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Mac remote desktop. RDP clients for Windows and MacOS

Many users of modern computer and mobile systems would like to manage home terminals, while elsewhere. But how to do it, because the cable connected to the home computer will not pull over? Such a problem is designed to solve the so-called RDP clients, which provide a connection between any computer and mobile devices via the Internet.

To deal with their settings - the case is simple. But here is the question of what to prefer to obtain a quality connection, for many users it remains open. Consider several options for the two most popular and common operating systems - Windows and Mac OS X.

RDP clients: What is it for what they are intended for?

The Reduction of RDP itself comes from the English phrase Remote Desktop, which in translation literally means "remote desktop". However, this name does not fully reflect all the capabilities of the programs of this type.

By and large, any RDP client for Windows or any other operating system, including mobile OS, allows you to get full access to the alleged terminal. In other words, it is impossible to speak only that the user can see the "desktop" when connected. With the necessary settings, it can remotely control the computer installed by programs, files and system parameters, listen to music, view video, etc. It turns out that, sitting in front of another computer or looking at the mobile device screen, the user is actually in front of its own home ( or working) terminal.

How is the connection?

Now a few words about how the RDP client works for Windows 7 or other systems. As a rule, the default to access the remote terminal uses the ITU T. 120 protocol family, ports 3389 for TCP and 443 for HTTPS.

In order not to delve into technical details, the work of such programs can be explained much easier. RDP clients respond to events produced on the computer from which access (pressing the keys on the keyboard, actions with the mouse, etc.), after which it transmit them to similar devices on the remote terminal, and then, again, Aid of the video driver actually displays the contents on the screen and form the back to send packets to the RDC client (the terminal from which the control is carried out).

Use of the built-in or updated RDP client in Windows XP

Since the Windows version of the XP system is hopelessly stirring, although it remains yet quite popular among users, with its built-in client is not so simple.

Even on the third service pack, the RDP client is used for Windows XP version 6.1. To obtain normal control, it is necessary to install a modification 7.0, and exceptionally manually. When downloading updates from the Official MICROSOFT resource, you can very often observe the emergence of problems. Therefore, you should use another (proven) source to download updates KB969085 and KB969084, after which it is necessary to install them in the system (these are so-called fixers or configuration clamps with RDP connections). Only after this "native" updated RDP client for Windows XP will work as expected. No compound problems are usually observed.

Built-in RDP client for Windows 7

With Windows 7 problems do not occur. In the system itself, an updated RDP client 7.1 has already been installed, the MTSC.exe service program is responsible for the work.

To install the connection, first in the "Control Panel" section selects the system section and on the Remote Access Settings tab, the connectivity lines of connecting to this computer and the use of a remote helper are noted. As additional settings, you can select only those users who will have connecting rights to this terminal.

Alternative programs for Windows platforms

However, despite the presence of built-in tools for a remote connection in the Windows-systems themselves, many users prefer to use third-party software products.

As an alternative, the majority recommends applying RDP clients like Chrome RDP from Google, Rdesktop, Freerdp, Remmina and many others. But if everything is simple with the last programs, then for Chromium on the child terminal, it is necessary to have the installed browser of the same name, and on the terminal or mobile device - the corresponding RDP program for a remote connection. On the other hand, if all the conditions are met, the default settings can not be changed. To install the connection on a child computer, first activates the connection permission, which creates a special PIN code, which will later need to be entered on the device from which control is assumed.

If someone does not like this approach, other programs can be used. For example, user feedback on the network indicate that Citrix can become a good option. Also, many noted that to create a terminal server based on RDP a good solution - installing Thinstuff together with thin clients and WTware. At the same time, they even talk about saving traffic.

Most Popular Programs for Mac OS X

It goes without saying that in "apple" systems such software solutions also apply.

Among the most widespread and popular, the following client programs can be distinguished:

  • Remote Desktop Connection - RDP client for Mac from Microsoft (only works with a good communication channel, and sometimes "crashes" when connected / disable due to the use of hot keys);
  • CORD is a simple and stable free utility (the deficiency is only that the cursor can be disappeared from the screen);
  • 2x client RDP - an application calculated exclusively on "poppies" with a steady connection and support for authorization SSL;
  • iTELEPORT - a unique-in-kind program that allows you to access MAC computers when connecting to Windows terminals;
  • RDP Business Pro is a universal client with the ability to print on network printers and open access to folders and files;
  • JUMP RDP - client with support for VNC;
  • iTAP Mobile is a mobile version of the client with the possibility of working with RDP 7.1 (minus - conditionally free version with a trial period of 15 days).

General Questions Settings

As for the settings of most programs, in comparison with Windows, they are simple, and all the participation of the user consists only in choosing a remote terminal to be managed.

In Windows-systems to get to the connection, you need to use the "Run" console, in which the MSTSC string is prescribed, after which the IP terminal or server is specified in the connection setup window, then personal data is entered, and only after that a remote service is immediately table". Uncomfortable.

