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What is the currency on ebay. Instructions for changing the currency on eBay Buyers from Russia on Ebay

The ability to change the currency that eBay uses to set the cost of goods and invoices is of interest to some buyers. It must be said right away that this function, which works by default, is not provided here. Find out how to change the currency to the one you need on Ebay from this material.

Buyers from Russia on Ebay

The currency in which prices on Ebay are displayed depends on which interface language is selected by the user and which country is indicated. Also, when the required product is found on one of the regional eBay portals, the cost is written in local currency.

Finding out how much a particular thing will cost when converted into rubles at the current rate is not so difficult. To do this, there is a calculator that allows you to convert the cash equivalent on Ebay. This function will also be needed to set the specified prices when searching for products.

Not every portal, especially foreign ones, allows you to change prices in dollars for rubles when a client from Russia has registered on it. What monetary units are in use here depends on the regional system.

What are the main currencies on the websites of almost all foreign online stores:

  • dollars;
  • pounds;
  • Euro;
  • yen;
  • francs.

Many Russian buyers believe that paying in dollars or euros without switching the cost is even more convenient. This is due to the fact that prices in rubles are less profitable.

However, some people are more comfortable exchanging currency on the Ebay website for rubles, and nothing else.

Relatively recently, a localization took place on Ebey, as a result of which the equivalent used for payment can change due to the user's IP address. This made it possible to change dollars or euros into rubles.

About the possibility of changing the currency on Ebay

How to change currency on the official portal of the Ebay store:

Is it possible not to bind the currency to the IP address

On the Ebay site, you can change the function of linking prices to the location of the client. What should be done for this:

Performing the described actions allows you to change the settings, make sure that the currency is displayed for each lot in the amount that the seller has set.

The ability to change the currency on Ebay so that each item is shown with a given price appears when the following criteria are met:

If the user changes the currency, the changes occur in his account. The ability to set the currency is activated in a separate profile, where the monetary equivalent is updated.

Important! The client becomes the owner of two accounts on Ebay at once. They use different currencies, and both accounts must be maintained and controlled. It is important to consider that in both cases the balances must remain positive.

Another aspect to keep in mind is discount coupons and other similar perks. To use them, you need to change the equivalent as soon as the billing has occurred. After that, all discounts, available bonuses are transferred to a new profile on Ebay.

How to choose another currency for billing

To help you pay your eBay fees, you can choose to be billed in a specific currency. Before you change your billing currency, read the information on this page. Then go to the page and select the appropriate currency from the drop-down menu.

The currencies you can choose from depend on which eBay site you signed up with.

We accept the following currencies:

    US dollars (USD)

    Australian dollars (AUD)

    Canadian dollars (CAD)

    Pounds sterling (GBP)

    Japanese yen (JPY)

    Swiss francs (CHF)

Before making changes

Please check the following before you select another billing currency.

√ You must not have had a billing currency change in the last 12 months.

Note. If you want to change your billing currency to US dollars, Canadian dollars, or Japanese yen, you must have one of the .

To change your billing currency right now, go to the page and select your desired currency from the drop-down menu.

After making changes

    Once you change your billing currency, we will open a new account associated with your current login that will use your new currency. Your login will not change.

    After the change, all fees for new listings will be billed at new currency. Additional fees for active listings (for example, if the listing ends and you are charged on the final price of the item) are charged to the account original currencies.

    The original account will be considered to be "in progress". Its balance must allow payments to be made, and if the balance is not paid within two billing periods, the account will be considered past due.

    You will receive separate bills for the two accounts until the balance of the original account is paid.

    If you qualify for a Super Seller Discount and need to change your

Nowadays, the words “Mining”, “Blockchain”, “Bitcoins” are heard literally from everywhere: from tram passengers to serious businessmen and State Duma deputies. It is difficult to understand all the subtleties and pitfalls of these and related concepts, however in the database on our website You will quickly find comprehensive information relating to all aspects.

What is the currency on ebay

In short, all the necessary knowledge will be presented in this article.
So, it’s worth starting with the blockchain. Its essence is that computers are combined into a single network through a set of blocks containing automatically encrypted information that got there. Together these blocks form a database. Let's say you want to sell a house. Having drawn up the documents, you need to go to the notary, then in his presence, having assured the transfer with your signature, they will give you the money. It takes a long time, and besides, you have to pay a fee.

Thanks to blockchain technology, it is enough:

  1. Reach an agreement.
  2. Find out the beneficiary's account.
  3. Transfer money to the recipient's account.

And not only money. You can issue an electronic signature and send documents, any other information, including confidential. Again, notaries and other officials are not needed: it is enough to identify yourself and the recipient (whether it be a private person or a state institution) in your computer.

