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The radar detector does not work, what should I do? How to test a radar detector at home

Currently, devices such as radar detectors are gaining increasing popularity among our compatriots. Such devices are intended to record cameras, as well as police radars, which are used to determine the speed of a car and warn the driver about their presence. Like any other gadget, the detector can break down over time. In what cases is it necessary and what malfunctions are typical for such devices - we will talk about this below.


DIY device diagnostics

How to check such a device at home?

If we are talking about diagnosing functionality, then the gadget is checked in the car, the diagnostic procedure is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the device should be connected to the on-board network; to do this, install the device on the center console and connect the power cord to it. When the cord is connected, either a characteristic sound signal should be heard, or an indicator of connection to the power circuit should appear on the product screen. If this happens, then everything is fine with the food.
  2. Then you will need to drive around the city - you should choose roads where you know for sure that cameras or radars are installed there. It is necessary to drive through cameras and radars several times and see how the detector reacts to them. The device must warn the driver in advance about approaching police equipment, and then report this several more times, depending on the device settings. If this is the case and the gadget warns the motorist, then this means that everything is fine with the sound. It is also advisable to make sure that the radar detector warns the driver exactly on a certain section of the road.
  3. If you are using a hybrid device, 2 in 1 or 3 in 1, with a DVR and navigator, then you need to check the auxiliary functions. Record a video, but before doing so, set it to loop recording to make sure that the gadget records all files correctly.
  4. Also check the speed of the car, comparing it with the speedometer readings and the data provided by the navigator. On many modern radar detectors, navigators allow you to accurately record the speed of movement. You also need to add one or more coordinate points with the location of police equipment to the navigator’s memory. Whether the equipment will actually be located at these points is not important, you are interested in whether the navigator will warn you about this or not. Then you will need to drive through these points and make sure whether the device will warn you about their presence on the road or not.
  5. Try changing the menu brightness, alert volume, and check other settings. At this point you need to make sure that the radar detector successfully changes the configuration in the menu.
  6. Now the device should be disconnected from the car’s on-board network and removed from its seat. Bring it home and connect it to your computer. You need to make sure that the device connects normally to your computer or laptop. At this stage, you can diagnose the functionality of the connector, as well as the cable for connecting the device to the PC. If the device is equipped with a recorder, then check whether the video plays, and also try to reset it to another medium.

Typical faults typical for car recorders

What malfunctions most often occur in the operation of detectors:

  1. There is no sound on the gadget. This problem most often occurs in the operation of devices. If the sound disappears, the driver will not be able to be warned about the presence of cameras and radars on the way, accordingly, the advisability of using such a gadget is reduced to a minimum. The problem of no sound can be due to either a software or hardware malfunction.
  2. The device does not turn on or turn off. Perhaps the reason lies in the software or the inoperability of the forced shutdown button.
  3. The device fires for no reason. For detectors, in principle, it is considered normal for false alarms to occur. This is due to the fact that the gadget responds to impulses from various equipment, for example, automatically opening doors in supermarkets. So a small percentage of false positives is still allowed.
    It’s another matter if you are driving along a road where there are no shops, no houses, no industrial facilities and enterprises around. In this case, a false positive indicates a software or hardware malfunction.
  4. The screen doesn't work. This problem is usually associated with a malfunction of the board, which is located inside the gadget. At the same time, the product itself functions normally, all radars and cameras are recorded, and the driver is warned by voice.
  5. Mechanical faults in connectors, sockets, plugs or contacts. As a rule, these types of problems are caused by errors made during operation or manufacturing defects. If you try to connect the gadget to the power cord, it will continue to indicate that the cord is not connected, resulting in the product not charging.
  6. The computer does not see the detector. The reason is similar to the malfunction described above. Most likely, the problem lies in damage to the connector or contacts. It also often happens that the car owner does not use the cord that came in the kit, but from another device, for example, a smartphone or tablet. Wires from smartphones and tablets are most often not suitable, since they usually have different connector pinouts, which is why the detector simply does not “see” such a cable.
  7. Another common reason is the breakdown of electronic components, most often this happens during the hot season. This may be due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the body of the gadget, which leads to its heating and, accordingly, breakdown. If certain electronic components fail, some detector functions may not work.
  8. The device overheats, but not in the sun, but in principle. This problem may be caused by the failure of the battery and, accordingly, a decrease in its capacity. An accompanying symptom will be the rapid discharge of the device, as well as its inoperability when disconnected from the power supply.
  9. Various problems with the software. If the software is not configured correctly, then from time to time the detector will report various errors, in general it will function slowly, and some functions will not work (the author of the video is the CompsMaster channel).

Troubleshooting methods

As for repairs, it is not always possible to do it yourself. If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, you can try to repair the detector yourself.

How can you restore the functionality of your device:

  1. First you need to accurately understand the board layout. Each device is equipped with its own board, which includes many elements responsible for the operation of certain functions. After disassembling the gadget, clean the board from dust and dirt, if necessary.
    If the device does not receive signals well or works for no reason, then you need to disassemble the case with a thin screwdriver and check the integrity of the signal receiving lens. It may be damaged; if so, the lens will have to be unsoldered and replaced. Also, the reason for the bad signal may be the antenna adapter; if possible, it also needs to be replaced.
  2. If the device does not respond to connection to the network, then you need to check the power connector. Try unsoldering it, carefully cleaning the contacts and soldering it again. If the problem persists, then most likely the reason lies in the connection cable.
  3. If you cannot adjust the alert volume, then again, you will need to disassemble the device. If there is an adjustment wheel, you will need to check its integrity; try disconnecting it and connecting it again.
  4. If there are no sound alerts, you should pay attention to the built-in speaker. Perhaps this element has failed and also needs to be resoldered or replaced with a new one. The same goes for the display.
  5. It happens that the signal processing or gadget control unit installed internally has failed. Problems of this kind can only be solved by qualified specialists with the appropriate equipment. Therefore, it is advisable to solve such malfunctions in service centers.
  6. If the device malfunctions, you can try to reflash it or update the software. In some cases, problems are related to outdated software versions.
  7. If the device cannot work offline, then in detectors with removable batteries you can change the battery yourself. If the battery is built-in, then you will need to unsolder it and solder a new one that is known to work.

The subjects were up against world-famous professionals: radars from the St. Petersburg company Simikon. Their meters, along with St. Petersburg instruments from ZAO Olvia, are the most widespread in the country; in addition, they work in Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Kazakhstan and even Canada.

During the main competition it was necessary to catch their signals. We started from almost zero distance, then moved away to 1600 m. In addition, we measured the radar detectors’ own radiation: the less they “whistle”, the better it is for the driver and passengers. The microwave radiation here, of course, is not as brutal as that of radar stations, but why not choose the minimum? Before and after the main program, various small things were also assessed: ergonomics, design, special effects, etc.

It all took one and a half thousand kilometers of running along highways and measuring paths.

Not a single one was able to get seven pluses out of seven in the final table: all the efforts of the developers, it seems, were spent on various kinds of “color music”. Their arsenal includes long test modes every time you turn them on, multi-colored winks, and voice guidance in a variety of languages, even Tatar. There is only one thing missing: a confident “pee-pee-pee” in the presence of a distant radar of any kind, as well as complete silence in its absence. In terms of their own radiation, only two out of twenty-eight products turned out to be acceptable, and not among the best.

Please note that the price of the same product can vary almost twice. The results obtained relate to specific samples that came into our hands.

We never identified the best of the best, although three models still behaved more adequately than others. But the cheap SUPRA DRS-50 at the last second refused to grab the laser beam, and more expensive Cobras of all stripes began to stumble together when moving half a kilometer away from the CRIS and beyond. SHO-ME 1785 turned out to be better than others: it was the one that caught all the signals from afar. And it’s fully equipped, it even has an anti-slip mat. True, he didn’t want to notice the laser beam from the side, and he squeaks on the highway more often than he would like, but it’s better than playing silent.

Tables open in full size with a mouse click.


- How does radar measure speed?

It depends on the radar. The vast majority of those we use use the Doppler effect: they emit an electromagnetic signal and catch its reflection from the car. If the car is moving, then the frequencies of the emitted and reflected signals do not match. Based on their difference, the radar calculates the vehicle's speed. A laser radar is essentially a rangefinder. He measures the distance of the object several times in a row, which changes as it moves, and then calculates the time derivative of the distance traveled by the car, that is, the speed.

- Can a radar detector receive a signal through obstacles?

It depends on the material of the obstacle. Through metal - it cannot: metal shields electromagnetic waves. Through dielectric (glass, wood, plastic) - it can easily. The signal passes through thin metal films with very high attenuation: the radar detector will not work. Windshield wipers and any pieces of hardware near the antenna are always bad: if they don’t block them, they distort the antenna’s radiation pattern, and therefore the sensitivity drops.

- Radar detector and anti-radar - what is the difference?

The difference is fundamental, although in everyday life both terms are often used indiscriminately. Radar detector is an active noise generator that disrupts the operation of the measuring instrument; its use is prohibited everywhere. A radar detector is essentially a passive radio receiver tuned to the required frequencies (in a number of countries it is even illegal). The term “radar detector” is used more often, although not always correctly.

- How much are the violations today?

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.9, parts 1–4) for exceeding the permitted speed by 10–20 km/h - a warning or fine 100 rubles,

from 20 to 40 km/h - 300 rubles,

from 40 to 60 km/h - 1000–1500 rubles,

over 60 km/h - 2000–2500 rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of four to six months.

If an excess of 60 km/h or more is recorded automatically, then only a fine.

- Why does a laser radar detector need all-round visibility?

