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How to make a presentation. What is a presentation, what is it for and what happens? History of computer presentations

A computer presentation is a special document with multimedia content, the demonstration of which is controlled by the user. At the moment, this is one of the most popular ways of presenting information, which is used in many areas of life.

What is a computer presentation

Quite often, an oral presentation or a written report requires visual accompaniment and visual presentation of information. In this case, a computer presentation can be used. This is a certain sequence of slides or a video sequence. This is a file that contains all the necessary information for a performance.

Basic terminology

With regard to computer presentations, the following terminology is often used:

  • interactivity - a property of the presentation, which means the possibility of correcting it with the direct participation of the speaker;
  • a hyperlink is a slide object that, when clicked, takes you to an external source;
  • animation - a dynamic effect that ensures the movement of an object across the slide area;
  • a project is a schematic description of a future computer presentation;
  • multimedia - the use of files and effects of various kinds within a single slide.

Types of computer presentations

Despite the fact that this is a fairly common phenomenon, not everyone definitely knows what computer presentations are. So, at the moment there are the following main types:

  • slide presentations are classified as static, because they show a fixed image that can only change through certain user actions;
  • streaming (dynamic) presentations are sets of frames that change independently after a period of time lasting less than one second.

Such concepts as an interactive presentation and with a script can also be distinguished. In the first case, the speaker actively interacts with the computer device in order to search for relevant information. If we talk about the script, then we are talking about a clear sequence of slides that change after a certain period of time.

What is a slide

Slides may contain the following information:

  • headers and subheaders, which have data about the contents of the file;
  • graphic images (pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams, etc.);
  • tables with digital or textual data;
  • sound accompaniment;
  • text file;
  • bulleted or numbered lists with data enumeration;
  • a background image that facilitates the perception of information or has an aesthetic function;
  • headers and footers (contain numbering, footnotes or other additional data);
  • hyperlinks to external objects.

A computer presentation is a visual accompaniment of a text report containing visual information. To make it better, you need to be guided by the following recommendations:

  • using short sentences and words that are easy to understand;
  • as few prepositions and introductory words as possible should be used;
  • use bright headings that grab attention and reflect the essence of the content;
  • it is recommended to place no more than three information objects within one slide;
  • under the key points of the report, select separate slides, and do not try to fit all the information into one;
  • slides with a horizontal orientation are best perceived;
  • key information should be located in the central part of the screen;
  • captions for pictures should be below, not above them;
  • try to have no more than 8 lines on the slide, each of which contains about 30 characters;
  • for good readability of the text, use large fonts without serifs;
  • all slides should be in the same style;
  • for color design it is better to choose cold tones;
  • do not overuse animation effects so that they do not distract attention from the main information.

Stages of creation

In order to create high-quality material, they go through the following stages of creating a computer presentation:

  • development of the structure of the future information file, as well as the general concept;
  • next, a post-slide scenario should be outlined (it will not be final, it may be subject to adjustment);
  • adding all the necessary objects (text fragments, drawings, and so on);
  • setting animation effects that will accompany the change of slides;
  • subsequent editing, as well as sorting slides in order to establish their correct sequence;
  • launch and preview.

History of computer presentations

The history of the development of computer presentations can be seen on the example of a software product such as Microsoft Power Point, which is most often used for these purposes. Initially, he bore the name Presenter. The program was created by two students who felt it was time to look for new ways to present information.

Initially, the program worked only in black and white, after which its color version was developed. At the same time, a rather weighty tome was published, which contained a detailed guide to using the program. But since this idea turned out to be quite expensive, it was soon discarded.

Over time, the program adapted to different operating systems and received more and more new features. Animation features, hyperlink anchors and much more have appeared. Following the concept of this product, a computer presentation is a document that is perceived as a single set of slides, and not a set of separate files.

Scopes of computer presentations

Having dealt with a computer presentation, it is worth determining the scope of its use. So, it finds application in the following areas:

  • presentation of material in the educational process;
  • placement of control tasks for schoolchildren and students;
  • promotional activities regarding goods and services;
  • creating albums with photos or other images;
  • visual support of reports;
  • other.

