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Measurement range id 11. Elements of educational and material base

Purpose of work: to study the structure and purpose of the DP-22V, DP-24 devices, the device of the DKP-50A dosimeter, the purpose and structure of the ID-1, ID-11 individual dosimeters.

Dosimeter sets DP-22V, DP-24, DP-23A are used to control radiation doses received by people when working in areas contaminated with radioactive substances, or when working with open and closed sources of ionizing radiation.

The DP-22V set (Fig. 5) contains 50 pocket direct-reading dosimeters DKP-50A, and the DP-24 set contains only 5 such dosimeters.

Dosimeters allow measuring the radiation dose from 2 to 50 r at a dose rate from 0.5 to 200 r / h in the energy range from 0, 2 to 2 meV.

Both sets contain a ZD-5 charger and a technical description.

The set is efficient in the temperature range from -40 to + 50C. The measurement error at a temperature of +20 С does not exceed + 10%. Self-charge of dosimeters under normal conditions does not exceed 2 divisions per day.

Rice. 5. Set DP-22V:

1 - pocket direct display dosimeters (DKP-50A);

2 - charger.

The mass of the DP-22V set in the packing box does not exceed 5.6 kg, and the mass of the DP-24 set does not exceed 3 kg; the mass of one dosimeter is not more than 32g.

The DKP-50A dosimeter (Fig. 6) is structurally made in the form of an auto pen. It consists of a small-sized ionization chamber with "air-equivalent" walls, a 500 pF capacitor, an electroscope and a microscope with 90x magnification. The outer electrode is a cylindrical duralumin body of the dosimeter. The inner electrode is made of aluminum wire that ends in a V-bend. A movable platinized filament of the electroscope is attached to the latter at two points.

Rice. 6 Dosimeter DKP-50A

1 - case; 2 - ionization chamber; 3 - sighting thread; 4 - capacitor;

5 - inner electrode; 6 - persistent sleeve; 7 - contact pin;

8 - diaphragm; 9 - ring; 10 - threaded ring; 11 - protective frame;

12 - shaped nut; 13 - eyepiece; 14 - scale; 15 - holder; 16 - lens; 17 - bushing.

The microscope consists of an eyepiece and a lens, between which there is a scale with 25 divisions (from 0 to 50). Division price 2p. A shaped nut with a hole for an eyepiece is screwed onto the upper end of the dosimeter, and a protective frame with a viewing glass is screwed onto the lower end. The dosimeter has a holder; on the top nut - number.

The principle of operation of the DCP-50A. When the dosimeter is inserted into the charging socket, a contact is created between the body of the dosimeter and the sleeve of the charging socket connected to the negative pole of the rectifier. When the dosimeter inserted into the charging socket is pressed, the contact pin is connected to the inner electrode and a contact is created between the inner electrode of the dosimeter and the rod of the charging socket connected to the positive pole of the rectifier, through which the dosimeter is supplied high voltage(180 - 250 V). Thus, the inner aluminum electrode and the movable platinized sighting thread attached to it receive the same charge, and the thread is deflected from the inner electrode under the influence of the repulsive electric field. Through regulation charging voltage With the resistor knob, the filament image can be set to zero.

When removing the dosimeter from the charging socket, the contact pin under the influence of the elastic properties of the diaphragm returns to its original position, protecting the capacitor from discharging.

When the dosimeter is exposed to gamma radiation, an ionization current is generated in the ionization chamber, which reduces the potential of the capacitor and the chamber. The decrease in potential, proportional to the radiation dose, is measured with an electroscope. The deflection of the moving system of the electroscope - the platinized filament - is measured using a counting microscope with a scale calibrated in X-rays. The higher the radiation dose, the further the thread will move away from the zero mark. If you now direct the dosimeter with a sight glass to the light source and look at the scale through the eyepiece, you can see how much the image of the platinized thread has moved, and thereby determine the amount of radiation dose received by the dosimeter at its location.