In addition, for a normal connection in the registry, you need to find the MINSEndTenterVal parameter and assign it a value of 5-10 MS, and for the OrderDrawthReshold parameter to use the value of 1 MS.

If something does not work in Windows, it may be necessary to make an exception to the firewall by creating a new rule for the port 3389. And in some cases it may be necessary for the ports on the router.

Instead of the result

In brief and everything related to RDP clients for Windows and Mac OS X systems. Many built-in tools seem to be too complex to use, and that is why such users prefer to apply third-party programs. What advalus from all this? It seems that for Windows systems the optimal option will still become chrome, despite the required installation of the web browser of the same name. For Makov, clients look more preferable, especially for them "sharpened" (for example, 2x client RDP). But for cases of cross-link between these systems, you will have to seek help from the ITELEPORT utility.

Via the Internet without using special utilities. The Windows operating system began to support this system component in the XP version. Now use the functionality of every user more modern versions, including Windows 7, 8 and 10. This feature is known for a wide audience of users, but few of them know how to configure remote access.
Microsoft Remote Desktop provides remote access to the desktop

This instruction will tell how to properly organize the work of Remote Desktop, both on laptops and PCs with various operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X and on Android smartphones, iPhone.

It is worth noting that carefully following understandable recommendations, each user will be able to configure the remote desktop in a short period of time.

How to use Microsoft Remote Desktop

Microsoft has developed an option that allows you to use the features of the remote type desktop. RDP Protocol provides connecting one device to another. At the same time, both computers must be connected to one local network. It is important to consider that there is a way to which the protocol is used when connecting via the Internet network. It is also mentioned in this article.

To competently configure remote access, you will need knowledge of the IP address of the device. Given the constant changes to this address in home computer configurations, the user will have to specify the static indicator that will relate exclusively to the local type network. The address of the IP of a static nature is in no way associated with the Internet provider. This is an integral preparatory stage that cannot be ignored before making the protocol connection.

The user needs to perform the following steps:

Check IP and DNS

After receiving these information, close the window. Then in the status window with the clause to the item with properties. The screen displays a list of items that use the connection. In this list, find the Internet protocol version 4. Selecting the component, click on the option called "Properties". In the new window you will have to register the data you used to receive from the network connection window.

Correct these Internet protocol

Specifying the parameters, click on the "OK" button. When a confirmation request appears, click on "OK". Now the iP address of a static character will be installed on the computer. It is worth noting that without it further configuration will be impossible. Pay attention to this if you want to connect a recorder.

The next step at the preparatory stage is to enable the ability to connect RDP in Windows on the device to which you plan to connect to the future. For this purpose, click on the control panel. Then click on the "System" option. In a new window, click on the tab that meets the Windows remote access settings.

Allow remote access

Select the following parameters:

  • Permission to connect a remote assistant to this PC.
  • Permission to remove connection to this PC.

If an urgent need arises, you can designate those users who provide access. If you wish, you can easily create a separate account intended to connect the desktop. It is worth noting that by default the parameter is specified, according to which remote access is provided to the YOZER, under the name of which the login was performed. Now you can proceed to the main part of the connection.

How to configure Microsoft Remote Desktop in Windows

Microsoft Remote Desktop is a program that provides ample remote control capabilities. It is worth noting that there is no need to install additional applications. If you want to activate it in Windows, then open the utility designed to connect. To do this, we prescribe a remote desktop in Windows 7 in the search field. If Windows has been installed 10, then this command is registering in the taskbar. In the case of Windows 8, we prescribe it on the initial screen. After entering the command, the window will display the window. In the appropriate field we prescribe the IP address of the device to which we will be connected.

Connect to the remote desktop

Then you will see a request for control information. I unmistakably speaking the necessary information, you will receive remote access to the computer in Windows 7 or another version of the OS.

Remote control via Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac OS X

RDP is a protocol that allows you to connect Windows to the device to the device WINDOVS. To configure remote access to the computer, you will need to download a specially designed utility. It is available for downloading in the App Store called Microsoft Remote Desktop. When the download is over, enable the program and make such actions:

  • Click on the option depicted in the form of a plus sign.
  • In a new window, fill in the required fields. To add a remote device, enter the name and specify its IP address. We write control data to gain access, in particular the password and the name of the user. If there is a need to choose the optimal screen work options.
We connect remotely
  • Close the window.
  • In the list for connecting, locate the name of the remote type table and click on it double the mouse click. With the proper execution of recommendations on the device screen, Windows remote access will appear.

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android and IOS

To connect to the remote desktop from the mobile phone, you will need to download the application. Its use is extremely necessary. It is worth noting that the connection circuit for both platforms is identical. After completing the Remote Desktop download for Android or for iOS, run the program. Then follow these actions:

  • Select "Add" item, which is located on the main screen. If you use iPhone or Apad, additionally click on the option called "Add Server or PC".
  • Push the required parameters, including the name, password, username and IP address.
Execution of the procedure on Android
  • After entering data to enable remote access.

