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The laptop screen has gotten great what to do. Change application settings

To make your computer screen settings as comfortable as possible for your eyes, you need to know how to change the screen resolution of a personal computer or laptop monitor.

Screen resolution is an indicator that determines the clarity of the display of all icons, pictures, that is, graphics in general. It is important to determine what is best for the monitor.

Modifying an Extension Using Built-in OS Functions

The higher the resolution, the better the clarity of the display. For example, a 22-inch display will have a standard one, which is 1680 * 1050, which is optimal and maximum for this screen.

All available sizes are available in the settings, it is advisable to choose the largest one offered.

Follow the instructions to change the image resolution of your display:

  • Go to the desktop of the operating system. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the screen parameters item, as shown in the figure below;
  • In the window that opens, you can adjust the size of text, icons and other system elements in real time. You can also adjust the screen orientation. To go to the selection tab, enter the word "permission" at the top of the search bar;
  • Select the item "change the screen resolution";
  • Click on the drop-down list as shown in the picture and select the standard recommended. Save the new settings.

Important! It happens that the recommended resolution is larger than the display. That is, the size of the final image does not correspond to the size of the screen, so some elements of the desktop may disappear from the user's field of view. Adjusting the monitor will fix this problem. In the selection options, choose not the recommended one, but the one that fully displays all the elements of the desktop. At the same time, all graphics should be clear.

Several common types of expansion and their corresponding display sizes:

  • 1024 * 768 - perfect for screens that are 15 or 17 inches. In a display with a resolution of 1024 * 768 pixels, the color depth is 16 bits;
  • 1280 * 1024 - designed for displays that are 19 inches;
  • Types of monitors with a size of 24 inches most accurately reproduce the image at a resolution of 1920 * 1080. All displays with these parameters are FullHD.

Adjusting the refresh rate of the screen

The higher the refresh rate of the display, the correspondingly better the picture quality. That is why, in addition to size, you need to pay attention to this parameter. To change the refresh rate follow the instructions:

  • Go to the control panel. In the search box, enter "Screen" (without quotes);
  • In the proposed search result, select the item that is responsible for the screen refresh rate, as shown in the figure;
  • Set the refresh rate as high as possible. This will eliminate possible intermittent flickering of the monitor.

NVIDIA software

How do you find the right resolution for your display? This can be done on the official website of the manufacturer or in the instructions that come with the device.

The boxes of monitors and laptops from Samsung have information on how to set the correct resolution and what to do if the real one does not match the stated one.

With the help of a special program, which is preinstalled on all computers equipped with a video card of the Nvidia family, you can also adjust the resolution of a custom monitor. Follow the instructions.

Black bars on the sides of the screen are a common problem for those who like to play on laptops and rectangular monitors. It's ugly, inconvenient, and distracting. But, fortunately, the problem can always be removed. Let's figure out how to stretch 4: 3 to full screen on a laptop.

What will stretching the image give?

The settings of the game itself allow you to make a widescreen image. But it just adds a viewing angle, although it removes the black stripes on the sides. For real traders, this is not the most profitable option.

Therefore, you can use another method - stretching. What are its advantages:

  • easier to aim - the enemy visually becomes wider due to deformation of the image;
  • the mouse begins to move faster to the side, while maintaining vertical speed;
  • aesthetic pleasure - black bars do not distract, the entire screen area is involved.

If this is what you need, then let's start analyzing how to stretch an image in CS GO!

Game and video card settings

How do I stretch 4: 3 to full screen so it doesn't get 16: 9? Easily. But for this you have to go beyond the game settings. Now we will learn how to make 4: 3 in the form of a rectangle. Even on awkward Windows 10.

First you have to set the settings that are necessary to stretch the game. This is a 4: 3 (square) format with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels, the display mode is full screen. All methods work with such a base. After saving the settings, you must close the CS GO.

Then you have to open the Game Library on Steam and find CS GO among the list. Then click on it with the right mouse button and open "Properties". Here we need the "Launch Options" section.

A window will appear with a line into which you need to copy two commands:

-window -noborder

With their help, the game will start in a window, but without frames. After that, you will have to tinker a little with the settings of the video card itself. In this case, the image outside the game will also be stretched. So, if this option does not suit you on an ongoing basis, you can either reconfigure each time before playing, or try other methods.

