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Program for filling out questionnaires in doc format. Create forms to fill out or print in Word

Collecting data doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, it shouldn't cost a penny. There are many great free tools that can do the same things as expensive form and survey builders.

Here are some of the best free apps for collecting data in the form of a form or survey.

Form builders are some of the most flexible applications out there. They can be used to collect data into spreadsheets, pay for purchases in your online store, or for planning a startup. With the help of such designers it is easy to create a contact form for the site. They are like digital Legos: add the necessary elements, customize and your creation is ready.

If you already use Google Docs, Google Sheets and Gmail, then you can't forget about Google Forms - a great option for creating free forms. This app is built into Google Apps, is very easy to use, and automatically syncs with Google Sheets. These functions are quite enough to create a simple form.

More than 10 types of forms are available in Google Forms, with convenient text data entry. Create as many forms as you want, add as many answer options as the spreadsheet can accommodate—there are no limits. You can also use Google Forms scripts to add notifications, validation, action logic, and more.

The app does not allow you to upload files or accept payments. The form themes are quite simple, it won’t be difficult to determine that this is a Google product. However, it has all the basic features and is completely free.

An unlimited number of forms and responses are provided for free. Additional features such as payment fields can be accessed by updating the app.


Do you have a WordPress site? Ninja Forms is a plugin that allows you to create free forms in your WordPress dashboard. You can use flexible forms with any required fields and create notifications so you don't miss anything important. At the same time, the application allows you to collect and store an unlimited number of completed forms.

You can purchase add-ons to gain access to features such as file uploads, additional layouts, and tools. It's best to start with the free version and then improve it to suit your own needs.

Do you need an application that you can use from your own server, offline from your mobile device?

Formhub is an open-source data collection application that's perfect for you. You can register for free on or download the code to run the application on your own server. You will then need to create your form in an Excel-like spreadsheet using XLSform syntax. Then use the form for Android devices to collect data offline, or add it to your site using an iframe script.

Formhub is a basic solution for creating forms, and while its interface doesn't look like a regular form builder, it's relatively easy to use. At the same time, the ability to change the code makes it very flexible.


It's a collaboration space, a tool for creating your own apps, and more. Plus, it’s also an online form builder. Podio lets you create or use pre-built apps to collect information about anything, and design web forms to share directly or use on your site.

The collected data is stored in the Podio app, allowing you to easily process and sort it, and invite your team to collaborate. You can also use other Podio apps to access projects, send messages, and more.

This tool requires preliminary configuration, but at the same time it is much more powerful than other similar constructors. 5 people can use it for free at the same time.

Don't want to register to see if you like the app or not? PlanSo Forms gives you the ability to create a form right on your home page. If you're happy with it, you can register and save your form in just one step.

PlanSo Forms differs from other forms in that it allows you to quickly create forms from several columns. Elements are easy to move and assign a specific function to them. An unlimited number of forms and fills are available for free, as well as the ability to create forms with multiple columns.


Sometimes form creation applications are overloaded with unnecessary options. If you don't want to upload files or receive detailed responses, and just want quick responses from your audience, then polls are a great way to handle this function.

Form and survey apps are very similar, but the latter are ideal for asking simple questions and getting simple answers.


Polldaddy is a great flexible tool for creating full-fledged polls and surveys. It includes all the necessary functions, and they are available completely free of charge.

You can create simple polls and add them to your WordPress site or full-fledged polls with multimedia and HTML code included. Polldaddy also allows you to confirm responses, automatically close surveys after a certain date, and add branding for free. In addition, the tool has a special mobile application that makes it possible to collect answers offline. This is a great solution if you need simple and quick answers.

Survey Nuts is the fastest way to create surveys. Just go to their website and start typing your questions. There's also a preview option to make sure your survey is displaying correctly. Add your email at the very end and you can create and share full-fledged surveys without registration.

Survey Nuts can create even complex surveys in minutes. This app is 100% free, at least for now. That's why Survey Nuts is the most affordable and fastest way to create surveys.

Like Google Docs, Microsoft Office also has free online applications that let you edit Word documents, create Excel spreadsheets, and view PowerPoint presentations. At the same time, Excel Online includes an additional feature - a free survey designer.