How to create a presentation

A Computer Science Presentation is created as follows:

  • program launch;
  • in the window that opens, enter the title and, if necessary, the subtitle of the slide;
  • add the required number of slides by executing the "insert - create slide" command;
  • run the presentation using a special command or the F5 key, view it and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Key development questions

In order for the presentation to have the desired effect, it must have the right objectives. This provides clear answers to the following questions:

  • on which it is planned to impress (not only the form of presenting information, but also the design of the slides depends on this);
  • the effect that is planned to be achieved as a result of the performance (sell a product, get a loan, demonstrate an invention, and so on);
  • correctly identify the object of the presentation in order to concentrate on it without being distracted by secondary points;
  • identifying key features or factors that the audience should pay attention to;
  • the most successful way to demonstrate the presentation (on a shared screen or on individual computer devices).


A computer presentation is a set of slides through which a visual accompaniment of an oral or written report is carried out. This allows you to improve the perception of information through the presentation of key points. The demonstration of the presentation can be carried out on a common screen, using a projector, or on individual computer devices.

Presentations can be slide or stream. The second is a continuous video sequence that is broadcast during the report. As for slide presentations, they can have a clear script with automatic change, or they can be interactive. This means that the speaker independently searches for information and regulates the change of frames on the screen.

A slide is the main element of a presentation. It contains information such as headers, footers, text snippets, pictures, tables, and other information. In order for information to be perceived in the best possible way, a number of requirements are put forward for slides. So, it is not recommended to place more than three objects, and there should be a maximum of 8 lines of text. It is better to use cold background shades, since they are not so irritating to the eyes.

Before you start creating a presentation, you first need to outline the structure of the slides, as well as the concept that will unite them. It is also worth making a preliminary script, according to which the frames will replace each other. Now you need to add all the necessary elements to the presentation file, and then make the appropriate adjustments. Play the slide show to make sure they are in the correct order.

When developing a presentation, it is important to answer a number of questions. The design will largely depend not only on the purpose and subject of the presentation, but also on the audience to which the report is read. Try to highlight exactly the key factors and the essence of the idea, without overloading the slides with unnecessary and secondary information.

Section 1. Descriptionpresentation concepts.

Section 2. Multimedia constructors presentations.

Presentation is a document or a set of documents designed to represent something (organization, project, product, etc.). The purpose of the presentation is to convey to the target audience complete information about the presentation object in a convenient form. The presentation is one of the marketing and PR tools.

Description of presentations

a presentation can be a combination of text, hypertext links, computer animation, graphics, video, music, and sound (but not necessarily all together) that are organized into a single environment. In addition, the presentation has a plot, script and structure organized for easy perception of information. A distinctive feature of the presentation is its interactivity, that is, the possibility of interaction created for the user through the controls.

Depending on the place of use, presentations differ in certain features.

a presentation created for self-study can contain all the elements inherent in it, have a branched structure and consider the presentation object from all sides. It is implemented, as a rule, using hypertext elements.

A presentation created to support an event or event is also simple in terms of multimedia and remote controls, usually does not contain text, since the text is spoken by the presenter and serves to visually visualize his words.

A presentation created for a video demonstration does not contain interactive elements, includes a video about the presentation object, and may also contain text and an audio track. A variation of such a presentation is a commercial.

A presentation in the format of an application for mobile phones and smartphones is created taking into account viewing on portable devices (small screen size, memory limitations, etc.) and can be sent via MMS messages or via bluetooth.

There are other types of presentations as well. But regardless of the execution, each independent presentation must clearly fulfill the goal: to help convey the required information about the presentation object.

Multimedia presentation builders

Microsoft PowerPoint Impress

Soft Maker Presentations

Multimedia Builder

Presentation is


Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia, WikiPedia - Technological instructions - International Team - presentations

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .



  • Presentation. The Technology of Success, Sarah Dickinson. Sarah Dickinson's book "Presentation. Technology for Success" considers all aspects of organizing and conducting a public speaking, building its structure in detail and clearly and explaining…

What is a presentation, what is it for and what happens?

Alisa Kochurova

Presentation is not slides! Slides are not presentations! Slides are just illustrative material for a speech, presentation.

Slides do not exist without a presentation, and a presentation can do without slides. This is how truth exists.

