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How to privatize territories in minecraft. How to privatize territory in Minecraft on the server

As we know, in all games there are people who want to steal something or break something from another person. The question arises - how to protect yourself from this. That is, how to secure a territory in Minecraft when playing on a server?

Almost all servers have a list of commands that allow the player to reserve a certain amount of territory or just a cube. This cube will be safe for your house and things that are in it. In order to secure the territory, we need a wooden ax and nothing else, this is a prerequisite in the private territory.

To craft a wooden ax, we will need to cut down a couple of trees and craft 2 sticks and 3 boards, as well as a well-known workbench. By placing the ingredients in the order indicated, we can get our treasured wooden ax.

A wooden ax is not very suitable for cutting wood or for killing wild animals, as it is weak and quickly breaks down. But it is needed for private.

Sticks are made from 2 boards, and the boards themselves are made from wood. They can be crafted even in the inventory. But since you still need a workbench, craft everything at the workbench.

We mark the territory for private

We have a wooden ax and what's next? Now it's time to learn the commands for private territory in Minecraft. We select the region that is necessary and suitable for us, dig a few blocks down, left-click on the block under which we are standing, get out of the pit, walk diagonally across our territory, build a tower from blocks, capturing the territory we want to seize, click on the block again , but now with the right mouse button.

Now you need to enter commands.

Minecraft commands for privatizing a territory

In the chat, we see that after each click of the mouse, some numbers appear. These are the numbers showing the coordinates of the point that we selected with the wooden axe. The next step in territory privacy is writing a command that will register your territory for you and the territory will become safe for your expensive things.

We enter the command /region claim [your region name follows here].

On some servers, this command is missing, so you have to grow old either far from the place of travel, or ask the all-powerful admin to secure the territory for you.

How do I add a friend or friends to your region?

In order to add a member to your domain, he needs to transfer the rights of the owner of the territory.

To do this, enter the command: /region addmember<имя вашего зарегистрированного региона><ник друга, которого вы хотите добавить>

After entering the command, your roommate has the right to build and break blocks. This is very useful when you want your friend to help you build a house or mine resources in your area. But you should always keep an eye on him, because if a person is not familiar to you, but you still added him to the owners of the region, then a complete pogrom of your house can happen. If you do not trust a person or just want to remove him from the owners, then you need to enter a command that removes him from the roommates:

/region removemember<имя вашего зарегистрированного региона> <ник вашего недруга>

There are many ways to private a territory in Minecraft.

  • Someone is using WorldGuard (hatchet)
  • Someone - Towny (cities)
  • And someone understands that this is yesterday and writes his own version of private messages (as we did and did not fail).

This article discusses the first option - WorldGuard.

Private WorldGuard

In order to secure a territory for yourself, you need to follow a few steps.


Before we privatize something, we need to allocate the territory that we need. To do this, write the command

and a wooden hatchet appears in our inventory.

How will we work?- you ask. Very easy.


LMB is the first point. RMB is the second point. Anything can be marked with two dots. In this picture, these points are the green and blue frame of the blocks. The red grid is a dedicated private area.

You can also use commands

With them we will designate the points in the cube where your legs are (not on the cube, but in it) In the chat it will look like this:

If you are too far to climb up (or just too lazy) or you want to privatize under the house, then this team is for you. We write in the chat:

// expand<кол-во кубов> <направление>

For example:

//expand 2 down (or just d)

Thus, we expanded the territory that we selected with an ax by 2 cubes down (not in a certain place, but over all areas) Directions:

Down or d - down up or u - up north or n - north south or s - south east or e - east west or w - west

When a region is selected, a grid appears that visually displays the boundaries of the selected region. You can remove this grid by typing the command:


To private a territory in the chat, write the following commands after selecting the territory:

/region claim zone_name

So we privatized the territory for ourselves. "And if I live with a friend?" - you ask again. We write in chat:

/region addmember nick_name zone_name


If you are moving somewhere or something else and you need to delete the territory, then write the following command:

/region remove zone_name

Basic commands for working with regions:

/region claim - creates a region /region addmember username - adds a user to a region. /region addowner username - Adds a region owner. /region removemember username - Removes a region user.

