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How to see hidden friends on VKontakte. Hidden friends in VKontakte Find out hidden friends in VKontakte 220


To do this, go to the site menu item “My Settings” and select “Privacy”. Find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends”, click the “All friends” link. Select the friends you want to hide, check the box and save the changes. Now, when visiting your VKontakte page, another user will see only those of your contacts that you have not hidden. But all your friends will remain visible to you on your page. Sometimes this is very convenient.

However, recently the site administration allows you to hide no more than 20 of your friends. This is explained by the openness of the network and the need for its further development, but it infringes on the rights and freedoms of users of the VKontakte website. However, there is a way to hide more than 20 VKontakte friends, if necessary. To do this, first go to settings and hide the allowed number of users. Next, go to the My Friends tab and remove from your friends those people you have hidden. Then we go to the privacy settings again and add 20 more users to the list. Then we return to the “My Friends” tab and return the deleted users from subscribers to friends.

There are no official, permitted ways to see hidden VK friends. And yet, you can view the closed pages of the person you are interested in if you know his id - a unique number that is assigned to each VKontakte user. Finding out this number is quite easy.

Go to the website of the creator of VKontakte Enter your username and password. Open the page of the person you are interested in. The search line will display its address and id in the form:ХХХХХХХ, where ХХХХХХХ is the required id.

Now, by substituting this number in the necessary online viewing links, you can see the closed pages of this user. However, your private information may also become available.

Another site with which you can view hidden VKontakte friends is On this site you can find out the users who have added you to the black list, the friends who hide your page in their contact list, and also find out the list of hidden friends of a particular user. To do this, you need to go to the website itself. On the left side of the page you will see a menu. Select the “Hidden Friends” section in it. On the page you will see a field in which you must enter the ID number of the user whose hidden friends you want to see. After this, you will need to log in to the network. Decide whether you want to provide your information on this site. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to find out hidden friends, and you decide to take a risk, enter your username and password. The page scanning process will then begin. Be patient, scanning will take some time, possibly quite a lot. Once the procedure is complete, a list of hidden friends will appear on the screen. Unfortunately, the site will not show those hidden friends for whom the user himself is hidden. In order to see this list, you will have to rescan.

You can view hidden ones without entering your data on the website You only need the ID of the user whose hidden friends you want to find out. It can be seen in the address bar of the browser by going to the page of the desired user. After copying the ID, go to Find the required field and enter the user ID in it. Click the "Add" button. The program will begin scanning your profile and after some time will show a list of hidden friends. The program does not require a login or password from the VKontakte website, which means it is safe.

There are quite a large number of special programs that are installed on your computer. You must first download them to your computer and then enter all your personal data. Most of them require you to enter your username and password to continue working. Using such programs seems to be the easiest way to find out the list of hidden friends, but you need to remember that most of them pose a danger to the security of your computer and VKontakte account. Your personal information may become available to other people without your permission, and your computer may be infected with a virus.

It is impossible to find out the user's hidden friends without special sites. However, there is a way to roughly calculate the number of hidden friends. To do this, you need to go to the page of the desired user and look at the total number of friends. Then open the search options window at the top of the list and indicate female gender. The list will display the number of female friends. We count male friends in the same way. Add up the number of female friends and male friends. If the resulting number is less than the total number of friends, the user most likely hid this part of their contacts. But this method cannot be considered reliable and 100% correct.

There is another way to find out hidden friends on VKontakte without special programs. The fact is that the social network in the Possible Friends tab offers a list of users with whom you have VKontakte. If you suspect that a person is among the hidden VKontakte friends of a user you are interested in, send him a friend request. If he accepts it, go to the My Friends tab and click search. The system will offer you a list of possible acquaintances. Perhaps among them there will be a user you are interested in.


First of all, it is important to know that there are no special programs or websites that supposedly make it possible to see hidden friends on someone else’s VKontakte page. All these are the tricks of scammers who pursue only one goal - to take over the login and password for your page on a social network or to “fish out” a certain amount of money, “infect” a computer with a virus, that is, to cause some harm to a person in their own interests.

