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How to find computer components on Windows 10. How to find out information about computer components

View computer performance On Windows 10, you can enjoy multiple keys. Most of the information is presented in the Task Manager. You just need to know where to see. The remaining part of the data can be extracted from the snap-in parameters.

Today is not the best day to look at the specified goal in the properties of the system, but we will do it too. To read the readers by the full range of knowledge on the specified topic. You will see that you can learn about your PC almost everything without resorting to the services of specialized utilities.

Command line

The command line becomes more likely to do the execute tool. Difference only in a call method:

  1. Command line via Win + X.
  2. Run - Win + R.

The other tool can be triggered. Command line from performing via CMD, and run from the command line through C: \\\\ Windows \\\\ System32 \\\\ Rundll32.exe Shell32.dll, # 61. You must understand that the other tool is very similar to each other. We learn the characteristics of the OS:

What did we learn from this screen? A lot of things:

  • A professional version of tens is used.
  • Anniversary update 1607 is installed.
  • Assembly - 14393.693.

But these data are still scarce. Why Billy Gates does not indicate the discharge, remains a mystery. Generally speaking, Microsoft took the course to get rid of 32-bit equipment, so after 5 years no one will have such issues as we have.

Through system properties

Click Win + Break to see a little more complete information.

There are already presented to some iron data. In addition, we see that the system's bit is 64 bits. This is what can be understood from the screen:

  1. Intel I5 generation processor with a frequency of 3.2 GHz.
  2. The size of RAM is 16 GB, of which so much is available.
  3. The name of the PC and his working group became known.

Actually, this is all. In our opinion, it is bad that the number of cores, the type of graphics, placement and employment of the DIMM slots, the speed of referring to memory. On some laptops, this combination does not work (considering the fact that sometimes you have to press Fn). In this case, go through the control panel:

Through parameters

In essence, we see the same as in the properties ...

Task Manager

We left for something to learn about the graphic part of the PC.

Other information via DIRECTX dialogue

  • Win + R.
  • We type dxdiag.
  • ENTER.


Already in the first window, we see the missing information.

After the language in order, the data goes:

  1. Motherboard manufacturer.
  2. Name of motherboard.
  3. BIOS firmware version.
  4. Switch file size.
  5. DIRECTX version.


The next screen demonstrates the charts.

In order, here are:

  1. Type of graphics. In this case, it is built into the HD Graphics 530 processor.
  2. Memory.
  3. Current screen resolution.

You can see other bookmarks, but information taken from there, a lot will tell only professionals.

What else?

What else can you wish more than we already have? Well, I would like to have a presentation for the following parameters:

  1. The name of the processor socket.
  2. The number of connections for graphic accelerators.
  3. Hard disk interface.

Actually, this is many and limited. That is, we have already received all the information from the system utilities, and now we think where to get so on. Usually resort to AIDA help. Here is an example of CPU data.

The socket type is now known - LGA 1151. With these data, you can look after a new processor. Was it possible to do without this information? Yes of course. Third-party utilities are needed by professionals whose time is money. Simple mortal will help get the system parameters in Windows 10 Billy Gates.

View computer features on Win 10

Each user of a personal computer sooner or later thinks about its internal components. This may be associated with both disappointing PC performance and curiosity. This article will fully describe all the paths, following which you can learn everything about your computer.

Accessories, their impact on overall performance

  1. Although the computer is based on the motherboard, the most important component is the processor. Depending on the manufacturer (AMD or Intel), the series, its power and clock frequency depends its power.
  2. Further on the list goes a video card. It takes carefully to watch only on the manufacturer (Radeon or NVIDIA), the number of video memory and a series. Most often, the higher the number of the video card series, the higher its performance and value. For example, GTX GeForce 760
  3. RAM directly affects PC performance, so the more it is, the more simultaneous processes can be launched. The frequency rarely affects anything, so focus on its number. For example, 4096 MB

Knowing the name of the motherboard, you can easily determine any property, will suit it a new processor, a video card or memory. It is a binding component of all other components, so it is also not worth neglecting it.

Without a power supply, no system costs. But if you need to see its power, do this with all sorts of programs will not work. In any case, you will have to open the housing cover and look through the sticker.