Sub-regions (child regions)

Regions can be assigned child and parent regions:

/region setparent zonename parent zonename

In this case, "zone_name" becomes a child region of the "parent zone_name" region.

For such an association, you need to be on the list of owners of both regions. To remove the parent relationship, you just need to leave out the parent region, i.e.

/region setparent<регион>

If you just select one region within another, they will not be child and parent. Only the owner of the old region can allocate a new region that partially overlaps the old one.

Advanced (editing, deleting)

If you made a mistake when marking the region, and you have already saved it, then you can select it as a selection using the command:

/region claim zone_name

You can delete a region using the command:

/region delete zone_name

When playing on a server, many players may have a problem with protection from griefers, that is, from stealing items, destroying buildings by other players. Before the advent of the first security plugins (game modifications designed for servers), the only way to protect houses and buildings was to track griefers, send screenshots to server operators and then ban them. Traps, durable blocks in the construction of the house and other game methods of protection were also used. The guide will talk about using the most common security plugin on servers Minecraft.

The key concept of this plugin is region. Region - an area allocated by a certain method in the required coordinates. To get this area, the WorldEdit or FastAsyncWorldEdit plugin must be installed on the server. In the created region, the owner can configure the access of other players to it. Many servers do not give players direct access to the flags of the region, they are set automatically (PvP is turned off, players, except for the owners, cannot break blocks on it, use many items, view inventories, use mechanisms). Servers also limit the number of regions per player and the volume of each region. Regions are also often called privates, therefore, to create a region is to privatize.

To create a private, you need to allocate a territory for it. The easiest way is to use an object for selection (you can get it with the command //wand). LMB select the first point, RMB - the second. The points become the vertices of the cuboid.

If you don't want to build pillars to expand the selection, you can use the //expand command. Syntax:

// expand<направление> <кол-во блоков>

Instead of<направление>direction of light should be indicated:

  • west - west
  • east - east
  • north - north
  • south - south
  • up - up
  • down - down

Instead of<кол-во блоков>, you need to specify the number of blocks by which the area will be expanded.

On servers with mods, which include WorldEditCUI, the selected area is highlighted.

After selecting the territory, you need to create a region. Command syntax:

/rg claim<название>

Instead of<название>you need to write the name of your region.

It is now possible to add the players you play with to the number of owners / members of the region.

  • /rg am<ник> - player with nickname<ник>becomes a member of your region. On most servers, members have access to the region (they can break blocks, use chests, etc.), but cannot change the members of the region, delete or transfer it.
  • /rg ao<ник> - player with nickname<ник>becomes the owner of the region. He gets full access to all teams in that region.
  • /rg rm<ник> - player with nickname<ник>ceases to be a member of the region.
  • /rgro<ник> - player with nickname<ник>ceases to be the owner of the region.

Other commands:

  • /rg rem<название> - delete region<название>.
  • /rg move<название> - move region<название>. If you find a better place for this region, then highlight it and write this command.
  • /rg i- See what region you are in.

You decided to acquire a private territory on the server while playing Minecraft. But everyone knows how to do it. After reading this article, you can avoid a lot of unnecessary problems and learn all about the intricacies of private.

Translated from English, private (private) means - private. The WorldEdit plugin has a similar function. With its help, you can make your territories inaccessible to flooding and destruction, protect them from the dangers that may threaten from griefers. This feature, unlike others, is available to everyone who plays on the server.

It is very important to know that if the WorldEdit plugin is not installed on the server, then private will be 99.9% inaccessible!

Private has several options:

1) using a wooden ax and the following command - / regionclaim
2) using WorldEdit flags.

The first method is the easiest and most reliable to use, as you will see later. Where does the privatization of the territory begin? What and how to privatize it?

The first thing we need for this is a wooden axe. You can make it manually, or get it using the //wand command, which is much more convenient, since everything can be done right on the spot, instead of crafting an ax.

So, the wooden ax is already there, what will be the next step? Next, we need to select the boundaries of the desired territory, which will become the boundaries of your house on the server.

