Internet Windows Android

Cell phone camera. How to use your phone as a webcam

Firstly, I will note as an educational program that an IP camera allows you to connect remotely from another computer to a smartphone camera and even record everything on video. Surprisingly, such cameras cost about $ 50 in markets (more or less high-quality model). But we always want to save money, and therefore you can even make a normal IP security camera out of an old unnecessary Android smartphone. You just need to install a special application and you will have a simple security camera in your hands. In the same way, you can make a baby monitor out of your phone.

So without further ado, let's move on to the instructions. You will need IP Webcam, a free app that can be downloaded from the Google Play store. All you need is Wi-Fi to work.

The best choice

IP Webcam works better if you are not connected to the mobile Internet, but to a Wi-Fi network. All this is because most mobile operators set restrictions on some IPs, including the IP Webcam service. So make sure you are connected to an available Wi-Fi internet. After installing the application and connecting, all computers, smartphones and phones within the same network will have access to the video through a web browser.

Setting IP Webcam:

If you are away from home...

Technically, the IP Webcam service should be available from another network - via the Internet. However, this requires a deeper knowledge of network configuration - that is, the average user can independently configure the connection, but here everything often depends on the Internet provider, as well as the router in your home. The good news here is that there is a very simple solution - use Chrome Remote Desktop (or another popular remote access application - TeamViewer). Using the Google service, you can log into your home computer and view webcam video through a web browser. In fact, this method is quite convenient and the video runs quite smoothly. The disadvantage of this method is the need for constant work of the home computer.

Additional Tips:

  • if you are going to frequently view video using IP Webcam through a smartphone camera, then we advise you to purchase a wide-angle lens for it. This will give you a wide viewing angle in tight spaces.
  • if you know how to access the router settings, then it is better to find a way to assign a permanent IP address to your smartphone, which will work as a camera. Thus, you can look at your home from anywhere at any time.
  • can't connect? Apparently your firewall or router interfered with your plans. The problem can be anything, but it is often treated by whitelisting the IP address of the smartphone with IP Webcam.
  • You may want to add motion detection capabilities to your smartphone with a security camera so that recording starts automatically. This option is also possible, just look in the IP Webcam settings.

Probably, many have had the need to follow someone or something without being nearby, for example: for small children in a children's room or behind a parking lot waiting for a taxi or courier. In the modern world, organizing video surveillance is not difficult at all. To do this, we need an Android device (phone or tablet) on Android and a laptop/computer or two Android devices.

Option I: phone - laptop

First of all, install a small IP Webcam application. This app will turn your phone into a wireless IP camera.

Next, connect the phone and laptop to a shared Wi-Fi network. After the first launch of the program, you can make settings at your discretion (change the video resolution, set a login and password for secure video broadcasting), although the default settings are quite satisfactory.

So you can immediately scroll down and click on the last option "Start (Start streaming video)".

The camera will start and at the bottom it will provide an address to access it via a Wi-Fi network, in my case the address was: "". Also, if the phone is already installed in the right place, you can focus the camera.

We launch any browser on the laptop and follow the link provided. The smartphone camera service will open.

Click on the first link "View in an external video player", the video should start in the player installed in the system by default. For correct operation, it is recommended to install the free media player VLC Media Player on your computer (second link in the browser).

Also, the video can be viewed directly in the browser, only for this you need to enable the JAVA plugin or download it (if not available) from the link on the camera control page. If you don't want to install the plugin, you can click on the link "Use JavaScript to update frames", but this is, in fact, a continuous transfer of pictures from the camera.

IP Webcam also supports network audio, but in my case, none of the options available in the interface worked. I suspect that this is due to the hardware capabilities of my phone.

The application has a whole collection of frequently asked questions "FAQ", which tells how to use "IP Webcam" when communicating on Skype, and other nuances associated with using this application.

IP Webcam showed good results when testing a phone and laptop connected via Wi-Fi directly (without using a Wi-Fi router). The picture did not freeze when the phone and laptop were removed at a distance of up to 30 meters, and there were 3 walls between them, one of which was load-bearing. In the case of a connection via a Wi-Fi router, the distance will be limited only by its power.

Option II: phone - phone

To view video from a broadcasting phone on another phone or tablet, you need to install IP Cam Viewer Basic.

Then, run the application and in the "Manage cameras" section you need to click the plus button to add a camera.

In the "Add camera type" dialog, select the first item "IP camera, DVR, NVR".