How to see the computer parameters. There are many ways to find out the properties of your PC. We will tell about the easiest and most practical ways for both newcomers and experienced.

First part. Built in Windows utilities

The most first on this list will be the MSINFO32 command. You need to enter it using the "Run" program, which can be caused by a combination of Win + R keys, or by pressing the right mouse button on the start and finding it in the list.

The advantage is the presence of MSINFO32 on all Windows, starting with XP and ending Windows 10. The processor name is on the main page, but here to find out the information about the video card, you will need to go to components -\u003e Display, where you will find all the necessary information.

The only minus is the non-attormative arrangement of the parameters, which can be a critical factor for beginners. Also, even on powerful systems, the menu itself can be brazed when switching to other sections, which significantly reduces the practicality of this utility.

SystemInfo team

The SystemInfo command is also present on all popular versions of Windows OS, but this method is not suitable for newbies. It is popular among the sysadmins, since in one list there are many accurate data, which, moreover, is easily copied to a couple of clicks.

To see all computer parameters following this method, you need to "execute" the "CMD" command in the same "execute" to remove the command line window. And already in the row, enter the "SystemInfo" command. It looks like this.

What should be noted, there is a complete information about the network adapter and memory (physical, virtual), despite the fact that there is no information about the video card here and close.

Information via DirectX

The third method is quite non-standard, but simple. In the "Run" window, just enter the dxdiag command. It provides data and on the DirectX version, which is also important.

There are alternative methods, you can familiarize themselves with which you can see some videos.

In fact, the most practical and popular way is to install additional programs. It is very convenient to use both newcomers and avid users. Especially if you take into account the number and diversity of existing software products. Although, despite this, recommending only a couple of them.

Leader - AIDA64

AIDA64 is currently the leader from the fields of programs that visualize the status of the computer. In addition to the components, you can check the voltage that is supplied to each PC element. You can check the temperature and look at the values \u200b\u200bof all kinds of sensors.

The AIDA64 leadership can be determined by the fact that it is used both beginners and experienced programmers. In addition, there are several versions of AIDA64, in the form of engineering, extreme, business version and others.

If you want to evaluate its interface and work, you can watch a pair of thematic videos.

The second, less popular among professionals Piriform Speccy program. Its target functionality is information about the components and only. It is sufficiently minimalist in design, easy to work. For beginners in the sphere of components - the very time. What should be noted, in it you can see the number of free slots in the motherboard for RAM, since it takes all the information directly from the BIOS.

Of course, you always rightly choose the program that will meet your requirements. Here is a list of additional misconception programs that you can look at.

  • CPU-Z. It was very similar to overclockers and people whose work is directly related to the control of PC vital activity.
  • Hwmonitor. Probably, the most fully visualizes all sorts of data, in the form of temperature, speed and load of coolers, voltage, etc.
  • Sisoftware Sandra. He loved users from the time of Windows XP and Windows 7 with their pleasant interface.


If before reading this article, you were puzzled by how to find out the parameters of the computer, now you know which option is best suited to you. As we found out, installing additional programs is not something special, but on the contrary, a thing that greatly facilitates the work with the PC.

How to view computer parameters - all methods

Often, users of computer equipment do not even realize about all the possibilities of their device. For the purpose of their enlightenment, this article is written. The following are the main ways to see the computer parameters: system and software. Reasons for familiarization with computer parameters. The question of what the parameters of a specific computer occur in the following situations:

  • if necessary, install the drivers;
  • in cases where the components are tested;
  • in the event of failures and "glitches";
  • when you need to create a competent description of the device for subsequent sale;
  • when installing a powerful software / video game, etc.

The main ways are similar to modern versions of Windows (7-8-10), but still need to be considered in more detail.

How to view computer parameters on windows 7

Start standing with the simplest ways:

  • running the system utility "System Information";
  • view information via the system properties panel;
  • through device manager;
  • through the system utility for the DIRECTX diagnostics.

Method number 1. You can use this function in any operating system from those listed above. It is necessary to start logging into "Start" or run "execute" by pressing the "Win" key combination. About how to call the command line wrote here.

