the Internet Windows Android

Mail outluk com. Email Outlook COM and other mailers

In the previous article, we figured out what a mail client is how outgoing and incoming messages work (POP3 and SMTP). We also stepped out the process of configuring Windows Mail and Microsoft Outlook Express for receiving and sending email from a computer. Today, continuing this topic, we will analyze the configuration of other mail programs: Outlook Office 2007 and Outlook Office 2003, and try to understand where and how to look for the right parameters to configure mail programs. As an example, use an abstract mailbox on with name and password Password

  • Click the File tab.
  • Click "Add".
Enter the name of the person you want to assign as your delegate, or find his name in the list and click on it. The delegate should be a person in the global list of address addresses. Click "Add" and then "OK".

If the delegate requires only work permit with requests and responses to meetings, the default permissions are included. Requests for meetings and answers will be sent directly to the "Incoming" delegates folder. By default, the delegate has permission for the "Calendar" folder.

(MosloadPosition Debug)

Mail Setup in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 enters the Microsoft Office 2007 software package. To start Outlook 2007, open the "Start" - "programs" - "Microsoft Office" and select "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007". If this program is not listed, it means that it is not installed on your PC. You need to start installing Microsoft Office 2007 and select Office Outlook to install on a computer.
To configure Outlook 2007 to work with your e-mailbox, you need to create a new email account. To do this, in the "Service" menu, select "Setting Accounts".

When the delegate responds to a meeting on your behalf, the meeting is automatically added to the "Calendar" folder. To send a message to a delegate to notify you about the rights that you changed, select the check box. If you wish, check the box. Unable to access private elements in one folder. Messages sent with the resolution "Send by name" include the name of the delegate and the title next to the "From" field.

Changing the rights of the delegate

When sending a message with the resolution "Send How", only the name of the title appears. To send a message to a delegate to specify the permissions that you changed, select the Automatically send the message to the delegate with active permissions. If you want the delegate to send a copy of the collection requests and replies, you must assign the editor permissions to the Calendar folder, and then select the "delegate", will receive a copy of the meeting messages that are sent to me to send.

Changing the access of delegates to private elements

Open each individual element, and in the Label group on the "Calendar Tools" tab, click "Private".

In the window that opens, on the Email tab, click the "Create" button.

For publicly available mail servers on the Internet, such as Mail.Ru,,, etc. Settings are set manually, so tick the "Configure Manual Server Settings or Advanced Server Types" checkbox and click "Next".

If you want a delegate to have access to your particular elements, follow these steps: Check the Delegate checkbox to see my personal belongings. . Important: You do not have to rely on a particular function so that other users cannot access information about your meetings, contacts or tasks. So that other people cannot read the elements marked as private, do not provide the resolution of the reviewer for the folders "Calendar", "Contacts" or "Tasks".

Service Verification

Deviation of automatic duties for translation: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors of the vocabulary, syntax or grammar. In these lessons, we will try to solve many common problems that arise from people when starting in the computer world.

Check the "Email of the Internet" and click "Next".

Enter data to access your email:

the name that will be displayed in the letters in the "From whom" field;
Your email address, for example,;
Incoming and outgoing mail servers (for Mail.Ru is it);
Email access data: User (coincides with the mailbox name) and password to access mail (in our example it is Password);
Put the checkbox "Remember the password" so as not to enter it every time when you receive and send mail.

Setting up a new mailbox with already configured users

One of the most common problems is to configure our mailbox in the email manager. To set up a mailbox, we can find two cases. Let's create a new mailbox with already configured users. . This is the appearance of our postal manager when we pre-configured the mailbox. As you can see, we have our accounts and different folders that we have.

To add a new mailbox, we need to go to the left tab called "File" and click on it. When we choose this tab, we will find the next screen. We will get the following screen on which all configured mailboxes will be configured, and here we will have options for adding, changes or deleting mailboxes.

But that's not all. For the Mail.Ru service in this window, you must set additional settings to send messages. Click the "Other Settings" button and in the appeared window, go to the Outgoing Mail Server tab. Check the items "SMTP server requires authentication" and "similar to the incoming mail server". Click OK.

If we click "Create", we will skip the pop-up window in which we can enter the configuration of our new mailbox. With the first option "Email Account", we allow the manager to automatically determine the configuration of our email account.

Choose the second option. And we approached where we must enter the configuration of our account. Your name: This is our name that will be published as an email. Email address: Our email address. Incoming Mail Server: This field depends on where you registered your domain.