Specify a name for the camera in the dialog that opens. Select "Android" in the "Manufacturer" drop-down list, "IP Webcam for Android" in the "Model" list, enter the IP address of the broadcast camera in the "Host/IP" field. Be sure to include the port number. Also enter your login and password (if you specified them in the IP Webcam settings) if the video stream is protected.

Then click the "Test" button. You should see a test shot from the other phone's camera and a notification that the connection was successful.

IP Cam Viewer allows you to connect multiple cameras. The application also allows you to receive sound from cameras and record video on your phone, but these options are available only in the paid version. In the free version, you can only take screenshots from videos.

The rapid development of Internet technologies has provided ample opportunities to control what is happening at remote sites.

The owner can be hundreds of kilometers from his home, but at the same time, control everything that happens there.

This is facilitated by modern video surveillance systems, which can be ordered from specialized companies or made by hand.

A high quality surveillance system can be easily created using a digital and Android device in the form of a regular phone or tablet.

Features of video surveillance through the phone

Where can it be applied?

Video surveillance using a smartphone has a wide practical application.

This is due to the possibility of real-time transmission of video and audio over long distances in order to monitor what is happening at the facility.

In addition, IP cameras can be connected to a motion sensor. In this case, it will be possible to view what is happening on the object at the moment when a moving object appears there.

The main areas of practical application include:

  • use as a baby monitor;
  • remote monitoring of security at the facility;
  • remote image viewing with ;
  • control over the order of the perimeter of the object when an outdoor video camera is used;
  • covert surveillance of the object.

It is important to note that a smartphone can be used not only as a device that plays the video signal received from the camera on its screen, but also as a video camera. The phone's built-in camera can be used as a recording device, and video playback can be performed on another phone or on a computer using a special Web service for this.

The phone will be useful when you need to quickly make a video surveillance system with your own hands, but the IP camera is not available.

This will require a minimum of time and financial costs, and the functions will be almost the same as when using special digital cameras.

IP camera setup

The main device that provides a high-quality video image is an IP camera.

A different type of connection of these devices to the Internet can be used - it can be a wired connection or a Wi-Fi connection.

You will need a static IP address to configure the camera later and connect the camera to your smartphone. You can get it from a company that specializes in providing Internet services in the region.

After the static address for the video camera is received, you need to type it in the browser line and you will get access to the video broadcast, which is conducted from the object.

If more than one camera is used, you need to additionally install a router through which the connection to the Internet will be implemented.

When obtaining static addresses from the provider, you also need to make sure that the Internet channel provides the necessary bandwidth.

What you need to organize remote video surveillance

If, in order to view the situation at the facility, a smartphone will be used as a surveillance camera, you need to download a special application for mobile devices, install and configure it for yourself.

Applications for Android

If the smartphone is running the Android operating system, the best solution would be a simple and very functional IP Webcam program.

It will turn the built-in camera of your Android device into an effective covert surveillance tool. It can be used as both indoor and outdoor surveillance camera.

When setting up the program, you can set:

  1. video resolution;
  2. quality;
  3. image orientation;
  4. the possibility of transmitting an audio stream;
  5. ban on switching to sleep mode of the smartphone;
  6. turn off notifications.

It is important to remember that the higher the resolution and shooting quality parameters are selected, the greater the load on the processor of the Android device will be, and the greater the traffic of the Internet channel will also be used. It should be taken into account that significant delays can occur with the transmission of audio, which can be several seconds.

Optionally, the program allows you to set a username and password to use additional features.

It is also possible to change the port through which the cameras installed on the site were connected.

After all the settings are made, video recording starts and its broadcast to the Internet network using the wireless type of WiFi connection.

To access the video, you need to enter the address and port of the server through which the broadcast is implemented in the line of the Internet browser.

Apps for iOS

For iOS devices, there is a dedicated Presence app.

With this simple program, an ordinary cell phone can be turned into a high-quality video surveillance system that can transmit video and sound.

Having several iOS devices at hand, you can shoot and receive video - the first device acts as a camera and will transmit video, and the second one is connected as a display.

Transmission and reception of data can occur using 3G or WiFi. It is important to remember that a mobile communication channel cannot provide access at a sufficiently high speed, therefore, for the best picture quality, it is better to watch video transmitted via WiFi technology.

The Presence program will allow you to view video from two cameras of the device. One touch is enough to switch between them.