If for some reason you cannot enter the utility name from the keyboard, you need to get to the launch file on the next way:

Method number 2. Again, the method is not complicated, because it is possible to get to the desired menu, if you select "Properties" by pressing the PCM on the "Computer" icon, which is on the desktop or if it is not, then do it with the "Computer" point in "Start "

You can also get to this partition of properties through the "Control Panel" by entering which you want to select the "Properties" icon of the same name.

In addition to viewing information about the PC in this item, you can evaluate the entire system by pressing the button with the corresponding name, which will make it possible to judge the performance of a particular device. Method number 3. The method described above allows you to view only general information about the computer and the system, and in more detail to study the configuration of the existing equipment, if you select the Device Manager item in the open above menu.

As can be seen in the screenshot, in the window that opens, you can view the list of devices connected to the computer, and when you double click on any of the objects, you can explore more detailed information about it. Method number 4. And this method is not much different from the first, since you need to enter the program name, as shown in the screenshot all in the same strings "Start" or "Run".

This method is also the simplest subject to the installed version of DirectX (software package).

If you want to find out the characteristics of Vijarta, then here is a separate article.

How to view computer parameters on windows 8

Part of the described methods works for Windows 8, but exists in this version of the OS and other functions:

How to view computer parameters on windows 10

The newest OS, in essence, is distinguished by only the fact that access to all the menus you need is placed in one place. It is enough to press the PCM on the "Start" icon to open the context menu, and then select:

If, for example, you need to study more information about the graphics adapter installed on a specific computer with Windows 10, then you should click PKM on the scratch of the desktop and then act as shown in the screenshots.

Programs for viewing and analyzing computer parameters

It is described above in detail where to see the computer parameters, if you use exclusively by system tools, but even more detailed description of the main items can be obtained by installing special software. To date, there are a lot of such programs and many of them are completely free to developers for non-commercial use at home PC.

Top 3 Software for viewing and evaluating PC parameters:

View parameters via BIOS

This method is not particularly effective, but if, for example, there is no possibility to start the system, you can always see some parameters in the BIOS. To do this, when you turn on the computer, you need to press the desired button in the first window. Below is a list of buttons for basic PC and laptop manufacturers.

There is a separate article on how to go to BIOS on different computers.

The above describes a detailed description of the methods for checking PC parameters. You must follow the instructions, and then correctly configure or install the software so that it corresponds to the data obtained.

How to open the Windows 10 system properties

Windows system properties

From version to version in Windows operating systems, the interface changes. The user has to get used to the new interface that sometimes leads to difficulties in the system setting. However, on the fundamental level, all OS from Microsoft do not distinguish anything. And all the settings can be easily found in any version of Windows. Consider this on the example of opening the system properties window in Windows 10.

Hot keys to call the window with the properties of the system

Win + Pause / Break - key combination causes system properties in any version of Windows from XP to Windows 10. The simplest and fast way.

Opening the properties of the system using key combination

Total two keys on the keyboard. In some models, laptops will have to additionally clamp the Fn key, since Pause has been put in an additional feature on the Break key.

Text command to start the main properties of the Windows 10 system

Perhaps someone will seem much more difficult than the previous way. It may seem useless. However, there are situations when it is impossible to press the key combination. For example, when you remotely connect to a computer, the use of hot keys may not be available.

Through applet "Perform"

In this case, you can start viewing the basic information about the computer using the command line or the "Run ..." applete. The latter can be opened through the Start menu, or the Win + R keys combination.

Dial the command:

control / Name Microsoft.System

A command to open the Windows system properties

Remember it is easy and in the extreme situation it will work in any version of Windows, with the exception of XP. In the 10th version of the system, it will probably work in many subsequent ones. It can be much faster than looking for where the developers have removed access to the properties of the system this time. This command can still be easier and typing simply

Through the command line

The same command is entered through the Windows 10 command line. It in turn also can also be called through the Applet "Run" by typing CMD

Through the "Start" menu

Through Start, you can open the properties of the system in Windows10 in several ways. I find it all uncomfortable, but they are and our leadership would be incomplete if we missed them.

Computer Parameters

This option appeared only in Windows 10. Something similar is available in Windows 8, however, the parameters are started from another place.