The free version of SurveyPlanet includes the ability to work with pre-made questions. Just select the topic you need, select questions from the database and share the finished form in just a couple of minutes.

You can also create your own questions in 25 supported languages. If you purchase a pro account, you can add images or set to skip certain questions.


Standard surveys can be very inconvenient to work with on mobile devices. SurveyLegend will help solve this problem. Surveys created using this application have large, convenient buttons that are easy to press from your phone. Even the editor itself makes it easy to create surveys on mobile devices.

SurveyLegend displays the responses you receive as a map and turns them into a word cloud to quickly gauge user opinions. The app is easy to use even on the go.

Looking for an open source survey tool? Then LimeSurvey is for you. It's a little more difficult to use than apps. The menu system here is thoroughly thought out, which allows you to create non-standard surveys. In addition, this editor has many more functions.

It supports 80 languages ​​and multimedia, dozens of question types and contains an extensive database. You can install this tool on your own server and change its code if necessary.

Creating forms for a website is sometimes a complex and time-consuming task. Surely, you value your time very much and would not like to sit all day doing this activity. Especially if you don’t want to delve into the “technical kitchen” of preparing molds and learning programming languages. But in order to create the simplest form, you need to know at least the HTML markup language and the CSS appearance description language in order to beautifully design your form. Moreover, to make the form more interactive, add some visual effects or hints, you should know the JavaScript programming language - which works on the client side, namely in the user's browser. And in order for a message from the form to be sent to your email, you need knowledge of some server programming language, for example, PHP.

Meet uCalc - a free online web form builder for websites. This tool is ideal for those who do not want to delve into the technical jungle and understand programming. It will allow you to create a form for a website of any complexity without much effort.

Well, what's under the hood and is it really that good? Let's consider.

So, registration, as well as logging into the form designer, is carried out using your email address and password, as well as through social network accounts VKontakte, Facebook, Google+

This is very useful and gives you a choice of what to use for login and registration. After registering, your account will display the choice of creating a form: from scratch or using a ready-made template from the collection.

The collection is full of different ready-made form templates, among which you will surely find one that suits you. Any selected template can be completely modified at your discretion.

Once created, the form will appear in the list of all forms on your account page.

If you are going to make many forms, then you will be able to find the one you need at first glance, because for each form, in addition to the name, a beautiful preview is created that displays the form.

To edit, click on the form preview or, in the context menu that appears when you hover, on the edit icon.

Creating and editing forms is done in the design mode, where by simply dragging and dropping you can easily add various widgets that are located on the left side of the designer: lists, sliders, checkboxes, checkboxes, fields, text, images, buttons, etc.

Here, in the designer, in the upper left part of the page, the name of the form is edited when you click on it. The main work on creating the form is done in visual mode on the “Design” tab. The middle area contains settings for changing the form background color, element colors, and design theme.

The text and description of widgets added to the form change in the visual editor when selected with the mouse cursor. You can change the text style, color, style, and add a link.

In addition, each widget has a set of specific settings that are called up when you hover over the widget. For example, for a field widget you can: hide/show the title or description, make the field mandatory, specify a hint, change the field type, configure internal and external indents.

A great feature of the form builder is that any change you make will be automatically saved. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to worry that something will not be saved or will be lost if a site page is accidentally closed. Changes made during autosave will be applied and displayed only in the form designer, without affecting previous changes, when saving using the “Save” button. This is very useful when you need to change something and at the same time not immediately display it on a form that is already working on the site. To preview the changes, you need to click on the “Preview” button, where you can see how the form will be displayed on a computer and even mobile devices.

All created web forms are fully responsive and will display correctly on all mobile devices - phones and tablets.

In the created form, through the designer, you will also be able to receive notifications about customer requests and even accept payments. To do this, you need to add a “Button” widget to the form in the settings of which you can enable Email and SMS notifications, accept payments via Yandex.Checkout, Yandex.Money and PayPal.

In addition, you can even connect Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica statistics to track the performance indicators of your forms.

As you can see, creating a high-quality form for your website in the uCalc form builder is quite simple and does not require much time at all.

