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Cut the MTS SIM card to micro. How to make a micro SIM card from a regular SIM card

Experienced communication store consultants still remember the time when customers were perplexed by the fact that there were SIMs of non-standard sizes. Nowadays, having several types of SIM cards is commonplace. Manufacturers are giving preference to increasingly smaller cards, because this saves space inside the device body. Standard-sized SIM cards, bulky by modern standards, are about to “sink into oblivion.”

In this article we will talk about all types of SIM and teach you how to turn a large card into a small one.

In terms of size, SIM cards are classified into 3 types:


Mini-SIM– this is the “scientific” name for a standard SIM card. Its dimensions are 25x15 millimeters.

If the phone was released before 2011 (inclusive), you can be sure that exactly what is inserted into it Mini-SIM. For modern smartphones, such a card is too large, but this does not mean at all that Mini-SIM– anachronism. Standard SIM cards are used in simple dialers, in phones with large buttons for the elderly, in secure phones for fishing enthusiasts and factory workers. The listed devices cannot boast of an abundance of functions, so there is plenty of space inside their cases - in some models, manufacturers even allow you to install 3-4 Mini-SIM.


First card Micro-SIM began to be used by Apple - in iPhone 4 devices. Dimensions Micro-SIM– 15x12 millimeters.

Nowadays, the vast majority of smartphones are installed with Micro-SIM. The “baton” was taken over from Apple by Nokia, which equipped its Lumia devices with slots for Micro, followed by HTC, Samsung, and BlackBerry.


Nano-SIM– the newest and smallest card for the phone. Its dimensions are only 12x5 millimeters. Visually, the card is a chip with a minimum of plastic edging.

Apple is again the innovator. Exactly Nano-SIM users had to insert the 5th modification into the iPhone. Later, other well-known manufacturers began to produce devices with Nano-SIM slots - for example, Samsung And Meizu.

The following illustration will help you understand the differences between the three types of SIM cards:

How to change the SIM card size for your phone?

The most obvious way to change the SIM card size is replace it in the operator's cabin. This procedure is completely free, takes only a couple of minutes, and the phone number does not change subsequently. However, this method still has a number of disadvantages:

  • The new SIM card will not contain the numbers stored in the memory of the old one. Of course, a similar problem easy to solve: in the article “How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer” we talk about several ways to export phone numbers. But, alas, many users consider their time too valuable to waste it on mastering third-party software and methods for creating backup copies.
  • You have the right to replace your SIM card in the office only its designer and only according to the passport. If the card was given to the user, for example, by his parents, he himself will not be able to replace it. Sometimes this becomes a real problem.

If a consultant changes a SIM card to a person who is not its issuer, this is fraud! For such an operation, the consultant will, at a minimum, be deprived of his bonus, and at maximum, he will be fired in disgrace. Therefore, demanding to “make an exception” is meaningless; no one wants to find themselves unemployed with unflattering wording in their work book.

There are several ways to change the dimensions of a SIM card without resorting to replacement. For example, a user can purchase adapter(aka - adapter). The adapters look like this:

It’s better to order adapters for SIM on Chinese websites - there they cost a mere trifle. For example, a set of adapters from Noosy along with a needle for iPhone will cost only 17 rubles. When purchasing in a salon, the user may be charged up to 250 rubles - the difference is more than noticeable!

The set usually includes adapters of 3 types: Nano-SIM to SIM, Micro-SIM to SIM And Nano-SIM to Micro-SIM. Since SIM cards of reduced sizes continue to be associated with Apple, manufacturers do not forget to include needles in the kits to remove the SIM card slot. Adapters are easy to use: a small SIM card is inserted into a suitable adapter, then the adapter itself with the card inside is placed in the slot of the mobile device.

Adapters help when you need to increase the size of a SIM card, but what should the user do if, on the contrary, the card needs to be reduced? The owner of the gadget should think about the fact that such a need may arise even at the stage of purchasing a SIM card - and insist on issuing him a so-called Combi-SIM. Combi-SIM is a standard-sized card from which you can make a micro-SIM card in a split second.