In microwave ranges, radar detectors receive signals using a horn (or other) antenna. There is no other way for electromagnetic waves to get inside the device. The radiation pattern (field of view) of the antenna is several tens of degrees (usually up to 60º). Therefore, the device sees only the radiation that came to it from this sector. If the radar radiation first hits some foreign target (car, fence, house) and is reflected from it into the antenna of the radar detector, then the device will react to such a beam. It is weaker than direct, so the operating range from other directions is usually much shorter. And in a laser device, the antenna is a lens. There is a very narrow radiation pattern (a few degrees). Therefore, in order to receive signals from different directions, specially shaped lenses are made.

There are a lot of options: several lenses on different sides, an upward lens covered with a spherical cap, prisms on the cover of the device to change the direction of propagation of the beam inside the device, etc. The efficiency of receiving the beam from the laser meter from the rear may be the same as from the front, depending on for the simple reason that the “antenna” of the laser receiver is specially made omnidirectional. In this case, of course, it remains possible to receive reflected rays, from which the signal will be weakened.

- Why were laser radars needed? Can't the ordinary ones cope?

The laser beam allows you to track a specific car in a flow of any density. Doppler, on the other hand, works with a wider beam of signal and therefore must determine a faster target in order to clearly identify the intruder.

- How to deal with “shooters” that radar detectors cannot detect?

You need to “mark” the location points of stationary speed meters on the map of your navigator or GPS receiver. When the car approaches, for example, Strelka, the navigator will notify you of an ambush. Files with constantly updated data for iGO or Navitel programs can be downloaded from the Internet using, say, the resource The navigator will warn you about the camera in advance. The websites of manufacturers of radar detectors with a built-in GPS receiver also have updated files with video camera locations. I downloaded it and loaded it into the device - it beeps a kilometer before the dangerous point (or even earlier). There is one caveat: the navigator and GPS receiver will provide information about the camera from any direction of movement, even if it “shoots” in the other direction. This is, in principle, not bad: doubly warned. By the way, the Moscow company Interpower (supplier of SHO-ME and Silver Stone F1) claims to have developed an anti-Strelka detector. We are looking forward to it. We'll test it and tell you. In the conditions of a tightened “chamber” mode of communication between ordinary citizens and the traffic police, it is worth visiting specialized sites more often, browsing their forums:, strelka-mesta-ustanovki-karta, mapcam. info/speedcam, - there is a lot of useful information there.

- How do the currently popular Strelka radars work? Why don't radar detectors pick them up?

The Strelka-ST system analyzes both radar and video data. The radar determines the range and speed, and the computer, based on the video recording, establishes the lane along which the intruder is driving. All this is done at a distance of a couple of hundred meters. When the offender drives up under the camera, he is photographed at close range to record the car's license plate number. That is, the system measures at one moment in time and far away, and photographs at another moment and close. Moreover, the radar is not Doppler, but pulsed. Based on the delay time of the sent pulse, the distance to the object is determined; Having made several measurements, they calculate the derivative of the movement with respect to time, that is, the speed. This radar has a pulse duration of about 30 ns, the pause between pulses is several orders of magnitude longer. Therefore, the average power it emits is very low, so that widespread radar detectors do not detect it.

- Why does a radar detector react differently to radars operating in the same range?

Let's say KRIS takes it, but Cordon doesn't? Firstly, it’s not only about the frequency of the emitted signal, but also about its power. In Cordon, the emitted power is noticeably less. In addition, the signal may also differ in a number of secondary characteristics (even if the frequencies are the same): for example, frequency stability (long-term and short-term), depth and modulation method, and even pulse duration. After all, a Doppler radar uses pulsed radiation, only the pulse parameters are not as short as in the same Strelka. The pulse parameters of Cordon and CRIS are completely different. And radar detectors use different filters and different methods of signal preprocessing to “pull” the signal out of the noise and distinguish it from interference, which in amplitude may be even more powerful than the desired pulses.


No. 1 SHO-ME 213

Origin China

Approximate cost: 1150–1250 rubles.

There is a demo mode and two sensitivity modes. Adaptation to Russian conditions is promised. CHRIS can't see it point-blank, but he spotted the Cordon right away. For some reason he ignored the laser beam. The intrinsic radiation is small.

No. 2 SQ 520

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 1490–1750 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

A very simple device of ascetic appearance, with a symbolic indicator and voice notification. Adaptation to the Russian Federation is promised. Nothing extra, the “city” mode is the only one. It is possible to disable self-testing at the beginning of work. CHRIS didn’t even see the laser, “Cordon” caught it. The radiation is very low.

No. 3 SHO-ME 520

Origin Korea

Approximate cost 1650 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

From the “couldn’t be simpler” series - there’s not even a demo mode. Nothing extra, LED indicator. It is said about adaptation to Russia. Its own radiation is quite strong, but it flatly refused to pick up radars.

No. 4 LKT RD25

Origin Philippines

Approximate cost 1800 rub.

Velcro fastening with magnet

The most primitive description, fit on one piece of paper. The only mode is “city”, the indicator is the illumination of drawn letters with LED dots. The design is simple. The radiation is quite strong, and of all the radars, only Cordon detected it. However, the laser was not promised: it was glossed over in the description.

No. 5 SUPRA DRS-50

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 1810–2000 rubles.

Suction cup mount

From the “nothing extra” series. The backlit switch has been moved to the cigarette lighter plug, volume control with buttons, two “city” modes. CHRIS and “Cordon” caught from any distance, only giving up in front of the laser beam. Its own radiation is very strong.

No. 6 STAR 2015

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 1600–2000 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

The most primitive display: LED dots opposite the drawn letters. Three sensitivity levels. The radiation is very strong, but I refused to work in my specialty - I didn’t catch anything.

No. 7 Crunch 2230

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 2100–2300 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Ascetic appearance. Adaptation to Russian conditions is promised. A very primitive display of LED dots and inscriptions, two “city” modes, for some reason called “highway”, “highway” and “city”. CHRIS caught it instantly - and considered that this was enough... The radiation was strong.

No. 8 Silver Stone F1 Z550

Origin Korea

Approximate cost 2200 rub.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Everything is quite simple, although there are two “city” modes and three levels of sensitivity on the highway. LED indicator. The design is apparently intended to resemble a Formula 1 car, hence the name. The radiation is strong, “Cordon” detected it from about five hundred meters away.

No. 9 Crunch black 213B

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 1700–2400 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Adaptation to the conditions of the Russian Federation is promised. Inaccuracies in the description: on the box 360º, in the instructions 180º. However, the real angle is zero: the laser remained undetected. The simplest display of LED dots and inscriptions. Appearance is so-so. Two “city” modes, for some reason called “highway”, “highway” and “city”. Of all the radars, I was only able to see Cordon, and at close range. The radiation is strong.

No. 10 Whistler XTR 265

Origin Philippines

Approximate cost: 1700–2900 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

An easy-to-use device, three “city” modes with different sensitivity, an “anti-sleep” mode, LED indicators and one 7-segment indicator, suction cup or Velcro fastening, good instructions. The radiation is strong. Of all the radars, I only dealt with Cordon, and ignored the rest.

No. 11 SHO-ME 720

Origin Korea

Approximate cost 2650 rub.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Adaptation to Russian conditions is promised. It differs from the 520 model in having a text display and volume control using buttons. Nothing extra, the “city” mode is the only one. It is possible to disable self-testing at the beginning of work. The radiation is very strong, but does not catch anything from a distance. Only from 500 m did he see KRIS and the Cordon, but the laser turned out to be too tough for him.

No. 12 STAR 2045

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 2350–3200 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

A very simple device with a symbolic indicator and a single “city” mode. Radiation is average. It readily responds to interference, but only KRIS caught it from the radars.

No. 13 Crunch black 216B

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 2500–4000 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Case made of soft-touch material. A simple device with two sensitivity modes on the highway and two in the city. LED symbol indicator. There is a signal level gradation. The radiation is very strong, but I didn’t want to pick up radars.

No. 14 Crunch Q-85

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 3900–4200 rubles.

Magnetic mount

A device in the shape of a car with a magnetic mount only; indicators are symbolic, with an additional 7-segment digit. Adaptation to Russian conditions is promised. Two “city” modes and an enhanced mode for filtering false signals in the Ka-band. There is practically no radiation, but, unfortunately, there is no usefulness either: the device refused to catch the proposed radars.

No. 15 SHO-ME 1785

Origin China

Approximate cost: 2850–4500 rubles.

Suction cup mount or sticky mat (included)

A simple device with a text display, half Russified (some messages are in English), inscriptions are only in English. The set includes two cords - simple and twisted: convenient. The radiation is strong, but I confidently picked up all the radars, including the laser one. True, he doesn’t see the beam from the side.

No. 16 Whistler PRO 69RU

Origin Philippines

Approximate cost: 3400–4400 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Everything is very usual: three modes: “city”, “anti-sleep” mode, there are two more filters for false signals. Fastening with suction cups or Velcro or on a mat. There are inaccuracies in the description; in some places it is not indicated that the buttons must be held for 3 seconds to activate the desired mode. There is a cord for connecting directly to the car's electrical system. The radiation is very small, but the talents are average: the laser and “Cordon” catches, but the CRIS only at close range, and very reluctantly. By the way, the device receives the laser beam only from the front.

No. 17 STAR X61

Origin Philippines

Approximate cost: 4100–4300 rubles.

Suction cup fastening (Velcro is mentioned, but it was not included in the kit)

Symbolic indicator, voice notification, in “city” mode it is possible to disable reception of individual bands. Annoying self-test mode: it lasts a long time, it’s tempting to turn it off. It is recommended to set the car to a certain speed, depending on the on-board interference from the ignition. Very strong self-radiation. Of all the radars, I caught “Cordon”.

No. 18 Stinger S-425

Origin Korea

Approximate cost: 3500–4900 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

It couldn't be simpler. LED indicator, one “city” mode, clear instructions. There is a digital display of signal strength. Let's note the “three-headed” sucker. Very strong own radiation, but in catching radars I frankly made a mistake.