Creating forms is difficult and time-consuming. This is clearly not an activity that you would like to spend the whole working day doing. Basically, forms are used to implement feedback on the site and lead generation in the Landing Page. More complex forms are often used to create any questionnaires, surveys, etc. In a situation where many fields are required, setting up server scripts will take a lot of precious time. Saas services come to the rescue. With their help, using the built-in designer, you can create a form of any complexity in the shortest possible time without much effort. If you are not looking for easy ways, I suggest using the script for creating forms, which was previously published on.
Many people want to create reliable and convenient web forms quickly, and clearly not by hand. It turns out that creating forms using a designer specially developed for this task is much easier and faster. They are able to create useful and well-designed projects in a few clicks. True, some developers charge a fee for using their resource, but it is often worth it. In addition, it is not so large that it will particularly affect your budget. We decided to save your time a little and compiled a list of 13 of the best online form builders endowed with a huge number of functions.

Google Forms

Undoubtedly Google Forms– this is the best and most popular service. This one is free form designer automatically places results in spreadsheets after user responses. Creating the necessary forms is made easier by the presence of hot keys and saving changes to your personal settings. All this helps you easily send invitations to the right people, give replies via regular email or on social networks.


This service is also one of the best online web form designers, which can solve all your problems in just a few minutes. Whether you're a corporate secretary or an IT professional, Wufoo can help you quickly collect data without writing a line of code.


Formstack is great online web form builder for network users, equipped with all functions for optimization. He is able to implement all your marketing ideas. Manually enter the code in this web form builder no need. This program allows you to integrate a form onto your individual resource without the user’s special knowledge of software.


FormBuilde is a unique service, based on cloud computing, it is able to collect data from mobile devices to its customers worldwide. In addition, this form designer can create elements such as application form, testing form, order form and subscriptions. Users can enter data and even change many parameters almost on the go. It's the perfect tool for your job.


This is a paid but very effective service for creating simple and fast forms. What is required of you is to drag the necessary elements (text blocks, buttons for selecting the desired options, checkboxes, etc.) into the work field and enter the address where you want to send the created form. The generated code that you use in projects is easy to read, as if written not by a robot, but by a person.


This resource also allows you to create your own forms, such as questionnaires, registration forms, results of various studies. Then you can post it on Internet sites, use it on social networks or in email. Forms FormDesk located on their own server and can be easily accessed using a hyperlink or frame.


Reformed - open and free form builder, which has a wonderful design, it allows you to very quickly implement and create various useful projects for your site.


Another free online form builder, which is convenient for users. All that is needed to work is a simple account registration; Typeform also does not require any additional funds.


The online form builder allows you to create excellent forms and publish them. The creators of this service provide several ways to share forms with users of the world wide web and receive responses from them. Most clients install them on their own resource and receive a response form by email or a series of responses already tabulated in the form of a report Excel.


MachForm is a professional-grade resource that allows you to create forms with maximum compatibility. It not only works on desktop computers, but is also suitable to run on most mobile/touch devices ( ,Android devices). All new versions of Form Builder make it easy to create forms using drag and drop and no coding at all. It is integrated with major payment systems ( PayPal,, Stripe, Braintree). In just a few clicks, the user will create a beautiful form and will be able to submit online orders or accept payments.


This article provides a list of the best free online designers to create forms. Online forms are one of the most important tools used by companies and organizations. With their help, you can obtain user opinions and conduct various surveys.

My favorite online form builder:

I prefer to create online forms through Google Forms. It provides all the basic features and also allows you to create online forms for free. All user responses are aggregated into Google spreadsheets and are easy to manage.

Google Forms

Google's free form creation tool. This builder is built on Google Sheets. Data collected using online forms is automatically grouped in special tables. To create a form, open the Google Forms home page and click on the + icon. A new form will appear on the screen in which you can set various attributes.

