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Download keyboard solo. How to learn how to quickly touch type without soloing on the keyboard and where to check the typing speed (online)

This is one of the best utilities for practicing ten-finger touch typing. The developer of the program is a well-known journalist who is currently a lecturer at the Moscow University of Journalism. He independently developed the entire course and came up with the exercises that you will find in it. In this article, we will take a closer look at the application, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and at the very end of the page we will offer you to download the latest full version of Keyboard Solo for free using a direct link.


In total, the learning process consists of 100 levels, the complexity of which is constantly growing. Here you can learn to type not only in Russian, but also in English, besides, we can practice entering numbers. Also pleased with the simplest user interface that does not distract you from the main task - learning.

The electronic teacher constantly encourages you with different phrases and helps you to study correctly. All tasks that are in the application will have to be performed strictly in order. But this is logical, because we cannot move from complex to simple.

Consider the list of additional features of the Keyboard Solo application:

  • in the same program, you can create several accounts and study together with friends or family, which is very convenient;
  • any user who takes the course can look at their statistics and see if there is a positive trend in print speed and quality;
  • the number of errors, input speed and a number of other parameters are taken into account when evaluating a particular person.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let's consider whether our program has advantages and disadvantages.


  • availability of detailed statistics for each user;
  • low load on the PC, it is almost not felt at all;
  • excellent performance;
  • nice user interface;
  • the correct approach of the program to learning - everything is based on humor, which does not allow a person to despair;
  • every given period of time you are tested and determine whether the level is sufficient to move to the next stage;


  • fewer languages ​​of instruction than in the online version.

How to use

After we've looked at Keyboard Solo from all angles, let's move on to an overview of installing the program and working with it:

  1. First you need to download the archive with the program and, after unpacking it, install the software.
  2. Next, you should register a profile that will belong to you. Statistics will be stored in this account.
  3. Then carefully read the introductory part and draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.
  4. After that, you can move on to the tasks themselves. Don't get too caught up in training, 30 minutes a day is enough. It is better to perform all tasks with high quality and not to chase the maximum speed. She will come later.

The whole learning process is accompanied by funny jokes, so you definitely won't be bored. This is done specifically to unload a person and relieve his fatigue.


In this video, the Keyboard Solo program is discussed in much more detail. We recommend that you carefully look at it and only then proceed to download.


You won't have to look for a serial number or perform any actions to activate the program, since we used the key during repacking. Just install and use the software for your pleasure.


In conclusion, we suggest downloading the Russian full version of the program using a direct link.

The file has been checked and is free of viruses, so you don't have to disable Windows Defender.

"Keyboard Solo" is a typing tutorial that will help you quickly learn how to touch typing with 10 fingers. The main author of the training course is Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. It was he who prepared all the exercises and completely wrote the course of study. At the very bottom of the page you can download the program for free via a direct link, but for now let's take a closer look at it.

In the application you will find 100 tasks with increasing difficulty. The full version of Keyboard Solo, which requires installation, has three courses: Russian, English and digital. A simple interface does not allow the user to be distracted from the main task, the instructions of the creators constantly encourage and praise the student for the stages passed. It is impossible to complete tasks in random order, because in this case the meaning of the course is lost.

In the new version 9, the developers presented a completely redesigned modern interface, musical accompaniment written specifically for the program, as well as a completely redesigned introductory part of the training.


In the standalone version of "Keyboard Solo" you will learn how to type in Russian and English. The program also has an online version that supports Ukrainian, German, Italian and French. Separately, there is training in typing on the numeric keypad for quick typing. The list of possibilities includes:

  • the ability to create multiple profiles, which allows you to study for several users using one program;
  • accounting for student statistics;
  • tracking progress by the number of errors, typed text and calendar.

Advantages and disadvantages

The training course "Solo on the keyboard" can highlight the main pros and cons. They are listed below.


  • detailed user statistics (general, complete, by exercises, by calendar);
  • approach to learning with humor and reasoning of the author;
  • periodic testing to track progress;
  • psychological tricks for better efficiency.


  • only 3 language courses offline versus 8 online.