No. 19 Conqueror X323

Origin China

Approximate cost 3700–5500 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment with magnet

There was no description in the box! Maybe it doesn't exist, since all the writing on the box is in Japanese. We experimentally discovered that the voice notification (very loud) can be in Chinese or English. Text display. Its own radiation is weak. It can’t boast of a stable reception: while KRIS caught it quickly, “Cordon” only caught it close, and didn’t notice the laser at all.

No. 20 Cobra RU 740

Origin China

Approximate cost: 5400–6300 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Designed for Russia - that's what it says. Differs from model 750 in LED display with one 7-segment section. The radiation is strong. CHRIS takes it uncertainly - sometimes yes, sometimes no. But “Cordon” and laser were successful. The beam catches from the front and back, but not from the sides.

No. 21 Cobra RU 750

Origin China

Approximate cost: 6100–6300 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

Text display, but everything is in English, as are voice messages. And this is “made for Russia”? A lot of extra stuff for us. For example, warning about special service vehicles, trains, emergency areas works if they have special emitters on them - have we seen them? There is a mode for turning off signals at low speed (based on engine speed). The radiation is very strong. Like the 740 model, it detects CRIS every other time, but picks up other radars normally. The laser beam sees from the front and back, but not from the sides.

No. 22 Crunch black 219B

Origin China

Approximate cost: 4100–6500 rubles.

Suction cup or Velcro attachment

An easy-to-use device powered by a battery (included), indication by LED symbols, there is even a battery charge level indicator. Adaptation to the Russian Federation is promised. The unusual connection with a bracket that snaps into place at the top can hardly be called convenient. Manual volume adjustment. Good, clear instructions. Radiation is above average. CHRIS catches uncertainly, the rest of the radars went unnoticed.

No. 23 Stinger RX-65

Origin China

Approximate cost: 4500–7500 rubles.

Suction cup mount

An easy-to-use device in a chic gift box. Three city modes and two noise filters. Suction cup mounting. There are cords for the cigarette lighter and for connecting directly to the on-board network. Its own radiation is very strong, but it refused to respond to radars.

» Why doesn’t the radar detector pick up?

What is the radar detector for?

It’s hard to imagine a car enthusiast who has not heard anything about such a device as a radar detector, popularly called radar detector. It helps to detect radio signals emitted by radars, which are usually used by traffic police officers in order to identify speed limit violators on the road.

At the same time, many may say that they have heard of it, but they just never thought of using this device, because they have never violated speed limits and do not intend to violate them.

But in fact, any experienced driver will tell you that there are situations when you really lose control over the speed of the car, and even if this is expressed by even slightly exceeding it, this is enough to be fined or even deprived of your driver's license.

In this regard, radar detector It is recommended that everyone purchase and install a car, at least as a reminder that the speed limit on the road must be observed. But if you plan to use this device, pay attention to two important nuances. First, your car should not have a thermal windshield. Such glasses are now in fashion, because they reflect the sun's rays and prevent heating of the car interior, thanks to the silver oxide they contain.

Why does the radar detector work poorly?

But the point is that such glass prevents radio signals from penetrating into the car interior, i.e. The radar detector, in this case, becomes incapacitated and does not detect. That is why, if you are not sure which windshield is installed on your car, take a closer look at it.

If you notice a metallic sheen on the outside, as well as in the protection area where the rear-view mirror is located, it means that you will either have to refuse to purchase a radar detector, or you will have to. True, you can choose a radar detector with a spaced installation type. For example on some car models Peugeot an athermal windshield is installed, through which The anti-radar detects it very poorly.

The second point is to pay attention to the equipment of your car. Fancy bells and whistles like cruise control, blind-spot monitoring, or other features that measure the distance between an object and your car can jam the radar's radio signal, hence the radar detector becomes useless again.

Of course, there is the option of purchasing radar detectors that can separate interference from the radar signal, but, firstly, today only two models of such devices have been developed, and secondly, their price is unlikely to suit the average domestic car enthusiast.

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Before you begin setting up the Cobra TM radar detector, you must correctly install this device, ensuring its correct operation. The detector should be installed parallel to the road. You may have to bend the bracket slightly once to position the unit horizontally. It is better to install the device in the middle of the windshield of the car as high as possible, so that in places with height differences the detector is triggered as early as possible. Keep in mind that tinting can degrade the sensitivity of the device by 10-20 percent. Thus, if you have a tint strip glued to the top of the windshield, it is better to install the device lower. Also note that athermal glass with a violet tint reduces the sensitivity of any radar detector by 40-60 percent.

Most often, such glasses have a technological window that does not have any athermal properties - this is where the gadget should be installed. You can find information about this window in your machine documentation. as a rule, it is located somewhere under the rearview mirror.

You can check the windshield for athermality experimentally. Simply stand in front of an active signal source, for example, in front of a traffic police radar or automatic door sensor that operates in the K-band, and check the signal strength of the device from the car and from the street. If you notice a difference in signal strength, your glass is athermal and the low sensitivity of the radar detector is due to this.

How to set up a radar detector?

It is customary to configure the radar detector once, after which the selected parameters are saved in memory. Today in our country there are mainly two bands used in which police radars operate:

  • X - the Sokol type radar operates in this range, which has long been discontinued, but in some regions they are still found.
  • K-band – this is where modern speed meters operate.
  • Separately, we can distinguish laser radars, which do not operate in any specific range, but operate at the expense of the light wavelength, which is measured in nanometers.

There are other frequency ranges:

  • VG 2;
  • Specter I-IV;

These ranges are not yet used in our country, so we recommend turning them off. First of all, this will reduce the frequency of false positives. Regardless of the fact that there is no measuring equipment in such ranges in our country, triggering from other sources cannot be ruled out. The speed of the gadget's processor also increases, since it will work to recognize only certain ranges.

It should be noted that in the new Cobra radar detectors, the Ka band is enabled by default and cannot be turned off. X-band is enabled in the settings and you can disable it if necessary. Frequency ranges not used in our country are disabled by default. In other words, modern models of Cobra radar detectors are configured for use in Russia. In the factory settings, the Highway driving mode is selected - it is optimal in many cases.

In the urban mode of operation in the Cobra RU 935, 945, 955 and 745, 755 and 775 ST radar detector models, the signal strength of one and two is not announced, so we do not recommend using the mode in unfamiliar areas. City and City Max are good for cities where the cops are mostly armed with Marksmen.

How to use?

For the convenience of using the detector and getting the maximum result from it, you will need to get used to the gadget over a certain period of time and learn to correctly recognize information. For example, the appearance of a short and weak signal in the K-band almost certainly indicates a false positive. In this case, a stable signal almost certainly indicates radar detection.

Do not forget that in addition to police radars, other equipment operating in the above ranges has weaker radiation that the detector can trigger. These could be sensors for opening sliding doors at gas stations or in stores, power lines, cruise control in cars, cell towers, satellite dishes, etc.

To reduce the frequency of unnecessary triggering, we recommend doing the following:

  • Disable bands that are not used in our country.
  • Switch between City and Highway modes. In the first case, the received signals are coarsened and the number of false positives is reduced. In this case, the sensitivity of the sensor decreases.

To increase comfort, you can use the IntelliMute option, which is not available on all radar detectors. Setting the function makes it possible to muffle the functioning of the gadget at low speeds. These are the cases when using a detector turns out to be irrelevant. Let's say you're stuck in traffic or pulling into a shopping center where there are door sensors and you just can't speed in the parking lot.

What determines the operating range?

Please note that the detection range of the radar detector largely depends on factors such as:

  • geography of the area (winding or hilly road, lack of reflective objects and surfaces);
  • type of police radar used (high, medium, low power);
    radar installation method (in the back, at an angle, in the face);
  • weather, traffic on the road.

It is impossible to determine in advance the maximum range of the antiradar, since in each specific case the combination of factors influencing the range may be different.

Also, you should not use two radar detectors at the same time, since the heterodyne background of one device can interfere with the operation of the other.

Do not bring the radar detector close to a functioning police radar - up to five meters. This is not normal for its use and the detector board may simply be damaged.

The largest companies producing radar detectors offer devices in three price categories, and in some cases, the prices are not comparable with the declared characteristics. The influence of the brand, the company’s fame, the materials used and the introduction of the latest technologies is felt.

Characteristics, signals, circuits of antiradar and radar detector

How do radar detectors work? The following requirements apply to radar detectors:

The signal detection range of a radar detector is one of the most important characteristics of the device, since the amount of time to make a decision depends on it. In the “city” mode, the detection distance of the radar radiation ranges from 700-850 meters; outside the city, the distance can reach 3 km.

Operating wave range - the wider the range of waves received by the device, the more models of traffic police radars it can take direction finding. Today, radar detectors must operate at the following frequencies:

  1. X-band (10.525 GHz) is an obsolete frequency, models are not produced on it, but are still found on the roads.
  2. K-band (24.15 GHz) - this frequency is used in most radars used by traffic police.
  3. Ultra X - short pulse range, introduced since 2002, used in modern Sokol radars.
  4. Ultra K - K range of short pulse frequencies, introduced since 2004, used in Iskra and Berkut radars, as well as in video recorders.
  5. VG-2 is a radar detector blocker when direction-finding equipment is detected by traffic police officers.
  6. POP TM is the range of radar frequencies used in the USA.

Most modern models have a multi-band matrix for determining incoming signals.

Another one radar detector characteristics- ratio of false signals to real ones. It is known that the radar detector only takes direction of a part of the signals; in each specific situation, there are conditions for false alarms (electric door locks with photocells, high-frequency emitters, terrain features, radar impulses).