These settings are needed to not send spam on your own name.

Already at the stage of creating an email account, you can check the correctness of the specified settings. To do this, click the "Account Check" button.

Outgoing Mail Server: Similar to the previous section. Username: Your hosting server also depends here, but usually your username is the same email address. Password: Password that you entered to access your account.

The last thing we need to do is enter "Advanced Settings" and on the Outbound Server tab, check the box, which says that authentication is required for our server. At the same time, our account will already be configured and efficient.

No previously configured mailbox

From here the remaining steps are the same as in the previous section. The shared mailbox is a mailbox that can open several users to read and send email messages. Common mailboxes can also be used to provide a general calendar, allowing multiple users to plan and view vacation days or work shifts.

Office Outlook will try to connect with incoming and outgoing mail servers and notify you about the result.

Now in the "Adding New Email Account" window, you can click the Next button. The program will report on creating a box and the successful application of settings. Click "Finish".

Common mailboxes are not supported on Mobile devices ah. Why set up a shared mailbox? Provides a general email address that customers can use to request your company. This allows employees of departments to provide centralized services to employees responsible for employees. Allows multiple users to track and respond to emails sent to the address. Common mailboxes allow a specific group of people to track and send email with a shared account, such as public email addresses.

You will see the newly created email account in the list. If you want to change any settings in the future, use the Edit button. To delete an account, highlight it in the list and select "Delete".

How to connect social networks

When a person in the group responds to a message sent to a shared mailbox, the recipient of this letter is a common mailbox, not a separate user. Common mailboxes are a great way to manage customer email requests, since several people in your organization can share responsibility for monitoring the mailbox and answers to requests. Thus, customer requests respond more quickly, and the associated emails are stored in one mailbox.

Cloud Storage ONEDRIVE

Common mailboxes do not have their own username or password, such as user mailboxes. You can use the following permissions with a shared mailbox. Full access permission from full access allows the user to enter the shared mailbox and act as the owner of this mailbox. After accessing the shared mailbox, the user can create calendar elements; Read, view, delete and change email messages; Create a calendar task and contacts. However, the user with full access authority cannot send email messages from the common mailbox if they have no permission to "send as" or "in the permissions field". Send How to Allow "Send How" allows the user to issue themselves for a shared mailbox when sending an email message. Sending on behalf of sending permission from the name allows you to send messages on behalf of a common mailbox. Simply select the service used and enter the access password so that the software automatically adjust all the technical details, leaving its user just to read and send messages in any way.

Mail Setup in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 enters the Microsoft Office 2003 software package. To start Outlook 2003, open the "Start" - "programs" - "Microsoft Office" and select "Microsoft Office Outlook 2003". If this program is not listed, it means that it is not installed on your PC. You need to start installing Microsoft Office 2003 and select Office Outlook to install on a computer.
To configure Outlook 2003 to work with your electronic drawer, as in the previous case, you must create a new email account. To do this, in the "Service" menu, select "Email Accounts".

Another novelty is associated with various available visualization modes that are ideal for various types of users. To continue downloading the program, click "Try Now", as shown below. For security reasons, copy the serial number and click "Set Now". Additional options for managing email.

In addition to a simple organization of different mailboxes, the user has the ability to combine messages of each of them with parameters such as an attachment size, date of receipt or even the subject of each of them. Select a list of contacts. With it, you can integrate multiple email accounts, calendar and address lists, managing all this from a centralized point of view.

The Account Setup Wizard will be launched. Mark the "Add New Email Account" item and click Next.

In the window with a selection of the server type, mark "ROR3" for drawers on Mail.Ru,, etc. And click "Next".

In addition, the new business card mode is enabled, which allows you to browse the details of your contact details, facilitating communication with various means. Access to important information from anywhere. Thus, through a web browser, you can have full access to the list of important addresses and emails, wherever you are.

Thus, access to your mailbox becomes possible anywhere, all with real-time updates and synchronization between information obtained in various available means. Why is the term for my letters and files so short? Why after a deadline to recover my files will not be able?

Enter the name and email address, user password. Do not forget to mark the "Remember password" checkbox. Also enter the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers for your postal service. For email Mail.Ru it will be and

After opening the program, go to the "Accounts" tab and then select Email. Check the "Remember this password" parameter. Display name for outgoing messages. Enter the name you have identified for your account. Select the Manual Server Settings option. After this parameter, click "Next".