There are ways that allow you to only approximately recognize hidden VKontakte friends on someone else’s page. The first of them will only help if you suspect that the person has hidden certain friends you know with privacy settings. In this case, just go to the pages of these people and look in their list of friends for the person who could have hidden them. If he is on the list, it means he definitely hid them for some reason. However, it can also be hidden, so the method is not entirely accurate.

Some users have noticed an interesting pattern that can be useful if you want to see how many hidden friends a user has in total. Go to the list of his friends and look at their number. Remember the number. Now configure the list so that it first displays only males, and then only females. Remember both numbers and then add them. The resulting value may exceed the user's original number of friends. This can indicate two things: it shows the number of friends or recently deleted users (as well as people who did not indicate gender in their personal information).

Pay attention to the activity on the page of the user you are interested in. If suspicious “likes” and comments appear on it from people who are not his friends, perhaps they are simply hidden, but accidentally gave themselves away by these actions. The same goes for the person you are testing. If he is suspiciously often active on someone else’s page, then this user may well be his hidden friend.

Video on the topic

Tip 2: How to view a VKontakte user page

Social networks are gaining more and more popularity. For example, such a famous site as In contact with, already has 100 million registered users. And most of them view several dozen pages of familiar and unfamiliar people every day.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access.


To view someone's personal page, you must first find that user on the site. If you are interested in a specific person, just enter his first and last name in the search bar. If you want to get to a random user’s page, also go to the search and on the right side click the “People” tab. A window will open showing the results of the query.

And now you are already viewing your account. Here everything depends on the opportunities that the user has opened for general access. Ideally, on the page you can view photos and comment on them, write about a person, add photos, graffiti, write, read personal information, learn more about interests and hobbies. You can also add the user you like as a friend or simply leave it in your bookmarks and visit his page whenever you want.

Also, if you are interested, you can get to the pages of the brothers and sisters of the person you liked. This way you can find out even more personal information about him. Or just look at their photos together.

The “Other Actions” section is also very interesting. It is under the avatar. Through this tab, you can send a gift, set up SMS notifications about updates in your account, and also remove from friends, if there is a reason for this.

To do any of the above actions, you need to hover your mouse over the link and click on it. For example, you want to add a person as a friend. Find the “Add Friend” button and click on it. That's it, this lover of the VKontakte site is already on your list, of course, if he approves your application. Travel through the pages and enjoy the conversation!

Recently, more and more people have begun to use various social networks. This specialized site “Vkontakte” is one of the most popular. Each of its users has hundreds of friends on their list. How can I view it?

You will need

  • -computer;
  • -Internet connection.


First, you need to go to the site first. To do this, type in the command line. Then enter your username and password to enter the page (if you don’t have them, then you must register, since only after authorization will all the site’s services be available to you).

As soon as you get to your VKontakte page, the account management menu will appear on the left. It has more than a dozen tabs. You need to find a button such as “My” and click on it with the mouse. After these steps, your list of VKontakte friends will open. Whether it is small or quite impressive depends only on you. You can add any user you like to it. And as soon as this person approves your friend request, he will immediately appear on this list.

After this, you can log into the account of this or many people at any time and view all the information available there. If your friends do not have access to their personal list of friends, then you can also view it. This opens up a lot of possibilities. Using the list of friends in a contact, you can, for example, find your old acquaintances (this significantly reduces the time spent searching and viewing pages that are completely unnecessary for you).

Also, by sending messages to these friends, you can agree on a birthday surprise for one of them or ask for help. Having wandered through the list of friends, yours or your acquaintance’s, you can even find your other half. In these accounts, people usually find interesting notes, photographs, and videos. You can not only view and comment on them, but also post them on your page.

To do this, click “Like” and check the “Tell your friends” box. And in a few seconds the item you like will appear in your account. As you can see, viewing the list of friends in contact is both pleasant and useful. Find out about the latest news from the lives of your friends, communicate. It all depends solely on your mood and desires!