Important characteristics of radar detector a is the processing time of the incoming signal. Modern models of radars in service with traffic police operate in pulse mode, with a short period of the emitted signal; prompt reception and processing of it increase the efficiency of the radar detector.

Reliability of the result - in addition to the false signal rate, an important role is played by the reliability of the data, the correspondence of the received data on the distance to the radar.

Device functionality - premium models are equipped with additional functions that make the device easier to use. For example, a local oscillator built into the radar detector circuit has a blocking system in the presence of a traffic police radar. An unprotected local oscillator sensor is used to amplify the signal from the radar.

Reliability - the radar detector is used in dynamic mode, since it is quite rigidly fixed on the front window of the car (the rubber suction cup weakly absorbs shock loads), so all potholes and road irregularities turn into vibration effects. Constant exposure to vibration if the device is poorly designed can cause a decrease in the accuracy of readings.

In addition to the listed characteristics, radar detectors can take direction finding of laser signals, however, the determination of laser exposure does not have accurate statistical data due to the specific application of such radars.

Repair of radar detectors, the radar detector constantly beeps, does not detect, does not work, what should I do?

Radar detectors are manufactured in a monolithic body, so most breakdowns can only be repaired by a service center. Frequent breakdowns include: the radar detector constantly beeps, the radar detector does not work, and the radar detector does not detect. Some of these malfunctions may not be such. If your The radar detector doesn't pick up one type of radar, it may turn out that it is simply not structurally capable of this. There is also an uninterrupted supply of signals in the city, but, as a rule, this is not a defect, since the device must be switched to the “city” mode. Any repair of radar detectors is best done at a service center or at authorized dealers, if the warranty is valid. Self-repair can finally “finish off” your radar detector.

Gone are the days when drivers flashed their headlights to signal to each other that there was an “ambush”, that traffic cops were hiding in the bushes. Now there is an “ambush” at every step, but no longer in the form of people with a striped staff. If a radar detector is installed in the car, then sometimes it does not stop, and when you drive not only around the city, but also on the highway. Dozens of photo-video recording devices and radars are working against violators. We have highlighted the most popular and promising ones.

1. "Avtodoria"

Among the new products that promise to collect a good harvest of fines is the Avtodoriya system, invented in Kazan. It can already be found on the roads of Moscow and the Moscow region, Samara, Penza, Ulyanovsk regions and, naturally, Tatarstan, which has become a pilot region for testing.

A significant difference between the complex and other devices that detect speeding is that Avtodoria does not allow the driver to accelerate over a fairly long stretch of the road, up to 10 kilometers. So in this case, emergency one-time braking in front of the camera will no longer help.

The system includes a pair of sensors that register all passing cars and recognize their license plate number. Using GLONASS, the exact coordinates and time of entry and exit of the vehicle from the control zone are determined. After which the system calculates the average speed of the car in the area that Avtodoria is “looking after”. If it is higher than acceptable, the information is added to the “black list”.

Typically, sensors are mounted high on supports. So they are clearly visible. However, the system can only be recognized visually, since not all radar detectors respond to it, because Avtodoriya does not send signals. As tests have shown, the system can only work on flat areas - without elevation changes or sharp turns, otherwise an error in the calculations is possible.

By the way, in Kazan, Avtodoriya is capable of killing two birds with one stone, since it detects not only speeding, but also traffic in the bus lane.

Let us remind you that fines for speeding range from 500 to 5000 rubles (Article 12.9 of the Administrative Code). For travel on a bus lane - 3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1,500 rubles in all other regions (Article 12.17, Part 1.1 and 1.2 of the Administrative Code).

2. "Auto hurricane"
Another “fresh” multifunctional device, which is designed to catch reckless drivers and drivers who do not respect the stop line, intersection rules and red traffic lights, including when crossing railway tracks.

A significant advantage of the system for State Traffic Inspectorate employees is that it can be used both stationary and in patrol cars: “Avtouragan” consists only of a laptop and a video camera. In addition, the complex allows you to simultaneously monitor what is happening on two or three lanes.

The program identifies violators and highlights them from the general flow, highlighting them in red. All driver data is automatically displayed, including a list of all his “sins” on the road.

In case of driving through a prohibitory traffic light and beyond the stop line, the resolution from Avtouragan will contain several frames at once: a photo with the license plate number of the car and general photographs where the car will be recorded at the moment when the red light turns on, and its position a few seconds later, until The prohibitory traffic light is still on. Video recording is also being conducted as evidence of the violation. This is in case the driver decides to challenge running a red light.

It is worth noting that “Avtouragan” can work provided that there are stop line markings and a “Stop” sign on the road. In winter, when the markings are in place, you need to follow the sign.

It is worth noting that driving beyond the stop line costs 800 rubles (Article 12.12 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), and jumping through a red line costs 1,000 rubles. In case of repeated violation - already 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (Article 12.12 Part 1 of the Administrative Code).

When "Avtouragan" is aimed at speeding, the complex, as a rule, is mounted on special supports several hundred meters from the stationary traffic police post. After the post receives a signal that a violator has been caught on camera, the State Traffic Inspectorate officer has enough time to leave the reckless driver.

Many motorists in the country have already encountered a device under this name. They are installed both in familiar places and in the most unexpected ones. "CHRIS" is recognized by most types of radar detectors. The main function of this complex is to monitor speeding and traffic in the lane intended for public transport.

By the way, with the help of “KRIS”, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate in Voronezh, Tambov and Tatarstan charged drivers with not fastening their seat belts and driving without low beam headlights. However, the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate explained that these devices can only be used for the intended purpose specified in the documentation.

Inspectors are responsible for placing the CRIS devices on the road, but civilians are hired to guard the devices. For complete reliability, the devices are attached to supports or bump stops with chains: there have been cases when “KRIS” was taken away right from under the noses of the guards.

As they say in the State Traffic Inspectorate, the location of portable cameras can change daily, depending on the traffic situation. But, as a rule, they all stand in the same places for months. Many drivers who often have to go on the highway, even without a radar detector, know perfectly well where the “ambush” awaits them.

Cameras that record speeding have an error. To avoid mistakes, 1 kilometer is counted in favor of the driver. Thus, if a violator drives along the highway at a speed of 111 kilometers per hour, then, most likely, he will be able to avoid liability. And if the speedometer goes beyond 112 kilometers, the car owner will definitely be caught on camera.

4. "Arrow"

This complex is capable of capturing in its lens all the cars driving in different lanes. Four lanes can be under his control at once. This explains its popularity among traffic police officers. It, like "KRIS", can be mounted on a support for a "permanent place of residence" ("Strelka-ST"), and can also be moved from place to place ("Strelka-M").

The State Traffic Inspectorate assures that Strelka accurately determines the speed of all cars caught in the lens of its cameras. And not only at one specific point, but at a distance of up to 350 meters, so it makes no sense to slow down when you see the device.


Drivers and cars will be checked without witnesses
Another multi-purpose complex is capable of monitoring traffic on four lanes at once. And both during the day and at night. Moreover, "CORDON" is capable of collecting information about 30 cars at once, that is, identifying malicious violators from a large stream. Its goal is to find reckless drivers and those who like to avoid traffic jams in bus lanes, as well as drivers who overtake where it is prohibited.

To prove the guilt of the offender who ignores the “continuous”, two photographs and a diagram are placed in the protocol. In the first photo there is a close-up of a car with a license plate, in the second there is a general plan where you can see how the car is overtaking. So that the car owner can imagine where he was spotted, a detailed diagram of the area where the “CORDON” was installed is attached. Here, in addition to the “Overtaking is prohibited” sign, all the signs that are located on this section of the road are indicated.

Let us remind you that driving into the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of 5 thousand rubles or threatens with the deprivation of a driver’s license for 4 to 6 months (Article 12.15, Part 4 of the Administrative Code). However, in the case when the violator is “caught” by stationary cameras, the driver only faces a fine.


Drivers who park their cars, for example, under a “No Stopping” sign or in a bus lane, have long been familiar with this device. This is the most “cunning beast” that you have to face on the road. You can't recognize it with any radar.

With the help of Parkon, inspectors organize a whole photo session. Seeing such a car without a driver, State Traffic Inspectorate employees will take a photo of it both from the front and from the profile. And after five minutes they will take a second photo so that the driver cannot say in his own defense that he stopped for a minute to drop off passengers.

According to the instructions, “the device is installed in a patrol car and records the cars of violators, as well as road markings or signs prohibiting stopping or parking, as well as other conditions under which stopping or parking is prohibited. To document the fact of violation, the patrol zone is passed at least twice with with a difference of 5 minutes, while the inspector does not interfere with the video recording process. The device can operate both in daylight and in the dark. It is equipped with a GPS sensor that allows you to determine the exact location of the patrol car at a certain point in time. The distance to the recorded object, in depending on visibility conditions, can range from 20 to 30 meters."

In this case, there is only one thing that can please you - you will receive a fine by mail for illegal parking, and you will not have to run to the impound lot to rescue the car that was loaded onto a tow truck.

The range of fines is wide. For stopping in the wrong place, which resulted in a traffic jam, you will have to pay 2 thousand rubles (Article 12.19 Part 4 of the Administrative Code), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - all 3 thousand (Article 12.19 Part 6 of the Administrative Code). For stopping and parking at a stop for passenger transport - one thousand rubles (Article 12.19, Part 3.1 of the Administrative Code), for Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents - three thousand (Article 12.19, Part 6 of the Administrative Code). Parking under a prohibitory sign is punishable by a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles (Article 12.16, Part 4 of the Administrative Code), for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3 thousand rubles (Article 12.16, Part 5 of the Administrative Code). A device with such an unusual name is in service with many patrol crews. It's actually an acronym that stands for "laser speed and range meter." With its help, inspectors usually check the speed of drivers on the highway or on expressways in cities. Outwardly, it resembles binoculars.
It can be placed at an intersection and catch violators who ignore the prohibiting traffic light signal. It is also capable of detecting incorrect parking. In addition, it can be installed at a zebra crossing, at a stop line, at a railway crossing or at an intersection where left turns are prohibited.