On the "Configure Server Settings" screen, fill in the information as shown below. After this setting, click "Next". After moving forward, another window will appear informing you that "your account is added." Now right-click the name of your account and go to the "Properties" option.

You can set additional parameters for checking your authentication when sending mail by clicking the "Other Settings ..." button. Recall that such verification requires many postal services, including Mail.Ru.
Click the Outgoing Mail Server tab and check the following options: the SMTP server requires authentication "and" similar to the incoming mail server ". To apply the settings, click "OK".

Click the "Advanced" tab and the "Server Limit parameter", with a "short 1 minute" drag "long 5 minutes". In the "Delivery" section, turn off the "Leave a copy of the messages on the server". Click "Apply" and then "Good". Your account is configured successfully.

Step 3: Double-click on email to open the properties of your account. This screen will appear to configure your account, following the settings already posted. Press the 10th option - additional settings. It will open the next screen in which you will need to perform the following steps.

As in Outlook 2007 you will have the opportunity to verify the correct settings by clicking the "Account Check" button.

To complete the account creation process, click "Next", and in the next window "Finish".

Unfortunately, in Outlook 2003, the newly created account is not shown in the list automatically. To view it, select "Email Accounts" in the "Service" menu. In the window that opens, check the option "View or Change Available Accounts" and click "Next".

In the list you will see you just created an email record. To change its settings, use the Edit button, and to delete, respectively, "Delete". From the same window, you can run the process of adding a new email account by clicking "Add".

On this we will end the consideration of the MICROSOFT OFFICE OUTLOOK mail program configuration and proceed to find the desired options on postal services.

How to find settings for postal program

We all use various postal services. Someone like Mail.Ru, someone used to, and someone has a mail on the site of the type of settings entered into the postal program, will be different for all these services.
Naturally, the name of the mailbox and password to it - things are understandable. But where to take the names of the POP3 and SMTP servers, how to find out if authentication is needed to send mail or not? Only the owner of the site or hosting can be answered with these questions, which registered your mailbox.
Let's try yourself as Sherlock Holmes and finding the settings you need. Let's start with
Going to the mailbox on Mail.Ru Please note the "Help" link in the upper right corner.

By clicking on it, you will be taken to the information center of the postal system. The reference points are located on the left: select "Access mailbox from mobile devices and from mail programs", and in the list of "Mail Programs, Accounts, POP3 and SMTP Servers".

By clicking on the link "General settings of mail programs", you will see the options that you need to enter in the appropriate fields of your postal program.
Having understood with Mail.Ru, we turn the gaze to The logic is the same: we need to find a certificate for the postal service, in which in understandable English will be written, which POP3 and SMTP servers will be used in the mail program settings.
Yandex Pressed the link to help Already at the lowest right corner of the page. But we, like professional detectives, I quickly found it.

By clicking on the link, we see a decent reference system ( to work with postal service. In the "Work With Mail Without Web Interface" section - "Postal Clients" We can easily find the names of the necessary supplied and outgoing servers: and There is also reference information on setting up mail programs to work with mail from Yandex.
For completeness, check if there is a similar reference system at Rambler. We go to our rambler-mail, and immediately our eyes rushes the link "Help" in the upper right corner.

By clicking on the link, we see the Rambler Postal Service Reference. We need information in the section "Using mail programs, POP3, IMAP and SMTP Server" section. Not only the names of POP3 and SMTP servers are given here (which, by the way, the same -, but also step-by-step instructions in pictures on setting up all kinds of postal programs.
As you can see, find the necessary settings are quite simple. In other mail and not very mail services, there is also a "Help" section, where you find the necessary options for the configuration of your favorite mail program.

What to do the owners of mailboxes not on publicly available servers? If you have a mail on a corporate or your own site, find out the settings from your provider or hoster. Surely he has on the portal there is a "Help" or "Help" section. As a last resort, you can call the technical support service and ask what settings to specify in the mail program for receiving / sending mail from the computer.
On this, we, perhaps, and finish today's story about setting up email. Enjoy your communication!

Especially for the project, Elena Carlton

(MosloadPosition CPanel)

Email increasingly displaces ordinary postal shipments from everybody. Every day the number of users sending correspondence via the Internet is increasing. In this regard, there was a need to create special user programs that would make it easier for this task, they would make and send email more convenient. One of these applications is Microsoft Outlook. Let's find out how to create an email box on the mail service, and then connect it to the specified program-client.