To select the territory that you decide to privatize, you need to go to its first point and click on the block with the left mouse button.

An inscription will appear: "First position set" with coordinates. Then we find the second point (most often it is the opposite vertex of the cube) and, taking the ax, we click on it with the right button.

1. open the chat (by default - T) and write / regionclaim

2. press the spacebar and write the name you want to assign to the region, for example "Myhouse111" or "Vasya Nagibator666"

3. write your nickname, which is the name on the server

If you depict this schematically, you get the following: / regionclaim - the name of the region - your name on the server - enter. Now the desired territory is reserved by you!

Why is it necessary to privatize the territory?

To ensure personal safety and protect your precious diamonds from the encroachment of the insidious uncle griefers. Faced with such protection, they will no longer be able to destroy your blocks or install new ones, and even more so open chests and create other troubles. However, there are other ways to protect against griefer attacks. They look like this:

1. You can find a hard-to-reach place (the End, mountains, Hell, a cave, etc.) and build a house where the griefers don't want to go.

2. If all things are hidden in secret chests, then this will help to recover from the attack.

3. Traps can be set up, but this is a very delicate matter - they should not be visible to X-Ray. In addition, you will need knowledge of redstone.

Private Teams

redefine territory - /regiondefine (/regionredefine)
assign a region - / region claim
region select - /region select
information about your region - /regioninfo
adding (deleting) region owners - /regionaddowner (/regionremoveowner)
list of your regions - /regionlist


1. During the private territory, it is best to dig 5-6 blocks down under the first point, and put a pillar of blocks on the second point, which will increase the height of the private.

2. In private, you must be extremely careful not to make mistakes in choosing points, otherwise completely different places will appear in the private zone. Check everything on the spot!

3. Be careful when adding private owners! One of them might be a scammer. In this case, you will lose your beloved home.


When playing on a server, private is one of the most important things. When selecting a region and assigning a name to it, one must be very careful. Do not make everyone in a row the owners of the private. Try to create reliable protection against griefers. And the last thing - finally, make straight arms for yourself and everything will work out for you.

The house, having obtained and accumulated many different materials, installed everything necessary for life in it, for example, a bed, a TV and other interesting items, it is only natural that you want to protect them from attacks by other players.

It is very important to ensure not only the safety of the house, but also to prevent the opening of chests and theft of diamonds. Naturally, all this can be hidden, surrounded, and housing can be built in a hard-to-reach place. But the most effective method of protection is the privatization of territories.

What you need for private territory in Minecraft

To privatize anything, you need an axe. To make it, you need to put three boards in the crafting window in the upper left corner, and two sticks in the middle cell and the cell below it. This way you will be able to craft a wooden axe. But if you replace the boards with cobblestones, gold or diamonds, you can get a stone, gold or diamond tool, respectively.

How to privatize a territory in Minecraft

To implement a private, you must determine the approximate size of the territory that you want to make private. You should approach the starting point of the area to be privatized and click on the selected block with the left mouse button so that the inscription "First position set" appears on the screen. Next, you need to proceed to the next point and click on the right mouse button. You also need to highlight the top and bottom points.

Minecraft has special commands that allow you to privatize a territory. So, /region define(/region redefine) is used to change the private zone. The /region claim request gives you the option to claim a region for yourself. The inscription /region select selects the region. To view information about , type /region info.

Locked items can be used not only by you, but also by your friends in Minecraft. The /region addowner(/region removeowner) command allows you to change the owners of a region. By adding a friend to this list, you can give him exactly the same rights as you. You can type /region list to see a list of all the territories you have secured.

You can change the size of the attached territory in height using the //expand command<кол-во кубов> <направление>. To select the height and depth of a private, you need to enter the appropriate number of blocks, and to determine the direction, the English words down - down, up - up are used. You can remove a private by entering the phrase / region remove<имя зоны>

Thus, having learned how to privatize a territory in Minecraft, you can safely build beautiful houses, hide the extracted wealth in them, close chests from outside access. You can also form teams with friends and share the use of restricted areas.