Unlike the currently popular systems, "Azimuth" is capable of distinguishing reckless drivers from the flow at a distance of up to 5 kilometers. In this case, the road section can be either straight or winding. And the device doesn’t care about elevation changes. And this opens up great prospects for Azimuth...

Why does a radar detector fail to pick up radars and not work on tripods?

Mindlessly buying radar detector in common people it is also called " radar detector", we think that we have acquired a panacea for speeding fines. However, in reality, everything is different. Let's figure out what the problem is, where we made a mistake, what we did wrong. First, make sure you connected it correctly Power supply of the radar detector is allowed only from its own power supply device nutrition, it is always included. Sometimes car enthusiasts reason like this: in order not to connect many plugs into the cigarette lighter, I will connect the radar detector from a plug, for example, a navigator. Yes, the radar detector will turn on and even blink the lights, but it will not receive radio signals, since powering the radio unit requires 12 volts, and the power plug for the navigator produces only 5 volts. We've got the nutrition thing figured out. Now let's see if it matches firmware your radar detector, radars that are used in Russia. At the end of the serial number there should be the Latin letter “R”, followed by the firmware version or on the packaging there should be the inscription “Developed for Russia”, other similar inscriptions are possible, but the meaning remains the same. Now, if still nothing helps, take a look: did you install it correctly. There should be no obstacles in front of the front part of the radar detector: a panel protruding upward, a frame of windshield wiper blades, etc. I have also met car enthusiasts who kept a radar detector in the glove compartment and complained about poor signal reception. It happens that some cars have a windshield reinforced with a fine, barely noticeable mesh. Such reinforcement, of course, gives the glass high strength, but completely blocks the passage of the radio signal and acts as a kind of screen. In this case, radar detectors with an external radio unit are used. If you have regular glass and a high front panel, then there are two ways to mount the radar detector. On the suction cups that come with the kit or on a sticky mat. Although suction cups are convenient in terms of the fact that the radar detector can be placed anywhere on the glass, they cannot boast of longevity. Their life is short, about one season, after which the silicone suction cups become tanned, lose their elasticity and fall off. Perhaps the best way to place the radar detector is on a sticky mat. The mat is highly tacky and will hold your radar detector tightly in place. When mounting on suction cups, pay attention to the installation angle of the radar detector; if possible, it should be installed horizontally and look directly at the road. If all of the above did not help, check to see if your radar detector model is already outdated, because progress does not stand still. More and more advanced radar installations are appearing, so radars do not see them. How to choose the right radar detector read the next article " Choosing a radar detector, is it worth overpaying?

Tips: If you are using a radar detector and driving at high speeds, do not forget to follow the traffic rules. The radar detector greatly relaxes the driver, dulls vigilance, which in turn increases the risk of a traffic accident. Be careful, you are driving a car, life is not a toy.

Before you begin setting up the Cobra TM radar detector, you must correctly install this device, ensuring its correct operation. The detector should be installed parallel to the road. You may have to bend the bracket slightly once to position the unit horizontally. It is better to install the device in the middle of the windshield of the car as high as possible, so that in places with height differences the detector is triggered as early as possible. Keep in mind that tinting can degrade the sensitivity of the device by 10-20 percent. Thus, if you have a tint strip glued to the top of the windshield, it is better to install the device lower. Also note that athermal glass with a violet tint reduces the sensitivity of any radar detector by 40-60 percent.

Most often, such glasses have a technological window that does not have any athermal properties - this is where the gadget should be installed. You can find information about this window in your machine documentation. as a rule, it is located somewhere under the rearview mirror.

You can check the windshield for athermality experimentally. Simply stand in front of an active signal source, for example, in front of a traffic police radar or automatic door sensor that operates in the K-band, and check the signal strength of the device from the car and from the street. If you notice a difference in signal strength, your glass is athermal and the low sensitivity of the radar detector is due to this.

How to set up a radar detector?

It is customary to configure the radar detector once, after which the selected parameters are saved in memory. Today in our country there are mainly two bands used in which police radars operate:

  • X - the Sokol type radar operates in this range, which has long been discontinued, but in some regions they are still found.
  • K-band – this is where modern speed meters operate.
  • Separately, we can distinguish laser radars, which do not operate in any specific range, but operate at the expense of the light wavelength, which is measured in nanometers.

There are other frequency ranges:

  • VG 2;
  • Specter I-IV;

These ranges are not yet used in our country, so we recommend turning them off. First of all, this will reduce the frequency of false positives. Regardless of the fact that there is no measuring equipment in such ranges in our country, triggering from other sources cannot be ruled out. The speed of the gadget's processor also increases, since it will work to recognize only certain ranges.

It should be noted that in the new Cobra radar detectors, the Ka band is enabled by default and cannot be turned off. X-band is enabled in the settings and you can disable it if necessary. Frequency ranges not used in our country are disabled by default. In other words, modern models of Cobra radar detectors are configured for use in Russia. In the factory settings, the Highway driving mode is selected - it is optimal in many cases.

In the urban mode of operation in the Cobra RU 935, 945, 955 and 745, 755 and 775 ST radar detector models, the signal strength of one and two is not announced, so we do not recommend using the mode in unfamiliar areas. City and City Max are good for cities where the cops are mostly armed with Marksmen.

How to use?

For the convenience of using the detector and getting the maximum result from it, you will need to get used to the gadget over a certain period of time and learn to correctly recognize information. For example, the appearance of a short and weak signal in the K-band almost certainly indicates a false positive. In this case, a stable signal almost certainly indicates radar detection.

Do not forget that in addition to police radars, other equipment operating in the above ranges has weaker radiation that the detector can trigger. These could be sensors for opening sliding doors at gas stations or in stores, power lines, cruise control in cars, cell towers, satellite dishes, etc.

To reduce the frequency of unnecessary triggering, we recommend doing the following:

  • Disable bands that are not used in our country.
  • Switch between City and Highway modes. In the first case, the received signals are coarsened and the number of false positives is reduced. In this case, the sensitivity of the sensor decreases.

To increase comfort, you can use the IntelliMute option, which is not available on all radar detectors. Setting the function makes it possible to muffle the functioning of the gadget at low speeds. These are the cases when using a detector turns out to be irrelevant. Let's say you're stuck in traffic or pulling into a shopping center where there are door sensors and you just can't speed in the parking lot.

What determines the operating range?

Please note that the detection range of the radar detector largely depends on factors such as:

  • geography of the area (winding or hilly road, lack of reflective objects and surfaces);
  • type of police radar used (high, medium, low power);
    radar installation method (in the back, at an angle, in the face);
  • weather, traffic on the road.

It is impossible to determine in advance the maximum range of the antiradar, since in each specific case the combination of factors influencing the range may be different.

Also, you should not use two radar detectors at the same time, since the heterodyne background of one device can interfere with the operation of the other.

Do not bring the radar detector close to a functioning police radar - up to five meters. This is not normal for its use and the detector board may simply be damaged.

If we give a precise definition to a radar detector and a radar detector, then these are completely different devices.

  1. A radar detector is a device that suppresses the radar signal when a car approaches a certain distance. It does not allow the radar to set the speed of the car. Since such a device emits powerful radio waves, its use in Russia and many other countries is prohibited. If the police discover such a device, the driver will have to pay a heavy fine and lose an expensive device.
  2. The radar detector is a passive radio receiver. It does not block the detected pulse, but only warns the motorist about the use of radar on this section of the road. The use of radar detectors does not contradict the legislation of many countries, including the Russian Federation. Out of ignorance, most car owners call ordinary and inexpensive radar detectors “radar detectors.”

But it so happened that most of our drivers often call radar detectors “radar detectors.”

Speed ​​radars generate radio waves and can operate at different frequencies. Accordingly, radar detectors must detect these wave ranges. The Russian Committee on Radio Frequencies has determined the following parameters for police radars:

  • X-band has a frequency of 10.525 GHz;
  • K-band has a frequency of 24.15 GHz;
  • La-band represents laser emitters.

X-band radars were used in the “perestroika” 90s of the last century. Currently, they have been replaced by more modern devices operating in the K-band.

The operating principle of the radar is based on the emission of short pulse signals and the reception of their reflection from an object measuring speed, for example, from a car. Based on the difference in the time of sending the pulse and receiving its reflection, the processor calculates the speed of the vehicle moving towards the opposite direction.

Currently, it is not difficult for a radar detector to detect a signal in the K-band. The problem is whether the driver will have time to reduce the speed before the traffic police determine it. Modern radar detectors are capable of detecting the operation of police radars operating in this range from a distance of 1.5-2 km, but not all models can boast such indicators, or rather, only a few.

Laser-type radars can be a headache for those who like to drive fast. Thus, the LISD2 and Amata devices send a narrowly directed laser beam towards a moving car. To detect it, an expensive radar detector is required.

But the determination of the operation of the laser radar, as a rule, occurs after the latter has completed its task, and the driver will still have to pay a fine for speeding. However, it is worth noting that radars with laser emitters are expensive and are rarely found on roads, and there are no prerequisites for their widespread use.

Operating modes and functions of the radar detector

To prevent the purchased radar detector from becoming a useless toy in the car, it must respond to most modern radars that are in service with traffic police officers.

Today, all modern radar detectors support the following operating modes:

  • X-mode, defines the signal that is sent in the X-band;
  • K-mode, catches short-pulse signals sent in the K-band;
  • The “Strelka” mode determines the most popular “Strelka” radar in Russia today;
  • The “Laser” mode allows you to determine the activation of a laser radar.