Mail registration on the service is made through any browser. Drive to the browser address line. The web browser redirects to If you already have a registration entry in Microsoft, which is uniform for all services of this company, simply enter the phone number, email address or your username in Skype, press the "Next" button.

If you do not have an account in Microsoft, then click on the inscription "Create it".

The Microsoft Registration Form opens. In its top, we enter the name and surname, an arbitrary name of the user (it is important that it is not occupied by anyone), invented password for entering the account (2 times), a country of residence, date of birth, and the floor.

At the bottom of the page, an additional email address is recorded (from another service), and a phone number. This is done so that the user can continue to protect his account, and in the event of a password, was able to restore access to it.

Be sure to enter a captcha to check the system that you are not a robot, and click on the "Create Account" button.

After that, an entry appears that you need to request code through SMS to confirm the fact that you are a real person. We enter the mobile phone number, and click on the "Send Code" button.

After the code on the phone came, we enter it in the appropriate form, and click on the "Create Account" button. If the code does not come for a long time, then we press the "code" button, and enter another your phone (if any), or try to repeat once again an attempt with the old number.

If everything is fine, then after clicking the "Create Account" button, the Microsoft welcome window will open. Click on the arrow as a triangle on the right side of the screen.

In the next window, specify the language in which we wish to see the email interface, as well as set your time zone. After you specified these settings, press everything to the same arrow.

In the next window, select the topic of designing your Microsoft account from those offered. Just press on the arrow.

In the last window you have the opportunity to specify the original signature at the end of the messages sent. If you do not change anything, the signature will be standard: "Sent: Outlook". Click on the arrow.

After that, the window opens, which states that the account in Outlook is created. Click on the "Next" button.

The user moves to its account on Outlook mail.

Binding account to the program-client

Now you need to bind the created account on to the Microsoft Outlook program. Go to the "File" menu section.

In the window that opens, in the Email tab, click on the "Create" button.

We have a service selection window. We leave the switch in the "Email Account" position, in which it is default, and click on the "Next" button.

An account setup window opens. In the column "Your Name" I enter your name and surname (you can alias), under which previously registered on the service. In the Email Address Count, specify the full address of the mailbox on, registered earlier. In the following steps "Password", and "Password Check", enter the same password that was introduced during registration. Then, press the "Next" button.

The procedure for connecting to the account on begins.

Then, a dialog box can appear, in which again, enter your username and password to the account on, and click on the OK button.

After completing the automatic configuration, a message appears about it. Click on the "Finish" button.

Then, you should restart the application. Thus, the user profile will be created in Microsoft Outlook.

As you can see, creating an mailbox in the Microsoft Outlook application consists of two steps: creating an account via a browser on the service, and the subsequent binding of this account to the Microsoft Outlook client program.

In the section on the question How to go to Outlook mail via the Internet? Posted by the author Alenka The best answer is Go to "Outlook account via another computer" can not.
You can work with your account on the email server from another computer if the server is available outside the local network of your organization, of course.
Simply install any email client (the same outlook, for example) and customize the account settings. You will need a server address and protocol (POP3 or IMAP). If the mail server has a web interface - then you can go to it as any ordinary site.
Learn details from the system administrator at your work.

Answer from Neurologist[newcomer]
thank you. helped

Answer from Venial[guru]
just like enter the kitchen through the market. in any way

Answer from Viktor Nikiforov[newcomer]
Go through the browser address line. Example: https: /
where is a mail domain of the organization.
After the transition there is a request for authorization, login and password your worker who you can certainly know. Drive and enter.

Microsoft Outlook on Wikipedia
Check the article on Wikipedia about Microsoft Outlook

Mp3 on Wikipedia
Check the article on Wikipedia about MP3

E-mail turned out to be so successful and so convenient way to maintain contact between people, that most active Internet users can no longer remember when the last time had to write ordinary letters - if it was ever done at all.

Easy and utmost convenience, the ability to transfer text messages and files of a variety of formats to any resident of the planet through your own post account, as well as forwarding almost with the speed of light could not help users.

From the moment of active development of Internet technologies, all sorts of mail services received, which provided a functionality for sending and receiving letters through the Internet and was done using the Web interface. However, the possibilities of the mail web interface are far from excellence, and this deficiency has generated a considerable number of more or less successful computer programs to work with email. One of the most popular programs of this segment was a multifunctional application. Microsoft Outlook in Russian.