The program interface is easy to use and does not require special instructions for operation.

The Presence application can also support Motion detection, which activates the recording process when a moving object appears in the frame.

In this case, the program generates a video clip lasting 5 seconds and sends it to the user's e-mail. It will also be possible to set up and continuous recording using the smartphone's digital Camera.


Video surveillance from the phone via the Internet significantly expands the possibilities of modern video surveillance.

With it, you can always keep abreast of events that take place at home, using a regular mobile phone for this.

The important thing is that you can create such surveillance systems on your own, using available tools in the form of modern smartphones and special plug-ins that can be downloaded via the Internet.

Video: Setting up video surveillance for viewing on a smartphone

Android smartphones and tablets are capable of a lot, and their capabilities are further enhanced by applications. Even old or damaged devices can be useful, for example, as an IP camera for video surveillance. If the device has a working camera and you can run the application on it, it will fit to act as a video camera that can be installed for remote tracking of an object. In this article, we will consider which programs are best suited for creating an IP camera from a regular Android smartphone.

What is IP Surveillance Camera

In offices, private houses, entrances, some property owners install video cameras to which they have access from a special device, smartphone or computer. Buying, setting up and installing such cameras is quite an expensive procedure, while something similar can be done from an old smartphone or tablet.

To turn an Android smartphone into an IP camera for video surveillance, you will need:

By doing the above steps, the smartphone will become an IP camera that can be remotely connected to. Moreover, the functionality of some applications is such that the camera can not only broadcast an image, but also record it or, for example, be activated only when motion is detected in the frame. Some programs may notify the user that movement has been detected in the frame.

Installing such an IP camera can be useful if:

  • It is necessary to monitor the events taking place in the room, for example, in the child's bedroom;
  • You are going on vacation and want to be sure that everything is in order with the apartment, house, office;
  • It is necessary to see who is ringing the door of an apartment or house, the camera can be placed near the door.

There are a lot of options for using an IP video surveillance camera.

Setting up an IP video surveillance camera on Android

As mentioned above, there are a large number of different applications that allow you to turn your Android smartphone into an IP camera. Below we will look at two of the most convenient free programs that have a large set of options that can come in handy in various situations.

IP webcam

IP Webcam is a free Android app that can be downloaded from the Play Market. The program has a very simple interface and does an excellent job of turning a smartphone into an IP camera. To start broadcasting an image from a smartphone camera through the IP Webcam application, just scroll through the options offered by the program developers to the very bottom and click "Start".

To connect from a computer or other mobile device with an image from the camera of the device, you must enter the address displayed on the screen with the broadcast into the browser line.

Important: This method will only work if the devices are on the same Wi-Fi network. If you need to connect to the camera remotely via the Internet, the following will explain how to do it.

By connecting to the camera, you can view the image from the browser page, as well as listen to the sounds captured by the microphone of the smartphone. It should be noted that for the convenience of viewing images from all devices, its output is provided using Flash, Java, HTML5 or JavaScript. In addition to viewing the displayed image, you can also use the browser to:

If you want to broadcast outside of your local network, you can use a VPN connection to connect to it. There is also an option to use a third-party ivideo application, in which you will first need to register, and make the appropriate settings in the IP Webcam application on the device so that the broadcast goes to a third-party service.

The IP Webcam program is interesting in the number of options that each user can customize for themselves:

The application does not require high smartphone performance and works on almost any version of Android. The program is fully localized into Russian.


Another handy app for converting a smartphone or tablet into an IP camera is Manything. Unlike IP Webcam, the program is not translated into Russian, but it has its advantages. The main difference between the Manything application is the constant synchronization of the device with "cloud storage", where recorded videos and photos from the IP camera will be continuously transferred. Thus, even if the camera is broken, all information from it will be stored in the "cloud".

Manything is as easy to use as IP Webcam. To get started with the application, you will need to go through a free registration. After that, the functionality of the program will become available.

Note: The Manything app is free, but it has a paid subscription option. A paid subscription involves the option of gaining access to several cameras at the same time.

After registering in the application, the user will see two large buttons on the first screen - Viewer and Camera. Clicking on Viewer will lead to the selection of cameras connected to the account to view the broadcast images. Through the Camera button, you can transfer the device itself, on which the program is running, to the IP camera mode.

In Camera mode, all you have to do is press the big red button to start streaming.