Open system properties in Windows 10

So, press Start\u003e Parameters\u003e System\u003e System Information\u003e System Information

Through Windows service programs

In this case, the sequence of clicks will be another Start\u003e All applications\u003e Service-Windows\u003e Computer\u003e In the dialog box called the right button "Properties"

My Computer icon in Windows 10

Surely, many remember that the "My Computer" icon was located in previous versions on the desktop. And in the context menu of this icon and there was an item "Properties". So in this way we use the same icon. We can simply pull it onto the desktop with the DRAG-N-DROP and open the properties of the computer through its context menu.

This icon is certainly different from the very "my computer", because in Windows 7 and earlier versions it was not a shortcut, but a special icon. Now we can only create a shortcut on it because of which in the context menu you can see two items "Properties". The second is only the properties of the label, so you need the first.

Through the control panel

The properties of the system can be opened through the control panel. Which can also be launched in two ways.

Quick call control panel in Windows from keyboard

My favorite way using the command through the applet "Run ..." You can also dial this command and in the console.

Quick Start Windows Control Panel

This control panel opening method works in Windows 10, but it is suitable for any version of Windows.

Running Windows 10 control panel through the Start menu

Click on the following items:

Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Own-Windows\u003e Control Panel

Open system properties via Windows 10 control panel

In the control panel, you need to open "System and Security", then click the main item "System" or subparagraph "View the volume of RAM and the speed of the processor"

Opening of the Windows 10 system properties through the control panel

How to find out the version of the operating system Windows 7, 8, 10 on a computer or laptop

Find out the version of the installed operating system from Microsoft is quite simple. This action does not require the download of additional software products - all required tools are built into Windows "out of the box".

For example, you can use the console. To refer to the command line you need:

  1. The combination of the Win + R keys to call the "Run" utility, enter Cmd in it and press the ENTER key;
  2. You can also simply register CMD in the search.

Here you need to use the SystemInfo system command, after which all detailed information appears on the screen:

The first value of the first marked parameter shows the version of the system, the number after the point changes after a large-scale update, and the Last value provides information about the assembly or as still say "Build". The data type data is shown 32 or 64-bit system. The difference between them is that the first can use no more than 4GB RAM, and the second is able to use resources much more volumes than even 32GB RAM.

During download

Releaseing a new system, Microsoft develops a unique logo for it, so you can make primary conclusions during the startup process.

So looks like Windows 7:

Windows 8 interface:

This looks like the current Windows 10 download:

For more information, it is recommended to use system information.

We use system information

Windows 7.

The interface in various versions of Windows has its own individual features, so the actions algorithm may differ. For example, in Window 7 is the easiest way to get the necessary information as follows:

A red marker marked the version of the operating system, the construction is highlighted in blue, purple indicates the system of system. The final productivity of the device is emphasized in green, and the maximum possible score here is at 10 points.

How to set up a local network in Windows 10

Windows 8.

Get information in this version of the operating system is also quite simple. This requires:

Windows 10.

The newest version of the operating system of the American corporation is also distinguished by affordable and simplicity. There is an alternative command for the console, after the introduction of which the following window pops up:

To display it, you need to enter the WINVER line in the CMD. This window does not provide such detailed information as what opens using SystemInfo, but the main task copes.

In addition, you can take advantage of the following instructions:

You can go to "Parameters" and using the keyboard by pressing the Win + I button.

In addition, it is possible to use the "My Computer" label, which here is called "this computer" and is missing by default. To be displayed on the desktop, you should click on the right mouse button in any place and go to the "Personalization" section. In the window that appears, click on the "Desktop Icons Settings".

Read, where in Windows 10 to view full information about the computer and its devices. What standard applications or third-party utilities for this use. Sometimes you may need to quickly find information about the configuration of your computer, the operating system, installed drivers and supported technical modules, for example, an accurate network card model, version "BIOS" or "UEFI"or what version "DirectX" Installed on your PC.

In this article, I will tell you about some standard operating system tools that provide this system information, both general and more detailed.


We learn the basic information using the standard application. "Parameters"

If you want to watch the basic overview of your system, it can be found in the standard application "Parameters"like Windows 8 and Windows 10. To open the application, click "Start" And then click on the button "Parameters" (Icon in the form of a gear) in the lower left corner of the window, or press the key combination "Windows + I". Next in the application Click the icon "System".