A presentation is, in fact, an outline of a speech, where the most important thing is displayed, helping to convey one meaning in a speech.

Now it is not only an indispensable business tool at seminars and conferences, but also the current requirements of the market and the fastidious consumer. After all, only a presentation can defiantly and briefly talk about the advantages of something and show them. The main thing is to create it correctly, and success in speaking is in your hands.

So, presentations are usually made in PowerPoint programs, either in Impress or Acrobat. The most popular and easiest tool is, of course, the PowerPoint of the Microsoft Office suite.

The PowerPoint format allows you to integrate video and audio files into your presentation, create primitive animation at the “slide show” level.

The release of Microsoft Office 2007 pleased many, and now more and more users prefer to make a presentation in PowerPoint 2007. And it is not surprising, because in addition to a completely new interface, other possibilities open up. Now the basis of the program is "Ribbon", which translates as "Ribbon". The "ribbon" is divided into functional tabs, each of which has its own name.

It is especially noteworthy that the pop-up tooltips that appear when you hover the cursor contain not only the name, but also useful information about the tab's capabilities. In essence, navigating the Ribbon is like navigating through the tabs of any dialog box, making working in PowerPoint easier and more convenient.

Perhaps the most revolutionary feature of the program is the ability to save presentations not only in PowerPoint format, but also in PDF and XPS (Metro). XPS, announced at WinHEC 2005 as Metro, is a PDF-like format that displays documents exactly as they were created, regardless of the computer software. This will allow you to watch the presentation in any other place, without being afraid, however, whether it will be played or not.

The graphical capabilities of the new PowerPoint will be significantly higher class than in the previous version. You will be able to apply 3D effects to slide objects. The sets of pre-drawn diagrams, tables and graphs have also seriously expanded. PowerPoint 2007 fully supports all previous versions of presentations.

About the most important

Now more about the process of creating slides.
The presentation consists of slides. It is best to stick to one rule: one slide - one thought. Presentations are convincing when a thesis and several proofs are given on one slide.

Presentation professionals recommend using no more than thirty words and five bullet points per slide. If there is a list on the slide, it must be made parallel, meaning that the first words at the beginning of each line must be in the same form (case, gender, conjugation, etc.). It is imperative to comprehend the target headings, font size - at least 18 pt.

A typical content plan for a presentation looks like this.
1. Title page. The first slide contains the title of the presentation, its author, and the author's contact information.
2. Content. Here the presentation plan is signed, the main sections or issues that will be considered.
3. Section title.
4. Brief information.

Points 3 and 4 are repeated as much as necessary. The main thing here is to adhere to the concept: thesis - arguments - conclusion.

5. Summary, conclusions. Conclusions should be expressed clearly and concisely on a separate slide.
6. Thank you for your attention. Your contact information is also required here.

It is important to consider that you cannot write absolutely everything that you will say on the slides. Place on them only important theses, terms, pictures, diagrams, diagrams, that is, everything that is well perceived by the audience.

How to do it?
Let's take a closer look at how slides for presentations are still made, using the example of PowerPoint. First, you will need to work on each slide separately. To create a slide, the normal mode of the working PowerPoint window is used.

1. Typical slide layouts
Each time you create a slide, you can start from scratch, or from one of the standard layouts that the program offers. Using a typical layout frees you from some routine operations when creating a slide. But! You can start with a blank slide (Blank Slide layout) and build your own slide structure.

2. Placing objects on the slide
The basis of the slide is a set of two-dimensional planes, limited by the size of the screen (the choice is made by adjusting the page settings). Each slide element has its own plane. Thus, the slide represents a multi-layer structure in which the number of layers is equal to the number of objects.

The backmost layer occupies the background.
Other slide objects can be placed arbitrarily, and later moved through the layers, and depending on this, their visibility on the slide will be determined (the object may be blocked by another object located on the front layer). At any time, you can change the location of objects both in the coordinates of the plane and in the depth of the layers.

3. Graphic images in PowerPoint
Creating presentations quickly does not involve drawing, since this is a laborious process and not everyone can do it. But the program has great opportunities for importing and processing already created graphic images. First of all, this applies to vector images, which can be easily modified and which do not lose quality when scaling*.