  • Insurance;
  • Logistics;
  • Payment of fines
  • Registration of marriages and much more.

The concept of cryptocurrency is closely related to blockchain. Cryptocurrency is a new generation of decentralized digital currency created and operating only on the Internet. No one controls it, the issue of currency occurs through the operation of millions of computers around the world, using a program to calculate mathematical algorithms.

Briefly, it looks like this:
1. You intend to transfer money to someone.
2. A mathematical code is generated, passing through the blocks already known to you.

3. Many computers (often a combination of them, with powerful processors and, as a result, greater bandwidth) process digital information, transferring them to the next blocks, receiving a reward for this (some transactions can be made for free)
4. The mathematical code reaches the recipient's electronic wallet, money appears on his balance.

Again, as is the case with blockchain, transfers of cryptocurrencies are not controlled by anyone.

Although the database is open, with all the addresses of those who transfer and receive money, no one knows the owner of this or that address from which the transfer is made, unless the owner himself wants to tell.

What is the currency on ebay

There are many currencies that work on a similar principle. The most famous is, of course, bitcoin. Ethereum, ritl, litecoins, numits, namecoins and many others are also popular. The difference between them is in the different type of encryption, processing and some other parameters.

Miners make money on money transfer technology.

These are the people who created the set of computer graphics cards mentioned above, which generates new blocks that transmit digital information - bitcoins (or rittles, or any other cryptocurrency). For this, they receive a reward in the form of the same cryptocurrency.

There is competition between miners as technology with each transaction is programmed to become more complex. At first, it was possible to mine from one computer (2008), but now such a currency as bitcoin is simply unprofitable for individuals: you need a lot of video cards (they are collectively called farms), with huge computing power. For this, separate premises are rented, the cost of electricity for work is comparable to the cost of industrial enterprises.

But you can make money on other, less popular, but developing cryptocurrencies. There is also a distinction between solo mining and pool mining. Solo is the creation of your own farm, the profit is taken to yourself. The pool brings together other people with the same goals. You can earn much more, but you have to share with everyone.

Both individuals and entire states became interested in the prospects for using blockchain technology in general and cryptocurrencies in particular.

Cryptocurrency is legal in Japan. In Russia, next year they are going to adopt regulatory legal acts on the legalization of the blockchain, cryptocurrency transfers and mining. It is planned to transfer some operations to the blockchain framework. It makes sense to study this in more detail, and, if desired, start earning. It is obvious that now information technologies will develop and enter into our lives more and more.

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eBay does not have a function to automatically convert the value of an item from one currency to another. Therefore, when ordering an item, you need to know how to change the currency on eBay.

Rubles on eBay

Most often, the currency depends on the interface language and the set address. In addition, if you find an item on the page of a regional site in France or the UK, the price will be indicated in the local currency. How to find out how much a thing will cost in rubles? Fortunately, there is an eBay money equivalent conversion calculator.

It is thanks to this service that you can set up currency indications in the product search.

Not every site on which you registered supports the ability to convert currency into rubles. The set of possible monetary units for payment depends on the regional eBay site. The main currencies on the sites are dollars (USA, Canada and Australia), pounds sterling, yen, euros and francs. Some eBay users, even in Russia, consider it more convenient to operate with euros and dollars, not least because prices in rubles are very high.

Nevertheless, it is more convenient for many users to deal with ruble prices. Not so long ago, one of the results of the localization of the site of the trading platform was the binding of the monetary equivalent in the search to the client's IP address. Thanks to this, all prices in Russia were converted into rubles.

Change the cash equivalent on the site

Consider how to change the currency on the eBay website:

  1. Log in to the site.
  2. Go to product search. Click the Customize View link at the top above the item search results. Next, pay attention to the pop-up window, in it - the item "Advanced options".
  3. Ebay usually converts all amounts to one cash equivalent. To cancel this service, uncheck the "Recalculate prices" option. Save your changes.

Remove currency binding to IP address

Below is an instruction on how to eliminate the automatic binding of the monetary equivalent to the IP address in the English interface:

In order to change the currency in the search so that all lots have a given cost unit, you must meet certain criteria:

  1. Positive account balance.
  2. Have no debts in the last year.
  3. Update the address data if it is incorrect.
  4. To pay for goods in dollars or yen, set automatic payment methods.

Changing the currency automatically makes changes to your profile on the site. In order to be able to issue invoices, a new account with an updated cash equivalent will be opened for you, the login will change. Thus, you will have two accounts with different currencies, and both of them need to be maintained. Pay attention to the fact that the balance on the old record must also be positive.

For more interesting information about shopping on the site, see the video:

Also, don't forget about discounts and coupons. To enjoy the discount system, change the cash equivalent on the first day of invoicing. After that, it, along with all new bonuses, will automatically be transferred to a new account.