To create a form, follow these steps:

  • Add “Heading” to the form;
  • Add “Form Description”;
  • Ask a question in the field " Question title»;
  • Set " Supporting text"to describe the essence of the issue in more detail;
  • Select question type. There are 9 answer types that you can choose from. Options for providing an answer differ depending on the type of answer:

o Text;
o Paragraph of text;
o Multiple choice;
o Checkbox;
o Select from a list;
o Range;
o Grid;
o Date;
o Time;

o Title;
o Full name;
o Email address;
o Address;
o Phone;
o Date;
o Captcha.

  • Form Tools: These tools include the following fields:

o Text window;
o Text area;
o Drop-down list;
o Radio button;
o Checkbox;
o Text;
o Image.

  • Survey tools: These can be added to determine the ranking or popularity of the given data:
  • Payment instruments: use of various services to receive payments or donations;
  • Widgets:

o Checklist;
o Image slider;
o YouTube.

Fields are added by dragging tools onto the form workspace. If you need to remove a tool, select it and click the “Close” icon. This online form builder also allows you to add themes and design your own forms.

Additional features include:

  • Sending confirmations and notifications about completing the form by email;
  • Redirecting users to another site after filling out a form;
  • Adding a form to the site;
  • Defining the conditions necessary for a user to fill out a form.


This designer allows you to create an unlimited number of forms for free, but only with basic functions. This constructor is a little different from other similar services. Typeform allows you to ask one question on a separate page. You can create a form from scratch or use a template. The Typeform interface is divided into three parts:
  • Welcome screen: the first page where you can add a form title and a short description;
  • Questions screen: allows you to select one of several types of questions and add it. There are various fields that can be added to the screen: short text, long text, multiple choice, statement, picture selection, question group, drop-down list, rating, email and others. This online tool also provides the ability to customize the question screen;
  • Thank you for filling out the form: this screen appears after the form has been filled out by the user. It is only available to premium account holders.

After creating the form, you can change the color, font and background image, set visibility (“Public” or “Private”), add branding, meta information ( only for PRO version).

After this, you need to set notification settings. This form builder also allows you to add respondent notifications—special messages that they will receive after they successfully fill out the form. Typeform can be integrated with over 300 services to collect respondent data.

Cognito Forms

This builder allows you to customize your forms with a variety of tools and page layouts. You can also use an unlimited number of fields. Including: text field, multiple choice, title, address, phone, rating scale, number and even signature.

Drag the appropriate element and place it in any empty field, set the parameters for each field: title, description and response type. It is also possible to set different conditions for responses. For example, if you are using the Select tool, you can set Drop-down list", "Radio button" or "Checkbox". You can add a different number of answer options for each question. And also set the conditions: “ Show field if», « Required field if" And " Print a custom error when».

To view all the data provided, go to the " Posts" There is a limit on the number of entries that can be viewed. You can only view the last 500 entries for free.

Register and install updates to use the tool without restrictions. The paid version also supports online payment widgets. The terms of use are simple - you pay only 1% of each funds received.


This free form builder works as a WordPress plugin. You can also create forms using a standalone tool that integrates with your site. Form creation tools are divided into seven categories:
  • Defined fields: they include fields such as name, email, phone, etc., which are not required to be specified;
  • Common fields are text, text area, and number. You can define parameters for these fields;
  • Date and time fields;
  • Selection fields: fields with the ability to select options: list, multiple choice, radio button and checkbox. You can edit the values ​​of these fields;
  • Custom fields allow you to add fields such as file upload and URL;
  • HTML Tags: horizontal separator, heading, paragraph, and any other HTML code;
  • "Submit" button: You should definitely add this button at the end so that users can submit their answers.

Once you have added the required fields, save the form. Forms in this HTML builder are provided with a direct URL and embed code. All responses collected using forms are presented on the same subdomain. They can be sorted, reports exported to Excel or HTML.


You can create an unlimited number of forms on EmailMeForm. This web application allows you to add up to 50 fields to your form. The fields are divided into three categories:
  • Basic: single-line text, number, checkbox, drop-down list and multiple selection;
  • Additional: name, email, address, phone, images, URL, signature, etc. Adding a page break and a section break is also available;
  • Poll: checkbox grids, rating range, number list, number grid, text list, etc.