Video on the topic

Tip 4: How to add a person to the list of hidden friends on VK

It happens that there is a need to hide certain friends on a social network from the eyes of acquaintances. This will not be difficult to do, but the desired effect will be obtained.

The social network VKontakte is one of the most popular and popular today. It has a large number of different advantages, ranging from the convenient search for friends on the Internet to the fact that it is simply convenient to communicate here (even with several interlocutors at the same time). In this social network, the user can find everything he needs: music, videos, games, photos and much more. Sometimes VKontakte users need to hide some of their contacts (friends) from the general list.

How to hide friends?

You can hide your friends from your acquaintances or loved ones quite simply. The VKontakte social network has a huge number of different services and functions, including the ability to hide friends from prying eyes. In order to accomplish your plan, you need to log in to this social network with your username and password. Then left-click on “My Settings” (this item is located in the menu on the left). Then, when the new page loads, you need to select the “Privacy” tab. Here the user can change not only the visibility of his friends, but also much more. Basically, this tab is designed to restrict certain groups of people from your data. In order not to show one or several friends at once in your list, you need to find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” and then click on the inscription “All friends”. After this, a small menu will open in which you will be asked to select the friends you want to hide from prying eyes. On the left side of this window are all your friends and subscribers, and on the right are hidden ones.

Final stage

In order to hide one of your friends, you need to click on the “Plus” sign, which is located to the right of the names of your friends. After this, your friend automatically becomes hidden. Of course, you can easily remove people from this list by clicking on the “X” symbol. Ultimately, you will need to save all your changes. Once you refresh the page, all changes will take effect. You can easily view the result on the same “Privacy” tab. At the very bottom of this list there will be a button “See how other users see your page.” A new window will open in which you can view your saved results. If they do not satisfy you, they can be easily changed.

    What is a VK spy?

  1. Have you asked yourself:
  2. How to find out who a girl is chatting with?
  3. How to find out who a guy liked?
  4. How to find out when and how much time you spent on VKontakte?
  5. How to see hidden friends?
  6. How to view hidden groups?
  7. How to view hidden photos on VKontakte?
  8. How can I find out if a user has more pages?
  9. I think these are not the only questions that interest users of the social network VKontakte. Service Spy can answer you not only these questions but also many others. Let’s get acquainted below with the VKontakte Spy service, an online service.
  10. There are different types of VKontakte spy, namely two types, this is in the form of a program that you install on your computer and online, which you open in a browser that does not need to be installed on your computer. There is not much difference between them, but I will tell you my opinion. Take the first option, which needs to be installed on a computer; there are too many disadvantages. Well, firstly, the computer is not always turned on, it’s good if your client spy on the computer receives data from a server that monitors a specific user and then when you turn on the computer it sends you statistics. In general, this is how normal spies work. The big disadvantage is that the spy program must be installed on the computer, and then programs of this type will not always honestly spy on someone and not on you. Install on the system a program that was written by a simple user who has not identified himself as himself and does not know what is under the hood. It is not known where your data that you entered into this program for authorization with your VKontakte account will be sent. It is possible that the next day or even earlier you simply will not log into your VK account.
  11. VKontakte spy who is online has more advantages here. The biggest is that any domain on which the VKontakte spy site or service hangs, to whom it is registered. The administration of the site or spy service will not engage in illegal actions, and the hosting administration always checks to what extent the site located on their server does not violate the law. In general, there is only one control and I don’t think that under such control the Administrator of a site or service will want to mess things up and use your data to hack your VKontakte account. This simply cannot happen, because before registering a domain name, the user subsequently provides information about himself to the Administrator of the site or service, and not just according to his passport, which is then checked by the hosting provider; if the data is correct, then he is allowed to use the registered domain. Look how many advantages there are in the second option, but I haven’t described all the pros and cons, just the most important ones.
  12. VKontakte spy allows you to monitor a specific user who was previously specified by you. By enabling tracking of a VKontakte user, you can find out the following information, namely:
  13. 1.) Statistics of time spent.
  14. 2.) Find out who likes it.
  15. 3.) See hidden friends. Look in the "friends" menu.
  16. 4.) View hidden groups.
  17. 5.) Which of your friends was online not long ago and, having checked the time of whom you are spying on, consider as an option, setting up surveillance on him too. Can be seen in the "Friends" menu.
  18. 6.) User comments in groups and on the walls of his friends.
  19. 7.) The user’s IP, his browser, open dialogues with whom he is currently communicating, this can be done in the “trap” menu.
  20. 8.) Hidden date of birth, date of user registration in VK, all this is in the “hidden information” menu.
  21. 9.) Who added you to the blacklist or who has you as a hidden friend. You can also find out from the “hidden information” menu.
  22. By learning such information and applying logic to it, you can learn a lot about any user or even a group of users, a group of friends of several people. Having such information, you can safely say “Forewarned is forearmed,” you won’t look like a sucker with your girlfriend, and you might even get rid of such addiction as jealousy. You can predict steps for successful prosperity in a small business. You can also use it to describe how your colleagues or subordinates work at work or at work. Actually, having such information, you can twist it as you want and get a truly accurate result.
  23. How to work in spy?

