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Let's go to Ender's world: how to find the portal? Portals in minecraft How to make a portal to the ender world.

As soon as you start playing Minecraft, it becomes clear that you need to get to the Ender, or the End, as soon as possible. There are three worlds in the game - Paradise, Hell and Ender. The edge is the ultimate of all worlds. To get there, you must first complete your mission in Hell and Paradise. In other words, the most persistent players with pumped skills get into the Ender. However, some still learn how to make a portal to Ender, and enter it ahead of time.

Before entering there, you need to know that the way back lies through the corpse of the boss. Otherwise, death awaits you. Ender is home to the coolest boss in Minecraft - the Ender Dragon, and you need to fight him. In this regard, before entering the End, you must undergo thorough preparation.

Ender's World is an island in a state of weightlessness. Of the living creatures, only the Ender Dragon and the Endermen live there - white-eyed black men. They roam the island. There are also pillars in this world made of obsidian. The Edge, or Ender, is a rather gloomy, deserted place. There is no change of day and night here, and the sky is always a dull purple color.

Step-by-step instruction

So, in order to get into Ender, you first need to find a portal to it. For game versions 1.5.2, 1.7.2, 1.7.5 and 1.8.3, this can be done as follows:

  • If you want to construct a portal with as few resources as possible, and generally do everything quickly, then you will need 12 blocks and the same number of Eye of Ender artifacts. To create a portal to the End, the blocks are placed on the surface of the earth in the form of a square with a side of 4 blocks, and the Eye is located on top. Well, then there is a transition.

  • Here you will again need the Eye - you need to throw it, and it will fall in the direction where the portal is located. To find the portal, you will have to wander through the labyrinth located under the surface of the earth. In this case, you need an artifact. When you find the portal, there will be cells in the amount of 12 pieces. You need to put artifacts in them, and then the passage between the worlds will start working.

Before you go to the Ender, you need to get enough sleep. You also need to put things in a box, and in order not to lose them when entering the world, you should arm yourself with a sword carved from stone.

Ender Pearls will help you hit the endernak from the platform.

Before the boss fight, destroy the Ender Crystal. It will be located on obsidian pillars. The crystal makes up for the loss of strength of your opponent, so while it exists, it is much more difficult to defeat. It is enough to hit the Crystal with an arrow or a snowball. It is also allowed to destroy it at the moment when the boss is recovering - this will cause great damage to the Dragon.

Having dealt with the boss, you automatically gain a lot of experience, and therefore it is extremely necessary to defeat him. But first gain experience in Hell and Paradise.

Ender Portal

Portal ID in Ender Minecraft: 120 .

NID :end_portal_frame .

End Portal Frame is the English name for the End Portal in Minecraft. It is also called the portal to the End, the portal to the End or end portal frame.

Team : /give Player Nickname end_portal_frame.

The phrase "Ender Portal" is usually understood in two ways: firstly, as one, independent block and, secondly, as a device that helps to move to the Ender world (to the End). Let's consider these two concepts. The blocks are reminiscent of endernyak (end stones) with a decorative finish. They cannot be made, unlike the portal, but you can find them in the fortress where they are generated. The search is carried out using the eye of Ender. When you find a room with a portal to Ender, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else: 12 blocks are laid out in a square with a 3x3 inner hole. Then a fair question will arise - how to activate the portal to the Ender world? And there is a simple answer to it: one eye of Ender must be placed in each frame block of the End portal.

A portal to Ender that can be found.

The picture above shows, found on the server, the same portal to the End in three different versions:

  • at the top - front view, not activated portal;
  • bottom left - top view, where lava is clearly visible;
  • bottom right - Ender portal activated with Ender's eyes.

How and where to find the portal to the Ender world?

It has already been noted above that you can only find the portal to Ender in the fortress, using an eye and not one. And in more detail about how not only to find it, but also to activate the Ender portal without mods and other difficulties, this short video tells:

How to make an ender portal

You can easily make an Ender Portal in creative mode or on a server if you are an admin or if you have at least 12 in stock:

End Portal Blocks

Eyes of Ender

Moreover, it is quite possible to make a portal to the Ender world without mods anywhere on the server - at least at spawn. As shown in the following screenshot, which was taken on the SERVER..