Due to the self-discharge of the capacitor, the dosimeter cannot be issued for a long time: it is issued only for the duration of operation in the focus of infection.

Charging the dosimeter. To charge, unscrew the lower rim of the dosimeter and the protective cap of the charging socket of the ZD-5 device, turn the handle of the ZD-5 resistor to the left until it stops, insert the dosimeter into the charging socket and slightly press the dosimeter until it clicks, while the backlight and high voltage turn on charger... Observing the filament through the eyepiece and gradually turning the resistor knob to the right, set the filament image to the zero position. Then the dosimeter is removed from the charging socket and the position of the thread is checked for light: it must pass through zero along the risks. If its position is correct, the potentiometer knob is turned to the left to failure, the charging socket of the ZD-5 device is closed with a cap and the lower frame of the dosimeter is screwed on. If the platinized thread is knocked down, it is installed using the instructions given in the form.

The dosimeter is worn in a pocket of clothing and, periodically looking into the eyepiece, the value of the radiation dose received during operation is monitored.

Dosimeters are issued to each person or to a group of people working under the same radiation conditions.

Some dosimetric control kits contain DS-50 dosimeters, with the help of which the radiation dose is determined on the charging-measuring panel.

Rice. 7 Dose meter set ID-1

The set of dose meter ID-1 (Fig. 7) is designed to measure the absorbed doses of gamma-neutron radiation in the temperature range from -50 ° to + 50 ° C and relative humidity up to 98%. The dosimeter provides measurement of absorbed doses of gamma-neutron radiation in the range from 20 to 500 rad.

The measured doses are counted on a scale located inside the dosimeter and observed to light through an eyepiece. The dosimeters are charged from the ZD-6 charger. The kit, in addition to the charger, includes 10 dosimeters and instructions enclosed in a case.

The principle of operation of the charger is based on the following: when the handle is turned clockwise, the lever mechanism creates pressure on the piezoelectric elements, which, being deformed, form a potential difference on the torches, applied in such a way that a plus is supplied to the central electrode of the ionization chamber of the dosimeter through the central rod of the charging socket, and along the body - minus to the external electrode of the ionization chamber.

To bring the dosimeter into working condition, it must be charged. To do this, turn the handle of the charger counterclockwise until it stops, insert the dosimeter into the charging-contact socket of the charger; point the charger with a mirror at external source light and achieve maximum illumination of the scale by turning the mirror; press the dosimeter and, observing through the eyepiece, turn the handle of the charger clockwise until the image of the thread on the scale of the dosimeter reaches 0, then remove the dosimeter from the socket, check the position of the thread for light (when the thread is vertical, its image is should be at 0).

The dosimeter is carried in a pocket of clothing while operating in the field of ionizing radiation. Periodically observing through the eyepiece of the dosimeter, the dose of gamma-neutron radiation received during operation is determined by the position of the image of the thread on the scale of the dosimeter.

Rice. 8 Set of individual dose meters ID-11

The set of individual dose meters ID-11 (Fig. 8) is designed for recording individual doses of gamma and neutron radiation and consists of 500 individual dose meters ID-11 located in five packing boxes, measuring device IU-1, two power cables, technical documentation and spare parts.

Doses of gamma and mixed gamma neutron radiation are recorded using silver-activated aluminophosphate glass.

The registered dose is measured using the IU-1 measuring device in the range from 10 to 1500 rad. The radiation dose is summed up during periodic irradiation and is stored in the dosimeter for 12 months. The mass of the ID-11 is 25 g.

Rice. 9. Household dosimeter "Bella"

The Bella household dosimeter (Fig. 9) is designed as a portable, pocket-sized device.

The dosimeter has two modes of operation: SEARCH and DER. The SEARCH mode is used to roughly estimate the radiation situation by the frequency of sound signals. The DER mode is used to measure and indicate the equivalent dose rate on a digital display.

