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How to quickly register VKontakte. Register VKontakte a new page of steps for registering on VKontakte with a mobile phone

The popular social network Vkontakte tightened the rules for registering accounts several years ago. Now, in order to create a page, the user must provide a valid mobile phone number, which will subsequently receive a message with a code.

Only after entering the received digital value will it be possible to create an account and use it. However, there are a number of effective ways how to register in a contact without a phone number. I will talk about them in more detail in this article.

1. How to register in VK without a phone

Registration of "Vkontakte" takes place according to a certain template, and the main step is linking to the user's mobile phone number. It is not possible to skip it, because otherwise it will not be possible to start the page.

But the system can be fooled, and there are at least two ways to do this:

  • use of a virtual number;
  • indication of a valid page on Facebook.

Each of the listed registration options provides for a specific algorithm of actions, by completing which you can count on the quick creation of an account and access to all options of the Vkontakte social network.

1.1. Registration in VK using a virtual number

You can go through the registration procedure in social networks using a virtual number for receiving SMS. To do this, it is best to use the recognized international Pinger service (the address of the official website is

Step-by-step registration in the service is as follows:

1. We go to the site, select "TEXTFREE" in the upper right corner of the options screen.

3. We go through a simple registration procedure in the service by first pressing the virtual “Sign Up” button. In the window that appears, specify the login, password, age, gender, email address, the highlighted letter abbreviation (“captcha”).

4. If all the previous steps are performed correctly, click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, after which a window with several phone numbers will appear. Choose the number you like.

5. After pressing the arrow, a window will appear in which the received messages will be displayed.

It is always possible to view the selected virtual phone number in the "Options" tab. When registering in VK using the method in question, enter the USA in the country selection field (the international code of this country starts with “+1”). Next, enter a virtual mobile number and get a registration confirmation code on it. Subsequently, an account in Pinger may be needed if you lose your password, so you should not lose access to the service.

At the moment, creating an account using the virtual number service is considered one of the most efficient and effective methods of registering on social networks. Its main advantage compared to other options was anonymity, because a virtual phone number cannot be traced or proven to be used by a specific person. At the same time, the main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of restoring access to the page in case of loss of access to Pinger.

IMPORTANT! Many Internet users have difficulties with the registration procedure in foreign virtual telephony services. This is due to the fact that many providers block such resources in order to prevent illegal actions on the World Wide Web. In order to avoid blocking, there are several options, the main of which is to change the IP address of the computer to a foreign one. In addition, you can use anonymizers, such as the Tor browser or the ZenMate plugin.

If you're having trouble using Pinger, there are a huge number of services on the Internet that provide virtual phone numbers (for example, Twilio, TextNow,, etc.). A number of similar paid services are also actively developing, with a simplified registration procedure. All this suggests that virtual telephony has solved the problem for many users of how to register in VK without a (real) number.

1.2. Registration in VK via Facebook

The social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most advertised Russian sites, which is in demand far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. The desire of the owners of this resource to cooperate with other world-famous social networks, in particular with Facebook, is quite justified. As a result, the owners of the page in the mentioned service have the possibility of simplified registration of Vkontakte. For those who do not want to "shine" their data, this is a unique chance to register in VK without a phone and deceive the system.

The algorithm of actions here is quite simple and the first thing to do is to use an anonymizer. It is best to go to the Chameleon service, since on the start page there are already links to all social networks or dating sites that are popular in Russia. This resource allows you to access pages in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Mamba, even if they are blocked by the site administration.

Many will have a completely natural question why you need to use anonymizers. The social network "Vkontakte" automatically recognizes from which country you entered the registration page. The registration procedure for residents of Russia and most countries of the post-Soviet space looks something like this:

And this is how the same page looks, but if you go to it outside the Russian Federation:

There is an inconspicuous button in the lower right corner of the screen. Login with Facebook. We click on it, after which the window for entering the email address and password is instantly displayed:

After filling in the fields, you will go to your own Vkontakte page, which you can later edit at your discretion. To implement the presented method, a Facebook page is required, but the procedure for creating an account in it does not require the mandatory entry of a mobile phone number (only an email box). Facebook registration is one of the most understandable, as a result of which it will not cause any special difficulties even for an unprepared computer user.