You can define attributes for various form fields. Once you save your form, you can preview it and select a topic.
In that HTML email constructor Creation of reports for form elements is available. Custom reports can be created in the form of graphs and lists. With a free account, you can only create three reports per month. There is also a limit on the total number of completed forms - up to 100 per month.

Smart Survey

The free account allows you to create an unlimited number of forms, but you can only receive 100 responses per month. To create a form, click on the “Create survey” link.

The service allows you to choose a form template or start developing a form from scratch. Select a topic and start adding questions. In the pop-up window, you must enter a question and select its type. Various question types are available: multiple choice, range, selection matrix, date, time, descriptive text, etc. A free account allows you to add up to 15 questions.

Press " Preview" to see what your form looks like. Click “Submit Survey” to generate a link to the form.

To collect responses, choose one of the following methods: web link, email, website, Facebook, etc.

Survey Monkey

This designer allows you to create an unlimited number of forms with 10 questions each. The following standard fields are available in this constructor: multiple choice, drop-down list, matrix, drop-down menu matrix, rating, text field, comment field, contact information, image. You can also use a set of predefined questions.

You can choose one of the standard themes for the form or create your own. Click on the button Preview and check" to see what the created form will actually look like. After that, click “Next" to get a link to it. You can send the link to email, Facebook or other resources. You are allowed to receive up to 100 responses per month. In chapter " Analysis of results» replies received are displayed.


Allows you to create an unlimited number of forms, add up to 15 questions to each of them and receive up to 250 answers per month.

To create your own survey form, click Create Survey. Choose from preset templates or design a form from scratch. You can also add designer themes. Then move on to adding questions.

Enter a question, then select its type. The following field types are available: multiple choice, rating, selection matrix, date, time, descriptive text, etc. Before saving the form, preview it. Click "Submit Survey" to generate a form URL. Choose one of the ways to receive answers: links, email, offline, Facebook, etc.


This form builder allows you to create up to 10 forms, with up to 100 questions each, and receive up to 1000 responses. There are three tabs available in the service: “Settings”, “ Spreading" and "Analysis".


Allows you to create surveys, studies, quizzes and ratings, add page titles, as well as various question fields. Including: free text, multiple choice, matrix, rating, name, address, phone, address, etc. You can customize attributes, make a field required, or include a note.

Once you've completed setting up your survey, go to the Survey Style tab to select a theme. Click on the button Getting answers" to get the direct URL to the form. Or post the survey directly to Facebook or Twitter.

All answers can be viewed on the " tab View results" Here you can find the answers themselves, answer analysis, form analytics, and location-based answers. The free version includes the ability to add up to 10 questions per form and receive 200 results per month.


The HTML constructor online allows you to add questions in 5 types of different forms. And also add a poll, an open question, a message, a field for selecting a picture or uploading a file. Select the form fields and define their parameters: maximum number of words, options to choose from, etc.

Share the form via URL, add an embed code to your site. Options for sharing via Facebook and downloading a printed version of the survey are also available. On the results page, you can view the answers in sorted form. A free account allows you to add only 10 questions and receive no more than 100 responses to the form.


Webform allows you to create an unlimited number of forms for free. Click on the create a new form button and get started. You will need to enter a name for the form and also add various fields. The following field types are available: text, email, number, checkbox, radio button, grid, multiple selection, date, file, etc.

Go to properties and set the question options as per your requirements. Click the Results tab to view your responses and analytics, or export your data to Excel. You can also export data directly to Google Drive.

The free account allows you to receive up to 100 responses per month and use up to 200 MB of storage, but you can create an unlimited number of forms.

Awesome Forms

To create a form, click the “ New Form" button and start adding fields. The following field types are available in this designer: text field, text area, drop-down list, radio button, multiple selection and file upload field. After adding the form fields, save it.

Settings allow you to add a URL to which respondents will be redirected after filling out the form. You can get the embed code or direct URL from the Embed Code tab. All answers are collected on the “Views” tab. The free account gives you access to the SSL encryption feature and receives up to 500 replies per month.


Allows you to create an unlimited number of online forms. To create a form, add a panel and questions as fields. When adding a field, you can select its type from the list: multiple choice, text, drop-down list, matrix, rating, date, time, etc. As you add form fields, the form's appearance is generated in the preview window on the right.

