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Pages do not open in browsers on iPhone. Updated: Pages won't open in safari

If Safari doesn't work on your iPhone, iPad or Mac, you don't need to immediately look for alternative browsers. You can eliminate any error yourself if you understand what caused it.

Troubleshooting iPhone and iPad

Why might Safari not work on iPhone? Errors can be different: lack of a program icon, inability to access a secure https site, etc. We rarely pay attention to a running program, but when the iPhone 5S or 6 stops accessing the Internet, we want to quickly figure out errors in the browser.

Problems often arise after a system update. After updating to iOS 9.3, users experienced that pages stopped opening in the browser. In the next update, the developers fixed the cause of the error, but before that, users had to disable JavaScript in the settings, change the search engine and delete applications.

If the problem is not related to an error when updating the system, which developers fix after detection by users, then it can be solved by restarting the application or clearing the history of browser data.

  1. Launch Safari. Click on the book icon.
  2. Open the "History" tab.
  3. Click "Clear" on the bottom panel.
  4. Select a period to delete cookies and website data.

The same operation can be performed through the “Safari” section in the settings.

Another common problem is the lack of a Safari icon in the home menu. To get it back, you need to remove the restriction on the application.

  1. Open settings, go to the “General” section.
  2. Go to the “Restrictions” subsection. If it is inactive, then there are no restrictions.
  3. If the subsection is active, go into it and disable the Safari restriction.

After disabling the restriction, the icon will appear in the home menu. If the above methods do not help return the built-in browser to a working state, you can install from the App Store and use another browser - for example, Chrome.

If Safari isn't working for you on Mac, there are several ways to resolve the issue. The method you choose depends on the reasons why Safari on Mac is starting to crash. The simplest solution is to restart the application. Close Safari and restart it to get rid of non-critical errors. If the browser stops responding, force quit it. Hold down Command + Option + Escape and click “Finish” in the window that appears.

If this does not help, close the browser processes individually:

  1. Open the Programs – Utilities folder and launch System Monitor.
  2. In the Memory or CPU tab, look for the Safari processes marked in red.
  3. Select the processes and end them with the "X" button on the toolbar.

The listed methods help bring Safari to life when the browser stops working. If the problem persists, clear your browser's cache and history by opening the Safari menu and selecting Clear History. Select a period and click Clear Log.

Errors in Apple applications do not occur often, but if they do occur, the developers try to respond and fix the bugs at the same time.

The main culprits of errors, no matter how harsh it may sound, are the users themselves, who use their gadget or personal computer carelessly and without care.

Problems affecting the browser can be of various kinds. But today we will look at application login errors and ways to fix it.

The latest iOS system updates to 9.3 and higher have added new problems to the system, including access to Safari. Most often, this situation occurs in iPhone and iPad. Having studied what users of gadgets wrote on relevant forums about launch problems, we can name the reasons why this happens:

  1. Not an updated version of the browser or system (just check the iOS version in the settings).
  2. You have a program conflict that prevents Safari from loading in processes.
  3. The simplest mistake is to disable the browser or hide it from system processes (there are utilities that simply disable and hide any application from the desktop screen - check if you may have hidden it by mistake).
  4. The most recent problem may be the “universal link” function installed on other applications, which causes a system crash and the browser refuses to load and turn on.

Recommendations for maintaining and maintaining the functionality of applications

To ensure that the system and Safari are always in good condition, you just need to follow the following recommendations from experienced MAC OS and iOS users:

  • Try to clear cookies in Safari for a certain period (at least once a month);
  • Do not load the processor with unnecessary work programs (disable unnecessary work processes and leave only the necessary ones);
  • You should not install unverified software and download files from unverified sources;
  • Always install updates and keep your system on the latest OS version.

Solving the problem with launching Safari

There is no one right solution. After following all the recommendations below, the browser may not start, but you should try each of the options until the bitter end.

One way is to do the following:

Second way to resolve the error

If the first option does not work on your phone, you can refer to a program conflict. Therefore, we perform the following steps:

Now you need to install the program on your smartphone. We do it like this:

  1. In airplane mode, we synchronize the phone and computer to install the software.
  2. Go to the “Applications” tab.
  3. We are looking for the program in the form of an installation file.
  4. Click “install” and wait for installation.
  5. We synchronize everything in iCloud.

After synchronization is completed, launch the program on the iOS device. After restarting your phone, you can try to launch Safari.

If the two above options do not help, we recommend inviting a technician or taking the gadget to an adjuster so that he can correct the error.