According to the latest rumors, the foreign analogue of Vkontakte is going to tighten the rules for using the resource, so the described method may soon become outdated. But while Facebook remains an accessible way, how to register in VK through mail without a phone number. Its advantages are quite obvious - anonymity and simplicity. It also takes a minimum of time to create a page, especially if you already have a Facebook account. The method has only one minus: it lies in the impossibility of recovering data lost by the user (password for logging into the account).

1.3. Registration in VK via mail

Many users are concerned about how to register in VK through mail. Previously, one e-mail was enough to create an account, but since 2012, the management of the social network has introduced a mandatory rule for linking to a mobile phone. Now, before specifying an email address, a window pops up asking you to enter a mobile number, which will receive a message with a personal code within 1-2 minutes.

Previously, many users instead of a mobile phone indicated a landline 11-digit number, launched the “Let the robot call” function, and then created a page using the code suggested by the computer. The main advantage of this method was the ability to register Vkontakte for free and an unlimited number of times. In practice, it turned out that an infinite number of pages from which spam, offensive messages or threats were sent were registered on the same landline number. Due to user complaints, the administration of the social network was forced to abandon the option of creating an account through landline phones, leaving the ability to receive a code only in mobile networks.

Whoever claims anything today registration in VK through mail without a mobile phone number is unrealistic. At the same time, full access should be provided to the electronic box, since with its help there is an additional opportunity to recover a lost password or receive up-to-date news about innovations in a social network. Email may also be needed when a page is hacked. By sending a corresponding request to the technical support service, a letter with instructions for restoring access will be promptly sent to the mailbox.

Summing up, it should be noted that the topic of how to register Vkontakte for free, without a real mobile phone number and entering personal information is rapidly gaining momentum. Increasingly, hundreds of programs for hacking or bypassing established registration rules appear on the Internet. Most of them are spam or malicious viruses that are not useful in solving the problem. The VK administration is making great efforts to reduce the number of fake accounts and protect its users. As a result, only the two listed methods of creating pages without specifying a personal phone number are considered effective.

If you know other options on how to register in VK without a number, write in the comments!

I am writing this post from under the table… hiding. What did you think? Today we're going to do illegal business, only shh!

Well, okay, in fact, there is nothing illegal in what I write, in fact, but these actions violate the rules for using the VKontakte social network.

And this means that creating fake pages, in theory, can lead to blocking your accounts, and not only fake ones, so think twice if you need it =)

Well, what did you think? Pretty good? Well, if I warned you. I just recently needed to create another account in this social network. network, but I did not like the restriction of 1 account per 1 person. Let's start with a little theory.

What is a fake VKontakte

fake it user pages with fictitious data, i.e. in reality, such a person does not exist. Of course, according to the rules of social network is prohibited, but not all users are willing to share their personal data.

I think you have often met such people - their profiles are not filled out, their names and surnames are unnatural ( for example Bublik Tumbochkin🙂), there are either no photos on the avatars or some kind of left picture, the albums are empty, etc. However, a high-quality fake with a completed profile is difficult to distinguish from real ones. Some even impersonate other real people, but this can already smell like a real violation of the law.

Why start fake VKontakte

In fact, there are quite a few reasons, and the ways to use a fake in VK are limited only by your imagination. Starting from cheating likes, voting, disseminating the necessary information, etc. and ending with the pumping of gaming applications that have become very popular.

Who is smarter makes good money on this. If you wish, you can make thousands of friend requests for each account in a couple of days. And then you can already register on sites that allow you to monetize social networks. networks, for example, and earn money by advertising on fakes. Although, as for me, it’s faster and easier for a beginner to make money on the Internet on a freelance exchange - at least something from the list of services can be done by everyone (draw, make up websites, mount videos, write texts, promote publics, etc.), and you get at least 500 rubles for 1 order.

And imagine that you have 100 different accounts under your control, all of them have different names, surnames, ages, etc. Thus, you have the weight of 100 people in this social colossus, and this is not enough. You can practically form public opinion alone =)

In short, I think you understand, there are a lot of ways to use it. Now let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to make a fake contact

If you have a VKontakte page, then log out of your account and click the Register button.

Enter the First Name and Last Name that you came up with.

The fact is that earlier accounts were tied only to email, and there were no problems producing fakes) Then you could untie your phone number from your account, and thus several pages could be registered on one phone. But now, Comrade Durov realized that this was not the case, and made registration on the site via SMS activation without decoupling.

