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How to hack a stalker for immortality. How to make immortality in the "stalker" without using cheats

Almost every computer game has cheats that you can use under certain conditions. In some projects, the codes are publicly available, and you just need to find them on the Web and enter them during the game, but in others it will be much more difficult to achieve this. There are also games in which you are unlikely to find a lot of codes, since their number is very limited by the developers - this is exactly what the Stalker series belongs to. Naturally, you can go a little deeper into the theme of these games, take the bar higher and change the game files, with which you get much more extensive features, but these are not exactly cheats. Yes, and it is quite dangerous to do, since any changes in the game files can lead to unpleasant consequences. From this article, you will learn the code for immortality for "Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl", as well as some other cheats that are available to absolutely everyone.

How to enter codes?

As in any other computer game, here you should first learn exactly how to enter cheats, and then you can already pay attention to specific options, such as the immortality code for Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl. In fact, everything is quite simple, since the cheats here are entered through the game console, which you do not even have to activate or look for. It is active initially and is called by the standard "tilde" button. Moreover, if you wish, you can change the button yourself, by clicking on which the console line will appear in the game settings. That's the whole simple process that you have to do in order to be able to enter cheats, including the code for immortality for "Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl", which will be discussed later.

Cheat for immortality

If you want to get yourself immortality for "Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl", then you will need to call the game console - how this is done is described in detail above. After that, you will need to write the short code god, and then press the Enter key - after that your character will become absolutely invulnerable to damage caused by all types of attacks. This is how you get immortality. However, there are other, more interesting options. For example, you can take the opportunity to change the game files and change the resistance to all types of damage to the maximum there. Moreover, you can download a special trainer that will make your character not only immortal, but also incredibly rich, hung with a huge amount of weapons, and so on. As you understand, immortality for "Stalker: Clear Sky" is obtained in much the same way.

Endless Run

Another code that is guaranteed to work is giving you the ability to run non-stop without losing your stamina. It is clear that immortality on "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" is the most important and irreplaceable code, but it is worth noting that running can sometimes save your life or make your task easier. To activate it, you need to call the console and write the g_always_run code there - after this code, the numerical value 1 or 0 should follow. If you choose the first option, then the code turns on, and if the second, it turns off. As in the case of the code for immortality, for "Stalker: Clear Sky" the code for endless running is turned on in the same way.

Game content activation

There is also one small cheat that allows you to unlock bonus game content that is not available to you if you received an incomplete version of the game or downloaded a pirated one. Whichever option you have, you need to open the game folder and look for the setup-bp file there, which can be launched by double-clicking. You will be asked to complete the fields to unlock two parts of the bonuses. In the first field you need to enter the word pseudodog, and in the second - snork. After that, you will have full access to both bonuses.

If you are often killed in the Stalker game, then our article will help you. Below we will tell you how to make immortality in the stalker using the adjustment of game files.

Any game operates with files and data that create the visual shell of the game and endow the objects with the required values. A computer, unlike a person, does not understand the meaning of the word "immortality", it does not know words at all, therefore, to store data, it uses numbers and "variables" - special values. It is by changing these values ​​that you can make your character gain immortality.

Finding the required file

First you need to find the document in which all the characteristics of your hero are recorded.
All information about it is stored in a file. actor.ltx, it can be found using the search command or by going to the folder gamedata, which is located in the root of the game folder. By changing the contents of this document, we can make your hero immune to damage.

Changing the settings

So, opening our file with Notepad, you will see a lot of incomprehensible inscriptions and numbers. You should make a copy of the file so that if it doesn't work out, you can return everything as it was. You can save a copy in another folder.

Let's move on to fixes. You need to decide on what difficulty you will play and further edit this particular section of the file:

  1. - corresponds to "beginner"
  2. - responsible for the complexity of the "stalker"
  3. - change the section if you play on the "veteran"

Having decided on the level of complexity, let's move on to the characteristics that should be changed:

  1. burn_immunity - damage from fire depends on it
  2. strike_immunity - affects the damage from the strikes of animals
  3. shock_immunity - responsible for the "shock" state of the character
  4. wound_immunity - wound severity
  5. radiation_immunity - influence of radiation
  6. telepatic_immunity - degree of influence of psychic fields
  7. chemical_burn_immunity - chemical immunity
  8. explosion_immunity - explosion damage
  9. fire_wound_immunity - damage from firearms.

