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The best radar detector app for iphone. Smartphone instead of a radar detector: testing mobile applications

The situation on the road was taken under strict control by the traffic police. The number of fines that get into our mailbox every month sometimes unsettles the family budget. Today, motorists have every chance to reduce their number and at the same time improve their own safety on the road. At your service is a mobile "servant" - the iStrelka application!

iStrelka for the driver is better than any instructor: the application does not bother, at the same time it warns and allows you to listen to music or an audiobook at the same time. Even if you suddenly "gave" on the road without paying attention to a sign or other restriction, iStrelka will notify you. The service warns about cameras, traffic police posts, crossings, dangerous turns, speed bumps, etc. Even when traveling outside the country, you can not worry that you will fall into the "paws" of the cameras.

From the personal practice of using the application, I liked the possibility of personalizing the settings the most. You can set according to your convenience the distance for which iStrelka should warn, choose an inviting sound notification, voice reminder or beeper. The database of dangerous points can be expanded by adding your own.

Unlike analogues, the functionality of which is much poorer, this service was taught to fix violations at a long distance. Avtodoriya allows you to measure the average speed in the area between two cameras. The application will show you this average and remind you with a beeper throughout the entire section.

The application interface is not cluttered: everything is thought out for convenient use. The functionality of the service does not require an Internet connection. The developers kindly warn that running the iStrelka application in the background can “eat up” the battery, but even this problem can be easily solved if you use a charging cable in the car.

High, at first glance, the price of the application will pay off with the first fine. Just imagine how much money and nerves iStrelka can save you. And the leading position in the top of applications from the Navigation category speaks for itself that iStrelka is a “must have” for all car enthusiasts. In a word, if you are driving and you have an iPhone or an Android smartphone, the application is a must. The version for Android devices is called Antiradar Strelka. We swing without hesitation!

Stationary and mobile instruments for measuring the speed of cars moving along city streets, highways and even highways have greatly spoiled the life of car owners. Fines that immediately appear in mailboxes with careless driving often took a lot of finances, and also time to pay. But recently, everything has changed - independent developers of applications for smartphones have learned how to warn drivers of an impending threat. It remains only to choose who to trust ... which radar detector app is better for iPhone?

Hud Speed ​​is a system tool implemented like a real radar that diligently tells you around which corner the camera is located, fixing speed violations. Notifications appear in two ways - either on the screen of a smartphone or tablet (if desired, the developers allow you to activate the sound notification system) or through a special HUD that is projected onto the windshield (you can’t find this technology from competitors, however, it’s possible to call the image “ideal” only in the evening - in the daytime, the numbers can not be disassembled).

Of the benefits - a dynamically updated database with cameras. Literally every day, developers diligently “roll out” updates with new marks about those places where you should drive more carefully. Such "predictions" work in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

But there are no maps with cameras in Hud Speed ​​- you can’t figure out in advance which route you should take, and which roads to watch out for, unfortunately. Yes, and the settings are as scarce as possible - they only allow you to adjust the sound.

Antiradar M - a popular radar detector for iPhone

M. Radar Detector is perhaps the most balanced radar detector app for iPhone. The map with cameras is incredibly detailed (the error is only a few meters), the database is regularly updated several times a week, and there are so many settings that you can turn into a real master of buttons, at least for a while. Developers allow you to select a language, adjust the volume, set routes for moving around the city, and even receive notifications of severe speeding.

Strelka is objectively not the best option for those who are used to beautiful graphical interfaces and incredibly detailed tips, but, as practice shows, it is Strelka that even in text mode easily outperforms competitors and offers an impressive set of tips.

Firstly, real-life cameras are sorted in automatic mode, measuring speed and “models” that are of no use to either drivers or traffic police.

Secondly, Strelka always works in the background, not taking up much battery power, but always warning about “danger” with a sound or a pop-up notification. It always works, the benefits are impressive! It's easy to download the free radar detector app for iPhone!

SpeedCam24 is a classic anti-radar for the iPhone, which works on the principle of competitors from above (it warns at a certain distance, tells you what level to slow down to). Of the obvious pluses - a huge number of supported countries - from Russia to Europe. In addition, updates appear quite quickly. Yes, and problems with the interface are fixed steadily.

Of the minuses - a paid basis. You will have to pay a lot - even when downloading additional cards, and sometimes for service.