It is vector images that are the basis of the presentation, and all the main image processing capabilities of PowerPoint are concentrated on vector images.

A collection of vector graphics and a dedicated collection manager are included with PowerPoint.

4. What can be done with the graphic image?
A vector image can be created directly in PowerPoint based on primitives. In addition, such an image can be built on the basis of images in the collection supplied with the PowerPoint program, or obtained by importing images prepared in various formats, including common ones such as CorelDRAW (.cdr), Windows Metafile (.wmf), Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm), AutoCAD (.dxf), Windows Enhanced Metafile (.emf).

The list of the main features of PowerPoint for processing vector images:
. creation of the simplest graphic primitives: ellipses, rectangles, arrows, flowchart elements, callouts, connecting lines, etc.;
. image scaling;
. grouping images in order to form a new one;
. ungrouping of a complex image and its regrouping;
. correction of the simplest image elements (lines, points);
. changing the thickness of the lines;
. adding to the image the effect of three-dimensionality and shadow;
. rotation and flipping of the image;
. alignment of several images on a slide relative to a single position;
. even distribution of multiple images;
. coloring and recoloring images;
. duplicate images.

5. What can be done with the text?
Text is one of the main elements of any slide. It can be entered through the keyboard or imported from another application, such as MS WORD. Creating a text element and then changing it is done in much the same way as it is done in MS WORD.

PowerPoint provides the following text processing capabilities:
. defining the font, style, size, color, and custom options;
. definition of intervals between lines;
. definition of indents;
. text alignment;
. text rotation;
. formation of text with graphic elements;
. text marking;
. use of tab stops;
. framing text with a frame;
. alignment of several text elements on the slide relative to the selected position;
. uniform distribution of several text elements;
. duplication of text elements;
. applying effects to the text element for graphics.

6. Autoshape

An autoshape is a graphical primitive that is a combination of text and a graphic image.

The set of graphical primitives in PowerPoint includes:
. lines;
. shapes for flowcharts;
. callouts;
. stars and ribbons;
. arrows;
. control buttons.

7. How is the background made?
The background is often a strategic element of the entire presentation. In some cases, the background on the slide can not be created, but if it is needed, then the developer has the following options:

Fill the background with the desired color;
. make a background in the form of a smooth transition of one color to another (often such a coloring is called a “stretching of colors”);
. fill the background with color and one-color primitive images (for example, lines, cells, bricks, etc.);
. make a background based on a prepared texture (small graphic images that are repeated many times, forming a background);
. load an external graphic image (for example, a photo) as a background.

8. Animation of objects
During a slide show, paragraphs of bulleted lists, graphic and text elements can appear all at once or sequentially. This depends on whether an animation effect is assigned to the object. All objects that do not have any effect assigned (stationary objects, decoration objects) appear on the slide at the same time when it is opened. Then objects appear in sequence, for which animation effects are set. At the same time, objects appearing in a given sequence can be accompanied by sound effects.

Creating an animation on a slide involves several steps:
. assigning animation effects to individual objects;
. setting the sequence of applying animation effects to objects.

9. Animation control
Use the Animation Settings panel to control slide animation. It is called from the menu Slide Show - Animation Settings.

Animation effects determine how an object appears on a slide, moves an object, or exits a slide. Each of the effects can be accompanied by a sound range. For a text object, you can set the appearance or disappearance of the text as a whole, or by paragraphs, or by letters.

All effects are defined in the Animation Settings panel. It also defines the order in which effects are applied to objects.

10. Animation effects
Various animation effects can be applied to objects. Different versions of PowerPoint have different sets of effects. PowerPoint 2003 uses entry (appearance of an object on a slide), exit (disappearance of an object from a slide), selection, and move effects. This set of effects allows you to build complex interactive slides.

Entry effects are divided into:
. are common;
. simple;
. medium;
. complex.

High-quality presentation design, in turn, definitely helps to stand out from other projects. Professional design should be used not only in the background or screensaver, but also in other elements (for example, in tables, flowcharts). The selection of exact colors significantly affects the perception of the presentation, a fairly common mistake is the use of incongruous colors. There are enough services on the Internet that help test color combinations.