It is worth noting that almost all new models of radar detectors are capable of detecting absolutely all police speed meters, except, perhaps, the newest OSKON radar. They differ from each other only in the reception range and the volume of extraneous signals (interference immunity).

Important parameters and functions of the radar detector

The main task of any radar detector is to timely warn the driver about a working portable or stationary radar. In this case, it is important that the period of time between the radar detector signal and the moment the speed is determined is sufficient to slow down the vehicle to the required speed.

When choosing a radar detector, you need to pay attention to the following important parameters:

  • radio signal detection distance,
  • general functionality and additional options,
  • capturing all types of signals from modern radars,
  • high processing speed of the caught pulse,
  • GPS/GLONAS module,
  • reliable operation of the device,
  • reliability of determination of results,
  • high-quality and uninterrupted work,
  • low number of false signals (noise immunity).

Types of radar detector mounts

Various methods are used to mount the radar detector in the windshield area.

  1. Brackets. Most often, radar detector models with brackets are mounted on the windshield. There are different versions of brackets, some are mounted using two suction cups, others use three suction cups.
  2. Vacuum suction cup. Used by some premium brands. If the device is powerful, then as a rule it weighs more than budget models, and such radar detectors also need a powerful mount.
  3. Sticky mats. A very convenient way to attach a radar detector, since it can be installed on any surface, and the shape of the mat does not change over time. However, this method is dangerous because due to poor ventilation the device may overheat and fail. This is especially true for radar detectors working with satellites, since GPS/GLONASS chips actively consume energy and heat up. Therefore, if you want your radar detector to last for more than one season, it is better not to use mats.
  4. Velcro. It is quite rare to find radar detectors that are attached with Velcro. And the demand among motorists for such a mount is not very high.

Popular models of radar detectors (radar detectors)

The category of inexpensive radar detectors includes radar detectors costing up to 5,000 rubles. Korean devices Sho-me Signature Smart and Street-Storm STR-5210EX GPS BT stand out in this segment. The first one has built-in GPS and a signature filter, which means it works better in the city. The second one is equipped with modular GPS and has a better reception range, which makes it more preferable on the highway.

Both detectors are very popular and cope with their tasks at speeds up to 150 km/h, when there are no additional interferences such as:

  • radar detectors,
  • cell towers,
  • radio transmitters,
  • gas stations,
  • power lines.

Chinese models from Supra can also boast high quality and reliability among budget radar detectors. For example, the SUPRA DRS-iG77VSTD radar detector, in our opinion, is one of the best radar detectors in this price segment. It detects in advance almost all modern types of traffic police radars, including Strelka, has good sensitivity and protection against false alarms.

Radar detectors with a cost of 6-15 thousand rubles fall into the middle price category. Compared to budget models, devices from the “golden mean” are characterized by increased reliability, functionality and a number of additional options.

  • Street Storm STR-9540BT has good functionality and a decent range;
  • The Omni RS-500 performs very well and is a good price. In terms of range, it is quite a bit inferior to the top models in its category, but its useful functionality is beyond praise.

The previously popular Whistler and Cobra radar detectors are now of lower quality than before. And ultra-long-range devices from Beltronics, due to the lack of GPS in them, are no longer supplied to Russia (due to the impossibility of receiving radarless systems via satellites).

Car radar detectors of the highest price category have the most complex and modern types of protection. They work constantly, ensuring the reception of radar signals not only of domestic design, but also of foreign analogues. You can confidently travel around Europe with them, but it is worth remembering that in many EU countries the use of radar detectors is prohibited.

The high cost of top-end radar detectors will be 100% justified when actively driving a car. Among the best manufacturers of luxury devices, the Canadian brand Escort stands out. Their best-selling and also the only model adapted for Russia is the Escort RedLine EX INTL - it has everything in abundance. The range of 1.5-2 km mentioned at the beginning of the material is provided today only by this detector, but it also costs very, very decently.

When choosing a radar detector, first of all you need to check whether the manufacturer has an official website and technical support, as well as free coordinate updates with radarless and stationary cameras. If there is no website, then this is the first sign that this is outright Chinese consumer goods with which you are buying a pig in a poke.

Choosing your first radar detector is quite difficult. Before purchasing, it is advisable to read user reviews, study tests of different models, read reviews on the Internet, determine the price range of the radar detector and its scope of application. Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances will advise you to purchase a device they have tested.

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Which Radar Detector should you choose?!

Added. Friends reading this post, do not write to me in a personal message with a question - tell me which radar should I get?!
I won't even respond to such messages. I'm tired of it already. I wrote an article for you. Why ask me the same thing?!

Py.Sy: I don't sell radar detectors.

Almost every week I give advice to my friends and acquaintances. Every two days I advise buyers and clients on which radar detector to choose?!

At the moment, a lot of people are asking this question, because the market is expanding and there are more and more choices. Someone says one thing, someone else...

I'll start answering the questions in order...

Radar Detector Mounts.
There are three types of fastenings. There are brackets, Velcro and sticky mats.

There are two types of brackets. There are two suction cups and three. Initially, three suction cups on brackets were made by Stinger. All the others produced metal brackets with two suction cups.
Similar brackets are installed on the windshield. The metal bends so that your radar detector hangs on the glass parallel to the road.
I heard that before there were some kind of brackets that clung like a clothespin to the sun protective visor. At this time, I have never seen anything like this anywhere or with anyone. A radar detector is often mounted under the rearview mirror, but still on a bracket with suction cups. The price for brackets is 300 rubles.
There are brackets for different
Let's look at the second type of mounting a radar detector in your car.

Sticky mats.
I have come across two types of sticky mats. A rug that is not generally sticky. But with its help the panel ceases to be slippery.
Comes in two colors, black and grey.
Price from 50 rubles.

As well as sticky mats from Sho-me.
Really sticky mat. It sticks to any surface and never loses its adhesive form, it seems to me.

If dust settles on it and it stops sticking, then just wipe this mat with a damp cloth.
It is not recommended to leave it in the sun, although in my car it lay on the dashboard all summer and nothing happened to it.
The price of such a rug varies from 100 rubles.

Well, the Velcro itself that comes with each radar detector. I've seen them used a couple of times...
They are usually not on sale.

The plugs that connect to the radar detector are absolutely all the same! The wires themselves can be wavy or straight, one and a half meters long.

The price per cord is 300 rubles.
There are cords on sale without a plug in the cigarette lighter, for hidden installation of the wire. Such wires are called cord-hair.
Price - 200 rubles.

Perhaps I told you all the important things about the little things and you can move on to the big things with peace of mind. =)

Radar Detector.

A radar detector is a compact electronic device that detects and informs the driver about the presence in the field of action of radars emitting radio waves or laser beams that it is configured to detect. A radar detector is essentially a passive receiver that does not jam signals. Many people confuse a radar detector with an anti-radar.

What is anti-radar?
Unlike a radar detector, an anti-radar is an active device designed to generate high-power interference in certain radio frequency spectra or modulate a response signal that is superior in power to the original direction-finding radar. As a result, the direction-finding device (traffic police radar) will not display anything at all or will display the result that was modulated by the anti-radar.
These devices are prohibited in all countries of the world, and their use can result in either a criminal case or a large fine with confiscation of the device.

There are also laser anti-radars or shifters - they modulate the response signal (shifting the frequency band down (in English Shift) - as a result, not the real speed is transmitted in encoded form, but reduced by an order of magnitude) and transmitting it to the traffic police RADAR. These devices are not yet prohibited by some countries, and as we know, they are not prohibited in Russia either. But the obvious disadvantage of these devices is that they are very expensive.

Which radar detector should you choose?
As many people know, I was previously involved in the sale of radar detectors. And before putting any radar detector on sale, I tested it.

And according to my tests, I determine the operating range, speed and, most importantly, the interference filter.
In first place are Whistler models, in particular PRO SE models, such as Whistler Pro 68 Se and Whistler Pro 78 Se.

I give second place to models from Sho-me.
I specifically liked the Sho-me 530, 535, 685 models, and if you really don’t have enough money but need it, then Sho-me 520.
Once upon a time, already back in 2009, according to tests by the magazine “Behind the Wheel”, Sho-me 520 took 3rd place, surpassing all sorts of Crunch, Star, etc.
Now this model is no longer relevant, but models with the letters STR are in vogue, which denotes that they belong to the detection and warning in advance of the radar, the so-called “Strelka”.
More and more often I hear about good reviews for the Sho-Me G800 STR.

You may ask what is the difference between Sho-me 530 str and Sho-me 535 str. There are no differences at all except the display. On the display of Sho-me 535, only a number is displayed, symbolizing the distance of approach to the radar (to the camera). On Sho-me 530, there is no such number, although exactly the same letters are displayed.
I didn't really find any downsides.

What is the difference between Sho-me 685, from Sho-me 720 or Sho-me 785? Not with anything. Again, the filling is the same.
The difference is in the display. The first model has a number, the second one is highlighted with words, red backlight, and the third one has the same thing as the second one, but with a blue backlight.
These models have bugs. They glitch periodically. You have to reset the settings to factory settings!
If it doesn't scare you, take it. Perhaps the model will arrive without any problems. I myself drove for a long time with Sho-me 685.

Price approx.
Sho-me 685 - 2690.00 rub.
Sho-me 720 - 3190.00 rub.
Sho-me 785 - 3990.00 rub.

Sho-me 520.
Great price. As I already said, I took 3rd place, competing with giants for 6 and 7 thousand, having a price range of 2090.00 rubles. As they say, better than nothing!

I will award third place to Stinger and Crunch. By the way, this is the same company. Stinger makes more expensive radar detectors, assuring everyone that their range is the same as Whistler's - up to 5 km. It is not true!
Simply, the sensitivity is set to very high, mechanically. The Stinger does not filter out interference. It will notify you in the same way about xs knows what, just like cheap models of radar detectors. Crunch turned out to be more reliable compared to his brother Stinger. But their range suffers at 1-1.5 km. The same cannot be said again about Sho-me radar detectors, whose range is 2-2.5 km. For the same money.