Smart Driver is an interesting symbiosis of a radar detector and a special DVR capable of recording an endless stream of video through the camera of a smartphone or tablet (the save location is selected in the settings - there are many options, both on internal memory, and in iCloud and in alternative cloud storages). Work in the background is available. Translation into Russian - is.

Of the minuses - the premium, paid version has an increased set of features, but you can take a 7-day demo account for a trial and figure out if you really need to pay?
This is how our rating of radar detector apps for iPhone looks like.

The anti-radar helps to avoid trouble on the roads: it warns that there are posts with speed measuring devices nearby. We have prepared for you a list of the newest and with the Anti-radar function for iPhone.

The choice of a radar detector with great functionality for the iPhone.

  1. Radarbot communicates with your GPS navigator so that you can correct your route and receive radar notifications at the same time.
  2. Like the previous software, it can work with a blank screen with voice notifications.
  3. The application will not bother you in vain - it only lets you know about the radars that are on the given path, excluding all unnecessary ones.
  4. If you're riding a motorcycle or in a noisy car, you can turn on vibration mode so you don't miss an alert.
  5. There is a good built-in speed detector and a notification function when it is exceeded.
  6. Online chat allows you to send voice alerts to other users of the application and ask them questions.

The app is constantly being improved and updated to stay relevant and useful.

HUD Speed

Enough with an unusual feature - Head-Up Display, which allows you to project the image from the iPhone screen directly onto the windshield so that you are not distracted while driving and can easily see the route and warnings. In general, the application also relies on existing databases to detect cameras, radars, dangerous roads, traffic police posts, and more. When approaching a controlled area or when speeding, you will receive a voice warning.

The classic tools for measuring the speed of cars have long gone from a rare curiosity to a standard procedure for detecting violators exceeding the speed limit on city roads, highways and highways.

Along with the changed procedure for determining careless driving, the number of fines issued has also increased, taking up a lot of finances and time to pay. But there were no fewer violators - the drivers, as they hurried home and accelerated more than expected, continue to act in the same spirit, only occasionally talking about which sections of the road should be a little more careful, and why.

Recently, even in conversations, at least some meaning has disappeared. Why such gossip, when the location of the speed measurement points is easier to peep in the “Radar Anti-Radar for iPhone” applications?

Hud Speed

Multifunctional Radar Detector for iPhone, which in a non-standard way suggests the location of radars using a series of sensors that determine the distance to the next checkpoint and notify you of the need to slow down, both with sound and text alerts for the sake of privacy. Of the pluses - the presence of a special HUD projected onto the windshield and displaying current statistics - speed, driving safety, chances of meeting with the radar.

Of the minuses - the lack of a global map, where it is easy to build a route bypassing checks and measurements. You have to act here only with the help of sensors, and nothing else.


A classic anti-radar for the iPhone with a detailed map updated two or three times a day (the error approaches zero, but if for some reason significant changes in the settlement are not registered, they are allowed to report everything to the developers through the appropriate menu, attaching photos and a description ), and a visual interface that eliminates confusion in the available functionality.

Due to the impressive collection of settings, both the interface and the graphic theme and the method of prompts are allowed to be changed - by choosing a new language, and the option of push notifications and voice commands with prompts. Of the shortcomings - a strange and urgently needed assistant, suffering from problems with pronunciation - a virtual interlocutor draws out words, thinks for a long time and often makes mistakes, turning driving into a real test.


At the first acquaintance, the Arrow tool leaves a double impression. On the one hand, there is a vague assistant with an outdated design, vague interface and unpredictable behavior of some sections and menus. But it is worth taking a closer look, and the situation changes in the same second. First of all, because of the prepared instructions and tips. Beginners are protected here like kings, and therefore they are taught to the fullest - where to click, where to set up, how to share activity with friends.

In the second - because of the amazing accuracy. The arrow never makes mistakes and does not lie too much. If the system says to slow down, then you should act immediately - the fine will definitely not come!


A classic iPhone tool that works on the principles of competitors and differs from the rest in two ways. Support from both the Russian Federation and the rest of the world (the map is filled in by the participants and modified as necessary by the developers). And the presence of a gesture system that facilitates some settings and actions.

smart driver

A video recorder included in the radar detector and a map with a navigator. A strange symbiosis results in the ability to record video through a smartphone camera to register violations and situations that have occurred, in tips about finding cameras that measure speed, and in the ability to use voice or text to build routes that lead to the goal as quickly as possible.

