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Xiaomi fitness bracelets. Fitness bracelets Xiaomi Watch mi band 2

An activity tracker or fitness bracelet called Xiaomi Mi Band 2 will appeal to people who play sports or just like to go for morning runs.

Many people will prefer it because it has a screen. It also has a more capacious battery than its competitors.

And the ability to control using gestures makes it more convenient for everyday use.

We bring to your attention a complete review of this true king of modern mobile electronics.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 review

Main characteristics of Xiaomi Mi Band 2

  • Primary requirements: Bluetooth 4.0, Android 4.4 or later 7.0 iOS or later
  • Main material: plastic, aluminum
  • Degree of protection: IP67
  • Configuration: 0.42 inch OLED display, Bluetooth 4.0 BLE, accelerometer and optical sensor with cardioverter
  • Cuff: total length - 235 mm, adjustable length - 155-210 mm, material - thermoplastic elastomers, aluminum
  • Battery Type: Lithium polymer
  • Input current: 45 mA (TYP) 65 mA (MAX)
  • Battery capacity: 70 mAh
  • Weight: 7 g
  • Waiting time: 20 days

The main differences between Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and its predecessor: the bracelet has become a little larger and heavier, but this does not affect ease of use.

It has an OLED screen and is equipped with a touch button. It, like a wristwatch, consists of a main module and a strap.

The bracelet is compatible with the same devices as its predecessors.

Contents of delivery

Equipment Xiaomi Mi Band 2

In the cardboard box, the buyer will find the bracelet, the main unit itself, recharging and instructions written in Chinese.

The main changes affected the appearance of the device. A screen appeared and a sensitive control button appeared.

An excellent matrix allows you to easily read information in high light levels, and glare will not blind the user in the dark.

Basically, the display is in standby mode, it lights up if necessary. You can activate it in different ways - by pressing a sensitive button or by looking at your watch.

The device panel has a flat shape. The capacitive button does not respond to third-party objects.

In addition, other changes have appeared in the device. In particular, this is an improved heart rate monitor.

The intensity of light from the sensors has decreased significantly, and they are located differently.

The location of the heart rate monitor window has changed, now protruding 1.5 mm above the module.


There have also been changes in the appearance of the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 strap. It now becomes possible to adjust it from 155 to 210 mm. At the same time, the total length of the strap is 235 mm.

The inconvenience of using the previous model was the location of the module on the outside, and it often fell out.

The design advantage of the new model is that the capsule can only be inserted from the hand side.

Also, being completely recessed into the recess, it protrudes above the device, which prevents the possibility of scratches on the screen and protects it.


The new gadget, despite a lot of advantages and disadvantages, still has some disadvantages. In particular, it is large enough for a child and a woman.

Despite the fact that the fair half of humanity can still wear it, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 will look bulky on their delicate hands.

In addition, the dimensions of the gadget increase the risk of damage. A durable strap ensures a secure hold on the hand and prevents it from falling to the ground.

The increase in dimensions made it possible to make the charger more durable and reliable. The charging pins built into it have increased, and the charger itself has become larger.

Therefore, the device from other models will not be suitable for recharging.

At the same time, you can use it to charge other models, but only if you use gaskets with which you can achieve reliable and precise contact between the contacts.

Functionality of Xiaomi Mi Band 2

This device differs from the previous version in its ability to work offline or through an application.

The set of functions of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 remains the same.

The gadget is capable of: tracking the user’s activity, counting the calories he used, heart rate, number of steps, and even monitoring sleep phases.

The device is equipped with an improved pedometer, which is characterized by increased counting accuracy. Therefore, the accuracy of the device has increased by 10-15%.

Heart rate monitor Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The heart rate monitor installed in the gadget is also more advanced. Its error has dropped to 5%.

The notification system operates in the same mode as its predecessors. The bracelet vibrates to indicate incoming calls and SMS.

Any notification from the application is accompanied by vibration and the display of the App icon.

Using this device, you can unlock another gadget associated with it, for example, a tablet or smartphone.

Unlocking is carried out via Bluetooth if they are in a paired state or within the coverage area of ​​this interface (5 meters).

The operating temperature of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is – 20 - + 70 °C. But at the same time, if you overcool the device, its battery life will be reduced to 128 hours.

It is not afraid of falling onto a hard surface from a height of 1.2 m.

Offline mode: screen and gesture capabilities

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 device

The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 screen displays information about the number of steps taken, time spent on training, and heart rate.

To display these readings on the screen, a special touch button is used.

The first press turns on the clock. After the second press, the device displays information about the number of steps.

The third press displays a heart on the screen, which shows the pulse value and subsequently displays any changes that have occurred during the past minute.

If you do not click on the key, when the screen appears, it will display the time and the last heart rate reading. The system will work similarly when performing step statistics.

Data updating occurs through built-in sensors. Synchronization with is required if the battery is completely discharged.

Constantly maintaining the battery level of the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 virtually eliminates the need to use an application or smartphone.

They may be needed only for the purpose of viewing statistics.