Ender portal on the server.

But here we must understand that it is important not only to make an Ender portal, but to activate it.

Activate the portal to Ender

With the necessary resources, it is not difficult to lay out a frame of 12 blocks, when the inner hole is 3 by 3 blocks, and install one eye in each. It is more difficult to make this square turn into a real portal that can move the player to another dimension.

Look closely at the image. What do we see? One really working portal to the Ender world, and another structure will not move anyone anywhere. Why?

Two Ender Portals, one active, one not. Why?

Compare the next photo, in which the portals are still the same, but they are active, they can be used. The question is the same: why do you think?

Ender portals seem to be the same, but they are active. What changed?

How to make a proper ender portal?

In connection with all the information above, we note that there is still a secret, but it is as simple as it is key. Without this, the portal to Ender will not work. The whole mystery lies in the correct setting of Ender's eyes. If you look closely, when they are in a block, then in the upper left corner of each eye, small white squares will be noticeable. So, they should be located on the outside of the entrance to the portal. The screenshot shows this clearly.

The game world of Minecraft is incredibly large, and besides, there are several dimensions here, including the Ender world, where the main boss and endermen live. There is nothing useful here besides obsidian and end stone. Many will ask a quite reasonable question: “What then to do in this dimension, poor in resources?”. Everything is very simple.

The fact is that in order to complete the Minecraft game, it is necessary to destroy the main boss - the Dragon of the Edge. However, in order to kill him, you must first penetrate the End, and this can only be done through a special passage that can only be found in the fortress. To find the portal, you will have to create the Eye of the Edge, and for this you will need ifrit powder, which falls out of ifrits and Ender pearls, showered from endermen.

These ingredients must be thrown into the air and moved in the direction of their flight. As soon as the Eye begins to descend on you, start excavating under you - this is where the entrance to the "End" will be. However, the passage should be excavated with care, as there is a high chance of falling into the lava directly below the passage.

If you do not have the desire to spend time looking for a passage to the Ender world, then you can build it yourself. This is only possible with the TooManyItems mod or using administrative commands. The passage to the End can be made using 12 portal blocks and 12 enderman eyes, which are obtained in two ways.

Create a portal using commands

Portal blocks, without which it is impossible to create a passage to the Ender, can be obtained using a special command. To do this, open the panel by pressing (T) and enter /give 120 12, where the first number is the item ID, and the second is the quantity.

In the event that you have not yet managed to make enough Eye of Ender and you do not have the required resources - 12 enderman pearls and 12 powders, then all this can also be collected through the command line. To do this, enter /give 381 12.


This mod for Minecraft greatly simplifies the gameplay and reduces the time required to achieve various goals in the game. TooManyItems allows you to select the required items for yourself in one click, enchant without restrictions, change the weather and much more. So download the mod and get everything you need.

After you have all the components, you can finally make a portal to the End. To do this, you need to install 12 portal blocks in such a way that a frame forms. To activate the portal, you need to place one "Eye of the Edge" on each of the blocks. Now the passage is ready.

Things to do in Krai

Once in the Ender, you will have to fight the Ender dragon, which attacks immediately after the player enters this world. You will need to destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the main boss and only then deal with the dragon. After the destruction, a dragon egg will fall out of the boss, which, without installing mods, plays only a decorative role. There will also be a passage that allows you to return to the familiar world.

After the death of the main boss, the Edge will be useful only because many endermen live here, from which Ender pearls fall out.

Return to the familiar world

So, you ended up in the Land and destroyed the main boss, but how to return back to the familiar world? There are two options: die or exit through a special portal that will appear where the Ender dragon died. It is better to use the portal, because then all the trophies and valuables will remain with you in complete safety.

Portal to the End (End Realm)

end- this is the third world in the game minecraft, except original and Nether (you can also go to 2 other worlds. The first one is, Second - ) , it was added after the release of update 1.0.0. road toend(also callededge) is the final chapter of the game for the players, in the sense that there isfinal boss - Ender Dragon. And you also need to consider what to get out ofendais only possible after opening the portal, when you have already defeated the Dragon, so it is highly recommended to think it over several times before embarking on such a difficult journey, this is actually not an easy journey.

