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Disabling mts services. How to disable mts subscriptions - check connected services

The mobile operator MTS provides its subscribers with many different services. Such a number of services is not always necessary for a cellular user, so the question often arises of how to disable MTS services.

Some services provided by the operator are free, others require constant replenishment of the balance. Therefore, first you need to understand what kind of paid services and services you have connected.

How to find out about connected MTS services?

  1. Contact the MTS technical support operator. To do this, dial the number 0890.
  2. Contact the nearest MTS office. Upon presentation of a passport, an employee of the center will provide a list of connected services.
  3. Send an SMS message to 8111. You can find out about paid services by entering the number 1 in the SMS, about free services - the number 0. When sending a message without text or with other characters, information about all connected services will be provided.
  4. Use the "Internet Assistant" on the site To do this, select the "Services and Services" tab, then "Service Management". After that, all the services to which the subscriber is connected will appear on the screen.
  5. The key combination *152*2# will also help you get a complete list of connected services.

How to refuse unnecessary MTS services?

The technical support operator or office employee, who announced the list of services provided when contacting, can disable paid services that the user does not need. Some services, such as "Content ban" (blocking the receipt and sending of messages to short numbers) and "Internet" (full Internet access), cannot be deleted in any other way.

With the help of SMS sent to number 111, it will not be possible to disable all services at the same time. You will have to refuse separately from each service, and for this you need to know which numbers correspond to disabling one or another option.

Delete services without leaving your phone

To disable a certain service, just call a short number or dial a USSD command on your phone.

  • "AON" (identification of the number of an incoming call) - 21130
  • “You were called” (information about all calls received during the phone disconnection) - 211410
  • "Conference call" (communication with several participants in the conversation at the same time) - 21150
  • "Everywhere at home" (long distance calls throughout Russia for 3 rubles per minute) - 21500
  • “Favorite number” (sending SMS, MMS, calls to the favorite number declared by the subscriber are paid 50% cheaper) - 21410
  • "Super bit" (unlimited Internet throughout Russia with high speed for 190 rubles per month) - 2520
  • "Call Forwarding" (allows you to transfer calls coming to your phone to any other number you choose) - 2110
  • "Weather" (daily weather forecast) - 4751
  • "On full trust" (the ability to continue communication up to -300 rubles on the account) - 21180
  • "Zero Without Borders" (free international calls from the first minute of conversation) - 330
  • The command *111* 442*2# will remove the Black List service - blocking incoming SMS and calls from unwanted numbers.
  • By dialing *999*0*1#, you can disable the Mobile TV service - 100 channels for children, entertainment, information programs and movies for 8 rubles a day.
  • By dialing *111*1212*2#, you will disable the "News" service - the ability to receive news on your phone according to your preferences.
  • The combination *111*29# will get rid of the "Beep" service - music instead of the standard beep.

You can use the Internet and go to the official website of MTS ( and click on the link "Personal Account" at the top. After completing the standard registration procedure and receiving a password, you will have the opportunity to refuse the service via the Internet, as well as always control the connection and disconnection of additional services and MTS services. To disable it, just click the "Delete" button next to the service you do not need.

Let's see how MTS subscribers dial completely unnecessary paid services assigned to their number and pay a monthly fee, sometimes without using the connected options at all.

This happens most often in the following sequence. The subscriber buys a service package, which includes certain services on a paid or free basis.

After a while, the service plan changes, and the options remain connected and billed by the operator. Unfortunately, subscribers are not warned about this, since they have at their disposal the MTS Personal Account, which is a self-service service.

The second option is associated with paid subscriptions that are activated as part of packages, sending SMS on promotions or by the user himself using the menu. Then the connected subscriptions are forgotten, but included in the payment bill. The subscriber's household can also connect various services, so it is important to monitor not only the state of the account, but also all the services connected to the phone.

What is the MTS Personal Account and service settings?