How to use

Keyboard Solo app is very easy to use. You just need to run the program and follow these steps:

  1. Create a profile with your name. Each profile saves statistics on completed tasks, the amount of text typed, etc.
  2. Then select the first item "Let's meet ?!" and start reading the introduction.
  3. When tasks appear, click on the link to complete the exercise. First, the training course will offer you to take the "Entrance Exam" test, which will help you independently assess the current level of touch typing skill.
  4. After completing the workout, the program will automatically return you to the text.

It is recommended not to focus on the quick passage of all the exercises, but first to read the text and instructions. At the beginning, you will find a few words from the author and the development team. Sometimes the text is diluted with jokes and anecdotes. According to the author himself, you should read everything thoughtfully and without jumping to tasks. According to statistics, the simulator allows you to increase the typing speed by 5 times, as well as reduce the number of typos by about 40%. And that's all for a 40-hour course.


To understand the features and settings of the application, as well as to see an example of training, check out the video provided.

Keyboard solo- probably the most popular and "promoted" keyboard simulator. Most users have heard of "Solo", many have mastered blind printing studying under this program, and some did not have the patience to master everything 100 exercises offered by the author. The provided version works for free!
The program contains three courses: Russian, English and digital block(calculator).
In this review, we will look at Keyboard solo in detail, as this program should be given special attention because of its effectiveness and popularity.
Keyboard solo has powerful psychological support, everything is done so that you go through all one hundred exercises and master the blind ten-finger method.

For teaching touch typing to schoolchildren- I advise you to use the free distributed program from the developers "Keyboard Solo" - "Soloist's Hands" - a keyboard simulator for schoolchildren.

Here I will tell you what I like, what I don’t like about Solo on the keyboard, the program has its pluses, its minuses, we will consider all this here.
But do not get hung up on some little things, everything is individual. By using Keyboard solo thousands of people have already learned to type quickly and without errors.

And so we begin the review of Solo on the keyboard:

Free Keyboard Solo. The programmer's prayer: "Lord, reset this world!"

At startup Keyboard solo gives us a not-so-good joke: "Programmer's Prayer: Lord, Reboot This World!"

In the photo, Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, the author of "Keyboard Solo", introduced himself and asks you to introduce yourself.

Also in this window you need to introduce yourself - one field is required.
Below we select the course of study (in this version, the available courses are: Russian, English and the course on the digital block).

Ergonomic keyboard- this is a keyboard designed for comfortable typing using a ten-finger blind method, an ergonomic keyboard visually differs from the usual one by a significant gap between the keys " 6 " "E" "P" "AND" And " 7 " "G" "R" "T", also usually in such keyboards the keys are located at an angle. In the photo above you can see in the hands of Vladimir Vladimirovich an ergonomic keyboard from Microsoft.
There are many models of ergonomic keyboards, they may have other features.

Keyboard solo has a multi-user mode, you can create users with different courses, convenient for teaching the whole family or company.

Selecting a student or creating one in the Keyboard Solo program.

Lessons. introductory texts. Program exercises "Keyboard Solo"

Keyboard Trainer Solo on Keyboard 9 It has 100 exercises, up to 43 exercises you will be "tormented" with the main row (keys FYVA PR OLJ E)

What is the introductory text box?

  • Review of letters from former soloists;
  • Psychological tests will help you get to know yourself better;
  • Videos on the topic of psychology from the series "Gymnastics of the Soul";
  • In some exercises, I suggest playing games;
  • Guidelines and tips for proper fit, finger placement, rules for the blind ten-finger method;
  • Tips to support learning motivation;
  • Tips for self-improvement, development, will help you understand yourself, develop the best human qualities in yourself, find yourself in life;
  • List and content of tasks of the current lesson;

I think all the points about jokes, texts, letters, videos are clear. It is worth stopping at the list of tasks:

  1. Keyboard trainer "Keyboard Solo" It has 100 full-fledged exercises- says the official source.
    And it is true, exercises exactly 100 , this is probably due to the fact that the figure "beautiful" , Vladimir Vladimirovich loves "beautiful numbers" , as he put it at the expense of skipping the fourth version of the program Keyboard solo:

    “We made the fifth version relatively quickly, skipping the fourth. Why did we do this? Everything is simple. The number five is remembered better than four.“

    What is waiting for us in these "100" exercises ?
    - in each exercise waiting for us from one before ten assignments in every task from one line to several dozen lines of text;
    - There is also exercises with some surprises tasks You don’t need to recruit, they recruit themselves, and for some tasks they automatically give you 5, not taking into account the number of mistakes, all these are pleasant moments for raising motivation and self-esteem.