In order to download Autluk mail for free in Russian, you need to use the installer of one of the following office packages: Office 2013, Office 2016 or Universal WEB version Office 365 on a Windows or Mac OS computer. Of course, you can use older releases, for example, such as 2007 or 2010, however, we recommend paying attention to the latest issues in view of advanced functionality and compatibility with most popular mail services. In this case, the Outlook setting for Yandex or Mail.Ru will not cause any difficulty.

This is due to the fact that many users could not properly configure the Yandex Mail in Outlook because of the ignorance of which the incoming Yandex Mail server indicate and which type of protocol is used for incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP). Because of this, the entrance to the mail was difficult. It concerned other well-known postal services such as Google, Yahoo, etc.

Today, from the once-known Microsoft Outlook application, we received not just a program for working with mail, and a full-fledged effective mechanism in the face of an excellent information manager supplied within the Microsoft Office office package.

You can call a common error that users often confuse this client with the Outlook Express application - it also is a mail software, but this is still absolutely different programs pursued by different goals.

An indisputable plus can be called its ability to work not with one post account, but immediately with several - for each of them the application creates and behaves its own account. Thus, you can customize Outlook Mail for Yandex, Mail.Ru, Google, Rambler, as well as many other services and own sweat servers.

In addition, the mail client works with news groups, and also allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of not one user, but a few - each of them has its own certificate. But even this would not make an outlook so popular if there were no additional modes that provide a huge array of opportunities.

Contact management

The "Contacts" mode was initially created in order to collect and store information about correspondents that send messages and from which the mail is received. However, subsequently, the regime developed to an effective option to maintain electronically information about any of its contacts, including not only business communication, but also personal interactions. Among other things, the program uses a modern computer Internet environment and is able to provide information taken from social networks about any contact.


Mode "Tasks" is a complete list of activities important to the program user. Moreover, the event to be fulfilled or participating may contain dating of its start and completion, and may be indicated without them.

Event management

The "Calendar" mode will be required not only to recall what is the number today, but also in order not to forget about the important matters of today with an accuracy of a minute - meetings, meetings or any other events. If there is a need for a meeting or meeting, the Outlook program can inform any needed correspondents using a variety of communication channels, from a local network and email to a fax message.


The "Diary" mode records any actions that the user of Outluk produced at a computer - work with documents, mail, talking on the phone. In addition to them, the mode allows you to record and in the style of an ordinary classic diary, if there is a need for this.

Creating notes

"Notes" mode in Outlook is more like a submitted notebook - here you can make any entry as soon as the appropriate idea came to the user.
Both the main functionality, and the additional modes are studied very easily and quickly, therefore, in circulation, the program is relatively simple, and the design design of the SOFTA management bodies turned out to be a harmonious and beautiful addition to all its capabilities. By the poet, if you wondered how to configure outluk and do not know where to start, pay attention to the simple and convenient system of assistance caused by the F1 button.

Among these opportunities, the magnificent idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers is especially allocated - organization of operational action. For incomprehensible initial title, the possibility of performing a certain standard set of actions by pressing only one button is incredibly convenient and very saves time.

Another pleasant quality of the mail client was the ability to struggle the array of messages: the application will demonstrate the full sequence of messages, which if necessary, it will help to find any necessary letter in this sequence, response to it and all related messages. If the flow of messages turns out to be excessively long, its can be divided into an arbitrary number of shorter chains - Each of them can be deleted, archive or split into arbitrary categories.

General Short List of Microsoft Outlook features:

  • interaction with many popular postal services, connecting to a record of several clicks;
  • allows you to work with a large number of postage accounts at the same time;
  • crossPlastform (Microsoft Outlook can be downloaded for both Android, iOS, Mac OS, and of course Windows.
  • in the absence of access to the PC, you are able to work with mail through the Internet version of the program -
  • the ability to restore messages that have been removed long ago;
  • detailed and high-quality interface localization (good support for the Russian language);
  • convenient mechanism for printing messages accepted by email;
  • work with investments (allows you to send and receive "dimensional" files placed on the ONEDRIVE cloud);
  • Allows you to archive old messages (for this there is a whole set of tools);
  • Full-fledged work with the scheduler and the built-in calendar (provision of shared access for other users);
  • effective and full-fledged work with custom contacts (it is possible to import to the phone);
  • the Internet version of the application in automatic mode interacts with other services and applications from Microsoft, such as the popular Messenger Skype, OneNote, ONEDRIVE and TD cloud.
  • allows you to store all user contacts in one place for their convenient administration and synchronization with mobile devices;
  • the ability to download Microsoft Outlook for free in Russian (depends on the type of subscription and license).