Not all subscribers are aware of the fact that many services connected to the package can simply be turned off and not burden your budget. This may come in handy when you're away on a trip, going on a trip, or going into austerity mode. To do this, you will need access to the Internet from a computer or smartphone (if you have an API application).

To use the Personal Account from a computer, and log in using the SMS that will be sent to your number. This feature is available to all owners of MTS numbers. Scrolling below, you will find detailed information on where to view subscriptions, paid and free services in the MTS Personal Account, as well as how to disable them in a number of ways.

We disable paid services on MTS using the USSD command and SMS messages

It is realistic to disable paid MTS services assigned to a number not only with the help of the Personal Account. You can use the ussd command service or free service SMS for these purposes.

In this case, it is enough to send a specific combination or SMS, you can also call the support service, but the simple method is good because it allows you to perform any action to enable and disable services in a few seconds. With their help, you can also check the list of services that the user has ever connected and immediately refuse unnecessary by the specified command or SMS combination.

List of the most useful commands for enabling and disabling services

You can find out all connected services using ussd MTS Service and the archive option, so you can constantly monitor:

  • service My services – *111*11# ;
  • command *152*2# recognizes paid services, *152# - allows you to enter the menu, view a list of all services, then paid and free - use the menu and commands opposite.

The following commands and service messages may be required to manage your phone account:

  • The “beep” is turned off by the combination *111*29#, by calling the number and selecting the voice menu item, send 21510 via SMS to the number;
  • GPRS is disabled using the commands *111*38# , *111*338# , SMS to the number with the text 21220;
  • Caller ID is disabled via SMS to the number with the text 21130;
  • “You have been called” can be disabled by SMS to a number with the text 211410;
  • to disable "Everywhere at home", send an SMS to the number with the text 21500;
  • "Voice mail" is disabled SMS to the number with the text 90 (space) 2;
  • "Call barring" is disabled by a message to the number with the text 21190;
  • "Conference call" can be disabled by a message to the number with the text 21150;
  • "Favorite number" is also disabled by a message to the number with the text 21410.

We have listed frequently encountered services that can be disabled in a short way. MTS Service is available to all subscribers free of charge by *111# command. Select the service you are interested in and enter the command to disable it. The MTS Service menu contains all services that are available for deactivation using commands.

MTS portal *111#

How to disable all MTS services through your personal account

If you are an active user of communication services, then you know that the MTS Personal Account allows you to disable paid services with one click in the menu. The largest provider in Russia, MTS, has specially developed a Personal Account for its subscribers so that they can manage the service package. The user can be assigned to the number, among them there may be paid and free options offered by the operator. This can be done by calling the support service, but advanced subscribers, of course, prefer self-service services.

For example, how to turn off the Internet in the MTS Personal Account? The same can be done by selecting any connected services, as follows:

  • enter the site or and log in using your login and password;
  • for subscribers who do this for the first time, you will need to gain access using an SMS password to enter (click on the link next to the input box);
  • turn off services: go to the menu item "Tariffs and services", then to "Service management";
  • select the desired option and click "Disable";
  • you can also find out the cost of the service by ordering Bill Details on the main page of your account, you can also disable services in this form.

Within a few minutes, the disabled service will become unavailable and deactivated. You can check this using the Manage Services or Details menu.

How to register in the MTS personal account?

Some users may need more detailed instructions to enter the MTS control panel - Personal Account. We suggest performing the following operations, and you will easily get to the personal section of the provider's website:

  • to enter you will need the Internet, enter one of the sites or;
  • in the first case, you will need to follow the link in the upper right corner of the screen, which says My MTS and select "Mobile communications" from the drop-down menu, after which you will be taken to the section;
  • for authorization, enter your phone number in long-distance format;
  • then you can find out the SMS password by clicking the link next to the red button "Login" "Get password by SMS";
  • after that, in the password field, enter a combination of SMS;
  • in the next step, you will enter the personal section;
  • do not forget to change the password to a permanent one in the "Settings", or next time you can also log in using an SMS password.