DER measurement is carried out automatically with a time interval of about 40 s. and also after a short press on the DER button - CONTR. SUPPLY.

The measurement time of the dosimeter is about 40 s, with dots appearing on the digital display after each digit (digit).

The disappearance of points after 1,2,4 digits signals the end of the measurement process.

The dosimeter provides continuous sound and light alarms about the DER value exceeding 99.99 μSv / h (overflow of the sound display) until the equivalent dose rate is set to no more than 1 mSv / h

a device designed to measure the absorbed dose of gamma and mixed gamma neutron radiation in the range from 10 to 1500 rad. ID-11 is an aluminophosphate glass activated by silver, which, after exposure to ionizing radiation, acquires the ability to luminesce under the influence of ultraviolet light. The luminescence intensity of this glass serves as a measure for determining the absorbed radiation dose. The reading from the ID-11 dosimeter, which consists in measuring the luminescence intensity, is carried out by the GO-32 measuring device. The measurement result is displayed on a digital display and represents the total dose value collected by the dose meter during periodic (fractional) irradiation. ID-11 retains the collected dose for a long period (not less than 12 months) and allows its repeated measurement. Dose meter ID-11 is issued in a sealed case, unauthorized opening of which is prohibited.

  • - a dosimeter, a device for measuring the total dose of ionizing radiation received by a person during his stay in a radioactively contaminated area ...
  • Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - see a set of dose meters. ...
  • - a set of instruments and accessories for the implementation of dosimetric control of personnel ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - the value of the annual effective or equivalent dose of technogenic exposure, which should not be exceeded under normal operating conditions ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - device for measuring the exposure dose rate of ionizing radiation. Previously called a roentgenometer ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - Unthreshold dose conception is a concept adopted on the basis of the hypothesis that there are no such values ​​of radiation doses at which there are no adverse effects on humans ...

    Nuclear power terms

  • - the ratio of the increment of the radiation dose over the time interval to this interval ...

    Nuclear power terms

  • - Dose limit the highest permissible for a year value of the equivalent radiation dose received by an individual from a limited part of the population while living in the area of ​​a nuclear installation ...

    Nuclear power terms

  • - dosage compensation -. The mechanism of regulation of the expression of genes linked to sex; with the mechanism of sex determination XX-XY in females K. d. associated with inactivation of one of the X chromosomes forming the interphase Barr's body ...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Explanatory dictionary

  • - in radiation hygiene, the maximum equivalent dose of radiation per year, permissible for a limited part of the population ...

    Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

  • is the dose of a factor acting per unit of time ...

    Ecological Dictionary

  • - ionizing radiation, radiation dose rate, - physical. a value equal to the ratio of the increment of the absorbed radiation dose over a short period of time to this interval. The unit of M.p.d. is gray per second ...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - "... Dose rate - radiation dose per unit of time ..." Source: "R 2.2.2006-05. Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labor process ...

    Official terminology

  • - Rem, a non-systemic unit of the equivalent dose of ionizing radiation; international designation rem, Russian rem. 1 rem = 0.01 J / kg; see Dose of ionizing radiation ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 overdose overdose ...

    Synonym dictionary

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Dosimetric control devices.

For dosimetric control of irradiation, a combined-arms dose meter ID-1, an individual dose meter ID-11, dose meters from DP-22 sets and an individual chemical dose meter DP-70 MP are used (Table 19.4).

3.1 . Set of military dose meters ID-1(Figure 10.5) is designed to measure the absorbed doses of gamma neutron radiation.

The case ID-1 contains: charger ZD-6, dose meters ID-1 - 10 pcs., Technical documentation.

Specifications device ID-1

1 Measurement range from 20 to 500 rad.

2 Self-discharge 1 division per day;

3 Weight: - a set in a case 2 kg; - dose meter 40 g;

Charger 540 g.

The principle of operation of the device ID-1

Table 19.4.