It should be noted that the time display function is conveniently implemented. A sharp turn of the hand will wake up the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 screen, which will immediately reflect the current time.

This effect is observed even when typing information on, if the hand with the bracelet is located on the table.

If you do not tear it off the surface, the system is guaranteed to work.

Device Compatibility

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 connects to any Android phone

The functionality of the device directly depends on the application you choose.

At the same time, taking into account the number of steps, tracking the phases of sleep and wakefulness of a person, and the distance traveled always occurs in any programs that this device can be equipped with.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 goes well with programs and devices running . It should be noted that it has not been tested with iOS applications.

Therefore, if it is important to you, then it is better to install previous versions or use software from amateur programmers.

You can find other software on the Internet that can work with this gadget.

They have both advantages and disadvantages. You can try them and choose the most suitable one for a particular user.

And to avoid compatibility problems, look at .

Today, mobile technologies have entered the life of almost every person and occupy a leading position in it, if we talk about the frequency of use of certain devices. The modern smartphone has long been no longer positioned as a toy, since its functionality has turned the device into a full-fledged work complex. The developers realized in time how they could make money, and therefore began to create various accessories (bracelets, watches) and gadgets that expand the functionality of already smart mobile phones. Below are detailed instructions for the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 with all the nuances of using the bracelet and the Mi Fit application, through which the device connects and synchronizes with a smartphone.

In fact, further instructions for the Xiaomi Mi Band are presented in Russian, but naturally it’s worth starting with the unpacking of the product itself. If you purchased an original bracelet and the appearance of the packaging, then you need to start working by charging the device in order to finally confirm its authenticity and prepare it for the first use.

The package must contain the following items:

  • the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet itself, which is divided into a strap and a tracker inserted into it;
  • USB charging cable.

Rules for using the charger and tracker

For Mi Band, setup is an important step, but you still need to learn how to charge the bracelet correctly. Having unpacked the brand new Band, you need to remove the tracker from the strap, and then insert it into the charger with the contacts inward (as deep as possible, but without effort). The charger must then be inserted into an available USB port on your computer (recommended) or a USB adapter for a standard outlet. Charging time for the bracelet does not exceed two hours.

The tracker's charge level is indicated by three LEDs that blink during charging and glow evenly when the device is fully charged. The standard time for the first charging cycle is about 2 hours. All subsequent charges will take much less time. The tracker needs to be fully charged; you should also avoid non-standard charging methods, since incorrect current supply will cause the device to burn out.

Installing Mi Fit and registering an account

The next step after unpacking the bracelet is to connect it to your smartphone, but this cannot be done without and.

More detailed instructions can be found in an already written article devoted to this issue, but in abbreviated form, the algorithm of actions for the owner of a Mi Band bracelet is quite simple:

  1. The Mi Fit application is installed from the Play Market or App Store.
  2. Registering a Mi account is carried out through a browser using a link or through the application itself.

After registration, the Mi Band 2 can be configured, but to do this you will have to make initial settings in the Mi Fit application, thanks to which the bracelet is tied to the smartphone and data is constantly synchronized.

Initial Mi Fit settings

Now you need to configure the application itself to work with it correctly:

  1. Naturally, first, authorization is performed using an existing or just registered login and password.

  1. Then it is necessary for the user to enter his personal data into the application: name (nickname), gender, date of birth, height, weight, the minimum number of steps that are planned to be taken daily.

  1. Immediately after entering the specified data, the bracelet binding menu will open, where you will need to select the device to be connected.

  1. After successful synchronization, Mi Fit will offer to update the bracelet firmware to the latest version. During this process, you do not need to turn off your phone or remove your Mi Band from it. Immediately after the firmware is installed, the application interface will open, which you can start using.

Using Mi Fit and Mi Band

After connecting the Mi Band successfully, you can begin to study the application interface, which has become available to us. The home screen has three tabs: Activity, Notifications, and Profile.

Activity Tab

From the screen of this tab you can go to several functional sections: “Statistics”, “Sleep”, “Weight”, “Achievement Streak”, etc.

In the English version, this tab is called “Status”. From this section you can go to the statics of various actions by clicking on the circle with steps or other sections in the event strip.


You can get to this section by clicking on the circle with the number of steps, which is located on the “Activity” tab.

Features of working with this section:

  • Swiping left will open the statistics section for the past days;
  • Clicking the Statistics button will open a general summary that can be sorted by day, week, and month.


By going to the “Sleep” section, the user can obtain the following information:

  • Statistics of the sleep session for the previous night, indicating the duration of all phases and moments of awakening;
  • Swiping to the right will allow you to view statistics for earlier sleep sessions;
  • If you click the “Statistics” button in the “Sleep” section, you can group the data by days, weeks, months, etc.


When entering this section, the user observes the following functional elements:

  • Graph of changes in weight indicators;
  • Above the graph is a list of users, which can be adjusted directly from this section (just click on the desired name to go);
  • A specific weight indicator is remembered by clicking on the special “Record weight” button;
  • You can always monitor your body mass index, weight, dynamics, and also evaluate your physique.