So, in most laptops, in addition to an NVidia or AMD video card, an Intel chip is installed. We will work through him. Necessary:

  1. Select the line "Graphic characteristics";
  2. In the new window, click on the square with the inscription "Display";
  3. Set a resolution similar to the game (1024x768);
  4. At the bottom, find the "Scaling" section and put a tick on the "Scale to full screen" item;
  5. Save settings and close the panel.

After that, the image will change. You can safely go into the game and enjoy the enlarged models. The result is a standard 4: 3 stretched over a rectangular monitor. In some cases, especially on Windows 10, there will be no effect.

For NVidia and AMD

The video card drivers allow you to separately adjust the stretching of the game. Therefore, you can work through them. But first, we set the standard parameters in the game (4: 3 and 1024x768). Then we proceed directly to stretching CS GO 4: 3.

  1. Right-click on the desktop;
  2. Select "NVidia Control Panel";
  3. Find "Adjusting the size and position of the desktop";
  4. Set the parameter "Full screen";
  5. Save settings.

Attention! If there is no such item, you need to reinstall the drivers for the video card. The truncated functionality of the control panel is the problem of crookedly installed drivers.

  1. Similarly, right-click on the desktop;
  2. Select "Graphics Properties" from AMD;
  3. In the window that opens, click on the "Games" tab;
  4. Find CS GO in the list;
  5. Click on "Profile parameters";
  6. Select "Display scaling" and mark "Full panel";

Usually the screen is too stretched in a computer or laptop in Windows 7, after reinstalling the operating system itself (this does not happen in Windows 8).

What to do? How to remove a stretched screen? The answer is unequivocal - to change the resolution.

Only in the absence of drivers specifically for your screen model, most likely it will not work. However, the attempt is not torture - try it.

If you cannot reduce the highly stretched screen, below is described how to remove this "misunderstanding".

How to fix a stretched screen resolution

To make a horizontally stretched screen normal, right-click on any free space on the laptop / computer desktop.

Immediately after that, a small window will pop up in front of you. In it, click on the line "screen resolution". See fig. below.

Field of this, expanding the parameters opposite the line "resolution", you will be able to access the slider.

By moving it around, you can fix the stretched screen on your computer or laptop.

Only as written above, if there are no corresponding drivers, you will not be able to make it perfect (it will be possible to narrow it a little horizontally, but the vertical will not match).

What to do then? Download and install native drivers. It's easier for a laptop. You can go to the official website and download from there. With computers, the situation is more complicated (usually everything is prefabricated there), but there is a way out.

The first way. Take advantage, True, there is no 100% guarantee that she will find them. It all depends on the monitor.

Second way. Find out the exact model name of your monitor and try to find drivers for it using search engines: "Google" or "Yandex".

Third way. Use the Windows update (and click on the "windows update center" option). The system will determine which drivers it needs, download, install and fix the stretched monitor.

I use the third option - everything always returned to normal. Yes, when you update, and the Internet is slow, you can skip the checkboxes opposite the lines where it says "for security", these updates have nothing to do with the extended screen.

ATTENTION. There are many programs on the net that promise to quickly update all drivers for your PC. I advise you not to use them - after their intervention, you usually need to reinstall Windows.

Greetings to you, dear subscribers and readers of my blog! Quite often, Windows 10 users are faced with the fact that the screen has narrowed, icons have increased, and the overall picture is rather fuzzy. How to expand the monitor screen when it has narrowed, and how to restore it, I will tell you in the article below. The reader will be able to find out why this happens in Windows 7 and newer OS versions.

There are 4 main reasons that can lead to a change in the image on the monitor screen:

  • the wrong resolution is selected;
  • the video card driver is not installed;
  • a second display is connected;
  • the monitor is incorrectly configured.

Let's consider all the options separately and in detail.

Incorrect desktop resolution

This can happen on a new device or a newly installed OS. Periodically, the effect is triggered by applications and games with the ability to adjust the resolution.

On Windows 7, you need to select properties on any area of ​​the desktop, and in them "personalization". On Windows 10, instead of "personalization" there is an item "screen settings". He is interesting to us. For the 10th OS, the user will immediately go to the menu of interest, on the 7th it is necessary to additionally go to the "screen settings". Next, we just go through different resolution options and see which one will give the optimal image. Then we save our choice.


