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Checking payment on Aliexpress. How long does it take for a payment to be verified on Aliexpress? Aliexpress payment processing does not end

During major sales, many customers shop at the same time, and we process a large number of payments. Therefore, payment verification may take longer than usual.

Don't worry, your order has gone through, no need to place it again. The payment will be processed as soon as possible, and you will definitely receive all the discounts that you applied when placing your order.

To find out if your payment has been processed, wait for the order processing status to update. You can also follow these guidelines:

Order status: payment processing
Indicates that your payment is being processed but not yet approved.
You will see the following:

Click More to get more information:

Order status: Payment confirmed
You will see this message when payment processing is complete.

I paid for the order, but did not receive confirmation from my bank. What's happening?
Due to the large number of orders, payment verification may take longer than usual, and notification from the bank may arrive later. If the order status says “Payment Processing,” it means they are already working on your order. We recommend that you check the status of your order after a few hours.

If the order status says "Payment Processing", can I cancel the order?
Yes you can. To do this, you do not need to contact the seller.

Why did the order status change back to “Checking payment” after the payment was confirmed?
Additional verification is often carried out to ensure payment security. It takes no more than 24 hours.

If verification is successful, the order status will change to “Awaiting shipment.”
If the verification is unsuccessful, the order status will change to “Closed”.

In this article we will talk about what the “Payment Processing” status on Aliexpress means.

Many buyers Aliexpress status "Payment Processing" raises questions. Let's discuss what it means.

“Payment Processing” status on Aliexpress

This status indicates that the order will be closed soon. First, 15 days will pass, when you can still request a refund, and then they will be transferred to the seller.

Goods received

If you picked up your treasured purchase from the post office, took a quick look at its condition and confirmed the order, then don’t despair if something suddenly stops working. As we said, you still have a chance to make a refund. Take a photo or video of evidence of inoperability, or other parts that you do not like, and attach the files to the dispute. There is no need to close the dispute or accept the seller's terms if they do not suit you.

The goods did not arrive

If the package never arrived to you, but the order received the status "Payment Processing", then this indicates that you accidentally confirmed receipt of the parcel. Such cases often occur among mobile application users.

In such a situation, if the dispute is not opened within 15 days, then you will be left without a parcel and without money. Therefore, do not waste time and start an argument right away.

We have a large article about, but there is one status that often confuses new buyers. This is the “Funds Processing” status. People seeing him get scared, like where did the status go, confirmation is expected, where is my parcel, I was deceived again..

You, of course, know that Aliexpress is a marketplace - an intermediary between sellers and buyers. When you pay for your order, the seller does not receive money. He will receive the money only when the order status is completed. In some cases, if you win a dispute, cancel an order, and in some situations, Aliexpress returns the money you previously paid.

Every time money moves from Aliexpress to you or from Aliexpress to the seller, funds are processed. In some cases it is so fast that you do not have time to see this order status, in some cases it takes a long time and you have time to be surprised. But it is not the status itself that is important, but the reasons that caused it.

Main reasons for the Funds Processing status

  • the order is completed, closed and the money is transferred to the seller
  • the order is canceled, closed and the money is returned to the buyer
  • the dispute is closed, the order is completed and the money is sent to the winner
  • the order was frozen, after which it was closed with a refund to the buyer

How to determine the reasons for Funds Processing

In order to understand what your situation is, you need to go to the order. View the current order status. Then open the Payments tab for this order. If you see a money back schedule there, it means the money is being returned to you. If you don’t see the graphics there, then the money goes to the seller. Before this, usually either you are in dispute or the order was frozen.

If before the status Processing of funds the status was Awaiting confirmation, the protection period was approaching its end, and now the order is completed, then most likely you simply missed the deadline for opening a dispute.

Payment processing on Aliexpress is a relatively new feature introduced to provide increased buyer protection. Let's figure out what it is and how it can be useful.

Many users (including me :)) did not immediately notice the processing of the payment on Aliexpress.

I don't mean checking your payment after you have placed your order and paid for it. In this case, we are talking about the status that your purchase receives after you confirm its receipt or the order protection period expires.

This status looks like this.

And if you open the page with the order, you will see the following transcript of the current status.

As you can see, now even if you accidentally clicked order confirmation (for example, succumbing to the seller’s persuasion) or simply did not follow the protection period, then within 15 days from the moment the order was closed you can open a dispute if there is something wrong with the product or you didn't receive it at all. By the way, there is no counter associated with these 15 days, so you will have to count when the payment verification on Aliexpress ends on your own.

Opening a dispute during this check is carried out. That is, the button to open a dispute is in the same place, the reasons are the same, the return conditions are similar.

We can say that you have simply increased the order protection time without having to wait longer than the 60 days of delivery required by the rules. The only type of orders that are not “secured” in this way are those closed as a result of a dispute.

So now, even if you accidentally confirmed delivery, you still have 15 days left, during which you can open a dispute and keep it open until you receive the order. But remember: a dispute canceled during this kind of post-Defense leads to the final closure of the order with the transfer of money to the seller. That is, you re-open the dispute you can't.

And yes, this innovation came into force on June 25, 2015. Well, I noticed it a little late, but better late than never.