"High Streak"

This section is a good incentive for Mi Band 2 owners, since it displays all the goals that were achieved while using the bracelet.

The main indicators are:


When launching the “Running” section, the user must activate GPS navigation in advance so that the device finds active satellites. As soon as the optimal number of satellites is displayed in Mi Fit (lights up green), you can press start and go on a distance. While running, basic information about the runner’s condition will be displayed, and if you switch to the “Map” view, you can follow the trajectory of movement. You can stop reading information, for example, when moving to a step, by holding down the “Pause” button.

“Notifications” tab and how it works

On this tab, you can configure configurations for triggering notifications for main events, as well as configure the function of duplicating them on the bracelet.

The list of controlled notifications includes:

  • Challenges. The bracelet will respond to each call after a certain period of time. Also, the enabled blocking function will prevent calls from unfamiliar numbers.
  • Alarm. After setting up, the bracelet will wake up the owner even when the phone is dead or duplicate the signal of the phone itself, which may not be enough to wake the owner from sleep.
  • Messages. It works in a similar way to a bell.
  • Applications. Settings are carried out for each application installed on the phone, and notifications work on the principle of messages.

Screen Unlock feature

By entering this settings menu, the user can:

  • Set up the screen unlocking process in such a way that you only have to swipe the phone with the bracelet and not make unnecessary movements on the screen or fingerprint sensor;
  • Configure Mi Band visibility settings for other devices.

Profile Tab

The last tab, in fact, does not require explanation, because it is already clear that the profile contains all the information about the user of the bracelet and the configuration of this device.

Still, it’s worth saying that in this menu you can:

  • View personal information entered at the stage of setting up and connecting the bracelet to the smartphone;
  • Examine the list of devices connected to the smartphone and their configurations. In the case of the Mi Band, we are talking about the ability to search for the bracelet using the phone (makes it make sounds and blink), change the colors of the LEDs, determine where the device is attached, activate/block notifications;
  • You can also view data about the bracelet’s firmware and unlink it from a specific phone;
  • Even lower are the settings for the bracelet owner’s goals, notifications about collected statistics, and other settings and services.

Other bracelet features

The list of useful features of Mi Band does not end there.

It is worth highlighting the following possibilities:

  • Visual control of achieved goals for the first version of the bracelet. Everything is quite simple: the three indicators that were described above, when the bracelet is in working condition (not charging), are used to measure the level of achievement of goals. To activate this function, you need to make a certain gesture: raise your hand and turn the bracelet towards you, as if you were looking at a watch.

  • Search for a bracelet. This function has already been discussed above, but it is still worth giving specific instructions on how to use it. After following the path “Profile – Devices – Mi Band”, click the corresponding search button.
  • Service "Friends". Your friends and family members who own similar bracelets can become members of the same Mi Band network. Everyone will be able to follow each other’s achievements, as well as send welcome notifications to someone else’s bracelet.

Operational features of the bracelet

What is worth knowing about features that are not included in the description, but play an important role:

  1. The device is “waterproof,” but that doesn’t mean you can swim in it. The bracelet can be left on in the shower, in the rain or when washing dishes. The device will most likely survive a short-term immersion to a depth of 1 meter, but it is better not to take risks. Be especially wary of salt water at resorts.
  2. Automatically restore contact with your smartphone. In rare cases, desync may occur due to interference from other devices using Bluetooth wireless technology. When disconnected, the tracker independently continues to try to restore the connection until the next synchronization.
  3. Long operating life without recharging. The average Mi Band 2 user can go without recharging the bracelet for about a month. This time is reduced if the device is constantly synchronized with a smartphone.
  4. Convenient fastening of the case to the strap. There is only a slight risk that the tracker will be squeezed out of the compartment that secures it on the elastic and elastic strap. However, this situation is only possible if there is excessive mechanical pressure on the device.
  5. The real usefulness of the bracelet for the body. Naturally, the device will not remind the owner how much to walk/run, sleep, eat, etc. This is only an auxiliary tool that simplifies the process of achieving optimal conditions of body and spirit.
  6. It is worth mentioning the translation curve, as a result of which you can see the “temperature” parameter; in fact, this is how the calories burned were translated.

Alternative bracelet models

As an alternative version for the reviewed Mi Band 2, we have also written a user manual for Mi Band 1s indicating the main differences of this device.

What you need to know about this bracelet:

  1. It still connects to your phone via Bluetooth wireless technology.
  2. When you use it for the first time, it asks you to charge it, and then it requires this procedure after about a month of use.
  3. For proper operation, you will need to enter your data into Mi Fit, and then, using the detailed guide presented above, connect and configure.

There are not so many differences with the newer (second) version. When considering the Mi Band 1s Pulse, the instructions for it make it clear that this model with the Pulse prefix is ​​aimed specifically at measuring the owner’s heart rate.

Naturally, Mi Band 2 can also do this, but in this modification the pulse is analyzed from different angles:

  • measurements are made using a photoplethysmogram;
  • data is displayed on the display within 15 seconds;
  • The bracelet operates in active (with manual activation) and passive (everyday) mode (2 times per minute).