  2. Replays. After completing the exercise, you will have to go through another one performed earlier (for example, in the 50th exercise you will repeat the 30th exercise, in the 60s the 40th and so on).

Performing tasks of the keyboard simulator Solo on the keyboard.

After reading the introductory text for the exercise, remembering all the methodological instructions, you will proceed to the task.

Program "Solo on the keyboard 9". Completing a task.

If you make a mistake when typing - wait a few seconds until the button with the arrow becomes a circle again, the author suggests at this time to read the proposed quote or look at "Miksanatika", or read the advice on eliminating the error.

If you completed the task, you will see a screen with the results:

Keyboard Solo software license:

The license offered for purchase is not a permanent thing, it is only valid for half a year, the author says that this is quite enough to complete the course, the program is also tied to your equipment, if you change something - this is formally a different computer, and a different license is needed .

On our site you can download Keyboard solo free, without restrictions, does not require registration and activation, does not require cracks (crack) and keys (serial key). Links are located below.
It's up to you to buy or not to buy a license.

Also, as a nice bonus in the archive with the program, you will find saves (saves in .ss9 format) for the program Keyboard solo 9(passed 77 lessons with grades 4-5, average speed 250 cpm.)
Save files Keyboard solo 9 stored in a folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Solo9RusEngNum\Save
In order to use the downloaded save, copy the file website_backup.ss9 to the above folder or import the save using the program (in the user selection window, press the button "Restore account from backup.")

What is needed for the correct operation of the program?

Operating system: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: Pentium 500 MHz;
RAM: 128 mb;
Monitor: SVGA 640×480;
Keyboard, sound card, mouse;
Also, in operating systems Windows Vista / 7/8, the program must be run on behalf of the administrator(right-click on the shortcut and select the item we need).

Keyboard solo free download:

File: solo9.0.5.64_3in1.rar (22mb.)
Unfortunately, at the request of the copyright holder, I had to remove links to files.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today's topic is one of the most hackneyed. Well, who among you has not heard at least once in your life that touch typing is a skill that you will need to master without fail. Who hasn't seen the "Keyboard Solo" commercial?

Yes, everyone heard it more than once. But after all, you, with two fingers, thanks to your vast experience in communicating in the messenger, will catch up and overtake any professional secretary in speed of stuffing. Is not it?

I have come across such statements countless times. But the fact is that the typing speed itself is not so important. You're not in a hurry to fire. Well, your article will be written not in a couple of hours, but in a day - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it turns out cool and readers appreciate it. Is it true?

True, but not really. Here, in my opinion, lies the main mistake. The blind ten-finger method is primarily intended not only and not so much to increase the speed of typing - blind typing is primarily needed in order to give you a direct channel for transferring your thoughts to paper(screen). This, in my opinion, is the main advantage of having such a skill.

The speed of touch typing on the keyboard means a lot

Estimate for yourself, we are all capable of expressing our thoughts aloud to one degree or another, well, at least 90 percent of people have no problems with this. But when you try to transfer your fabrications to paper or a website page, then everything does not go so smoothly. And why? It seems to me that it is precisely the inability to quickly print (or write on paper) at the same speed that thoughts form and add up in orderly rows in your head.

It is very important while typing not to look at the keyboard in search (albeit subconsciously) of the desired key. After all, most people do not have a large enough buffer in memory to store all the phrases that you have not yet managed to transfer to paper or screen. Someone has such a memory buffer and they will not have problems writing intelligible and concise articles in any case.

But most of us do not have such a natural ability, and, therefore, will be observed between the concise formation of thoughts in the head and their clumsy transfer to a solid medium by a two-finger sighted method of not very fast typing.