Convenient email interface

In order to find all messages from the interlocutor you need, it is enough to open a view and you can see all the correspondence with your interest, as well as any include tasks and calendar events.

As a structural element of the office package, the Microsoft Outlook program is excellent working sync with Microsoft Word, and automatic diaries are added to the user's capabilities and track changes in documents.

Considerable features of the program are aimed at ensuring the user time to be spent as rationally as possible, and the effectiveness of its actions was maximum, but a large number of users choose simpler postal clients, since the outluk is not as easy to use with all its multifaceted analogues. But if it does not scare you, you can safely download the version of the program in Russian.

    In the window Account Setup

    File → Information and click Adding an account.

    Select Value Configure manually server settings or additional server types And click Next.

    Leave value Email Internet Default and click Next.

    • E-mail address « [Email Protected] » );

      Account type - imap;

      Incoming Mail Server -;;

    Attention. rU "

    Other settings.

    Click the tab Outgoing mail server, Enable the option and select the value.

    • IMAP server - 993;

      SMTP server - 465.

    Click OK.

    Add an account

    Synchronize the created account with the server to get a folder list.

    Open menu File → Setting up accounts, select the account on the tab Email And click the Edit button.

    Press the button Other settings And go to the Salad tab.

    Set the value Save sent items in the following folder on the server And specify the folder sent.

    Run the program and click the Next button in the greeting window.

    In the window Setting up Microsoft Outlook account Leave the value yes by default and click Next.

    If you have already configured Outlook account and you want to add another one, open the menu File → Information and click Add an account.

    Select Value Manual configuration or additional types of servers And click Next.

    Select Value POP or IMAP protocol And click Next.

    Specify the following account settings:

    • Name - username (for example, Alice Little);

      E-mail address - your postal address on Yandex (for example, « [Email Protected] » );

      Account type - imap;

      Incoming Mail Server -;

      Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) -;

      The user is your login on Yandex;

    Attention. If you configure the receipt of mail from the species box " [Email Protected]rU ", the login is part of the address before the sign "@". If you use, you need to specify the full address of the mailbox as a login.

    Leave the remaining default settings and click Other settings.

    Click the tab Outgoing mail serverTurn on the option SMTP server requires authentication and select Value Similar to the server for incoming mail.

    Click the Advanced tab. Select in paragraph Use the following type of encrypted connection SSL value for IMAP and SMTP server. Specify the following parameters:

    • IMAP server - 993;

      SMTP server - 465.

    Leave the remaining default settings and click OK.

    To complete the account setting, click in the window Change account The Next button - the account settings will be checked. If the verification has completed successfully, click Finish. If not, make sure all the parameters are correct.

Problems with Microsoft Outlook

This step-by-step guide will help you solve problems associated with the postal program.

Select Problem:

What message did you get?

If there is a message about the absence of a connection with the server, try logging into Yandex.We with the same login and password that you use in the program. Enter login and password manually without using the memorized in the browser.

Make sure that in the mail program settings section enabled that \\ n protocol you want to use. \\ N

Make sure that in the mail settings you just specified \\\\ N the following server parameters: \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

If you are using imap

    \\\\ n \\\\ n
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\\\ N.
  • port - 993.
  • \\\\ N.
    \\\\ n \\\\ n
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\\\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\\\ N.
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

If you use POP3

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n incoming mail \\\\ n \\\\ n

    \\\\ n \\\\ n
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\\\ N.
  • port - 995.
  • \\\\ N.
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n Outgoing mail \\\\ n \\\\ n
    \\\\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\\\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\\\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\\\ N.
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

For details on how to check the servers settings in different mail \\\\ n programs, see section.

\\\\ n ")])) \\"\u003e

Make sure that you define the following server settings in the mail program settings:

If you are using imap

    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 993.
  • \\ N.
    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\ N.
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

If you use POP3

\\ N \\ N \\ n incoming mail \\ N \\ n

    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 995.
  • \\ N.
\\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N Outgoing mail \\ N \\ n
    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\ N.
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

Encryption of transmitted data.

\\ N \\ n ")]))"\u003e

Make sure the settings section includes the protocol you want to use.