The disadvantage is that the Xiaomi Mi Band 1s Pulse fitness bracelet will not measure heart rate when the charge drops below 10%.

Bottom line

From all of the above, it is only important to understand that to achieve optimal physical condition and a high level of health, it is not enough to buy a bracelet, enter your parameters and set it up correctly. Regular sports, walks and a consistently active lifestyle are what remains for the owner of the bracelet.

Today, fitness trackers have become a part of the lives of a large number of people. We will tell you what it is and why we need a fitness bracelet using the example of the most popular sports bracelet from Xiaomi today - Mi Band 2.

Let's start with the main thing. Let's take a look at what the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 smart bracelet can do and is equipped with.


  • Heart rate measurement (pulsometer).
  • Motion sensor (accelerometer).
  • Pedometer.
  • Mileage traveled.
  • Calories burned.
  • Sleep sensor.
  • Alarm.
  • Messages about calls, SMS and notifications from different applications.
  • Vibration signal.
  • Unlocking your smartphone.

Thus, using the bracelet, you can determine the number of steps while jogging, the distance traveled per day, the load on the heart and the calories burned, and also monitor the quality and duration of sleep by looking at its phases (slow and fast sleep) the next day.

The owner, in addition to monitoring indicators of his physical activity on a smartphone, will also receive notifications from the latter to a smart bracelet. When the phone's silent mode is turned on, the tracker's vibration alert will allow you not to miss important calls, SMS, messages from social networks.

For parents with small children, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 smart bracelet will be a real find. The vibration signal will wake up the owner silently, without disturbing the child's sleep.

Interesting chip is the ability to monitor the activity of relatives and friends who also use the bracelet. In the application MiFit You can see the following indicators of a person whom the user has added to the Friends tab:
- number of steps per day;
- time to fall asleep and time to wake up;
- how many kcal burned per day.

  • Module material: plastic.
  • The strap is made of silicone (heat-resistant and plastic) vulcanizate.
  • Weight: 7 gr.
  • OLED display with a diagonal of 0.42 inches.
  • Touch screen button.
  • Battery capacity 70 mAh.
  • Works offline for 20 days.
  • Compatible with iOS 7.0 and Android 4.4.
  • Communication interface with PC: USB 2.0.
  • Built-in Bluetooth module: 4.0 BLE.
  • IP67 waterproof housing.

The kit includes: module, strap, charger, instructions in Chinese.

Bracelet Straps

Manufacturers made sure that each customer could choose the color of the strap for Mi Band 2 as they wish. A large range of different colors allows you to choose a bracelet for both men and women.
A replacement bracelet usually does not cause any discomfort when worn, and after several days of use, it ceases to be felt on the hand.
If you do not remove the bracelet while taking a shower or bath, it will quickly become unusable. plastic clip inside the strap. As a result, the module will fall out of the bracelet. In this case, you need to order a new strap.
You can buy a non-original one, but it must have a plastic insert, otherwise the loss of the electronic capsule is a matter of time.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Low price.
  • Works without recharging for up to 3 weeks.
  • Moisture protection.
  • Convenient tracking of activity in the application.
  • There is no stopwatch (even in the application).
  • No pressure sensor.
  • To recharge, you need to remove the module from the bracelet, which negatively affects the durability of the strap.
  • When water gets on the screen, the touch button is activated.

Setting up the bracelet

Setting the time

Before using the bracelet, it must be synchronized with your phone or tablet. You must first install a special application on your smartphone. Mi Fit.
After this, you need to go to the application and press tab Profile. Here make the following settings:

  • select the image type: time or time and date.

The date is shown in English only. You can configure both options one by one and check which is optimal.

To read information, you need to raise your wrist as you would normally look at a watch. At this moment, the bracelet will automatically activate and show the time. You can also use the touch button for this purpose.
In addition, the time setting occurs after connecting Bluetooth to the phone. The data is synchronized and the time is set automatically.

First time use

For those who bought this smart bracelet and are thinking about how to turn on the XiaoMi Mi Band 2 for the first time, there are simple instructions that show how to connect the bracelet to the phone and get started:

  1. Before use, charge the device for about 2 hours, since the battery of a new device is often completely discharged.
  2. After installing the application, you should turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone.
  3. The next step is to launch the application and click on the icon Sign in for registration.
  4. Creating an account is required for further use of the application.
  5. You need to enter your phone number and confirmation code, as well as your city of residence.
  6. The next step is to create a password. It must combine letters and numbers.
  7. After all the manipulations have been carried out, the application automatically takes you to the main page, where you will need to click Sign in. After this, a window will open in which you need to enter your Nickname.
  8. The next step will be personal settings (gender, date of birth, height, weight).
  9. Then we set goals - steps taken per day and body weight. The application will be guided by this indicator. The algorithm will collect good days with maximum indicators and indicate the daily number of steps. If you lead a normal lifestyle and move throughout the day, it would be optimal to enter 10 thousand steps. If you often run 3-5 km a day, it would be optimal to enter 18-20 thousand steps. Settings can be changed and adjusted periodically.
  10. The final stage of registration will be clicking the Finish button.
    All data has been saved, you have successfully registered in the application. Now you can constantly use the fitness bracelet.