I know, I know that many people have just the same Crunch and Stinger... I know that a lot of letters will fall on me, that I’m wrong and something like: “My Stinger has been working for 5 years and not one fine”... Perhaps...
But there is better. And your five-year-old Stinger, I'm sure, alerts you when it approaches satellite dishes and high-voltage wires!

I can expect that you will remember that same magazine test and remind me about the Stinger. But please note that the Stinger s650 was called good.
In general, it is said that Stingers differ from each other only in bells and whistles.
And at first glance everything is so, but...
The Stinger s650 lives up to its tests. If you want a Stinger, take it and nothing else!
Price 5990 rubles.

Another popular one is Star...
Catches everything! Everything!

LKT is money down the drain.
Just like the modern Cobra, which spoiled its reputation by selling radar detectors that were not adapted for Russia. Previously, by the way, there were excellent radar detectors.
Although it seems that their bad reputation in Russia has reached them and they have begun to improve. I haven't tested the new Cobras myself.

Escort and Beltronix, I haven’t tested them personally, but judging by the tests and reviews they are really good models!
Price from 9 thousand.

And finally the radar detector Valentine One - V1
The best of the best!

Briefly about its work, it will be something similar - it has two lenses. Even if it catches an interference, and there is a police radar behind the interference, then this device will certainly notify that there is a police radar behind the interference.
Works flawlessly!
Issue price: 25,000.00 rub.

The result? My recommendation is Whistler Pro 78 Se STR.
It would not be a bad option for a radar detector for you. But still, if 7500 rubles hits your pocket, budget and head hard, then I would recommend Sho-me 530 (Sho-me 535), for 2500 rubles (2700 rubles)

But if you still need it, and you want the cheapest one, then take Sho-me 520, for 2090 rubles. You shouldn't buy a cheaper model!
Well, accordingly, I did not complete the letters STR.

Test of a friend and teammate, Alekseich

Py Sy:...Added from correspondence.
You know, in general, models with the letters ST or STR do not inspire confidence in me, since this is mostly an advertising ploy to lure the buyer by the fact that models with these letters supposedly catch the arrow.
In fact, this is an ordinary Whistler 338... If the price suits you, then take it. The old model, without extra letters, not counting the letter Ru, worked perfectly.
I liked the 338 model!
And now they seem to have become cheaper models with the letters ST or STR, take them!

Py. Py Sy.: At the moment, Sho-Me G800 STR is relevant. The price is approximately about 5,000 re. Great reviews. I haven't heard anything bad!

How to check the radar detector

When purchasing radar detectors, it is difficult to test their functionality without having a radar handy, because just because the device turns on does not guarantee that it can detect radars. And although defective products are rare, it is still worth conducting a small test after purchase to be sure that the device is in order.

The easiest way is to go to a place where a radar is probably installed; there are many such sites in Moscow and other cities and their coordinates can be easily found on the Internet. After driving past the radar several times, you will be able to understand the principle of operation of your radar detector, as well as adjust it to suit you.

Recently, many companies have updated their range of radar detectors several times, adapting them to Russian conditions. How to test a radar detector to be sure that it is really configured to detect Russian radars?

For Cobra radar detectors, these are necessarily the letters RU in the model name: Cobra RU 750 or Cobra RU 850, and the eighth series of Cobra radar detectors also has support in Russian.

The firmware for Beltronics radar detectors has been changed. Now, for devices with expanded sensitivity in ranges typical of Russian radars, the letter “i” has been added to the name, which means “international”. For example, the previously existing Beltronics RX65a model has been replaced by the new Beltronics RX65i; when this device is turned on, the model name “RX65i” will be displayed on the radar screen. Don't get confused.

How to test a radar detector at home

We will need: Car Traffic police radars on the roads Radar-Detector

So, we carry out tracking actions and get a 100% result.

Checking a radar detector is one of the difficult moments associated with the operation of such devices in general. After all, the essence of the matter is not only that the radar detector must specifically determine the presence of a road patrol service near the radar, it is not obliged to give the driver misinformation. Therefore, if you have purchased this equipment (especially from the budget category), then the question of how to check the radar detector must be treated very scrupulously.

Where do you need to start? The most important thing is to get a guarantee from the dealer that it can always be returned not only if a fault is detected, but also just like that, including if the buyer simply changes his mind about purchasing it. The fact is that the approach to such things as how to choose a car radar is always personal. From a technical point of view, it can be absolutely flawless, but in practice it does not produce the desired result. In the worst case, he has the ability to often and without reason give threatening signals, and at the most dangerous moment, he will vilely remain silent.

Unfortunately, the radar detector cannot be fully tested either at home or in a store. The problem of how to clean up the radar can only be solved in combat conditions, that is, on the road. Large intersections are ideal for such an inspection, since they are most likely to be monitored by permanently installed radars of the road patrol service, specifically at traffic lights. However, this is a bit of a one-sided check

In practice, virtually the same radar system is used at intersections, and the newly acquired radar detector needs more comprehensive testing. Therefore, in order to understand how to deceive the radar, you will also need to drive along the highway and along the dark outskirts, where traffic police officers can hide with their sacred equipment. To do this, it is better to know in advance their favorite places, where they consider it best to hide, before installing the radar, and take a ride there.

When checking a radar detector, it is necessary to record cases of erroneous alarms. By the way, while the radar detector is being tested, it is recommended not to increase the speed limit. But the final diagnosis of the resulting radar detector can be made based only on how accurately it helps out from real danger

News on request How to test a radar detector yourself?

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When choosing which radar detector is better, you need to take into account not only the cost, but also the functionality, reliability and ease of operating the device. Before purchasing, you need to decide whether only a sound notification or graphic information is required, under what conditions the device will be used, and whether additional functionality is needed.

Radar detector and radar detector - the main differences

Before choosing a radar detector for a car, you need to decide on the operating principle of the device and its functionality. The device is designed to suppress signals from scanning equipment, that is, the radar detector actually protects the car owner from the detectors used by inspectors.

But the free sale and use of radar detectors with such functionality are officially prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. You can only buy radar detectors with similar capabilities, but with a different purpose. These devices are often called radar detectors, although in essence this is not the case.

What is the difference? The thing is that radar detectors only scan signals at certain frequencies, warning the driver about the presence of radar equipment ahead of traffic.

The highest quality operation of anti-radar devices is ensured at the following frequencies:

  • range 10500-10550 MHz (designated “X”) - these are old locating devices that have not been used by inspectors since 2012, although in reality they are still found;
  • range 24050-24250 MHz (denoted “K”) - the most common range for police radars;
  • range 33400-360000 MHz (denoted “Ka”) - provides high accuracy, but is rarely used yet.

How to choose a radar detector?

When choosing the optimal radar detector, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • operating frequency range;
  • device type;
  • price;
  • operating range;
  • availability of additional functions.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the operating frequency range. There are five of them in total, but only three are used in Russia - these are X, K, Ka. The first of them has been practically not used since 2012, although about 10% of scanners still work on it. Therefore, it is better to buy a device that operates in the “K” and “Ka” bands.

The second criterion is the choice of equipment type.

Important! It is important to remember that police scanners come in pulse and laser scanners. Most radar detectors are focused specifically on the pulse type of location equipment. But we cannot exclude the possibility that an inspector with a laser scanner will meet on the road.

  • Instant-on for X-band;
  • Ultra-X for X-band;
  • Ultra-K for K-band;
  • POP – universal.

Cost is an important selection criterion, but remember that the most expensive radar detectors are not the best. When choosing, the average price range is considered optimal - from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 thousand.

Such devices have excellent functionality, they are reliable, easy to use, and have constant data updates. Too cheap ones can give a large number of false positives, and their range is too small.

Expensive equipment does not always live up to its high price, the interface can be unnecessarily complex, and most of the functions are simply not used.

Which radar detector is better? Based on reviews and prices in 2016–2017, various device models are identified, but we must remember that an important parameter is the operating range, that is, at what distance the radar detector can detect the signal.

The best option would be 1-2 km; too low a range makes the radar detector useless, and a high range will negatively affect the price, making it unreasonably high.

An additional choice is the presence of additional functions, including GPS modules, USB inputs for updating data, bright screens for displaying information, connection to DVRs and much more.

When choosing such functions, you must immediately decide how necessary they are and whether they will be used to their full extent.

5 best radar detector models in the price segment up to 5,000 rubles

What should a good radar detector be like? Some people mistakenly believe that high-quality equipment is very expensive, but in fact this is absolutely not the case. Which DVR with radar detector is better?

Based on numerous reviews from car owners, we can conclude that there are a number of excellent devices, reliable and functional, in the price range of up to 5 thousand rubles.

Mystery MRD-205S: budget model with good functionality

This model has one of the lowest prices - only 3,730 rubles, while the quality of the budget radar detector is at its best. The user is offered a convenient interface, rich functionality, and a laser radiation detector.

Radar detector Mystery MRD-205S

The device protection level is VG2, it is possible to disable some modes that are not used.

All information is displayed on a bright LED screen, which makes it easy to see in any light level. The device is attached to the glass using a reliable suction cup.

Sho-Me STR-535: high degree of protection and three-mode operation

Sho-Me STR-535 can easily be called a leader in the budget category of the best radar detectors of 2017.

Sho-Me STR-535 radar detector

Three modes are used for operation; it is possible to change the viewing angle (in general, this value is 360 degrees).

The screen displays all the required information, including the scanning signal and its strength. Cost – 4800 rubles.

Where can I buy?