After completing these steps, any user will successfully register their MTS Personal Account.

The appearance of the first page of the MTS personal account

How to check MTS subscriptions

Using the above instructions, you can enter the MTS Personal Account to unsubscribe from subscriptions. This method is available to all subscribers, MTS also offers other services that allow you to cancel one subscription or all. Basically, the connected subscriptions are paid, the options and the list of subscriptions can be checked and disabled in the following way:

  • using the My Content service;
  • using the service and the *152*2# command, you can find out the list of content by selecting the appropriate menu item;
  • content can be checked by you and disabled by the operator if you leave a corresponding request with the support service by calling 0890.

With the help of these services, you can also control costs. Subscribers will be able to get their details of expenses for the month using the command *111*341# . Detailing for the period - *111*342# .

Service My Content, go to Ordered Content->Active Subscriptions

Disable MTS subscriptions via the Internet

Unfortunately, many MTS subscribers do not suspect that they contain fraudsters, paying for their unnecessary subscriptions. How often does it work. At first glance, an SMS arrives with an interesting promotion in which you would like to participate, but this requires registration. You send SMS for this purpose, but in fact you become a content subscriber - a service that you do not need. How can I get rid of this problem?

Use for this MTS personal account subscription:

  • go to the site "My content" -;
  • go from the main page to the link "Active subscriptions", this will require authorization in the MTS Personal Account;
  • disable subscriptions on the page that will be in front of your eyes after authorization.

Unsubscribe via USSD

The MTS provider makes it possible to deactivate the subscription using short commands. For these purposes, there is a special ussd service. The *152# command allows you to enter the menu of paid services and subscriptions, this can be done using the direct combination *152*2# . In the displayed list, you will have a command on how to disable unnecessary paid subscriptions.

For example, for subscriptions that come in the form of paid SMS, you can use two methods to disable them. The first is to search the corresponding menu of content services for the command *152*2# .

Also, all active subscriptions can be canceled using the "Content Ban" service, it is connected free of charge by MTS support service operators.

In this case, no subscription will be connected to your number while this option is in effect. This is a great way to save money by disabling subscriptions to children or on your number if your smartphone often ends up in children's hands.

So your subscriptions are always in your hands. They can be activated and deactivated with a few keys.

Remove subscriptions via SMS

Another way to turn off annoying and, as a rule, paid subscriptions is to “reconnaissance in battle” using SMS.

In this case, a technical trick is used. It is typical for all subscriptions that they come from the numbers you are subscribed to, so they can be canceled not only with the help of commands, but also by SMS to these numbers. This is an easier way to get rid of unwanted content.

To disable, send an SMS to the short number from which the newsletter comes, with the text STOP or STOP. If the content has been canceled, a notification will be sent. If not, try doing something similar with the number "0". As a rule, one of these methods helps to get rid of annoying spam.

How not to “get” on subscriptions in the future

Question: How to find out which paid subscriptions are connected to MTS? How to disable all connected paid subscriptions to MTS? What is the command or number to unsubscribe from MTS paid subscriptions?