Thoughts manage to get lost during this time, beautiful and easily perceived phrases that come to your mind slip and seep through your fingers, you start to get nervous and angry, and then generally score on all attempts to become a “Chukchi writer” and start looking for opportunities to copy or buy someone else's content (after all, someone else's creation).

But happiness was so close. I am not exaggerating, the ability to transfer your thoughts to paper (screen) at the same time as they form in your head causes a very pleasant feeling, which in turn will stimulate you to further write articles, which in this case will be absolutely unique, of high quality and capable of giving the main impetus For .

I do not undertake to use the word "writer" without adding the word "Chukchi", because, alas, not everyone is given a real gift for writing. But almost any person who has something to tell and who has a desire to do is capable of being a "Chukchi writer", but also.

The smallest thing is missing - to learn how to quickly tap on the clave with ten fingers at once and at the same time, so that orderly rows of words come out, and not any nonsense. All its advantages are concentrated in the name of this method - by using all ten fingers you significantly increase the theoretically possible speed, and the ability to type blindly, without looking at the keyboard when typing, allows you, how to say it, type with a glance watching thoughts and formulations materializing in words on the screen.

In general, everyone leads the search for an answer to the question “how to learn to type quickly” in their own way. Someone saves and uses free online simulators, and someone buys a simulator program (such as the overly advertised solo on the keyboard and that simple utility that “brought me to people”). In the latter case, by the way, the probability of not abandoning the whole thing is somewhat higher, because the money was paid.

In any case, fast blind typing will allow you to completely free your brain from routine, and it will not need to be distracted by such vulgar things as searching for the right keys and constantly looking from the keyboard to the monitor screen. For me, this method is much more effective than speaking into a voice recorder - you don’t need to do double work (think and voice, and only then retype), but for this you still have to spend time studying the method and tormenting some keyboard simulator.

Moreover, here everything is taken by the “fifth point” (banal perseverance) and complete abandonment - the less you think about typing, the less you make mistakes and the faster you type. Pure and unclouded reflexes... I am sure that the majority of those who have managed to read the text up to this point and do not have the skills of rapid typing will seriously think about this problem.

I'm kidding, of course. The majority will remain unreceptive to my revelations and appeals, because I myself was like that and simply dismissed all the arguments that would say that I need to sit down and stupidly start banging on the keys, following the instructions of the simulator program.

Why is it stupid? Yes, because touch typing skills can be learned in only one way - to sit on the priest and hammer on the keys under the strict supervision and guidance of, for example, my teacher named VerseQ. At the same time, the less you think about which finger should press which key, the faster you can learn how to use with all your ten fingers with due diligence.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard blindly

In this case, the method used (simulator) is probably not even so important, the main thing is to “rest against the horn” and try to completely rely on reflexes, while turning off the brain for a while. I would even recommend in order to quickly learn artificially reduce brain activity, for example, a hearty dinner or (I didn’t say this) a small libation (I feel that after this there will be much more fans at the touch seal). Believe me, the less you think about when learning, the faster you can learn.

Perhaps it will help you get a little distracted from thinking about the keys and your fingers hitting them with a loud TV or radio. In general, in order to make friends with the keyboard, you need to find your own way to immerse the brain in a state of stasis and completely disconnect from what is happening during the training. The brain has to think about more important things (for example, what you can spend the future millions earned on your site), and in matters of acquiring the necessary finger motor skills, it will only be a hindrance and will not allow you to progress quickly.

It probably also depends on the typing trainer you use (VerseQ highly recommend), as well as your personal motor skills. Personally, it took me two months to reach the same level in blind typing speed that I had when using two fingers. Yes, sadly, but your typing speed will slow down first because there is an acquisition of completely new and to some extent alien skills.

I practiced for half an hour a day, and sometimes even less, in case my fingers completely began to fight off my hands and printed absolute nonsense. In fact, when such a thing arises, it is important on time take a break so as not to disrupt the already acquired skills and speed. A few days of break and you yourself will be surprised that everything fell into place and there is progress, not regression. For example, I had the experience of studying Morse code behind me, and there were often "failures" when the hand beat off some nonsense. A pause of several days and everything was restored even better than before.