Moreover, only 1 account can be linked to one phone number, that's the trouble. Durov did not take into account that we may need 5-10 or even more pages in the social. networks 🙂

Of course, buying 10 different sim cards or asking all relatives to activate accounts is not the best option, there are simpler and cheaper ways.

At first, of course, I tried to link several pages to one number) The system offered me to unlink the number from the old one and link it to the new page, I kindly agreed, thinking that there was nothing wrong with that) The page was created, everything is ok. However, when I went to my main page, I got a message so unobtrusively on the floor of the screen, saying that your page is not tied to a phone number, bind otherwise ah-ah-ah, and so on)

I thought, and decided to return the old number back. As a result, he jumped through the pages 3 times and I received the last Chinese warning from VKontakte 🙂 It read something like this - your phone number is not a toy, take it seriously, damn it, you have the last attempt to bind the number, we are not going to tolerate this disgrace anymore )

Severe guys in one word) I had to look for other ways to create fakes.

SMS account activation VKontakte

Having tortured a little search engine, I found several ways. I must say right away - you should not use any dubious free services, super programs, bots, etc. because you risk losing access to your account altogether or infecting your computer with a virus. Among the safe ones:

1st is to buy ready-made fakes from the hands. I didn’t really like this option, since I had to first catch the seller online, then contact and negotiate with him, then make a deal, while there are no guarantees that you will not be deceived and you will just spend money ( although not large, accounts cost around 10 rubles. a piece)

2nd it is through intermediaries to activate the account on their SIM numbers. It is also not very expensive, from 2 to 50 rubles, depending on the account, but as in the previous version, all the same disadvantages. No one will give guarantees, besides, they usually work with bulk orders, if you need 1-2 fakes, then hardly anyone will waste their time on you.

3rd which I settled on is a service that provides the ability to activate via virtual sim cards. My choice fell on the service, where I was satisfied with the prices and reviews.

After the standard registration, you can start. In the left sidebar, select the country and the desired site, in our case it is VK, and click the Get number button. There you can immediately see the number of available SIM cards for this social network and the price:

Do not forget to top up your balance first, they accept Qiwi, and visa / mastercard. At the moment, a virtual number for Vkontakte costs 17.9 rubles.

We copy the number from the service and during registration in VK, click Send code via SMS.

For some time now, the social network has tightened the rules registering new accounts, making binding to mobile phone .

Now, when registering, you must use a phone number.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact through email you will have to be disappointed - such an opportunity no longer exists.

Note! The Vkontakte administration ruled out the possibility of registering an account through a mailbox alone in 2012. This decision was dictated by security considerations and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of rules, the number of registered accounts has decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers have decreased.

Anyway, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this, you need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger allows you to get a virtual number to which you can receive messages.

Registration process in Pinger

So, how to register in a contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We don’t need a login form for an existing user yet, so we need to select the “Create account” item (create an account).

Important! To fully use the service, you need the latest version of Flash Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

You don’t need to be afraid that all the points are in English, even though the browser translator will not translate them. In any case, the Russian version of the service does not exist.

You must fill out this form as follows:

  1. The username that will later become the login for logging into the service.
  2. A unique secure password that you will also need to log in.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. E-mail address to receive notifications and restore access in emergency situations.
  5. Mandatory agreement with the terms of use of the service
  6. Verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If the fields are filled incorrectly or if you do not agree with the terms of use and the privacy policy of the resource, then registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter the postal code (this site will help you find it).
  2. Select gender (Male - male, Female - female).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate the age of more than 18 years).
  4. Press the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After that, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to choose one of the proposed ones and confirm the choice with the “Confirm” button.

The choice occurs once, after that it is impossible to change the number for a particular account.

After that, the system will offer to publish the news about the purchase of a virtual mobile number on the page Facebook. This selection is optional, so you can simply click Cancel.

After that, the page with the message manager will open. There will be a field in the center of the screen. In which received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the "Options" button. It will be indicated at the top of the form, in the "Phone number" column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

It is only important not to copy anything after that, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to register an account on a social network. To do this, open the start page and click "Register" in the middle of the screen or below the login form.

The first thing to do is to choose a first and last name. They will be valid or a pseudonym - the personal choice of the user.

