused on your partner, but during training the body and brain are much more relaxed, which leads to a loss of vigilance, as well as to missed punches, which are more common. everything falls on the head. Even if your helmet has a minimum level of protection, the entire face is fixed inside the frame (helmet), and the impacts are no longer so strong and painful.

Another important area that a helmet protects is the brow area. Yes, if you are hit in the eyebrow, you may not notice it, but then blood begins to flow from the cut eyebrow, which prevents one eye from looking, coordination, dexterity, and strength of the blow are impaired, and the partner has many advantages over you. During a break, you can wash the eye and bake the wound, but if the tissue above the eyebrow is torn, it takes a lot of time and effort to stop the bleeding, so until the end of the fight you will have to compete with bloody streaks on your face.

If you're still on the fence about purchasing a protective helmet, look into the effects of impacts to each area of ​​your head and how much of a difference a single boxing helmet can make to your health.

3. Eliminates consequences in the future

Many people have the habit of planning their lives several years, or even decades, in advance. But no one can plan when a terrible migraine will begin, vision and hearing will deteriorate, vital forces will leave, and, in return, fatigue and absent-mindedness will come.

Young guys who start playing sports are confident that all problems will bypass them and there will be no negative consequences after training. Of course, in a year or two you may not feel anything, but after ten years all the consequences of training without boxing helmet will come out and become your nightmare.

Even if you do boxing to keep yourself in good shape and do not plan to get into the ring, then during training you still take part in sparring, and one sparring involves several blows to the head and jaw, then over time you will encounter such a problem, like a constant migraine.

Let’s not forget that the helmet also protects the ears, which do not react well to impacts. Broken ears are most common in wrestlers, but a burst eardrum occurs in boxers. You can imagine the consequences you will face as a result of not wearing a boxing helmet.

Constant jumping in training, strong blows to the bag or paws also have a bad effect on the condition of the head and your condition in general.

Sports are as traumatic as they are beneficial. Boxing is a useful sport that disciplines, strengthens, develops, improves coordination and well-being, but each sport must be approached responsibly and wisely in order to feel good and always be healthy.

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Before moving directly to the topic of this article, we suggest that you take a short test to determine whether you are a seasoned MMA student, a practitioner of contact martial arts, or an ordinary person. So, attention: helmet.

What came to your mind first?

Of course, there will immediately be people who will claim that they have wished for a snowboard or ski helmet, but you know, you are not our target audience, although we are glad that you are reading this article.

Today it is difficult to find contact martial arts that do not use a helmet; they are all slightly different from each other, but are designed to protect the most precious thing you have - your head. Helmets are used in training in MMA, boxing, kickboxing, SAMBO, ARB, taekwondo, karate... and in general, it is much easier to list martial arts where they are not used.

By the way, this is an element of fighter protection that everyone usually buys at the very last moment: after all, it is not particularly cheap and, as many people think, it is not particularly needed. Unfortunately, the statement about its uselessness is a huge misconception for novice athletes, and we will now try to explain why.

Dinosaurs also wore them...

Despite the fact that the helmet was introduced into circulation as an element of boxing equipment at the end of the 19th century, we first see mention of it back in the fourth millennium BC. What is noteworthy is that the helmets were most similar to those that athletes now use, because they were made of leather. It turns out that even then people thought about the safety of their heads, but you still don’t.

But seriously, let’s figure out for which categories of people a helmet will be not just a useful device, but a necessity.

Performing athletes

Of course, the higher your level of striking technique, the less often you should get hit in the head during training, but sparring with professionals is usually as close as possible to real fights, so they fight there with all their heart and full force. Athletes are afraid not of the injuries themselves, but of the fact that they can get them a few weeks or days before the fight, which can reduce all the preparation, which sometimes lasts several months, to nothing. A good helmet will not only save you from cuts and abrasions, but will also practically eliminate the possibility of breaking your nose (if there is bumper protection).

In addition to training helmets, there are also helmets for performances, since at many amateur and even professional competitions they are a mandatory element of protection. So, for example, in ARB, SAMBO, amateur MMA and boxing. There are also helmets for Muay Thai.

Public people

If you work with people and there is eye contact during this interaction, then it is very important that you look neat and pleasant to look at. No, we don't advise you to wear a helmet to your meeting, it will most likely scare you even more than you would with bruises and a broken nose, it is better to wear one to training to avoid unnecessary facial injuries. Although, if your name is Tyler and you love making soap, then you can safely ignore our advice.

I value my health

We would be lying if we say that a helmet will most likely save you from a concussion. Having received a powerful blow to the open head, and especially to the jaw, whether in a helmet or without it, you will most likely go to sleep, but all you had to do was hold it above the handle. But it will be much easier to avoid scratches, cuts, and a broken nose in a helmet, because that’s what it was created for. You will be surprised, but it is not uncommon for a person’s nose to be broken, and he finds out about it only a few years later during some routine medical examination and finally understands why he wakes up from his own snoring in the middle of the night. In a helmet with a bumper, this situation simply cannot happen. So, instead of spending money and time on correcting nasal septums, cosmetic surgeries to remove scars from cuts, medications for staphylococcus in a scratch on the face - buy a helmet and train for your health. By the way, the Hayabusa company has released a special line of helmets for MMA, which fit the head tightly, which allows you to fight, and also have protection for the top of the head, which eliminates injury from an accidental elbow strike.

If you decide to buy a boxing helmet, you don't need to explain what it's for. So let's get down to business. When choosing a boxing helmet, it is recommended to be guided by the criteria below.