Unfortunately, when studying the ten-finger method, I “felt like an ace” too early. The keyboard simulator (in my case it was VerseQ) was discarded and further increase in speed was already carried out by writing real articles in this very blog site. Obviously, I abandoned the simulator too early, because the frequency of typos is still quite high (according to my wife, who checks all articles for grammatical errors, there are a monstrous number of typos). Remarkably, even after seven years, the "blunders" still do not go away. In general, I hurried to rush into battle - do not make my mistakes.

But on the other hand, I can’t complain about the speed of printing text now - I couldn’t even dream of this before. My wife says that when I go into a rage (trying to keep up with the surging inspiration), then the sound of the keyboard simply merges into one sound. I can’t say if this is so, because at the same time I don’t think about anything and practically don’t notice anything, except for the line that appears with the text, where my thoughts and phrases materialize. Therefore, you should not be asked “Is it necessary to learn to type quickly”, but the question should be “how to achieve this faster.”

Cool actually. But you won't know it and you won't feel it until you try it at least once. This cannot be put into words. Especially, all the advantages of ten-finger typing become obvious and undeniable when I remember my torment on typing messages on forums with two fingers and constant attempts to form phrases in orderly rows, and not those scraps that remained in my memory during the time that I squirmed over finding the right ones. letters. Horror - as I remember, I shudder. In general, I do not regret at all (rather surprised) that I nevertheless decided in due time to a feat.

Now I can roll a comment on half the screen in a couple of minutes, and at the same time I will only need to slightly correct errors (typos) and read the printed text in order to remove the “butter oil”, which is very clearly seen when reading, but for some reason not obvious when forming thoughts in the head and simultaneous printing. Another great help is that now all typos and errors are easily and quickly identified and corrected.

Honestly. Thanks for this to the keyboard fusion trainer called VerseQ and its developer. I tried many of them (“I tried a solo on the keyboard” much earlier, but nothing came out at all, because it was boring and monstrous, I would even say unbearably boring), but here you learn to strike chords right away, which reduces time by an order of magnitude, required for training, and somehow interest immediately flares up, or something.

That is why I say that deciding to try to learn quickly and not looking to hit the keys is half the battle. It is very important to choose the most suitable keyboard trainer for you, and it is also extremely important not to send all this blind training to hell without really learning anything yet. My first attempts were dated back to the end of the last century, but, unfortunately, I came across a not quite suitable simulator, which drove me crazy before I mastered the stuffing of the first half of the alphabet.

Actually, what annoyed me most of all in that “classic” simulator (such as “solo” and others like it) was that the study began with a couple of letters that needed to be hammered for hours. Then, when the coach thought that I had already acquired the necessary skills in typing these two letters, they offered me, lo and behold, to learn how to type another pair of letters without looking at the clave. And so for many, many hours of learning (or torment?).

A month later, I still could not type real texts blindly even at a snail's speed, because I had not mastered even half of the alphabet. Somehow I got tired of all this and I successfully gave up on this terribly boring business, considering that this was not given to me. In addition, I did not see any practical application of fast printing at that time (appetite, as they say, comes with eating). The second attempt was made seven years ago, just before I started thinking about running my own blog.

I had an idea to tell novice webmasters about what I managed to learn in this area, because I myself was a beginner and understood that in Runet there are not enough detailed manuals on those things that seem obvious to webmastering gurus (well, or at least more -less savvy users), but confuse novice webmasters. Moreover, it can be quite difficult to get out of this impasse due to the fact that it is most difficult to find answers to simple questions.

The point was small - to overcome prejudices, your own laziness and choose the most suitable keyboard trainer (according to reviews on the Internet or in my experience) and set aside some time for daily "slaughter" (here the letter "b" is not a typo).

VerseQ Keyboard Trainer (My Path to Success)

Naturally, the first thing I decided to start learning the blind method from was the search for a suitable keyboard simulator. Oddly enough, but there were quite a few of them, but remembering that I was prevented from completing my studies during the first attempt, I paid serious attention to the descriptions of the method and method of teaching touch typing.

In general, I was lucky, because somewhere I came across information about a worthwhile tool, which did its dirty work - a new "Chukchi writer" appeared in the camp of Runet bloggers. The simulator was called, and actually continues to be called - VerseQ .