The best price for the Sho-Me STR-535 radar detector is

Prestige RD-200: functionality and user-friendly interface

The model from this manufacturer costs only 4,760 rubles; it is distinguished by high quality, an easy-to-use interface, and rich functionality.

Radar detector Prestige RD-200

The radar detector was named the best device in 2016 among devices in the price category up to 5,000 rubles.

When deciding how to choose a radar, you need to take into account that the device has a GPS module, its sensitivity is quite high, and the number of false alarms is low.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase this radar detector in a trusted online store -

Defender RDD 005: optimal quality-price ratio

This model is considered the best in terms of quality-price ratio. The cost of the radar detector is only 4,900 rubles; for those who are looking for a car recorder and detector at an affordable price, this offer will be the best.

Radar detector Defender RDD 005

Among the advantages, it is necessary to highlight the presence of a GPS module, color indication, the presence of several operating modes and high sensitivity.

Whether such a radar detector is mounted together with a video recorder on the windshield or on the dashboard, it all depends on the availability of free space and ease of use.

Where can I buy?

The lowest prices for the Defender RDD 005 radar detector in the online store -

Silverstone F1 Monza: compact, comfortable and multifunctional

This model, priced at 3,900 rubles, is very functional and easy to use.

The compact car detector with a constantly updated database is small in size, easy-to-use software, a GPS system, and supports several modes.

In addition, the manufacturer has a wide service network in Russia and offers high-quality service and technical support. When planning to buy an inexpensive radar detector, it is better to choose this particular model – universal, easy to use, and effective.

Where can I buy?

The best price for this radar detector is presented in the online store -

5 best models in the price segment from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles

When choosing a radar detector for Android in the price category from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles, we recommend paying attention to the indicated models. All of them are adapted for use in Russian conditions and are distinguished by extensive installed databases and regular updates.

PlayMe QUICK: the best system for Russian operating conditions

When choosing a radar in the price segment of 5,000-10,000 rubles, we recommend paying attention to the PlayMe QUICK model with a price of 6,990 rubles. This is a reliable and easy-to-use device with great functionality.

PlayMe QUICK radar detector

According to many reviews, the PlayMe QUICK radar detector is the optimal solution with the following advantages:

  • availability of signal filtering;
  • five convenient modes;
  • work with all ranges;
  • minimum number of false positives;
  • presence of GPS module;
  • convenient program update that takes into account the realities of Russian roads

This is the best device in the specified price category, with reliability, quality, and compact size.

Where can I buy?

The best price for the PlayMe QUICK radar detector was in the online store -

Whistler WH-119ST+ Ru GPS: universal laser detector

The Whistler WH-119ST+ Ru GPS model is a detector with a GPS module and the ability to operate over a wide frequency range. For operating conditions in Russia, the manufacturer has already provided a database of the most popular frequencies and police cameras, which is a big advantage.

Whistler WH-119ST+ Radar Detector Ru GPS

Such a device can be used with rear view mirrors, download updates easily and for free, and receive data on your Android device.

A big advantage is the automatic operating mode - the radar detector will turn on only when a signal is detected.

The settings of the Antiradar application on Android also allow you to set an operating mode that depends on the speed of the car, that is, the operation of the radar detector will begin when the vehicle reaches a speed higher than the permitted one.

Unlike the domestically developed device detector v7, this model is the best option for Russian Federation conditions. The cost of the device is 7,000 rubles, which is a good indicator.

Where can I buy?

Sho-Me G-900 STR: high sensitivity and 8-band operation

When choosing which radar detector is better, you can pay attention to the Sho-Me G-900 STR model. This is a reliable and easy-to-use device, which is included in the top 5 detectors of 2016-2017, having an affordable price of 7,770 rubles.

Sho-Me G-900 STR radar detector

You can buy a radar of this model for all CIS countries; it works with the most common frequency ranges, ensuring reliability and a low level of false alarms.

Unlike a device such as the v9 detector, which is not entirely deservedly positioned as the best for Russian roads, the Sho-Me model can operate in 8 modes and has 3 sensitivity levels.

At the same time, some of the ranges that are not used can simply be turned off, increasing the efficiency of the device, that is, the choice of a radar detector of this model is completely justified.

Where can I buy?

The best price for the Sho-Me G-900 STR radar detector is here -

Neoline X-Cop 4500: autonomy and reliability

When planning to buy a DVR with a radar detector and deciding which one is better, we recommend paying attention to Neoline X-Cop 4500.

Radar detector Neoline X-Cop 4500

This is a simple and reliable device with rich functionality and the ability to work offline. This means that even in the absence of power, the device will retain all settings, ensuring the highest quality performance.

The radar detector application will become a reliable assistant in urban conditions or on country roads.

Typically, such devices are used for long trips; car owners who travel more around the city and suburbs rarely use such devices. Among the advantages, it is worth noting not only autonomous power supply, but also the ability to display the distance to the police scanning device, an affordable price of 7,200 rubles.

Where can I buy?

Our experts have identified an online store with the best price -

Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kit: compactness and excellent functionality

This model is distinguished by its excellent functionality and compact size; such a purchased radar detector will become a convenient addition to the overall security system of the car.

Radar detector Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kit

The system is the latest development, it allows you to most accurately determine location equipment in the widest frequency range. Users especially note the three levels of accuracy and the presence of a well-thought-out signal filtering system.

This is a fairly good radar detector with compact dimensions and an affordable price of around 8,300 rubles. It’s not for nothing that it entered the top of the best radar detectors of 2016, without losing its popularity in the coming 2017.

It is especially noteworthy that this is a detector with a GPS module, which allows you to quickly update the radar detector application and easily download the latest current data.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase this radar detector in a trusted online store -

5 best radar detectors in the price segment from 10,000 rubles

Radar detector 2016 – which is better according to reviews and prices in the category from 10,000 rubles? Typically, such devices are chosen by car owners for whom advanced functionality is very important.

Interesting! Devices in this category are usually the best, they can be connected in any convenient place, for example, on the rear view mirror, recorders, and are characterized by increased reliability and a low level of false alarms.

Let's consider a review of the 5 best radar detectors in the price segment from 10,000 rubles, based on functionality, ease of mounting and the ability to combine with rear-view mirrors, and user reviews.

Street Storm STR-9750BT: new generation radar detector

Street Storm STR-9750BT can safely be called a new generation device, characterized by reliability, functionality and an affordable price.

Radar detector Street Storm STR-9750BT

The best application for the equipment ensures the simplest possible use; such a detector in the specified price category for Russia will be the best option; when purchasing such a device, you will have to pay approximately 18,000 rubles, which, given the large number of possibilities, is not so much.

Among the advantages it is necessary to highlight:

  • the ability to detect almost all types of scanning devices;
  • Availability of a USB port for convenient database updating;
  • simple interface, setting up any modes depending on the type of track, speed and other parameters.

Where can I buy?

The lowest price for the Street Storm STR-9750BT radar detector in the online store -

Escort Passport 8500 X50 Red INTL: versatility and programmability

When deciding which radar detector to choose, it is recommended to pay attention to the Escort Passport 8500 X50 Red INTL model. Many settings, reliability and quality, a clear interface and a reliable control program make this device extremely convenient.

Radar detector Escort Passport 8500 X50 Red INTL

When determining the best radar detector of 2017, many choose this model due to the following advantages:

  • Possibility of reliable operation at a distance of up to 2 km;
  • information is displayed in three modes;
  • in automatic mode, you can reduce the sound level for more comfortable use;
  • The sensors have excellent sensitivity.

The cost of the device is 23,500 rubles, which, despite its rich functionality and reliability, is an excellent indicator.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase this radar detector at the best price in the online store -

Whistler Pro 3600: four modes and noise filtering

When choosing the best DVR with a radar detector, you should pay attention to the Whistler Pro 3600. This device has several sensors, which provides better signal reception and significantly reduces the number of false alarms.

In addition, the design includes a unique antenna to detect signals from any direction, including behind the vehicle, systems for connecting multiple devices.

Whistler Pro 3600 radar detector

Among the main advantages it should be noted:

  • large, symbolic display on which information will be visible at any time of the day;
  • the presence of an interference filter that improves the signal and reduces the likelihood of false alarms;
  • choice of 4 filters.

The price of a radar detector is not the lowest, the purchase will cost about 46,200 rubles, but the quality, reliability and great functionality are well worth it.

Where can I buy?

The best price for the Whistler Pro 3600 radar detector in the online store is

Street Storm STR-9950BT: support for 6 modes and an updated database

What should be the best radar detectors of 2017? Many car owners immediately cite the Street Storm STR-9950BT as an example.

Radar detector Street Storm STR-9950BT

This is an improved version of the popular device, supporting 6 operating modes and having a constantly updated database that can be downloaded from the official website; the control program itself is very convenient.

Improved characteristics are provided by the Strelka-Geiger module; in addition, a laser radiation sensor is installed.

The dimensions of the device are small, the design is very nice.

The radar detector is easily attached using a suction cup, and the information on the screen will be visible even in poor lighting. In addition, there are four filters that make it easy to suppress extraneous noise.

Such a device cannot be classified as an inexpensive radar detector, but the price of 19,900 rubles, high reliability and versatility make this model very popular.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase a radar detector of this model at a favorable price in a trusted online store -

Whistler PRO-99ST+: high level of reliability and original design

According to many car owners, this model is one of the best. Of course, its cost is not the lowest; purchasing such a radar detector will cost approximately 23,600 rubles.

Whistler PRO-99ST+ radar detector

But the operational and technical characteristics are excellent, the reliability of the device is high, and the number of false alarms is extremely low.

In addition to reliability, efficiency and durability, one can note the original, modern design, which harmoniously complements the interior design.

A big advantage is the notification in English or Russian. Such radar detectors are the best solution for a modern car.

Where can I buy?

The best price for this model is