How to make a portal to the End

1st way how to open a portal to the end in minecraft

Keys to the portal

To find in Minecraft portal to the End, you need to go through hell first. Find dungeons. It is made of dark red brick. This is where the fiery Blaze spawner will be (picture below) - a cube where little Blazes dance. You need to kill them and take fire rods from them. You need to collect at least 10 of them so that there is still more in reserve.

Now we go back from hell (sounds cool) to the normal world and now we need at least 15 Enderman pearls - they look like tall black ones and also teleport.

Enderman Eye - Enderman Pearl + Fire Powder

Portal Search

Before looking for the portal, you need to have at least 15 endermen eyes, or even more, because to find the nearest portal in end, The Enderman's Eye must be thrown into the air (right click) and it will fly a few meters towards the nearest portal. The portal can actually be very far away, that's why I advise you to go a few more minutes before throwing the Eye again, because after you throw a lot of times the Enderman's Eye burns out, that's why I said at least 15, so when you find the portal you need to have carry 12 more to activate it.

Portal will be located in a dungeon, but this dungeon will be different from others that are made by someone - it will have a couple of corridors, doors, stairs and grates. Below is a picture of the portal that is in the room of such a dungeon. To teleport to End (End), you need to install 12 Endermen eyes in all slots, in the figure there are already several of them installed. Keep in mind, if the portal is partially destroyed or damaged, then don't waste your eyes, it still won't work.


And now briefly:From Obsidian we make a portal to hell, from hell we take Blaze bars, and combine them with Endermen pearls to get 12 + keys to the End and with the same keys we start looking for a portal to the End.

2nd way how to open a portal to the end in minecraft

It is more simple, I think you should watch this video.

What is interesting in Ende?

The world basically consists of two kinds of block. The first is a unique edge stone, it is blast resistant, and it looks like a cobblestone, but it is white. The second one is obsidian. It is the basis of the landscape of this world. There is always very low lighting in the end, so all players need to be very careful. Remember that there is no admin in the region, and if you dig down, you will fall and fly into the "abyss" and die.

At the end you will meet "wanderers of the end" and the dragon of the end. They will not be as friendly as you would like, but the meeting will be exciting!

How to make a portal to Ender in Minecraft?

"Edge" is one of the last worlds in the cult game "Minecraft". Many gamers want to be in Ender, but not everyone knows exactly how to do it. This material will help to understand all the nuances and open the way to this mysterious world.

Before you start creating a portal, study the material, which clearly explains the principles of teleportation in the online world of the popular game.

There are two options for getting into the Ender:

  • Create a portal and go to the world of Ender;
  • Find the Ender Portal in the Minecraft world.

Now about each method separately.

Building a portal

Read the article beforehand - it will be useful to you. To build a passage, the gamer will need the Eye of Ender and blocks in the amount of twelve pieces obtained from the Ender world. Please note that there should be one Eye for each block. Blocks can be found in fortresses by their characteristic grey-green color.

  1. Three blocks are built, placed on each side of the portal to obtain a simple geometric shape - a square. The eyes are placed so that a black eye is directed inside the passage. This is how all Okas are distributed.
  2. Do not go into the transition, as you immediately risk being transported to the Ender. The passage will be opened when the color inside the portal is black.
  3. We check if the portal is working by going out to the normal Minecraft world and returning to the portal. There is a dragon that must be destroyed. Also read the article, which reveals interesting facts about the dragon. To kill the beast, you will first need to destroy the towers and only then kill the monster.

This is one of the ways to make a portal to Ender in Minecraft, but there is another way. Perhaps it will be more convenient for other gamers.

Portal search

To find a passage, that is, a portal, the Eye is used. You can find it in the Pearly Land by using weapons. The eye must be taken with the right hand, after pressing the right mouse button, it will rise up and begin to move in the direction where the desired portal is located, emitting light of a purple hue.

The approach of the Eye to the earth indicates that the desired portal is close. Having found it, you need to place an Eye in each of the blocks. After that, the portal will immediately open.