But I hasten to disappoint you, because there will be no freebies - it costs incredible and unaffordable money for any webmaster - 170 rubles for a personal license. However, jokes aside! This is “not money” at all for the opportunity to fulfill a dream and learn how to pour out your thoughts on paper (website pages) at the speed of a bullet. You will recapture this money many times already in the first months of the project’s existence, and then how lucky you are. Moreover, you can pay by SMS (without any problems with cards or payment systems):

But the fact that you have to pay for this simulator is its only drawback. Otherwise, VerseQ consists, in my opinion, of some advantages. The first and foremost advantage is the possibility learn to type all characters on the keyboard at once, from the very beginning of the training, and not knock "A-O", and then "V-L" for hours, days or even months.

There is an opportunity to start choosing a lightweight mode in it, when you will be offered to learn how to type without looking only the letters of the Russian keyboard layout, and after you have developed the necessary skills, you can try to learn how to blindly type punctuation marks as well. Actually, I did just that.

In addition to typing in Russian, in VerseQ you can also try to get comfortable with the keyboard in English and German. After a dozen lessons, you will be able to go directly to typing regular texts, though at a rather low speed, but this is already a thing to come and you will not notice how your keyboard starts rustle under your fingers.

By the way, about the keyboard. Here, of course, you can mainly rely on your own preferences, but from experience I can say that I can type best and fastest on a full-sized clave with full key travel. On laptop keyboards, I also type well blindly, but I can only give out maximum speed at the standard one (after numerous experiments, I settled on a simple, but reliable and convenient Mitsumi - I now even have two of them, so as not to be left without a tool in which case).

I don’t remember exactly, but, in my opinion, when I read a review article on the VerseQ keyboard simulator, information slipped there that the author of this wonderful program is a mathematician by education and the whole set of characters that this program will offer you will not be accidental , but carefully extended from the point of view of the frequency of use of these letter combinations in real words of the Russian language. And this is very important.

Yes, you yourself will immediately notice that when learning in VerseQ, the same combinations of symbols (chords) will often skip, which after a while you will learn to type in one, almost continuous pressing of several keys at once. At first, it will be an amazing feeling when it is not at all clear: “how did it happen to me?”.

All in all, this is a really smart program written by a talented person that can really save you time getting into the confident ten-finger method. Now let's say a few words about working with VerseQ, although everything is simple or even very simple.

After launching the keyboard simulator, you will need to create a new student and come up with a password for him. Then you will need to select the newly created student and in the window that opens, select the character set of the Russian, German or English language that you want to learn in the "Language" area.

When choosing an option Advanced, except for the letters of the selected language, you will be learn touch typing and punctuation in the desired keyboard layout. Then click on the "Start" button and you will be taken to the VerseQ training window:

In general, if you already know exactly which finger you need to press this or that key, then you can start typing the characters that are given on this page. But if you are not yet familiar with the correct setting of the fingers, then be sure to look at the clave drawing shown on the same page of the simulator.

Believe what is there optimal keyboard shortcuts under each finger of your both hands. If you (as I did in my time) for some reason decide that it is more convenient for you to type some letters with another finger, then get ready to spend a lot of time relearning later, because you can only achieve decent speed in this way.

Do not be smart, because this is ordinary ergonomics, where all bicycles were invented before we were born, when typewriters were in use, not keyboards. Even if at first it will be more convenient for you to type some letters with a different finger (different from the one shown in the diagram), then later it will become a brake, and relearning, as you know, is more difficult than learning from scratch.

In the picture in VerseQ, the white dotted line shows the keys on which your fingers should initially lie (after the experience, you will already keep your fingers over the keys, because it is much more convenient and faster to type).

The index fingers should be placed on the Russian letters "A" and "O", which on the claves very often have special convex dots or dashes so that you can navigate even in complete darkness. All the keys you need strike with a certain finger are marked with the same color. Be sure to start with the correct strokes with those fingers and on those keys that the keyboard drawing in the VerseQ window tells you.

Once again I say - do not be clever. For I was clever, and then for six months I corrected the wrong habit. It's really harder than doing everything right the first time.

