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Itunes does not install error windows installer. Windows Installer package error while installing itunes and how to fix it

What are these files that have the extension msi?

This is the installation package file that installs the software and uses the Windows Installer service. Name extension msi took from Microsoft Installer » as the Windows Installer version used to be called. Such a file contains a complete script for installing a software product, auxiliary components, libraries and, in most cases, all installation files compressed into cab archives. You can discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of the Windows Installer for a long time, but you still have to accept it "as is", and we will competently and adequately respond to some problems in the work. Errors can occur both in the operation of the service and due to the msi files.

Here's what sometimes happens: and then the system asks me to make sure if there really was an installer file that I ran. Sounds strange at first. But, reading the message from the system further, I understand that I am being asked to make sure not only of the presence of the file itself, but also of my rights to access it. As it turned out, it was not me, but Windows Installer was deprived of access to the file, hence the problem.

This issue is not resolved in a complicated way. Let's first make sure that the system has full access to the file, for which in the "Properties" file go to the tab "Security" and find the user "System (System)".

I am more than sure that you will not find it there, so we add it ourselves - click on "Change", then on "Add" and enter the name: "System" (or System, in the case of the English version of the system),

then click on "Check names" (the line becomes underlined).
We confirm - OK and put a mark in the "Full access" checkbox, again we confirm.

Click on "Advanced", then - "Change permissions" - "Add permissions », inherited from parent objects and we confirm everything three times.
Thus, we got rid of this installer error, and it will no longer bother us during the installation process. Although it would be more reasonable and prudent to add full system access rights to the entire content folder, from which, as usual, the software is installed (as in my case, the “Install” folder).

If you have Windows XP on your computer and Simple File Sharing is enabled in Folder Options, you will not see the Security tab in the file's properties. In this case, you should go to "Folder Options" and uncheck the "Use simple file sharing" checkbox. Also, you run the risk of not finding this tab in different "assemblies" and "light versions" of both Windows XP and Windows 7. To access this tab, you will have to boot into Safe mode and log in with an administrator account.

Another problem with Windows Installer can be avoided by running the installation of applications with the antivirus program disabled, with administrator rights, as well as in compatibility mode (the "Compatibility" tab in the properties of the msi file, check the corresponding checkbox).

There may also be problems when you try to install the program from a removable media, flash drive, for example (you can prohibit such actions in the operating system settings) - just copy the installation file to a convenient location on your hard drive. Another solution to the problem is to create a new folder under any name you like and copy the installation package into it, from there and start the installation - it is useful for errors number 1603, 214 728 7035, 2203 and 1723.

Be sure to make sure that the system has access to the temporary file directories. Open "System Properties" (Win + Pause or in the context menu, right-click on the My Computer icon, select the Properties line), in "Additional system parameters",

on the "Advanced" tab, click on the "Environment Variables" button.

We find the folders of temporary variables (they have the words TEMP, TMP in their names), check if the system has access to them (according to the algorithm already described above). I hope you remember that to find out the address of such a folder, you need to double-click on the variable

and, having copied the specified path, paste the contents of the clipboard into the explorer line and make a transition to the folder. And at the same time you can do a useful thing - clear all temporary folders from their contents.

It will also be a good decision to check for access rights the directories in which you plan to install applications and the directory with the name Config. Msi at the root of the system partition. For all the directories indicated above, encryption must be disabled, since Windows Installer in this case does not have access to them, unlike the user.

Well, of course, an installation error can occur due to a broken installation file (the so-called "broken" file, with a mismatch of checksums), in such a situation it is necessary to get hold of a knowingly "working" normal installation file. Most likely, it will make sense to download it from another source or another mirror.

Cause of Windows Installer error

Now it is worth considering the situation when the installation of the application is impossible due to errors in the Windows Installer itself. If the installation process does not start, whatever application you are trying to install, then most likely the problem is in the installer service itself. System error messages may appear that include relevant phrases such as: Installer Package Error or Windows Installer Error. The reason for this can be both errors in the system registry and a virus attack. Let's start by checking the status of the Windows Installer service and the type of startup. For this purpose, we enter the command in the Run line (Win + R) services. msc, and in the console that opens, we find the desired item - "Windows Installer".