How to wear a fitness bracelet correctly

First of all, the bracelet must be worn on your hand. It doesn’t matter which one, but it’s worth considering the following factors:

  • The tracker should fit snugly to your hand, but the strap should not be tightened too tightly. This will allow the sensors to work correctly.
  • If you move without swinging your hand (palms in your pockets or on a supermarket cart), then your steps will not be counted.
  • You need to periodically remove the bracelet so that the skin of your hand rests and the accumulated moisture evaporates.

Application for xiaomi mi band 2

There are many applications on the Internet that are suitable for using the bracelet. But such programs may display information incorrectly. Manufacturers recommend using the universal Mi Fit program.
To control the tracker from your phone, pay attention to the following:

  1. The smartphone operating system is Android 4.4 or iOS 7, as well as newer versions.
  2. Availability of Bluetooth 4.0 module.

Application for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 for OS Android can be downloaded for free at Google Play.
Applications for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 on ios can be downloaded at AppStore.
The application itself has various modifications. The latest version, which works best, has three screens:

  • displays steps, distance, calories, pulse, sleep time;
  • alarm clock, reminder settings, messages synchronized with Google;
  • You can change daily indicators and change settings for the next day.

The application also archives information for a certain period and stores it in the phone's memory. It is possible to set the Russian language and share achievements in Telegram.

Windows Phone app

There are several options for windows phone:
1. Mi Band Companion. The best application that works correctly with the Windows operating system. True, it has a significant drawback - it is paid. In the free version you can only set the alarm and time.
2. Mi band Tracker. The official application, which is completely Russified. Allows you to count calories, set an alarm and track your daily steps. It does not always work correctly and has its drawbacks.
3. Bind Mi. The only good application with many functions and is free. Most users prefer this particular program, as it works efficiently and reliably.

How to charge

How long does it take to charge xiaomi mi band 2 and how to do it correctly?
You can find out the current charge by pressing the display touch button several times. Or in the application in the Devices tab.
Each kit contains a special charger into which the module is inserted. Placing the contacts requires removing the capsule from the strap.
You need to connect the capsule to a charging cable, which is inserted into the USB connector of your computer or laptop.

If the battery is completely drained, it will take about 3 hours to charge.

Important! When removing the capsule from the charger, you must hold it by the plug. If you hold it by the wire, it will quickly become unusable.
Typically, you have to charge the gadget once every 2.5-3 weeks with daily use.

Frequently asked questions

How to disconnect Mi Band 2 from your phone?

To disconnect the bracelet from your smartphone, you need to log into the application, go to your profile, then the Devices tab and click at the bottom of the Disconnect window that opens. In this case, the bracelet can be tied to an additional account. If you find someone else's bracelet, you can use the following functions: watch, pedometer and heart rate monitor. It will be impossible to link the device to the phone.

Is it possible to get the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet wet?

The device is not afraid of moisture; with Xiaomi Mi Band 2 you can swim in the pool and not worry about its performance.
The tracker is distinguished by its water resistance and ability to withstand static pressure, but it is not recommended to dive to a depth of more than 1 m. You should not use the bracelet in a bathhouse or sauna.

Do you need a protective film for xiaomi mi band 2?

It helps protect the screen from drops and scratches, and helps extend the life of the display. The protective film is completely invisible, easy to apply and inexpensive.

Why doesn't my fitness bracelet connect to my phone?

This may be due to many problems that arise due to outdated firmware and incorrect Bluetooth operation. There are the following solutions, let's start with the simple ones:

  • Turn the bracelet on and off several times.
  • Reboot your smartphone.
  • Install the application on your smartphone BLE Scanner. Use it to search for bluetooth devices. Restart Mi Fit and reconnect Mi Band 2 in the Devices tab of the Profile window. This is the method that helped me.
  • Everything is the same only with the help of the application nRF Connect.
  • Install app Mi Band Master. Next Settings - Connection - Mi Band binding - Authorization via Mi Fit. Restart Mi Fit and reconnect the bracelet.
  • Reinstall the version of the Mi Fit application to a newer one. If it is the latest one, then remove it and install the previous one. For example, on v.3.3.0 the bracelet was not found. Installing version 3.2.9 solved the problem.

How to update firmware with Russian language for xiaomi mi band 2?

  • Close Mi Fit. Next, in the smartphone settings, select Chinese language. Important! Visually remember shortcuts so you don’t get lost in the menu later. Then open Mi Fit, the bracelet firmware update starts automatically. After finishing, we return to the previous language. Now the caller's name is displayed on the bracelet screen in Russian!


A fitness bracelet from Xiaomi is not just a watch, it is a device that will help you in sports achievements, monitor your health and become a faithful assistant. For people who play sports and lead an active life, mi band 2 is an irreplaceable thing. High quality bracelet at an affordable price.