As you learn, the typing trainer will keep statistics on your typing speed, error rate, rhythm of beats. In the bottom area, you can see a list of hotkeys that you can use to customize it.

As your experience increases, VerseQ will offer more and more complex letter combinations, developing your finger flexibility and accustoming you to set frequently occurring chords in one movement. Don't run away from the typing machine too early, because it is much easier to increase speed and achieve error-free printing on it. Again, I speak from my own bad experience.

In general, this program is one of those that the doctor ordered if you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. Do not apply to try it out at work, especially since you can download VerseQ to get acquainted with its capabilities directly from the developer's site. Good luck and fast recruitment of the necessary and important materials for your projects.

Free online touch typing simulators on the keyboard

If you don’t want to pay money at all, or if you need an online version of the simulator so that you can continue learning to print at home, at work, and on the road, then you can try something from the list below. As a rule, to start learning, you only need to register in the service.

  1. VerseQ Online- the service, however, is still in beta, but it meets all the voiced requirements - it is free and accessible from anywhere in the world from any device. Well, the online version inherited all the other advantages from the desktop version of the VerseQ program.
  2. All10— without registering, it will be possible to test your typing speed (read more about this below), but you still have to register for training. This simulator is suitable for learning from scratch and has a rather pleasant and user-friendly interface. I can't comment on the quality of education.
  3. Keyboard online trainer(with a complex name) is quite a modern approach and, most importantly, does not require tuition fees. Try and share your impressions.
  4. Klava— a concise name for a completely free keyboard simulator for developing ten-finger touch typing skills. It does not even require registration, which is good. There are a lot of possibilities, up to the study of printing "numbers without looking."
  5. Stamina online is a free online version of the famous blind typing simulator. It is still difficult to say something, because I did not use the original program. Leave a review or something to understand xy from xy.
  6. Touch Typing Study- This online simulator offers speed typing training for free in dozens of languages.

Where can I check the typing speed online (take the test)?

I don’t know why you need this, but still I will give a number of interesting services that allow you to test your current keyboard skills. Personally, the puzomerki in this area are purple for me, but it may come in handy for someone. Actually, while studying on the simulator, you will be informed about the average speed and the percentage of errors made. But still, a simulator is a simulator. But on the "live text" everything can turn out a little differently.

Personally, I'm not very good at passing such tests for typing speed on the keyboard. The fact is that over the years I have become accustomed to “printing my thoughts” seeing their literal materialization before my eyes. However, in the online tests below, you need to do it a little differently - look at the text that you need to type, but it’s not very good at keeping track of what exactly I am writing. Although the difference turns out to be insignificant, but personally it bothers me a lot (nerves).

Nevertheless, it can be very useful to at least roughly estimate the speed of your printing in order to understand what to strive for. There are a lot of online services that provide such an opportunity. I will give only a few of them, which seemed to me more or less worthy and convenient. If you know more “speed tests”, then I will be glad to say “thank you” to you and add them to this list.

  1. 10 quick fingers- a very convenient online service where you can check your typing speed not only in the Russian layout, but also in dozens of other keyboard layouts (the language switcher is located on the left above the text input field - a green button):

    As soon as you start typing the displayed text, the minute countdown timer will start (how much it turns out to be). At the output, you will receive a report on the speed gained and the mistakes made. I have an extremely low result due to the problems of an adaptive nature described above (already my fingers hurt from trying to ideally pass the text for speed and, most importantly, the correctness of typing, but alas, ah).

  2. Recruiting- a more serious online typing speed test from Keyboard Solo. Why? Well, here are real texts with all the signs, numbers and the letter “Ё”, which I cannot type blindly and replace it with the letter “E”. In this test, it does not roll, which greatly slows down the process. Yes, and I never learned how to enter numbers into the blind (in a word - dropout). But the test is more objective. Everything is decorated with dignity and quite comfortable:

    There are no limits per minute - as soon as you finish typing, the counters will stop, and you can evaluate your current achievements in typing by looking at the right column. My problem, as always, is an incredibly large number of errors (taking into account my many years of experience, when it would seem that everything should bounce off the teeth - but no). Yes, it will be possible to pass the speed test in several more languages ​​(they are selected at the very beginning).