Connection via the Internet

There is another way that allows you to quickly configure Microsoft Remote Desktop. On the official Internet portal of the company there is a guide in English, where it is shown how to connect the remote desktop over the Internet. The user needs to implement port 3389 from the router to the IP address of the device. After connecting to the address of the public type of router, indicating the above port.

View video

However, there is another scheme that is more safety and simplicity. To do this, create a connection type VPN by which you connect with PC. The user can then use remote access with the same success if the devices were placed in one local network.

Now you know how to configure Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely run away from Windows, and in corporate work you have to connect in terminal mode to servers with the Windows system.

For this you have to use RDP clients, I know several customers for Mac OS X:

  1. Remote Desktop Connection. (Connect to the desktop) from Microsoft. Comes with Microsoft Office
  2. Cord.. Free program (
  3. iTELEPORT (Sold to AppStore. Price $ 33)
  4. RDP Business Pro. (Sold to AppStore. Price $ 99)
  5. 2x Client client (
  6. Jump Desktop.(price in the AppStore 979 rubles)
  7. Remotix for Mac (price $ 39.99. site
  8. iTAP Mobile (price in the AppStore 24,99 $, site

Remote Desktop Connection.

The native program from Microsoft, successfully operating with a good connection, but can suspend your Apple Mac with a bad channel. All major complaints about this program are associated with the unstable work of the program on a bad channel or with the braking server. The second minus is associated with connecting another user's desktop - shutdown from the table "hot keys" led to the completion of the program.

Well operating free program. From the flaws I can note: the disappearance of the mouse cursor in some forms. So that he returned to click any key.

2x Client for RDP


A program designed not only for RDP access to Windows computers, but also the program can provide remote access to your Mac using VNC. There is a version for OS X and for iOS.

RDP Business Pro.

Supports the RDP protocol, supports printing on a local printer, allows you to solve discs on Mac.

Jump Desktop.

Supports RDP and VNC protocols.

Remotix for Mac

RDP and VNC client. On the developer's website 15 day trial version. Did not test. Supports RDP 7.1 Protocol

iTAP Mobile

These are all RDP customers known to me for Mac. Unfortunately, none of the programs tested by me does not support the ability to broadcast the combination of CMD + space to change the keyboard layout in Windows.

It seems to me all users of Windows for hearing programs such as TeamViewer, Ammy Admin, VNC Viewer and TD. All these programs offer various options to access the remote desktop on a Windows computer. And naturally the question arises if there is life on Mac OS X with remote access to the desktop. Of course have:-)

Welcome to Cat.

In this post, I decided to carry out a small review of funds for connecting to computers based on Mac OS X.

If you hold a parallel with Windows, then the RDP Proble (Remote Desktop Connection) is standard for remote access to it and the corresponding application is a connection to the remote desktop. Mac OS X has an analogue of such an application - Apple Remote Desktop 3. And it seemed, happiness was so possible ... If it were not for the price - 4790 r.

Apple.Remote.Desktop 3.

In fact, everything is wrong. Apple Remote Desktop 3 is a very powerful application for remote access to PC based on Mac OS X. Opportunities for the following:

  • Spreading software - centralized installation software on computers with Mac OS X
  • Digital data management is a function for inventory (software, iron) on computers with Mac OS X (with the ability to build reports).
  • Remote help - remote access to Mac OS X computers (Supported by Drag and Drop files to a remote computer, as well as a hidden access mode to the remote desktop).
  • Remote administration is the ability to complete all Mac OS X features, including SSH access.
  • Automation - This tool allows you to automate many tasks that you need to simultaneously make on multiple computers with Mac OS X (30 tasks templates are offered from the box).

As you see Apple Remote Desktop 3 presents the combine for remote work and it seems to me that each system administrator Mac OS X is needed. But for the usual, so to speak of home use such a combine is not needed, and he is expensive.

And now we consider the programs easier and more than one.


This program is almost a standard for the technical support of various companies and home users.

Moreover, there is already a long time for the TeamViewer for Mac.

The interface in the Mac OS X version is the same as in the Windows version. The program is just just enough to download, run and dictate the ID and password to a person who wants to connect to you.

Go to the next program.

VNC - Virtual Network Computing - Remote access to the desktop, using RFB (Remote Framebuffer).

As it is not strange, but the VNC server is already built into Mac OS X and it is enough to simply enable and configure access.

For this discover "System Settings" - "Common Access"

Tick "Shared screen" To turn on the VNC server. You can also set a password to connect. To do this, click the Computer Settings button, check the box. "VNC users can get a password screen control" And enter the password in the field.

On this, the remote access configuration using VNC is over. To connect, you can use any VNC client on any operating system, such as RealVNC.