The presentation needs to be saturated with images, but if there are graphics, then they need to be simplified as much as possible.

That's right, avoid double names. It often happens that both the slide and the graph have a name, it is better to combine them and leave one so as not to confuse the audience. A lot of useful advice on the principles of charting is contained in Gene Zelazny's book Speak the Diagram Language.

When laying out, you need to use slide samples, this is a fairly simple and understandable process that will make the presentation much better. Animation brings your slides to life. However, the negative movements of the elements on the slide, more specifically, the direction “from right to left”, “from top to bottom”, are unnatural for a person and have a negative impact, it is more correct to set positive dynamics (“from left to right”, “from bottom to top”).

Thus, the key to creating a successful project are: concept, optimization and professional design. It is necessary to learn not only the layout in PowerPoint, which is promoted at most thematic trainings, but also the development, visual concept and optimization of slides. Fact: Overemphasizing presentation design is detrimental to presentation content and structure.

The presentation should reflect only the essence of the material presented, the bulk of the information is reflected in additional documents.

New this year
In the modern world of information technology, many things are changing and improving rapidly. This also applies to presentations.
This year saw the rather anticipated release of Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. In the new edition of MS Office, the interface has changed somewhat, new templates and functions have appeared, and Automator support has appeared. Of course, improvements have also affected PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 2008 includes a new graphical SmartArt feature that lets you turn ordinary slides into professional-looking illustrations with one click.

Somewhat unusual for Office 2008 for Mac users will be the ability to save PowerPoint presentations to the iPhone's memory.

Office 2008 for Mac requires a computer running Mac OS X version 10.4.9 or later, a PowerPC G4, G5, or Intel Core Duo processor, 512MB of RAM, and 1.5GB of free hard disk space.

What to expect?
Meanwhile, Microsoft Windows users won't have to wait long for new updates, as the second Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 service pack will be available in the first quarter of 2009.

What changes are expected in the production of presentations? This is primarily the addition of object model support for diagrams and the ability to ungroup SmartArt graphics, and, as a result, the ability to add animation to them in PowerPoint.

What can help?

Today, there are several useful programs that are used directly during the demonstration of presentations and facilitate the entire interface:

event generator

A small free add-on for creating a presentation in Microsoft Office PowerPoint that will allow you to create and set up events for your presentation. You can set: when to start and end the slide show, when to open the presentation, etc.

An add-on for Microsoft Office PowerPoint that will allow you to move any image or object on a slide during a presentation.

Office One PowerShow

PowerShow is a small plug-in for Microsoft Office PowerPoint that allows you to present on two or more monitors at once. The program provides: showing 2 different presentations on 2 different monitors, demonstrating a wide-format presentation on multiple monitors, synchronous presentation on two monitors located in different places, etc.

Office One Zoom

A small add-on for Microsoft Office PowerPoint that will allow you to add an enlargement to the entire slide or part of the slide. It is enough to hold down Ctrl + Alt + Z during the presentation to bring up the menu.

In addition, there are now many different techniques and tutorials for the correct and effective creation of presentations.

On a note

Think about it, if the presentation is needed for distribution by e-mail, then you should not make it more than 3.5 MB. The fact is that when sending a special encoding occurs, and the size of the letter increases by 15 - 25%. Then the letter will be no more than 5 MB. And 5 MB is often the standard size limit for emails in companies.

However, most people think of PowerPoint as a tool that automatically creates a presentation. However, this is a serious misconception. When forming any presentation project, regardless of the number of slides, it is necessary to carefully comprehend the information, isolate the main ideas from it and the logical sequence of presentation of the material.

The problem of underestimating the PowerPoint program in the world, in particular in Russia, comes from a misunderstanding of the complexity of developing a presentation. There is a myth that a presentation before a performance can be prepared in one night. The destruction of such a stereotype is a serious task for the marketing departments of companies.

It would seem that the positive factors for creating presentations described in this article are well known. However, few people try to make their presentations in such a way that the audience is comfortable watching it, and after all, targeting the audience, taking into account their interests and ability to perceive materials is the key to a successful and effective presentation in general.

Good luck with your presentations!

slide 2

What is a presentation?