You just need to remember that the administration blocks frankly fictitious names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And, finally, for the sake of which the registration in Pinger took place - confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must specify the country with the code of which the newly created virtual number begins (in this case, it is the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Press the button to receive a verification code.

A line will appear below the form in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the tutorial.

Cyrillic characters are transliterated. If it doesn't, then question marks are displayed instead.

Alas, “VKontakte” has been subjected to the dominance of scammers who strive to extract a penny from gullible citizens by offering them paid registration in this social network.

It is important to know that such a procedure has always been and remains free.

Until 2012, it was possible to register on VKontakte for free and without an invitation by specifying your e-mail. Now you can not do without a phone number.

Of course, there is a way not to indicate the real mobile phone number, but we will talk about this later.

7 steps to register on VKontakte with a mobile phone

1) Go to the official website

Rice. 1 Official site VKontakte

2) To the right of the block for entering registered users there is a section “Instant Registration” with two input fields:

  • Your name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Your last name (2 in Fig. 2).

Enter your data in them and click on the blue button “Register” (3 in Fig. 1).

3) On the opened page “Registration Confirmation” in the “Country” field (if you have such a field), select your country from the list.

Enter the numbers of your number in the “Mobile phone” field (1 in Fig. 2, there is no “Country” field):

Rice. 2 Registration VKontakte for free with a mobile phone, without an invitation

4) Within no more than 5 minutes (with rare exceptions), an SMS with a five-digit code will be sent to the specified phone number (1 in Fig. 2), which must be entered in the “Confirmation Code” column that appears.

5) Now, under the specified field, another field should appear with the inscription “Password”. In it, enter the desired password for subsequent login to the social network. It is worth abandoning standard passwords (passwords) like your date of birth or your name. For your own safety, it is better if it is a combination of letters and numbers.

When the characters you entered make up a strong password, a green line and the “Login to the site” button will appear under the corresponding field, and press it.

It is advisable to write down the password and login to enter the site in a notebook or somewhere else: everything that is not written down is forgotten and often no longer remembered.

6) After entering the social network, you will be prompted to enter additional. information about yourself:

7) After filling in the indicated pages, click the “Go to my page” rectangle.

Registration is over, feel free to add, fill out a questionnaire about hobbies and preferences - and chat with friends and acquaintances. An avatar is added and the questionnaire is filled out if desired, in order to have “your own face” in the social network.

Please note: if you don’t have time to immediately fill in the fields of the questionnaire about the school, university and other accounts, then just click “Go to the next step”, and you will return to entering data in the indicated columns next time.

Registration without a phone number

Now about how to register a new VKontakte page for yourself without specifying a real mobile phone number and without sms. There are three effective ways.

1 landline phone

This method is suitable for anyone who has a landline phone at home.

  • When registering, at the step of specifying the mobile in the field, enter the numbers of the city number in the eleven-digit format.
  • Click the "Let the robot call" button.
  • Within a minute, your home phone will receive a call.
  • And the robot will pronounce the code in a clear voice, and you enter it in the appropriate column on the website.

Please note that this method is perfect for those who need to have several accounts on the blue social network at once, since an unlimited number of users can be registered on one landline phone.

2 Virtual mobile number

For this method, you will need a free email address in order to register on the website (or any other resource that provides virtual mobile number services for receiving SMS).

1) Go to and click “Textfree web” at the top right (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 website - virtual mobile number services

2) On the opened page, click “SIGN UP”. A window will open (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Register on to get a virtual mobile number

3) Complete the registration procedure by entering standard data:

if you have accounts in these services.

4) In the window that opens, you will be asked to select a virtual mobile number, after which you should click “Confirm”.

7) Paste the number (using the Ctrl + V keys) into the appropriate field on the VKontakte registration page (Fig. 2).

8) Return to the tab in which the pinger site is open and wait for SMS online in this window.

3 For overseas users

This option is suitable for those who have a Facebook account. But it is available only for those who are not in the CIS country. Therefore, first you should install an IP anonymizer on your computer and run it so that VKontakte thinks that you are from another country (USA, for example).

If you do everything correctly, then when registering, “Vkontakte” will prompt you (in English) to enter your first name, last name and gender, or click the registration button through the FB “Sign in with Facebook”. Feel free to press it and get a new VK account right now.