Inside a SIM card, standard in size, Micro-Sim is already cut along the contour, so it is easy for the user to press with a finger and break off a piece of plastic.

There is no need to rush to throw away the frame– she is still capable of doing a good service. If you need to reinsert the card into the slot under Mini-SIM the frame can be used as an adapter.

Usage Combi-SIM- one of the ways to change the size of the SIM card downwards. Cards Combi provided to mobile users for free- of course, if they are available in the operator’s office.

If the user already owns a standard SIM card and wants to turn it into Micro, without losing contacts, he has no other choice but to cut the SIM card. Pruning is usually carried out using a special device called stapler for Sim(aka - Sim cutter, it’s the same - Sim-Cutter).

Make from a standard card Micro-SIM If you have such a stapler, it’s a second procedure. However, expect that the sales office or workshop will carry out this procedure for free, not worth it. The salon employees will demand 149 rubles for trimming and will even knock out a check for providing a paid service. Repair shops will also ask for money, or even send the user to deal with the operator.

Cutting a SIM card is associated with some risk - if the person performing the procedure is in a hurry or is inattentive, he will damage the chip and, as a result, the SIM card will not function. Hence the high cost of pruning services - no one wants to take risks “for nothing.”

How to cut a SIM card with your own hands?

Not all cellular communication stores have SIM staplers - some consultants continue to cut cards with their own hands and with ordinary scissors. The reader may be surprised to learn that no one trains consultants to do this. They hone this skill on their own, and many are able to successfully cut a SIM card the first time.

No wonder - in fact, the procedure is extremely primitive! Usually the main difficulty is finding a template. Consultants, as a rule, have their entire table littered with SIM cards of various sizes that work and have served their useful life - they use them as samples. The average user can only dream of such abundance - however, if he still managed to borrow a SIM card of the required size to serve as a template, he can safely try trimming it himself. If not, he should resort to using a printer and a template print(here is the relevant link).

To cut a SIM card, you don’t need felt-tip pens, rulers or pencils - if you follow these instructions:

  • Take the large SIM in your hand with the chip facing up.
  • Place the sample card on top so that it completely covers the chip, press it tightly with your thumb and do not let go. If desired, the template can be attached to a large SIM using double-sided tape, but experts do not recommend doing this - you can damage the chip.
  • Carefully trim the sides of the plastic. Try not to have too much, otherwise the SIM card in the slot will “dangle” and the signal will be lost.
  • Cut the card according to the template across. Here you can act less scrupulously; The main thing is not to touch the chip.
  • Remove the corner and slightly round the edges - otherwise the SIM card will not fit into the slot.

Next, put the template aside and try to install the cut card into the phone to check its functionality. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, carefully trim the plastic and try again. If the card slot is just the right size and can be read by the phone, rejoice - you just cut a SIM card with your own hands!

note that not just any card can be “cut” to the desired size. Easiest to redo Mini-SIM V Micro SIM – Such pruning should not cause any difficulties for the user at all. Trim under Nano-SIM always more difficult; plastic around the chip on the card Nano almost none, so the risk of snagging the chip with the blades of the scissors is quite high.

Old-style SIM cards with large chips are still in use:

Cutting such SIMs is a real nightmare! With some luck, from such a card you can make Micro-SIM, but turn it into Nano It definitely won't work.


The fact that smartphone manufacturers began to produce gadgets that support different types of SIM cards, salon sellers have become quite rich. Of course, not all paid services go through the cash register - in many cases, the money for trimming goes into the pockets of consultants. Cutting SIM cards for sellers is a “bread and butter” business, which means free there is nothing to count on for help from consultants.

Therefore, a user who does not want to “feed” salon employees is better off mastering pruning skills himself. This procedure is quite simple and does not require “surgical precision”.