You should feel comfortable in your protective equipment, this is a very important point! Sparring is already a stressful situation for the body; nothing should distract you, irritate you or cause inconvenience. High-end boxers often sacrifice higher levels of protection for comfort, as speed and a calm, relaxed state provide more safety than an uncomfortable helmet with a higher level of protection.

Comfort refers to how the helmet fits on your head. Some boxing helmets pinch in the forehead or put pressure on the back of the head; it happens that the helmet slides on the head or even dangles loosely. Some helmets fit unevenly to your head, creating an empty space between the inside of the helmet and your head, they move in a figure of eight when your opponent manages to hit your head. Sometimes the problem of a helmet rotating on your head is caused by a smooth lining that becomes very slippery when wet from sweat. In such cases, the helmet rotates on the head with each hit, which directly affects safety - the boxer, deprived of visibility, misses additional blows.

Another important comfort detail is the chin lock. Boxing helmets use different types of chin locks. The lock should not cause inconvenience, while securely fixing the helmet.

A very important point is the weight of the helmet. The lighter your helmet, the more comfortable it will be to work with.


Maximum protection is important, but it's hard to protect against attacks you can't see. Even if you still miss shots often, it is very important to see them - because this allows you to use defensive actions - dives, ducks, pull-ups.

The view of a boxing helmet may be limited by the protective padding in the cheek area, the raised padding in the front of the helmet, the bumper at the bottom of the helmet, and sometimes in helmets with very thick padding, the padding limits the field of view to the left and right of the eyes.

Protective filler

The protective functions of a boxing helmet depend not only on its geometry, but also on the protective properties of the filler. An effective filler absorbs impact energy of varying strength, dispersing the damaging force over an area. The filling of helmets is a rather complex issue; it happens that an overly soft helmet makes a weak blow almost imperceptible, but breaks through with a strong hit. You can only find out how effectively a particular helmet will absorb impact energy in a combat situation. Therefore, study reviews and testimonials about specific helmet models.


Not only its appearance depends on the quality of the helmet, but also how long the padding will retain its protective properties, and whether it will break through after several months of use. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the fasteners or Velcro of the chin strap, and other fittings responsible for fitting and adjusting the helmet on the head. Also pay attention to the quality of the helmet shell. Typically, high-quality boxing helmets are made of genuine leather, the seams on them are neat and durable.

Degree of protection

Boxing helmets cover the following parts of the head and face: forehead, temples, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, back of the head, ears. Different helmets provide different options for covering these parts.

Can be roughly divided into five categories:

1. Helmet with full face protection

As a rule, such a helmet represents a strange symbiosis between a boxing and a hockey helmet. It is not recommended to use it for several reasons. Firstly, this helmet only creates the illusion of complete protection. Any element made of plexiglass or iron can be slammed into your face with a strong impact. Secondly, it’s unlikely that anyone will want to spar with you, since the visor can easily damage your gloves.

2. Bumper type helmets

Provide maximum protection for the athlete's head and face. Such helmets are very common in the country where boxing is most popular - the USA. Many professional boxing stars train in helmets with bumper protection. We recommend taking a closer look at this type of helmet if only for this reason. Inside, a helmet with bumper protection contains a rigid element - a frame. As a rule, it is made of plastic or metal. The protruding bumper is well suited for people with problematic or simply large noses. Also, such a helmet reliably covers the forehead, temples, and cheekbones. If you work in an office or are simply not ready to walk around with bruises under your eyes, this helmet is for you.

The disadvantage of this type of helmet is the limited visibility. The bumper protruding in front of the nose reduces visibility from below, especially at close range.

3. Helmets with cheekbone and chin protection

At first glance, these are helmets with a high degree of protection and good visibility. But, as we know, the devil is in the details. Thanks to the jaw protection, this helmet is very difficult to adjust. The height of the head is different for all people, and there is no adjustment in this direction.

Many boxers complain that the padding on the chin makes it difficult to maintain a proper stance by keeping the chin down. Also, the slightly protruding jaw guard provides additional leverage. According to many experts in the field of boxing and sports medicine, hitting this same lever increases the degree of traumatic effects on the brain. This is why people fall to the canvas of the ring even with a relatively weak but accurate hit to the chin.

4. Amateur helmets

For competitions or open type helmets. Until recently, such helmets were a mandatory attribute of any Olympic boxing competition. The only advantage of these helmets is excellent visibility.

The protection in such helmets is mostly just for show. Fully open face and a very thin layer of filler on the forehead and temples. In general, helmets are not for everyone or more for psychological protection.

5. Mexican style helmets

One of the most popular types of helmets in the world. Almost all top boxers use them, alternating them with bumper-type helmets. These helmets cover the forehead, cheekbones, nose (mainly from side impacts), temples and the back of the head. As a rule, such helmets have three levels of adjustment: fixing Velcro or lacing in the back of the head, lacing in the upper part, and an adjustable chin lock.

Successful models of helmets of this type combine a high degree of protection with comfort and lightness; they are excellent for training boxers and athletes of most striking martial arts.


When choosing a helmet, it is best to try it on yourself, listen to your feelings, evaluate the review and other criteria described in this article. If you don’t have the opportunity to do this, and we know that not all large cities of Russia have stores with equipment of a decent level, let alone cities with a population of less than 100,000 people, you can see what high-level boxers train in and look for similar helmets in reliable online stores. Before purchasing, it would be a good idea to study reviews and testimonials about specific models and listen to the advice of a trainer.

You only have one head, so buy the best boxing helmet you can afford as soon as you start sparring seriously.