The most popular fitness bracelet Xiaomi mi band 2 has reached me. And this is the coolest bracelet - a smart watch that I have ever held in my hand! Or is it not? Is he worthy of our attention or not? The answer is in this article.

I’ll tell you the truth, I looked sideways at this type of bracelet for a long time, more than half a year ago, when it was at the start of sales, on pre-order at a price of 4,500 rubles apiece. Then I decided to let the bracelet wait for a better time. Or better yet, a lower price.

Smart bracelet xiaomi mi band 2

Let's analyze the communication and build it as follows:

  • Let's go over those characteristics so that it is clear
  • Box contents
  • Installing the application, instructions for setting up the bracelet.
  • Let's move on to the pros and cons of the bracelet.
  • Let's talk about where to buy it so as not to fall for a fake.
  • And the final verdict: execute or pardon.

And so let's start with the full official name of the Xiaomi mi band 2 bracelet (read as xiaomi mi band two)

Xiaomi mi band 2 specifications

The bracelet works on Bluetooth 4.0, on Android 4.4. and higher and on iOS 7.0 and above this means that your phone must be older than 2013, otherwise there may be problems with the operation of the application.

In a word, if you have a smartphone purchased a couple of years ago, there is no need to worry.

IP67 waterproof– this means protection from water in a non-aggressive environment, that is, it is better not to swim in the sea; salty sea water is not recommended. Although you can do this, but only once, and then throw it in the trash. But you can wash your hands or take a shower, without any problems at all.

OLED screen (organic lightemitting diode) – which means organic light-emitting diode. In short, small lights will light up in your bracelet.

There is a button on the bracelet– responsible for displaying information. It is touch sensitive, that is, pressed with the touch of a finger. Moreover, when working with touch gloves, you have to take off the gloves and see how long it is.

Are they male or female? They are unisex, wallpaper will suit the floors.

Battery: 70 mAh – will work for about 20 days without recharging and can be charged in 3-4 hours.

Now let's go through the smart functions:

  • Alarm clock, by default there are 3 alarms, and also the ability to add more alarms. By the way, there is no sound on the watch, there is only vibration. But more on that later.
  • Notifications about incoming calls, messages. Your watch will inform you when someone is calling you. Modern firmware will allow you to hook up the function of displaying the caller's number. Convenient for those who work with a telephone.
  • Heart rate monitoring, the error is about 2-3 beats per minute, but this is not critical due to the complexity of sensing the pulse.
  • Sedentary lifestyle warning for an hour. You can't change the time.
  • Pedometer – counting the steps taken per day.
  • And of course the time display.

The strap is made of hypoallergenic silicone, with a clasp.

The watch capsule is inserted separately into the strap.

Weight and size: I will say one thing, they are very light for a watch and they are as wide as my finger.

Xiaomi mi band 2 equipment:

White box (it’s exactly white, until August 2016 it was yellow, then Xiaomi changed the design). The box must be in the original film.

We open the box and see a neatly laid watch capsule. And inside there is: Silicone bracelet, charging and instructions.

By pressing the button, we turn on the bracelet and make sure that the watch has a charge. We insert the capsule into the bracelet.

I notice that the silicone bracelet is very nice. They are made one more pleasant than the other.

And then you realize that the bracelet is very stylish. It is small, neat, pleasant, light.

Therefore, I offer my version of instructions for setting the clock.

xiaomi mi band 2 instructions:

Since there is only one button on the watch, all settings are done through the application on the phone.

You can download the application by scanning the QR code from the instructions, or directly from the photo below.

I had a problem opening the application from a link, and I had to download directly from Google-play.

The application is called Mi fit.

After launch, you will need to register, confirm your email and then log in. Moreover, there is no quick login using social media. networks, what a pity.

Now you need to add a new device. The phone asks for permission to turn on Bluetooth, we agree. And now it’s important to put the phone down and put the bracelet next to it.

It is advisable not to touch them.

For me, the synchronization process did not go through right away, even a small blow to the table and the settings were lost and started again.

Installing an application is not the most convenient process, something doesn’t work, doesn’t open, but it needs to be done. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to adjust the time on the clock.

In Google Play you can find many add-ons and applications that make, for example, an alarm clock mi band 2 into a smart alarm clock. But alas, I cannot recommend this to you. Because programs often do not work correctly.

In the application you can view:

Real-time heart rate display mode (running mode).

Sleep schedule. By the way, I really can’t understand the value of this graph, perhaps this is necessary for professional athletes, but to understand and understand what phase of sleep one is sleeping in and what it means…. Eh....I think such specialists are hard to find during the day, if I’m wrong, please correct me in the comments.

Number of steps and calories burned.

Pay attention to the notification section, picture below.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of this bracelet:

Let's start with the negative:

Let's move on to the pros:

Price for xiaomi mi band 2 bracelet and where to buy?

The price in Russia is about 2700-3700 rubles. This is of course an adequate price, but there is also the opportunity to buy directly in the Middle Kingdom.