All of the listed characteristics must be set to the value "0", for this, simply replace the corresponding values, and then save the document.

If you want to "deify" the hero even more, you can play around with the following characteristics:

  1. satiety_v - is responsible for the rate of change in the level of satiety
  2. satiety_critical - satiety level value at which the character's health starts to drop
  3. satiety_power_v - specify a large value (about a thousand)
  4. radiation_health_v - set to 0, responsible for the health value, which decreases from radiation
  5. morale_v - is responsible for the rate of restoration of the character's moral strength, you can set a thousand.

For the changes to take effect, you need to start a new game, remembering to select the appropriate difficulty.

We hope that our tips will help you, successful and fun games!

Video lessons

Stalker is one of the most popular post-apocalyptic computer games of our time. Many people thought about how to become a Stalker when they went through this trilogy. You will have to put in a lot of effort to be successful. However, the gameplay is incredibly addictive, the variety of characters and quests is impressive, and the huge size of the game world is simply amazing. And you can explore all this without any obstacles (of course, except for the obstacles of critically strong monsters that live in certain locations).

But at the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that the game is quite complex, so you can often encounter situations from which you cannot find a way out. In this case, cheats would be useful, but they are not in the game, so many gamers decide that they need to learn about how to become a Stalker in exclusively legal ways. However, this is far from the case, and in this article you will learn something about immortality in this game.

Changing the character file

How to become a Stalker who cannot be killed? There are no cheats in the game, so you can’t just enter one code and enjoy the complete absence of damage to your hero. Will have to look for workarounds. And here you will need the knowledge that this project has an open source, that is, every gamer who has installed the game can edit it. That is why there are such a large number of modifications for the Stalker. However, in this article we will talk about mods, but about what will help you compensate for the lack of codes.

To do this, you need to find a file that is responsible for the characteristics and other details of your character. This is a file called actor.ltx, which is located deep in the game folder, so it's easier to find it through the "Search". After that, make a backup just in case something goes wrong. Well, then open this file with a text editor, and now you will have to change the values ​​​​of several specific lines in order to figure out how to become a Stalker who simply cannot die. Each of these lines will be parsed separately and in detail so that you can safely change the values ​​​​without fear of messing up something in the game.

Radiation Damage

So, if you want to learn how to become immortal in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", then you need to change a few lines of code that is responsible for your character. And the first line is radiation_health_v. She is responsible for how much damage your character receives from radiation. In the post-apocalyptic world of Stalker, radiation is one of your main opponents, which can be much more terrifying than mutants or members of warring factions. If you want to safely walk around the Zone without a special suit, you should set this line to zero. This will be the first step towards understanding how to become immortal in Stalker. But this is not the last step, and you will have to change more than one line to achieve complete invulnerability.


Every gamer who wants to know how to become immortal in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl must understand that hunger is another secret enemy of the protagonist along with radiation. If your character does not eat anything for a long time, then his health will begin to be taken away. Accordingly, you need to either feed it or change the next line of code.

This time we are talking about the string satiety_critical, which indicates the critical level of satiety, that is, the moment when hunger begins to affect your hero's health. If you set it to zero, your character will never get hungry again, allowing you to create another element of your immortality. As you can see, it's not that easy, and an ordinary cheat would be much more enjoyable to use. Unfortunately, there are no cheats in the game. Therefore, if you want to know how to become immortal in "Stalker: Call of Chernobyl", you will have to put in a lot of effort.

impact impact

Please note that in each of the three games, immortality is acquired in the same way. The same goes for major mods, as they are based on the code of the base games. Accordingly, if you are asked about how to become immortal in "Stalker: People's Solyanka", you can safely use this material to answer this question.