Technical characteristics of dosimetric control devices.

Name and method of use Weight Registered radiation type and registration method Measurement range Measurement display Measurement error, % Power supply
Set of dose meters DP-22V (military) Set of dose meters ID-1 (military) Individual dose meter ID-11 Individual chemical dose meter DP-70MP Set - 5.6 kg; ID - 40 g Set - 2 kg; ID - 40 g Measuring device - 18 kg. DP-70MP - 40 kg. PK-56M - 1.4 kg Gamma radiation (direct reading) Gamma - neutron radiation (direct reading) Gamma - neutron radiation (measuring device GO-32) Gamma - neutron radiation (field colorimeter PK-56M) 2-50R 20- 500 rad 10 - 1500 rad 50 -800 rad Scale with thread image The same Digital Color ± 10 ± 20 ± 15 ± 25 Charger ZD-5, two elements 1,6- PMTs-U-8 Charger ZD-6 on piezoelectric ceramics TsTS-19 Measuring device GO-32; 220, 12, 24V

When ionizing radiation acts on a charged dose meter, positive and negative charges are formed in the volume of the ionization chamber, which are attracted to the corresponding electrodes and reduce their initial charge and voltage at the chamber electrodes. Correspondingly, the repulsive forces between the quartz filament and the holder of the electroscope are reduced. As a result of these phenomena, the image of the filament moves on a scale in the range from 0 to 500, since the angle of deflection of the quartz filament from the holder of the electroscope is proportional to the radiation dose. Dose meter readings are viewed through the eyepiece when directed to any diffused light source.

Rice. 10.5 Military dose meter ID-1

Preparation for work ID-1

To prepare the kit for work, you must:

1. Unscrew the plugs on the dose meters using a triangular

2. Turn the handle of the charger counterclockwise until it stops.

3. Charge each of the dose meters in the following order:

4. Insert the dose meter into the charger socket

5. Direct the charger with the mirror towards an external light source and, by turning the mirror, achieve maximum illumination of the scale.

6. Press the dose meter and, observing through the eyepiece, rotate the handle of the charger clockwise until the thread image is set at zero of the scales

7. Remove the dose meter and check the position of the filament to light

8. Screw the cap of the dose meter

Other dose meters are charged by gradually turning the knob clockwise. Thus, up to 10-15 not fully charged dose meters can be charged from one extreme position to the other. After charging the dose meters, turn the knob fully counterclockwise.

Charged dose meters may be issued to personnel.

The value of the total radiation dose recorded by ID-1 is counted in rad on a scale. To read the readings, the ID-1 is viewed through the eyepiece when the meter is directed to the light of any source.

During operation, to prevent mechanical damage, the kit must be protected from shocks, impacts, falls and protected from dirt and harmful climatic influences (rain, snow, direct sunlight, etc.).

The set of the device includes ten dose meters ID-1 and charger ZD-6.
Dose meter ID-1 provides measurement of absorbed doses of mixed ‚y-neutron radiation in the range from 20 to 500 rad at a dose rate up to 100 rad / s. The measured doses are counted on a scale located inside the meter.

3.2. Set of individual dosimeters ID-11(Figures 10.7, I0.8), designed to measure the absorbed doses of gamma - neutron radiation. The kit is used for individual monitoring of personnel exposure for the purpose of primary diagnostics of the severity of radiation injuries.

The set ID-11 includes: measuring device (IU) (Figure 10.7), detector ID-11 - 100 pcs. (Figure 10.8), calibration detector GR, overload detector PR, power cables-2 pcs., set of spare parts, cases - 10 pcs., technical documentation.

Technical characteristics of the ID-11 set

1. Measurement range from 10 to 1500 rad.

2. The measuring device is efficient in stationary and field conditions at temperatures ranging from minus 30 to 50 ° C.

3. Warm-up time before measurement is 30 minutes.

4. The dose measurement time for one ID-11 does not exceed 30 s.

5. Measurement error ± 15%.

6. The detector is capable of accumulating a dose at multiple

irradiation, keep it for at least 12 months and allows multiple measurements of the dose received.