Let's see if it works and what its Startup type is (must be set Manually) If the service does not work and has a different startup type, then we start (click “Start”, you can - “Restart”) it, and change the startup type in the properties to "Manual". If the service is started, check the situation and enter the command in the "Run" line msiexec- if everything is OK, then instead of an error you will see a window with the parameters for launching the Windows Installer and its version number.

I see further elimination of the problem in fixing damaged system files of the operating system. To implement this, in the "Run" line, execute the command sfc/ scannow(Prepare in advance the disk from which your operating system was installed, it may be required in this process) and then restart the computer. The problem, in theory, should disappear.

Also, this problem is raised on the Microsoft website with a solution. Follow this link and run the native FixIt utility. Follow the guided directions to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Another option for eliminating this scourge may be an attempt to restore the registry settings for Windows Installer, in which everything works fine. Run the registry editor file from the archive and confirm the import of the new settings (do not forget before changing the parameters in the registry

We often encounter various errors, but we do not pay attention to most of them - we simply restart the installation of the program, and they disappear. Windows Installer package error while installing iTunes- far from that case. As a rule, it appears for those who updated the operating system via the Internet. For example, from "seven" to "eight", or on Windows 10. With a clean installation of the OS, the probability of encountering such a problem is zero.

However, it doesn't matter what exactly led to the occurrence of this error, because today our task is to explain to you how to get rid of it!

How to fix Windows Installer package error during iTunes installation?

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to reinstall the operating system using a USB flash drive or disk with a complete cleanup of the "C" drive, the second is the correct installation of the program. Of course, there is no point in reinstalling the OS because of such a trifle, so we suggest you start considering the second method. So, you must follow these steps:
Of course, there is nothing complicated here, but for the future, know that it is better not to do global updates of the operating system via the Internet! To do this, use the installation discs and flash drives, only then you will not come across Windows Installer package errors when installing iTunes and the like.

Surprisingly, itunes' windows installer error is quite common. And even in spite of this fact, the development companies are not used to giving any comments. First of all, it should be understood that this program is necessary for the process of installing applications or games to be successful. However, problems begin to arise with such a tool from time to time, which casts doubt on its versatility.

How do I fix the error?

When installing itunes, the windows installer package error makes itself felt, it is recommended to follow the following diagram to solve the problem yourself. It is recommended that you install the most recent version of iTunes in advance as a preparation. To avoid the occurrence of a number of other serious problems, the program should be taken only from the official website of the developer, since some sources may be infected with virus programs and viruses.

After the latest version has already been downloaded, the download file must be sent to a separate created folder, and then a copy must be created. This is necessary in order to use one file to change the extension, and the other will be used as a bootable tool.

For one of the copies, it is imperative to change the extension from the "exe" format to "zip". If you cannot do this on your own, because the formats are hidden, then you can go to the control panel and simply uncheck the "Hide extensions" item.

After the work is done, you should get two files with different extensions. That is, one file remains with the exe, while the other will be zip.

The next required step is to uninstall the program that launches the automatic update to the latest version of iTunes. It is called "AppleSoftwareUpdate". We go into programs and components and look for the file of the same name. First, we press the "restore" button, since it is impossible to uninstall the program without this action.

After recovery, you can safely press the delete button. Otherwise, when installing itunes, the windows installe error will appear.

Installation process "AppleSoftwareUpdate"

After the earlier version of AppleSoftwareUpdate has been removed, you need to install the last downloaded version from the file that has been converted. To do this, you must select a file with the zip extension. If there is no program on the computer that helps to work with archives, then it must also be downloaded. As a rule, this does not take much time, and it is quite easy to use it. To make the windows installer error when installing itunes cease to exist, then you need to open the file of the same name with the "msi" extension. If everything is in order, then the installation will take place in automatic mode. When all processes are completed, it is recommended to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Otherwise, the error while installing the itunes windows installer will appear again until the computer is turned off.

At the next stage, you can proceed to installing the iTunes program, only for this you need to use a file with the .msi extension. Once completed, you need to restart your computer again.

As a precaution, you must download all the installation files exclusively from the developer's sites, otherwise, in addition to the existing problem, you can acquire a bunch of other complications. For example, infecting your computer with Trojan viruses or purchasing other unnecessary programs.

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The Apply company has established itself well in the information technology market. While most of its competitors are just starting their way with common and unpopular music applications, Apple has long created the itunes media player, which is actively used by users of their products around the world to view and download multimedia files.