For now, it’s worth moving on to a very important moment of immortality, namely, hitting. Two lines are responsible for what happens when an enemy hits your character: health_hit_part and power_hit_part. The value of the first determines how much health is taken away from your hero, and the value of the second determines how much stamina is taken away. You need to reset both of these indicators, and you will get a character who does not lose health from a blow or a shot from the enemy, he does not even break his breath. In general, this is a big step towards complete invulnerability, but it is still not the last one.


If you want to figure out how to become immortal in Stalker: Clear Sky, then you also have to take care of bleeding. Some enemy hits not only deal specific damage, but also leave a wound that heals over a period of time.

And all this time you lose blood, and with it health. This can be fixed by changing the value for the bleeding_v line. Everything is just as simple here. You just need to reset the value so that when you receive a wound, blood does not flow from it, and, accordingly, health is not lost.

Wound size

Wounds can be treated in other ways. For example, you should definitely pay attention to the min_wound_size line, which is more convoluted than the previous ones. In this case, you need to increase the value several times. Why? The fact is that this value shows the width of the wound at which it is considered healed and, accordingly, stops bleeding. Thus, if you set it to the maximum value, then the wound will heal almost immediately after being received, even if it was incredibly serious.

Wound healing rate

Another approach to wounds involves accelerating their healing. In this case, you should pay attention to the wound_incarnation line, the value of which you need to increase again. The higher the score, the faster your wound will heal. As you can easily understand, the last three lines considered do not have to be changed at the same time.

By changing one of them, you can become invulnerable to injury. In the first case, your wound will simply not bleed, so you will not take damage. In the second, even the largest wound will instantly be considered healed. Well, in the third case, the wound will heal at an incredible speed, so you will not have time to lose health. But to be sure, you can always change all three lines to achieve the perfect result.

Psionic Health

Well, the last touch in your invulnerability is psionic health. Yes, on the territory of the Zone, some mutants can influence your mind, thereby enslaving you and inevitably killing you. There are various ways to resist these powers, but the easiest way is to go back to your character's stats file and look for the line psy_health_v. If you set it to the maximum value, then your psionic health will regenerate at a tremendous rate. Thus, even the strongest psi-warriors will not be able to influence your mind, at least they will not have time, because you can deal with them before they start to cause significant damage to your mind. Although this is unlikely, because practically no mutant will be able to deal more psi damage than is restored at the maximum speed set in this last line.

That's all, now your character is absolutely invulnerable, so you can safely travel around the world of Stalker without fear of powerful opponents, deadly radiation, or even your empty stomach. You have already taken care of all this by changing the file with the characteristics of your hero, so you have nothing to fear anymore. Travel the virtual world, improve your hero and win!

There is hardly a shooter lover who has never heard of a game like Stalker. This project used the setting of the lands that suffered the most damage from the accident at the Chernobyl station, that is, of course, we are talking about monsters, mutants and radiation. Perhaps this game would not have attracted so much attention if it were not for its complexity - many gamers simply could not stand it and gave up, because danger awaits here at every turn and from a variety of sources. As a result, the health bar constantly rolls down to zero, and you have to load the last save. Naturally, many began to ask how to make immortality in Stalker, because there is no separate cheat code for such a function. To understand how to perform such a manipulation, you will need to understand how the damage is obtained here.

Various sources of damage

In each shooter, the player is not armored and impenetrable - he loses health from enemy projectiles hitting him. In each game, this is implemented in its own way - somewhere easier, somewhere more difficult. In "Stalker", the system is generally very tricky and confusing. Therefore, the introduction of a cheat code would kill all interest in the game. But what about those who simply cannot complete the mission beyond a certain point? Don't they really deserve to know how to make immortality in "Stalker"? After all, every person has the right to enjoy the game, so you should not immediately write off those who do not have particularly high dexterity, reaction speed and self-confidence. Indeed, in the "Stalker" you can really get damage in a variety of ways - you can be attacked by a mutant, you can get an increased dose of radiation, you can even get damaged and lose health if you don't eat for a very long time. The game even has a satiety parameter, so it will be very difficult to survive here. Therefore, the question of how to make immortality in Stalker is incredibly relevant.