After that, on the page that opens, go to the tab in the menu on the left.

Three sections with information will be displayed on the right side of the window. In the first, information on the protection of your PC in real time will be displayed, the section provides basic information about the configuration of your PC, a processor model, the amount of RAM, device identifiers and a product, as well as the type of system used (32-bit or 64-bit) .

The section indicates the name and version of your operating system, the installation date and the Windows assembly number. Also in this window you can follow the links: update the key and OS reactivation, read the license agreement and the Agreement on the use of services "Microsoft".

Standard subroutine gives more detailed information.

The application (System Information) was added in Windows XP. With it, you can see a much more detailed overview of both system information and information about the equipment used, much informative than the previous way.

To open the window, click Combination "Windows + R"and in the dialogue "Run" Enter "MSINFO32" and click "ENTER".

The main page will immediately provide much more information than we have seen in the application "Parameters". Here it is listed in more detail, the manufacturer of your PC, detailed configuration information, BIOS version, motherboard model, installed operational memory, etc.

But this is just the beginning. Expand the tabs tree in the menu on the left, and the true functionality of this application will appear before you. Most of this information will be useful, probably, only software developers and system administrators, but at the same time, there are almost all the data on the system.

For example, in the section "Components" Click on the field "Net" And further "Adapter" And the program will issue full information about the device: the name, model of your network card, manufacturer, driver version, current status, as well as all the settings related to it are currently used.

There is another excellent feature of this software - this is the ability to export information you are interested in in a text file. This option is extremely useful when you need to send data about your system or about equipment errors to another user, for example, in support service, or if you just want to save a copy of your configuration and system settings just in case.

First you need to select the desired section or subsection, the information from which you want to export. If you choose a partition, the exported file will contain data from all sections that are available in the application. But you can also choose any separate section or subsection to save only specific information.

Then open the menu "File" and click on the team "Export".

The standard file saving dialog in Windows opens, simply go to the desired directory and enter the names of the new report and click "Save".

Now at any time, you can easily open this file and view all you are interested in, information and settings.

System Information on Command Line

If Windows is not loaded in a normal operation, you can use a special command to obtain information about the system. "Command Line". Using this option, you will not be able to get such detailed information as in the application, and, perhaps, this option is more complex, compared to the usual application, but still this command will be extremely useful in the case when the operating system begins "Hold down" And stops loading normally.

After the standard command line prompt, you need to go to the directory where this program is located, enter the following command "CD C: \\ Windows \\ System32". Next, enter the command "SystemInfo" and press "ENTER". After a small analysis, the program will display multiple lines you need to build information and version, processor, BIOS version, boot disk, memory and network information.

Device Manager in Windows 10

Device Manager is the standard component of the operating system, which provides information on all devices connected and currently used. It is also the only driver management tool for each installed device, manages their resources dedicated (interrupt requests, DMA channels, memory regions, I / O ports). She also provides a large amount of additional information.

You can open in Windows 10 in several ways, the simplest through the search, for this click on the icon. "Search" And start entering the expression, our option will be at the very top of the search results list.

In the window that opens, all installed devices on your PC will be presented.

Go to any section, for example, "Network adapters" and click on the line with the name of the device.

The properties window will immediately open, at the top you will see several bookmarks: Events related to the operation of the device, the resources that it uses, power management, general information about the device and control drivers. Actually, the entire functionality of controlling this device is collected here, you can update the driver, delete the device, turn it off and so on.

How to find out the version "DirectX"

"DirectX" - This is a special set of ready-made graphic elements, procedures and functions that the Windows operating system provides for use by external programs. "DirectX" Specially designed by the company "Microsoft" To facilitate the development of graphic applications under Windows, most programs, one way or another, use it to visualize all sorts of data. Most often it is used to write computer games. And if you installed the game that a newer version is needed for normal operation "DirectX"Than that that is installed on your PC. By learning what version is installed, you can understand it is necessary to update it or not.

The easiest way to do this by running the standard OS utility. To do this, press the key combination "Windows + R"and in the window that appears "Run" Enter and click "ENTER".