The camera built into a smartphone or tablet can be used not only to shoot masterpieces and send them to Instagram. And not just for video calls. Here are some non-trivial ways to use the miniature camera that is always with us.

1. Surveillance system

If you have an extra Android phone or tablet (version 1.2 and up), you can turn it into a home video surveillance system using the IP Webcam app. Having set up the program at home, it will be possible to watch a “live” broadcast via the Internet on a computer or on another phone. To save battery, you can choose to broadcast a low-definition stream. If the device is connected to the mains, you can set the transmission of video of higher quality.

Another Android app, Bambuser, offers a more entertaining approach: you can use your phone as a webcam and invite friends or family to watch an interactive video stream. Such a stream can be public or private, and it can also be “shared” through Facebook.

2. Applications of augmented reality

The futuristic phrase "augmented reality" refers to a completely ordinary thing: electronic gadgets allow you to see information invisible to the naked eye in the surrounding objects. A typical example is the Junaio and Layar applications for the Android operating system. Both apps use a GPS receiver to determine your location and overlay useful information directly on the image your camera captures.

Just point your smartphone's camera at the buildings or objects around you on the street - and you will see hint tags where shops, ATMs or cafes are located.

Gaming applications can also use augmented reality technology. Ball Strike for iOS has a similar gameplay to Wii video games: an electronic opponent throws virtual balls at your screen, and you have to hit them.

In SpecTrek Light and Zobie, Run! for Android you need to get from point A to point B on a map of the real area surrounding you, and on your way you will meet all kinds of ghosts, zombies and other evil spirits. Be prepared to be looked at in surprise, but it's worth it: as one of the commenters on Google Play described, it's like Pac Man, but in real life.

3. Catch someone stealing your phone

There are many apps that can track a lost or stolen phone, but the ones that use the built-in camera are the ones that cause the most inconvenience to the thief.

The free app Lockwatch for Android, if you enter the wrong password to enter the system, captures the intruder and sends you an email with his photo and GPS coordinates. The application starts automatically, and the shooting is done silently by the front camera, so that the hacker will not know that he has already “burned out”.

Another similar app is GotYa! - along with a photo of the kidnapper, he will send you a link to Google Maps, but you will have to pay developers 80 rubles for it.

4. Plan the interior of your home

The already mentioned augmented reality technology is also widely used in modern smartphone applications for interior planning. The Floor Plan Creator and Homestyler applications for Android gadgets are able to create a plan and a three-dimensional model of a room and add various virtual elements to it. If you don't like the result, you can return everything to its original state with a swipe of your finger.

Here is a video where you can see the Floor Plan Creator in action:

5. Learn more about a product without leaving the shelf

A smartphone with a camera and a barcode reader app such as Barcode Scanner for Android or
Quick Scan for iOS will allow you to quickly find additional information about the product you like on the Internet, including user reviews. With apps like this, you no longer have to read through the fine print on shiny packaging to find out what's in the product.

6. Digitize your papers

A tablet or smartphone is a pocket scanner that is always with you. Install the CamScanner HD application, which exists in versions for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8, and turn your portable gadget into a full-fledged scanner with the ability to merge and annotate documents, save to a file and recognize text (unfortunately, Russian is not supported). For a fee, you can save all documents in editable PDF and store in a 10-gigabyte "cloud".

The Handy Scanner app for Android devices allows you to scan documents or photos and save them as PDF files that can be emailed or automatically uploaded to Dropbox cloud storage.

7. Scan film negatives

An ordinary smartphone can act as an impromptu slide scanner that allows you to scan film negatives - of course, with imperfect quality, but quite sufficient, for example, for posting on the Internet.

To do this, you need to install the HELMUT program for Android devices and find a light source sufficient for a “transmission” photo: it can be either a window on a clear sunny day, or a white computer screen with brightness set to maximum. The resulting photo can be edited directly on the smartphone using the application or sent to a computer.

8. Search Google for Photos

In the "desktop" Google search engine, there has long been such a function as search by photo. The free Google Goggles app brings it to mobile devices.

The Google Goggles program is designed primarily to search for various goods, pictures, attractions, it is also able to recognize barcodes and QR codes, recognize texts and translate them into different languages.

The most impressive thing about Google Goggles is the ability to recognize famous views and panoramas, book and CD covers, and even solve Sudoku puzzles! If you come across an incomprehensible phrase in a foreign language, point your smartphone lens at it and Google Goggles will translate it for you. At the disposal of the application all the information power of Google Corporation.