When buying a new phone or smartphone, we first look at the moments that matter most to ourselves. For some it is design, while others pay attention to technical characteristics. However, almost no one is ever interested in what slots a new gadget has for SIM cards. At this stage, you may encounter the problem of how to cut a SIM card into a micro-SIM using improvised means, because you already want to use the device, but the card simply won’t fit into it. In this article we will look at several methods on how you can trim your card without damaging it.

Using a ready-made micro-SIM as a template

The easiest option would be to find a friend who already has a ready-made card of the size we need. With modern trends in reducing the size of everything and anything related to technology, this will be quite easy to do. This will simplify the first method of solving the problem of how to cut a SIM card for a micro-SIM.

After this, you will need to combine your card with the cut one so that the cut control corners and chips completely coincide, and trace the outline. To cut plastic, you can use any available means, be it a knife, scissors, or even a needle heated over a lighter. When cutting, try to match the outlined outline as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to cut, because you won’t be able to catch the chip, and therefore the card will remain intact in any case.

This was the first way to cut a SIM card under a micro-SIM with your own hands. But what to do if no one has a ready-made card of the required size? The second method will come to the rescue, for which you will need a computer and a printer.

Printing the template

If there is no template for cutting a SIM card to fit a micro-SIM, the template can be found on the Internet, downloaded and printed. This method requires having a computer and printer on hand. In addition to them, you will need a blank sheet of paper and good glue or double-sided tape.

The downloaded template should be printed so as to maintain the dimensions and proportions. The template will indicate exactly where all the lines should go. Using glue or double-sided tape, glue the cut-out paper printout evenly onto your card and trim it along the lines indicated on the template.

After performing this procedure, it is advisable to remove the glued paper from the card so that it does not accidentally remain in the slot when the SIM card is removed and spoil it. Now you already have two ways in your arsenal on how to cut a SIM card under a micro-SIM yourself. However, this is not all, because there is a third and simplest method, which, however, will require small financial costs, but has its advantages.

Using a special cutter (hole punch)

If you know that this card to be cut is definitely not the last, and in the near future you will have to carry out this manipulation with several more cards, then you should think about buying a cutter. It is a small press containing knives that cut the card strictly to the required size.

With it you won’t have to spend a long time transferring sizes, looking for templates, etc. Often, such cutters, or hole punchers as they are called, have the ability to cut cards to any modern size. In addition, after trimming, the plastic frame remains intact, into which, if necessary, the trimmed SIM card can be glued back. The cost of this device is quite low, and you can find it in almost any mobile accessories store. Its purchase will allow you to save not only money on cuttings in service centers, but also your own time, because the process itself takes no more than 5 seconds. This is the third and easiest method on how to cut a SIM card for a micro-SIM. But there is another one that can rightfully be called strange, but deserves the right to exist.

Trimming with a heated mold

The Chinese, when developing cutting devices, went even further and made a budget version of the cutter. It is a metal mold on a knitting needle, which should be heated with gas or a lighter, then carefully applied to the card and melted the desired part.

Quite sophisticated, but still practical and fast way. It is perfect for those who do not want to overpay for a cutter, but at the same time would not mind speeding up and making the cutting process easier. Now, faced with the question of how to cut a SIM card for a micro-SIM, you will know at least four options. And you can choose among them the most suitable one for you.


Don't be afraid to make some manipulations with your equipment. In almost any outcome, your card will continue to work unless you touch the chip itself. Knowing how to cut a SIM card under a micro-SIM with your own hands, you will save a small part of the family budget, as well as your time, which can be spent on going to a service center.

If you are unlucky, your hand trembles and the card turns out to be damaged, then you shouldn’t worry too much either. In the official store of your operator you will be given a duplicate. Some operators do this for free. In addition, modern cards are already pre-cut to all necessary standards, so all that remains is to break out the one suitable for your smartphone from the mount.