Ensure that in the settings of the mail program you just specified \\ n The following server parameters: \\ N \\ N \\ N

If you are using imap

\\ N \\ N \\ n incoming mail \\ N \\ n

    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 993.
  • \\ N.
\\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N Outgoing mail \\ N \\ n
    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\ N.
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

If you use POP3

\\ N \\ N \\ n incoming mail \\ N \\ n

    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 995.
  • \\ N.
\\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N Outgoing mail \\ N \\ n
    \\ N.
  • email server address -;
  • \\ N.
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • \\ N.
  • port - 465.
  • \\ N.
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

For details on how to check the configurations of servers in different email \\ n programs, see Encryption of the Transmitted Data.

\\ n ")]))"\u003e

Make sure that you exactly indicate the following parameters of the servers in the mail settings:

If you are using imap

Incoming mail

  • email server address -;
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • port - 993.
Outgoing mail
  • email server address -;
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • port - 465.

If you use POP3

Incoming mail

  • email server address -;
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • port - 995.
Outgoing mail
  • email server address -;
  • connection protection - SSL;
  • port - 465.

For details on how to check the configuration of servers in different mail programs, see Encryption Transmitted Data.

If the message "Authentication Required" occurs, "Sender Address Rejected: Access Denied" or "Send Auth Command First", in the mailbox settings, authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled. Make sure the option is enabled. User authentication (for Outlook Express) or SMTP authentication (For the Bat!).

If a message occurs "Sender Address Rejected: Not Owned by Auth User"The address from which you are trying to send a letter does not coincide with the login of which you are logged in on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the settings of the mail program as a return address specified exactly the address, the login from which is used in the authorization settings on SMTP.

If a message occurs "LOGIN FAILURE OR POP3 DISABLED"The mail program cannot access the POP3 mailbox. Make sure that the correct password from the box and on the settings section enabled access via POP3.

If a message occurs "Message Rejected Under Suspicion Of SPAM", the contents of your letter were recognized by Yandex. Good as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex. Please send one any letter as a test. So you will prove the system that the letters sends not a robot.

Check your computer to viruses using free anti-virus programs: Cureit! From Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

If the mail program does not accept or sends the letters, check the correctness of your mail program settings, as well as the connection settings of your computer with the Internet.

If you use an anti-virus program, a firewall or proxy server, disconnect them and check if the problem is reproduced.

Read step-by-step instructions for finding missing letters. Before starting work .

Select Problem:

When you delete the letters, they fall into the deleted folder and are stored in it 30 days. During this period, you can restore them:

    Go to the deleted folder.

    Highlight the desired letters.

    Click the button to the folder.

If more than a month has passed since their removal, it will not be possible to restore the letters - they were forever deleted from Yandex.mount servers.

If there are no letters in the folder where they should be, then, most likely, they hit another folder, for example, to remote or spam. If you remember the name or sender address, part of the text of the letter or theme - try searching for letters in all folders of your box.

Letters found?

You can recover letters:

    Go to the folder in which letters were found.

    Highlight the desired letters.

    Click the button to the folder.

    Select the folder from the list where you want to move the letters - for example, incoming.

Why letters disappear and how to avoid

In a folder, the remote letters are stored 30 days, in the Spam folder - 10 days. After that, they will be forever removed from Yandex servers. Why letters can get into these folders without your knowledge:

Access to your mailbox has another user

Letters can be deleted by the user who has access to your mailbox: You may have forgotten to complete the session after working on someone else's device. To complete the session, click on the link Link menu Exit on all devices. Also this can be done on the page - by reference Exit on all computers.

Letters disappear in the postal program

A rule is configured that removes or moves emails letters disappear in the postal program

If you use the postal program and remove letters in it, they disappear on it. This is because your program is configured by IMAP protocol - while the structure of the box on the service is synchronized with the box structure in the program. To delete letters only in the program, but leave it in Yandex. You can configure the program via POP3, but we recommend not to do this: letters may be incorrectly synchronized with the server.

The rule is configured that removes or moves letters Specify in Yandex. Specific and tie to the account. Perhaps our security system found your account suspicious and blocked the box. Most often, this is due to the fact that the phone number is not attached to the box or the fictional name and surname are indicated in the passport. A couple of hours usually goes to remove the lock.