  24. Working with spy is not difficult and first you need to register, although as a trial option you can do without registration. But then the surveillance potential will be significantly reduced and, let’s say, you simply won’t find out the deepest information, it simply won’t be available to you, menu items will be limited. But for the first time it’s enough to understand that this is a really worthwhile service. Registration is simple and you won’t have to, as if you installed a spy program on your computer, then you had to enter your username and password, which is worth considering, your data will be transferred to a third party. And on the online service you click on the button to register through VKontakte, which turns out the password remains on the VKontakte server and is not transferred to a third party. This way you can sleep peacefully, your VKontakte account will remain yours.
  25. More specifically about the menu and adding a user.

  26. You can add a user by going to the VKontakte page of the user you want to follow. Copy the link from the address bar of the browser in the place with the id.
  27. Insert spy into the input line on the service and click on the “Statistics” button.
  28. Next, you will go to a page with a photo (avatar) of the user, where you will be asked to confirm that you want to add this user and conduct a 4-digit captcha, then click on the “Start monitoring Username” button.
  29. After you have added the user you want to follow, menus will be available to you, but in a limited form. As I wrote above, in order to view complete information (statistics), you just need to register on the spy service. Now all the actions of the user you added will be collected and you will be able to view them as soon as the user performs any manipulation, let’s say on VKontakte. Below you can see the menu items.
  30. Online - time/schedule of visits online.
  31. Avatars - checking likes on avatars, photos of friends and liked users.
  32. Posts - find likes on the walls of friends and liked users.
  33. Groups - check likes in VKontakte public pages, find hidden user groups.

Let us say right away that the methods we will discuss are not ideal and work with varying degrees of success. It happens that the service instantly shows friends hidden by one account, but very slowly scans another, revealing not all hidden contacts or none at all. But usually the situation changes over time. Most likely, the result depends on the load on the servers or some internal factors of VKontakte.

So if finding hidden friends takes too long or ends in errors, wait a few hours and try again. Better yet, use an alternative service.

Go to the website and open the “Hidden Friends” section. Enter the ID or short name of the account whose contacts you want to check and click “Search for hidden friends.”

The search will begin, and if successful, the system will show the found ones one after another.

The website offers other opportunities. For example, you can look at people who have added you to the blacklist, as well as those who are hiding you from others. These and other features can be accessed using the appropriate menu items on the sidebar of the site.

On the next page, enter the code from the picture and click “Start following...”, and after that - “Go to friends...”.

Then choose quick or full search. The first option, as you might guess from the name, is faster. The second takes much more time, but finds hidden ones more efficiently.

To use the full search, you will need to log in to the site using your VKontakte profile. This will expose your account information to a third party site, which may be . But to trust the service or not is up to you. To be on the safe side, you can connect a non-main account to the site.

During the search process, links to the profiles of hidden friends should appear at the bottom of the page. Of course, if they exist at all and the service manages to detect them.