7. The power supply of the IU is carried out from the mains alternating current with
voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50Hz, as well as batteries with a
voltage 12V and 24V, power consumption no more than 100W

The detector does not exceed 23g; -measuring device - 18kg.

Preparation for work and measurements using ID-11

Remove the plug from the socket of the measuring device, plug it in and warm up for 30 minutes.

Insert the plug into the slot and set zero readings on the display with the ZERO SET knob.

Open the calibration detector with the key on the front panel of the measuring device. Insert the calibration detector into the socket of the measuring device. Use the sensitivity knob to set the values ​​recorded in the technical documentation on the display.

Open the overload detector and insert it into the socket of the measuring device. Observe the overload indicator light up.

To measure the dose, it is necessary to open the working detector, insert the detector into the socket of the measuring device and, after 30 seconds, take the readings on the digital display.

The dose meter ID-11 together with the measuring device GO-32 (Fig. 19.8) provides measurement of the absorbed dose in the range from 10 to 1500 rad.

3.3. Dose meter kit DP-22V(fig.19.9 ) designed to measure the absorbed dose of y-radiation.

Rice. 19.9. Dose meter set DP-22V:
1 - Charger; 2- dose meters; 3 - power compartment;

4 - potentiometer knob; 5- CHARGE socket; 6 - cap.

Set DP-22V consists of 50 dose meters DKP-50A (Fig. 19.10) and charger ZD-5.

Rice. 19.10 Dose meter DKP -50A.
1 - eyepiece; 2 - scale; 3 - case; 4 - movable platinized thread;

5 - inner electrode; 6 - capacitor; 7 - protective frame; 8 - glass;

9 - ionization chamber; 10 - lens; 11– holder; 12 - top plug.

3.4. Individual chemical dose meter DP-70MP(Fig. 19.11) is designed to register the absorbed dose of gamma - neural radiation and is issued to all personnel.

Rice. 19.11. Individual chemical dose meter DP-70MP:
1 - General form; 2- case; З - cover of the case with a color standard;
4 - glass ampoule (dose meter).

Rice. 19.12. Field colorimeter PK-56M:
1 - frame; 2 - reading window; 3 - prism with an eyepiece;

4 - ampoule holder; 5- locking sleeve.

In subdivisions, the dose meter is not opened, readings are taken from it in medical units (institutions) where a wounded or sick serviceman is admitted. Together with the PK-56M field colorimeter (Fig. 19.12), it measures the radiation dose in the range from 50 to 800 rad.
The counting of radiation doses is carried out on the scale of the colorimeter. Inside the body of the colorimeter there is a disc with eleven light filters, the color of which corresponds to the color intensity of the solution in the ampoule.
The individual chemical dose meter DP-70MP allows you to measure the dose received both with single and repeated irradiation for 10-15 days.

The set of individual dosimeters DP-22V is designed to measure the exposure dose of gamma radiation in the range of 2-50 roentgens. The personal dosimeter DP-22V is a direct reading dosimeter. (50 wearable doses included).

Delivery set DP-22V: -set of 50 dosimeters DKP-50A; -charger ZD-5; -formulary; -technical description and operating instructions; -case.

When preparing the DKP-50-A dosimeter for operation, unscrew the dustproof cap of the dosimeter and the cap of the "charge" socket on the charger. The "charge" knob is taken out counterclockwise, the dosimeter is inserted into the socket, while at the bottom of the socket a lamp illuminates the dosimeter scale. The operator, observing through the eyepiece and rotating the "charge" knob clockwise, sets the image of the filament to the zero mark of the dosimeter scale, takes the dosimeter out of the socket and screws on the protective cap. After charging, the dosimeters are given out to the personnel of the formations working in the zone of radioactive contamination.