Unfortunately, even a company like Apply can have difficulties when interacting with other corporations. One such problem is the Windows Installer error for users of the Windows operating system from Microsoft.

More and more requests for help appear on the network like: "I can not install itunes on windows 7, error of the windows installer package - what to do about it?" And in this article I will try to help fix the developers' shortcomings and show alternative methods for installing iTunes.

Why am I getting a Windows Installer error?

The main reasons for this error are:

  • Old copies of the itunes product have been installed, which, for a variety of possible reasons, restrict the installation of newer software.
  • Disabled App Installer Service on Windows.
  • The itunes installer cannot script to extract and install a software product from an archive.

To fix these problems, we will carry out several extraordinary actions that in most cases will allow you to get rid of the Windows Installer problem. All actions will be shown using the Windows 7 operating system, but Windows 8 or 10 users may not worry, because this fix will help them, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

How to fix itunes error?

1. Check for other versions of itunes on your computer. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, then open the "Control Panel" and click on "Programs and Features":

Uninstall any utilities that are associated with the itunes software listed on the screenshot:

Download the itunes installation package from the official website and try to install it again:

2. If the previous fixes did not help, check the startup options for the Windows Installer service. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, right-click on "Computer" and select the "Management" sub-item. Expand the list of "Services and Applications", open "Services" and go to the "Windows Installer" service:

Check the startup type of this service and if it is "disabled" select "manual":

Then try installing itunes again.

3. In the case when the previous steps did not help in the installation, you need to try to install each application included in the itunes package in turn. To do this, extract the files from the itunes app we downloaded in the first step:

Install the files in the following order:

  • Bonjour
  • AppleMobileDeviceSupport
  • AppleApplicationSupport

After successfully installing all of the previously listed components, install the itunes .exe itself

The whole program is installed! It remains only to connect the device.

Note: The SetupAdmin and AppleSoftwareUpdate programs can be installed later, as one of them is for software updates and the other is for device administration.

Windows Installer is one of the types of installation packages. As a subsystem, it is designed to install any programs. Since 1999, it has been in high demand among users of electronic devices. It works well with both later versions of Windows and earlier. Thus, Installer - acting as an installer - has proven itself positively. But, often users are faced with a problem when the system gives information about an error. When installing the iTunes application, a mysterious window appears with the inscription:

The cause of this error is often an old version of Windows, that is, if you did not install a new version of Windows 10, but simply downloaded the old components.

What is this problem and how to fix it is not informed by the manufacturers of Apple and Micro Soft. Agree, it is rather difficult for a person who has not encountered this problem to understand what the error is. We will try to explain what to do if a Windows Installer error appears while installing iTunes.

What to do if Windows Installer package error occurs while installing iTunes

  • Make sure iTunes is up to date on Windows, if not, download the updated software from Apple's official website.
  • You can eliminate the cause of the error by restarting your computer. Sometimes such a trifle brings iTunes into working order.
  • If, nevertheless, the error persists, you must copy the iTunes Setup application. One copy will be the troubleshooting material. Place the copied file in a separate folder, change the extension (rename from .EXE to .ZIP). Actions are similar to any other copying of folders through the right mouse button.

You will need the files in the modified iTunesSetup duplicate to remove the installer components.

  • Through the control panel, go to "Programs and Features" and uninstall Apple Software Update - the program responsible for automatic updates for iTunes. To do this, find the program in the available list of components, click "Restore" with the mouse button. This is necessary for the correct uninstallation of the program. Then press "Delete" with the same button.
  • Then from the copied file of the new version of iTunesSetup.ZIP (use the archiver to open the folder), you will have to install Apple Software Update. The next step is to reboot the computer to avoid re-occurrence of the error.
  • Run iTunesSetup.ZIP again and install iTunes.MSI, then restart your computer.

Cleaning the registry as a way to fix a system error

1 To clean the registry, you need to find Apple Software Update in the contextual list of installed programs. Then, with the command of two keys Win and R, start the registry. After that the "Run" window should appear with the line "Open". It is necessary to enter in it: regedit. 2 Next, in the Windows registry tab that appears, call the search bar by pressing two keys Ctrl and F. Then you find all the values ​​related to Apple Software Update and delete them. 3 The next and final steps will be to restart your computer and install iTunes on your computer.

By following this guide, you will get rid of the error and easily install iTunes on your electronic device.