Today we will talk about several ways to fix the following problems with the Safari browser: sites do not load, a blank page is displayed, the browser simply crashes. The methods below apply to iPhone, iPad, and Mac versions of Safari.

What to do if Safari is not working properly

Make sure the problem is not with the site itself: Perhaps the problem is not with the browser, but with the site itself that you are trying to open. Try going to or any other site. If it loads normally, then the problem is not with Safari, but with the site you tried to open.

Check the router: If the problem is not with the website, you need to check your router. Is it turned on? Are other devices connected to the network operating normally? Disconnect the router from power for a couple of seconds, and then turn it on again.

Turn airplane mode on and off: If problems occur with only one device, try turning airplane mode on and off on it. This will temporarily disable all communications. This method works most often.

Reboot your device: It never hurts to reboot your device. This may fix some minor bugs.

Delete cache: Often problems with browsers arise due to the cache. Especially if a specific site freezes. To solve the problem, delete your Safari browser history and cache. This will erase all cookies, cache and other site data. To do this, go to Settings > Safari > Clear history and data on iPhone and iPad. On a Mac, go to the Safari menu and select Clear the history

Try another browser: If the problem still persists, try accessing the site through Chrome or another browser.

Disable extensions and blocking: If you know for sure that the problem is in Safari, try disabling extensions and blockers that you may have previously enabled. On iPhone and iPad, go to Settings > Safar i> Block. pop-ups. On a Mac, go to Safari and in settings disable the option Block pop-ups. Also go to Extensions and turn them off. After this, restart your browser.

We hope the solutions above helped you.

If none of the methods work, update the software and install the latest available version of the browser itself. You can also contact Apple support for diagnostics. This will help determine the specific cause of the problem.

Safari is a web browser that was developed by Apple. This program is very popular among users of Apple products, because it combines style and extensive functionality.

Also, until 2012, Safari was also distributed for Windows OS, but after that the company decided to stop support, but even that version is still capable of a lot and occupies its market share among browsers.

In the first versions, the appearance of the program differs from the design we are used to. Over a long period of updates and improvements, the following components have been changed:

  • Keys;
  • Scroll bar;
  • Entry field;
  • Drop-down menu;
  • Checkboxes;
  • And the most important thing has been updated - the very system of how the browser works with a computer.

Safari 5.0 saw the addition of a reading bar, changed search settings, improved the saving system, and added an additional toolbar for developers. Further, these functions have only been improved and are now a convenient device for any user.

Basic Safari Features

  • There are built-in search tools such as Yandex, Google and Bing.
  • You can block pop-up windows.
  • Built-in text search function.
  • There is auto-filling of forms and scaling of the text input area.
  • Various encryption and hiding protocols are supported.

Among the additional functions, it is worth noting the presence of a reading mode, full-screen mode, functions in which the browsing history is not visible (private mode), hiding history and a reading list. It may also allow you to view a list of your most frequently visited sites.

Why Safari can't open the page

There are several reasons why Safari cannot open the page:

Actions when it is impossible to open in Safari

When the page does not open, wait a couple of minutes and try again. This is if you are shown that “the website is temporarily unavailable.” This is announced by the fact that the resource administrators are carrying out technical work on the site and have temporarily limited access to it. If this does not solve the problem, try clearing your saved data and resetting your Safari settings.

In order to do this you will need the following steps:

We also recommend checking your Internet connection. To do this, open any other program. If the Internet is connected or accessed through a corporate or enterprise network, there may be some problems. Contact your administrator for help solving this problem.

Thanks Apple. There is a temporary solution, but it doesn’t always work.

On Monday, March 21, immediately after the presentation, Apple released a full update to the iOS 9.3 operating system. There are plenty of innovations and fixes for past bugs in the firmware, but after a few days it turned out that after fixing some problems, the developers added others.

The bug, which hundreds of users have encountered using a variety of iOS devices, has the following character:

After updating to iOS 9.3, the Safari browser flatly refuses to open pages based on a search query. If the page does load, then further clicking on the link completely freezes the browser.

The same situation is with the standard application. Mail. As soon as you tap on any of the links contained in the letter, the application freezes.

The problem has been ongoing for several hours and is most likely related to the Safari browser. A number of users have already written to the Apple support service (including the official Twitter channel) and the company is aware of the existing problem.

How to solve the problem and get Safari working?

One of the possible solutions.

There is no single right solution. Even after performing the following manipulations, the functionality of the browser may remain in question. Try this:

Apple does not officially comment on the situation, and all of the above solutions are just an attempt to somehow make the browser work. It seems that a final solution to the problem is possible only after the release of the next version of iOS 9.3.X.