31. Device id-1. Purpose, device

Designed to measure doses of gamma-neutron radiation. Composition: 10 individual dosimeters ID-1 and a charger. Measurement range: 20 to 500 Rad. Self-discharge - 2 divisions per 150 hours.

To prepare the kit for work, you must:

1. Unscrew the plugs on the dose meters using a trihedral;

2. Turn the handle of the charger counterclockwise until it stops;

3. Charge each of the dose meters in the following order;

4. Insert the dose meter into the charger socket;

5. Direct the charger with the mirror towards an external light source and, turning the mirror, achieve maximum illumination of the scale;

6. Press the dose meter and, observing through the eyepiece, rotate the handle of the charger clockwise until the thread image is set at zero of the scales;

7. Remove the dose meter and check the position of the filament to light;

8. Screw on the cap of the dose meter.

32 Device id-11. Purpose and device.

Set of individual dosimeters ID-11 (photo), designed to measure the absorbed doses of gamma - neutron radiation. The kit is used for individual control of personnel exposure for the purpose of primary diagnostics of the severity of radiation injuries.

The set ID-11 includes: a measuring device (IU), a detector ID-11 - 100 pcs., A calibration detector GR, an overload detector PR, power cables - 2 pcs., A set of spare parts, cases - 10 pcs., Technical documentation.

33. Device dk-4. Appointment, device.

Car kit for special processing of military equipment.

designed for complete degassing, decontamination, disinfection of cars and road trains, special wheeled chassis and armored personnel carriers (with carburetor engines). Deployment time of the kit is 3-4 minutes, weight is 33 kg. The set includes DK-4K includes a gas-liquid device, a set of degassing and decontaminating substances, a set of spare parts and fasteners, a metal box for stowing and transporting the kit.

When decontaminating dry, non-oily surfaces, as well as the inner surfaces of cabs and bodies, the method of suction of radioactive dust is used; in all other cases, the treatment is carried out by the gas-liquid method.

The gas-liquid device consists of an ejector, gas-liquid and liquid hoses, a hose with an extension cord and a brush, and a gas sampling device. The principle of operation of the device is based on the use of heat and kinetic energy of vehicle exhaust gases. With the help of a gas sampling device (a cover with a valve and a gas sampling device), gases are supplied to the ejector under a pressure of 0.9 ± 0.1 kgf / cm 2, where a vacuum is created, due to which radioactive dust is sucked out by the dust extraction method or taken and fed through a hose on the processed surface of the working formulation using the gas-liquid method.

The order of assembly of the kit for various processing methods.

To prepare the device for degassing (decontamination, disinfection) by the gas-liquid method, it is necessary:

install the cover with the gas intake on the end of the exhaust pipe of the muffler and fix it by turning it to the right;

install the ejector on the gas sampling point;

attach a gas-liquid hose to the ejector;

connect the hose to the extension cord, screw a brush onto it and secure it with a nut, attach the hose to the gas-liquid hose;

attach the liquid hose to the side nozzle of the ejector, and lower the other end of the hose into the container with the solution;

by turning the lever, open the safety valve on the cover, start the pre-heated car engine and, after establishing a stable crankshaft speed, close the valve;

gradually increase the crankshaft speed until the safety valve is triggered and lock the throttle valve in this position.

A significant increase in the engine speed after the safety valve has been triggered is prohibited.

A properly working device ensures the supply of a gas-liquid mixture through the hose, long-term operation of the device without liquid is unacceptable, as it leads to burnout of the gas-liquid hose.

To prepare the device for decontamination by suction of radioactive dust, you must:

disconnect the gas-liquid and liquid hoses from the ejector;

connect the gas-liquid hose to the side pipe of the ejector;

put on a cloth bag to collect radioactive dust on the free nozzle of the ejector or set up the car so that the dust emitted from the ejector does not re-contaminate the object being treated.