The video card is the node that is responsible for the image. If the video card driver is not installed or it is outdated, damaged, the display may not be displayed correctly. You should download a fresh driver from the manufacturer's website and install it. After a reboot, everything should start working correctly.

The second option is to simply update the driver. Better to use third-party apps. There is software from Intel. He will find the correct software version and tell you what changes the program will cause. If you update with standard Windows tools, then it is possible that the driver will not be found. Typically, standard Microsoft software finds a new driver 1 in 10 times. The rest of the time he writes that everything is set correctly and this is not true.

If you have difficulties finding a driver for a video card, then I recommend taking the disks supplied with the PC and installing from them. The downside is that the driver is not new there and will need to be updated.

For those who do not know the model of the installed video card, I recommend installing the Everest program on the PC, it gives out all the information about the stuffing of the system unit. Everything is simpler in a laptop. It is enough to look at the model of the device, it is written on a sticker from the bottom of the laptop. Then just go to the manufacturer's website and find your device. There are drivers for all nodes on the site, it remains only to choose the software that is suitable for the operating system.

Second monitor

Sometimes users are faced with the fact that the image on a laptop or computer has changed after connecting a second display. Perhaps it is he who causes the change in the picture. You can check whether this can be done by disabling it, if the reason is in it, then it is eliminated by setting the resolution for the monitor screen and the second display separately for each. This is done as described in the first paragraph with the only difference that first the user selects monitor 1 and adjusts the resolution, then selects monitor 2 and adjusts his resolution for it.

Setting up the monitor

Sometimes a failure occurs in the settings of the monitor itself. In this case, you will have to resort to the buttons that are located on the device itself. There are several items on the menu. We are interested in the one that shifts the picture left-right. It is enough to select this item and use the button to shift the image so that it fills the entire screen. In addition, there is a picture setting that stretches it around the corners. Sometimes it is she who can help. It is also worth paying attention to whether the display has a function to reset all settings. It is best to use it, since it will simply return the original state, and it was definitely correct.


Sometimes users are faced with expanding or shrinking the screen on social networks. This can happen in classmates or VK. What to do in this case? In fact, everything is very simple. The fact is that the scale of the image could be accidentally changed - increased or vice versa reduced. Setting up the original is easy. Press the CTRL button on the keyboard, and then use the wheel to scale the picture so as to get the original version. The second way is to go to the browser settings and reset the scale to the usual value. Often this item does not even take a long time to look for, it is located in the main menu of the browser.

We have sorted out the main points that can change the image on the monitor. One of the above methods will help, otherwise the effect is caused by a hardware failure and the help of the service will be required here.

Thank you for the attention! See you soon on the pages of my blog! Best regards, Rostislav Kuzmin.

The main parameter of a computer screen is its resolution - the number of points per unit area. The more their number, the clearer the image is. Formally, it is simply impossible to expand the screen, because the number of pixels per inch is set by the manufacturer and is the same number. But you can make the image clearer and larger than it is at the moment.

Largest resolution

The maximum resolution available to your computer can be found as follows:

In the window that opens, opposite the parameter, values ​​will be set, by opening the list, you will see the maximum available value. Here, by moving the slider to the proper level, you can expand the screen if it was previously smaller.

Solutions to the problem

Most often, users face the problem when the page size in the browser is very small. There are three main ways to solve this problem, which do not differ in complexity. The first method to expand the screen is to press the "Ctrl" and "+" keys at the same time. This combination will change the scale of the screen to a higher one. Pressing “-” instead of “plus”, you will change the size in the opposite direction.

To use the following method of expanding the screen, you need to look at the settings menu of the Internet browser. We will explain all the actions using the example of Google Chrome, but the algorithm of actions will be the same everywhere:

Also, in the font settings menu, you can increase the size of letters without affecting the resolution of images on the Internet. It is very useful for people with visual impairments, because by zooming in on the page, you will make surfing sites rather inconvenient.

Desktop extensions

Talking about extending the windows desktop is not entirely correct. You can increase the size of icons, links, files and folders without affecting the screen resolution settings. There are two ways to accomplish this task.