You can receive 100 responses per month for free, but the number of forms is not limited.


Register in the designer and start creating your first form. Enter its name and add the required fields. You can add a question, text, or image to the form. Available field types: drop-down list, matrix, text area, image upload, etc.

After creating your form, go to the Appearance tab to see what it looks like. You can also change the appearance of the form. Click on the "Run Survey" button to receive a direct URL as well as an embed code.

Replies are saved on the service and you will receive an email notification when they are received. With a free account, you can add up to 10 questions per form, receive up to 100 responses per month, create up to 10 forms per day, and run up to 100 surveys per month.

Zoho Survey can be integrated with Zoho CRM, Google Docs or Zoho SalesIQ. Click on the "Publish" button to generate a URL for the form. You can also apply date restrictions and password protection. The free account allows you to create an unlimited number of forms, but only add 15 questions and receive up to 150 responses per form.

This publication is a translation of the article “ 18 Best Free Online Form Builder Websites", prepared by the friendly project team

Special editors for creating web forms can be online editors (online editors) or installed on your computer. Editors can save the created form on their server (most often) or will require you to save the form on the server where your site is located.

The editors installed on your computer include the following:

Web Form Builder

CoffeeCup Web Form Builder v 2.3 (2013). Interface and help - in English. language. Weight 26.2 MB. .
The purpose of the program is to create forms in visual mode.
There is a free version of the program (Web Form Builder Lite) and a paid version of Web Form Builder ($69).
The created form is located on the CoffeeCup server.
The program is easy to learn and use.

Form Designer (beta) 2018 Interface in English. language. Price: $49
Works on Windows and MacOS. .
The purpose of the program is to create web forms.
The program has a selection of attractive web form elements - radio buttons, checkboxes, etc. Layouts for any screen size (using CSS grid).

Form Builder

Form Builder is a small (0.8 MB) free Russian program that has an English interface and help in Russian.
In the Form Builder editor, a mail form is created, i.e. all data entered into the form is sent to the specified email address.

There are many online web form editors available. Here are some of these editors:

qFlow is a Russian online form editor. You can use qFlow for free or for a fee (600 or 3 thousand rubles per month). Paid versions have a 30-day trial period.
Forms in the free version can be created with some restrictions compared to the paid version.
The editor can create simple contact or registration forms and more complex ones (for example, document flow forms).
Editor overview and example form
We recommend

GoTalk is a Russian online service.
You've probably heard the question in stores: "Can I tell you something?" Now such consultants are being implemented on websites, especially on commercial websites.
The main task of GoTalk is to organize online consultations on your website for your visitors, clients, and customers. You or your employees will be able to answer questions from potential and regular customers.
To create an online consultant in GoTalk, you need to take several steps, the first of which is registering on the GoTalk website. Communication between the consultant (operator) and the visitor occurs through a contact form created in the editor.

Red Helper - Russian editor online. Designed to create an online consultant on the site.
You will be the first to contact a site visitor with a question “Is there anything I can do to help?”
A smart visitor ranking system automatically determines the most “hot”. Using this information, the operator can make the most of his time and offer assistance when the purchase is just a couple of steps away.
To create an online consultant in Red Helper, you need to take several steps (3 steps), the first of which is registration on the GoTalk website. Communication between the consultant (operator) and the visitor occurs through a contact form created in the editor.

FormLogix online editor is designed for creating web forms. Interface - in English. language.
The editor has a free trial version (for a period of 7 days) and a paid version ($11.99 and $19.99/month).
The test version is intended only to familiarize yourself with the work of the editor.

FormAssembly is an online editor designed for creating web forms. The editor has a free version, as well as several paid options.
To create a form, pre-registration on the program website is required.
The form is created visually and does not require coding skills from the user.

We recommend

FormSite is an online editor for creating web forms. There is a free version of the program and several paid options (prices from $9.95 to $99.95 per month).
The FormSite editor is capable of creating large multi-page forms. Even the free version of the program has a lot of settings for the created form.
The form and results table are saved on the FormSite server. By copying the code, you can place the form on a page on your website.