Using modification

The easiest way is to download and install a special mod. So you will immediately remove all questions about how to make immortality in Stalker. You just need to run the file, and after a while your character will be absolutely invulnerable. Moreover, some mods can provide it with additional benefits, for example, a practically bottomless backpack that can hold a ton of any items, or the ability to jump twice as high, which will solve many game problems. However, it is always worth remembering that mods are programs developed by people, so they may well contain errors, especially if these programs have not yet been thoroughly tested. Therefore, you install modifications on your client at your own peril and risk, and if the game does not work with the installed mod, then you will have no one to blame but yourself. But there are other ways to enable immortality. "Black Stalker" and other versions of the game can be modified independently.

Game code change

You don't have to be a programmer to figure out how the basic situations for a character are written. If you want to learn how to make immortality in Stalker, then you need to find the file responsible for your character in the game folder. It will contain lines that are key in determining this or that type of damage. And in each line there are numerical values ​​that set how much the character's health will decrease when exposed to radiation or direct damage, how quickly strength will be lost when you starve. You just need to change all these values ​​to zero, and it turns out that your hero will lose 0 health both with damage from radiation and with normal hits, and he will lose the same amount with an open wound and if he feels hungry. So you can make your character invulnerable, getting immortality without using cheats. "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is one of the most popular parts of the series, and even there this option works, so you can safely use it.

Additional changes

However, you can polish your character if you make changes not only to reduce the parameters to zero, but also to increase them to the maximum. For example, you can increase your current wound healing rate and you will recover much faster. Increasing the parameter responsible for the size of the wound, at which it is perceived by the game as healed, will help speed up this process even more. Thus, you can influence the parameters of your character in two directions, while you can choose any of the directions or use them together.

Possible consequences

But the first rule of a gamer that changes something in the game code is the backup rule. If you are going to change something in the game file - save it in its original form so that if something goes wrong, you can return it to its place and reset the settings to the original ones.

Games of the Stalker series, created based on the works of the Strugatsky brothers, broke into our lives as one of the first successful projects in the CIS. And in this regard, they acquired a huge number of fans throughout the former USSR. In parallel, acquiring a whole garland of cards, modifications and other various near-game products, such as t-shirts, mugs and a series of books.

The game has a lot of fans, but at the same time it remains one of the most difficult games to complete. Unsurprisingly, game parameter modding is booming. And therefore it is impossible not to pay attention to such a sensitive issue as to whether. To fulfill your wildest gaming fantasies, visiting unexplored locations and fighting scary mobs, you will first have to get into the game files and make some adjustments. First you need to dig out a file called actor.ltx . It lies in the deep annals of the folder with configuration files. First of all, make a backup copy of the file, because you can easily work your licensed copy to the state of "non-permanent".

Game parameters responsible for the loss of health units

By resetting all of the following parameters, you become invulnerable:
  • radiation_health_v = # - setting octatorp to 0 will stop you taking damage from radiation;
  • satiety_critical = # - satiety critical value (in tenths of one), at which the process of losing precious HP begins. Write 0 and do not starve;
  • health_hit_part = # - Percentage of a hit spent on wasting health. 0 - and again little threatens you;
  • power_hit_part = # - the same, but about power. Feel free to reset;
  • bleeding_v = # - amount of bleeding. Measured in units of blood loss from a normal wound. Also equate to zero;

Increase the value of the octatorp several times and begin to regenerate as a mutant lizard:

  • min_wound_size = # - indicates the minimum size of the wound after it has healed;
  • wound_incarnation_v = # - indicates the rate at which the wound heals;
  • psy_health_v = #- psionic health regenerates at this rate.

Reset your parameters and no other triathlete in the world can match you:

  • walk_power = # - loss in units of power during normal walking without a burden, units per second. Equal to zero;
  • walk_weight_power = # - a similar parameter, responsible for the loss of strength when walking, taking into account the maximum load, units per second. Zero out without beating your heart.

Thus, we have considered not only how to make immortality in stalker, but also sorted out the individual parameters of such a "state", and therefore - if you do not want to lose the desire to play further - adjust only some of them in order to obtain partial invulnerability!