Answer: Now almost all smartphone users use the Internet and risk losing their money from their account, including those who use unlimited Internet from MTS. By connecting unlimited Internet, the user thinks that he is protected from additional expenses from his account, but everything is not so simple as it seems. There are many dubious sites on the Internet, by visiting which you can run into paid subscriptions, including MTS subscribers, by visiting such a site, you can confirm the connection of a paid subscription, which in principle you do not need at all. You might think, how is it, I did not connect and did not confirm that I was connected to any paid subscription to the MTS number. And the thing is that the owners of these sites can show information about the cost and connection of a subscription in a small format and in a place where you do not pay attention to it. For example, the site has an application or a file or any information that you need and offer you to download it. Or access to a certain section of the site can be paid in the form of a subscription with daily or monthly payment from your phone account, in the same window there is also information that you download or get access to the site for money from your phone account and you agree to pay for it, but this the information is less noticeable, and you only see the download button or agree to the terms and the like. For those who are faced with this problem, you should not be upset, as this happens automatically and almost all users sooner or later get and connect paid subscriptions. Even knowing this, sometimes I fall for these tricks, it’s good at least there number by dialing which you can disconnect from paid subscriptions to MTS. The most important thing is to understand in time that money is being debited from your account every day. Usually they find out when the account completely runs out of money and it will be a shame if a large amount is debited for subscriptions, so be especially careful on the Internet on dubious sites and do not confirm anything until you carefully study all the information and conditions with which you agree. By also typing this command, you can find out which paid MTS subscriptions you have connected to your number and how you can unsubscribe from all paid MTS subscriptions.

1) To see which paid subscriptions are connected to the MTS number, as well as how to disable all paid MTS subscriptions dial the command *152*22# and the call key. In response, you will see the following information on the phone screen: 1) subscription directory, 2) my current subscriptions, 3) unsubscribe. To see which paid subscriptions are connected on the MTS number, answer with the number 2; you confirm on the Internet on all sorts of dubious sites, especially if you have a tidy sum in your account, as there are subscriptions with large daily or monthly payments.

  • I hope this article helped you how to find out which subscriptions are connected to the MTS number and how to disable all paid subscriptions to MTS.
  • Feedback, an addition to the article, questions and answers can be added in a special form below.
  • We kindly ask you to take some time and provide mutual assistance, share useful tips and ways to resolve problems.
  • If you know more ways, numbers or commands that allow you to disable paid subscriptions or other paid services on MTS, then please share with MTS users by leaving your feedback below or create a topic on our forum and describe your method or leave useful advice.
  • Thank you very much for your responsiveness, mutual help and useful advice!!!

The presence of paid services leads to the fact that the balance of the personal account on MTS constantly tends to zero. Some people connect services intentionally, but over time, they get so used to them that they forget about their presence. And individual subscribers fall for the “bait” of money-hungry operators and connect what initially seemed free.

How to independently disable paid services on MTS and get rid of unnecessary expenses? To do this, we can do the following:

  • Contact the service office of the MTS operator;
  • Call the help desk;
  • Get a list of paid services and disable them yourself.

Let's learn how to get a list of paid services and opt out of them.

How to find out all paid MTS services

If you notice that money is constantly disappearing from your account, take your passport and visit the MTS subscriber service office. Tell the consultant about your problem, ask him to find all connected paid services and turn them off. For example, you want to turn off the horoscope from MTS-Info, but do not forget to ask the office worker to announce the list of services - what if you really need one of these?

MTS offices are not always located within easy reach. Therefore, we will solve the problem ourselves. First we need to get a list of paid services. More recently, the service “Your Paid Services” was used for these purposes - we could dial the USSD command *152*2# and receive an SMS with a list of services.

At the end of the summer of 2015, this service was disabled- probably so that we know less about where the funds are spent. Therefore, today we can get a list of paid services in only two ways:

  • By calling the help desk;
  • Going to "Personal Account".

In order to reach the help desk, you should use one of the numbers - 0890 for calls from MTS numbers or 8-800-250-0890 for calls from any other numbers. Having reached the support service, we can ask the consultant to dictate a list of all connected paid services. Calls to the MTS contact center are complicated by the fact that it is often impossible to get through here.

The greatest difficulties with dialing occur during peak hours, so we will try to get a list of paid services through the "Personal Account". This is done in the "Service Management - All connected services" section. It is here that a list of paid services for which a subscription fee will be charged will be published.

In order to enter the "Personal Account", use the link "Get password via SMS". After receiving the password, log in to the service and use all its features.

Disable unnecessary services on MTS

We can refuse MTS services not only at service offices, but also through the Contact Center. Report your desire to get rid of paid services to the responding consultant, name your full name and passport data, after which the help desk consultant will turn off everything that eats up the balance of your personal account.