If you delete the letters in the mail program, and on the Yandex. You are still in our folders, then, most likely your mail program is configured by the POP3 protocol. Due to the features of the POP3 protocol, letters in the mail program may incorrectly synchronize with the server. To work with Yandex. Please use the IMAP protocol. On how to reconfigure the mail program from POP3 to IMAP, see Transition from the POP3 protocol.

If sending sent letters are not displayed in the postal program, then, most likely, your mail program is configured by the POP3 protocol. Due to the features of the POP3 protocol, letters in the mail program may incorrectly synchronize with the server. To work with Yandex. Please use the IMAP protocol. On how to reconfigure the mail program from POP3 to IMAP, see Transition from the POP3 protocol.

If, when activating SSL encryption in the mail program, you get errors about an incorrect certificate, make sure that the mail program and the operating system are configured correctly:

  • On the computer (without lags and "Dates from the Future"). If the wrong date is installed, the system erroneously determines that the certificate period has not yet come or has already ended.
  • All installed.
  • In the settings of your anti-virus, the check of HTTPS connections is disabled. You can change the antivirus settings according to our instructions for Kaspersky Internet Security and ESET NOD32 SMART Security in the Security Certificate Errors section.

Add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates manually (Windows)

Safety in the Microsoft Outlook version 2003 and 2007 can be guaranteed only if it is installed on a computer running Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the version of the operating system is below Windows XP SP3, then use it is unsafe. We recommend installing a newer version of the email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Configure iMAP protocol

via IMAP protocol:

    • Email address is the full name of your mailbox.
    • Account Type - IMAP;
    • Incoming Mail Server -;

9. Click the Outgoing Mail Server tab and check the box next to the "SMTP server requires authentication". Mark the field "similar to the incoming mail server".

10. For better data protection that you send and get a mail program, you must enable encryption. To do this, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the drop-down lists in front of the "IMAP server" and "SMTP server" select "SSL".

Check that the iMAP server port is specified 993, and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. After all additional settings are made, click "OK".

13. To the folder list in the mail program, the list of folders in your box, right-click on the name of the created account and select "Update Folder List".

14. Now you need to specify the folder in which all letters sent from the mail program will be saved. To do this, go "Service" - "Setting up accounts ...", as in clause 1, select the created account you can and click Edit. In the window that appears, click "Other Settings" and go to the folder tab. Install the checkbox opposite "Select an existing folder" and select the "OK" folder in the proposed list, click "OK" - the account is configured.

Set up protocol POP3

To set the MICROSOFT Outlook 2003/2007 postal program according to POP3 protocol:

1. In the top panel in the "Service" menu, select "Setting up accounts ...";

2. In the window that appears, click "Create ...";

3. Tick the checkbox "Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTML" item and click "Next";

4. In the window that appears, check the box opposite "Configure manually server settings or additional types of servers" and click "Next";

5. Tick the "Email of the Internet" checkbox and click "Next";

6. In the "User Information" section, specify the following data:

    • Enter a name - the name that will be displayed in the "From:" field for all sent messages;
    • Email address is the name of your mailbox.

In the "Server Information" section, specify the following data:

    • Account type - POP3;
    • Incoming Mail Server -;
    • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) -

In the "Login" section, specify the following data:

    • User - the full name of your mailbox in format [Email Protected] ;
    • Password - acting password from your mailbox.

7. Install the check mark opposite "Remember the password" if you want the mail program to remember the password from the mailbox and did not request it for each attempt to download mail.

8. Click the "Other Settings ..." button;

9. Click the Outgoing Mail Server tab and check the box next to the "SMTP server requires authentication". Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox "Similar to the server for incoming mail".

10. For better data protection that you send and get using the mail program, you can enable encryption. To do this, go to the "Advanced" tab and check the box next to "Cryphed connection (SSL) requires, and select" SSL the following type of encrypted connection "in the drop-down list.

Check that the POP3 server port is specified 995, and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. If you want to leave letters downloaded by the postal program, on the server, check the box next to "leave copies of messages on the server".

12. After all the additional settings are made, click "OK".

Change the SSL protocol settings

Please note: Safety in the Microsoft Outlook version 2003 and 2007 can be guaranteed only if it is installed on a computer runningWindows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the version of the operating system is below Windows XP SP3, then use it is unsafe. We recommend installing a newer version of the email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016.

To configure your MICROSORT Outlook 2003/2007 email program for SSL secure protocol:

If the settings mentioned above are already installed in your postal program, you do not need any changes.

If you have any problems with setting up the mail program, use our