  3. All10— speed test (certification) as part of an online typing simulator. After clicking on the link provided, click on the yellow button "Get certified" and start typing the text offered to you:

    Here, all mistakes made (words are highlighted in red) will need to be corrected immediately, because further typing will not count. Everything is serious. But on the other hand, the letter “Yo” did not come across to me, which is good for me.

  4. bombina2- a rather simple, but quite convenient online service that allows you to check the speed of your printing in a minute. The arrow at the bottom right allows you to change wallpapers (skins) so that nothing interferes with your benefit.

Well, how much did you get? I mean typing speed. In principle, everything, of course, is purely individual, but if we take the “average temperature in the hospital”, then we can say that:

  1. 100 beats (letters, or rather signs) per minute is quite an entry level. To cross this threshold in strength to all keyboard Jedi.
  2. 200 strokes is already something. This is a good level for beginner downhole masters.
  3. 300 strokes - and this is serious. Again, this threshold is achievable for almost all adherents of the blind ten-finger method, but the majority will have to seriously sit out the fifth point to overcome it.
  4. 400 beats per minute is the lot of professionals and simply gifted people.
  5. All that is higher is already unique, of which there are few. As far as I know, the record is somewhere in the region of nine hundred beats per minute, which is generally hard to put into my head.

I repeat once again that the main thing in these checks is not just speed, but also infallibility. For example, I can't type any slower. Not even so - I can, but the number of errors only increases. In general, do not step on my rake and get off the simulators only when you reach a speed close to 250-300 strokes and at the same time you will have practically no errors. Then nothing will spoil your “handwriting”, and the speed will slowly get on the typing of real texts. IMHO.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The name of the program:
Program version:
Latest Program Version:
Official site address: EgroSolo
Interface language: Russian
Treatment: not required
System requirements: windows 8, 7, vista, xp

Description:"SOLO on the keyboard" is a training program that allows you to learn how to quickly type on a computer keyboard in a short time. The author of the typing course is a well-known psychologist and journalist, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan. Several hundreds of thousands of computer users are well aware of the "SOLO on the keyboard" program, by which many have learned to type with a blind ten-finger method. In the latest, ninth, version, the interface has been changed, the approach to learning has become more exciting, games and tests have been added - everything is done to ensure that each passing SOLO masters the blind ten-finger method in a relatively short time and largely develops the best traits of his character: purposefulness , endurance, perseverance, endurance. The version of the program "3 in 1" includes three courses: "Russian Course", "English Course" and "Taming Numbers".

Program features:

Music written specifically for each task (disc version only)
20 tasks with a surprise
New animated character - Mixanatic
100 psychological tests that will help each student learn more about themselves
More than 1500 quotes and aphorisms of famous people
More than 200 letters from student soloists with advice on taking the course
20 videos from the series "Gymnastics of the Soul" (only in the disc version)
Keyboard layout that can be printed from the program

Program features:
100 complete tasks
The ability to track your results and progress in detail
A test at the beginning and at the end of the program will give you the opportunity to compare skills before and after training

Russian course. A set of exercises aimed at teaching touch typing on the Russian keyboard layout. The program has games that will help you increase your typing speed.
English course. The English course of our program will help you master the English layout. After completing 100 exercises of the program, you will be able to easily and freely type texts of any complexity.
Taming numbers. The program will take approximately three hours to complete. And you will learn how to blindly type numbers using the side numeric keypad. This is important for employees of banks and tax authorities, engineers and programmers, accountants and cashiers... After completing the course, you will at least three to four times increase the speed when working with a calculator.

Version features:

Type: installation, unpacking portable
Languages: Russian only
Treatment: carried out
Cut out: Yandex bar

Command line switches:
Silent Install: /S /I
Unpack portable: /S /P
Do not create shortcuts in the start menu: /NS
Do not create desktop shortcuts: /ND
Select installation location: /D=PATH

The /D=PATH switch should be the last one
For example: /S /I /D=C:MyProgram

When you press the correct key, another character is displayed, and the program counts this as an error.
If the Punto Switcher program is running simultaneously with SOLO, then it must be disabled