If it is impossible to get through to the help desk, log in to the "Personal Account" and visit the "Service Management - All connected services" section. In the list that opens, you should find services with a monthly fee and disable them by clicking on the crosses in the corresponding lines. After that, the provision of paid services will be terminated, and the debiting of the subscription fee will stop.

Without leaving the "Personal Account" visit the section with subscriptions. It is quite possible that in addition to paid services, you also have some active subscriptions that connect even easier than services (for example, by clicking on links on some Internet resources).

How to control paid services

Now you know how you can independently disable paid services on MTS. And it is very easy to control their appearance - carefully read the descriptions for the commands you type and connected services, so as not to connect yourself with something superfluous. Good control over the services is also provided by the MTS "Personal Account". To protect yourself from accidental paid subscriptions, you can enable

Probably, you have often encountered the fact that money disappears from your phone balance sometimes faster than you had time to make a call or write a message. This is due to paid subscriptions, which users often do not know about. Many telephone operators and KPs impose these subscriptions. Today we will learn how to turn off paid subscriptions and services and stop overpaying.

It is very important to realize that the price of paid subscriptions is high, it can range from 3 to 30 rubles per day, or up to 500 rubles at a time. If you begin to notice that money began to disappear from your phone balance, the first thing to do is to check if you are subscribed to paid services. If so, then they need to be disabled.

Our article will tell you how to find out which services are connected to your MTS.
Let's move on to the main thing, there are several different ways to disable paid MTS subscriptions:

How to disable MTS subscriptions quickly

This method is more convenient for a home user, you only need to go to the site from a computer. Go to and go to your personal account. Here you can easily see and disable all your connected paid subscriptions.

Disabling paid services and subscriptions by calling the operator

You can contact the MTS operator by number 0890 . When you are connected to the support service, you have the right to demand the deactivation of ALL paid subscriptions on the MTS phone. In the event that the money began to disappear, and you did not connect anything, or you downloaded a malicious program to your phone, and the money began to disappear, demand the immediate deactivation of paid subscriptions.

It is worth trying to demand a refund for the entire subscription period, if the amount is more than impressive. You can also find out the full amount written off for subscriptions from the operator.

How to disable the service and mts subscriptions from a USSD phone with a request

If you already know which paid services you have connected, you can disable them with a simple USSD request. Here is a list of MTS paid subscriptions and requests to disable them:
  • Deactivation of the GOOD'OK service *111*29#
  • Unsubscribing News *111*4756#
  • Unsubscribing Weather Forecast *111*4751#
  • Unsubscribe Dating *111*4755#
  • Unsubscribing Jokes *111*4753#
  • Disabling the MMS+ service *111*11#
  • Disabling Horoscope subscription *111*4752#
  • Disable GPRS service *111*17
  • Disabling the WAP+ service *111*20#
  • Deactivation of the service You received a call *111*39#
  • Disabling the Chat service *111*12#
  • Deactivation of the Internet+ service *111*22#
  • Deactivation of the Internet Assistant service *111*24#
  • Disable subscription Exchange rate *111*4754
  • Deactivation of Favorite number service *111*43#
  • Deactivation of the service Neighboring regions *111*2110#
  • Deactivation of the service I'm online *111*211420#
  • Disabling the Conference call service *111*49#
  • Disabling the Anti-Identifier service *111*47#
  • Deactivation of the call barring service *111*53#
  • Deactivation of Mobile office service *111*51#
  • Deactivation of the Forwarding service *111*41#
  • Disabling Call Waiting/Call Hold *111*55#
  • Deactivation of Caller ID service *111*45#

Disabling services and subscriptions with one command

To check available paid subscriptions, send a request *152*2# . Carefully study the menu and select the service you are interested in.

Be careful if you receive an SMS about a subscription to paid services, make a request to the same number and immediately turn it off!