As a result, the utility will start "Diagnostic Diagnostics". On the first tab of the program window, some information about PC and version information will be displayed. "DirectX". In fact, this inscription speaks only about what version of the program is active and is currently used, and not what the latter is installed on your PC. After updating "Windows 10 Fall Creators Update" in this window, the utility always shows version 12. But then the question arises, that not every video card can support this "DirectX". The version of the program that your device supports can be found in the section "Screen" standard application "Parameters" Windows.

Additional utilities

Of course, on the Internet you can find a whole set of third-party and free software that can provide an even greater amount of specialized information.

For example, if you reinstalled the operating system, and the new OS has not installed the necessary drivers for all necessary devices, and they are not correctly displayed in "Task Manager" Or do not work at full power. Then in such a situation can help free by - "CPU-Z". You can easily download it from the official site of developers.

The program scans your system and will display the most complete information about the configuration of your PC, even without installed drivers. Information about the motherboard, processor, RAM and Slots under Shee, video card information, the program will allow testing the performance of your processor and compare its results with the rest. Will also provide the ability to maintain a full report in text or "HTML File".

From version to version in Windows operating systems, the interface changes. The user has to get used to the new interface that sometimes leads to difficulties in the system setting. However, on the fundamental level, all OS from Microsoft do not distinguish anything. And all the settings can be easily found in any version of Windows. Consider this on the example of opening the system properties window in Windows 10.

Hot keys to call the window with the properties of the system

Win + Pause / Break - causes the properties of the system in any version Windows from XP to Windows 10. The simplest and fast way.

Total two keys on the keyboard. In some models, laptops will have to additionally clamp FN., insofar as Pause There is made in an additional function on the key Break.

Text command to start the main properties of the Windows 10 system

Perhaps someone will seem much more difficult than the previous way. It may seem useless. However, there are situations when it is impossible to press the key combination. For example, when you remotely connect to a computer, the use of hot keys may not be available.

Through applet "Perform"

In this case, you can start viewing the basic information about the computer using the command line or. The latter can be opened through the Start menu, or the Win + R keys combination.

Dial the command:

control / Name Microsoft.System

Remember it is easy and in the extreme situation it will work in any version of Windows, with the exception of XP. In the 10th version of the system, it will probably work in many subsequent ones. It can be much faster than looking for where the developers have removed access to the properties of the system this time. This command can still be easier and typing simply

Through the command line

The same command is entered through the Windows 10 command line. It in turn can also be called through the applet "Run" by typing cmd.

Through the "Start" menu

Through you can open the properties of the system in Windows10 in several ways. I find it all uncomfortable, but they are and our leadership would be incomplete if we missed them.

Computer Parameters

This option appeared only in Windows 10. Something similar is available in Windows 8, however, the parameters are started from another place.

So, press Start\u003e Parameters\u003e System\u003e System Information\u003e System Information

Through Windows service programs

In this case, the sequence of clicks will be different
Start\u003e All Applications\u003e Service-Windows\u003e Computer\u003e In the Right-click Dialog box, the "Properties" dialog box

My Computer icon in Windows 10

Surely, many remember that the "My Computer" icon was located in previous versions on the desktop. And in the context menu of this icon and there was an item "Properties". So in this way we use the same icon. We can simply pull it onto the desktop with the DRAG-N-DROP and open the properties of the computer through its context menu.

This icon is certainly different from the very "my computer", because in Windows 7 and earlier versions it was not a shortcut, but a special icon. Now we can only create a shortcut on it because of which in the context menu you can see two items "Properties". The second is only the properties of the label, so you need the first.

Through the control panel

The properties of the system can be opened through the control panel. Which can also be launched in two ways.

Quick call control panel in Windows from keyboard

My favorite way using the command through the applet "Run ..." You can also dial this command and in the console.

This control panel opening method works in Windows 10, but it is suitable for any version of Windows.

Running Windows 10 control panel through the Start menu

Click on the following items:

Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Own-Windows\u003e Control Panel

Open system properties via Windows 10 control panel

In the control panel, you need to open "System and Security", then click the main item "System" or subparagraph "View the volume of RAM and the speed of the processor"

Opening of the Windows 10 system properties through the control panel

Want to get information about the system, including information about the equipment and various components of the computer, without using third-party software developments?