Over the past years, motorists have been witnessing a confrontation between technologies for fixing traffic violations and means of counteracting these technologies. Antiradar (radar detector) is no longer a panacea, because modern systems, such as Strelka and Avtodoriya, are not always and not always detected by everyone, and work according to a much smarter scheme, leaving the driver defenseless and with a “letter of happiness” from the traffic police as a bonus and evidence of the inevitability of the law.

Of course, you need to drive according to the rules, but no one canceled the human factor. That is why Lifehacker decided to scour the Web for ways to protect himself from modern means of fixing violations.

Who are drivers afraid of?

Arrow is a real evil. This monster is so cool that it detects a violation from a distance inaccessible to the anti-radar, and then just drives a car, waits for you to get closer, and fixes your number with pleasure. Simply put, in any case, the Arrow catches you before you catch it.

Avtodoria is a dead end for those who like to slow down in front of the camera. This system consists of two or more cameras, and it absolutely does not care how fast you drive past them. The average speed of passing a section of the road between cameras is considered based on time, which means that you need to observe the speed limit throughout the journey.

Total: technologies are improving, rendering existing means of detection and warning helpless. You can constantly change radar detectors, but this results in tens of thousands of rubles, and does not guarantee the result at all. Tomorrow they will begin to mount new cameras - again to buy a new anti-radar?


It all comes down to the fact that actual fixation cameras are almost impossible to detect or deceive in advance, which means that a different approach is needed. In fact, all you need to know is where each stationary camera is located, as well as having a tool that will tell you in advance when you are approaching the next camera. Lifehacker would not be Lifehacker if he had not found such an application for smartphones. It is called "Arrow" and is available for both Android owners and Apple users.

In the App Store, the app is called iStrelka.

How does it work

In fact, this development solves the problems of drivers in the simplest and most elegant way - the database of the location of cameras, traffic police posts and other unwanted things is glued with GPS geopositioning. You just drive along the road, and the application informs you in advance about all the dangers.

The data is taken from the two largest thematic auto communities of the Runet - and Thousands of people from all over Russia live there, and together they daily supplement the base with new discovered cameras and other objects. In this case, it would be inappropriate to talk about the applicability of Strelka only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The application daily in automatic mode clings to a new version of the database. If there is time and desire, then the base can be supplemented with anything on its own. Remember that creepy hole on your way to work? Drive it in and set up an alert.


They are very flexible and differ slightly between Android and iOS versions. On both platforms, different voice alerts are available for each type of danger, a customizable sound signal (beeper), as well as vibration. You can set up a triple alert as you approach the next unpleasant camera - first a couple of kilometers, then a kilometer, and the third - in close proximity.

Android users, in addition to this, receive a visual widget, as well as a pop-up visual notification that appears on the screen on top of any running program, including the navigator - the tools will not interfere with each other's work in any way. iOS, due to its limitations, cannot do this, and therefore only a static screen is available there indicating the type of danger and the distance to it.

Both versions of the app work great in the background.


Instead of a thousand words - a few short videos with a good example of the application.

Difference between Android and iOS versions.

Against 2 sections of Avtodoriya.

Against Avtodoria and Strelka.

About the Internet

To keep the camera database up to date, the application, for obvious reasons, will require periodic access to the Internet. Not often, once every few days. But for direct work, the network is not needed.

About synchronization

About the benefits

So what is better: classic anti-radar or Strelka? Logic answers.

The cost of the application is 169 rubles in the App Store and 190 rubles in Google Play. The minimum fine for exceeding is 500 rubles. Triple payback happens at the first meeting with the camera.

Tomorrow, even more advanced cameras will be introduced on the roads, which means that craftsmen will throw new and even more expensive radar detectors on the market, which may or may not work. The Strelka user doesn't think about it at all, because the next update will just add the locations of these super cameras, and you will know about them anyway. Database updates are free, and therefore, there is no question of any additional costs. The system will work flawlessly until our smart officials prohibit the distribution of such applications and information at the legislative level.


Strelka has only one drawback, and it applies rather to all modern smartphones - high power consumption when GPS is active. The problem is solved by the presence of charging in the car, and at the end of the trip, it is better to stop the application.

It is also impossible not to note the hardcore interface of the Android version. Fortunately, you will only have to see it when setting it up, since the user sees only visual notifications during the trip.

Otherwise, Strelka can be called without exaggeration the most effective and promising way to protect yourself from receiving letters of happiness from the traffic police in the foreseeable future.