“Presentation is a speech, accompanied by visual images, aimed at conveying information to the audience and / or persuading it to take certain actions necessary for the presentation organizer”

slide 3

Audience Targeting: You're making a presentation for an audience! Consider her age, interest and abilities! What do you want from listeners? How can you make them think differently? What do you want them to remember?

slide 4

Rule - "Scheme, figure, graph, table, text" First, think about how to present information in the form of a diagram? It does not work as a diagram, think about how to show it with a picture, graph, table. Use text in presentations only if all the previous ways of displaying information did not suit you.

slide 5

The presentation should not duplicate the text of the oral report! The listeners are either reading themselves and then they are annoyed by your duplicate reading aloud, Or they are listening to you and then they are distracted by the similar text on the slide Reading is sleeping pills for the audience!

slide 6

One slide – one thought/one image Put one or two sentences or pictures in one slide! Express your thoughts briefly!

Slide 7

LESS TEXT!!! A presentation is about giving the audience IDEAS, not exact words and sentences! A common mistake is a huge amount of text in the presentation!

Slide 8

How do you like this slide?

Presentation - a multimedia tool used during reports or messages to increase the expressiveness of the speech, a more convincing and visual illustration of the facts and phenomena described. We all seem to know how to prepare presentations, but when you see 20 pages of text on a slide in eighth font, or a 150-element organizational structure for an enterprise, or bright yellow text on a poisonous green background, or sales tables with 40 columns and 50 lines in small print, I want to kill the one who prepared the presentation, or just get up and leave, or force the one who prepared such a presentation to eat it :) well, in general, a lot of all sorts of bad thoughts come at this moment :) The most important thing that you need to understand is that people came to listen to you, not to read the captions on your slides with you. Don't give them a presentation. Express the essence of the idea of ​​each slide in the form of one short sentence and place it on the slide. This will be the content of each slide. Always follow the rule: I make presentations in PowerPoint and documents in Word. Do not confuse presentation and handout. If you want to convey the text of the report to the audience, include it in a separate Word file and attach it to the report. Only include information in your presentation that will help your listeners to better understand the material.

Slide 9

  • Slide 10

    Pay attention to color, background, font! Font contrasts with the background Less dark colors Font size 18 or more Stick to the same style Please watch your spelling!

    Lecture number 1. What is a presentation? Modern ways to organize presentations

    Under the presentation it implies the transmission or presentation of information new to the audience, i.e. in the conventional sense, a presentation is a demonstration material for public speaking. Everyone knows that the prospect of public speaking simply brings paralyzing horror to many, and a computer program for creating a presentation will just allow you not to memorize the entire speech by heart, and the presentation slides will be the outline of your speech.

    This is interesting

    praesento (lat.) - I pass on, hand over; present (English)- introduce.

    computer presentation- this is a file in which presentation materials are collected, prepared in the form of computer slides (pages). If you have a projector, these slides can be projected onto the screen in an enlarged view.

    Advantages of a slide presentation include:

    presentation sequence.With the help of changing slides, it is easy to keep the attention of the audience;

    the opportunity to use the official cheat sheets.The presentation is not only what the audience sees and hears, but also notes for the speaker - how to place accents, what not to forget;

    multimedia effects.A presentation slide is not just an image, it can contain animation elements, audio and video fragments;

    copyability. Copies of the presentation are created instantly, so everyone can get the presentation materials in their hands;

    transportability.A presentation floppy disk is much smaller than a roll of posters, and the presentation file can be easily sent by e-mail or published on the Internet.

    Programs for creating presentations on the principles of work are somewhere in the middle between text editors and vector graphics editors.

    The main tools for preparing and showing presentations in the world practice are PowerPoint programs from Microsoft, Corel Presentations from Corel and the StarOffice package from SterDivision GMBH.

    Presentation is a series of independent pages: if the text and illustrations do not fit on one page, then the excess is not transferred to a new page, but is lost. Distribution of information on the pages of the presentation is made by the user, while at his disposal there is an extensive set of ready-made objects.

    Microsoft's MS Office package, the most popular among users, includes the MS Power Point presentation program, which allows you to adequately prepare for a presentation. With it, you can create presentations of various types: on the screen, on slides and on paper.