I went to leave mentions of this new feature in the relevant articles written before its appearance on Aliexpress :)

And finally: if this post was useful to you, you can say “Thank you” to us by sharing it on any social network convenient for you or by joining

Until recently, there was no such thing as “virtual money”. Before people had time to get used to the fact that they are the owners of something for which they can purchase material goods, but which does not exist in the material world, they had to become buyers of online stores in which they pay for tangible goods with non-objective money. One of the most popular trading platforms is AliExpress. By logging into it, you can pay with virtual cards and wallets. If you are doing this for the first time, you will be a little confused by the message that after clicking on order confirmation, the system reports that “payment processing” is being carried out on Aliexpress.

What does this phrase mean? Will money that has already been withdrawn from the wallet, but not yet reached the seller, be lost?

The meaning of the “Payment Processing” status on AliExpress: what happens to your money during this time?

The above status on Aliexpress means that your money is frozen, and this was done in your interests, in order to protect the rights of every consumer who should receive the product safe and sound, of the promised quality.

The “Payment Processing” status means that the funds withdrawn from the buyer have not reached the seller. If the citizen who placed the order does not receive the goods, the payment will not be completed and the amount will be returned to where it was sent from.

Why does Aliexpress take so long to process a payment?

Observant buyers of the Chinese platform may notice that the described status comes into force after confirmation of receipt of the order. This discrepancy with reality suggests failures in the system. In reality there is no glitch. The delay is provided so that the buyer can reverse the process and open a dispute.

All of the above is related to the following:

  • confirmation of receipt of the order was made in error;
  • the product for which the order was placed was not received;
  • the quality of the contents of the arrived shipment does not meet the standards, etc.

Due to the fact that many buyers make mistakes or are dissatisfied with the order they received, payment processing takes a long time.

How long does the processing take?

The AliEkspress service gives its customers 15 days to decide whether to open a dispute. At the end of this period, the frozen funds will be unfrozen and sent to the seller’s account. The transaction will receive the status completed.

The system for protecting the rights of buyers and the principles of its operation

The system used by AliExpress is called Escrow. It is aimed at preventing scammers from deceiving service clients. The stages of making a purchase are as follows:

  1. The client places an order and makes a payment.
  2. The amount is transferred to a special Aliexpress account, where it is frozen.
  3. Selling platform - an online store creates a package and sends it to the address specified by the buyer.
  4. The customer receives the order and confirms receipt of the parcel on the trading platform in his account.
  5. 15 days after the order is completed, the money is frozen.
  6. The amount is sent to the seller.

“Payment processing” refers to the period when the money is in limbo between the seller and the buyer. The status changes when they arrive at the account of one of the parties.

Differences between verification and processing

As already noted, in addition to the status described, there are others. The buyer must understand what the other status means - “Payment is being verified”, and what happens to the money at this moment.

If the processing is aimed at protecting the buyer, the verification is intended to protect the seller from:

  • system failures;
  • the transaction is rejected by the service.

Traditionally, the check lasts about a day. There are situations when it is extended:

  • in case of failures on the AliEkspress platform, which is extremely rare;
  • on holidays;
  • during periods of mass sales.

As soon as the verification is completed, the service will give a command to the seller about the possibility of sending the goods.

Why did you introduce payment processing?

Until the end of June 2015, confirmation of receipt of an order served as a signal for the service to send funds to the seller. The 15-day rule was introduced due to a large number of complaints from customers who closed the order immediately after receiving it, and then discovered that they received a defect or something that was not what they expected. Often there was an erroneous confirmation of receipt of the order.

To accommodate customers, the Aliexpress administration has introduced new rules.

How are disputes opened when a payment is being processed?

Once you send confirmation that you have received your order, the Payment Processing status will take effect. This is the period during which, in case of dissatisfaction, you can open a dispute. This is done like this:

  1. Go to the “My Orders” tab.
  2. Find the order you need.
  3. Click on the “Open dispute” command opposite.
  4. Confirm your intention.
  5. Fill out the form that pops up on the monitor. You need to describe the problem in detail in English and indicate whether you are willing to bear the costs of sending the goods back.

It is advisable to support your claim with photographs of the product proving its poor quality.

The form must offer a solution to the problem. The seller may agree to your terms or offer his own. Weigh the pros and cons before taking them. If you agree, you will not be able to reopen the dispute.

Keep in mind that the seller, when corresponding with you, may deliberately stall for time, waiting for the completion of the 15-day period. Do not agree to refunds through other services. Act only within the Aliexpress platform.

Possible failures and solutions

Even with a highly streamlined service, the following problems are possible:

  1. Random confirmation of receipt of an order by the user. Most often, this mistake is made by buyers using a mobile application. Two buttons: gray - which starts tracking the shipment and red - confirms that the order has arrived - are located nearby. Erroneous clicks happen often. If you find that you have mixed up the buttons, open a dispute and describe the situation in detail.
  2. 15 days have passed, and the “Payment Processing” status has not changed. This is a typical system failure. If you try to open a dispute, the service will prohibit such an action, since the money has already been sent to the seller’s account.
  3. If you simultaneously place several orders with one seller, clicking on confirmation of receipt of one of them may change the status of other orders. In such a situation, some products remain in the “Completed” status, while others remain in the “Payment Processing” status. There is no need to worry, as the possibility of opening a dispute remains valid. This situation occurs due to system failures.

If the order has moved to the “Payment Processing” status, no action is required from the user if he is satisfied with the purchase received.


Aliexpress is in great demand among both buyers and sellers because it strives to protect the rights and money of both parties. When ordering on AliExpress, you don’t have to worry about being deceived. The service administration is doing everything to prevent scammers and unscrupulous sellers from accessing the selling platform.