I don’t recommend Aliexpress, because... You can easily fall for a fake. And there are actually a lot of them. There are simply other companies that do the same thing, just under their own logo. I would still recommend buying the original bracelet.

My bracelet came to me from GearBest because it has a favorable price of 1,500 rubles today. It's very cheap. Plus, fast delivery, 2-3 weeks, very fast.

What is the result:

I wrote a lot of cons, but believe me, they don’t mean anything. The bracelet is a really interesting thing. Stylish, cool. Where the price smooths out all the disadvantages. And it's very cheap.

Of course, I did not write all the features and subtleties of the fitness bracelet. Below in the comments you can complement me yourself.

Offer your ideas for improving this order

Thank you for reading to the end.

Fitness bracelet MiBand 2– this is the second generation of sports gadgets from the Chinese manufacturer, which, logically, should have eliminated the shortcomings of its predecessor. What actually happened?

· Monitor activity.

The gadget quite accurately recognizes the user’s motor activity and takes appropriate measurements.

· Measure pulse.

There are several ways to activate the heart rate monitor:

1. Raise the bracelet above your wrist for a snug fit to your hand. Press the capsule button several times (at standard settings 5 ​​times) until the heart icon appears. Try not to move. Wait for the vibration and look at the result.

2.Go to the application Mi Fit, open the “Pulse” section, click on the “Measurement” button - “OK”. Wait a few seconds until the result is displayed on the smartphone display.

This function will be useful both for athletes for taking measurements during training, and for ordinary people monitoring their health. Also, using a heart rate monitor, the gadget determines the phases of sleep.

The pedometer will determine how many steps you took during the day, and the application will show a detailed graph of daily activity and compare it with previous days. You can also set a daily goal, such as walking 8,000 steps.

· Determine the distance traveled.

The device converts the number of steps into kilometers and displays the value on its screen and in the application.

· Count calories.

The number of calories burned is also displayed on the screen. With this feature you will know how much you need to move to neutralize the effects of freshly eaten ice cream. Comfortable!

· Carry out sleep monitoring.

The fitness bracelet determines the moments of falling asleep and waking up, and tracks the phases of sleep. If you enable a heart rate monitor to track sleep in the application settings, the data will be even more accurate, but the battery life will drop significantly - the capsule will discharge a little faster.

· Notify about calls.

With the bracelet, you will not miss a single call - vibration and a corresponding image on the screen will notify you that a smartphone is “exploding” at the bottom of the bag.

· Remind you to move when inactive for a long time.

This feature will be especially useful for office workers, gamers and all those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Just click the appropriate toggle switch in the application, and the fitness bracelet will vibrate to invite you to walk and warm up after a long period of inactivity.

I found this “trick” very useful. The caring gadget unobtrusively drew attention to itself while I was engrossed in work and offered to take a mini-break. Within five minutes I was back on track with my work, but with new strength and fresh thoughts.

· Motivate for sporting achievements.

This stylish accessory will certainly help those who lack the “magic kick” for sports. The bracelet will sometimes scold you for low activity, somewhere it will praise you for a new achievement, and somewhere it will tactfully remain silent - as if a miniature sports trainer lives inside the capsule.

He has enough skills and abilities, and among the numerous “pluses” we can safely add price. Yes, XiaomiMiBand 2 You can buy it in Minsk for not much more than what the Chinese offer to do on the world famous trading platform.

Operating system compatibility, application overview

According to official data, Xiaomi Mi Band 2 works with Android generation 4.4 and above and iOS 7.0 and above.

I decided to check whether the fitness bracelet works with other versions of the OS.

So ,Xiaomi MI Band 2AndWindows

My old lady Lumia 822, working on WindowsPhone 8.1, I easily found the bracelet using Bluetooth. There was no official MI Fit application in the “Store”, but there was BindMiBand– a shareware application with good functionality. The sleep tracking section, for example, is only available with an annual or lifetime subscription, which costs $1.49 or $2.99 ​​respectively.

The program works correctly, the interface is pleasant, and the capabilities are similar to Mi Fit.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and dual OS tablet

The tablet, running on two OS - Android 4.4 and Windows, also accepted the bracelet as its own. But there were also nuances.

For example, the official Mi Fit application from the Play Market stubbornly refused to be installed on the tablet, citing the fact that it was not supported on this device. I had to download the program from a well-known site with “four” in the name and install it manually. Mi Fit is working.

The official application is made to last - the only pity is that there is no smart alarm clock. Weight recording, heart rate tracking, tons of settings, synchronization with Google Fit and noteworthy “behavior tags”. The app remembers the user's behavior during certain activities, such as running, riding a bus, taking a bath, and subsequently adjusts the number of steps and calories burned.

The Play Market also offered several applications upon request " xiaomimiband 2", a couple of which bypassed Mi Fit in terms of stars.

For example, the program Notify & Fitness for Mi Band.