The liquid hose and the container with the solution are not used in this variant of the device deployment.

The set of individual dosimeters is designed to measure the absorbed doses of gamma - neutron radiation in the temperature range from - 50 ° C to + 50 ° C, with a relative humidity of up to 98%. ID-1 set consists of 10 direct-reading dose meters ID-1 and charger ZD-6.

The dosimeter provides measurement of absorbed doses of gamma - neutron radiation in the range from 20 to 500 rad at a dose rate from 10 to 360,000 rad / h.

1 glad. - 1.05 X-rays.

The graduation is 20 glad, the measured doses are counted on a scale located inside the dosimeter, similar to the DKP-50A.

The self-discharge of the dosimeter does not exceed

a) under normal conditions: for 24 hours - 1 division, for 150 hours - 2 divisions

b) - 50 ° С - 1 division in 6 hours

50 ° C - 3 divisions in 24 hours.

Guaranteed service life - at least 15 years (set) or operating time at least 5000 hours.

The weight of the dosimeter is 40 g.

Charger weight - 500 g.

The weight of the set in the case is 1500 g.

technical resource - at least 10,000 hours. The weight of the charger is 540g, the weight of the whole set is 2kg. with case.

The ZD-6 charger is intended for individual dosimeters ID-1, DKP-50A, DK-0.2, etc., with an outer diameter of 14 mm and a charging potential from 180 to 250 V.

Principles of operation bldg-6.

When the handle of a special mechanical device is rotated, pressure is created on the piezoelectric elements, due to the deformation of which a voltage arises, which is applied to the charging socket. The voltage is changed by changing the pressure on the piezoelectric elements; to limit the voltage, an arrester is connected in parallel to the piezoelectric elements.

Charging the dosimeter:

    Turn the handle of the charger counterclockwise until it stops;

    Insert the dosimeter into the charging-contact socket of the charger;

    Direct the charger with a mirror towards an external light source;

    Achieve maximum illumination of the scale by turning the mirror;

    Press the dosimeter and, observing through the eyepiece, rotate the charger handle clockwise until the thread image on the scale is set to "0", then remove the dosimeter from the socket.

    Check the position of the thread in the light, with the vertical position of the thread, its image should be at "0".

Subsequent dosimeters are charged by gradually turning the knob clockwise until it stops (without returning it to its original position). After charging 10-15 dosimeters discharged to 30%, the handle is turned counterclockwise until it stops.

Individual dose meter id-11 and measuring device (iu)

A set of individual dose meters ID-11 is designed for individual monitoring of human exposure for the purpose of primary diagnostics of radiation injuries.

The set includes 500 individual dose meters ID-11, located in five packing boxes; DUT measuring device in the stowage box, two power cables (cable with a plug at the end for AC power supply and a cable with special leads at the end for AC power supply and a cable with stamped terminals at the end for DC power from batteries), technical documentation spare parts, graded "GR" and overload "PR" detectors.

Kit weight 36 kg.

Individual dose meter ID-11 is an aluminophosphate glass, activated by silver, made in the form of a keychain, and provides measurement of the absorbed dose of gamma - neutron radiation in the range from 10 to 1500 rad.

The serviceability of ID-11 is ensured in the temperature range from –50 to + 50 ° С under conditions of relative humidity up to 98%. Radiation doses are summed up during periodic irradiation and are stored in the dosimeter for 12 months.

The irradiated ID-11 provides the readings of the measuring device with an error of ± 15% 6 hours after irradiation during storage under normal conditions. When measuring 14 hours after irradiation, the additional measurement error does not exceed 15%. ID-11 provides multiple measurements of the same dose. The ID-11 mass is 25 g. The ID-11 design consists of a body and a holder with a glass plate (detector). The holder contains the serial number of the kit and the serial number of the individual meter. There is a cord on the case for fixing the ID-11. To open and close the ID-11, a key is installed on the front panel of the IU.