In the new Operation of Windows 10 there are a number of built-in functional solutions that allow the user to get the necessary information simply and quickly.

Some of them were inherited from older versions of Windows, and some of them can be found only in the top ten, thanks to new tools designed for the latter.

The driver flew, do not know your version of BIOS, how much is the available physical memory or what is the processor or the type of network adapter?

Do not trouble, run one of the selected system commands and you can get a maximum possible information.

System Information

First method

The most convenient and most informative classic tool was used in the time of Windows 95 and can give the most complete information.

To run it, do the following steps:

  • press the Win + R keys combination on the keyboard to open the "Run" system utility window;
  • in the appropriate field write the command

and click "OK".

Opened user interface of the two-page application.

On the left - the navigation tree, which allows you to go through various categories, and on the right - detailed information about resources, components and software environment.

Second way

Using the command line or PowerShell shell with administrator rights, give the command


and wait for the process of completing the command.

Third way

Open the "On System" section in the parameters or classical control panel, where you get only a small part of the information you need, such as: computer name, release and version of the OS, assembly number, product code, processor code, installed RAM, Bar, Product Key .

That's all!

Of course, such specialized applications such as Everest or Aida64 can give much more useful information than system commands, but the latter will give enough information in that situation when you are not able to use additional software.

P.S. In the blog map you will get more computer tips!

How to open information about the system in Windows 7, 8 and 10

System Information Panel is a great way to get more information about your computer, you will find: what operating system is currently installed, its version, computer name, computer manufacturer, model, version of the BIOS, which processor, how much memory is installed and much Other. In today's article, consider a universal way for all versions of Windows to enter this panel.

1. Press Win + R keys

2. In the window that appears, enter the command msinfo32 and press the ENTER key.

You will open the "System Information" panel

The second way to open "System Information" in Windows 7.8 and 10- In the search string, enter the MSINFO32 command and select from the results found.

You can also find MSINFO32 through the search and use the right key to consolidate the "System Information" in the Start menu or on the taskbar.

The startup file of this panel is in the Windows \\ System32 folder. You can also go to "System Information" through the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e All applications \u003d\u003e Standard \u003d\u003e Service.

Today, everything, if there are additions - Write comments! Good luck to you 🙂

See also:

How to make a browser again quickly;

How to clean the computer;

Tips and tricks for maximum return from Google Chrome

Printer Properties on Windows 10 Computer

Hey! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to open the printer properties on your computer. You can configure the printer, select paper size, image quality, etc.

To open properties, at the bottom of the screen, open the Start menu. In the window that opens, click on the Options tab or icon.

Here you can find the device model.

Change properties.

Configure the device.

In the settings you can change:

  • Paper size.
  • Image quality.
  • Orientation.

You can configure sharing printers if supported.

Color management:

You can configure color management settings.


Here you can add or delete users (groups) to control the printer.

You can enable or disable users to make specific action with the printer.

Printer Properties on Windows 10 Computer Updated: April 13, 2017 Author: Ilya Zhuravleov

Configuring Devices on Windows 10 Computer

Hey! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to configure the basic devices on Windows 10. To configure the main devices, at the bottom of the screen, open the "Start" menu. In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, at the bottom of the list, open the Oboy Windows tab. In the list that opens, click on the Control Panel tab.

DVDs and CD-ROM drives.

Audio inputs and audio outputs.


Video adapters.

Built-in software.

Disk devices.

Sound, game and video devices.


A computer.

IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers.

USB controllers.

Memory controllers.


Mice and other pointing devices.

Print queues.

Software devices.


Network adapters.

System devices.

Remote service point device.

HID devices (Human Interface Devices).

Image processing devices.

Next, press twice by the mouse by the name of the Device partition. You will open the attachments of the device. Press the device twice to open its properties. In the properties of the device, on the General tab you can:

Device status.

Type of device.



Driver supplier.

Development date.

Driver version.

Digital signature.

Driver file information.

You can update the drivers.

Disable the device.

Delete drivers.

After the changes made, press the button - OK.

Have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Device setup on Windows 10 Computer Updated: February 24, 2017 by author: Ilya Zhuravlev

Setting up additional parameters Windows 10, 8, 7

When moving the folder on the desktop, a blurred motion may occur.