Beautiful interface, all statistical data is presented in various graphs and diagrams. The functions indicate “Smart alarm clock”. He always woke me up at the specified time - either at that moment I was in the right phase of sleep, or the alarm clock was not so “smart”.

The button can be customized - for example, a single press will mean turning on a music track, a double press will mean switching to the next song, etc.

It’s a pity that the application does not have the ability to “calibrate” the obtained values, as Mi Fit can do.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and Xiaomi Mi2s

Two gadgets from Xiaomi “sang together” without problems. It took a long time for a new smartphone with artificially installed Android 5.0 (instead of the standard Android 4.1 for this model) to establish a connection with the fitness bracelet, for a long time to open Mi Fit, and for a long time to synchronize. But then there was nothing to complain about - the connection was constant, the data display was correct, synchronization was fast.

Connecting Xiaomi MI band 2 to a smartphone

Despite the apparent complexity, connecting a fitness bracelet to a smartphone is simple. Detailed instructions on points:

· Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone (tablet).

· Find the device “Mi band 2” and connect to it.

· Open Mi Fit or any other application for a sports tracker (pre-download it from the Play Market/Store/App Store).

· Click on the “Device is not connected” button (using Mi Fit as an example, other applications have a similar button).

· Select “Bracelet”.

· Select the highlighted inscription with a bracelet.

· Wait for vibration from the bracelet and press the button on the capsule screen. That's all.

Correctness of measurements and personal impressions

Pedometer. In general, the number of steps taken is determined plausibly. But special cases are confusing:

· After a night's sleep, the tracker occasionally showed me not zero statistics, but 10-15 steps. Either I sleepwalk at night, or the pedometer mistakes possible movements in my sleep for walking.

· Short walks around the apartment are not always taken into account in statistics. For example, going to the kitchen for a cup of tea and returning to the computer is sometimes not taken seriously by the pedometer.

Heart rate monitor. Unfortunately, I have nothing to compare the results produced by the tracker with. But the values ​​seem quite realistic. During/immediately after physical activity, my heart rate jumps to a hundred or more, and under calm conditions my heart rate is in the range of 60-75.

For me, the heart rate monitor is a secondary function, and it is needed more for “pampering” and for more accurately determining the phases of sleep. Well, in order to make sure that there is no reason to see a doctor.

Sleep tracking. Many, many bad words were addressed to Xiaomi for the fact that the fitness bracelet cannot recognize daytime sleep. I didn’t experiment with daytime sleep, so I have nothing to say about this. I'll tell you about the standard night one.

The tracker determines the time of falling asleep very correctly, but sometimes a quiet “lying down” without movement is already mistaken for a state of sleep. “Mi Fit,” by the way, supports adjusting the time of falling asleep/waking up, which, logically, should teach the gadget to detect falling asleep correctly.

Awakening Mi Band He might just oversleep. One day, he recorded an awakening only after I, while lying in bed, decided to access my sleep statistics from my smartphone. Perhaps the device is “tailored” for those people who, when they wake up, immediately get out of bed and run to do their morning procedures. And for those who like to soak up in a warm bed, the tracker mercilessly attributes all the time of “wallowing as a seal” to general sleep.

In the application settings, you can allow the heart rate monitor to periodically measure your pulse while you sleep, which improves the reality of the data and eats up the battery with appetite, both of the fitness bracelet (3-4% per night) and of the smartphone (20% due to active Bluetooth connections).

With the heart rate monitor, the indicators really became more believable. The tracker noticed the awakening on time, the time of falling asleep also seems to be true.

There is also a division of sleep into phases - fast and deep.

Gesture Definition. To see the current time, it is not necessary to press a button on the screen. You can only raise your hand and look at the tracker - after a moment the clock will be displayed there. A sharp turn of the wrist is equal to pressing the button again, which means the number of steps taken will appear on the screen. All gestures are configured in the application.

In the vast majority of cases, the device recognizes gestures correctly.

Autonomy. The capsule is economical in terms of charge – 70 mA⋅ h The lithium-ion battery lasts more than two weeks. The bracelet charges from zero to 100% in about 2 hours.

What is unusual is that the tracker comes from the factory completely discharged.


Despite the shortcomings in the correctness of the statistics and the lack of a smart alarm clock in the official application, this is a truly cool option for wearable electronics.

This little thing has a hidden talent to encourage activity, inspire athletic achievements and maintain interest in all kinds of burning accumulated calories. During the week of testing, I seemed to “grow together” with Mi Bandom, fell in love with him and now I can’t imagine life without this bracelet on my hand. Even to me, a person far from sports, this gadget seemed incredibly useful and convenient.

A caring reminder of prolonged inactivity, soft vibration of the alarm clock instead of terrible melodies, the inability to miss calls and messages on the smartphone, since they are duplicated by vibration on the tracker, a convenient watch, sleep tracking, and simply a stylish look of the accessory - and these are just the “non-sports” advantages!

And if you add to this list a built-in pedometer and heart rate monitor, counting calories burned and distance traveled, comparing values ​​with the previous day/week/month - do you see at least one reason not to buy Xiaomi Mi Band 2? Me not!