Today, a regular SIM card for many phones may already be outdated, since, for example, the fourth iPhone model only supports a new format. Of course, you can simply replace your SIM card with a micro one by buying it in a store, and the problem will be solved. But then all the contacts of friends and acquaintances that are recorded on the number will be lost. In addition, he is probably connected to a favorable tariff plan from a mobile operator.

As they say, there is always a way out. A micro-SIM card can be obtained from a regular SIM card by reducing it (not the number of contacts, but the amount of plastic around them is reduced) by trimming. In this case, the model functions in the same way as the standard version.

How to cut a standard SIM card to fit a micro one

This will require a little free time and patience, as well as the appropriate tool:

  • sandpaper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • sharp scissors

The working surface should remain untouched; only some part of the protective casing is cut off.


Trimming process

All information is stored on a chip that is half the size of the plastic casing, so by getting rid of extra millimeters, you can easily turn a standard SIM card into a micro SIM card.

  1. The first step is to make a marking according to which the card will be cut. Using a sharp pencil, a rectangle measuring 15x12 mm is drawn around the chip. Sometimes there are enlarged SIM cards, which will have to be cut according to the foil. This will be a little more difficult to do, but if you perform this procedure carefully, you can get an excellent micro-sim.
  2. Then a part of the plastic is cut off with sharp scissors; for this it is better to use small manicure scissors, as they are small in size and quite sharp. Once the process is complete, a small corner of the card is trimmed.

Bringing a cut SIM card to perfect condition

Once you have cut your card, compare its size to the slot in your mobile device where it will be inserted. All joints must meet perfectly, otherwise it will need to be trimmed somewhat again. Next, sandpaper is used to remove excess.

As you can see, this procedure does not require any special difficulties, so do not be afraid of it, pick up the tool and act. If you still don’t dare to do this yourself, you can go to a service center, where your SIM card can be easily corrected using a special tool that looks like a stapler. But this will have to take some time, and the service will not be free, while this procedure does not require much complexity.

Every year there are more and more owners of Apple products (especially iPhone and iPad), their demands are growing, technologies are improving, but the same question still remains " how to make a micro sim"? The MicroSIM card differs from the standard one in its smaller size, which makes you think about changing or adapting the card after purchasing an iPhone or iPad. The easiest option is to go to the office of one of the mobile operators and, which comes with a card of the required format. Now many operators also offer their subscribers the replacement of a standard SIM card with a micro one, but the procedure is usually not free (although not expensive), so it makes sense to think about an alternative option and try to make such a replacement yourself, with your own hands.

For making a micro SIM card with your own hands we will need:

  • scissors;
  • sharp knife;
  • ruler;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • scotch;
  • pen or pencil;
  • standard SIM card.

In order to cut out the micro sim, we will use the following template:

The fact is that the contact area is micro SIM card almost similar to a regular card. The main difference is the size of the plastic part in which the chip is placed. It is precisely by reducing the plastic part that we will adapt our SIM to work in the iPhone and iPad. Before you start creating our work of art, do not forget to activate it if the SIM card is new and has not yet been used (by the way, if you plan to use 3G Internet in your device, then I advise you to read the following materials:

Making a micro SIM with your own hands

1. To begin, take a pre-prepared sheet of paper and print out the template shown in the figure above. Next, take a standard SIM card and place it on a sheet with a template so that the line on the template coincides with the edges of the future micro-SIM. After this, take a pencil or pen (if a pencil, then a well-sharpened one), carefully trace the standard map so that traces of the outline are visible on the back side of the sheet. As a result, you should get something like the picture below:

2. Turn over the sheet of paper and the edges (outline) of the SIM card will be visible on the reverse side. We will need them in order to more accurately position our SIM card on the sheet. We take tape and fix the card on paper exactly as in the picture below:

3. Turn the sheet over to the reverse side, then carefully, under the ruler, draw a knife along the lines micro SIM cards on our paper template. The best option is to do this procedure only once. Take your time, draw the lines with a knife carefully and evenly. The result obtained is below:

4. Our next step is to remove the prepared card from the sheet. Then we take scissors and carefully cut off the excess plastic along the contour, thus obtaining an almost finished micro SIM. I don’t advise you to be too zealous when cutting. It is better to cut it a little smaller, and then, if necessary, adjust it to the size of the slot in the iPhone or iPad. Otherwise, you might overdo it and have to order a new chip.