Moreover, blurred contours can be at the desktop.

To get rid of this, it is necessary to set "maximum speed" from this.

There are two main ways to open the "Advanced Parameters" tab.

The first way:

Select the "My Computer" label.

Press the right mouse button and select "Properties".

In the window that appears, on the left, select the "Advanced System Parameters" tab.

The second way:

Click "Start"

Select the "Parameters" tab (Windows 10) or "Control Panel", and then the System tab (Windows 7).

In the window that appears, click on the "About System", and then shed in the bottom.

Choosing a "system of system".

After clicking, a window opens where you can find the "Advanced System Parameters" tab.

In order to open the dialog box, press the left mouse button on the tab.

A window appears with the system properties.

In order to increase the speed of the system, select "Parameters" in this paragraph and click.

In the window that appears, there are three tabs, among which we choose "visual effects".

To quickly configure effects, there are three properties:

Restore default values \u200b\u200bthat go when reinstalling the system (the appearance and working windows are changed smoothly);

Provide the best form (leads an appearance to a more roundy mind, smoothes sharp edges, but more resources required for this operation);

Provide the best speed (effects settings are reduced as much as possible, the icons become less smooth, but resources are needed much less).

You can select the parameters from the listed or select "Specific Parameters" and personally set the properties that are needed or not.

This resource allows you to speed up the work of weak computers.

To do this, select the hard disk and set the parameters of the paging file (2 times more RAM).

If there is a powerful PC, then you can leave the paging file in automatic mode.

In this window, you can solve the problems that occur if you have several operating systems installed.

You can specify the display parameter within 30 seconds, when started, several Windows options.

If your operating system has been installed on top of the old, then here you can retain only the necessary one.

To do this, remove the checkbox from the point of 30 seconds and select the desired system.

There is an "System Failure" item where you can select "Event Magazine".

This is done so that after stopping the work it was possible

see what it happened.

The "Equipment" tab has "Device Manager", where you can familiarize yourself with the full list of equipment on the PC, as well as their properties.

Here you can also look for information about the performance of the equipment, as well as the availability of drivers.

Soots below, and see "device installation options".

If you have the Internet and do not want to make the installation yourself, it is enough to choose an automatic installation.

The problem of this tincture is that the device is trying to download drivers from the Windows Update Cent, and very often downloads not all updates.

Therefore, it is easier to pay for several hours and install all the drivers.

This dialog box includes the computer name tab, where you can rename or set the name of the PC and the working group on the network.

It is done to work within the network.

The name to your computer is best selected by location or related activity.

This is especially needed for various organizations that are in the same building.

If you simply enter numbers or a set of letters in the computer name, it will be very difficult to understand what office he treats.

Often, this happens in organizations where there is no normal system administrator.

You can view detailed video instructions at:

Microsoft never differed in humane requests to the hardware PC. Unlike Linux, which is installed even on the lowest computer, Windows 10 system requirements are high enough.

From which the requirements for Windows 10 system depend

First of all, they affect the graphics shell and new opportunities. 10-ka was developed in accordance with new software development. All of its possibilities are provided with high hardware indicators.

Although a dozen declares as a more economical operating system than 7 or 8, it gradually turns up updates that consume more and more resources. For all new items declared in it, RAM requires, a place on the hard drive and the processor speed.

The announcer will speak too slowly, Cortana annoy the delays in the execution of teams, and "Film Studio" constantly hang if your computer has not the highest performance.

In general, for everything you need to pay. Having only minimal system requirements of Windows 10, you will not get high speeds and lightning work. Do not forget about additional programs that are inevitably installed on any PC.

Experienced users multiply the figures for two. And judging by Microsoft notes, it will be not enough. WINDOVS 10 system requirements for laptop are completely similar to those specified for computers.

How to find out your system requirements for installing Windows 10

As far as your computer is suitable for installing 10-ki you can before it starts. The installer will analyze your hardware and inform you if you have enough resources.

Some parameters you can learn in the properties of the system. Right-button on the desktop icon "This computer" and select the last item.

In the properties window you will learn about RAM and processor.

The hardware container can be found in the conductor. Press the right button on the disk label from the installed OS and select Properties.