Our last step is to remove uneven surfaces and sand the edges. Do this in any way convenient for you. That's all! The card is ready for use in your device! Agree what to do DIY micro SIM- it's as easy as shelling pears!

We make a card of the required format ourselves - video instructions

If it’s difficult for you to understand the instructions for creating a micro SIM for your phone yourself, then I suggest you watch the video, which describes everything in detail. In order to cut out a micro-SIM, you will need 10 minutes of free time, sharp scissors, the card of your Ukrainian telecom operator, a ruler and a little careful work. Everything is quite simple if you take your time and follow the video instructions. By the way, the video will also help you make a nano-SIM card yourself.

You purchased a new phone or simply decided to change your gadget, but its SIM slot turned out to be of a different format. Now you need to cut the SIM card for microsim . This procedure is carried out in any mobile phone store. You can adjust the SIM card to the desired size yourself. Let's talk about the last option in more detail.


The SIM card is assembled from two components. Contacts in the form of a chip are applied to a plastic base. Each contact is responsible for a specific function: power supply, information storage, data input/output, grounding. It is enough to damage any of them and the card becomes inoperative. This risk is especially relevant for old-style SIM cards with a large chip.

Incorrect cutting of the plastic itself will immediately affect the performance of the SIM. After manipulating it, the card may not fit into the slot or, conversely, may dangle loosely in the slot and not fit tightly to the contacts, or may move in the slot, and one contact on the chip will connect to a contact in the phone that does not correspond to it.

Decided to trim yourself? Then stock up on tools:

  • sandpaper or nail file from a manicure set;
  • stationery knife or sharp scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pen or pencil.

First step. Measure its future dimensions on the old SIM card: 15 mm in width and 12 mm in length. Ideally, there should be a narrow strip of plastic between the chip and the cutting line.

Second step - cutting SIM along the intended lines. The main thing in this matter is to be careful not to damage the contacts. It is best to cut in one motion along the entire length, this way there are no nicks left on the plastic. Don't forget to cut off the upper left corner when looking at the SIM card from the chip side.

Third step - fitting the SIM card to the slot. This is where a saw will come into play. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, instead of making additional cuts, file it down.

Remember! If your attempt to cut the SIM card is unsuccessful, you will need to contact your mobile operator to replace it. The replacement service is free of charge, but you will be asked to top up your account. The amount depends on the operator.


To properly trim the card (with less risk) for micro-Sim , Download a sample stencil or make one yourself.

How to make a template at home :

  • Take a piece of paper, attach your mini SIM card to it and trace it so that the beveled corner is at the bottom right.
  • Step back from the left edge in width 2 (1.85) mm, from the right 11 mm, from the top and bottom edges in length 1.4 mm and draw lines. You will get a rectangle measuring 15 by 12 mm.
  • To form a beveled corner, step back from the original top line of 3.9 mm or from the new 2.5 mm, and place a dot. From the left initial edge, measure 14 mm and place a dot. Connect two points with a line.

The template is ready, cut it out, attach it to your SIM card, trace and trim the card.

Popular phones for microsim

Initially, all phones were produced with slots for mini-SIM cards. But time imposed strict conditions on the devices, and engineers began to save space, including for SIM. The first phone to introduce the micro-SIM format was the iPhone 4/4s. Following Apple, Nokia Lumia phones first switched to the new standard, and then Samsung caught up, starting with the Galaxy S III series and HTC in the One series.

Phones released before 2011 only have slots for mini-SIM cards. They are still popular now, when you need a simple dialer with large buttons or tourist models with a large battery. These devices do not have the functionality of smartphones; inside the case there is enough space for a large format - and not one, but two or even three SIM cards.